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Keeping you in contact with your community 24th EDITION

APRIL 2009

RABI-U UL-TTHANI 1430 PICTURES: Sanaa Petersen

DISCUSSIONS: Political representatives at the ISCI debate on 'The Muslim Vote' held at IPSA University on the 15 March 2009

Muslims should be active where ever they are STAFF REPORTER THOSE who say voting is haram and kufr do so on the understanding that voting is participating in a democratic system that upholds the sovereignty of man over Allah. The above conclusion is based on a misunderstanding. Shaykh Haytham Al-Haddad (Imam, Al-Muntada al- Islami, London) clarifies that if Muslims were to advocate and help establish a system in which people are free to legislate against Islam, then this would certainly be an act of Kufr, for Allah says, 'Legislation is for none but Allah. He has commanded thatyou worship none but Him.' [Qur'an, 12:41] and He says, 'And whosoever does not judge by what Allah has revealed, such are the Kafirun (disbelievers).' [Qur'an, 5:44]. But voting and participating in the electoral process is not tantamount to legislate against Islam. Dr Azzam Tamimi (Director, Institute of Islamic Political Thought) says that those "who treat the questions of democracy or power-sharing as matters of 'aqidah (faith), usually have no specialised or adequate knowledge in the humanities, and are indoctri-

nated with some shallow Islamic literature. They tend to define things with extreme simplicity. For instance, they understand Islamic government to mean 'God's rule' and democracy to mean 'people's rule'. Not only are issues of politics too complex to be simplified in this manner, but the conception of God's rule is totally misunderstood". Moreover, Sahib Mustaqim Bleher (formerly of the Islamic Party of Britain) asserts that the belief that politics amounts to kufr is in itself a wrong assumption, because it assumes that parliament is the actual power base of modern society. In reality 'parliament is only a stage managed debating club ratifying what has been decided elsewhere'. It is necessary for the Muslim community to work to safeguard itself from harm and to secure its interests, known as maslaha (public interest), which dates back to Maliki School, later developed by Imam Al-Shafi'i. The great Andalusian scholar Imam Al- Shatibi (d.790/1388) developed the maslaha further into the doctrine of Maqasid al-Shari'a (objectives of the Shari'a) which the 'ulama turn to when dealing with the extendibility

What's New:

The Community News (CNEWS) has transformed into a Women, girls and youth engendered read. The CNEWS has dedicated pages written by young Muslims for young Muslims. The 'junior reporters' have been selected through the Youth Engineering the Future 'Hubb 4 Life' Business Plan Competition held during 2008. Each junior reporter will be attending a Media and Communications course capacitating them with skills in the print, radio, television and digital media. Watch them grow! The Youth Media branches are Al-AAzhar High/Colorada Park masjid; Alshams/Park Road masjid; AlShabaab/Kalksteenfontein masjid; Darul Islam High; Darun Naim, Helping Hands, Connecting Hearts/Masjidus Sunni; Husami GoGetters/Husami Masjid, STEPS/Iqra High school and Owwal masjid.


of Islamic Law to changing circumstances. It provides a general framework for Muslims, to tackle their respective problems in changing conditions, which is in conformity with the Qur'an i.e. Allah does not wish hardship on His servants (Qur'an 2:173; 21:107; 5:6; 2:179 & 2:233). Al-Qardawi reiterates that all that which is in the Qur'an and the Traditions of the Prophet is, per se, in accordance with human interest, at large. (Al-Ijtihad al-Mu'asir Bayna al- Indibat wal-Infirat). The world renowned scholar from Bahrain, Shaykh Nizam Ya'qubi states: "In the matter of elections and voting we must look at what is in the best interest of the whole community (maslaha) and what is lesser of the two evils (Akhaf ad-Dararayn)". Shaykh Salman Al-'Audah, a reform critic of the Saudi state imprisoned for speaking out against corruption within the Kingdom, issued a fatwa saying participation in the political process can be a vehicle to 'reducing suffering' of Muslims. "I believe participating in elections will, in any way, reduce evil and be a forum for countering bad policies and exposing their deficiencies, as well as being an opportu-

nity to present proposals of a different kind that may help people," added the Shaykh. Dr Jamal Badawi of Canada illustrates the above point further: "Suppose you have two candidates. It may be that both of them are unsympathetic to Muslim causes. However, one of them may be more detrimental to Muslim interests than the other. If the Muslim community were to collectively abstain from voting, then the candidate more detrimental to Muslim interests might win and pursue policies such as closing down mosques, Islamic schools and work towards banning the hijab. In such a situation the rule of Shari'a stipulates that it is obligatory for Muslims to vote for the lesser evil. Merely sitting on the sidelines criticizing while doing nothing about it is contrary to the Shari'a". As Muslims we also have a duty to wider society. Working for everyone's welfare through civic participation and electoral politics serves our Islamic duty to seek the common good, and enjoin good. CONTINUED TO PAGE 6

Drag racers taken to task in Eerste River STAFF REPORTER In an effort to ensure road safety and curb drag racing, City Traffic Services held an operation on Stellenbosch Arterial and Wesbank Main Road on Thursday night. "Various fines were also

issued including one for inconsiderate driving, 19 for disregarding the stop sign, 29 unlicensed drivers, 15 unlicensed vehicles, 19 for defective lights and 20 other defects to the value of R46 800.00. Six motorists were also fined for not having

number plates fitted to their cars," says Chief Inspector Merle Lourens, media spokesperson for Cape Town Traffic Services.


