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  • Words: 1,602
  • Pages: 8
E-Skills Content Management System

Jordy Van de Velde 201798834 Artevelde University College AY2018-2019

Table of content

Introduction............................................................................................................................................. 2 Analysis Criteria ....................................................................................................................................... 3 Feedly ...................................................................................................................................................... 4 Functionality ........................................................................................................................................ 4 Performance and stability ................................................................................................................... 4 The available business process modelling tools.................................................................................. 5 Connectivity to business systems ........................................................................................................ 5 Global and multicultural capability ..................................................................................................... 5 WordPress ............................................................................................................................................... 6 Functionality ........................................................................................................................................ 6 Performance and stability ................................................................................................................... 6 The available business process modelling tools.................................................................................. 6 Connectivity to business systems ........................................................................................................ 6 Global and multicultural capability ..................................................................................................... 6 Comparison and Conclusion .................................................................................................................... 7 Bibliography........................................................................................................................................... 7

Introduction In this report, I will comparing two CMS programs: Feedly and Wordpress. Both are mainly used a content curation tools, so to make blogs (although Wordpress has more things to offer, I will focus on its blog aspect). As you will read in my analysis, both share quite some similarities, but have their own unique features to make you decide which one you would rather use. First of all, what is CMS? CMS stands for content management system, and it’s a software application or set of related programs that are used to create and manage digital content. There are two types of uses: enterprise content management (ECM) and web content management (WCM). ECM is used in workplace environments to facilitate document management and many more things. WCM facilitates the collaborative authoring for websites. In this report, the analysis will be about the latter, as Feedly and Wordpress are more consumer-minded (Rouse, 2016).

Before discussing the criteria that will be used to make the analysis, let’s have a general look at the two system we’ll be analyzing. Feedly is content curation tool that compiles news feeds from different online sources for the user to customize and share with others. It wants to connect users with the information they find interesting, by means of RSS feeds, online storage and social media integration (Wikipedia, sd).

WordPress is a content management system that is most associated with blogging, but also supports other types of web content like mailing lists and forums, media galleries, and online stories. As previously mentioned, we’ll be analyzing its blogging feature. For the moment, WordPress is the most popular website management system in use, but we’ll see what Feedly has to offer to maybe counter this.

Now let’s have a look at the criteria we’ll be using.

Analysis Criteria Functionality: With this criteria, we’re going to check how each CMS program works and how easy it is to use their various tools and extensions. This is the most important criteria of all, because this will be a major deal breaker for the consumer when choosing the most appropriate program. We will also briefly check the compliance with standards. The available business process modelling tools: We’ll be trying out all of their various ways of presenting content. That being in different templates, schemes or orders. While doing this, there will be checked in what way this makes it more/less convenient to work with. Performance and stability: What does each CMS program have to offer? We’ll be looking at their various subscriptions plans (if there are any), what benefits come with them, their price and the necessity of it all. On top of that, we’ll see if each program is compatible with other devices or software. Connectivity to business systems: We’ll be looking at the possibilities of connecting the CMS program to other business systems. If they already do this, there will be checked in what way they do this, why and if this can be improved. Global and multicultural capability: One of the more interesting things to analyze, is if the system is easy to use for everyone. Different cultures may experience trouble using the CMS program, while others navigate through quite efficiently. We’ll look at the possibilities of improving this, and if it is actually necessary to do so. What will follow, is the actual analysis of the two CMS systems. This will be done separately for each system, and afterwards we’ll compare the two with each other.

Feedly Functionality Feedly allows you to manage al of your interests in one easy to read format, saving time on research and content sharing. It’s a great way of discovering everything you need to know in your interest field. Using it is quite easy and straight-forward. You can browse through content between the various categories, ranked on topic, and then you can relevant articles to your own personal board.

You can order everything on relevance, recency or popularity. Dropping your feeds is easy as well due to the ‘Organize’ button. It puts everything in a nice and easy layout that can be simply adjusted. There’s also an option to save articles for later, share content via external channels and to personalize your Feedly dashboard. Like I said, it’s straight-forward and everything can be found quite easily. This makes it a great tool for consumers just starting with content curation (Stretten, 2017).

