Ciu Graduate Catalog 2009-2010

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Graduate School Academic Catalog

7435 MONTICELLO ROAD POST OFFICE BOX 3122 COLUMBIA, SOUTH CAROLINA 29230-3122 [803] 754.4100 / 1.800.777.2227 WWW.CIU.EDU

2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

TABLE OF CONTENTS ADMISSIONS ..........................................................................52 Who Should Apply? ............................................................53 Admissions Procedures ......................................................53 General Admissions Requirements ....................................54 Specific Requirements ........................................................54 MABT....................................................................................54 MACNS ................................................................................55 MA TEFL/ICS........................................................................56 M.Ed. ....................................................................................56 Ed.D. ....................................................................................57 Prerequisite Policy................................................................57 International Applicants ......................................................58 Non-Degree Students ..........................................................58 Non-Accredited Degrees ....................................................59 Probationary Acceptance ....................................................59 Transfer Credit ......................................................................60 Instances of Fraud ..............................................................60 Veterans ................................................................................60 Return after Absence ..........................................................60 CIU Graduates......................................................................60

PRESIDENT’S LETTER ............................................................4 INTRODUCTION........................................................................5 History ....................................................................................6 Purpose ................................................................................6 Mission....................................................................................7 Educational Philosophy..........................................................7 Educational Goals ..................................................................7 Doctrinal Standards................................................................8 Denominational Relationships ..............................................8 Accreditation and Recognition ..............................................9 Facilities ..................................................................................9 Ben Lippen School ..............................................................10 Radio Stations ......................................................................10 DEGREES/PROGRAMS OF STUDY ....................................11 Programs of Study ..............................................................12 Certificate in TEFL................................................................14 Masters of Arts in Bible Teaching........................................16 Masters of Arts in Counseling ............................................18 Masters of Arts in Teaching—Early Childhood and Elementary Education ..............................................21 Masters of Arts in TEFL/ICS ................................................25 Masters of Education in Educational Administration..........27 Masters of Education in Curriculum and Instruction ..........29 Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership ................32

FINANCIAL AID ......................................................................61 Federal Financial Aid............................................................62 Federal Financial Aid – Eligibility ........................................62 Federal Financial Aid – Types ............................................62 Federal Work-Study (FWS) ..................................................62 Federal Stafford Loans (FSL) ..............................................62 Federal Financial Aid – How to Apply for Federal Aid........63 Summer Students ................................................................63 International Students ........................................................63 Institutional Financial Aid ....................................................63 Institutional Financial Aid – Eligibility ..................................63 Institutional Financial Aid – How to Apply ..........................64 Institutional Scholarships — Funding Requirements ........64 CIU Grants and Scholarships ..............................................64 Spouse Tuition Benefits ......................................................64 The Guest Pass....................................................................64 The Partners in Ministry Scholarship ..................................64 Private Foundations ............................................................64 Other Aid Sources................................................................65 Veteran’s Benefits ................................................................65 Interest to Veterans ............................................................65 Vocational Rehabilitation benefits........................................65 Financial Aid Policy for Satisfactory Academic Progress ..........................................................65 Qualitative Measures............................................................65 Quantitative Measures ........................................................65 Appeals ................................................................................66 Procedures ..........................................................................66 Financial Aid Refund Policy ................................................66 Student Rights Statement ..................................................67 Scholarships, Endowments and Grants..............................68 STUDENT LIFE....................................................................73 Spiritual Life..........................................................................74 Growth in Community ..........................................................74

ACADEMIC INFORMATION ..................................................37 Academic Catalog and Degree Change ............................37 Academic Load ....................................................................37 Academic Petitions ..............................................................37 Academic Probation ..........................................................37 Advanced Placement or College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Credit ....................................................38 Assignments, Attendance and Examinations ....................38 Auditing ................................................................................38 Award Credit Practice ..........................................................39 Commencement ..................................................................39 Degree Change ....................................................................40 Dismissal ..............................................................................40 Dual Degrees ........................................................................41 Enrollment Information ........................................................41 Educational Resources ........................................................41 Faculty Directed Studies (FDS) ..........................................43 Grading ................................................................................43 Plagiarism ............................................................................44 Readmission ........................................................................45 Student Assessment for Institutional Improvement............45 Transfer Credit Policy ..........................................................46 Transcript Requests ............................................................47 Withdrawal............................................................................47 EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES ........................................49 Accelerated Studies (Summer and Winter) ........................50 Distance Education ..............................................................50 Seminary & School of Missions ..........................................50 Undergraduate School ........................................................51


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

Student Rights & Responsibilities ......................................75 Authority of the University ..................................................75 Scriptural Commands and Clear Teaching ........................75 Scriptural Principles Contextually Applied at CIU ............75 The University and the Law ................................................76 University Practices ............................................................76 Academic Responsibilities ..................................................76 Basic Rights of Students ....................................................77 Student Discipline ................................................................78 Student Complaint and Grievance Policy ..........................78 Academic Grievance Procedures........................................78 General Grievance Procedures............................................79 Student Services ..................................................................81 Athletics/Physical Fitness ....................................................81 Career Services ....................................................................81 Chaplain Services ................................................................81 Food Services ......................................................................81 Health Services ....................................................................81 Housing ................................................................................82 International Students ..........................................................82 Koinonia Food Co-op ..........................................................82 Married Student Services ....................................................82 Post Office ............................................................................82 New Student Orientations....................................................82 COURSE DESCRIPTIONS ....................................................83 FACULTY ................................................................................110 Resident Faculty ................................................................111 Adjunct Faculty ..................................................................114 BOARD & ADMINISTRATION ............................................118 ACADEMIC CALENDAR ......................................................121 MAPS......................................................................................123


Dear Prospective Student, INFLUENCE. Probably not the first word that comes to mind as you make your decision on where to further your education. Yet this word is actually one of the most important words to consider because no matter where you earn a higher academic degree, you will be influenced. Let me explain. WILLIAM H. JONES PRESIDENT

You perhaps have friends who attended colleges where the influence of the world eroded their Christian convictions. Whether through the influence of a faculty member or roommate, eventually their love for the Lord Jesus grew cool. At CIU, we will influence you as well. But not from the perspective of the world. We want to influence you from the perspective of the Word of God. We desire to provide you with the education you need to further your education, and develop Christlike character in your life – the whole life training you need to serve the Lord. INFLUENCE. It’s an important word. Come to CIU and let us influence you, as you influence the world for Christ. This catalog contains information about studying and living at CIU. But it may not tell you everything you want to know. If we can help you personally, please call (800) 777-2227 or e-mail the Admissions Office at [email protected] to discuss your specific needs or questions with one of our counselors. Yours for His glory,

William H. Jones, President


I n t ro d u c t i o n

This catalog is not a contract. Every effort has been made to reflect accurately the curricular programs and degree requirements at the time of publication. But the Columbia International University Graduate School reserves the right to change curricula and requirements at any time. Columbia International University Graduate School admits students of any race, color, and national or ethnic origin.

2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog


development, biblical training and ministry skills development. From the early years until the present, CIU has focused on five core values: Authority of Scripture, Victorious Christian Living, World Evangelization, Prayer & Faith, and Evangelical Unity.

Columbia International University (CIU) was born from a prayer group of six women who sought the Lord for a means to evangelize and disciple mill workers of Columbia. The results went beyond their expectations. The CIU ministry was founded in 1923 as Columbia Bible School, occupying the former Colonia Hotel in downtown Columbia in 1927. We became Columbia Bible College in 1930, one of the first four-year Bible colleges. Graduate courses were first offered in 1936, marking the beginning of what is now Columbia International University Seminary & School of Missions. The school moved to its present 400-acre campus in suburban Columbia in 1960. We changed our corporate name in 1994 to Columbia International University and, in 1999, a third higher educational division, the Graduate School, was formed to offer professional training in education and counseling.

The school’s first class boasted seven students. Currently, CIU enrollment includes nearly 1,000 students including several hundred students involved in non-traditional and distance education programs. Approximately 16,000 students have received training at CIU. Hundreds of alumni serve in the majority of the countries of the world, making CIU a leader in training laborers for the harvest. CIU serves students from over 40 states and more than 30 foreign countries, although the majority of students come from five southeastern states. More than 52 church denominations and independent fellowships are represented in the faculty and student body. CIU graduates serve in vocational Christian ministries and within the marketplace. Approximately 30 percent of CIU graduates work in cross-cultural contexts. Other CIU ministries include Ben Lippen School (K4-12) and radio stations 89.7 WMHK in Columbia and New Life 91.9 WRCM in Charlotte, N.C.

Robert C. McQuilkin was CIU’s first president, holding the office until his death in 1952. He was succeeded by G. Allen Fleece, who led the ministry until 1966. Robertson McQuilkin, son of the first president, served from 1968-1990. Johnny V. Miller, CIU faculty member and former pastor, served as president from 19911999. George Murray was appointed to the presidency in 1999. Dr. Murray served in missions leadership for 30 years and on the CIU board for 15 years. Dr. Bill Jones became president of CIU in 2007 after serving on the faculty of CIU for 17 years.

Purpose Columbia International University (CIU) is a multi-denominational Christian higher education institution dedicated to preparing Christians to serve God with excellence. Its educational divisions offer degree programs ranging from associate to doctoral level. All postsecondary programs emphasize spiritual formation, mastery of biblical content and interpretation skills, cultivation of a biblical worldview, and ministry skills development, the latter through field education, practicum and internship experiences.

CIU was founded for the purpose of preparing students “To know Him and to make Him known,” as our ministry’s motto states. That purpose for our higher education divisions remains the same to this day. The Undergraduate School, Graduate School, and Seminary & School of Missions offer regionally and professionally accredited courses of study ranging from one-year certificates through the doctorate. All programs emphasize spiritual


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog


Educational Philosophy

Columbia International University educates people from a biblical worldview to impact the nations with the message of Christ. Our purpose is summarized in our motto, “To know Him and to make Him known.” The curriculum and community life at CIU are designed to provide a dynamic context in which students are assisted and encouraged to pursue the following goals:

It is the intention of the Graduate School to include in its educational values a full commitment to biblical literacy coupled with a ministry orientation and marketable, professional skills. To fulfill the Great Commission in a variety of settings, graduates must have a biblical servant-leader orientation and refined professional skills. The programs of the Graduate School require demonstrated excellence in areas of value, inquiry, knowledge and practice.

• Know Christ by learning submission to His Lordship and dependence on the Holy Spirit, thus making progress in conforming to His image.

Educational Goals 1. Spiritual Formation with a Christian Virtues Basis The Graduate School aims to develop in students a deepening relationship with and submission to Christ and to the Bible as the authoritative Word of God, a Christian ethic and lifestyle, healthy interpersonal relationships, and the ability to build collegial relationships as a source of support and encouragement.

• Know the Word by gaining mastery of its content and understanding of its meaning, by assimilating and applying its truth, and developing skill in the use of study tools. • Know oneself by an increasing awareness of spiritual gifts and personal potential. • Know people by becoming sensitive to their needs, the contexts in which they live, and by improving communication with them, whatever their culture.

2. Academic Excellence with Bible Core The Graduate School aims to develop in students the ability to articulate a biblical model for one’s chosen professional discipline, the knowledge base and skills needed for professional practice, an understanding of the theory of the discipline, the ability to articulate major teachings of the Bible and to interpret and apply the Bible to contemporary culture, and lifelong habits of professional reading, reflection and reasoned discussion using revealed truth for critiquing contemporary culture and building a Christian worldview.

• Know the skills required in one’s area of service. We provide the faculty and resources for learning and the incentive and curricular guidance necessary for progress toward these goals. We expect students to involve themselves in the spiritual, academic, social, and physical dimensions of CIU life. As they do, they come “to know Him” better and are able “to make Him known” more effectively. We believe that God’s purpose for Columbia International University corporately, and for its faculty and students individually; can be achieved only by the supernatural work of the Holy Spirit through yielded believers.

3. Vocational Effectiveness with a Ministry Skills Foundation The Graduate School aims to develop in students a knowledge of and commitment to the ethical code integral to their profession, a biblical servant-leader orientation, a world Christian perspective including intercultural sensitivity and skills, and dedication to the life and work of the local church.

The mission of the Graduate School is to develop competence in students by fostering growth in biblical knowledge, spiritual maturity, ministry orientation and the professional skills necessary for service in a variety of cultural contexts.


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

Doctrinal Standard

we live by the Spirit, by the Spirit let us also walk” (Gal. 5:16-25; Col. 2:6). The Christian’s responsibility and his normal attitude of life is to yield himself to God (Rom. 6:13), trusting God to keep him.

Teaching at Columbia International University is based on the great fundamentals of the Christian faith, all of which center in the person of Jesus Christ, our crucified, risen, and glorified Savior and Lord. The following, together with other Christian principles of doctrine and practice, including the affirmation of the full trustworthiness of Scripture, which in its original writing was verbally inspired and without error, shall be the basis of the faith and doctrine of the Columbia International University:

• Christian “living” includes Christian service, the winning of souls around us, and the preaching of the gospel in the uttermost parts of the earth. In carrying on this work there is needed the supernatural power of the Holy Spirit which is granted to every believer as he yields and trusts (Acts 1:8; 1 Cor. 12:7; Eph. 3:20; Acts 5:32). In all of this service, prayer is to have the central place (Jn. 14:12-14; Eph. 6:18, 19).

• The Bible is the inspired Word of God, the written record of His supernatural revelation of Himself to man, absolute in its authority, complete in its revelation, final in its content, and without any errors in its teachings.

• Jesus Christ will come again to earth the second time (Heb. 9:28), personally (Acts 1:11; 1 Thess. 4:16), bodily (Acts 1:11; Col. 2:9), and visibly (Matt. 26:64; Rev. 1:7). His coming will precede the age of universal peace and righteousness foretold in the Scriptures (Matt. 24:29, 30, 42; 2 Thess. 2:7, 8; Rev. 20:1-6). (Candidates for graduation need not affirm the premillennial position.)

• All men in their natural state are lost, alienated from God, spiritually dead: “All have sinned, and fall short of the glory of God” (Rom. 3:23). • Salvation is only by grace, a free gift of God, through faith in the Lord Jesus, who died for our sins according to the Scriptures (1 Cor. 15:3). Those who thus receive Christ by faith have their sins forgiven (Eph. 1:7), their hearts cleansed (Acts 15:9), are born of the Spirit, become children of God (Jn. 1:12, 13), and are made new creatures in Christ (2 Cor. 5:17).

Denominational Relationships Although Columbia International University is denominationally unaffiliated, it seeks to serve a variety of evangelical denominations and independent congregations. The faculty and student body reflect church affiliations across a broad spectrum of North American and non-North American denominations and church fellowships. Students find exposure to persons from various ecclesiastical traditions, who are united in their commitment to evangelical orthodoxy, an enriching and beneficial experience. CIU prepares its students to return to the denomination or church tradition that nurtured them. The following affiliations are typically represented on campus:

• God is One God, Who reveals Himself in three Persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Jesus Christ, as the Scriptures affirm, is the Son of God and Son of man. He was born of a virgin and is Himself very God. The Scriptures also declare the deity and personality of the Holy Spirit. • Our Lord Jesus rose from the dead in the same body that was laid to rest in the tomb (Jn. 20:25-27). The bodies of all believers who die will be raised from the dead, and they will receive an incorruptible body like His glorious body (1 Cor. 15:53; Phil. 3:21). All other men shall be raised unto “the resurrection of judgment” (Jn. 5:28, 29).

African Methodist Episcopal Evangelical Free Church of America African Methodist Episcopal Zion Freewill Baptist

• Christians, born of the Spirit, are to live the new life in the present power of the Spirit. “If

American Baptist


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

Independent Baptist Churches

programs by the South Carolina Department of Education, which is affiliated with the National Association of State Directors of Teacher Education and Certification (NASDTEC).

Assemblies of God Independent Churches Associate Reformed Presbyterian Synod National Baptist Convention

Students wishing to reach accrediting or certification agencies may do so by contacting them at the following addresses:

Christian and Missionary Alliance Pentecostal Church of God in Christ

Association for Biblical Higher Education 5575 S. Semoran Blvd, Suite 26 Orlando, FL 32822-1781 Telephone: (407) 207 0808

Presbyterian Church in America Church of the Nazarene Presbyterian Church, various Conservative Baptist Association

Southern Association of Colleges and Schools 1866 Southern Lane Decatur, GA 30033-4097 (404) 679-4500

Southern Baptist Convention Episcopal United Methodist Church

Accreditation and Recognition

South Carolina Office of Teacher Education and Certification 1600 Gervais Street Columbia, SC 29201 (803) 734-9929

Columbia International University is: • Accredited by the Commission on Colleges of the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools to award degrees at the associate, baccalaureate, master’s, first professional, and doctoral degree levels.


• Chartered as a collegiate institution by the state of South Carolina, and is authorized by the state of South Carolina to grant such degrees as the Board of Trustees shall determine.

Columbia International University’s 400-acre suburban campus overlooks the Broad River just north of Columbia. It is easily accessed from Interstate 20. Since the campus was occupied in 1960, numerous facilities have been constructed so that currently the campus houses 21 major buildings including residence halls, graduate and undergraduate classroom buildings, Shortess Chapel, Rossi Student Center, a fitness center, a modern cafeteria/dining facility, Ridderhof Media & Music Center, Fleece Library, an alumni ministry center, and more. Following is a brief overview of some key facilities.

• Authorized under Federal law to enroll nonimmigrant alien students. • Recognized by the Selective Service System. • A member of South Carolina Independent Colleges and Universities. • Listed in Accredited Institutions of Postsecondary Education • Listed in Education Directory (Higher Education).

Fisher Classroom Building: This two-story, airconditioned facility contains the offices of the undergraduate academic dean and several faculty members.

• Approved by the State Approval Agency, South Carolina Department of Education, state of South Carolina, to train persons under the Veterans Administration Programs.

Schuster/McQuilkin Complex: Completed in the fall of 1998, the Schuster Building joins the McQuilkin building in housing faculty and

• Approved at the graduate levels for elementary and early childhood teacher education 9

2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

administrative offices for both the Graduate School and The CIU Seminary & School of Missions. Counseling labs, research and conference rooms, a student lounge, classrooms, and a 90-seat auditorium are located here as well.

owns two suite-style housing facilities known as the Clusters and on-campus houses for graduate students. Each on-campus residential facility includes a community kitchen, laundry room and lounge.

Shortess Chapel: With a seating capacity of 1,000, Shortess Chapel accommodates the entire undergraduate school, graduate school, and seminary family for daily chapel services and special monthly prayer days. Concerts, assemblies, conferences, and major social events frequently occur in Shortess.

CIU Village: Approximately 100 families live in the “CIU Village,” a comfortable mobile home community on the campus. CIU owns a few mobile homes and rents them to students. Current CIU students own most of the homes and as these students complete their studies, they sell the homes to incoming students.

Ridderhof Media/Music Center: Completed in 1987, the Ridderhof Center (named for CIU’s first alumna, Joy Ridderhof) houses the student computer lab, as well as offices and resources for several undergraduate programs including music and communications. The Ministry Resource Department and Hoke Auditorium, a 500-seat concert hall/auditorium, are also here.

Ben Lippen School Ben Lippen, a Scottish phrase meaning “mountain of trust,” is the name for an evangelical Christian school for grades K4-12. Founded in 1940 by Robert C. McQuilkin, CIU’s first president, Ben Lippen continues to strive toward Dr. McQuilkin’s goal of teaching young people that there is “life in abundance” (John 10:10) for those who follow Jesus Christ as Lord. The school is college preparatory, coeducational, and receives both resident and day students. The Ben Lippen family consists of students from a wide range of cultures and backgrounds. As many as 30 foreign countries and 25 states have been represented in a single year. Some students come from homes of missionaries, pastors, and other full-time Christian workers. Others come from families representing all areas of professional and educational careers. This “melting pot” of young men and women offers an educational experience in itself. The proximity of Ben Lippen School to Columbia International University provides an opportunity for convenient Christian schooling for children of CIU students.

G. Allen Fleece Library: The Library provides a collection of over 150,000 book and media items (print and non-print) and 10,000 visual aids for student teaching. The Library subscribes to some 300 journals with journal holdings representing over 1,000 titles. In addition, access to over 90 electronic databases, many of which are full text, is available through the library website and at the computer work stations in the library. The library participates in an interlibrary loan program through the Online Computer Library Center network of over 60,000 libraries worldwide. Moore Fitness Center: The Moore Fitness Center is a corporate facility shared by students, faculty, staff and alumni. Additional recreational facilities include lighted outdoor tennis, basketball and volleyball courts, soccer and softball fields, a track, and area trails.