April 2009 - Rabi-ul-Thani 1430



Editorial Editor Sanaa Petersen [email protected]

Deputy Editor Firdows Badroodien [email protected]

Youth Media Editorial Al Shabaab Team - Almarkaz Al Islami Doublom Street, Kalksteenfontein Ayesha Nakidien Ighsaan Solomons Al Shams -Darul Karaar Park Road Wynberg Umaymah Davids Shuaib VD Schyff Al-Azhar/Colorado Park Masjid - Mitchell`s Plain Cnr Rosewood & Weltervreden, Colorado Park Shakierah De Vries Abdurosheed Emandien MUSCLE/Darun Naim Boys Castletown Road, Wynberg Abdul Kadir Davids Altaaf Harnekar Helping Hands, Connecting Hearts Masjidus Sunni , 11 Ayshire Road, Kromboom Ghafeetha Abdul Razak, Miekaeel Adams, Yaseen Ebrahim S.T.E.P.S/Iqra Academy/Owwal masjid Jasmyn Street, Belhar Fathima Naidoo Nurah Simon

Publishers: ISLAMIC MEDIA AGENCY CC Ck2002/001313/23 Address :466 Lansdowne Road, Lansdowne, 7780 Tel: 021 6972294 Fax: 021 6972304 Email: [email protected] Designer: Nazleah Hartley Banking Details: Islamic Media Agency cc FNB, Sandton City, Branch Code: 254-605 Account Number: 62033040007

Youth Commission cease to exist Following a report by a senior staff member of the Western Cape Provincial Youth Commission to the DirectorGeneral, Ms V Petersen, of alleged misuse of state assets by members of the Youth Commission, the matter was reported to the Premier, Ms Lynne Brown, and the Cabinet. Vincent Domingo, the Youth Commission chairperson, was suspended. On the instruction of the Premier, a forensic audit of the financial transactions of the Youth Commission was undertaken. Earlier this year a forensic audit report was forwarded to the Premier for consideration. As a result of the recommendations contained in the report, the Premier suspended the CEO of the Youth Commission, Mr A Daniels, and Ms B Mankay, a member of the Youth Commission, with a view to considering further appropriate action. The Public Finance Management Act requires that losses of this nature be reported to the South African Police Services. A report is in the process of being compiled and the matter will be reported in due course. The National Youth Development Agency Act was passed by Parliament last year. This Act makes provision for the establishment of a National Youth Development Agency to create and promote co-ordination of youth development matters in the whole country. The National Agency may also establish agencies at provincial and local levels. The Agency and the Umsobomvu Fund will combine to enhance its financial capacity. As a result of the duplication and overlapping of functions that will result from the continued existence of the Provincial Youth Commission, the Premier has instructed that a Bill be drafted to repeal the Act which established the Youth

Commission. Once the repeal Act is passed by the Provincial Parliament the Youth Commission will cease to exist. The Bill has been drafted and approved by Cabinet for introduction in the Provincial Parliament. The term of the remaining members of the Youth Commission terminates on 31 May 2009. Thus for all intents and purposes the Youth Commission will cease to exist on 31 May. The Presidency has announced that the National Agency will commence functioning during June 2009. Premier Brown said: "This Provincial Government has an exemplary record when it comes to matters of clean and transparent governance. The individuals concerned must be afforded their full rights and are innocent until proven guilty. "I am satisfied that in this instance no stone has been left unturned to ensure that alleged impropriety is dealt with in the context of due and proper process."

A new voice

spoke out against prejudice in Islam. The speakers were individuals who came from diverse backgrounds such as Laura Pistorius, an ex Catholic who spoke about the relationship between Islam and Jesus (pbuh). Abdu Rahman Kruger a former Dutch Reform Christian highlighted the solution to the current global economic meltdown as 'Islamic economics is the solution'. He spoke against the practice of usury(riba), which is the lending of money with the charging of exorbitant interest rates. He said, 'this practice is mainly responsible for the global financial crisis'. Aisha Mouneimne, a convert to Islam, tackled the controversial issue of Women's right in Islam. She also stated that diversity among the organizers of the seminar and its speakers was a good illustration of how diverse Islam is."This way we show that Islam does not exclude anyone", she said.

Sharing our stories SHAKEERA DE VRIES


'What do you really know about Islam' seminar took place in March at the University of Cape Town and was hosted by the Cape Town Reverts Forum (CTRF), Voice of the Cape (VOC) and the Muslim Judicial Council (MJC). The aim of the seminar was to educate nonMuslims about Islam. The seminar had five speakers including Sheikh Riyadh Walls. As well as non Muslim guests such as Reverend John Oliver, of the Cape Town Interfaith Initiative, who

Have you ever heard the saying "A nation without women, is a nation without color?" Never before has this saying been so true because of my experience at the launch of the creative writing journal titled "Silence Speaks", which was truly vibrant, colorful and captivating. "It's About Me, Silence Speaks" is a compilation of women's stories that was launched on 15 March 2009 at the UCT tennis club. It was a phenomenal experience being in the company of so many women and girls of all ages. Each of them had their own story to tell. The 'It's About Me' project has been developed for various women coming from diverse environments and its main goal is to give these women a voice so that they are able to share and preserve their personal stories. When I arrived at the book launch, I did not know what to

expect, but after Sanaa Petersen, founder of the It's About Me project, who happened to be dressed in a space suit, took us on a calming walk on the moon, so that we could visualize the impact that negative thoughts has on our development and choices in life, I had a clear picture of what lay ahead. The editor of 'Silence Speaks', Lauren Bates shared with us some writing tips on getting started and the importance of sharing your experiences and dreams. We then participated in a Sweeti pie hunt, each Sweeti pie had a line out of a story attached to it. When we found each Sweeti pie, we read our line and at the end, we shared an entire story. This helped in a very fun way elucidate the importance and outcomes of sharing. I was amazed in particular by YEF members Fadwa Thorn (18) and Mushfieqa Lodewyk (14), who shared their amazing stories with us. Their homegrown stories are two of the many written by women who were courageous enough to pen their personal experiences; thereby creating the wonderful compilation of short stories. We all have a story to share at every stage of life. And these women's stories are inspirational, sincere and heartbreaking, but undeniably a must read for all.

TAKING OFF: ‘It's About Me’ trustees Lauren Bates and Sanaa Petersen at the launch of the book, 'Silence Speaks'

Zuma finally free of corruption charges STAFF REPORTER

The KwaZulu-Natal High Court in Durban endorsed a decision taken by the National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) to drop the 16 charges against the presidential front-runner, Jacob Zuma, on 7 April 200. Here is an extract of the Statement by the National Director of Public Prosecutions on the matter S v Zuma and others. Introduction 'I stand before you today to announce the most difficult decision I ever made in my life. It was not an easy task at all. I had the privilege of having listened to inputs and comments of very eminent jurists of the NPA and I am thankful to them for their candid and frank arguments. It was then and it still is difficult for me to comprehend that which is set out below could have happened. The painful facts that I am about to put before you have serious implications for the integri-

ty and independence of the NPA especially regarding the prosecution of Mr Zuma. We believe that it is vital that the NPA must expose this conduct and deal with the consequences as honestly and constructively as possible if it is to have any chance of rebuilding its credibility and integrity. Our democracy will have to find ways to learn from this bitter experience and to build a stronger and more independent NPA. Over the last three weeks the NPA has been engaged in a difficult and painful process of dealing with allegations that the case of Mr Zuma has been affected by manipulation and abuse of process.' The timeline of events leading up to the NPA's decision: August 2003 National prosecutions boss Bulelani Ngcuka says there is a prima facie case of corruption against Zuma, but he would not be charged alongside his financial adviser Schabir Shaik.

