Cl Proc Cat Expanse

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For questions 1 to 5: Based on the information provided in the questions, we can infer that JLM and ASC are the subjects taught in ‘P’ (5). From (4) and (5), it is clear that B is studying in ‘R’. From (1), it is also clear that FLG is taught in ‘Q’. So, D is studying in ‘R’ and got placed in ‘X3’. From (6), it is clear that E is studying ASC and got placed in ‘X4’.


9. 2



Nam e

1. 4

Subje ct

7. 5

8. 3
















∴ ∠MPT = ∠SPT − ∠SPM = 60° − 30° = 30°





∴ ∠TPQ = ∠OPQ − ∠MPT = 60° − 30° = 30°





∴ ∠PTQ = 180° − (∠TPQ + ∠PQT ) = 180° − (30° + 60° ) = 90°

2. 1

3. 5

4. 2


∠SPM = 90° − ∠OPQ = 30°

5. 5

In ∆PTQ :

Given that Reena belongs to family B. Therefore, Farah has to be the other twin baby girl as Maya and Shreya are sisters and the total number of girls in family B is 3. So, the value of ‘x’ is 8 + 5 = 13. Therefore, age of Shreya is 13 years. If Yasir occupies seat number 1, then the serial number of the seat on which the remaining persons can be seated are as follows: Numbers of the seats


2 or 3


2 or 3 or 4


4 or 5


5 or 6

Case I: Seat number 2 is unoccupied. Arafat will occupy seat number 3, Rasheed will occupy seat number 4 and similarly the serial number of the seat occupied by Ali and Rehman is 5 and 6 respectively. Total number of ways in which they can be seated = 1. Case II: Seat number 4 is unoccupied. Ali and Rehman will sit on seat number 5 and 6 respectively and Arafat can sit on either of the seats numbered 2 or 3. Total number of ways in which they can be seated = 2. Hence, total number of ways in which the mentioned 5 persons can be seated = 1 + 2 = 3.


PT QR 3 = sin 60° = = PQ PQ 2

2 3 Hence, option (2) is the correct choice. ⇒ Re quired ratio =

10. 1

Given that y = x × [x] and 8 ≤ x × [x ] ≤ 17.

y where ‘a’ is a positive integer. a As, y = x × [x]

Let x =

Given that Radha is elder than all the mentioned persons. So, Farah cannot be the other twin baby girl as then the age of Shreya will be equal to the age of Radha, i.e. 13 years. So, either Maya or Shreya is the other twin baby girl. So, the value of ‘x’ can be 11 or 8. Therefore, the age of Farah can be 6 or 3 years.






For questions 6 and 7: As per the information given in the question we know that Rita (family B) is one of the twin baby girls and is 8 years old. Also, Kaya (family A) is 9 years old and the age of Radha and Reena is 13 years and 7 years respectively. Let, the age (in years) of Maya, Shreya and Farah be (x – 3), x and (x – 5) respectively. We also know that Maya and Shreya are sisters. So, any one of the three persons Maya, Shreya and Farah can be the other twin baby girl. 6. 1


Unive r s ity Com pany


y y y × ⇒a=  a  a  a

for, y = 9, a = 3 y = 10, a = 3 y = 11, a = 3 y = 16, a = 4 y = 17, a = 4 ⇒ Total ‘5’ possible values of x. For questions 11 to 14: The total points given by the judges J1, J2, J3, J4 and J5 is 25, 20, 30, 20 and 20 respectively. Please bear in the mind that judges awarded distinct point to the candidates. The range of the possible points earned by the five contestants is given in the following table. Judge




Ranvir 5



1 or 2 or 3 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 or 4





0 or 2

0 or 2




1 or 2 or 4 or 5


1 or 2 or 4 or 5





0 or 3

0 or 3







0 or 4

0 or 4

11. 3

Minimum possible points earned by Sahil = 1 + 8 + 6 + 8 + 0 = 23.

12. 1

Maximum possible points earned by Ranvir = 5 + 2 + 5 + 3 + 8 = 23. Required percentage =

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23 × 100 = 20% 115

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13. 4

Given that the judge J2 and J4 gave the same points to Milind. This is only possible if both the judges gave 0 points to Milind because if Milind got 1 point from the judge J2, then Ranvir will also get 1 point from the judge J2 and this is not possible. Given that Samir got 4 points from judge J3, which means that Ranvir got 6 – 4 = 2 points from judge J3. The total points earned by Ranvir = 5 + 2 + 2 + 3 + 8 = 20.