Radio Stations

Rossi Student Center/Dining Complex: This building provides multi-purpose recreational and relaxation areas in addition to a modern cafeteria, snack facilities, post office and campus bookstore.

WMHK Radio (89.7 FM) This 100,000-watt station broadcasts Bible-centered programming and music to Columbia and central South Carolina 24 hours a day. WRCM Radio (91.9 FM) This 10,000-watt FM station broadcasts Bible-centered programming and music to the Charlotte/Wingate, N.C. area 24 hours a day.

On-Campus Residential Facilities: Over 400 students live on the CIU campus. In addition to six traditional dormitory residences, CIU also


P ro g ra m s o f S t u d y

2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog


gram in the Fall semester and complete the program over a three-year period, although a twoyear process is possible under certain circumstances. A practicum experience and 600 hours of internship training are included in the course requirements.

This TEFL certificate program is designed for those already involved in Christian ministry who are interested in teaching English as an additional avenue for outreach. The five courses of the certificate provide basic teaching theory and skills and an understanding of how language works. The Certificate in TEFL program focuses on providing introductory level TEFL training for people who expect to be involved in volunteer English teaching. (Students who desire more training for full-time TEFL should apply to the MATEFL/ICS degree program.)

In addition to our LPC track, with its six concentration choices, the MA in Counseling program offers a LMFT track. This track prepares students for Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) certification. Students will be equipped to sit for the National American Marriage & Family Therapy Examination (AMFTRB). For those students who wish to be dual licensed, the MA in Counseling offers a Dual LPC & LMFT licensure track, which only requires two additional courses to our LMFT track. The purpose of the MA in Counseling program is not only to prepare students to be licensed professionals in the mental health field, but also to be effective leaders who integrate counseling research and skills with biblical truth in corporate, private, cross cultural, Christian and secular settings. The program is designed for persons with at least 15 semester hours of undergraduate work in psychology. Throughout the program, students develop their foundation of biblical understanding through seminary-level coursework, small group experiences, evangelism and missions training, and chapel participation. Into this biblical framework, students integrate their psychological studies, examining research, theory and clinical application in light of revealed truth. Clinical skills are developed through class and lab exercises, preparing students with treatment models designed for individual, couples, families, and groups. Practicum and internship experiences allow students to implement and sharpen the skills they are learning. The goal of this program is to develop students to be effective clinicians, mature leaders, and agents of spiritual transformation and health.

Master of Arts in Bible Teaching This program is specifically designed to prepare students to teach the Bible in a school setting. In three semesters of study (fall, spring and summer), students with a Bible background, (an undergraduate degree in Bible, a Bible certificate or a total of 30 hours of coursework in Bible), build a knowledge of best education practices. Students explore every aspect of Bible curriculum, from the “big-picture” of K-12 curriculum to appropriate daily lesson plans. Classroom management and the role of technology in the classroom are also addressed.

Master of Arts in Counseling The Master of Arts in Counseling program is designed to produce well-qualified, healthy clinical counselors and/or marriage and family therapists who understand how to facilitate emotional healing and spiritual transformation. Emphasizing a practitioner approach, the program prepares students for Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) certification. The program is designed to meet the licensure requirements of any state, and will equip the student for either the National Counselor’s Examination (NCE) or National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Examination (NCMHCE), and for continuing studies at the doctoral level. Generally, students enter the pro-


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

Master of Arts in Teaching in Early Childhood and Elementary Education

degree consists of an education core, a Bible core and a concentration. The Educational Administration concentration prepares students to work as Christian school administrators in the United States or around the world. The program can be completed in three summers with nine (9) hours being done through Independent Distance Learning (IDL) or four summers all on campus. The Curriculum and Instruction concentration is for those educational practitioners who are interested in moving to a master teacher level in their area of interest. Four areas of concentration are offered: School guidance, learning differences, English as a second language, and curriculum generalist in elementary or secondary education. This program can be completed in three summers if nine (9) hours are taken by IDL classes, or four summers entirely on campus. The development of additional online M.Ed. courses is being explored. Refer to the website for up-to-date listings of the courses.

The Master of Arts in Teaching program in Early Childhood Education (PK-3) and Elementary Education (2-6) seeks to create a learning environment that provides models, growth experiences, and communities of practice for equipping Christian educators who make wise decisions as they create effective learning communities. We are “Equipping Discerning Educators.” The program attempts to provide each prospective teacher with a broad program of historical perspective and current trends, learning and teaching theories and practical application of these theories in the classroom. The entire early childhood and elementary school curricula are addressed (science, language arts, reading, math, social studies, physical education, health, safety, and the fine arts). Content knowledge is a prerequisite for methodology courses. Candidates completing the specified requirements are eligible for teacher certification in South Carolina as well as with the Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI). The program is designed to be completed in four successive terms. New students are currently not being accepted into the MAT program.

Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership The Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership is designed to meet your professional development needs as a Christian educational leader. Birthed from CIU’s long-standing commitment to Christian school and Christian college education, the Ed.D. program aims to develop you as a Christian educational leader who will lead, model, think, communicate, and research with excellence.

Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Foreign Language/Intercultural Studies This degree program provides vocational training at the professional level in Teaching English as a Foreign Language. That is, it prepares students for teaching English in a non-English speaking culture. The curriculum emphasizes both practical and theoretical aspects of teaching English within a framework of heightened cultural awareness and linguistic skill development. All new students to this program must enter in the fall semester because of course sequencing.

Master of Education The Master of Education degree is designed for those already working in a K-12 school setting who are interested in further training. The


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog


Admission Requirements

This TEFL certificate program is designed for those already involved in Christian ministry who are interested in teaching English as an additional avenue for outreach. The five courses of the certificate provide basic teaching theory and skills and an understanding of how language works. For international students whose first language is not English, a score of 100 on the Internet-based, 250 on the computer-based or 600 or above on the paper version of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is required before being admitted into the TEFL certificate program.

Students must fulfill specific admission requirements prior to admission to the program (see Admissions for detailed information). Students taking the certificate who want to continue on in the MATEFL/ICS program must complete the additional admission requirements (including prerequisites) for that program. Note: Applicants cannot apply for this program online. Request a paper application from the Graduate Admissions Office by calling (800) 777-2227, ext. 5335, e-mailing [email protected] or by writing the office at Columbia International University, P.O. Box 3122, Columbia, South Carolina 29230-3122.

Purpose The Certificate in TEFL program focuses on providing introductory level TEFL training for people who expect to be involved in volunteer English teaching. (Students who desire more training for full-time EFL teaching should apply to the MATEFL/ICS degree program.)

Course of Study w TEFL Core ................................................9 hours

Objectives On completion of the Certificate in TEFL, the graduate will be able to demonstrate the following:

LNG 5710

Theoretical Foundations for Language Teaching ..................3

LNG 6740

Techniques of TEFL: Listening, Speaking & Reading ......................3

LNG 6745

Techniques of TEFL: English Structure & Writing ........................................3

w Linguistics Core ......................................3 hours LNG 6650

English Syntax ..................................3

w Practica and Internships ..........................1 hour

• Command of the concepts and terminology of the major divisions of descriptive linguistics in order to be able to put them to use in the language classroom.

LNG 6910

TEFL Practicum ................................1 - or -

LNG 6911

• Ability to analyze ESL students’ language in order to diagnose language learning needs and design appropriate instruction.

TEFL Practicum ................................1

w Total Required Hours............................13 hours

• Basic ability to teach listening, speaking, reading, and writing at novice, intermediate, and advanced levels of proficiency. • Basic ability to develop and evaluate language teaching materials. • Basic ability to use English teaching as a ministry


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog Certificate in TEFL continued…

Residency Requirements No transfer credit is approved for this program. All courses must be taken at CIU.

Time Limitation The time limitation for completion of all requirements is two years measured from the date a student enrolls in on-campus coursework in the Certificate in TEFL program.

Completion Requirements • Students must complete 13 hours of specified course work with a minimum GPA of 2.7 and no grade below a “C” in order to receive the Certificate in TEFL. Note: It is the student’s responsibility to be sure that all requirements are met.


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog


• Teachers who have the ability to establish positive, professional relationships with supervisors, co-workers, and students.

This program is specifically designed to prepare students to teach the Bible in a school setting. In three semesters of study (fall, spring and summer), students build a knowledge of best education practices on previous Bible background. Students explore every aspect of Bible curriculum, from the “big-picture” of K-12 curriculum to appropriate daily lesson plans. Classroom management and the role of technology in the classroom are also addressed.

Admission Requirements Students must fulfill specific admissions, undergraduate background content course, foundational Bible/theology courses (an undergraduate degree in Bible, a Bible certificate or a total of 30 hours of coursework in Bible) and prerequisite requirements prior to admission or acceptance into candidacy (see Admissions for detailed information).


Course of Study

The purpose of the Bible Teaching program is to develop the ministry skill of teaching Bible in Christian and public schools in North America, government and missionary children’s schools overseas, and for other areas of Christian work where a Bible teaching ministry is exercised.

w Foundational Core ................................11 hours

Objectives In addition to objectives of the Graduate School, the objectives of the Bible Teaching program are to develop the following teacher competencies:

EDU 5330

Nature of the Learner*1 ....................2

EDU 5440

Teaching Bible* ................................3

EDU 6231

History and Philosophy of Education*..................................3

EDU 7300

Biblical Foundations for Curriculum*1 ............................3

w Program Core ........................................24 hours

• Teachers who understand the purpose of the Bible and how to prepare lessons and curriculum from the Bible that reflect that purpose, using sound principles of biblical interpretation. • Teachers who formulate lesson and curricular objectives in line with the pattern of biblical revelation.

BIB 5901

Field Education in Bible Teaching................................1

EDU 5400

Principles of Bible Curriculum Design* ........................3

EDU 5452

Student Teaching Seminar: Bible Teaching* ..............................3

EDU 5453

Applied Methods of Teaching Bible* ............................3

EDU 5443

Directed Teaching of Bible* ..............6

EDU 5451

Methods of Teaching Bible* ..............3

EDU 5485

Education Technology ......................3 Bible, Theology, or Education Elective** ........................................2

• Teachers who can design and teach curricula that integrate biblical truth into major disciplines such as philosophy, family life, and church history on a secondary level.

Total Required Hours ................................35 hours *

This course must be taken at CIU. Policies governing transfer credits are outlined in the Admissions section of this catalog. ** This elective selection must be approved by advisor. 1 This course is also available in IDL (independent learning) format through the Distance Education Center.

• Teachers with the ability to relate the principles of the Scripture being taught to the needs of individuals and groups. • Teachers who have the ability to apply the principles of the teaching-learning process to the teaching of Bible. 16

2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog Master of Arts in Bible Teaching continued…

Student Teaching

Graduation Requirements

Application for student teaching must be submitted to the director of the Bible Teaching program during the fall semester, and students must maintain a 2.7 grade-point average during this period. Students must have met all the criteria for participation in the program prior to the student teaching semester, including a Bible teaching assignment in Field Education during the fall semester approved by the director of the Bible Teaching program.

• Admission to candidacy in the MABT program. • Completion of 34 hours of specified coursework with a minimum GPA of 2.7 and no grade lower than a “C.” • Completion of Graduation Application. Applications must be received by the Registrar’s Office by no later than the announced dates. Candidates should check with the Registrar’s Office to determine the appropriate dates.

Time Limitation The time limitation for completion of all requirements is six years measured from the date a student begins coursework in the MABT program.

Note: It is the student’s responsibility to be sure that all prerequisite, course and degree requirements are met. Students must also petition any changes to the curriculum as outlined in this catalog at least one semester prior to graduation.

Residency Requirements Course credits earned at another institution may be counted toward the MABT degree, but the majority of the course credits required for the degree must be taken at CIU. Transfer credit must be approved by the student’s advisor and the dean. Additional policies governing transfer credit are outlined in the Admissions section of this catalog. Courses in the MABT program that must be taken at CIU and are not eligible for transferred credit are indicated in the Course of Study above.


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog


of biblical understanding through seminary-level coursework, small group experiences, evangelism and missions training, and chapel participation. Into this biblical framework, students integrate their psychological studies, examining research, theory and clinical application in light of revealed truth. Clinical skills are developed through class and lab exercises, preparing the student with treatment models designed for individuals, couples, families and groups. Practicum and internship experiences allow students to implement and sharpen the skills they are learning. The goal of this program is to develop students to be effective clinicians, mature leaders, and agents of spiritual transformation and health.

The Master of Arts in Counseling program is designed to produce well-qualified, healthy clinical counselors and/or marriage and family therapists who understand how to facilitate emotional healing and spiritual transformation. Emphasizing a practitioner approach, the program prepares students for Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) certification. The program is designed to meet the licensure requirements of any state, and will equip the student for either the National Counselor’s Examination (NCE) or National Clinical Mental Health Counseling Examination (NCMHCE), and for continuing studies at the doctoral level. Generally, students enter the program in the fall semester and complete the program over a three-year period, although a two-year process is possible under certain circumstances. A practicum experience and 600 hours of internship training are included in the course requirements.

Admission Requirements In addition to satisfying the general admissions requirements for the CIU Graduate School, students applying to the Master of Arts in Counseling program must satisfy the following:

In addition to our LPC track, with its six concentration choices, the MA in Counseling program offers a LMFT track. This track prepares students for Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist (LMFT) certification. Students will be equipped to sit for the National American Marriage & Family Therapy Examination (AMFTRB). For those students who wish to be dual licensed, the MA in Counseling offers a Dual LPC & LMFT licensure track, which only requires two additional courses to our LMFT track.

1. Evidence of ability to successfully pursue an academic program. Students must have a 3.0 GPA minimum in previous study in psychology, or scores above the 50th percentile on the Graduate Record Examination in Psychology, or a satisfactory score on the Life Skills Rating Assessment. 2. Appropriate academic undergraduate background. Previous background in psychology is expected of students entering the MACNS program (see Prerequisite Policy). Students must have one of the following:

Purpose The purpose of the MA in Counseling program is not only to prepare students to be licensed as professionals in the mental health field, but also to be effective leaders who integrate counseling research and skills with biblical truth in corporate, private, cross-cultural, Christian and secular settings. The program is designed for persons with at least 15 semester hours of undergraduate work in psychology. Throughout the program, students develop their foundation

a. an undergraduate major in psychology b. at least 15 hours of psychology coursework, including: • General Psychology or Introduction to Psychology • Abnormal Psychology • Research Design/Statistics • Personality Theory • Developmental Psychology


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog Master of Arts in Counseling continued…

Students without 15 hours of prescribed psychology courses can be conditionally accepted pending successful completion of prerequisite requirements, however, they will not be allowed to take certain counseling courses until corresponding prerequisites are met.

• Bible ................................................3 hours Select one from the following, or an undergraduate equivalent of a Bible survey course

3. Assessment. Students must receive satisfactory results on the MMPI-2 (interpretive report reviewed with student at the time of interview).

Note: Students not meeting the psychology coursework requirement may complete undergraduate psychology courses through the CIU Undergraduate division or transfer in credits from other accredited institutions. Course Credit Transfer Policy: A maximum of 12 credits will be considered for transfer toward the clinical counseling core from another accredited school. No transfer of credit will be accepted for the following courses: CNS 5312 and 6312 Personal and Spiritual Development I and II, CNS 6410 Counseling Techniques, CNS 6911 Diagnostic Practicum, CNS 6300 Integration of Theology & Psychology, CNS 6931 Supervised Internship 1, CNS 6932 Supervised Internship 2, CNS 6936 Supervised Internship 3. Students must fulfill specific admission and undergraduate psychology course prerequisite requirements prior to admission or acceptance into candidacy (see Admissions for detailed information).

CNS 6312

Gospels ............................................3

BIB 5133

Acts-Revelation ................................3

BIB 6310

Progress of Redemption ..................3

CNS 6410

Counseling Techniques ....................3

CNS 5420

Psychopathology ..............................3

CNS 5330

Professional Ethics ............................3

CNS 5310

Counseling Theory ............................3

CNS 6210

Prep for Clinical Practice ..................1

CNS 5410

Research Statistics............................3

CNS 5075

Cross Cultural Counseling ................3

CNS 6310

Human Development ........................3

CNS 6430

Appraisal of Individuals ....................3

CNS 6911

Diagnostic Practicum ........................3

CNS 6440

Groups Counseling............................3

CNS 6810

Career Counseling ............................3

CNS 6931

Supervised Internship 1 ....................3

CNS 6932

Supervised Internship 2 ....................3

Select one LPC Track Concentration: Marriage: CNS 6710

Marriage Counseling ........................3

CNC 6411

Sexuality Counseling ........................3

Family: CNS 6820

Family Systems Theory ....................3

CNS 6821

Family Therapy ..................................3

Children: CNS 6431

Assess. & Tx Child Disorders............3

CNS 6432

Cns. Children & Adolescents ............3


• Bible/Theology, required ..................................12

CNS 5312

Prophets ............................................3

BIB 5132

• Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) ........18

• Bible/Theology Core ..............................15 hours

CNS 6300

BIB 5113

Select one of the following licensure tracks:

Course of Study

THE 6310 OR 6320

Gen-Song of Solomon ......................3

• Counseling Core ....................................28 hours

4. Interview. Students must successfully interview with a counseling faculty member.

BIB 5410

BIB 5112

Basic Biblical Hermeneutics..............3 OR an undergraduate equivalent Systematic Theology I; Systematic Theology II ......................3 OR an undergraduate equivalent Integration of Theology & Psychology ..................................3 Personal & Spiritual Development I; AND Personal & Spiritual Development II 3

CNC 6410

Crisis Counseling ..............................3

CNC 6441

Counseling Grief & Loss....................3

Addictions: CNC 6412

Addiction Counseling ........................3

CNC 6411

Sexuality Counseling ........................3



CNC 6330

Church & Mission Health ..................3

CNC 9474

Clinical App. Member Care ..............3

2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog Master of Arts in Counseling continued…

but the majority of the course credits required for the degree must be taken at CIU. Transfer credit must be approved by the student’s advisor and the dean. Additional policies governing transfer credit are outlined in the Admissions section of this catalog. Courses in the MACNS program that must be taken at CIU, and are not eligible for transferred credit are indicated in the Course of Study above.

• Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist (LMFT) ..............24 hours CNS 6820

Family Systems Theory ....................3

CNS 6710

Marriage Counseling ........................3

CNS 6821

Family Therapy ..................................3

CNS 6431

Assess. & Tx Child Disorders............3

CNS 6931

Supervised Internship 1 ....................3

CNS 6432

Cns. Children & Adolescents ............3

CNS 6936

Supervised Internship 3 ....................3

CNS 6932

Supervised Internship 2 ....................3

Students with an existing master’s degree may take up to 12 counseling course credits as non-degree seeking students with permission from the counseling program’s director. Internship courses are open only to MACNS students.

Total Hours for LPC Licensure Track: ............61 Total Hours for LMFT Licensure Track: ..........67 Total Hours for Dual LPC & LMFT Licensure Track: ..........................................73* *(add to LMFT track, CNS 6440 Groups Counseling, and CNS 6810 Career Counseling)

Graduation Requirements


Students must satisfy the following requirements in order to graduate:

Admission to Candidacy in the Clinical Counseling Program is a checkpoint to ensure that the student is progressing appropriately in their professional skills, academic understanding, and personal and spiritual development in order to continue toward graduation. Application should be made at the completion of seven selected core clinical courses and at least eight weeks before the start of the student’s internship. The Faculty Review Panel will be conducted within the month of May for students planning on starting their internships in the Fall semester. All undergrad psychology prerequisites need to be successfully completed and credits transferred to CIU before candidacy can be granted. Students are responsible for submitting their Application to Candidacy to the Program Director.

• Admission to candidacy halfway through the student’s program. • Completion of all practicum, candidacy and internship requirements. • Completion of all required hours of specified course work with a minimum GPA of 3.0 with no grade lower than a “C.” • Satisfactory faculty advisor recommendation based upon emotional, spiritual, and professional health and maturity. • Completion of Graduation Application. Applications must be received by the Registrar’s Office by no later than the announced dates. Candidates should check with the Registrar’s Office to determine the appropriate dates.

Time Limitation The time limitation for completion of all requirements is five years measured from the date a student is admitted to candidacy in the MACNS program.

Note: It is the student’s responsibility to be sure that all prerequisite, course and degree requirements are met. Students must also petition any changes to the curriculum as outlined in this catalog at least one semester prior to graduation.

Residency Requirements Course credits earned at another institution may be counted toward the MACNS degree, 20

2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog


Blocks I and II (see catalog descriptions). Blocks III and IV require full day attendance. The MAT program director is available to assist students in planning their degree programs.

The following information regarding this program is included for the benefit of the students currently in the program. New students are currently not being admitted to the MAT program.

