Coaching In Human Resource

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  • Words: 924
  • Pages: 21


 Background


 Definition  Coaching  Mentoring

 Discussion  Role & Task  The Process  The Differences  Level of Coaching  The Mentor Principle  Effective in Organization  Compare with others Service  Challenges in Coaching  Current Coaching issue  Challenges in Mentoring  Current issue in Mentoring

 Conclusion



  COACHING Fournies, F. F (2000) define “Coaching as a face-to-face

discussion between a manager and a subordinate to get the subordinate to stop performing undesirable behaviors and begin performing desirable ones”   Kinslaw, D. C. (1999) define “Coaching as a mutual conversation between a manager and an employee (or between colleagues) that follow a predictable process and lead to superior performance, commitment to sustained improvement and positive relationship” 

MENTOR  (Society for Human Resource Management)

define “A career development method whereby less experienced employees are matched with more experienced colleagues for guidance either through formal or informal programs.”

 (A Dictionary of Human Resource Management) define

“The process whereby a senior employee takes an active role in developing a junior colleague. Typically this occurs at managerial level or amongst professions. The mentor provides advice on how the mentee can develop his or her skills, competencies, knowledge, and experience in order to progress along a successful career path. As well as giving advice, the mentor might also prove useful in providing contacts that help the mentee to engage in the process of networking.”

Cont…  Donaldson, Ensher, & Grant-Vallone, (2000). Traditionally, mentoring is viewed

as a dyadic, face-to-face, long-term relationship between a supervisory adult and a novice student that fosters the mentee’s professional, academic, or personal development. It is important to acknowledge that the term “mentor” is borrowed from the male guide,  Bird & Didion, (1992). Mentor, in Greek mythology, and this historical context

has informed traditional manifestations of mentoring. The traditional model is but one configuration of mentoring within a wide range of possible models that vary in their structure and function. As for structure, mentoring can involve a one-on-one relationship or a network of multiple mentors.  Kasprisin, Boyle Single, Single, & Muller, 2003; Packard, (2003b). Furthermore,

mentoring relationships can be informal or formally assigned, long-term or short-term in nature, and convened electronically or face-to- face.


What is role or task? Facilitate. Identify Solution and Action. Support in setting goals and methods. Observe & listen. Creative apply tools and techniques. Encourage and development.

Cont…… Maintain unconditional positive regard. Develop personal competencies. Evaluate the outcomes of the process. Encourage clients to continually improve

competencies. Work within their area of personal competence. Possess qualifications and experience. Manage the relationship.

How ? The process between Coaches and Mentors is a matter of focus: Transactional Leaders (Coaches) are most interested

in helping people (or groups) acquire the knowledge and skills necessary to complete a task or fulfill a role. They want to get people to DO something. Thus they manage their leadership style as appropriate to facilitate task or organizational accomplishment. 


Leaders (Mentors) are most interested in helping people (or organizations) acquire the awareness and confidence necessary to fulfill their potential. They want to help people to BECOME something.  Therefore, Mentor's manage their leadership style as appropriate to facilitate personal or organizational growth. 

Table 1: The process between Coaching and Mentoring.


What ? Differences between Mentoring and Coaching.  







Specific agenda


Facilitator with no agenda Self selecting

Comes with the job

Source of influence

Perceived value


Personal returns





Task related

What are Level of Coaching ? A belief system. A leadership style. A set of tools and models. A coaching skill-set.

The Mentor’s Principles. Creative, resourceful and whole. Desire, ability and responsibility to tell the

difference. Desire and inherent ability to live authentically and to bring their dreams into reality. To pursue their own potential by consistently modeling. Is helping others to realize their unique potential in accordance principles.

Effectiveness of Coaching and Mentoring in Organization. Coaching & Mentoring in Business. Executive Coaching & Mentoring. Performance Coaching and Mentoring. Skills Coaching & Mentoring. Personal Coaching & Mentoring.

How do coaching and mentoring compare with other services? Traditional forms of training Counseling. Consultancy

Challenges in Coaching Is coaching the solution o the

problem Are the goals of coaching clear and realistic Is coaching a good investment -performance Will the coaching work

Current Coaching Issue The Intent, Purpose and objective of Coaching Method of Coaching - Direct, Indirect and

Virtual Time and “Venue” Cost of Coaching Qualified of Coaching

Challenges in Mentoring The disconnect between believes Expectation Perceptions Actions

Current Issue in Mentoring Can formal mentoring replicate the

benefits of informal mentoring? Can mentor training compensate for weaknesses in formal programs? How does mentoring differ in different countries and cultures?; and How is it possible to know what other people's experience is?

  CONCLUSION Coaching and Mentoring are not the same thing. Coaching is a just process for employee to stay

relevant in delivering better working Coaching shall incorporate closely with other process with common orientation) in order to up hole organizational “reputation and brand” Coaching is to remain as an importance process in solving lots of performance related consequences or problem or conflict Mentoring is a power free, two-way mutually beneficial learning situation. The mentor provides advice, shares knowledge and experiences, and teaches using a low pressure, selfdiscovery approach.

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