14. 5

The range of the total points earned by all the five contestants is given below. Samir: 24 - 28 Milind: 22 - 27 Ranvir: 14 - 23 Sahil: 23 - 30 Arjun: 16 - 23 Therefore, both Ranvir and Arjun will definitely not earn more points than Sahil.

15. 1

Using statement A: Given equation is ax2 + 2bx + c = 0

17. 2

Using Statement A: Given that A + B > 123 There are two sets of values of A and B for which A + B > 123, (A = 90 and B = 36) and (A = 95 and B = 38) Hence, statement A is not sufficient to answer the question Using Statement B: Given that A + B > 132 A + B > 132 only for A = 95 and B = 38. So, the value of A is 95. Hence, statement B is sufficient to answer the question. Hence, option (2) is the correct choice.


2ac a+c Discriminant of equation = 4 (b2 – ac)

18. 3

Also, b =

Using statement B: Given that the quantity of water flowing through hole A in 3 minutes is same as the quantity of water flowing through hole B in 4 minutes. Therefore, the quantity of water flowing through hole A and hole B independently in 1 minute will be in ratio 4:3. Therefore, if hole A is closed and hole B is opened it will take

Therefore, the discriminant is ‘– ve’ and hence the roots of the given equation are not real. Hence, statement A alone is sufficient to answer the question. Using statement B: D = 4(b2 – ac) The information a > c and b > c is not sufficient to answer the question. Hence, statement B alone is not sufficient to answer the question. Hence, option (1) is the correct choice. Using statement A: Given that ∠BPC = 80°.

4 × 69 = 92 minutes to completely empty a full tank. 3 Hence, statement B alone is sufficient to answer the question. Hence, option (3) is the correct choice. 19. 4


Given that ∠BAR = 2∠ACB = 60°. But this information is also not sufficient to answer the question.

1 100  4 × 50 + 3 × + 2 × 25 + 1× 20  = 37 paise / kg. 10  3 

In order to make a profit of 20%, the selling price of the mixture will be 1.2 × 37 paise/kg = 20. 4

of AP and ∠BAR = 60°. Also, ∠BPA = ∠ACB = 30°.

∴ ∠PBA = 180° – (∠BAP + ∠BPA ) = 90°. Hence, AP will be the diameter and Q will be the centre of the circle that will circumscribe the quadrilateral BACP.

∴ ∠CQP = 2 (∠BAC – ∠BAR ) = 80°. Hence, option (4) is the correct choice.


100 paise / kg, 25 paise/kg and 20 paise/kg 3

respectively. They are mixed in the ratio 4:3:2:1. Let, the cost price of the mixture be ‘X’.

Using statement B:


The prices at which Ajay purchased 4 varieties of rice are 50 paise/kg,

∴ ∠BAC + ∠BPC = 180°. Therefore, BACP is a cyclic quadrilateral. But this information is not sufficient to answer the question. Hence, statement A alone is not sufficient to answer the question.

Combining both the statements together: We know that BACP is cyclic quadrilateral, Q is the mid point

Using statement A: If both the holes are opened, then it will take  69 × 92   69 + 92  minutes to completely empty a full tank.   Hence, statement A alone is sufficient to answer the question.

2  4a2c 2  a − c  = −4 ac − = −4ac   2 (a + c)  a + c  

16. 4

It is obvious that A > B. Also, since both A and B are two– digit numbers, therefore 9 < A < 100 and 9 < B < 100. Given that 2A = 5B, therefore A has to be a multiple of 5. The value of ‘A’ will be minimum when the value of ‘B’ is minimum, which occurs at B = 10. Possible values that A can take are 25, 30, 35,...90 and 95. Corresponding values of B will be 10, 12, 14,....36 and 38.

250 kg / Re. 111

Ratio of the sides of original cuboid = 60 : 40 : 30 = 6 : 4 : 3 Dimensions of the smaller cuboid not only should be multiple of 6, 4 and 3 as but should be factors of 60, 40 and 30 in the same order. Factors of 60 = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60) Factors of 40 = (1, 2, 4, 5, 8, 10, 20, 40) Factors of 30 = (1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 10, 15, 30) The possible dimensions of the smaller cuboid can be (6, 4, 3) (12, 8, 6) and (30, 20, 15) Hence number of cuboids could be  60 × 40 × 30   60 × 40 × 30   60 × 40 × 30    or   or    6 × 4 × 3   12 × 8 × 6   30 × 20 × 15  = 1000 or 125 or 8