Vision and Theme: Equipping Discerning Educators We envision a learning environment that provides models, growth experiences, and communities of practice for equipping Christian educators who make wise decisions as they create effective learning communities.

In keeping with the institutional mission of Columbia International University, the MAT program seeks to create a learning environment that provides models, growth experiences, and communities of practice for equipping Christian educators who make wise decisions as they create effective learning communities. We are “Equipping Discerning Educators.” The entire early childhood and elementary school curricula are addressed. Content knowledge is a prerequisite for methodology courses.

Purpose and Unit Outcomes We strive to produce Christian educators who are • involved LEARNERS, • effective PRACTITIONERS, • and authentic PROFESSIONALS so they can make wise decisions as they create effective learning communities.

Students (referred to as candidates herein) completing the specified requirements will be recommended for teacher certification in South Carolina, which has a reciprocal agreement with many other states. Since certification requirements vary from state to state, candidates are advised to make themselves familiar with the requirements of the states in which they may want to teach. Candidates completing the program requirements will be eligible for recommendation for South Carolina certification in the following areas: Early Childhood (PK-3) and Elementary (2-6). Candidates will also be recommended for Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) certification.

Candidate Proficiencies Candidates will demonstrate that they are becoming “Discerning Educators” when they demonstrate the competencies that show they are: • Learners who know content, children, and pedagogy. • Planners who demonstrate effective planning and preparation for instruction. • Presenters who model effective educational methodology, communication, and technology techniques. • Evaluators who assess, diagnose, and monitor individual needs to implement differentiated instructional opportunities.

The MAT program is also designed to meet the timing needs of individuals. Candidates may begin the course of study at the beginning of the fall or spring semesters. Either starting time provides a complete educational experience; however, starting in the fall semester is recommended. The program requires four terms of full-time study to complete (fall, spring, summer, fall). Courses are scheduled from 8:00 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. each day (Monday to Friday) during

• Managers who create and effectively manage a nurturing environment. • Partners who collaborate with the child, family, community, and other professionals. • Professionals who are committed, reflective, model educators who learn from experience and contribute. 21

2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog Master of Arts in Teaching, Early Childhood, & Elementary Education continued… 2 Courses taken during summer terms require full-day attendance. 3 In order to be recommended by CIU for ACSI certifica-

Admission Requirements Candidates must fulfill specific admission, undergraduate background content course, and foundational Bible/theology course prerequisite requirements prior to admission or student teaching placement (see Admissions for detailed information).

tion this course must be taken at CIU. 4 Student teaching will be completed in a Columbia, S.C. area public school and is full time. 5 Candidates who began in the previous spring semester will register for this course.

Course of Study


MAT candidates must complete all MAT courses as listed in the MAT Course of Study. Candidates may enter at either the fall or spring semester.

As candidates journey through the MAT program, milestones are reached that serve as a time for reflection and planning. These are specific points in their learning journey where competencies will have been met. These milestones are:

w MAT Orientation+ ....................................0 hours EDU 5101

Program Orientation ..........................0

• Milestone 1: Program Admission

w MAT Block I — Teaching and Learning with Literacy and Technology1 ........................10 hours EDU 5545

Classroom Assessment ....................2

EDU 5619

Teaching Literacy and Technology ....6

EDU 5541

Learning Environment and Classroom Management ..................................2

EDU 6901

Authentic Professional Experiences 5 ............................0-3

• Milestone 2: Involved Learner Review • Milestone 3: Effective Practitioner Review • Milestone 4: Authentic Professional Review • Milestone 5: Student Teaching Admission • Milestone 6: Student Teaching Exit • Milestone 7: Graduation

w MAT Block II — Teaching and Learning with Content1 ............................................13 hours EDU 5331

Understanding the Learner ..............3

EDU 5810

Students with Diverse Needs............2

EDU 5600

Teaching the Content Areas ..............6

EDU 5660

Integrating Enrichment Areas............2

• Milestone 8: Program Completion Specific dates, deadlines and competencies for each milestone are detailed in the MAT Candidate Tour Book (Handbook).

w MAT Block III — Teaching and Learning Foundations2..............................................11 hours EDU 5444

Transformational Education ..............3

EDU 6231

History and Philosophy of Education3 ................................3

EDU 7300

Biblical Foundations for Curriculum ................................3

EDU 6140

Connecting with Families and Communities ..................................2

Field Experiences (Practicum) and Clinical Practice (Student Teaching) MAT candidates participate in a variety of carefully planned and sequenced field experiences. Candidates progress from structured observations in a wide variety of settings during the fall Block I, to tutoring, small group, and whole class instruction in two placements during the spring Block II, and then finally to full responsibility for the teaching process in a classroom during Block IV student teaching. Block I and II field experiences are integrated within candidate coursework, with candidates spending approximately three to four days in the university classroom and one to two days in the field experience classroom each week. During Block

w MAT Block IV — Clinical Practice (Student Teaching) 4 ....................................9 hours EDU 5931

Student Teaching with Seminar ........9

Total Required Hours with Student Teaching ..............................43 hours + Must be taken the first semester of enrollment. 1 Practicum hours are required as part of these courses.


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog Master of Arts in Teaching, Early Childhood, & Elementary Education continued…

IV student teaching, candidates are placed in a local, public school classroom full time. In addition to coursework, field experience, and competency requirements before student teaching, candidates must have a “cleared” status on an FBI fingerprint and background check. (Eligible applicants who have prior arrests and/or convictions must undergo a review by the State Board of Education and be approved before a certificate can be issued to them.) Candidates must also take the required Praxis II exams before entering student teaching. Candidates are not permitted to be employed during student teaching.

Graduation Requirements Candidates must satisfy the following requirements in order to graduate: • Completion of Milestones 1-6. • Completion of MAT Course of Study. • Completion of all Bible/theology and content prerequisites. • Maintaining a grade point average of 2.70 or above and receiving no grade below “C.” • Have taken the required Praxis Exams. • Completion of Graduation Application form. Applications must be received by the Registrar’s Office no later than the announced dates. Candidates should check with the Registrar’s Office to determine the appropriate dates

Student teaching can be waived with a portfolio of evidence validating both experience and classroom competency. Experience must include at least three years of full-time teaching in the area of certification. The portfolio must include letters of recommendation, annual evaluations, and documents verifying ADEPT proficiency. Individuals requesting this exemption should discuss their experience with the MAT program director. Candidates granted this exemption will enroll in EDU 6480 Professional Portfolio Development (1).

Note: It is the candidate’s responsibility to be sure that all prerequisite, course and degree requirements are met. Candidates must also petition any changes to the curriculum as outlined in this catalog at least one semester prior to graduation.

Program Completion Requirements

Residency Requirements

Candidates must successfully satisfy the following requirements in order to complete the MAT program:

Policies governing transfer credits are outlined in the Admissions section of this catalog. Due to the specific design of the MAT program, transfer credit may be received on a limited basis and will be no more than 12 hours. Candidates wishing to receive transfer credit for the MAT program should consult with the program director.

• Completion of Milestone 7 Graduation. • Achieving “B” or better in Clincal Practice (Student Teaching). • Achieving at least passing scores (as set by the South Carolina Department of Education) on the two Praxis II exams required for Elementary Education (Elementary Education: Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment and Elementary Education: Content Area Exercises) and/or on the Praxis II exam required for Early Childhood Education (Education of Young Children).

Time Limitation The time limitation for completion of all requirements is five years measured from the date a candidate is admitted into the MAT Program (Milestone 1). Candidates are normally expected to complete the program in four consecutive semesters.


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog Master of Arts in Teaching, Early Childhood, & Elementary Education continued…

• Achieving at least passing scores (as set by the South Carolina Department of Education) on the professional knowledge Praxis II Exam (Principles of Learning and Teaching: Grades 4-6).

The application for initial licensure in South Carolina includes a fingerprint review to determine any criminal history, state or federal. Eligible applicants who have prior arrests and/or convictions must undergo a review by the State Board of Education and be approved before a certificate can be issued to them. The requirements for a teaching credential in South Carolina are subject to change by the State Board of Education and the South Carolina General Assembly during the period for such credential. The Graduate School, therefore, may revise the MAT program at any time and cannot assume responsibility for such changes or additional courses that new state standards may require.

• Achieving of at least the minimum acceptable competency level rating on each of the seven candidate proficiencies. • Program Completion Requirements must be met within two (2) years of completing Milestone 7 (Graduation) or candidates must reapply to the Professional Education Program and complete additional requirements as outlined by the Professional Education Committee and according to the catalog in effect at that time.

Candidates who wish to be recommended for Association of Christian Schools International certification must meet the following requirements:

NOTE: Additional Program Requirements: Candidates for the Master of Arts in Teaching program must fulfill all requirements as stipulated by the catalog. Additional program requirements found in the MAT Student Handbook must also be fulfilled for successful program completion.

• Completion of EDU 6231 History and Philosophy of Education at CIU with a grade of “C” or better. • Completion of Milestone 6 with a grade of “B” or better in Clinical Practice.

Certification Recommendation Requirements

• Completion of Milestone 7.

Candidates who wish to be recommended for South Carolina state initial certification must meet the following requirements:

Note: Candidates desiring ACSI certification must read and sign the ACSI Doctrinal Statement and Institutional Recommendation form.

• Completion of Milestone 8 Program Completion. • Submission of Application for Educator Certificate to the Director of Field Experiences.


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog


• Professional knowledge of English grammar.

This degree program provides vocational training at the professional level by preparing students for teaching English in a non-English speaking culture. The curriculum emphasizes both practical and theoretical aspects of teaching English within a framework of heightened cultural awareness and linguistic skill development. For international students whose first language is not English, a score of 100 on the Internet-based test, 250 on the computer-based test or 600 or above on the paper version of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) is required before being admitted into the MATEFL/ICS program. All new students to this program must enter in the Fall Semester because of course sequencing.

• Ability to teach listening, speaking, reading, and writing at novice, intermediate, and advanced levels of proficiency.


Admission Requirements

The MATEFL/ICS program is designed to do the following:

Students must fulfill specific admission and foundation Bible/theology course prerequisite requirements prior to admission to the program (see Admissions for detailed information).

• Ability to develop and evaluate language teaching materials. • Ability to plan language courses and assess all areas of language skills for the purpose of proficiency, placement and achievement testing. • Understanding of the dynamic cultural forces which affect life and ministry in a second culture. • Ability to use English teaching as a ministry.

• Prepare professional teachers of English as a foreign language with the necessary knowledge base and skills to teach in an effective, culturally sensitive way.

Course of Study w TEFL Core ............................................12 hours

• Prepare graduates to take up leadership roles in the field of teaching English as a foreign language.

LNG 5710

Theoretical Foundations for Language Teaching ........................3

LNG 6740

Techniques of TEFL: Listening, Speaking & Reading ......................3


LNG 6745

Techniques of TEFL: English Structure & Writing ............................................3

LNG 6831

Curriculum, Testing & Administration for Language Programs ................3

On completion of the MATEFL/ICS program, the graduate will be able to demonstrate the following:

w Linguistics Core ......................................6 hours

• Command of the concepts and terminology of the major divisions of descriptive linguistics in order to be able to put them to use in the language classroom.

LNG 6114

Introduction to Linguistics ................3

LNG 6650

English Syntax ..................................3

w Intercultural Studies Core ......................9 hours ICS 5031

The Mission of God ..........................3


• Ability to analyze ESL students’ language in order to diagnose language learning needs and design appropriate instruction.

ICS 5050


Perspectives on the World Christian Movement ....................................3

2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog Master of Arts in TEFL/ICS continued…

OR ICS 6040

faculty. Any student not satisfying the requirements is advised in writing of appropriate remediation steps or, in limited cases, of the need to withdraw from the program.

Cultural Anthropology ......................3

OR ICS 6092

Strategies for Kingdom Advance ....3


Electives ............................................6

Time Limitation The time limitation for completion of all requirements is six years measured from the date a student begins coursework in the MATEFL/ICS program.

w Practicums and Internships ..................4 hours LNG 6910

TEFL Practicum 1..............................1

LNG 6911

TEFL Practicum 2..............................1

LNG 7970

TEFL Internship* ..............................2

Residency Requirements

w Total Required Hours............................31 hours

Course credits earned at another institution may be counted toward the MATEFL/ICS degree, but the majority of the course credits required for the degree must be taken at CIU. Transfer credit must be approved by the student’s advisor and the dean. Additional policies governing transfer credit are outlined in the Admissions section of this catalog. Courses in the MATEFL/ICS program that must be taken at CIU and are not eligible for transferred credit are indicated in the Course of Study above.

* This course is generally completed in the summer following the completion of all other coursework. Policies governing transfer credits are outlined in the Admissions section of this catalog.

Continuance Requirements Student performance in the MATEFL/ICS program is checked periodically to insure that the student is progressing appropriately toward meeting program objectives. The following requirements must be met by all MATEFL/ICS students:

Graduation Requirements

• Maintaining a minimum GPA of 2.7 with no grade below a “C.”

• Students must complete 31 hours of specified course work with a minimum GPA of 2.7 and no grade below a “C” in order to graduate.

• Evidence of motivation and ability to complete the requirements. • Evidence of spiritual commitment consistent with the objectives of CIU.

• Completion of Graduation Application form. Applications must be received by the Registrar’s Office by no later than the announced dates. Candidates should check with the Registrar’s Office to determine the appropriate dates.

• Participation in self-evaluation of educator competencies. • Submission of satisfactory faculty recommendations. Students should strive to maintain these standards during their entire time in the program, but student progress is formally evaluated twice during the program, after the completion of 12 and 24 semester hours. At these two checkpoints, students are reviewed by TEFL/ICS

Note: It is the student’s responsibility to be sure that all prerequisite, course and degree requirements are met. Students must also petition any changes to the curriculum as outlined in this catalog at least one semester prior to graduation.


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog


philosophy in instructional design, considering the developmental stages of students. C. Demonstrates an understanding of the broad scope of Christian School administrative responsibilities including school law; responsible financial planning and practices; faculty and staff supervision; data–informed, mission- driven decision making; strategic planning, development and marketing. D. Demonstrates an understanding of the role of technology in the total school environment.

This program is designed for educational leaders who wish to specialize in educational administration for Christian schools and is intentionally planned to meet the timing needs of practicing educators. The program can be completed in three summers with nine (9) hours being completed through distance learning (IDL) or four summers all on campus. Students should consult with the M.Ed. program director in planning their degree programs. This program leads to the appropriate Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) administrator professional certificate.

Outcome 2. Develop proficiency in skills to promote learning for all students so that the candidate A. Demonstrates the ability to employ research procedures, utilizing technology, to solve problems within the school with special emphasis on the application of measurement theory to guide the school in establishing programs for measuring and assessing student learning outcomes. B. Demonstrates the ability to foster a nurturing school culture which empowers faculty to enhance student learning, including consideration of the diverse nature and needs of the child, family, and community.

Purpose The M.Ed. in Educational Administration program is designed to do the following: • Provide continuing education for Christian educators who desire to continue their studies in the field of Christian educational leadership. • Prepare high potential graduate students to assume leadership roles in the Christian school movement. • Prepare administrators of Christian day and overseas schools.

Outcome 3. Develop commitment to professionalism so that the candidate A. Demonstrates a commitment to the enduring elements of the case for Christian education and can articulate it in such a manner that diverse audiences can come to an understanding. B. Demonstrates a commitment to biblical and professional character traits. C. Demonstrates a commitment to the professional role of a Christian school administrator which includes being a lifelong learner, collaborating with other professionals and other community members, reflecting and profiting from experiences and valuing effective communication.

Objectives On completion of M.Ed. in Educational Administration program, the graduate will be able to do the following: Outcome 1. Develop competency in content so that the candidate A. Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of alternative models of leadership theory and personal leadership style. B. Demonstrates the ability to apply the principles of learning theory, curriculum development, assessment theory, and educational


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog Master of Education in Educational Administration continued…

Admission Requirements

Time Limitation

Students must fulfill specific admission and experience criteria (see M.Ed. Admissions for detailed information).

The time limitation for completion of all requirements is six years measured from the date a student begins coursework in the M.Ed. Admin. program.

Course of Study

Residency Requirements

Students must complete 12 hours of foundations courses, 12 hours of core courses, and 12 hours of concentration courses.

EDU 5440

Teaching Bible ..................................3

Course credits earned at another institution may be counted toward the M.Ed. degree, but the majority of the course credits required for the degree must be taken at CIU. Transfer credit must be approved by the student’s advisor and the dean. Additional policies governing transfer credit are outlined in the Admissions section of this catalog.

EDU 6231

History and Philosophy of Education1 ................................3

Graduation Requirements

EDU 7300

Biblical Foundations for Curriculum1 ....................................3

w M.Ed. Foundations Courses ..........................12 EDU 5331

Understanding the Learner1 ..............3

EDU 5444

Transformational Education (recommended) -or-

• Completion of 36 hours of specified coursework with a minimum GPA of 2.7 and no grade lower than a “C.”

w M.Ed. Core Courses ........................................12 EDU 5485

Education Technology ...................... 3

EDU 6110 EDU 5430

Curriculum Development and Instruction ......................................3 Authentic Assessment ......................3

• Completion of content area and Bible/ theology prerequisites courses.

EDU 6490

Educational Research ......................3

• If not a current administrator, completion of the ACSI internship program.

w M.Ed. Concentration Courses ........................12 EDU 5115

Educational Administration ..............3

EDU 5515

Institutional Advancement ................3

EDU 5525

Law and Personnel............................3

EDU 5970

Evaluative Professional Practice ......0

EDU 6425

Supervision of Instruction ................3

• Completion of Graduation Application. Applications must be received by the Registrar’s Office no later than the announced dates. Candidates should check with the Registrar’s Office to determine the appropriate dates.

EDU 6940 Intership in Educational Administration (see Internship Guidelines)** ..........3

Note: It is the student’s responsibility to be sure that all prerequisite, course and degree requirements are met. Students must also petition any changes to the curriculum as outlined in this catalog at least one semester prior to graduation.

w Total Required Hours............................36 hours 1 This course is also available in IDL (distance learning) format through the Distance Education and Media Development Center. ** may be substituted for EDU 5115 if taken for three credits.

Internship Guidelines Students without administrative experience must successfully complete an internship. Student internships should be arranged through the ACSI internship program. Exceptions must be by approval of the program director.


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

MASTER OF EDUCATION IN CURRICULUM AND INSTRUCTION (M.ED. C&I) tate the development of biblical self-esteem and build confidence in each student.

Overview This program is designed for educational leaders who wish to specialize in instruction and curriculum development and is intentionally planned to meet the timing needs of practicing educators. The program is designed to be completed in four summers (three summers if student utilizes distance courses [IDL]). If a student is interested in the ESL concentration and desires to study for a whole school year, special arrangements can be made with the program director. Students should consult with the M.Ed. program director in planning their degree programs. This program leads to the appropriate Association of Christian Schools International (ACSI) professional certificate.

• Develop a learning environment and learning opportunities that will facilitate critical thinking, decision-making and creative expression. • Develop a positive learning environment that facilitates enthusiasm for and success in learning in the cognitive, affective, psychomotor and spiritual domains. • Choose from a variety of instructional methodologies, including inquiry, discovery, mastery, exposition, discussion, cooperative learning, computer-assisted instruction, and other appropriate instructional models.


• Develop instructional plans based upon the individual student’s developmental stage and prior learning, as well as relevancy to the student’s life.

The M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction program is designed to do the following: • Provide continuing education for experienced or certified teachers in public and/or private schools who wish to continue their studies in the field of education.

• Utilize multiple educational media, including computer-assisted instruction and technology. • Observe, assess, record and evaluate student behaviors, including social, physical, emotional and cognitive.

• Prepare practitioners who are currently trained for public school teaching to teach in Christian day schools, missionary schools, international, or national schools overseas.

• Individualize instruction to meet the needs of the exceptional learner (gifted, learning disabled, mentally retarded, emotionally handicapped and physically handicapped).

• Prepare practicing educators for assignments involving professional advancement.

• Make effective instructional plans for and relate appropriately with a diversity of students, including those of varying racial, ethnic, economic, religious, and family structure differences.

• Prepare graduate students to assume leadership roles for the Christian education movement in curriculum and instruction responsibilities.


• Communicate effectively, for the purposes of instruction, with students, parents, colleagues and community members.

On completion of the M.Ed. in Curriculum and Instruction program, the graduate will be able to do the following:

• Choose from a variety of discipline models, an effective/efficient classroom management

• Initiate classroom experiences that will facili-


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog Master of Education in CI continued…

plan, and demonstrate proficiency in classroom/time management skills.

Course of Study w M.Ed. Foundations Courses ..........................12

• Develop a differentiated classroom that takes into consideration differences in learning styles, including the multiple, emotional, and social intelligence of students while maintaining active involvement of all learners.

