Comm 205 Public Speaking Syllabus Summer 2009

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 891
  • Pages: 3
COMM 205: PUBLIC SPEAKING Course Syllabus – Summer 2009 Monday-Thursday Anand Rao Office: #24, 1201 William St. Office Hours: Monday-Thursday, 12:15 - 1

114 Combs Hall Office: 540-654-1546 E-mail: [email protected] Twitter: anandrao Cell: 540-207-1465

Catalogue Description and Course Goals: As is noted in the course catalogue, in this course we will study the basic principles of public address in Western society, with an emphasis on developing a theoretical and practical understanding of oral communication through practice in preparing, delivering, and criticizing speeches in class. Developing your public speaking skills requires more than simply figuring out how to handle yourself in front of an audience. It also requires the development of your listening and critical thinking skills, as you learn to negotiate your place in the public space as orator, audience member and engaged participant, responsible for the on-going/evolving community discussion. You are part of that discussion, and this course intends to help you contribute to and take from that discussion. Mechanics of the Course and Attendance Policy: Given the nature of the material covered in this class, lecturing by the instructor will be kept to a minimum, and class discussion will be optimized, in hopes of giving the student the opportunity to repeatedly practice some of the principles we learn about. As class participation is the model of class interaction, it is imperative students not miss class and that they complete the readings. Attendance on speech days is of particular importance. Even when you are not scheduled to speak, it is expected that you will be in class to act as an audience member for your classmates. When you are scheduled to speak you must attend class and be prepared to speak. Failure to show up, or to be prepared to speak, will result in the lowering of that speech grade by one full letter grade. If you find that you will be missing class during a speech day, notify the instructor immediately. All course materials will be hosted on with a Grading: Course grades will follow a 10-point per letter grade system (90-100 is an A, etc.). Your final course grade will tentatively be based on (please note that specific requirements will likely change; any and all changes will be announced in class): Impromptu Speeches (10%): starting with an opening speech, each member of the class will give a reaction speech to further the ongoing debate. Speeches should be between 25 minutes, follow a clear organizational strategy, and contribute to the overall discussion. Notes are allowed. Informative Speech (10%): using a topic of your choice, this speech should be 5-7 minutes in length. You should cite at least 4 sources within your speech (bibliography due on day of speech).

COMM 205: Public Speaking


Persuasive Speech (15%): using a topic of your choice, this speech should be 7-9 minutes in length. You should cite at least 4 sources within your speech, with at least 8 included on your bibliography (due on day of your speech). Professional Presentation (15%): these presentations will be 8-10 minutes in length, and you are expected to use a multi-media presentation tool. The presentation may be either informative or persuasive in nature (your choice), and you may pick the topic. Speech Analyses (10%): you will evaluate, and comment on, two in-class speeches given by your colleagues (informative and persuasive). Short Debates (10%): working with a partner, you will select a common topic, and each prepare an introductory speech and a short rebuttal speech (you have 5 minutes for both3-4 minutes for the opening speech, 1-2 minutes for the rebuttal). Blog Postings (20%): Students are expected to rate and post comments to at least 2 previous speeches in each speech type, and to 2 speeches given in class in each speech type. Class Participation (10%): more than simply expecting you to attend, this grade is based upon the individual’s meaningful contribution to in-class discussion and interaction. As stated in the College’s Honor Constitution, “the Honor System at Mary Washington College is a deeply cherished tradition founded upon the personal integrity of each individual member of the College community. It requires that all members of this community conduct themselves honorably at all times and in all dealings with others. This shared commitment to high ethical standards creates an atmosphere of trust and respect vital to the unique sense of community which characterizes the institution.” These high standards will be held in this course, and it is expected that students will follow the Honor Code on all class-related work, and will sign the pledge on all work turned in to the instructor. Detailed instructions will be given in class or on Blackboard, and students are reminded to keep a copy of all work handed in to the instructor.

COMM 205: Public Speaking


Tentative Class Schedule Date May 18 19 20 21 25-26 27 28 29 (Friday) June 1 2 3 4 8 9 10 11 15 16 17 18

Topic/Assignment Course Introduction Self Introductions Effective Presentation Skills Informative Speaking Organization Communication Apprehension Rhetorical Criticism Impromptu Speeches No Class – Memorial Day Persuasive Speaking Persuasive Speaking Informative Speeches Informative Speeches Professional Presentation Skills Debate Preparation Impromptu Speeches Persuasive Speeches Persuasive Speeches Professional Presentation Skills Professional Presentation Skills Debate Preparation Impromptu Speeches Short Debates Short Debates Professional Presentations No Class – Reading Day Professional Presentations

Presentations are in bold

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