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21. 1

26. 1

Let ∠DAC = x

As 80x = 4


80y = 5


80(x+y) = 20


⇒ ∠ABD = x + 36° A

80 x


or, 801 – x = 20 or 80 = 20 (1− x) (1 80 °– 2y)

x + 36 ° D

1− x − y


20 (1− x) = 20




If ∠FCD = ∠DFC = y


In the ∆ADC , x + y = ∠ADB = x + 36° (Exterior angle)

y (1− x)

⇒ y = 36° ⇒ ∠FDC = 108°

22. 2


Hence, m(m + 1) will only be divisible by 4 when ‘m’ is divisible by 4 or ‘m’ leaves a remainder of 3 when divided by 4.

For questions 24 and 25: Let the number of applicants in the Engineering, Medical Science, Commerce and Arts stream in 2007 be ‘x’, ‘y’, ‘z’ and ‘w’ respectively. Therefore, the number of applicants in the Engineering, Medical Science, Commerce and Arts stream in 2008 will be (x + 90000), (y + 21000), (z + 70000) and (w + 80000) respectively. So, x + y + z + w + 261000 = 400000 x 4 = 1600000. Or, x + y + z + w = 1339000. 24. 1

25. 2


80000  Required percentage =   × 100 = 5.97 % ≈ 6%  1339000 




y (1− x)

20 (80)y


20 =4 5

1 − x − y 1 − log80 4 − log80 5 log80 80 – log80 4 − log80 5 = = 1− x 1 − log80 4 log80 80 − log80 4

log80 4 = log20 4. ⇒ 20log20 4 = 4 log80 20

1 and x = 0 2 Which is impossible and hence many of you clicked option (5) Data inconsistent as your answer. Mind you when 80x = 4, x = log804 which is an irrational number, but while solving it above we preassign a rational value of to it.

or, x =

For questions 23 to 25: Given that the increase in the number of applicants in the Commerce stream in 2008 as compared to 2007 is 70000 and that the average number of applicants in the four given streams in 2008 is 400000.

So, the values of C, E and F will be (70000 – 21000 = 49000), (80000 – 90000 = – 10000) and (80000 – 70000) respectively. So, all the four options (1), (2), (3) and (4) are true.

20 1    201− x     


= 20

Special note: Look for the mathematical fallacy here:80x = 4 or (24.5)x = 22 or 24x.5x = 22 or, 24x–2.5x = 20.50 Equating the powers of 2 and 5 on both the sides, we get 4x – 2 = 0 and x = 0

Hence, for m = 3, 4, 7, 8, ... 27 and 28, m(m + 1) will be divisible by 4. Hence, there are 14 values of ‘m’ for which m(m + 1) is divisible by 4. Therefore, total number of terms common to the two given sequences is 14.

Therefore, the increase in the number of applicants in the Engineering stream in 2008 will be 70000 + 20000 = 90000. Thus, the corresponding increase in the number of applicants in the Medical Science stream in 2008 will be 90000 – 69000 = 21000 and subsequently the increase in the number of applicants in the Arts stream will be 21000 + 59000 = 80000.


(1− x) − (y) (1− x)

Alternative method: 3 80x = 4 and 80y = 5 ∴ x = log804 and y = log805

The nth term of the series 4, 8, 12, 16... 960 is 4n. The mth term of the series 2, 6, 12, 20, ... 930 is m(m + 1) and 930 is the 30th term of the series as: 2 = 1 × 2, 6 = 2× 3, 12 = 3 × 4, and so on. So, all the terms in the series 2, 6, 12, 20, ... 930 that are divisible by 4, will be there in the series 4, 8, 12, 16, ... 960.

23. 5

80 = 20 4 1


x + 36 °


80 x


27. 3

There are two possible cases Case I: Four letter word contains only one ‘a’ Case II: Four letter word contains three ‘a’ s Case I: Exactly two distinct letters are used (a) Other three letter are same in the word (a, b, b, b) (a, c, c, c) (a, d, d, d)

4! × 3 = 12 3! (b) Exactly three distinct letters are used in the word (a, b, b, c) (a, b, b, d) (a, c, c, d) (a, c, c, b) (a, d, d, b) (a, d, d, c) Total cases =