EDU 5331

Understanding the Learner ..............3

EDU 5444

Transformational Education (recommended) -or-

• Review and choose from assessment options, including teacher-made, published, and standardized tests. • Construct appropriate evaluation tools, including tests, surveys, criteria for student products in cognitive and affective domains.

EDU 5440

Teaching Bible ..................................3

EDU 6231

History and Philosophy of Education 1 ................................3

EDU 7300

Biblical Foundations for Curriculum 1..............................3

w M.Ed. Core Courses ........................................12

• Communicate and utilize results of teachermade, published, standardized tests, and surveys for diagnosis and prescriptive purposes in meeting the needs of individual children and making curriculum decisions.

EDU 5485

Education Technology ......................3

EDU 6110

Curriculum Development and Instruction ..............................3

EDU 5430

Authentic Assessment ......................3

EDU 6490

Educational Research ......................3

w M.Ed. Concentration Courses (see below) ....12 w Total Required Hours ..........................36 hours 1 This course is also available through distance learning (IDL) format through the Distance Education and Media Development Center.

• Develop and utilize questioning skills. • Develop lessons that provide step-by-step development of content, concepts, and skills.

Curriculum and Instruction/Generalist Designed for individuals with interest in curriculum and instructional design and elementary and secondary teachers who desire to advance their skills to the level of master teacher. This program will provide the professional courses needed to advance the teacher to the ACSI professional certificate level.

• Construct application and practice activities that promote present understanding and long-term retention. • Integrate biblical truth with subject matter. • Provide professional development for others in the areas of curriculum and instruction. • Relate to students, parents, colleagues, and community members in a professional manner, including confidentiality, fairness, and consideration of differences in schedules, backgrounds, and needs.

EDU 7400

Advanced Instructional Design ........3

EDU 6610

Advanced Instructional Strategies: The Differentiated Classroom ........3

EDU 6620

Advanced Instructional Strategies: Understanding by Design 2 ............3

EDU 6630

Issues in Curriculum2 ........................3

2 This course is offered as part of the summer International Institute for Christian School Educators during July, alternating years.

Admission Requirements Students must fulfill specific admission and experience criteria (see M.Ed. Admissions for detailed information).

Curriculum and Instruction/Learning Disabilities Designed for classroom teachers with interest in assisting students with learning disabilities both within the classroom and through educa30

2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog Master of Education in CI continued…

tional therapy intervention. Emphasis courses are provided through the professional training resources of the National Institute for Learning Development (NILD). These courses, taught on campus or transferred from other credit locations, lead to NILD certification and ACSI special education specialist certification. EDU 6650

NILD Training Level 1 ........................4

EDU 6651

NILD Training Level 2 OR other special education graduate courses in lieu of EDU 6651 ..........................................4

EDU 6652

NILD Training Level 3 OR other special education graduate courses in lieu of EDU 6652 ..........................................4

Time Limitation The time limitation for completion of all requirements is six years measured from the date a student begins coursework in the M.Ed. C&I program.

Residency Requirements Course credits earned at another institution may be counted toward the M.Ed. degree, but the majority of the course credits required for the degree must be taken at CIU. Transfer credit must be approved by the student’s advisor and the dean. Additional policies governing transfer credit are outlined in the Admissions section of this catalog.

Curriculum and Instruction/School Guidance Designed to address the competencies needed to serve as Christian school guidance counselor within the Christian school. This role requires individuals to have knowledge and skills in both personal and career counseling and school curricular issues. This program leads to an ACSI school guidance counselor specialist certification. EDU 5310

Christian School Guidance Program..........................................3

EDU 5410

The Counseling Process in Christian Schools ..........................3

EDU 6640

Issues in Guidance ............................3

EDU 6410

Biblical Dynamics of Counseling ......3

Graduation Requirements • Completion of 36 hours of specified coursework with a minimum GPA of 2.7 and no grade lower than a “C.” • Completion of content area and Bible/theology prerequisites. • Completion of Graduation Application. Applications must be received by the Registrar’s Office by no later than the announced dates. Candidates should check with the Registrar’s Office to determine the appropriate dates.

Curriculum and Instruction/English as a Second Language Designed for individuals who desire to instruct students for whom English is a second language. The program incorporates courses from the TEFL certificate found within the graduate school’s M.A. degree in Teaching English as a Foreign Language/Intercultural Studies. This program leads to an ACSI English as a Second Language specialist certificate. LNG 5710

Theoretical Foundations for Language Teaching ........................3

LNG 6740

Techniques of TEFL: Listening, Speaking & Reading ......................3

LNG 6745

Techniques of TEFL: English Structure and Writing ....................................3

LNG 6650

English Syntax ..................................3

Note: It is the student’s responsibility to be sure that all prerequisite course and degree requirements are met. Students must also petition any changes to the curriculum as outlined in this catalog at least one semester prior to graduation.


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog


General objective categories are:

The Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership is designed to meet your professional development needs as a Christian education leader. Birthed from CIU’s long-standing commitment to Christian school and Christian college education, the Ed.D. program aims to develop you as a Christian education leader who will lead, model, think, communicate, and research with excellence. In short, you will grow in your ability to enhance God’s kingdom work in Christian schools or colleges, and to represent Christian education perspectives in the broader society. Students are admitted in cohort groups which begin studies each summer.

1. Candidates will understand biblical perspectives, foundational theories, research findings, cultural/sociological dynamics, and alternative models for educating diverse learners in contemporary Christian schools or colleges, and they will analyze, synthesize, and evaluate these elements so as to enhance Christian education. 2. Candidates will understand biblical perspectives, theoretical approaches, research findings, and alternative models of effective leadership and functioning of organizations, and groups and individuals within organizations, and they will analyze, synthesize, and evaluate these elements so as to enhance their understanding of quality Christian education leadership.

Objectives The Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership program calls for students to demonstrate learning in specified areas of leadership. To this end, the program specifies 19 competencies which students must satisfactorily demonstrate for completion of degree requirements. Nine competencies are addressed in a summative portfolio of student assignments and projects; eight are addressed in the qualifying exam taken at the conclusion of coursework; and two are addressed through the doctoral dissertation.

3. Candidates will understand the components and process of quantitative and qualitative research which produce new theory, knowledge of effective practices, and solutions to educational questions/problems within an educational institution.

Admission Criteria A graduate faculty admissions panel reviews applicants and recommends acceptance according to their satisfaction of the following criteria:

The competencies are supported by program courses. All candidates must demonstrate satisfactory competence on all required outcomes. No competencies will be waived. Students who do not take a specified program course or elective which is associated with a specified competency must still prepare to demonstrate that outcome through the portfolio or qualifying exam.

• Master’s degree is from an accredited institution (or an institution which meets the academic standards of CIU) and provides a relevant foundation for doctoral studies in educational leadership. (An education or education-related field is the strongly preferred, but not required, focus of the master’s degree.)


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog Doctor of Education continued…

• Applicant’s performance in graduate coursework indicates a strong ability to be successful in doctoral-level studies.

Course of Study — Pre- and CoRequisites for All Emphasis Prerequisites (12 credits; one course from each of four topics; to be completed prior to Qualifying Exam)

• Applicant speaks and writes the English language effectively as evidenced in a writing sample that demonstrates abilities to do doctoral research and writing.

• Christian life development or spiritual formation • Missions • Biblical studies (ex: Old or New Testament surveys; Progress of Redemption) or theology or Bible book studies • Biblical interpretation or hermeneutics

• Applicant’s Christian maturity is appropriate for leadership. • Administrative (K-12, college) experience and other evidence indicate the doctoral degree will enable the applicant to enhance his/her leadership role and contribution to the cause of Christian education.

Co-Requisites • EDU 9010 Seminar in Core Values

• Graduate Record Examination (GRE) results (desired minimum of 500 on Verbal and 3.5 on Analytical) or Miller Analogies Test (MAT) score (desired minimum of 50) indicate applicant is capable of quality performance in graduate studies. The exam must have been taken within the last five years.

• EDU 9690 Portfolio and Qualifying Exam Competencies

• The applicant is likely, through CIU’s doctoral program, to enhance personal calling and ministry, and to contribute to the quality of Christian education through leadership, research, presentation, and publication.

Christian School Leadership Emphasis

Note: Prerequisites may also be satisfied by (a) a Bible certificate or (b) a total of thirty (30) credit hours of coursework in Bible and theology.

Course of Study w Program Core ..................................(51 credits) (Bold courses required and must be taken at CIU) w Educational Foundations ................................18 (18 credits from the following):

When the number of qualified applicants exceeds the cohort enrollment limit, the most qualified applicants will be considered for admission.

EDU 9300

Biblical Foundations for Curriculum and Pedagogy ....3

EDU 9200

Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Education ........3

EDU 9310

Curriculum Theory and Design ......3

EDU 9320

Teaching and Learning Theory ......3

Six credits of Educational Foundations Electives (approved transfer courses may be applied): EDU 9150

Contextualizing Christian Education in Diverse Settings ........................3

EDU 9330

Measurement and Assessment Theory ............................................3

w Leadership in Organizations ..........................12 EDU 9510 Biblical Leadership..........................3


EDU 9515

Leadership and Organizational Behavior ........................................3

EDU 9540

Models of Strategic Planning and Organizational Assessment ........3

2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog Doctor of Education continued…

EDU 9525

Principles of Organizational Team-Building ..............................3

Course of Study

w Research (21 credits) ......................................21 EDU 9610

Advanced Educational Research Design ..........................................3

EDU 9620

Qualitative Research ......................3

EDU 9630

Research and Authorship for Publication ....................................3

EDU 9700

Doctoral Dissertation ....................12

Christian Higher Ed Leadership Emphasis Program Core ......................................(51 credits) (Bold courses required and must be taken at CIU) w Educational Foundations ................................18 (18 credits from the following):

w Concentration: Christian School Leadership ..........................................(15 credits) (Bold courses required and must be taken at CIU) EDU 9520

Supervision and Instructional Leadership ....................................3

EDU 9550

The Legal Environment and the Christian School ..........................3

Biblical Foundations for Curriculum and Pedagogy ....3

EDU 9200

Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Education ........3

EDU 9310

Curriculum Theory and Design ......3

EDU 9320

Teaching and Learning Theory ......3

Six credits of Educational Foundations Electives (approved transfer courses may be applied):

Nine credits of educational leadership and management (approved transfer credits may be applied): EDU 9410

EDU 9300

Information and Communication Technology in Education................3

EDU 7340

Spiritual Formation in Higher Education ......................................3

EDU 9330

Measurement and Assessment Theory........................3

w Leadership in Organizations ..........................12

EDU 9545 Alternative Educational Delivery Systems ........................................3

EDU 9510

Biblical Leadership..........................3

EDU 9555

Developing Institutional Support ......3

EDU 9515

EDU 9570

Business Affairs of the Educational Enterprises ....................................3

Leadership and Organizational Behavior ........................................3

EDU 9540

Models of Strategic Planning and Organizational Assessment ........3

EDU 9525

Principles of Organizational Team-Building ..............................3

Summary of Credits Core Courses ........................................................51

w Research ........................................................21

Concentration ........................................................15 Total for Christian School Leadership Emphasis ........................................66 Transfer Allowed: 15 credits from 36 credit master’s degree

EDU 9610

Advanced Educational Research Design ..........................................3

EDU 9620

Qualitative Research ......................3

EDU 9630

Research and Authorship for Publication ..............................3

EDU 9700

Doctoral Dissertation ....................12

Concentration: Christian Higher Ed Leadership ..........................................(15 credits) (Bold courses required and must be taken at CIU)


EDU 9521

Developing and Evaluating Faculty ..........................................3

EDU 9535

Leadership and Governance in Higher Education ....................3

2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog Doctor of Education continued…

Nine credits of educational leadership and management (approved transfer credits may be applied): EDU 9555

Developing Institutional Support ......3

EDU 9570

Business Affairs of the Educational Enterprise ......................................3

EDU 9545

Alternative Educational Delivery Systems ........................................3

• Research


EDU 9610

Advanced Educational Research Design ............................................3

EDU 9620

Qualitative Research ........................3

EDU 9630

Research and Authorship for Publication ....................................3

EDU 9700

Doctoral Dissertation ......................12

• Concentration: Leadership in International Theol Educ ........................................................15

Summary of Credits Core Courses ........................................................51 Concentration ........................................................15

EDU 9359

Total for Christian School Leadership Emphasis ........................................66

Theological Education as Adult Educ (German)......................3

EDU 9559

Competence-Oriented Theol Educ (German) ..............................3

Transfer Allowed: 15 credits from 36 credit master’s degree

(Nine credits of educational leadership and management; six must be taken at CIU-Columbia): EDU 9521

Course of Study

Developing and Evaluating Faculty ..3

EDU 9570 Business Affairs of the Educational Enterprise ......................................3

Leadership in International Theological Education Emphasis (This concentration is designed for leaders in international theological education venues. The majority of credits are taken through CIU’s Columbia campus. The remaining credits are offered at CIU’s Europe campus in Korntal, Germany. Several courses require that students be fluent (speaking and writing) in German. Bold courses must be taken through CIU’s Columbia campus.)

EDU 9545

Alternative Educational Delivery Systems............................3

EDU 9410

Information and Communication Techn in Educ ................................3

EDU 9535

Leadership and Governance in Higher Educ ..............................3

EDU 9429

Leadership for Instructional Resources (German) ......................3

Program Core ...................................... (51 Credits) •

Summary of Credits

Educational Foundations ..............................18

EDU 9209

EDU 9300

Core Courses ........................................................51

Theological and Pedagogical Foundations of Theological Education (German) ......................3

Concentration ........................................................15 Total for Leadership in International Theological Education Emphasis ............................................66

Biblical Foundations for Curriculum and Pedagogy................................3

Transfer Allowed: 15 credits from 36 master’s degree

EDU 9310

Curriculum Theory and Design ........3

EDU 9320

Teaching and Learning Theory ..........3

Graduation Requirements

EDU 9330

Measurement and Assessment Theory ............................................3

EDU 9340

Spiritual Formation in Higher Education ..........................3

Students pursuing the Ed.D. degree are required to satisfy the following graduation requirements:

EDU 9510

Biblical Leadership ............................3

EDU 9540

Models of Strat Planning and Org Assessment....................................3

• Recommendation by the faculty of eligibility for the degree on the basis of satisfactory completion of program requirements and evidence of Christian maturity and leadership during studies at CIU.

EDU 9515

Leadership and Organizational Behavior ........................................3

• Successful completion of prerequisite courses prior to admission to candidacy status.

EDU 9525

Principles of Organizational Team-Building ................................3

• Successful completion of a minimum of 66

• Leadership in Organizations ............................12


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

semester credits of approved course work, including the dissertation, with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.2 (on a 4.0 scale), with no grade below “B-” applicable to the degree. A maximum of 15 credits of previous graduate coursework (“B” or higher) may be applied, but transfer grades are not calculated in the cumulative grade point average.

beyond six years is contingent upon the approval of the Ed.D. program director, the dissertation/chair, and dean of the Graduate School. Participants who are convinced that they will be unable to finish in six years may apply in writing prior to the end of the sixth year for a program extension, which will give up to a maximum of two (2) further years for degree completion. Such an extension must be approved by the dean of the Graduate School and will be granted only if the program director and dissertation mentor/chair agree that the participant is making appropriate progress toward degree completion and that the area of research remains viable. In addition, the program director and dissertation mentor/chair may make the extension contingent on specific further academic work. Such work may include but is not limited to the following: (a) additional reading assignments; (b) the successful completion of one or more courses; (c) the successful retaking of the qualifying examination; or (d) a new dissertation proposal. Failure to complete any of the assigned further academic work by the deadline(s) set by the program director and dissertation mentor/chair will result in immediate and automatic expulsion from the program.

• Successful demonstration of satisfactory competency on each of the program’s outcomes. • Successful completion and oral defense of an approved dissertation that exhibits the student’s ability to do competent research, to think critically, and to communicate effectively. • Completion of all requirements for the degree within six (6) years from matriculation, or two (2) years after certification of candidacy, whichever comes first, or completion of additional program requirements as outlined under Statute of Limitations and Program Continuation. • Settlement of all financial obligations to CIU.

Statute of Limitations and Program Continuation

Continuation fees will be assessed for students who have not completed the program within six (6) years of matriculation.

• All program requirements (course work and dissertation) for the degree are to be completed within six (6) years from the date of matriculation. (See section on “Active and Inactive Status in the Program” for additional details.) • Extension (remaining in “active” status)


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

ACADEMIC INFORMATION Academic Catalog and Degree Change

curriculum as outlined in this catalog at least one semester prior to graduation. Students who wish to take correspondence courses or summer school courses from another institution should consult with their faculty advisor and seek prior permission through an academic petition to transfer the credit to CIU. Courses taken without prior approval through petition may in some cases not be applicable as transfer credit to the student’s CIU program.

A student’s program is governed by the catalog under which he or she was admitted. Should a student break matriculation for two consecutive regular terms or two consecutive summers (MED students), the catalog in effect at the time of re-admission to CIU must be used to satisfy the requirements for the degree. Students desiring to change degrees or concentrations within a degree must request approval through a Degree Change Application form (available in Grad School Dean’s office in Schuster 140).

Academic Probation Policy: Students are placed on academic probation at the end of any semester in which they earn a grade point average below 3.0 in the MACNS program, 2.70 for the MAT program and 2.7 for all other programs. If a student is on academic probation, no absences from classes are permitted except for illness or emergency. Students on academic probation may be required to carry a reduced course load, to reduce or eliminate employment, to reduce extra-curricular activities, or to carry out other measures recommended by the academic advisor or administration to help them improve their scholastic standing. In many instances, such students on academic probation will require additional semesters to complete their studies.

Academic Load Students registered for at least nine semester hours are considered fulltime; those registered for six hours are considered three-quarterstime; and those registered for 4.5 hours are considered halftime. Full-time student status in the Doctor of Ministry and Doctor of Education programs is defined as three semester credit hours within any of the four terms: fall, winter, spring and summer (includes both summer sessions). During the fall and spring semesters, full-time students are given first priority for oncampus housing; part-time students are eligible for on-campus housing as space is available. During Summer Studies, on-campus housing is generally available for all registered students.

Removal: Academic probation is removed when students accumulate a satisfactory grade point average.

Academic Petitions

Suspension: Students on academic probation for two consecutive semesters will receive a written warning from the academic dean indicating that failure to remove themselves from academic probation in the succeeding semester will result in academic dismissal. Students who at the end of any three consecutive semesters have not removed themselves from academic probation will be dismissed from the university.

Students seeking exceptions to program requirements or academic policies may submit an academic petition. Students may file either a paper copy or an electronic petition. (If a student is filing electronically, his/her e-mail must be used.) The petition must have the signature or e-mail of the student’s faculty advisor and, where appropriate, course instructor(s) signature or e-mail before submission to the academic dean for approval. The academic dean will forward the petition to the registrar. The registrar gives final approval. A petition is not final until it is approved by the registrar. Students must also petition any changes to the

Students suspended for academic reasons may apply for readmission through the academic dean after an absence of one year. At this time, the dean evaluates the causes for the dismissal and any evidence that the student may now be 37

2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

able to make satisfactory academic progress. Students deemed capable of making and maintaining satisfactory progress may be readmitted on academic probation.

must account for all absences. In such cases, teachers will clearly indicate this requirement in the class syllabus. They will also indicate the penalty for noncompliance. Students on academic probation may not miss any classes without prior approval of the instructor of the course or a written medical excuse.

Advanced Placement or College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Credit Advanced Placement Examination credit can be utilized to satisfy prerequisite requirements for graduate programs if documented on the student’s undergraduate transcript. Scores of 3-5 can be credited to satisfy MAT, MED, and MACNS content or introductory psychology coursework.

Three unexcused tardies count as one absence. Although it is important to attend whatever portion of class is possible in case of an unforeseeable emergency, missing more than 25 percent of the class period is counted as an absence. If students are veterans and are receiving government benefits, they are responsible to follow the attendance regulations established by the Veterans Administration.

Assignments, Attendance, and Examinations Assignments: Due dates for research papers, book reports, and other assignments are normally given in the course syllabus. Students are responsible to plan and pace their work so that assignments will be submitted when due. Any exceptions to the schedule established for a course are at the discretion of the instructor. Late work is not normally accepted. In some cases, the instructor may permit an extension at his or her discretion.

Examinations: Examination periods are normally designated in course syllabi. Students who cannot avoid missing a test period should consult the teacher ahead of time to request rescheduling. Normally tests may not be made up if they were missed for personal reasons or social activities. In the case of absence from a test period for other than medical reasons or approved field trips, the teacher has the right to determine whether the reasons given for the proposed absence warrant an excuse. There is no final examination period. Final examinations may be scheduled for one or more class periods near the end of the term. Students may not be excused from classes prior to the last day of the term.