October 2004 Shaik pleads not guilty to charges of corruption and fraud. June 2, 2005 Judge Hilary Squires finds Shaik guilty of corruption and fraud. "I do not think I am overstating anything when I say that this phenomenon [of corruption] can truly be likened to a cancer eating away remorselessly at the fabric of corporate privacy and extending its baleful effect into all aspects of administrative functions, whether state official or private sector manager," Squires said in his judgment. "If it is not checked, it becomes systemic. And the after-effects of systemic corruption can quite readily extend to the corrosion of any confidence in the integrity of anyone who has a duty to discharge, especially a duty to discharge to the public." CONTINUED TO PAGE 6


April 2009 - Rabi-ul-Thani 1430

Modern marriage 'Players game" NAZEERA VAWDA

I begin with this topic by firstly expressing that my views are based entirely on personal observances and observances of those close to me. To those readers that come across this I do not wish to express a holier than thou attitude, however please note my points and concerns. Shukar, with the help of Allah having almost reached the end of my law degree the topic that commonly comes up is marriage. Like most people in a generation such as ours we know that the concept of marriage has changed in the sense that the procedure cannot be done in the same way as that of our parents and grandparents have gone about it simply because of all the evil that exists in our society. We communicate with those who approach our parents and come to our home. Having come across certain young gentlemen who claim that they are ready for marriage I would like to make the following points about what certain people expect from the concept of marriage in a society that they consider to be "developed". Firstly, no matter what degree you obtain and which university you study at please do not corrupt your thinking by believing that socialising and partying with the opposite sex after your marriage makes you the perfect example of a "modernised, advanced and intelligent" human being. If these women who are your friends turn to you when faced with marital discord and you play superman to a vulnerably weak and emotionally upset woman who is stepping on dangerous territory in the first place not then lead to a greater dilemma than just the initial conflict that existed in her marital life? If a girl refuses to adjust to your thinking she is seen as being old fashioned and not being able to think out of the box. Secondly, when entering a girls home and meeting her parents do not take advantage of the trust and goodness that they view you with. I have heard that for some it is considered to be a game to get a girl interested in you and then to get a dozen others interested as well and to make your

PICTURES: Raees Ismail pick by keeping all interested for some time and to string them along so that your ego is fed to the height of exultation and this then puts you in what you call the "players game". In the end the best girl wins and sometimes none. Why should you make anyone feel that they have been lucky to have "won" you. Shouldn't the girl also be made to feel that you are the lucky one to have her because of the good lifestyle she has led? I need to remind those THE PLAYERS GAME:: A posed picture that play this game of their immaturity as it is acceptable. I refer to these people as they who paint false pictures to get narrow minded and not broad minded the attention. When does cheating as they would wish to believe they and obtaining anything in a false are because they fail to see further manner ever bring any true sense of than their own ego's and selfish self worth and fulfilment? desires. To not be able to comprehend We are even living in times were what your purpose in life is as a Muslim boys are interested in their Muslim and to not be able to see own gender and approach your home. beyond the pleasures of the earth They feel that they are pleasing their makes you the one's thinking in the parents by doing so. I suggest that box not us who wish to live the corwhen parents know of their children's rect way and to please Allah. This bad habits or ways of living, instead makes us in a better position than of covering up for their children with you. To have the insight to underthe hope that marriage will solve stand the seriousness of a marital everything, think about the issues of bond would lead us to a more pleasyour son that you going to burden an urable life than you who wish to innocent girl with. Is it fair on the remain ignorant and taking "knowlother party to hide and cover up your edge" to your advantage, or you who child's flaws? Yes, marriage is meant choose to apply aspects and parts of to bring about a lot of joy but do not Islam to suit your own desires. Let be misled and feel that it can change me remind you that this world is simhabits and situations that need to ply temporary and a test for the herecome from within your son and his after. By you feeding into your own sincerity to change with the help desires you are leading to the path of of Allah and for him to make use of our own destruction. Islam is a gift the relevant help institutions avail- that has been bestowed to us and if able. you apply its principles correctly let Allah be your guidance when faced Unfortunately it is evil that seems to with complications and not extra dominate the concept of what is marital affairs or what you refer to as acceptable in society. Being a person "weed" (dagga). These "quick fixes" with good sometimes makes you the are in fact not solutions and they do subject of ridicule simply because it not lead to long-term happiness and is not "cool". satisfaction. How can these be To those living on this extreme edge, regarded as solutions when all it does to yourself and the narrow minded is lead to tears and suffering of the people around you, you may appear one's closest to you. Islam does not to be "cool" and believe your con- only tell you to only live by its 5 pilcepts of what making a home is lar's. The 5 pillar's of Islam are just

providing you with the foundation of what you should live your life by. Please note that Islam is a "way of life." Inculcate the importance of the rest of the principles into our beautiful religion as well. What about the principle concerning the seriousness of hurting another? If we commit a sin we can beg Allah's mercy and forgiveness. If in Islam when hurting another we are meant to ask forgiveness from that person first before Allah then surely the emphasis should not be disregarded and its seriousness not taken lightly. Nabi (S.A.W) prayed for the success of his Ummah and this success does not lie with your tarnished and new modernised version of an Islamic marriage. Are you really doing justice to our Nabi (S.AW)'s prayers and suffering and tears for his Ummah? I would doubt not as you are simply creating more complications in your life and are too proud to see it. If you apply the correct notions in practice into your marriage you will find a lot of contentment from that. In essence it is not about the outward image of "moving with the times and living the happening lifestyle" that leads to true happiness but rather what good Islamic morals and values you can inculcate into your marriage and children. This leads to the path of a solid foundation of a good relationship. For those that share my views regardless of what exists in society have faith that the right partner has been made for you. Do not change your good morals and values to accommodate another. The successful ones in the end are those who can stand their grounds. Inshallah in the end the one suited for you will be the one who shares good morals and values like you and those whom the word "intelligent" would be suited to, not because of the degree they hold, their abilities to plan for the future by the life insurance policies they have taken out but those that plan for the life after death as well! We would like to hear from you, please email on [email protected], fax 021 6972304, sms 074 2274345