4! × 6 = 72 2! (c) Four distinct letters are used in the work (a, b, c, d) Total cases = 4! = 24 Total cases =

or One ‘a’ can be placed in any of the four places in ‘4’ ways and remaining three places can be filled by b, c and d in 3 × 3 × 3 ways ∴ Number of ways = 4 × 3 × 3 × 3 = 108 Case II: Possible cases are (a, a, a, b) (a, a, a, c) (a, a, a, d) 4! Total cases = × 3 = 12 3! Required no. of cases = 108 + 12 = 120

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28. 3

29. 4

Selling price of a shirt in the first month = Rs.(0.7 × 900) = Rs.630 Profit earned by selling 1 shirt in the first month = Rs.630 – Rs.300 = Rs.330. Selling price of a shirt in the second month = Rs.(0.5 × 900) = Rs. 450. Profit earned by selling 1 shirt in the the second month = Rs.450 – Rs.300 = Rs.150 Let, the number of shirts sold in the first month be ‘x’. ∴ 330x = 150(240 – x) ⇒ x = 75 Required difference = 240 – 2x = 90. In the given figure OE = OD = OC (Radii of the same circle) In the triangle ODC OC = OD(Radii of the same circle) Also, OC = OE = CD (given OE = CD) ∴ OC = CD = DO Hence all the three angles of the triangle ODC will be 60° In the ∆EAO EA = EO

So, neither D took a yellow ball nor did he took a red ball. Consider the statements made by D: We already know that statement II is false as F took a red ball. So, one of the statements I and III is true. It is also given that balls of two different colours were not taken by any of the mentioned persons. Case I: E took a yellow ball D must have taken a blue ball and balls of white and black colour are not taken by any of the mentioned persons. Case II: D took a green ball E could have taken either a white or a black ball. For four persons viz. A, F, C and B the exact color of the balls taken by them can be determined. 33. 3

Let ∠EAO = ∠EOA = x ⇒ ∠OED = 2x[Exterior Angle] ⇒ ∠OED = ∠ODE = 2x[As OE = OD] In the ∆DAC x + 2x + 60 + 60 = 180° ⇒ x = 20° ⇒ ∠ADC = 100°



2X 60







Considering the statements made by C, we can conclude that one of the two statements I and II must be true, which means that statement III is definitely false. Considering the statements made by B: We know that statement I is definitely false as A took a blue ball. Also, statement III is false. So, statement II made by B is true. Considering the statements made by F: We already know that A took a blue ball and C took a green ball. Hence, both the statements I and II are false and therefore statement III made by F is true. So, neither D took a yellow ball nor did he took a red ball. Consider the statements made by D: We already know that statement II is false as F took a red ball. So, one of the statements I and III is true. It is also given that balls of two different colours were not taken by any of the mentioned persons. Case I: E took a yellow ball D must have taken a blue ball and balls of white and black colour are not taken by any of the mentioned persons.


Case II: D took a green ball E could have taken either a white or a black ball. For questions 30 to 33: 30. 3

31. 4

32. 2


Considering the statements made by C, we can conclude that one of the two statements I and II must be true, which means that statement III is definitely false. So, A took a blue ball. Considering the statements made by C, we can conclude that one of the two statements I and II must be true, which means that statement III is definitely false. Considering the statements made by E and A: Both statements II and III by E state that B took a blue ball and hence both are false as only one statement made on B is true. So statement I of both A and E are correct. So, F took a red ball and B took a green ball. Hence statement II by A was false. So, C took a red ball.

If E took a yellow ball, then D must have taken a blue ball. So, it is correct. 34. 4

⇒ 1.44C = 240 + 400

∴ C = Rs. 35. 1

Considering the statements made by C, we can conclude that one of the two statements I and II must be true, which means that statement III is definitely false. Considering the statements made by B: We know that statement I is definitely false as A took a blue ball. Also, statement III is false. So, statement II made by B is true. Considering the statements made by F: We already know that A took a blue ball and C took a green ball. Hence, both the statements I and II are false and therefore statement III made by F is true.


Let, the amount that was invested by the man in the bank be ‘C’. 1.2(1.2C – 200) = 400

640 4000 = Rs. 1.44 9

Case I: The total number of factors of N is equal to 2. We know that only prime numbers have two factors. The total number of multiples of all prime numbers greater than 33 and less than 50 will be 2. Such prime numbers are 37, 41, 43 and 47. Case II: The total number of factors as well as multiples (below 100) of N is equal to 3: So, the number N should be less than 34 and more than 24 We know that only squares of prime numbers have 3 factors. There is only one square of a prime number in this range i.e. 25. So, a total of 5 such numbers exist.(37, 41, 43, 47, 25)

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36. 4

The nine consecutive integers can be from(1 to 9), (2 to 10), (3 to 11), (4 to 12), (5 to 13), (6 to 14), (7 to 15). Here we have not included (8 to 16) as they sum up to 108.Now the sums are 45, 54, 63, 72, 81, 90, 99. Thus there are 7 numbers less than 100 which can be expressed as a sum of 9 consecutive integers. The required sum (45 + 54 + 63 + 72 + 81 + 90 + 99) = 504.