Attendance and Absence Policy: The heart of the college experience, in many respects, will be the work done in the classroom. The CIU faculty, therefore, takes a serious view of class attendance. The course offerings are designed to enrich students’ preparation for life. Students will need to absorb and learn more from a course than simply “getting the notes” in order to perform on an examination. Significant insights and perspectives may surface in class and students will also be expected to contribute to class discussion.

Re-Examinations: If under exceptional circumstances an instructor permits a re-examination, the student must take the exam within four weeks after the end of the semester. If the student passes the examination, the final grade will be adjusted accordingly, but the grade obtained on the re-taken examination will not carry the same value as the original final examination.

Normally, students are not permitted to miss more than 25 percent of class meetings regardless of the reasons. If absences exceed this number, students will normally receive a grade of F, unless properly withdrawn from the course, in which case a grade of W will be assigned. Where extenuating circumstances are involved, an appeal to the Graduate School Faculty Committee may be made for special consideration. In certain participatory classes, students

Auditing An auditor is one who registers to attend a class, but not for academic credit. Students wishing to audit a course should indicate this on an audit registration form. Audit forms are available in the Registrar’s Office. Students may 38

2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

not receive credit for audit courses and audited courses do appear on transcripts. No more than 25 percent of students registered for any course may be auditors.

tive school, and must include a minimum of one professor-student contact per credit hour. (Please see the Faculty Directed Study (FDS) section below.)

Awarding Credit Practices

Online and Hybrid Courses: In addition to the guidelines above, online and hybrid courses will utilize an approved online course design template that facilitates a delivery format in alignment with the nature of the content and learning activities. Course development will be a collaborative effort between an online instructional designer and a qualified course instructor assigned by the dean (as per current practice).

Graduate Credit: An academic unit of graduate credit at CIU is based on the following criteria: (a) a defined academic plan for the student or course is outlined through a written course syllabus, which includes learning resources and activities, clearly defined learning outcome or competencies, and the means through which these outcomes are to be assessed; (b) a credit unit (semester hour) reflects a minimum of 42.5 clock hours of instruction and learning activities per credit hour (the equivalent of 50 minutes of classroom study per week for at least 15 weeks plus 2 hours per week of learning activities outside the classroom); (c) a CIU approved and qualified instructor (doctoral concentration in the discipline) provides and supervises all aspects of the course; (d) the faculty member of record submits grades to the Registrar’s Office to verify learning outcomes and the completion of the study, and (e) every course, regardless of delivery mode, is reviewed by the faculty during the regularly scheduled periodic program reviews.

Consortial Agreements: In addition to the review process above, any coursework provided via another organization on behalf of CIU must be authorized by the faculty via an articulation agreement defining the relationship and demonstrating faculty supervision of the educational experience. Agreements are reviewed annually by the respective academic dean’s office. The Graduate School has no current consortial agreements. Professional Development and Conference Courses: These courses are likewise subject to the guidelines above. Credit earned within these alternative educational venues must involve pre and/or post work assigned by the CIU professor approved to teach the parallel course. Students are assigned readings and are to submit reflection papers that overview the content and its relevancy to their professional roles. Following the group learning experience, an application project is to be assigned and completed by the student by a specified date. These are outlined in the syllabus and are aligned with the learner outcomes. The assignments and group learning experiences must address the measurement of these learner outcomes. CIU does not grant credit for previous experiential learning and professional certification.

Approval Process: The faculty of the respective school must approve the course description, the amount of credit awarded, and the place of the course within the curriculum (lower division, upper division, elective, core, etc.). The unit of study is approved by the faculty and assigned an academic prefix and course number prior to the delivery of the course. The academic dean’s office ensures that the syllabus aligns with the faculty approved course description and that the defined approval procedures have been followed. Off-Campus Courses: The criteria and approval process above is the same for offcampus courses as it is for on-campus courses.

Commencement Applying for a Degree: Degrees are awarded at the end of the summer session (August) and at December and May commencement. It is the responsibility of students planning to graduate at the end of any of these terms to file an application for the degree or certificate by

Faculty Directed Study: The requirements above must be met when designing and delivering a Faculty Directed Study (FDS). In addition, an FDS proposal must be reviewed and approved by the academic dean of the respec39

2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

deadlines specified in the academic calendar. The university registrar will publicize degree application deadlines each term. If a student fails to complete all requirements by the end of the specified term, the degree will not be issued. The degree application fee is forfeited and another degree application must be filed (and diploma paid for) by the deadline for the new term of expected graduation. The faculty passes upon each student individually and reserves the right to refuse a degree to any student whom it regards as not meeting the spiritual, academic, or physical standards of the university.

Students must also demonstrate an accurate understanding of the doctrine of the inerrancy of the Scriptures and affirm belief in that doctrine. Students will not be accepted as a candidate for a degree who affirm error in Scripture or who believe in the ultimate salvation of all people.

Awarding a Degree: No degree will be awarded until the end of the term in which all graduation requirements have been met and for which a degree application has been properly submitted.

Since commencement is held only twice per year, August graduating students may request permission to participate in May commencement if they anticipate completing all degree requirements by the end of the summer session. TEFL students who are completing their internship during spring semester may request to participate in December’s commencement if their internship is not in a local placement. All internship and practicum requirement plans must be approved by April 15 of the year in which the student plans to participate in spring commencement or Nov. 1 for December commencement. All registrations must be completed, internship or practicum tuition must be paid, and all requirements (including written reports and evaluations) must be completed by the last day of the term following the commencement in which the student participates.

Participation in Commencement: All requirements for graduation must normally be met before the student may participate in the commencement exercises. Attendance at commencement is expected of all resident students who have applied for a degree to be conferred at the end of spring or fall term.

Meaning of a Degree: Because of the whole life training character of the program and its basic objective, “To know Him and to make Him known,” earning a degree at CIU involves more than merely meeting academic requirements. It also requires that the student reflect adequate achievement of CIU objectives (including such nonacademic areas as personal morality, positive interpersonal and family relationships, and local church involvement). Although non-academic objectives cannot be measured with complete objectivity, we believe valid and useful assessment is possible and necessary. All programs provide significant training for vocational Christian service. Criteria for granting a degree are designed to reflect the student’s character and the student’s competency in both general and professional areas.

Degree change Students desiring to change their degree within the graduate school or from graduate school to Seminary & School of Missions should request a degree change form from the academic dean’s office.

Community expectation (evangelical or secular) does not ultimately determine the meaning of a degree from CIU. We are responsible to define our own purpose and establish our own achievement standards. To qualify for a degree doctrinally, students must demonstrate an accurate understanding of basic biblical doctrines and be in agreement with the institution’s doctrinal statement (with the exception of the premillenial statement, which is not a mandatory requirement).

Dismissal In addition to dismissal for academic reasons, students may be required to withdraw from CIU when their behavior and attitude are inconsistent with the standards and basic purpose of the university. Such withdrawals may be for a


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

specific time during which the students have opportunity to evaluate their personal goals and relationship to the university. The dean of Student Life serves as the administrator of university policy and the adjudicator in disciplinary matters. (See information regarding student discipline in the Student Life section of this catalog, or consult the student handbook.)

Upon acceptance, an online ID and password are mailed to the student’s home address. Prior to registering, students receive instructions on the registration process and guidance concerning a course of study from a faculty advisor. For returning students, registration materials are available online during the posted pre-registration period and at the beginning of each term. All financial obligations of the preceding semester must be met before the student may register for another term.

Dual Degrees In preparation for future ministry, some students may find it helpful to complete further training in multiple areas by completing two (or more) advanced degrees. The “Dual Degree” program permits students to apply up to 50 percent of one graduate degree to another graduate degree at CIU. The required number of credits for completing both degrees may be less than if the two degrees were completed separately; however, students must satisfy all requirements for both degrees, including program admission and completion requirements. Because of the difficulty of insuring that all requirements from both programs are met, students should consult with advisors from both degree programs as soon as possible during their time at CIU. Coursework applied to a degree in the Graduate School can be applied toward equivalent coursework in a degree of different nomenclature in the Graduate School or toward equivalent coursework in a degree at CIU Seminary & School of Missions. There are five separate degree nomenclatures in the Graduate School: Master of Arts in Bible Teaching, Master of Arts in Counseling, Master of Arts in Teaching, Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Foreign Language/Intercultural Studies, and Master of Education. See the seminary catalog for more information on seminary degrees. Students completing degrees in both the Graduate School and the Seminary must be fully admitted to both schools. Students may pursue multiple degrees sequentially or simultaneously, although degrees completed at the same time may be awarded at different times.

Check-In: During the start of each semester, a designated “check-in” period is established in which students validate their arrival for the semester to ensure proper processing by the Registrar’s office, Student Financial Service’s office, and Business and Accounting Services’ office. Until the final clearance is received during “check-in,” a student is not fully enrolled for the semester.

Educational Resources Academic and Disability Services: CIU is committed to providing equal educational opportunities for all students and assisting them in making their university experience successful. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, we provide reasonable accommodations for students with currently documented disabilities. (For most disabilities current is defined as within three years.) Requests for accommodations should be made to the Academic & Disability Services office, (803) 807-5612 (from on campus ext. 5612), at least 30 working days prior to the first day of class to help ensure the quality and availability of services needed. Questions regarding requirements for qualifying documentation and disability accommodations should be directed to Academic & Disability Services. Advising: Each student is assigned a faculty advisor according to the student’s program preference. The academic advising program is intended to foster developmental relationships between faculty members and individual students as a context for helping students progress toward academic, spiritual, and vocational goals of their program. Students meet

Enrollment information Registration: Entering students register for courses following notification of acceptance. 41

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with their academic advisors during two to three chapel periods each semester, during preregistration periods and at other times when counsel is desired. The advisor approves the courses the student selects and keeps a record of the student’s progress.

cal and modern day maps, models, overhead transparencies, flannel graph, pictures and posters, international costumes, artifacts, puppets, and video recordings. While a portion of the collection is in a format which can be described as high-tech media, the emphasis of this collection is on low-tech resources useful for the hundreds of small churches in the Columbia area, and culturally appropriate for use in less-developed countries. The MRD also has a production area where patrons can make their own resources, and a Curriculum Materials Center housing two collections: sample church curriculum from evangelical publishing companies, and K-6 Elementary Education school curriculum.

Bookstore: A campus bookstore provides textbooks and school supplies, reference books, Bibles, gift and novelty items, snack foods, Christian CDs and CIU clothing. Students may especially benefit from sales at the end of each semester. Check cashing in small amounts is also available to students. Copy Center: A school-maintained copy center Processes copying requests for faculty, staff and students on a time available basis. Electronic copy cards are available for use in the various copy machines located around campus.

Student Computing Center: The Student Computing Center (SCC) is located in the Joy Ridderhoff building. The SCC has an open lab and a computer classroom with an approximate total of 50 computers available for lab users. Student computers are also available in the library. The computers run on a Microsoft network and use Windows as the operating system. Microsoft Office 2007 is available on each computer with other software applications such as WordPerfect, MS Works, Biblio 8, and Bible Works. Photo editing software is available on select computers. One digital editing computer is also available for student use. Black and white printing as well as color printing is available in the SCC. Other lab services include scanning, CD burning, and Internet access. Registered students will receive their lab account information via e-mail. However, those who do not receive their lab account information via e-mail should see the SCC front desk and complete a Student User Login Application. Lab Operators are available to help students with various computing needs. The SCC is generally open from 7 a.m.-12 midnight Monday through Thursday, and from 8 a.m.-9 p.m. Friday through Saturday. The SCC is closed on Sundays and during the 10:45 a.m.-11:30 a.m. chapel period Tuesday through Friday. For additional information, contact the SCC Front Desk at (803) 807-5147 or visit

G. Allen Fleece Library: The library provides a collection of over 150,000 print and non-print items, 300 print journals and print journal back issues representing over 1,000 titles. In addition, access to over 90 electronic databases, many of which are full text, is available through the library website and at the computer work stations in the library. The library participates in an interlibrary loan program through the Online Computer Library Center network of over 60,000 libraries worldwide. The library supports membership in numerous national and specialized library associations as well as the Online Computer Library Center network (OCLC), the Partnership Among South Carolina Academic Libraries (PASCAL), and the Christian Library Consortium (CLC) and has membership in the American Theological Library Association (ATLA) and the Association of Christian Librarians (ACL). Visit for more information. Ministry Resource Department: The Ministry Resource Department (MRD) is a department of the G. Allen Fleece Library that houses and circulates teaching resources primarily for use in evangelism, discipleship, and teaching outreach. Our holdings of more than 9,000 resources include CDs, biblical costumes, bibli-


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

Faculty Directed Study (FDS):


Faculty Directed Study furnishes students the opportunity to pursue, under the direction of a faculty member, subjects of interest and relevance to the student’s academic and vocational goals, but that are not directly covered in a regular course. FDS courses provide opportunities for independent learning to develop creativity of mind, to reinforce the habit of initiative by providing situations that call for it, and to cultivate the capacity to continue the students’ education throughout their life. Students may not elect to take a regularly scheduled course through FDS unless the course has been changed by the Graduate School and created the need for program completion through this alternative. Students wishing to register for FDS must discuss the proposed study with the appropriate faculty member and obtain an FDS form from the academic dean’s office or make an electronic request to the faculty member after discussing the proposed study. (If filing electronically, a student must use his/her e-mail address.) The faculty member should make sure the form is completed properly/electronic request has all the necessary information, including the course title, proposed requirements, including a minimum of one professor-student contact per credit hour, and hours of credit (check the Course Description section of the catalog for the appropriate course designation and number). Once the instructor has signed the form, it should be signed by the student’s academic advisor and then delivered to the academic dean for approval. If requesting registration electronically, the form needs to be approved by the professor and then forwarded to the student’s academic advisor. If the advisor approves, then the request is forwarded to the academic dean for approval. If the dean approves the request, the registrar will be forwarded the request. Once the approval has been granted, the student is registered for the course through the Registrar’s Office. A maximum of 12 semester hours of a student’s program may be taken by FDS. The regular grading system is used for these courses.

Appealing a Grade: Any student who questions a final grade in any subject should contact the instructor immediately. If the grade is to be changed, the instructor will notify the registrar by means of a Change of Grade form stating the reason for the change. Students may appeal a grade within 90 days of issue with one exception. At the time of graduation, grades may no longer be appealed unless the student is willing to forego the desired graduation date for a future date to allow for the grade to be changed before final transcripts are issued. If a contested grade dispute is not satisfactorily resolved between the instructor and the student, any appeal should go to the program director for resolution. If not resolved at that level, it may be appealed to the academic dean. No grade may be contested after three months have elapsed beyond the date of issue, except if a documented appeals process is still pending. Grade Point Average Computation: 1. Formula: The Grade Point Average (GPA) is calculated by the accepted formula of quality points earned divided by credit hours attempted. Columbia International University has adopted a 4.0 grading system for the computation of quality points. 2. Inclusion in Cumulative GPA: The cumulative GPA is calculated only on the basis of courses taken at Columbia International University (including courses taken through Columbia Extension and the Korntal branch campus) and institutions with which the university has a joint course registration agreement. 3. Transfer Credit Exclusion: Transfer credits may be applied toward the degree program when the grade is C or above, but accepted credits are not computed into the GPA. 4. Exceptional Case Exclusions: Courses withdrawn through exceptional circumstances after the normal withdrawal deadline, such as for medical reasons, are not calculated into the GPA. 5. Grade Replacements: Courses in which a grade lower than C (C- or below) is earned may


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

be retaken. Courses in which a grade of C or above is earned may be retaken only by permission of the course instructor, the student’s faculty advisor, and the dean of the Graduate School. In both cases, the new grade replaces the former grade in the calculation of the cumulative GPA, regardless of whether it is better or worse than the grade earned in the first attempt; however, the record of the previous grade remains on the student’s transcript. A repeated course counts only once toward degree requirements (i.e., students may not receive double credit for a course). A course may be repeated for credit only twice.

rate or misleading data through informal hearings. Student records include financial accounts and financial aid records, practicum and internship assignments and evaluations, grades, veteran affairs, and Student Life files. Students have the right to file complaints concerning alleged institutional failure to comply with this Act. Copies of the institutional compliance policy are available in the Registrar’s Office. CIU designates the following categories of student records as public “Directory Information” and may use its discretion in disclosing these data: • Name, address, e-mail address, telephone number, dates of attendance, classification, photographs.

Incomplete: Under exceptional circumstances, a faculty member may permit additional time for the completion of course requirements after the end of the semester. In such cases, a temporary grade of “I” (Incomplete) will be assigned to a student whose performance is satisfactory but, due to unforeseen circumstances, has been unable to complete all course requirements. An “I” is not given to enable the student to do additional work to raise a deficient grade. The terms for the removal of the “I,” including the time limit for its removal (normally one month after the final exam and limited to no more than one additional semester) will be decided by the faculty member and documented for the academic dean and Registrar’s Office. The academic dean must approve any incomplete that goes past 30 days. It is the student’s responsibility to arrange with the faculty member whatever action is needed to remove the “I” grade at the earliest possible date, and in any event, within the time limit stipulated (not to exceed one year of the assignment of Incomplete). The “I” grade does not carry quality points and is not calculated in the grade point average. A student may not graduate with an “I” on the record. A student does not need to be enrolled to remove a grade of incomplete.

• Previous institution(s) attended, major field(s) of study, awards, honors, degree(s) conferred (including dates). • Past and present participation in officially recognized sports and activities, physical factors (height and weight of athletes), date and place of birth. • Forms requesting the withholding of “Directory Information” may be obtained from the Registration Office, and must be signed and returned prior to the first day of the second full week of classes. Unless this form is filed, your approval for disclosure of “Directory Information” is assumed.

Plagiarism CIU expects students to be honorable in all their academic work. All students are to do and be responsible for their own work. Dishonesty in assignments, examinations, written papers, or any other academic work is contrary to scriptural principles of Christian living and is an affront to fellow students and the faculty. Plagiarism is deliberately presenting another person’s ideas or words as one’s own or unintentionally failing to cite the source of one’s ideas. The following are specific examples of plagiarism:

Privacy Rights: The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended, with which CIU fully complies, protects the privacy of educational records, establishes the rights of students to inspect these records, and provides guidelines for the correction of inaccu-

1. The words, sentences, ideas, conclusions, examples, and/or organization of an assignment are borrowed from a source (a book, an article, another student’s paper, tapes, etc.) without acknowledging the source.


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

GRADES Grading System: It is expected that work done at the Graduate School will represent faithfulness and conscientious application on the part of every student. Although grades are not regarded as an end in themselves, they usually represent not only the students’ knowledge of the subject, but also their diligence in studying it. The grading system is as follows: Grade A AB+ B BC+ C CD+ D DF WF I S U W


Points Per Semester Hour


95-100 93-94 91-92 87-90 85-86 83-84 79-82 77-78 75-76 72-74 70-71 0-69

4.0 3.7 3.3 3.0 2.7 2.3 2.0 1.7 1.3 1.0 0.7 0.0 0.0 0.0


2. A student submits work done by another student - in part or whole - in place of his or her own work.



Passing Failure Withdrawn Failing Incomplete Satisfactory Unsatisfactory Withdrawal

READMISSION Students who have not been enrolled in the Graduate School for one to three semesters will need to contact the Admissions office to complete an internal rejoin process. Those students who have been out for four or more semesters will need to reapply. This time frame does not apply to students enrolled in the summer-only M.Ed. program. Students in this program who have missed two consecutive summers must apply for re-admission as outlined above.

3. A student submits assignments received from commercial firms or any other person or group. 4. A student knowingly aids another student in plagiarizing an assignment as defined above. Plagiarism will result in academic penalty, and may result in failure in the assignment, failure in the course, and further disciplinary action. When necessary, the appropriate personnel dean will be informed.

Student Assessment for Institutional Improvement

(Adapted with permission from the St. Paul Bible College Student Handbook and the Student’s Guide to Public Communication for The University of South Carolina by William M. Strickland.)

In order for CIU to assess and improve its academic programs, periodic measurements of student perceptions and intellectual growth must be obtained. As a requirement for graduation every student shall participate in one or more 45

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evaluative procedures, which may include examinations in general academic development and/or the major field of study. The evaluative information obtained through testing is used solely to improve the quality of the educational experience of future generations of students.

mined through an examination of the learning outcomes or student competencies, the relevancy of content for current “best practice” knowledge base, and the opportunity to learn and practice the skills and dispositions that are essential to the profession. Courses that are parallel to required courses in the core curriculum or the student’s major or minor program of studies at CIU may be received as meeting the requirement upon satisfactory review by the Registrar’s Office in consultation with the related program directors of the respective schools. Courses that do not parallel any required course may be received as elective credit up to the limit of electives for a particular program in which the student enrolls at CIU. The university is a member of the Higher Education Transfer Alliance (HETA), sponsored by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) and follows HETA guidelines for the evaluation of transfer credit.