Sharing the Moulood Experience FIRDOWS BADROODIEN

Habibia Soofie Mosque held its annual Moulood programme celebrating the birth of the Prophet (SAW), on March 9th. The Moulood programme was attended by non-Muslim students from the University of Cape Town. As part of their religious studies programme, they were encouraged to explore the many diverse religions practiced in South Africa. Zoka Debeljkovic, Bianca Dragau- an exchange student from Romania who is spending a semester at UCT, Teegan Curitz, Kay -Lee Rust and Maya Burns are BA students majoring in Politics and Religious Studies, and were among those who attended the Moulood. It was their first time attending a celebration of this nature, and their first visit to a mosque. They admitted that at no point did they feel

out of place or like outsiders. They found the moulood programme to be spiritually uplifting and were truly inspired by what they had learnt of the life of the Prophet (SAW). They also remarked that the mosque itself was a unique and beautiful place of worship. After the formal Moulood programme, the girls enjoyed the customary fresh fruit and sweet treats that were served. The girls stated that they were so inspired by their experience in the mosque that they continued wearing their headscarves even after they had left. They believe the time spent in the mosque was a rare and valuable learning opportunity.

PICTURES: Firdows Badroodien

SHARING: Non-Muslim exchange students sharing in the moulood celebration at Habibia Soofie masjid


April 2009 - Rabi-ul-Thani 1430

Youth on The MOVE

Understanding your human rights MIEKAEEL ADAMS

Protecting and respecting all Human rights is a vital component in developing a healthy, happy and progressive society. But before we can respect our human rights we first have to define human rights. What are human rights? According to the South African Human Rights Council: 'Human rights are the rights that everyone has, simply because they are human beings. They are the rights we all have from the moment we are born. We do not have to earn them and they cannot easily be taken away from us. The list of human rights protected in South Africa is the Bill of Rights, which is Chapter 2 of the Constitution. The Constitution is the highest law of South Africa. Everyone in South Africa, including the government, must follow it. The rules set out in a Constitution are very hard to change, and so the rights in the Bill of Rights are also very hard to change. This means that it is difficult for anyone to change your rights or to try and take them away from you.' Although, to a certain extent we all know our human rights we sometimes don't respect, understand and protect

PICTURE: Mikaeel Adams our rights and sometimes we unconsciously violate other people's rights. The YEF developed a programme titled, 'Constitutional Literacy and Democracy to try and explain our human rights. We first attended the debate hosted by the Institute of Current Islam (ISCI) titled, 'Muslim Vote in the Upcoming Elections', following a youth workshop by YEF AlShams on Leadership, these two workshops helped us realize the importance of participating in high level debates and different BILL OF RIGHTS: Advocate Muhammad Abderoaf facilitating the workshop on the SA Constitution at styles and types of lead- Iqra academy on the 7 April 2009 ership. But, more importantly our responThe next workshop was facilitated by marry in a public space on sibility in choosing a correct leader. We then watched the Oscar award Advocate Muhammad Abderoaf. He Wednesday. This was a fun as we had winning movie 'Slumdog explained the Constitution and the to develop opposing arguments to Millionnaire'. Although, filmed in Bill of Rights and how we can either defend or protect the law. This India this movie could've been filmed advance and protect our rights. We also showed us that although the in South Africa too. It showed the then enacted a court trial. Adv. Constitution is the Supreme law it vulnerability of poor people and their Muhammad divided us into two can also be tested to protect the rights survival and how bad people take teams, the State and the Defendants. of all South Africans, irrespective if advantage of their vulnerability. He passed a law that no public reli- they are a minority. This workshop What I most liked about the character gious expression can be held on a also highlighted the importance of of Jamal is, although being poor he Wednesday. Sanaa Petersen was our actively participating in respecting, had hope and faith in the future, and client, who approached the court to preserving and protecting your contest the law as she wanted to human rights. also his drive to change his destiny.


Husain January Human rights are part of a human beings life. Such as the right to education, people have the right to shelter and the right to food and water. The government has a responsibility to protect these rights and has to see to the needs of its citizens. People must obey the law and respect the rights of others.

Israh Ariefdien A human right is a right inherent to all human beings. To violate a human right, is to take away someone's freedoms. We do have means of protecting our human rights such as using the law and government. Human rights are here to not only protect us as individuals but without human rights, the world will be a chaotic place.

Irshaad Ahmed A human right is there to protect us from being harmed or disrespected. No one has the right to abuse you. You have the right to live peacefully. You have a right to shelter, to food, to respect etc. If your rights are violated, it is your right to report it to the police.

The 'YEF Constitutional Literacy and Democracy' project is proudly sponsored by Albaraka Bank 42 Klipfontein and Belgravia Roads, Ahtlone, 7764 Tel: 021 637 8800 Fax: 021 637 8805

Banking only one way, the Islamic way

Hifdh Academy war on waste

Sheikh Brown ties the knot PICTURE: Moosa Brown

PICTURE: Mikaeel Adams

AWFUL: As part of the YES schools project the learners of Ibn Jazariy Academy at Masjidus Sunni, Kromboom visits the Waste Depot in Athlone to develop strategies to reduce, recycle and re-use waste at the masjid and school

CELEBRATION: Sheikh Abd'Al Rashied Brown, imam of Masjidus Sunni and Director ofthe Ibn Jazariy Academy married Zaida Abrahams on the 1 March 2009, with him are the students of the Ibn Jazariy Academy.