40. 4

2009: No of Blackberry Mobile users = 9a No of Mobile users = (1.5)2 × M = 2.25 M Population = (1.1)2 × P = 1.21 P

For questions 37 to 40: Let us assume, x = Number of Blackberry Mobile users in a city as a percentage of the total Mobile phone users in that city. y = Number of Blackberry Mobile users in a city as a percentage of the population of that city. z = Number of Blackberry Mobile users in a city as a percentage of the total Blackberry Mobile users in the 8 cities. 37. 1

Required Percentage =


















42. 5

Only sentences C, D and E are correct. In sentence A, there should be no article before ‘climate’ as the sentence is referring to climate in general and not talking of the climate in a particular place. B is incorrect because it uses ‘off-peg’ instead of ‘offthe-peg’ which is an expression to denote something that is readymade.

43. 2

Only sentence A is correct. In sentence B it should be ‘a book about Lawerence’ ; a book is written about a person and on a subject-matter. C has a modifier error as ‘also’ is incorrectly placed, since the author in sentence A is talking about the author ‘making up his mind’, ‘also’ should modify the same phrase in sentence C, therefore it should come immediately before the phrase ‘made up my mind’ in sentence C. In its correct form C should read as ‘I had also made up my mind...’. The error in D is similar to B. In E ‘earlier’ should be used instead of ‘early’ as we are comparing the time-frames of two decisions.

44. 3

Only sentences D and E are correct. In A there is an inconsistency of a plural noun matching with a singular adjective- ‘social creature’ should read as ‘social creatures’ as it refers to ‘human beings’; also the sentence should not have the indefinite article ‘a’. In sentence B there should be no article before ‘company’ as the author is referring to company in a general sense; the correct sentence would read as ‘we like company’; The sentence should have ‘the’ before ‘trivial’. In sentence C there should be a restrictive clause represented through the relative noun ‘that’ as it defines the ‘obvious sense’; once in its correct form C should read ‘in the obvious sense that we each depend.....’

45. 1

All the sentences except for D are correct. D flouts the tense consistency that is maintained throughout the paragraph. It should read ‘have looked toward’ instead of ‘are looking toward’ to convey the meaning implied in the paragraph.

z 25  ⇒ Population of M = 60000 ×   = 60000 × k , where k = y  4  For the population of any city to be greater than one lac, 5 ‘k’ for a particular city should be greater than   3 By observation , we can see that for the cities R, C, S and V, 5 k is less than   . 3

39. 1

As there are total of 60000 ‘Blackberry Mobile’ users and 75000 Blackberries phones means there is a total of 15000 or 25%, extra Blackberries if each of the ‘Blackberry Mobile’ users take 1 ‘Blackberry Mobile’ each. Possible ways to distribute the rest 25% among the eight cities are(in percentage) as follows. (I) B × 1 + C × 2 = 15 × 1 + 5 × 2 = 25%. (II)

M × 1 = 25%.


D × 1 + C × 1 = 20 × 1 + 5 × 1 = 25%.


R × 1 + S × 1 + V × 1 = 8 × 1 + 9 × 1 + 8 × 1 = 25%.


R × 2 + S × 1 = 8 × 2 + 9 × 1 = 25%.


V × 2 + S × 1 = 8 × 2 + 9 = 25%.


J × 1 + B × 1 = 10 × 1 + 15 × 1 = 25%.


J × 2 + C × 1 = 10 × 2 + 5 × 1 = 25%.

Therefore, users of all the cities can hold more than one “Blackberry Mobile”.



3.5 × 100 = 7.23% 48.4

In the given paragraph only sentences C and D are correct. Sentence A is incorrect as it uses ‘from’ instead of ‘since’ to denote the time-frame of the G20 protests. Sentence B incorrectly uses ‘the’ before ‘number’. Here we are not referring to any specific group so the article before ‘number’ should be an indefinite one-’ a’. Sentence E should have ‘was sent’ instead of the incorrectly used ‘has been sent’ as we are referring to an action, which is indicated by a time reference, completed in the past.