Transfer Credit Policy All transfer of credit must be from an accredited institution or a non-accredited institution that has been placed on the graduate school’s approved list following the examination of institutional evidence that courses meet academic rigor in alignment with Columbia International University. CIU only recognizes accreditation if the institution is accredited by an agency approved by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) or the U.S. Department of Education. In order for a non-accredited institution to be placed on the approved list, the institution must submit an academic catalog in order to review the institution’s mission, academic programs, instructional policies, and faculty credentials. In addition to the catalog, the institution will provide three sample syllabi in order to review course content and level of learning outcomes. The registrar of the institution must also submit a letter listing accredited institutions that have accepted its graduates for academic work at the appropriate level (undergraduate or graduate). Upon receipt of these documents, a case for or against recommendation is presented to the respective school faculty for approval. Once the institution has gained an “approved status,” specific transfer of course syllabi must be examined utilizing the same transfer of credit guidelines as per accredited institutions, detailed below. The student is responsible for submitting all documentation in support of a transfer request. Credit for graduate work cannot be transferred into graduate programs at CIU; however, work at an unaccredited school may be reviewed for advanced standing (see below).

To obtain an estimate of transfer credit, applicants must submit official transcripts for all postsecondary study to the Admissions Office along with their application for admission and a request for an estimate of transfer credit. In some cases, applicants may be asked to send a catalog or prospectus from colleges or other postsecondary institutions attended. The Registrar’s Office will provide an initial assessment of transfer credit, but a final assignment of transfer credit may not be completed until the end of the student’s first semester of study at CIU. Transfer credits may be applied toward a student’s curriculum only by approval of the student’s academic advisor/program director. After admission to a program at CIU, requests for transfer credit must be approved by the student’s academic advisor and respective academic dean by academic petition. A grade of “C” (2.0 GPA) or better is required for transfer courses. Courses graded “pass/fail” are not transferrable unless it is stipulated on the transcript that a “pass” required a grade equivalent to “C” (2.0) or above.

Courses submitted for transfer credit must be in alignment with a course within the student’s program curriculum. Alignment may be deter-


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

Transfer credit is limited by residency requirements for the various degree programs. Graduate students must complete a minimum of 50 percent of credits required for the graduate degree at the Columbia campus or an approved educational site. At the present time, the only alternative approved educational site for completing residency credit is Korntal, Germany. Transfer credits and distance education courses do not count toward the residency requirement. Advanced standing may be awarded “with credit” or “without credit” for graduate level credit.

with final approval granted by the academic dean of the respective school. Students planning to complete work at another institution in their final semester of study should be aware and advised that their graduation date may be affected. Transcripts not received within 10 calendar days of the end of CIU’s semester will result in deferral of graduation to the subsequent term.

Transcript Request Official transcripts are maintained by the Registrar’s Office. A student can submit in writing a request for transcripts to be mailed to any organization or other institution of higher education. Transcript request forms are available at the Registrar’s Office and online. The cost for distributing an official transcript is $5.

Advanced standing without credit entitles the student to waive a curricular requirement in a field previously studied at an unaccredited school and substitute an advanced course at CIU in the same field. Advanced standing with credit satisfies the graduation requirement for which advanced standing is awarded. Advanced standing is awarded only on the basis of written or oral examination administered at CIU (proficiency examination). Advanced standing is available under the following conditions:

Withdrawal Withdrawal from a Course: In some cases, it may become necessary or advisable for students to drop a course for which they have registered. Prior to the drop/add deadline, students should consult with their faculty advisor for the proper procedure. Between the drop/add deadline and the withdrawal deadline, students must obtain a “Course Withdrawal” form from the Registration Office, complete the requested information, obtain all required signatures, and submit it to the Registration Office for processing. Course withdrawal should be made as early as possible in the semester. The tuition refund schedule is subject to change; the current rate schedule is available in the Registrar’s Office. Students withdrawing from a course after the withdrawal deadline will receive a “Withdrawn Failing (WF)” grade, equivalent to a failing (F) grade. In exceptional cases a withdrawal (W) may still be granted by the Graduate School dean (i.e. medical emergencies, military deployment. See the registrar’s or academic dean’s office for medical criteria). The course withdrawal deadline in a normal semester format is after the first five weeks. The withdrawal deadline for courses offered in an intensive format is after two days for a one-week course (40 percent of the course), three days for a two-week course (30 percent of the course), and four days (20

• With the exception of internship courses, advanced standing with credit may be granted for any course offered at CIU appropriate to the student’s degree program, including free electives. • Application for advanced standing must be made within one year of matriculation into CIU. • No more than one-sixth of the requirements of any degree program may be credited through advanced standing. • Students may not receive advanced standing credit for a course they have audited at CIU. • An approved Proficiency Exam Authorization form must be submitted to the Registrar’s Office with evidence that the student has paid the non-refundable examination fee. Competency must be demonstrated by scoring at least 77 percent on a one-time only written and/or oral assessment to be administered by the professor of record of the given course, 47

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percent) for a three or more week course. Students are responsible for following established withdrawal procedures.

from the Registration Office, complete the requested information, and obtain all required authorizations before submitting it to the Registration Office for processing. Failure to attend classes does not constitute withdrawal and failure to follow withdrawal procedures will result in grades of “F” for all courses. Students withdrawing from school after the withdrawal deadline (see under “Course Withdrawal”) will receive a “Withdrawn Failing (WF)” grade, equivalent to a failing (F) grade. A withdrawal (W) may still be given for serious circumstances excused by the academic dean or for medical reasons (see the Registrar’s or Dean’s Office for medical criteria).

Withdrawal from the University: Students who for any reason consider withdrawing from CIU during a semester should consult with the dean of Student Life and take the necessary steps to withdraw officially. Students who fail to withdraw officially forfeit their right to honorable dismissal and will receive a failing grade in each course for which they are registered during the semester. In cases where it becomes necessary or advisable for a student to withdraw from the Graduate School, it is the responsibility of the student to obtain a “School Withdrawal” form


Educational Opportunities

2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES Accelerated Studies (Summer and Winter)

several times a year but are not eligible for financial aid. Registration for distance learning courses opens about two months before the start of the semester. To see registration dates and other important deadlines, please go to All materials are ordered through the CIUonline Bookstore at or by phone at (803) 807-5263. Work done in a student’s final semester may affect graduation date and/or receipt of diploma at time of commencement. Issues constituting a need to hold the diploma at the time of commencement must be resolved prior to mailing the diploma to the student.

Core and elective courses are offered every year in intensive one, two and three week formats during the months of May through August (Summer Studies Program) and two weeks of January (Winter Studies). The abbreviated format of these sessions provides unique opportunities for students to accelerate their programs and for people involved in ministry, missions, and other vocations to fit continuing education into their schedules. Intensive courses require some level of pre- and post-class work. Upon registration, the student should check with the Graduate School Office for any required advance reading or written assignments. During Summer and Winter Studies, CIU is able to bring outstanding leaders in various fields to the campus. In the more intimate atmosphere of smaller classes, learning takes place in a close enough relationship to get to know and be influenced by the specialists. Information is available from the Graduate School Admissions Office.

Seminary & School of Missions An enthusiastic mix of recent college graduates, second career professionals, seasoned pastors, furloughing missionaries, and international church leaders trains for ministry at the CIU Seminary & School of Missions. Students learn together at our Columbia, S.C. campus, at our branch campus in Korntal, Germany, and at our extension site in Atlanta. Customized programs and flexible delivery systems take into consideration a student’s previous Bible training and ministry experience. A highly qualified and godly faculty with strong academic credentials and varied ministry backgrounds create a community of instruction, counsel, mentoring, and fellowship with students. A one-year Biblical Ministries Certificate, offered both on campus and by Independent courses, provides foundational training. The Certificate also serves, for those lacking previous theological education, as the first year of a degree program. The Master of Divinity provides optional concentrations in Academic Ministries, Bible Exposition, Global Studies, Ministry Leadership and Pastoral Counseling. Other ministerial leadership degrees include the Master of Arts in Ministry Leadership, Master of Arts in Bible Exposition, Master of Arts in Global Studies and Master of Arts in Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual Formation. Also, the Master of Arts is offered

DISTANCE EDUCATION CIU’s Distance Education and Media Center offers many Independent and online courses in audio CD and DVD delivery formats. Our distance learning students across the globe are mentored by faculty assistants and have direct access to their professor’s e-mail address and telephone extension throughout the course. Distance learning students also have access to the resources of the CIU Library for research purposes and will ship books anywhere in the world. Courses and available formats are noted in the Course Description section of this catalog. Independant and online courses are specifically designed to serve students at a distance. However, resident students may also register for them as part of a semester load in order to alleviate schedule conflicts and/or to accelerate progress toward graduation and may be eligible for financial aid. For non-resident students Fall, Spring and Summer registrations are accepted


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

with concentrations available in Theological Studies, Intercultural Studies and Muslim Studies. The Doctor of Ministry degree is offered with concentrations in Leadership, Member Care, Military Chaplaincy, Missions, and Preaching. Most courses meet once a week to enhance flexible scheduling. The AIM (Advancement in Ministry) program is structured to allow students pursuing an M.Div. or M.A. to spend four weeks per year on campus in intensive modular courses and complete other courses via IDL, enabling them to complete an entire M.Div. curriculum in as little as 60 months and the M.A. in as little as 40 months. Students with previous Bible training or transfer credit can complete the program in even less time. On the Korntal campus, students may complete the Biblical Ministries Certificate and M.A. with concentrations in Biblical Theology in Global Perspective, Intercultural Studies, International Theological Education or Missiology.

Undergraduate School CIU’s Undergraduate School offers a complete range of collegiate programs leading to a one year Bible Certificate, two-year Associate of Arts degree, and four-year Bachelor degrees. All Bachelor degree programs feature a Bible major with selected professional majors and minors in Bible teaching, biblical languages, communication, family and church education, general studies, humanities, intercultural studies, middle eastern studies, music, outdoor leadership (minor only), pastoral ministries, psychology, teaching English as a foreign language (minor only), video production (minor only), and youth ministry. The teacher education program can lead to ACSI certification. An exceptional faculty considers it one of their highest privileges to invest in the lives of the students that God sends to CIU.




2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

ADMISSIONS Who Should Apply?

• References from pastor and two other persons on forms provided. Note: Completed reference forms should be mailed directly to the Graduate Admissions Office.

Applicants should evidence strong Christian character and commitment, potential for effectiveness in Christian ministry, and the scholastic achievement, communication skills and intellectual ability needed for graduate studies.

• Documentation of any program-specific admissions requirements. Any test scores (i.e.: GRE, Praxis I:PPST, Praxis II 0014) or other documentation required should be submitted to the Graduate Admissions Office as soon as possible. Score reports must come directly from the testing agency.

Our student body includes a blend of people fresh out of college, those with careers, single and married persons, and transfer students. The student body includes people of diverse ages, geographical and cultural backgrounds, personal and family backgrounds, and denominational affiliations. This diversity adds to the richness of the CIU educational experience.

3. Confirm intention to enroll within 21 days from receipt of acceptance letter by sending the $300 enrollment deposit and, if planning to live on campus, the $100 housing deposit for students starting in the fall or spring semesters. Graduate education students in the summer-only program should submit a tuition deposit of $300 and, if desiring to live on campus, a housing deposit of $50 with their summer registration form. These are not extra charges. The tuition deposit is a confirmation of intention to enroll and is applied toward the student’s tuition at the time of enrollment. The housing deposit reserves space in the dormitory and is applied toward room and board costs at the time of enrollment. For more details on refunds, see the financial information section of this catalog. The enrollment deposit is waived for the spouse of a full-time Graduate School student.

Prospective students are encouraged to discuss plans, goals and questions with our concerned and experienced admissions staff. Within the United States, call our toll-free number (800) 777-2227. Outside the United States, please call (803) 807-5335. Fax us at (803) 2232501 or e-mail us at [email protected].

Admissions Procedures 1. Complete the online application. Or request a paper copy from the Graduate Admissions Office by calling (800) 777-2227, ext. 5335, e-mailing [email protected] or by writing the office at Columbia International University, P.O. Box 3122, Columbia, SC 29230-3122. 2. Provide: • Completed application form, the application fee ($45) and a written Christian Experience essay.

4. A medical packet will be sent from the Health Services Office after acceptance. The completed immunization verification, medical history and insurance information must be received by health services before the student may register for classes. Not required for summer-only students.

• Official transcripts from each post-secondary institution. Transcripts should show date of graduation, grade-point average, and all courses taken. Remember, all transcripts must be sent directly from the school to CIU. Personal copies are not official.

Note: Columbia International University follows a rolling admissions policy. Applications are reviewed when the admissions office has 53

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received all of the application materials. Prospective students are notified of decisions on their applications within a reasonable time frame, usually two to four weeks after all application materials are received. Please see website for upcoming semester deadline.

• A bachelor’s degree from an accredited institution. (Students holding a baccalaureate degree from a non-accredited institution may in some cases still be eligible for admission. See Non-Accredited Degrees for more information.) • Agreement with the Doctrinal Standard. An applicant will not be admitted who denies any teaching expressed in the Doctrinal Standard. (Exception: Students are not required to affirm the pre-millennial position expressed in Section 8 of the Doctrinal Standard.)

General Admissions Requirements Race, ethnic origin, nationality, sex or disability are not factors in our selection process. Applicants who have been divorced will be considered for admissions on a case-by-case basis. Columbia International University reserves the right to deny or revoke the admission of any candidate whose behavior or lifestyle is inconsistent with biblical principles or with the lifestyle standards of the CIU community. The basic criteria for selection of students include the following:

In addition to the general requirements listed above for admission to the CIU Graduate School, the various degree programs have specific prerequisite and entrance requirements related to their professional fields. (See the following sections.) Acceptance by the Graduate Admissions Office into a Graduate School program does not guarantee admission to candidacy or graduation.

• Evidence of Christian conversion (normally at least one year prior to enrollment) and development in Christian character.

Specific Requirements: MABT

• Evidence of Christian character, submission to the will of God, and willingness to accept the administration’s authority and guidelines.

In addition to satisfying the general admissions requirements for the CIU Graduate School, students applying to the Master of Arts in Bible Teaching program must satisfy the following:

• Evidence of the physical and emotional health needed for academic success and the ability to participate in the cross-cultural, church, market place, and/or ministry roles for which they are preparing.

1. Evidence of ability to successfully pursue an academic program. Students must have a 2.7 GPA minimum in undergraduate study or scores above the 50th percentile on the Graduate Record Examination.

• Evidence of ability to successfully pursue an academic program. Requirements for individual degree programs are listed in the Specific Requirements for each degree (see also Probationary Acceptance).

2. Appropriate undergraduate background. It is generally agreed that the best preparation for classroom teaching is a well-balanced undergraduate program that includes courses in the humanities and sciences. Specifically in Bible teaching situations, the teacher is often called upon to integrate the Bible with literature, history and the social sciences. An applicant whose academic background is lacking in any of these areas will be required to remove the deficiency before being assigned a student teaching

• Evidence of effective use of English (international students should see the section International Applicants for information on specific requirements).


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

placement. Therefore, applicants to this program must demonstrate reasonable competency, as evidenced by satisfactory college level study, in the following areas:

ing the MACNS program (see Prerequisite Policy). Students must have one of the following: a. an undergraduate major in psychology

• literature

b. at least 15 hours of psychology coursework, including:

• history • social studies in the Bible curriculum

• General Psychology or Introduction to Psychology

3. Foundational knowledge in Bible and theology. This requirement is satisfied by one of the following:

• Abnormal Psychology • Research Design/Statistics

• an undergraduate degree in Bible (either from a Bible college or Christian liberal arts college or university)

• Personality Theory • Developmental Psychology

• a Bible certificate (see Prerequisite Policy)

Students without 15 hours of prescribed psychology courses can be conditionally accepted pending successful completion of prerequisite requirements, however, they will not be allowed to take certain counseling courses until corresponding prerequisites are met.

• a total of thirty (30) hours of coursework in Bible and theology (see Prerequisite Policy ) Note: Students not meeting this requirement should apply to the Biblical Ministries Certificate program at CIU Seminary & School of Missions. After completing the Biblical Ministries Certificate, students would qualify to apply to the M.A. in Bible Teaching program.

3. Assessment. Students must receive satisfactory results on the MMPI-2 (interpretive report reviewed with student at the time of interview).

Specific Requirements: MACNS

4. Interview. Students must interview with a counseling faculty member.

In addition to satisfying the general admissions requirements for the CIU Graduate School, students applying to the Master of Arts in Counseling program must satisfy the following:

Note: Students not meeting the psychology coursework requirement may complete undergraduate psychology courses through the CIU Undergraduate School or transfer in credits from other accredited institutions.

1. Evidence of ability to successfully pursue an academic program. Students must have a 3.0 GPA minimum in previous study in psychology or scores above the 50th percentile on the Graduate Record Examination in psychology or where applicable, a satisfactory rating on the Life Skills Rating Assessment. (The Life Skills Rating Scale is used to determine intellectual, spiritual, emotional, life and ministry maturity in order to demonstrate readiness for pursuing the M.A. in Counseling.)

Course Credit Transfer Policy: A maximum of 12 credits will be considered for transfer toward the clinical counseling core from another accredited school. No transfer of credit will be accepted for the following courses: CNS 6410 Counseling Techniques, CNS 6911 Diagnostic Practicum, CNS 6300 Integration of Theology & Psychology, CNS 6931 Supervised Internship 1, CNS 6932 Supervised Internship 2, CNS 6936 Supervised Internship 3, CNS 5312 Personal and Spiritual Development I and CNS 6312 Personal and Spiritual Development II.

2. Appropriate academic undergraduate background. Previous background in psychology is expected of students enter-


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

Specific Requirements: MATEFL/ICS

1. Evidence of ability to pursue successfully an academic program. Students must have a 2.7 GPA minimum in undergraduate or graduate study or submit verbal test scores above the 50th percentile and analytical writing scores above 3.5 on the Graduate Record Examination. The exam must have been taken within the last five years. International students whose first language is not English who are applying to the English as a Second Language emphasis must score 600 or above on the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).

In addition to satisfying the general admissions requirements for the CIU Graduate School, students applying to the Master of Arts in Teaching English as a Foreign Language/ Intercultural Studies must satisfy the following: 1. Evidence of ability to successfully pursue an academic program. Students must have a 2.7 GPA minimum in undergraduate study or scores above the 50th percentile on the Graduate Record Examination. International Students whose first language is not English must score 600 on the paper-based examination or 250 on the computer-based examination or 100 on the Internet-based test of the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL).

2. Previous experience in education. Students applying to the M.Ed. program can satisfy this requirement by verifying either two years classroom experience, a current teaching certificate, an undergraduate degree in education, or a minimum of two years educational administration. A limited number of students without one of these experiences, who otherwise meet the requirements and who display exceptional leadership qualities, may be accepted on the basis of specific coursework. While expertise in all disciplines is not expected, students must demonstrate reasonable competency in content areas by:

2. Foundational knowledge in Bible and theology. This requirement is satisfied by one of the following: a. an undergraduate degree in Bible (either from a Bible college or Christian liberal arts college or university) b. a Bible certificate (see Prerequisite Policy) c. a total of thirty (30) hours of coursework in Bible and theology (see Prerequisite Policy)

a. completing at least 36 semester hours in undergraduate liberal arts and distributed in at least four of the following core areas:

NOTE: Students not meeting this requirement should apply to the Biblical Ministries Certificate program at CIU Seminary & School of Missions. After completing the Biblical Ministries Certificate, students would qualify to apply to the M.A. in TEFL/ICS program.

• • • • • •

Specific Requirements: M.Ed.

Language Arts Social Science Physical and Life Sciences Math Technology Fine Arts

b. They must also present evidence of leadership experience with a letter of recommendation from a professional within the appropriate professional field. (This information should be included in the references completed as part of the application packet.)

The Master of Education degree offers two different concentrations: Curriculum and Instruction and Educational Administration, and the admissions requirements vary slightly depending on the concentration desired. In addition to satisfying the general admissions requirements for the CIU Graduate School, students applying to the Master of Education must satisfy the following requirements:

3. Foundational knowledge in Bible and theology. This requirement is satisfied by one of the following:


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

a. an undergraduate degree in Bible (either from a Bible college or Christian liberal arts college or university)

accredited colleges and universities nationwide. All are also available on CIU’s campus through the Undergraduate School. Advanced Placement Examination credit can be utilized to satisfy prerequisite requirements for graduate programs if documented on the student’s undergraduate transcript. Scores of 3-5 can be credited to satisfy MAT, MED, and MACNS content or introductory psychology coursework.

b. a Bible certificate (see Prerequisite Policy) c. a total of thirty (30) semester hours of coursework in Bible and theology (see Prerequisite Policy) d. a minimum of nine (9) semester hours of specific Bible/theology courses (see Prerequisite Policy). It is recommended, but not required, that these courses be taken before admission to the Graduate School, but they must be completed prior to application for graduation.

