Cms 1450 (ub-04) - Overview

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  • October 2019
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  • Words: 1,075
  • Pages: 73
UB-04 Overview

Medicare Part A Provider Outreach and Education

June 2007

IMPORTANT The information contained in this presentation was current as of June 2007 and can be found in Change Request (CR) 5593, Pub. 100-04, Transmittal 1254, dated May 25, 2007, which can be downloaded from:

Slide 2

UB-04 • Uniform bill for institutional providers. • Replaces the UB92. • Mandated May 23, 2007.

Slide 3

Patient Information

Form Locator 1 Billing Provider Information

Slide 5

Form Locator 2 Pay-to Name and Address

Slide 6

Form Locator 3 Patient Control Number/Medical Record Number

Slide 7

Form Locator 4 Type of Bill (TOB)

Slide 8

Form Locator 5 Federal Tax Number

Slide 9

Form Locator 6 Dates of Service

Slide 10

Form Locator 8 Patient’s Name

Slide 11

Form Locator 9 Patient’s Address

Slide 12

Form Locator 10 Patient’s Date of Birth

Slide 13

Form Locator 11 Patient’s Gender

Slide 14

Form Locators 12−15 Admission Date, Type and Source

Slide 15

Admission Type Examples Code





The patient requires immediate medical intervention as a result of severe, life-threatening or potentially disabling conditions.



The patient requires immediate attention for the care and treatment of a physical or mental disorder.



The patient’s condition permits adequate time to schedule the services.



Use of this code necessitates the use of special source of admission codes (Form Locator 15).



Visit to a trauma center/hospital as licensed or designated by the state or local government authority authorized to do so, or as verified by the American College of Surgeons and involving a trauma activation. (Use revenue code 068X to capture trauma activation charges.)


Information not available

Information not available.

Slide 16

Admission Source Examples Code



Physician referral


Clinic referral


HMO referral


Transfer from a hospital


Transfer from a Skilled Nursing Facility (SNF)


Transfer from another health care facility


Emergency room


Court/law enforcement


Information not available


Transfer from a Critical Access Hospital (CAH)


Transfer from another home health agency


Readmission to same home health agency


Transfer from hospital inpatient in the same facility resulting in a separate claim to the payer

Slide 17

Form Locators 16−17 Discharge Hour and Discharge Status

Slide 18

Discharge Status Code Examples Code



Discharged to home or self-care (routine discharge)


Discharged/transferred to a short-term general hospital for inpatient care


Discharged/transferred to an SNF with Medicare certification in anticipation of covered skilled care


Discharged/transferred to another type of health care institution not defined elsewhere in this code list


Discharged/transferred to home under care of an organized home health service organization in anticipation of covered skilled care


Left against medical advice or discontinued care



Slide 19

Form Locators 18−28 Condition Codes

Slide 20

Condition Code Examples Code 02 07 08 20 21

Description Condition is employment-related Treatment of non-terminal condition for hospice Beneficiary would not provide information concerning other coverage Beneficiary requested billing Billing for denial notice

Slide 21

Form Locator 29 Accident State

Slide 22

Form Locators 31−34 Occurrence Codes and Dates

Slide 23

Occurrence Code Examples Code 01 04 11 18 24

Description Auto accident Accident employment-related Onset of illness Date of retirement for patient/beneficiary Date insurance denied

Slide 24

Form Locators 35−36 Occurrence Span Codes and Dates

Slide 25

Occurrence Span Code Examples Code 74 76 77

Description Leave of absence Patient liability Provider liability

Slide 26

Form Locator 38 Responsible Party’s Name and Address

Slide 27

Form Locators 39−41 Value Codes and Amounts

Slide 28

Value Code Examples Code 12 37 50 53 80 81 82 83

Description Working aged Pints of blood furnished Physical therapy visits Cardiac rehabilitation visits Covered days Non-covered days Coinsurance days Lifetime reserve days Slide 29

Billing Information

Form Locator 42 Revenue Codes

Slide 31

Form Locator 43 Revenue Code Description

Slide 32

Form Locator 44 HCPCS Codes, Rates, HIPPS codes and Modifiers

Slide 33

Form Locator 45 Service Dates

Slide 34

Form Locator 46 Service Units

Slide 35

Form Locator 47 Total Charges

Slide 36

Form Locator 48 Non-Covered Charges

Slide 37

Line 23

Slide 38

Payer Information

Form Locator 50 Payer Name

Slide 40

Form Locator 51 Health Plan Identification Number

Slide 41

Form Locators 52−53 Release of Information and Assignment of Benefits

Slide 42

Form Locator 54 Prior Payments

Slide 43

Form Locator 55 Estimated Amount Due

Slide 44

Form Locators 56−57 National Provider Identifier (NPI) and Other Provider Identifier

Slide 45

Form Locator 58 Insured’s Name

Slide 46

Form Locator 59 Patient’s Relationship to the Insured

Slide 47

Patient’s Relationship Code Examples Code Description 01 Spouse 18 Patient is insured 19 43

Natural child/insured financial responsibility Natural child/insured does not have financial responsibility 22 Handicapped dependent 29/53 Life partner 32 Mother 33 Father Slide 48

Form Locator 60 Insured’s Unique Identifier

Slide 49

Form Locator 61 Insured’s Group Name

Slide 50

Form Locator 62 Insured’s Group Number

Slide 51

Form Locator 63 Treatment Authorization Codes

Slide 52

Form Locator 64 Document Control Number (DCN)

Slide 53

Form Locator 65 Employer’s Name

Slide 54

Diagnosis Information

Form Locator 66 Diagnosis and Procedure Code Qualifier

Slide 56

Form Locator 67 Principal Diagnosis Code and Present on Admission (POA) Indicator

Slide 57

POA Indicator Indicator







Clinically undetermined


No information in the record

Unreported or not used Exempt from POA reporting

Slide 58

Form Locator 67A−Q Other Diagnosis Codes and POA Indicator

Slide 59

Form Locator 69 Admitting Diagnosis Code

Slide 60

Form Locator 70 Patient’s Reason for Visit

Slide 61

Form Locator 71 Prospective Payment System (PPS) Code

Slide 62

Form Locator 72 External Cause of Injury (ECI) Code

Slide 63

Form Locator 74 Principal and Other Procedure Codes and Dates

Slide 64

Form Locator 76 Attending Provider’s Name and Identifiers

Slide 65

Secondary Identifier Qualifiers Qualifier 0B

Description State license number


Provider’s UPIN number


Provider’s commercial number

Slide 66

Form Locator 77 Operating Physician’s Name and Identifiers

Slide 67

Form Locators 78-79 Other Providers’ Names and Identifiers

Slide 68

Provider Type Qualifier Codes Qualifier DN

Description Referring provider


Other operating physician


Rendering provider

Slide 69

Form Locator 80 Remarks

Slide 70

Form Locator 81 Healthcare Provider Taxonomy Code (HPTC)

Slide 71

HPTC The Healthcare Provider Taxonomy Code (HPTC) list is available at:

Slide 72

UB-04 Overview Thank you for attending. [email protected]

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