Performance and stability There are 3 possible subscription packages for Feedly to “boost your productivity”. There’s the basic package, that lets you look up to 100 sources and 3 feeds. This one is free. The next, and most popular option, is the Pro package. This one lets you look into an unlimited amount of sources and

feeds, offers compatibility with a lot of external services, gets you new articles way faster, etc. This costs $5.41 per month. The third and final package you can upgrade to is the Teams package. This lets you use Feedly with an entire time to research and share key industry trends. It costs $18 per month per user. Obviously, the Teams package is only useful in companies. In my opinion, you can already find quite a lot with the Basic package, but for advanced curators, the Pro package has a lot more to offer (Feedly, sd).

The available business process modelling tools Feedly doesn’t offer that many different ways of presenting your articles. To be exact, they have 4 ways. These can be accessed on one of your boards. There is the possibility between Title-Only-, Magazine-, Cards- and Article View. Underneath, you can see an example of a board (presenting articles about the Climate March in Brussels) presented via a Magazine View.

Connectivity to business systems Feedly lets you connect your feed with hundreds of applications. The three most significant ones are Google Docs (send your content to use it into organized spreadsheets), Yammer (push articles into your Yammer feed) and Wordpress. Yes, Wordpress. Feedly and Wordpress work together to let you publish your articles on a Wordpress blog. If you upgrade to Pro, there’s even the possibility to link your feed with your LinkedIn, Evernote, Onenote, etc. So with Feedly you have the opportunity of connecting all your other programs with your content (Feedly, sd).

Global and multicultural capability As it is really easy to use, there shouldn’t be that much problem for different cultures to operate this program. The only problem I could find, is the fact that it is only in English. Consequently, the only articles you’ll find are from international papers. If you’re looking for really specific content, it’ll be difficult to get to it.

WordPress Functionality WordPress actually is a CMS that allows you to host and build websites. It contains plugin architecture and a template system to customize any website to fit your business, blog, portfolio or online store. We’ll focus on the blog aspect. WordPress allows you to post articles through one of your created websites. You can discover articles on the landing page, but unfortunately they’re not

ranked on category and it’s not possible to filter through them. The only you can do to find what you’re looking for, is via the search engine. Then again, you can do that on Google as well. On top of that, it’s possible to store articles in “My Likes” and there’s a tag section for all your interests. It’s easy to use, because there’s not much too it. For content curation, it’s a bit chaotic (Kristen, 2018).

Performance and stability WordPress doesn’t offer any packages for their blog part.

The available business process modelling tools The CMS program offers a large variety of themes which you can choose from. This lets everyone set their own unique tone to their blog. Then you can organize your blog in as many ways as you want. It’s more comparable with a website, than with a content curation tool.

Connectivity to business systems WordPress doesn’t let you work with other business systems, except for Feedly (cfr. Feedly: Connectivity to business systems).

Global and multicultural capability The same goes for WordPress as it goes for Feedly. Everything is in English, and articles not from international papers/sites will be harder to find. WordPress is also harder to use for cultures that don’t really learn to use computer programs at school. It’s not so clear what you can do with which button.

Comparison and Conclusion

In my opinion, Feedly is far better than WordPress. This due to it straight-forwardness and efficiency in usage. For beginners, as also for more advanced curators, Feedly has much more to offer. WordPress may be good on a lot of other tools, but content curation is not one of them.

Bibliography Feedly. (n.d.). Boost your Productivity. Retrieved from Feedly: Feedly. (n.d.). Do More Faster. Retrieved from Feedly: Kristen, B. (2018, November 2). How to Use WordPress. Retrieved from HubSpot: Rouse, M. (2016, June 1). Content Management System (CMS). Retrieved from SearchContentManagement: Stretten, A. (2017, June 12). How to use feedly. Retrieved from Frontier: Wikipedia. (n.d.). Feedly. Retrieved from Wikipedia:

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