April 2009 - Rabi-ul-Thani 1430

Youth on The MOVE PICTURE: Zakareeyah Panday

Husami Friendship Festival 28 February 2009 Tuck Shop Team ITEM


Entrance Fee


Tuckshop Sales


Total Income


200 x Rolls


200 x Drinks



HARDWORK: Sheikh Riaad Fataah with the Husami Go-Getters and YEF at the Friendship Festival held in February

Husami Go Getters Friendship Festival KAUTHAR LANGRY

The first event on the 2009 YEF calendar started off with the Husami Friendship Festival on the 28th February at Husami Masjid in Cravenby. With very little experience our team set out to coordinate their first event. Unaware of what was in store for us, we put our heads together and with lots of hard work and determination we gave it our best shot. D-Day arrived and it was time to put all our ideas and work into play. Everyone showed up early to start working on what we at the time thought would turn out to be a disaster. On the agenda was the "Know your mate quiz" for married couples in the community, followed by a "Q & A with Sheikh Fataar" based on relationships and friendship in Islam. Sheikh Fataar stressed the importance of the youth's behavior concerning the free intermingling of the opposite

sex in society. The night was concluded with a play written by Uzair Ramjam, which was based on issues that we as youth feel are relevant in the world today. At the end we were all exhausted, but we felt great and so relieved. We had an awesome day and had so much fun. We all learnt a lot about teamwork and this played a vital role in coordinating our event. It also showed us where our weaknesses and strengths lie as a group. We believe that the day was a huge success and are very grateful for the opportunity to make something more of our lives and to enrich the lives of the youth. We sincerely, thank our parents, Sheikh Fataar, the Husami youth and masjid committees, aunty Mumtaaz and the YEF for all their support and advice. We've certainly grown leaps and bounds and are excited about our future.

Boerewors Chicken fillets

Florida Butcher


Coal, wood, blitz, matches 0.00 Packaging for boereworsrolls


Snack shop - chips, choccies, sweets


Lunch - team/volunteers


Salads, Veggies Sound

Hanifa & Shaboodien Mullagee

Haseena & Kamal Kamaloodien



Faeeq - Perfect Ice


Sultana Ahmed

Printing of Tickets


Total Expenses

2362.10 R 997.80

Discovering the constitution NASREEN SAYED

The YEF hosted a special programme for the April school holidays, titled 'Constitutional Literacy and Democracy.' I thought it was going to be boring workshops and lectures but turned out to be interactive, fun and educative. When we discussed the topic Human rights, we first watched the Oscar award winning movie, Slumdog Millionnaire, which saddened and inspired me at the same time. My ancestors are from India it was sad to see the poverty, slums , hardship, treachery and blatant violation of basic human rights especially concerning women and children. But at the same time I was inspired by the protagonist Jamal and

his honesty and faith in defining his future. He also proved that irrespective of your race, class, religion, creed and all those labels that divide us as human beings, that if you place your trust in God and believe in yourself you will succeed. The next workshop was on the Constitution, which was facilitated by Advocate Muhammad Abderoaf. At the beginning of the workshop it was quite overwhelming listening to his talk on the different courts, how the law works and how we can assess the law, but once we started our group work, it all made sense. We had to pretend to be advocates, the boys were tasked to contest a law and the girls were tasked to protect the law. Advocate

Muhammad passed a law that public religious expressions and rituals were banned on a Wednesday namely, no janaaza, no weddings, no athaans or going to the masjid etc. The client was Sanaa Petersen, she wanted to have a wedding on that Wednesday. Her defence argued her case and we had to construct an opposing argument using the Bill of Rights in the Constitution with Advocate Muhammad as the judge. Although, we laughed so much at our ignorance and naivety we learned how to interpret the laws of our country.

PICTURES: Mikaeel Adams

DEFENCE: YEF members planning a legal strategy using the Bill of Rights at the Constitutional Literacy and Democracy project held at Iqra Academy


April 2009 - Rabi-ul-Thani 1430

Muslims should be active where ever they are CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Lesser of the two evils Shaykh al-Islam Imâm Ibn Taymiyyah, (12631328) said, "the Shari'a has been revealed to obtain all possible benefits and to prevent as much harm as possible and reduce it. Its aim is to produce the best possible scenario from two good options if both cannot be achieved together, and to ward off the worst of two evils if both evils cannot be prevented." Imâm Ibn al-Qayyim Al- Jawziyyah, (fourteenth century scholar) said, "the Prophet (sallallâhu'alayhi wa sallam) saw the greatest of evils in Makkah and he was unable to change them. Then Allah gave him the victory and the Muslims entered Makkah and it became the land of Islam. The Prophet Muhammad was determined to extend the Ka'bah and return it back to the original foundations of Ibrâhîm. However, he prevented anyone from doing so even though he had the power and authority. He feared that a greater evil would occur with the Quraysh failing to appreciate such a move given their very recent conversion to Islam from disbelief." Imam Ibn Hajr Al Asqalani (renowned Hadith commentator) also commented that from the benefits of the aforementioned narration is, "…to leave forbidding a certain evil fearing that one will be afflicted by a greater evil." From the above it can be clearly seen that the principle in Shari'a known as, 'Warding off the greater of two evils even if it involves performing the lesser evil (Akhaf ad-Dararayn)' is an obvious and agreed upon tool to help Muslims live while being loyal to their tradition and heritage. Shaykh Muhammad al-Kawthari (Daral-Iftah UK), stated that at times voting becomes necessary, substantiating this point with a hadith in which the Messenger of Allah said: 'If people see an oppressor and don't prevent him, then it is

very likely that Allah will include all of them in the punishment.' (atTirmidhi, Abu Dawud). Therefore, if you see open oppression and transgression, and despite having the capability of preventing this oppression by giving your vote you don't do so, then in the light of this Hadith you will be sinful. ? According to Mufti Ebrahim Desai of Darul Iftaa, Madrassah In'aamiyyah, voting is an integral part in a democratic dispensation and it determines who will be elected and who will be in power. As Muslims, if we desist from voting, we will have no option but to be under the rules of people elected in power. We are living in a nonMuslim country and we will have to abide by their existing system. Many senior Ulama and Muftis have considered the issue of Muslims voting in a non-Muslim country and issue a decree to vote. Voting for an individual falls in the category of Tawkeel (representation). Q: Is it permissible to take part in the forthcoming SA democratic elections, by voting or standing as a candidate, etc. A: It is permissible to take part with the following conditions; a) there is no obtstacle in accomplishing the laws of Islam, b) one is able to serve the Muslims, and, c) one is able to save the Muslims from oppression. (Fataawa Mahmoodiya -Al-Mahmood) Dr.Anwar Hajjaj, President of the American Islamic Information Center believes that Muslims Should Be Active Wherever We Are. When we as Muslims unite as a community, our chances of being heard regarding the issues that are relevant and important to us are far more significant than when a small number of us are trying to make a difference. By being politically active, we can seek to better the lives of all Muslims.