Bible/Theology Prerequisites: While the Bible is considered foundational to all study at CIU, some Graduate School programs are designed to build on previous biblical studies while others integrate the necessary Bible study into the program. Careful attention should be paid to the specific requirements for the desired degree program. Of course, advanced biblical study is highly recommended and opportunity for further study is readily available at CIU Seminary & School of Missions (SSM). The Bible/Theology prerequisites can be met in the following ways:

NOTE: Students not meeting all undergraduate course requirements may complete the courses through the Undergraduate School.

Specific Requirements: Ed.D. For admission requirements and processes unique to the Doctor of Education in Educational Leadership program, please see: edd_app.pdf

1. Bible certificate. This option is available for the MATEFL/ICS, MABT, MAT and M.Ed. degrees. The certificate must be from an accredited institution. Bible certificates on the undergraduate and graduate levels are available at many Bible colleges and seminaries and usually consist of approximately 30 hours of coursework in Bible and theology. The Undergraduate School of CIU offers an undergraduate Bible certificate program. CIU Seminary and School of Missions also offers a Biblical Ministries Certificate Studies program at the graduate level with courses available either on campus or through online courses.

Prerequisite Policy In general, the degree programs in the Graduate School are designed to build on students’ previous experiences and study. Therefore, most of the programs have specific areas of study that should have been addressed in the students’ undergraduate coursework. For students without this foundational knowledge, prerequisite courses are outlined in the specific requirements for each program. In some cases, they refer solely to content directly related to the professional field (“content prerequisites”), and, in other cases, prerequisite courses are used to satisfy Bible and theology requirements (“Bible/theology prerequisites”). All content courses used to satisfy prerequisite requirements, must be from an accredited institution. Prerequisite requirements must be documented by a transcript.

2. Thirty (30) hours of coursework in Bible and theology. This option is available for the MATEFL/ICS, MABT, MAT and M.Ed. degrees. The coursework must be from an accredited institution. Selected courses can be satisfied by successfully passing Advanced Standing exams with an assigned SSM professor. Arrangements for these exams should be made through your assigned program advisor.

Content Prerequisites: Courses satisfying these requirements are available at many 57

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3. Nine (9) semester hours of specific Bible/theology courses (three hours from each category listed below). This option is available for the MAT and M.Ed. degrees only. Courses may be at either the undergraduate or the graduate level. Courses numbered 10004000 are undergraduate-level courses and are offered on campus through the CIU Undergraduate School. Courses numbered at the 5000 level are graduate-level courses and are offered on campus through CIU Seminary & School of Missions. Courses are available as online courses. Selected courses can be satisfied by successfully passing Advanced Standing exams with an assigned SSM professor. Arrangements for these exams should be made through your assigned program advisor. Courses from other accredited institutions may be accepted, but applicants should contact the program director for approval. Applicants must have at least three hours of coursework from each section:

m.THE 5510 Doctrine: Survey (3) n. BIB 3616 or 6616 Romans (3) 4. For Ed.D. prerequisites, please refer to the program webpages. (

International Applicants Applicants for whom English is not their first language are required to take the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) Exam and must score a 550 on the paper-based examination or 213 on the computer-based examination or 79 on the Internet-based examination before being considered for acceptance into the Graduate School of Columbia International University. International students applying for the MATEFL/ICS or M.Ed. C&I/ESL programs must have a score of 600 on the paper-based examination or 250 on the computer-based examination or 100 on the Internet examination. This includes internationals transferring to CIU from another graduate school in the United States unless the student has completed a degree in which English was the primary medium of instruction. The TOEFL Exam is available through American consular offices CIU’s code number is 5116.

• Bible Survey • Biblical Hermeneutics/Bible Interpretation • Theology Course Bible/Theology courses offered at CIU:

International applicants must send official transcripts (or certified true copies) of all academic work beyond the secondary school level. These transcripts must be sent directly from the school and not by the applicant. Records not in English should be accompanied by a certified translation into English. International students from institutions outside the United States will also need to provide an evaluation of their degree by the World Education Services (WES). More information on this process is available online at

a. BIB 1110 Old Testament Survey (5) on-campus only b. BIB 1112 Old Testament Survey: Part 1 (2) IDL only c. BIB 1113 Old Testament Survey: Part 2 (3) IDL only d. BIB 1120 New Testament Survey (3) e. BIB 4310 Progress of Redemption (3) f. BIB 5112 Genesis-Song of Solomon (3) g. BIB 5113 Prophets (3) h. BIB 5132 Gospels/God’s Means of Providing Redemption (3) i. BIB 5133 Acts-Revelation (3) j. BIB 3420 Principles of Bible Interpretation (3) k. BIB 5410 Basic Biblical Hermeneutics (3) l. THE 2110 Survey of Bible Doctrine (3) IDL only

Acceptance for study does not imply the availability of scholarship or other financial assistance.

Non-Degree Students Although students are normally accepted for study on condition that they intend to complete requirements for a degree program, other persons not applying for a specific degree program may be accepted as a non-degree seeking stu58

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dent. Applicants must hold at least a baccalaureate degree and be committed to lifestyle standards that are consistent with evangelical Christians and the general ethos of CIU. Information on eligibility, limitations and application procedure is available in the Admissions Office. A maximum of 12 graduate hours may be taken as a non-degree student. Students taking courses for professional development beyond the 12 credits will need to sign the Waiver of Credit Hour Limitation.

• a list of accredited institutions that have accepted students from the institution for graduate work. • the syllabi from at least four classes appropriate to program preparation as selected by the applicant. International students from non-accredited institutions outside the United States will also need to provide an evaluation of their degree by the World Education Services (WES). More information on this process is available online at

Non-Accredited Degrees The faculty and administration of CIU recognize that there are higher education institutions, both in the United States and around the world, which have chosen to offer quality instruction and training without the benefit of accreditation by an organization approved by the United States Department of Education. In general, students graduating with a bachelor’s degree from such institutions are not eligible for admission to the programs of the Graduate School. However, in a limited number of cases, it may be determined that the academic rigor required in the bachelor’s program was sufficient to merit considering the applicant for admission.

All students admitted to a Graduate School program based on a degree from a non-accredited institution are admitted with provisional acceptance. Therefore, after one regular semester (minimum of nine hours), the student’s work is evaluated to determine whether the provisional status should be removed, extended for an additional semester, or withdrawn from the program. Generally, probationary status is removed for students who achieve the requisite GPA (3.0 for MACNS, 2.7 for all other programs).

Probationary Acceptance A limited number of applicants may be accepted on a probationary basis if they have received an accredited baccalaureate degree but do not meet the academic requirements for the desired degree program. Students who have not met the minimum GPA/GRE requirements for the program may be granted probationary acceptance on a case by case basis. Students applying to the MAT program must have passed all three sections of the Praxis I exam to be considered for probationary acceptance. After one regular semester of study, the work of students who were admitted on probation is evaluated to determine whether the probationary status should be removed or whether enrollment should be terminated. Generally, probation status is removed for students who achieve the requisite GPA (3.0 for MACNS, 2.70 for MAT and 2.7 for all other programs).

Applicants in this category must satisfy the general admissions requirements for the CIU Graduate School and the specific requirements for the program to which they are applying. As evidence of ability to pursue successfully an academic program, applicants must have both the minimum GPA in undergraduate study required by the program to which they are applying and scores above the 50th percentile on the Graduate Record Examination or the minimum as defined by a given program. Applicants must also provide the following documents from the institution(s) where they completed their earlier study: • an institutional catalog or other document that includes the institution’s history; information on faculty credentials; the institution’s relationship to state, regional, national or international educational agencies; the grading system; and course descriptions.


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

Transfer Credit


Applicants who have completed graduate-level work at another accredited institution may receive transfer credit in courses for which they received a grade of “C” or better. Prior to admission, an initial evaluation of the appropriateness of possible transfer courses is determined by the program director, in consultation with the appropriate dean and course instructors if necessary, based on the currency of the course content and the relevancy of the course to the program; a final evaluation of transfer credits may not be completed until the end of the student’s first semester of study at CIU. Applicants may be asked to send a catalog or prospectus from the other institutions attended. After admission to a program, requests for transfer credit must be approved by the student’s advisor and appropriate dean by Academic Petition. All transfer of credit must be from an accredited institution or a non-accredited institution that has been placed on the graduate school’s approved list following the examination of institutional evidence that courses meet academic rigor in alignment with Columbia International University. The majority of credits for a degree must be completed at CIU.

Columbia International University is approved by the State Approval Agency, South Carolina Department of Education, State of South Carolina, for training veterans who are eligible for benefits under the Veterans Administration Programs. You will have a faculty member who serves as your academic advisor. He or she will be contacted by the Office of Student Financial Services, and asked to verify that all of your coursework is required for your degree program.

Return after Absence Students who have not been enrolled in the Graduate School for one to three semesters will need to contact the Admissions office to complete an internal rejoin process. Those students who have been out for four or more semesters will need to reapply. This time frame does not apply to students enrolled in the summer-only M.Ed. program. Students in this program who have missed two consecutive summers must apply for re-admission as outlined above.

CIU Graduates CIU (undergraduate) graduates wishing to apply for the Graduate School or Seminary within one year of their CIU graduation will need to complete an abbreviated application process with the admissions office. If a CIU graduate is applying after one year of graduation, they will need to complete the entire application process.

Instances of Fraud Anyone found to have been admitted to the Graduate School on the basis of false information may be immediately dismissed and will forfeit all financial payments made and academic credits accumulated during all periods of enrollment following that admission.


Financial Aid

2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

FINANCIAL AID When students are unable to fully fund their education from personal resources, it is CIU’s policy to attempt to assist them in obtaining additional financing from federal, state, institutional and private foundation resources to the extent possible. Students who wish to be considered for aid from these sources must meet general eligibility requirements as well as fundspecific criteria. Eligibility requirements and instructions for applying are outlined below. International students are not eligible for federal aid but may qualify for institutional aid.

• Be enrolled on at least a half-time basis, which is defined as 4.5 credit hours. Other requirements may apply. Once you submit your FAFSA, the Office of Student Financial Services will contact you to discuss the completion of your application file. You must respond immediately to any request for additional information or documentation. Failure to do so could cause you to forfeit awards.

Federal Financial Aid – Types Graduate students, if eligible, can receive federal loans and work-study. Current information on federal aid is available online at http://www. or by visiting the Office of Student Financial Services.

FEDERAL FINANCIAL AID Federal Financial Aid – Eligibility The federal government administers aid programs with the purpose of assisting students whose personal resources are not sufficient to pay for graduate school. This assistance may come in the form of loans or federal work-study. The primary document used to apply for federal aid is the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). This document is available online at: CIU’s FAFSA school code is 003429.

Federal Work-Study (FWS) This program is designed to subsidize on and off-campus job opportunities for needy students (as determined based on the FAFSA). A student may seek employment after arriving on campus by contacting the Office of Career Planning and Placement. All jobs pay at least minimum wage. If a student does not demonstrate (on the FAFSA) sufficient financial need to qualify for the federal work-study program, he or she may apply for regular student employment through the Office of Career Planning and Placement.

To be considered for federal financial aid a student must meet the following general eligibility requirements: • Submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) • Be enrolled or accepted for enrollment in a regular, degree granting program of study (or other eligible program as defined by the federal government) • Be a U.S. citizen or eligible non-citizen (as defined by the federal government) • Be registered with the Selective Service (if male and otherwise required) • Not be in default on a federal student loan or owe a refund for a federal student grant • Be making satisfactory academic progress toward a degree or a certificate

Federal Stafford Loans (FSL) The Federal Stafford Loan is long-term educational loan with a 6.8% fixed interest rate. The student borrows from the lending institution of his or her choice. Students who demonstrate financial need according to the FAFSA may be eligible for the Federal Subsidized Stafford Loan. If you receive this type of loan, the U.S. Department of Education will pay the interest as long as you remain enrolled at least half time. The U.S. Department of Education will continue


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

to pay the interest for six months after you leave school (by graduating or withdrawing) and during any deferment period. Students who do not demonstrate financial need according to the FAFSA may be eligible for the Federal Unsubsidized Stafford Loan. The U.S. Department of Education does not pay interest on this type of loan. The borrower can either pay the interest or allow the interest to be capitalized (added to the principal). With the unsubsidized loan, the interest is the borrower’s responsibility from the time the loan is disbursed until it is paid in full.

Highest consideration in awarding CIU financial aid to international students will be given to those students who meet the following criteria: • Are pursuing their first CIU post-graduate degree (MA or higher); • Have a proven record of ministry effectiveness, especially in leadership positions; • Explicitly affirm his/her intention to return home to engage in a specific ministry role for which “Western” theological education is a strategic advantage; • Receive endorsement and financial backing from his/her native church and/or coordinating mission agency;

For graduate students the annual subsidized limit is $8,500 and the overall annual limit is $20,500.

• Have strong references from CIU alumni, particularly those with which they minister

Federal Financial Aid – How to Apply

• Demonstrate mission quality to the institution

U.S. citizens and eligible non-citizens must submit the FAFSA (usually by February 28). The FAFSA and the CIU Scholarship Application become available online on January 2. Late applications will be accepted, but funds are awarded on a first come, first served basis.

• Demonstrate strong Christian character and spiritual maturity

INSTITUTIONAL FINANCIAL AID Institutional Financial Aid – Eligibility

These applications are available online at

Columbia International University has numerous scholarship and grant opportunities available to qualified students. U.S. citizens and eligible non-citizens must submit both the FAFSA and the CIU Scholarship Application. International students should contact the Office of Student Financial Services to obtain the necessary instructions related to the application process. These forms must be submitted each school year for the student to be considered for CIU grants and scholarships for the next school year.

Summer Students While CIU does not offer regular scholarships during summer terms, students can be considered for Federal Loans.

International Students International students do not complete the FAFSA. Instead they should contact the Office of Student Financial Services to obtain the necessary instructions related to the application process. International students seeking financial aid should be aware that they are required by the U.S. Federal government to demonstrate they have the funds necessary to attend the university, prior to arriving in the United States. The U.S. Government has determined that, barring unforeseen circumstances, adequate funding should be available from the same or equally dependable sources for subsequent years of study. (U.S. Federal code 22 CFR 41.61 (b)(ii).)

Graduate students must be enrolled for at least nine hours to be eligible for CIU Scholarships and Endowment Grants/Scholarships. Moreover, graduate students need to maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress and display excellent Christian character. These grants and scholarships are only awarded during the fall and spring semesters. CIU scholarship awards are made to entering and continuing CIU students. Award amounts are approximately $1,000 per semester. Approximately 40 Endowment Grants/


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

Scholarships have been established by individuals, families, and institutions that are deeply committed to God’s work around the world and to the role that CIU plays in training laborers for that work.

and scholarships. It is best to understand a grant as an entitlement that the student receives, possibly in conjunction with other grants. Scholarships are awarded on the basis of specific criteria. Students are eligible for any grant for which they are qualified, but may receive only one scholarship. The Office of Student Financial Services works with the student to determine the best overall financial package for the student. For more detailed information, please refer to the financial aid page on the CIU website:

Institutional Financial Aid – How to Apply U.S. citizens and eligible non-citizens must submit the FAFSA and the CIU Scholarship Application (priority deadline: usually February 28). These applications are available online at The submission of these two application forms by the deadline will ensure the student full consideration for all of the federal aid, and most of the institutional aid, that CIU awards. If any aid program requires a separate application, a link to the required application will be provided on our website: Click “grants” and “scholarships” and “donor scholarrships” to review all of the award programs.

Spouse Tuition Benefits CIU is committed to the principle that training both the wife and husband makes a stronger family and ministry team. CIU has created two programs out of the institution’s commitment to that principle: the Guest Pass and the Partners in Ministry Scholarship.

The Guest Pass

Institutional Scholarships — Funding Requirements

The Guest Pass permits the spouse of a provisional or fully admitted CIU student to attend courses at no charge on a space-available basis with the permission of the professor. The spouse must be in the same course as his or her partner. Guests do not take exams or participate in course assignments; participation in classroom discussion is at the discretion of the professor. Course syllabi and other materials are not normally available. A Guest Pass must be obtained from the Registrar’s Office.

Specific conditions and qualifications may be required for individual scholarships and are noted accordingly. In addition to meeting the previously stated general requirements, all applicants must also meet the following program requirements: • Be enrolled at least 9 hours during each semester (including extension and distance education classes). • Be willing to provide an appropriate “thank you” letter to scholarship donors

The Partners in Ministry Scholarship

• Maintain a 2.0 grade point average

This scholarship is available to the enrolled spouse of a full-time, degree-seeking student in either the undergraduate, graduate school, or seminary. Award amounts vary based on available funding. Contact the Student Financial Services Office for details.

• Not be in default on a federal student loan or owe money back to a federal grant program • Display excellent Christian character CIU awards institutional financial aid on a firstcome, first-served basis, based on available funding. All scholarships are subject to revision.

Private Foundations Literally thousands of scholarships are offered each year through private foundations and civic organizations. The best resources available for discovering these opportunities are the public

CIU Grants & Scholarships Through the generosity of many friends and alumni, CIU is able to make available grants


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

library, the internet, and college financial aid offices. Students are encouraged to visit for links to scholarship search websites. Through your own diligence in seeking out the possibilities, God may choose to provide for you through private foundations and organizations.

their local Vocational Rehabilitation agency for more information.

Financial Aid Policy for Satisfactory Academic Progress In order to remain eligible for federal and institutional aid, graduate students must maintain Satisfactory Academic Progress in their respective programs of study. Satisfactory Academic Progress includes both qualitative measures (obtaining and maintaining a satisfactory Grade Point Average), and quantitative measures (obtaining a minimum number of credits toward a degree within specified time limits). The requirements are as follows:

Other Aid Sources Veteran’s Benefits If you are an eligible veteran, you are encouraged to pursue the possibility of Veteran’s Education Benefits. You should contact your regional VA representative at (888) 442-4551 for information and applications. Also visit the CIU veterans’ website at Review this page to learn how to apply your benefits as a CIU student. Click VA FAQ to review additional important information.

Qualitative Measures Students enrolled in CIU graduate degree programs must maintain a cumulative GPA that is greater than or equal to the cumulative GPA required for graduation from that degree programs. CIU graduate programs have a minimum GPA requirement for graduation. Students falling below the minimum GPA for one semester are automatically placed on Financial Aid probation. Students falling below the minimum GPA for two consecutive semesters will be considered ineligible for additional financial aid until reinstated.

Of Interest to Veterans This catalog contains valuable information, including the following: The names of school governing body, officials, and faculty: p.110-119 Calendar: p.120 Entrance requirements: p.54 Receiving credit for prior education: p.60 Grading system: p. 45 Academic probation: p.37 Unsatisfactory conduct: p.78 Readmission: p.45 Leave: p.47 Attendance: p.38 Academic records: p.47 Graduation requirements: p.39 Tuition and fees: website Refund Policy: website

Quantitative Measures Credit hours are evaluated on the basis of the student’s enrollment. Enrollment is defined and Satisfactory Academic Progress target levels are established as of the last day to register for courses. Satisfactory Academic Progress is evaluated at the end of spring semester. The determination of satisfactory or unsatisfactory status applies to the next academic year. At the end of the spring semester, graduate and seminary students are considered eligible under this measure if they earned no fewer than 12 semester hours of graduate credit per academic year, regardless of hours attempted. Remedial course work will be considered as part of the student’s degree program, but course incompletes, withdrawals, or repetitions may not be used as credit toward obtaining satisfactory

Vocational Rehabilitation Benefits Students who are overcoming physical and/or developmental obstacles may be eligible for Vocational Rehabilitation benefits through their state of residence. Students should contact


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

academic progress for the purposes of financial aid if these hours are considered attempted yet not earned. Summer course enrollment is not used to determine a student’s total semester hours of enrollment; however, semester hours earned during summer sessions are assessed regarding the student meeting the minimum earned hours requirements.

hospitalization, death in the immediate family, etc.), then the appeal might be approved, which would result in restored eligibility. Students wishing to appeal must submit a letter to the Office of Student Financial Services stating their reasons for failing to meet Satisfactory Academic Progress and whether or not they have solved their difficulties. This letter must be submitted no later than two weeks from the date of notification of unsatisfactory progress from the Office of Student Financial Services.