As M has 9600 more black berry users than S Let the total number of Blackberry Mobile users be ‘a’. then, 0.16 of a = 9600 Hence, a = 60,000 Total number of Blackberry Mobile users in M = 4% Population(P) of M = 25% of 60000

 2.25  − 9   0.18  × 100 (1.21) 0.025

41. 4

It is clear from the table that C has the second highest density of Mobile users. 38. 5

(2.25M − 9a ) × 100 1.21P

  M  2.25   − 9  a    × 100 = = P 1.21  a

So the Density of Mobile users is same as the ratio of y to x. The table below depicts the Mobile density for different mentioned cities. Mobile Density

2007: Let the number of ‘Blackberry Mobile’ users, number of Mobile users and the population of city B be a, M and P respectively. a = 2.5% of P = 18% of M ...(i)

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46. 1

Paragraph four of the passage describes the self limiting mode adopted by the writers to the extent that all serious matters are addressed in the serious mode. The passage mentions the dominant Greek culture but it does not in any way become the reason for the preference. In fact the opening lines of the 4th paragraph blame the self-limiting approach on the writers. Hence options 3 and 5 can be ruled out. Options 2 and 4 are false. Culture is definitely a factor attributed but there is no socio-cultural pressure which is dominant. Also option 4 cannot be said to be the primary or intrinsic reason as it is assuming too much beyond the scope of the argument.

47. 5

Only option 5 did not contribute to the spread of tragedy. Options 1-4 are seen as responsible / contributory towards the reach and growth of the genre of tragedy.

48. 4

The author is critical of the obsession with tragedy. He believes that something is wrong with the modern literary novel. He is bold in his criticism; note the words “dull, bloody boring etc.” The author criticises the culture and writers. The sacrifices made to garner attention in international awards etc also attract the author’s criticism. More than sarcasm, analysis and a questioning or humorous stance, the author adopts a clearcut critical tone. Hence option 4 is becomes the correct answer choice.

49. 5

Options 1 and 2 talk only about Wittgenstein and leave out relativism. Option 3 has an incorrect cause effect relationship. Option 4 again has a cause effect relationship which cannot be substantiated by the paragraph. Only option 5 gives the correct summary though the order of the themes is interchanged. Wittgenstein comes second in the paragraph and Relativism comes first.

56. 5

All the options mentioned are just symptoms that were evident during the panic of 1819. None of them is a predominant factor. Hence 5 is correct.

57. 2

Eclogue is a short pastoral poem, usually in the form of a dialogue between shepherds. Similarly Madrigal is a type of 16th- or 17th-century part-song for unaccompanied voices, performed without musical instruments in which several singers sing different notes at the same time. Both the stem pair and option (2) are examples of a classification relationship.

58. 1

Paddock is an enclosed area used for pasturing or exercising animals. It also refers to an enclosure where race horses are saddled. Hence Paddock is a place where an animal is kept. A doctor is not a place where a stethoscope is kept. A prison is not necessarily a place where a buccaneer/a pirate is kept. An estuary is the mouth of a large river. So it is not a place where insects are kept. A refectory is the dining hall in an educational institution; again it has no connection with sheep. An apiary is a place where bees are kept.

59. 1

The words of the stem pair Obtrusion : Intrusion hint a similar meaning of unwanted involvement. Option (2) and (4) display opposites so cannot be valid options. Option (3) soreness: lesion has a Cause and effect relationship, which makes it an incorrect answer. Option (5) demonstrates an antonymous relationship hence it is incorrect. In Option (1) spuriousness: Facade, both words hint a similar meaning of falseness and resemble the Synonymous relationship like the stem pair.

60. 1

‘Venality’ is corruption. Honesty is its antonym. Verity means truthfulness and falsehood is its antonym. So (1) shares the same relationship as the pair in the question.

61. 2

Here the relationship is that of opposites. Bucolic-refers to village life and it is the opposite of Urban. Options 1, 3 and 4 have synonyms. In option 5, a fanatic is also a zealot. But a Choleric person is one who gets angry and hence is opposite to amiable.

62. 5

The passage uses the Dolly incident as an example to discuss that cloning is possible. It ends with –what should be our reaction to this fact?. So option 1 is a part of the passage. Option 2 has not been touched upon much in the passageonly in a small way in the last paragraph. Option 3 is again a small part of the passage. Option 4 forms a small part of the passage in the beginning. However the discomfort was soon dispelled as the author points out in the first paragraph. Option 5 is what the author is primarily trying to say in the passage. Throughout the passage, the author hints at the acceptance of cloning as a positive development.