The South African National Zakaah Fund (SANZAF) Proud Supporter of the YEF 'Hubb 4 Life' project SANZAF Western Cape Head Office and Centre for Education & Skills Development 381 Lower Main Road, Salt River Tel: 021 447 0297

Zuma finally free of corruption charges CONTINUED FROM PAGE 2 June 14, 2005 President Thabo Mbeki sacks Zuma as deputy president of the country. "I've come to the conclusion that the circumstances dictate that in the interests of the honourable deputy president, the government and our young democratic system... it will be best to release honourable Jacob Zuma from his responsibilities as deputy president of the republic and member of the Cabinet," Mbeki told a joint session of Parliament.

Zuma is served with papers to appear in court on corruption charges. "Today, December 28 2007, the Directorate of Special Operations [Scorpions] served on Mr Jacob Zuma an indictment to stand trial in the high court on various counts of racketeering, money laundering, corruption and fraud," Zuma's lawyer, Michael Hulley, said in an e-mail. March 2008 Zuma and Thint appeal to the Constitutional Court against the Supreme Court of Appeal ruling in favour of the NPA.

June 20, 2005 National prosecutions boss Vusi Pikoli announces that Zuma will be charged with two counts of corruption. "We have decided to bring criminal charges against former deputy president Jacob Zuma, among them two counts of corruption," said NPA spokesperson Makhosini Nkosi.

April 2008 The Constitutional Court dismisses Shaik's appeal against the validity of a confiscation order regarding R33m of Shaik and his companies' assets.

June 21, 2005 Zuma says he welcomes the decision to charge him. "I welcome this decision as it affords me an opportunity to respond to, and clarify, the allegations that have been made against me over a period of time."

September 12, 2008 Judge Chris Nicholson rules in the Pietermaritzburg High Court that Zuma was entitled to make representations before the National Director of Public Prosecutions (NDPP) decided to re-charge him, effectively halting his prosecution. "The obligation to hear representations forms part of the audi alteram partem principle. What is required is that a person who may be adversely affected by a decision be given an opportunity to make representations with a view to procuring a favourable result. "The affected person should usually be informed of the gist or the substance of the case, which he is to answer," said Nicholson. He also said he could not exclude the possibility of political interference in the decision to re-charge Zuma. "I am... not convinced that the applicant (Zuma) was incorrect in averring political meddling in his prosecution," said Nicholson.

June 29, 2005 Zuma appears in the Durban Magistrate's Court on two graft charges. August 2005 The offices of French arms company Thint, the offices of Zuma's attorney, Michael Hulley, and Zuma's homes and former offices are raided. September 2006 Judge Herbert Msimang strikes Zuma's case off the roll, saying he had "no choice" after the prosecution said it was not ready to proceed. Msimang said the State's case had "limped from one disaster to another". November 2006 A bench of five judges in the Supreme Court of Appeal rejects Shaik's bid to appeal. October 2007 The Constitutional Court rejects Shaik's bid to appeal his conviction and 15-year sentence. November 2007 The Supreme Court of Appeal rules in favour of the NPA in the case relating to various search and seizure raids in the Zuma case, including the obtaining of the personal diary of a senior member of the French arms company. December 19, 2007 Zuma beats Mbeki in the ANC leadership race. December 28, 2007

July 2008 The Constitutional Court rules in favour of the NPA in the Zuma-Thint appeal.

September 20, 2008 The ANC announces that Mbeki will be recalled from office. "The ANC has decided to recall the president of the republic before his mandate has expired," said ANC secretary general Gwede Mantashe. September 22, 2008 Mbeki, after nine-and-a-half years in office, announces his resignation in a 15-minute television address. "I would like to say that gloom and despondency have never defeated adversity. Trying times need courage and resilience," he said. September 23, 2008 Mbeki applies for leave to appeal the Nicholson ruling in

the Constitutional Court. "It was improper for the court to make such far-reaching 'vexatious, scandalous and prejudicial' findings concerning me, to be judged and condemned on the basis of the findings in the Zuma matter. "The interests of justice, in my respectful submission would demand that the matter be rectified," said Mbeki. "These adverse findings have led to my being recalled by my political party, the ANC a request I have acceded to as a committed and loyal member of the ANC for the past 52 years. I fear that if not rectified, I might suffer further prejudice." November 11, 2008 The Constitutional Court dismisses Mbeki's application, saying it would not be in the interest of justice to hear the case because the NDPP was already in the process of appealing the Nicholson ruling. November 28, 2008 The Supreme Court of Appeal hears the NDPP appeal against the Nicholson ruling. January 12, 2009 The Supreme Court of Appeal upholds the NDPP appeal. But it dismisses Mbeki's application to intervene and dismisses the application to have Nicholson's "political meddling" findings struck out. "It makes no sense to strike them out at this late stage of the proceedings. The damage has been done. This does not mean that the order of the court below should stand," said acting deputy judge president Louis Harms. "Most of the allegations were not only irrelevant but they were gratuitous and based on suspicion and not on fact. The excuse for including them was unconvincing especially in the light of the disavowal of any intention to rely on them. "The prejudice to the NDPP was manifest. Instead of having a short and simple case, the matter not only ballooned but burst in the faces of many. There may well be reason to hold that many of the allegations were vexatious and scandalous, but once again, it is not necessary to do so for present purposes." February 4, 2009 The Pietermaritzburg High Court sets out a timeline for the Zuma case. And, finally on the: 6 April 2009 The National Prosecuting Authority, after receiving representations from Zuma's lawyers, announces that charges against him will be dropped. "I have come to the difficult conclusion that it is neither possible nor desirable for the NPA to continue with the prosecution," said the NPA's


April 2009 - Rabi-ul-Thani 1430

The Big (Young) Debate UZAIR RAMJAM

Al-Shams hosted a Leadership workshop on Friday 27 March at Park Road Masjid in Wynberg. This was the second event on the YEF calendar. The workshop was attended by the YEF members and was supported by the Wynberg community. The workshop was opened with a talk by Sheikh Riyad Walls. He addressed the young audience on the life of the Prophet (pbuh) and his leadership qualities. He expounded on the Prophet (SAW) excellent leadership qualities. The talk was followed by the much anticipated Play of Ta'if. This was a re-enactment of the Prophet (SAW) journey to Ta'if. The reasons why

Youth on The MOVE PICTURES: Raees Ismail

we chose this play was to highlight the Prophet's response to a hostile environment, his faith in Allah (swt) and his kindness towards the enemies of Islam. YEF members were told to come dressed up as their role models. We ended up with a very diverse group. YEF members came dressed as Jessica Alba, Brad Pitt, Aishwarya Rai, as well as Umar (RA) and Sayidina Bilal. The last component was a discussion and debate facilitated, by Sanaa Petersen. The question of whether or not celebrities can be classified as role models was debated. We were divided into two groups; one group arguing that celebrities can in fact be role models; and another group apposing this argument. Both teams presented good arguments and raised valid points.