50. 1

Options 2 leaves out metamorphosis and is also incomplete. Options 3 and 5 talk about evolution in a vague manner. They also leave out why a ‘theosophical’ diagram is needed. Option 4 talks about ‘liking of biologists’ which is nowhere expressed in the paragraph. So, only option 1 qualifies as a correct summary though it is too concise.

51. 4

Option 1 introduces a ‘may’ whereas the paragraph is assertive that Raga is inseparably linked to Rasa. Option 2 leaves out ‘Raga’ altogether. Option 3 is incomplete in its description of Raga as also the purpose. Option 5 becomes flawed towards the end – ‘association of Raga with Indian wisdom’ is general and not to the point. Option 4 gives a reasonably correct summary of the paragraph.

52. 3

Option 1 introduces a new concept ‘foreground’. Also it does not talk about the ‘human hell’. Option 2 leaves out the possible purpose of Liardet. Option 4 is incorrect and reads too much into the paragraph. Option 5 is incorrect in saying ‘clearly voices’ whereas the paragraph just hints that the purpose may be reform. Option 3 gives a correct and concise summary of the paragraph.

63. 1

The author mentions that bearing children for ill siblings and cloning are ethically similar- because both-children and clonescan be produced with a similar intention of giving a spare supply of body elements to siblings making option 1 correct. Options 2-5 are not seen to be comparable.

The very fact that notes were distributed in excess points to the fact that the regulation of the banks was improper. The anomalies were exposed only during the hour of crisis.

64. 5

The last paragraph describes cloning as an advantage and the author uses the words ‘gigantic leap’ earlier. Hence the passage may well be seen in the light of an advance for the process of cloning. Option 2 is a point that is not discussed in the passage. Options 3 and 4 are exaggerated.

65. 2

In course of means while something is going on, 1 is incorrect as it means at a suitable time, 3 is incorrect, as it means ‘because’. 4 means ‘because of’ and 5 is grammatically incorrect.

53. 5

54. 4

55. 1


Only option 4 is the correct answer choice it is evident from the first line of the 3rd paragraph. Options 1 and 3 are contradictory to the fact mentioned in the passage. Option 2 is not indicated anywhere in the passage. The passage does not allude to the sources of funds for the farmers except for a direct reference to the banks as the lenders. Hence option 1 cannot be inferred. All the other options can be found in the last two paragraphs of the passage.


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Proctored - Mock CAT 3

66. 3

Option 3 is correct, Penelope’s web means ‘An endless job.’ All the other options are incorrect.

67. 4

Option 4 is correct, fair and square means ‘honest and proper’, all the other options are incorrect.

68. 2

Option 1 is not something on which all trainers would agree. In fact Philips would not agree with this statement. Option 3 is again a statement which is too definitive and would be debated among trainers. Option 4 is incorrect as it is contrary to the facts in the passage. Option 2 is something on which most of the trainers would agree. Refer to the start of para 4.

69. 5

None of the options 1 to 4 are statements to which the author would definitely agree. Option 1 is a bone of contention among the trainers. Option 2 is Philip’s opinion-not the author’s. Option 3 is vague—since it looks like there is a lack of realization about the lack of time on the part of the people running the management courses. So the intent itself is missing, which is not correctly projected in Option 3. The author has not made any assertion like option 4 nor can it be inferred. Hence option 5.

70. 2

Option 2 is correct, as it is directly related to the preceding sentence and answers the first question. All other options are talking about something that takes place much later.

71. 4

Option 4 is the best answer as it is directly linked to the preceding sentence that talks about entrepreneurs. All the other options are not related to the preceding sentence.

72. 2

The paragraph talks about market inefficiencies that lead to the failure to calculate the costs of those who do not participate in transactions that financial institutions get into. These “externalities” are nothing but the losses suffered by the economy on account of transactions made by the financial system. Because of this the financial market fails to correctly evaluate risk and is ‘systematically inefficient’. Therefore option 2 is right.

73. 2

The opening lines discuss the main aspects of 20th century philosophical thinking which according to the author had two main parts. The author does not mention any other aspect of the thought process. Here analytical is close to questioning ; Option 1 is incorrect as it was the reason for the origin of the movement, Options 3 & 4 are ongoing aspects of both movements, Option 5 is false.