ROLEMODELS: YEF rolemodels being celebrities at the Al-Shams Leadership workshop

We highlighted all the different characteristics of a good leader. We discussed what constitutes a role model and explored its relationship with respects to leadership. We argued whether the Prophet

(SAW) should be classified as a celebrity or a role model, and also discussed the impact that western celebrities have on today's youth. I believe, the question of leadership should be addressed by youth more frequently so that young Muslims today will be ready to lead Islam in the future.

Operation Pass Matric 2009 FIRDOWS BADROODIEN

Everyone has the thinking skills required to pass matric first time round. The problem however, is that many don't know how to use these skills effectively. This makes you frustrated and you eventually decide to throw in the towel. If you are reading this and thinking you have just read your life story. Fear no more. Help is at hand. We have sourced some of the most useful tips to successful learning. Do your future a favour and keep reading. Firstly, you have to realize that your time is the most valuable asset you have. Don't be fooled into thinking that you have plenty. Trust us; you don't! Time is disappearing fast and before you know it, you're busy writing your final exam. At this point in the year, you should probably go about your studies as if it were a military operation. Your mission: pass matric. Here's the plan. Mission one Develop study schedule

This schedule should become your best friend and when the time comes, it'll save your life. Develop a schedule that meets your needs, but most of all stick to it. But don't complain. You've got to want to do it. Mission Two Time management Make every hour count. Focus on your free time and plan how you going to use it. Be realistic. Make time to eat, sleep, salaah, friends and study, study, study. Mission Three Choose best place to study Choose a dedicated space to study, where there are minimal distractions. You would need a clean desk or table top and a not too comfortable chair. That's it. Move it away from the window, the door, the kitchen and TV. Mission Four Start with your studies 1. Know what you have to study. If confused phone your teacher. Ask questions in class. Phone a buddy that actually attends school and doesn't copy their homework.

2. Read the text, ask questions about the text, this will help you understand and easily remember your work. 3. Recite the text aloud so that you can visualize your work 4. Try to connect important facts you have just read to things you know 5. Do daily reviews of your completed work, this will help you remember. Mission Five Do not wait for the examinations to start studying. Once you start studying begin reviewing your work. The best time to review is just when you finished studying. During the review clarify points you don't understand or missed. There, now you are ready for a stressfree highly successful matric pass. Share your study tips, matric experiences, nightmares, successes with us on [email protected], fax 021 6972304, sms 074 2274345, face book - Sanaa Petersen

Khitba - Marriage Proposal ALTAAF HARNEKAR

The Husami Go-Getters the Cravenby team of the 'Youth Engineering the Future' Trust hosted their interactive and participative Friendship Festival in February. The festival was quite relevant as it allowed a safe and educative space for young Muslims to talk about dating, sexuality and friendship in Islam. During the Q and A session with Sheikh Riyad Fataar I was quite intrigued by the advice given with regards to dating and this prompted me to research the concept of Khitba (marriage proposal). Here is my research, I would like to share with you: When proposing, there are many qualities that are important in a husband or a wife, however two factors take prevalence. The Prophet (SAW)

commanded women to facilitate their marriage when they are satisfied with two issues: the faith of the suitor and his character. It is stated in a saying of the prophet (SAW) that: "If someone with whose piety and character you are satisfied with comes to you, marry to him. If you do not do so, there will be trials in the earth and a great deal of evil." [At-Tirmidhi and others and it is hassan] The Prophet (SAW) encouraged men considering marriage to a particular woman to look at her. Some scholars say that this look is sunnah (i.e., recommended) while others say that it is simply permissible. In this situation, there are several opinions about how much of a woman is allowed to be seen: He can look at her when she is dressed in the proper outdoor dress of a Muslim woman.

This is the mainstream opinion, the safest one and the one which agrees with all of the evidence. It can only be done if the person actually intends marriage and if there is a real possibility of it taking place. If not, such a look remains prohibited. Again, no matter what words, promises or commitments pass between the parties (before the marriage contract has been transacted and before they are actually married), no relationship exists between them and they remain strangers. Meetings between the suitor and the woman he intends to marry can only take place in the presence of the female's male mahram. If the man and woman are inclined to marry each other, it is recommended that salaatul-istikhaarah be performed before a decision is made.


We were both determined to attend the Friendship Festival, which was hosted by the Husami Go-Getters on the 28th of February. This was the first event on the YEF calendar, and we could not miss out. We believe the YEF is one big family; therefore each event needs the support of all its family members in order for it to be successful. The festival turned out great. It was successful in that it stayed true to the vision of the YEF, which is to attract the youth towards the mosque and actively participate in activities that would enlighten, educate and entertain them. The aim of the Friendship Festival was to allow the youth to discuss and debate issues of dating, sexuality and friendship in Islam. As youth we are forced to deal with these issues on a daily basis and therefore need to be educated enough so that we are able to make the right choices. The youthful audience was not subjected to a boring lecture, but was captivated by the interactive play titled "Growing up, with friends", written by YEF playwright, Uzair Ramjam. Members of the audience were allowed to quiz Sheikh Riaad Fataar on various issues regarding relationships in Islam. The "Know Your Mate" Quiz was great because married couples had the opportunity to discover new things about their spouse as well as old things, which they had long forgotten. It also educated the young on the making of a successful marriage. The Husami Go-Getters has set the bar extremely high for the rest of the YEF. Our experience at the Friendship Festival was awesome and inspirational.