74. 4

The passage states that the problem of objectivity is created by the assumption that “ consciousness in taking something as object is “creative” of a boundary which cannot be crossed by consciousness”, making one deduce that this boundary creation leads to subjectivity. Options 1,2, 3 & 5 are incorrect because they are not alluded to with respect to the problem per se’.

75. 2

The paragraph mentions the integration of rules onto ontology, this reference alludes to the break in the logical structure of things. In simple words insertion of rules/imperatives makes it difficult to understand how things are logically integrated as a whole. Option 1 states a fact. It is directly given and hence not an implication, Options 3 and 4 are aspects of the principle which are again given. Option 5 is not implied at in the paragraph and is too generic.

76. 4

Option (1) is out of question as we can not infer that rents are low. Option (2) says that the landlords are interested only in rents, which is beyond the scope of information offered in the paragraph. Option (3) is incorrect as tenants are not in the



subject. The paragraph starts with a suggestion. This suggestion can come from any source be it an organization or an individual. Therefore option (5) lies beyond the scope of the given information. Option (4) fills the logical gap of more houses available for rent and rents coming down. Rents can come down when the supply exceeds demand and hence it is the correct answer. 77. 4

Option (1) is incorrect because it pertains to the preferences of the client. Also, this tends to weaken the above conclusion as it is the family businesses that would have been able to establish a good reputation more than individual restorers. Option (2) is inappropriate because it seriously weakens the above conclusion by stating that those generations who have been in this business for years are more knowledgeable and skillful than independent restorers. Option (3) challenges the basis of the argument by stating that the quality of restoration is most important rather than which party does the restoration. This does not strengthen the given conclusion as it seems to ignore the parties involved in the restoration process. Hence, it is incorrect. Option (4) is correct as it strengthens the above conclusion by highlighting the unique service provided by individual restorers in comparison to the service provided by others who are in this business for generations. Hence, since families in the restoration business are unable to match this service, they should think of getting into other professions. Option (5) does not have any impact on the argument because it explains what is needed while restoring a painting. This only elaborates on the technical process and does not affect the conclusion presented above. Hence, (5) is not the correct answer.

78. 5

Option (1) is incorrect because it does not have any impact on the argument. It just suggests that these developments happen at an early stage in life which has already been stated in the argument. Option (2) is incorrect as it does not highlight the flaw in the reasoning. It adds a parallel dimension to the situation given in the paragraph. Option (3) elaborates on the need for social skills and their impact on the child’s personality. It does not impact the argument in any other way and hence it is not the best choice. Option (4) suggests how others around the child can help him build his social skills. This provides an additional solution but does not present any flaw in the argument. Hence, it is incorrect. Option (5) is correct as the type of reasoning used in the question is: for Y to happen, X has to take place. If we can prove that X does not guarantee the occurrence of Y, it will help us to weaken the reasoning. Option (5) states that those students who have an interest in music are good at adapting to the environment and not vice-versa. This brings out the flaw in the reasoning.

79. 5

Mr. A is terminally ill and is going through insufferable pain. The court will turn down the plea of Mr. A only when the court is convinced that he is not terminally ill. The court is considering the recommendations of the group of doctors attending to Mr. A but there some doctors from the fraternity who believe that he has not been treated properly for the disease. This can raise doubts about the deteriorating condition of Mr. A; hence the court can reject the plea for euthanasia. Options (2) and (3) do not hold true as Mr. A is considered to be terminally ill and these go against the basic premises of the case. Option (4) is out of question as the court has turned down the plea so the court, anyway, has given a verdict in the matter. Option (1) is beyond the scope of the argument.

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Proctored - Mock CAT 3

80. 1


Option (1) is the best choice because it is within the purview of the argument. It is clear that the government plans to take these steps in the hope of meeting the requirement for parking space in the city. This can be inferred from the given argument as it is in sync with the government’s intentions presented above. Option (2) is incorrect because it suggests that diversion of traffic from neighbouring areas creates further problem; however, this cannot be justified from the argument. Option (3) cannot be inferred from the argument because the argument pertains to the problem of parking space in public areas within the city and not residential areas. Hence, this is an incorrect inference. Option (4) is incorrect because it cannot be inferred from the argument. The argument does not refer to the problems related to following traffic rules. The behaviour of the drivers on the road is also not discussed in the argument which is why no inference can be drawn on this basis. Option ( 5) is wrong because it shifts the blame on the incompetence of the traffic control department which is not discussed above. This inference is out of scope of the given argument and hence is incorrect.


MBA Test Prep

Proctored - Mock CAT 3

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