April 2009 - Rabi-ul-Thani 1430

Vatican offers Islamic finance system to Western Banks STAFF REPORTER The Vatican has offered Islamic finance principles to Western banks as a solution for the current global economic meltdown. The Daily Vatican newspaper, 'L'Osservatore Romano, reported that the Islamic banking system may help to overcome the global crisis. The Vatican stated that banks should look at the ethical rules of Islamic finance to restore confidence amongst

their clients at a time of global economic crisis. The Vatican's official newspaper Osservatore Romano said: "The ethical principles on which Islamic finance is based may bring banks closer to their clients and to the true spirit which should mark every financial service," Author Loretta Napoleoni and Abaxbank Spa fixed income strategist, Claudia Segre, say in the article that "Western banks could use tools such as the Islamic bonds, known as sukuk, as collateral". They

also said that profit share, gained from sukuk, may be an alternative to the interest. They underlined that sukuk system could help the automotive sector and support investments in infrastructure area. According to, sukuk is an Arabic term for a financial certificate and can be seen as the Islamic equivalent of a bond. In Islam, fixed income or interest (riba') bearing bonds are not permissible. Hence, Sukuk is

considered as securities that comply with the Islamic law. Its investment principles prohibit the charging, or paying of interest. Financial assets that comply with the Islamic law can be classified in accordance with their tradability and non-tradability in the secondary markets. It is estimated that over RM3, 500 billion of assets are managed according to Islamic investment principles.

WHAT'S HAPPENING TO T HE G L O BAL F IN AN C IAL MARKETS? MOHAMED JAFFER MOJAFF FINANCIAL SERVICES It's amazing how our financial psyche works. Speaking to people in 2006/7 they would want to make you believe that the bull run (upsurge in the financial markets) will last forever "because there has been a structural change in our economy" they said. Now you hear people saying that this time it's different "the bear market (falling equities market) is here to stay "because it's different, in that the financial markets globally has collapsed." Before I explain to you what happened to the financial markets I would like to assure you that the markets will recover as they have in the past. I will attempt to explain (in basic layman's language) what happened in the global financial market, EXCEPT IN SOUTH AFRICA AND A FEW OTHER COUNTRIES. The American Bank Managers (fat cats) took the whole world for a ride all because of greed. I must emphasise that this is but one of the reasons that led to the TOTAL COL-

LAPSE of the global financial markets. I will explain: American bank A would lend money to the American public A, say for example $100b. This money would be repaid over 15/20 years. What bank A would do they would "package" these mortgage loan and "sell" it off to Bank B at a discount of say $80b, which means that Bank A immediately gets $80b into its coffers and the long term debt it had is past onto Bank B. Bank A will now re-lend the $80b to American public B. Bank A would then in turn again package these loans and sell it off to Bank C etc, etc…

rates which the NINJAS couldn't pay and they started to default which had a domino effect and we saw Lehman Brothers, Merril Lynch, AIG etc starting to fail. They all went down and got sucked into the proverbial black hole. This resulted in the total collapse of the global financial system and we saw the value of banks drop like a rock. To give you an example of what happened to the value of the American banks, the value of Citigroup Bank (one of the biggest banks in the world at one time! i.e. 2years ago) dropped from $255bil to $25bil within one year.

What was now happening is that Bank A is creating money out of nothing( funny money) and giving what became known as NINJA loans ( No Income, No Jobs or Assets) to people as they were not carrying any risks, as they were passing these risks off to the other banks. This created a property bubble as the prices of properties sky rocket in the US as money was freely available and in turn it was fuelling inflation.

Bank A Am erican Public Let's get back to the US housing market, the US housing market needs about 1.25 mil new houses per quarter. During the bubble phase they were producing nearly 2.5mil houses per quarter. This was obviously not sustainable; when the bubble eventually burst they are now producing only 0.455 mil houses.

To curb inflation The American Federal Reserve started pushing up interest

I'm sure that many of you did not know that SOUTH AFRICA HAS ONE OF THE WORLD SOUNDEST BANKING SYSTEMS. I believe we

need to thank Trevor Manual also for maintaining the exchange control act and for bringing in the NCA (national credit act) otherwise I firmly believe we would have been in the same boat as the US, UK Europe, etc…. Also something to take note of (and should make the doom and gloom prophets go away) is, that the JSE has not fallen as much as most market around the world. And the cherry on top is that the financial gurus are telling us that when the markets starts to recover the emerging markets will lead the pack and just remember SA is rated as a strong emerging market. So take note, the dollar should be weakening significantly over the next 2 years. Which means the rand will be strengthening. Please note there is much more that I could have discussed but I didn't want to make the article too long and too technical. Please let me know your comment on [email protected], fax 086 5038747, sms 074 2274345

What kind Of Spender Are You? Take our Self Discovery and Quiz Find Out… Which of the following statements can you identify with? 1. You having a bad day; week; month; year; and only shopping will brighten your mood 2. You go shopping for a winter coat and return with very expensive designer shoes. 3. If celebrities are heading for exotic locations accompanied by a facelift or two, why can't you? 4. You're spending to keep up with your glamorous friends, but you can't admit it to them. 5. Instead of looking for affordable things elsewhere, you stick to what you know, which is more costly. 6. You didn't need a new handbag, but you bought one because it was cheap. If you chose 1, You are the comfort spender Rather than heading for the mall, do activities that won't cost you anything and actually make you feel better, like taking a trip to the beach, says Thea Newcomb of If you chose 2, You are the impulsive spender Avoid careless spending by taking a shopping list says Jasmine. Draw out the amount of money you can afford and stick to it," says financial expert Jasmine Birtles. If you chose 3, You are the copycat spender Experts say we overspend on clothes and makeup to close the gap on our true and ideal selves." See a stylist to find out what suits you," suggests Jasmine. If you chose 4, You are the shameful spender Be honest and open with your friends. "Explain that have to cut down on you spending because of saving or debt." Suggest cheaper ways of having fun. If you chose 5, You are the lazy spender Once in a while, shop around for more affordable options in place of buying it first time round. If you chose 6, You are the bargain spender According to Martin Lewis of, ask yourself the following questions before buying something… Will you actually use it? Is it worth it? Will it really be more expensive elsewhere?

Albaraka Bank Proud Supporter of the YEF 'Hubb 4 Life' project 42 Klipfontein and Belgravia Roads, Ahtlone, 7764 Tel: 021 637 8800 Fax: 021 637 8805

Banking only one way, the Islamic way

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