(Therefore, a student who is not meeting the minimum earned hours requirement may restore his or her record to compliance with this standard through summer enrollment.)


Notifications of Financial Aid ineligibility to current students applying for financial aid will be mailed during the summer.

The Financial Aid Office will run a Satisfactory Academic Progress report in June. Notifying students of their unsatisfactory progress early in the summer may permit some students to make up courses during the summer. A probationary report will be run in January so that the Office of Student Financial Services can send letters to students warning them of potential unsatisfactory academic progress.

Appeals A student who has been determined to be ineligible for financial aid due to a lack of compliance with the satisfactory academic progress standards can have his or her eligibility restored only if the appropriate one of the following conditions has been met:


• A sufficient number of credit hours have been earned

If a graduate or seminary student who is receiving financial aid withdraws from school, either partially or completely, during the course of an enrollment period (semester or short term), |policies have been established in accordance with federal regulations to ensure a fair and equitable refund of tuition. Refund policies are subject to federal regulations and may change during the course of a school year. Contact the Office of Student Financial Services for a complete copy of the current refund policy.

• The student’s GPA has been raised to the required level It is established through the financial aid satisfactory progress appeal process that the student encountered some type of extenuating circumstance that hindered academic performance during the semester in question (i.e., prolonged hospitalization, death in the immediate family, etc.). If a student who has been deemed ineligible for financial aid successfully changes his or her Satisfactory Academic Progress standing, it is the student’s responsibility to notify the Office of Student Financial Services in writing of this change. Another option is to submit a Satisfactory Academic Progress Appeal to the Office of Student Financial Services. If it is established through the financial aid satisfactory progress appeal process that the student encountered some type of extenuating circumstances that hindered academic performance during the semester in question (i.e., prolonged

Note to CIU Scholarship/Endowment Applicants: In order to make CIU scholarships and endowments available to as many eligible students as possible, all CIU scholarships and endowments are entirely forfeited when a recipient withdraws from CIU before the end of a term or drops below nine hours of enrollment. In such an event, CIU scholarship and endowment recipients are responsible for complete repayment of funds.

Student Rights Statement 66

2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

Students attending schools that participate in federal student aid programs (Title IV programs) have the right to notify the State Postsecondary Review Entity (SPRE) of complaints related to the institution’s management of the Title IV programs, or regarding misleading or inappropriate advertising and promotion of the institution’s educational programs, or other complaints about the institution. Students must first complete the institution’s internal grievance process. The SPRE may be contacted by telephone at (803) 737-2264, or by mail at the following address: The S.C. SPRE Complaint System, 1333 Main Street, Suite 200, Columbia, SC 29201.


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

SCHOLARSHIPS, ENDOWMENTS AND GRANTS 4. Preference given to Presbyterian and PCA students, but not required.

The CIU Scholarship Application must be completed to be considered for any of the following scholarships, except for those scholarships specifically mentioned as requiring separate scholarship applications. Students are encouraged to submit the CIU Scholarship Application yearly by the Feb. 28. To apply for scholarships requiring separate applications please visit Click “grants” and “scholarships” and “donor scholarships” to review all of the award programs.

SAM P. BOLICK MEMORIAL ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (1 AWARD @ APPROX. $600) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA. 2. Preparing for a full-time Christian vocation in missions. 3. Preference given to Presbyterian and PCA students, but not required.


JEAN C. BREWER MEMORIAL ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (1 AWARD @ APPROX. $500) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

(1 @ APPROX. $1000) Awarding Criteria: 1. Student must be a needy, male pastor from the continent of Africa.

2. A Graduate School student in the field of education preparing to teach in a Christian school in the United States.

2. Preference is given to students from Sudan, Kenya, or Nigeria.

LEONARD & EDNA BROWN ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (2 AWARDS @ APPROX. $1100) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

AMBASSADORS FOR CHRIST (VARIES BASED ON FUNDING) Awarding Criteria: 1. For international students committed to returning to their homeland upon completion of their studies as a witness for Christ.

2. Preparing for a full-time Christian vocation. LUCY SELLS & J. WALTER CARPENTER FAMILY ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (21 AWARDS @ APPROX. $1000) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

2. Preference given to students from mainland China. DORIS R. ANDRES MEMORIAL ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (2 AWARDS @ APPROX. $750) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

2. Preparing for a full-time Christian vocation.

2. Must be planning to enter into a Christian ministry. CARTER FAMILY ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (11 AWARDS @ APPROX. $2000) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

BITTERMAN MEMORIAL ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (7 AWARDS @ APPROX. $1000) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

2. International students returning to one’s home country to minister.

2. Preparing for a ministry of spreading the gospel among unreached peoples.

JEANIE CHILDS-PHIFER ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (2 AWARDS @ APPROX. $800) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

3. Special consideration may be given to upper classmen or seminary students who are more established in their ministry direction.

2. Preparing for full-time Christian vocation.

SARA M. BOLICK ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (1 AWARD @ APPROX. $500) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

CLASS OF ‘42 & ‘43 ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (2 AWARDS @ APPROX. $800) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

2. Preparing for a full-time Christian vocation. 3. Preference given to a wife of a CIU student preparing for missionary service.

2. Preparing for full-time Christian vocation. 68

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CLASS OF ‘50 ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (1 AWARD @ APPROX. $1000) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

GENERAL ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIPP (26 AWARDS @ APPROX. $1000) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

JOHN & NAOMI COTHRAN ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (5 AWARDS @ APPROX. $1000) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

CBCS GRADUATE ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (10 AWARDS @ APPROX. $1000) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

2. Preparing for a full-time Christian vocation.

2. Godliness of character and potential for future ministry. DAN DeHAAN MEMORIAL ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (1 AWARD @ APPROX. $500) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

ROBERT A. HALL MEMORIAL ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (VARIES BASED ON FUNDING) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA. 2. Must be preparing to be a school teacher and should be recommended by the Education Department.

BETTY F. DENT SCHOLARSHIP (1 AWARD @ APPROX. $300) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

GAVIN & MARGARET HAMILTON MEMORIAL ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (1 AWARD @ APPROX. $500) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

2. Worthy and needy student who is a legal resident of South Carolina. DATWYLER/WEBB ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (4 AWARDS @ APPROX. $1000) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

2. Preference to a child of missionaries. 3. Preference to an international student planning to return to home country.

2. Preparing for a full-time Christian vocation.


FULBRIGHT & HOLCOMB ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (3 AWARDS @ APPROX. $1200) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

Awarding Criteria: 1. Must complete the Vance Havner Scholarship application prior to June 1. 2. Must be preparing for full-time Christian work in evangelism or missions. 3. Must have academic grades deserving of financial assistance. 4. Must have financial need unmet by other sources.

Preferences, in order of priority, are: 2. Commitment to evangelize people groups that are atheist/non-religious, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, or with tribal religions. 3. Ex-felons

ADOLPH & EMMA HERMANN SCHOLARSHIP (4 AWARDS @ APPROX. $2000) Awarding Criteria: 1. Must be an international student with long-standing involvement in ministry.

4. Minority U.S. citizens 5. Ben Lippen international students 6. International students

2. Must be a graduate level student. Students doing remedial undergraduate work in order to launch into graduate studies may be considered.

FURLOUGHING MISSIONARY SCHOLARSHIP (10 AWARDS @ APPROX. $150) Awarding Criteria: 1. Must be affiliated with a recognized mission agency and on furlough.

3. Must come with a positive recommendation from appropriate leaders of his/her church and of mission leadership on the field. 4. Must be committed to going back to serve in his/her homeland and be prepared to repay the scholarship should he/she not return.

2. Scholarship is awarded only for Winter and Summer Studies.


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

HICKMAN ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (1 AWARD @ APPROX. $500) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

VIRGINIA HAMILTON LEWIS ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (MUSIC) (VARIES BASED ON FUNDING) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

2. Must be a child of a missionary working with the TEAM mission agency.

2. Preference is given to children of CIU alumni. 3. Student should be studying music.

MARTHA C. HOKE SCHOLARSHIP FOR WOMEN IN MINISTRY (2 AWARDS @ APPROX. $5000) Awarding Criteria: 1. Must be a woman (single or married, U.S. or international) who has given evidence of fruitful ministry with preference to those who have or plan to minister in overseas, cross-cultural settings.

4. Recipients are chosen by the Music Department. MACEDONIAN ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (1 AWARD @ APPROX. $1000) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA. 2. Must be a U.S. citizen preparing for full-time missionary work outside the United States and its territories.

2. The scholarship is for full-time students but can be reduced for part-time studies (although the student must take at least a half-time load).

RALPH WASHINGTON MASON ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (1 AWARD @ APPROX. $500) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA. 2. Planning on a career in missions. 3. Preference given to Presbyterian and PCA students, but not required.

3. Recipient will be required to agree to repay the scholarship should she not go into full-time Christian ministry upon completion/termination of education. MARTHA E. HOUGH MEMORIAL ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (1 AWARD @ APPROX. $500) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.


2. Preparing for vocational Christian service.

1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA. INTERNATIONAL ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (CECIL B. DAY) (5 AWARDS @ APPROX. $2000) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the CIU Scholarship Application.

2. Planning on a career in missions. 3. Preference given to Presbyterian and PCA students, but not required. CHARIS MAYNARD MEMORIAL RECONCILIATION SCHOLARSHIP FUND (1 AWARD @ APPROX. $5000) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

2. International students participating in international leadership who are sponsored by their national church or a U.S. missions organization. 3. Must plan to finish their course of study in two and a half years.

2. Must be an African-American who is committed to a ministry of racial reconciliation.

4. Must plan to return to their homeland to minister. VIRGINIA HAMILTON LEWIS ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (MINISTRY) (VARIES BASED ON FUNDING) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

NATHAN A. McDANIEL MEMORIAL ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (2 AWARDS @ APPROX. $1250) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

2. Preference is given to children of CIU alumni.

2. Preparing for full-time Christian service as a minister, missionary, or in Christian education or church music.

3. Preparing for a full-time Christian vocation.

M.E. MCNEIL MEMORIAL ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (VARIES BASED ON FUNDING) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

TIMOTHY E. McQUAY MEMORIAL ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (4 AWARDS @ APPROX. $2000) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

MARY ELIZABETH REID SCHOLARSHIP (VARIES BASED ON FUNDING) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

2. Must be committed to the discipleship and service of the Lord Jesus Christ.

2. A female student planning to serve the Lord in either Japan or China (mainland or Taiwan) as a full-time Christian vocational worker.

MURIEL McQUILKIN SCHOLARSHIP/LOAN FUND (VARIES BASED ON FUNDING) Awarding Criteria: 1. A degree-pursuing student as either a full or part-time student.

BERTHA RIKARD ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (2 AWARDS @ APPROX. $750) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

2. Used to help students get to the mission field as soon as possible after graduation, typically by replacing alternate loans which would have to be repaid before going to the field.

MARGARET GAILLARD ROMAINE ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (1 AWARD @ APPROX. $500) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

3. Scholarship reverts to a loan should the student not complete five years on the mission field (time in deputation and/or furlough does not count toward the five year commitment). The loan will be considered forgiven at a rate of 20 percent for each complete year on the field.

MARVIN R. SCHUSTER SCHOLARSHIP (6 AWARDS @ APPROX. $5000) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

MILLER’S SCHOLARSHIP (VARIES BASED ON FUNDING) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the CIU Scholarship Application.

2. Primary consideration given to students from the greater Columbus, Georgia area (including both Georgia and Alabama). 3. Special consideration given to employees or former employees of a Burger King restaurant in the southeast.

2. An international student.

4. Special consideration given to students who show great potential for ministry.

DR. & M.S. FLOYD NESBITT ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (1 AWARD @ APPROX. $500) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

ALBERT & RUTH SCRIBNER ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (2 AWARDS @ APPROX. $1000) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

REV. ELIE WALLACE NESMITH ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (1 AWARD @ APPROX. $500) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

2. Preparing for full-time Christian vocation (preferably in missions).

2. Mature students preparing for vocational Christian service.

3. Must have completed one-third of the required credits for an undergraduate degree at CIU (may be in Undergraduate School or Seminary or Graduate School).

PRESIDENTIAL SCHOLARSHIP (VARIES BASED ON FUNDING) Awarding Criteria: 1. Awarded by admissions/recruitment personnel based on the merits and needs of individual students.

D.L. SCURRY FOUNDATION SCHOLARSHIP (VARIES BASED ON FUNDING) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

HUGH & SALLY REAVES ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (8 AWARDS @ APPROX. $1000) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

ELIZABETH R. SESSIONS ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (2 AWARDS @ APPROX. $1400) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

JAMES REED MEMORIAL ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (1 AWARD @ APPROX. $500) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA. 71

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FAYE C. WEAVER MEMORIAL ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (1 AWARD @ APPROX. $500) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

STUDENT ASSOCIATION CONCERN SCHOLARSHIP (2 AWARDS @ APPROX. $800) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

2. Must be pursuing ministry in foreign missions.

2. First priority to Columbia area African-Americans with proven academic achievement.

DOROTHY WONG MEMORIAL ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (1 AWARD @ APPROX. $1000) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

3. Second priority to other South Carolina African-Americans. 4. Third priority to other African-Americans and minorities.

2. Must be an upperclassman or graduate student planning to work in China or any Asian country.

SUBURBAN COMMUNITY CHURCH SCHOLARSHIP (2 AWARDS @ APPROX. $2500) Awarding Criteria: 1. Non-need award given to full or part-time students seeking a degree at CIU. 2. Distributed at the discretion of the institution according to expressed need of the students.

JOHN A. WILCOX ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (1 AWARD @ APPROX. $1200) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA. 2. Must be committed to spreading the gospel as a career missionary.

BLANCHE CULVERN SULLIVAN ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (1 AWARD @ $500) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

CONSTANCE WYCKOFF MEMORIAL ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (3 AWARDS @ APPROX. $1000) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

TRINITY PRESBYTERIAN SCHOLARSHIP (1 AWARD @ APPROX. $1000) Awarding Criteria: 1. Demonstration of financial need by completion of the FAFSA.

2. Children of missionaries that are currently working full time on the mission field.

2. Must be a member of Presbyterian denomination for no less than two years prior to receiving the scholarship. 3. Student is to travel (at church’s expense) to Montgomery, Alabama to speak at Trinity Presbyterian regarding experience at CIU. LARRY K. & SARAH JANE STRONG VOAS ENDOWED SCHOLARSHIP (VARIES BASED ON FUNDING) Awarding Criteria: 1. Same criteria and process as the Vance Havner Scholarship.


Student Life

2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

STUDENT LIFE one another in love. Growth involves instructing, modeling, encouraging, and submitting to one another using common community standards.

Spiritual Life “...but speaking the truth in love, we are to grow up in all aspects into Him, who is the head, even Christ, from whom the whole body, being fitted and held together by that which every joint supplies, according to the proper working of each individual part, causes the growth of the body for the building up of itself in love.” Ephesians 4:15-16

Growth in community is fostered through personal involvement with other believers. This means we need to cultivate relationships in which we are free to disclose with increasing transparency our needs, weaknesses, fears, and failures to a trusted friend or friends. It also means we must accept the responsibility that comes with trust — humility, caring concern, and commitment to our friends’ welfare and growth. This kind of mutual care is essential to personal growth. Beyond its personal benefit, it affords vital preparation for future ministry.

The goal of Student Life is for all members of the Columbia International University community to know God in an intimate way; and, by the power of the Holy Spirit, we want to mature, becoming more Christlike as we grow in our ability to support and encourage one another in this academic community. With the Bible as the ultimate authority for what we teach and for how we should live, we promote a lifestyle that derives its core beliefs from the Bible. This rationale is outlined in biblical and ministry standards contained in regularly revised handbooks for students, staff, and faculty.

As members of a Christian community, we have a responsibility to each other and for each other. “Loving one another” is expressed in many ways. We love when we serve each other in humility, gentleness and genuine concern. We love when we lift up those who are burdened, struggling, or falling short. How we fulfill our ministry to one another in love will depend upon our personal maturity, spiritual gifts, available resources, and the depth of relationships we establish.

We do not assume that any of us have arrived at any ultimate level of maturity; instead, we seek to grow and live out life in such a manner that we reflect what we believe the Bible teaches regarding the virtues of holiness, honesty, integrity, and peace. In terms of student learning objectives, the faculty and student life professionals seek to model, mentor, and motivate students as they develop their own views on family, community, personal disciplines, spiritual formation, and godly behavior.

We believe it is important for our educational program to involve the whole CIU community. Faculty, staff, and students grow through interaction with each other and with supervisors, family, and church friends as we all progress toward our common spiritual and personal goals. In addition to course-related experiences, CIU seeks to promote spiritual growth and personal development through chapels, prayer days, field education experiences, and informal fellowship on the campus and in our homes.

Growth in Community The primary responsibility for spiritual growth and personal development lies within the individual; we believe this growth takes place best within a community of believers committed to


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

STUDENT RIGHTS AND RESPONSIBILITIES An Outline of Expectations: Authority of the University


Although Columbia International University exists for students, the Board of Trustees, by charter and by-laws, is responsible for the educational programs and campus life. The president of the university reports to the Board of Trustees and is responsible for the organization and administration of the school.

Within the context of our educational mission and cultural circumstances, certain responsibilities represent our attempt to apply clear scriptural principles at CIU. These responsibilities, include, but are not limited to: • The responsibility to actively participate in the university’s life of prayer and faith; • To observe Sunday as a special day of rest, worship, and service to the Lord. This includes involvement in a local church and refraining from academic study and work, unless given permission, on Sundays; • To have a time of daily communion with the Lord in prayer and meditation on the Word with a focus on personal godliness, spiritual growth, right relationships with others, and God’s direction for life; • To attend chapel services for worship, inspiration, fellowship, spiritual growth, and the dissemination of community information; • To attend Prayer Days each semester for corporate prayer; • The responsibility to practice complete honesty in connection with course work, interpersonal relationships, and daily activity in every setting; • To acknowledge the source of words, sentences, ideas, conclusions, examples, and/or organization of an assignment that are borrowed from a book, an article, another student’s paper, tapes, etc.; • To only use legally authorized duplication and/or distribution sources for music and movies; • The responsibility to uphold a level of behavior consistent with the university’s model of training for Christian servanthood and leadership; • To take care of body, mind, and soul through proper nutrition, adequate sleep, regular

Scriptural Commands and Clear Teaching The God revealed in the Bible desires to transform, illumine, and empower both faculty and students. He is the source of all authority and has power to transform His children into the image of Jesus Christ; He is the one who changes our lives in community. Scripture teaches that certain attributes are available to individuals through the Holy Spirit. These attributes include love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. “Against such things there is no law.” (Galatians 5:22-24 NIV). This “fruit of the Spirit” is to be sought, encouraged, and demonstrated in our relationships. In contrast to encouraging these positive attributes of the heart, Scripture condemns attitudes such as greed, jealousy, pride, lust, and hatred. Although these attitudes are sometimes difficult to discern, they can hinder relationships with God and others and lead to unacceptable behavior. Certain behaviors are expressly prohibited in Scripture and therefore are to be avoided by members of the University community. They include theft, gambling, lying, dishonesty, gossip, slander, backbiting, profanity, vulgarity (including crude language), sexual promiscuity (including adultery, homosexual behavior, premarital sex, and pornography), drunkenness, immodest attire, and occult practice.


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

exercise, and abstention from harmful practices such as the use of tobacco and illegal drugs;

refine their knowledge, critical thinking processes, skills, and talents for service to God and others. Most importantly, we expect God to participate in the learning process. His role is to transform and illumine the minds of both students and teachers and to empower all for a life of godliness and service. Academic responsibilities include, but are not limited to:

• To maintain biblical principles of truth, honor, and purity with regard to visual and listening choices such as movies, music, Internet, computer games and blogging; • To limit behaviors that may cause offense or moral failure, such as restricting expressions of physical affection to what is appropriate for the level of commitment of the relationship and refraining from social dancing and drinking of alcoholic beverages.

• The responsibility to share with the faculty in the maintenance of the integrity of scholarship, grades, and academic standards. • The responsibility to learn the content of a course of study according to standards of academic performance established by the university and the faculty member for each course she/he takes.

For further explanation of the implications of these responsibilities, please refer to the Columbia International University Standards and Lifestyle Expectations.

• The responsibility to promote by words, attitude, and actions a classroom atmosphere that is conducive to the teaching and learning process for all concerned and to respect the standards of conduct established by the university and each faculty member.

THE UNIVERSITY AND THE LAW In keeping with scriptural admonitions to bring ourselves under the authority of government, members of the university community are expected to uphold the laws of the local community, the state of South Carolina, and the nation. Any alleged violations of federal, state, or local laws may be referred to the appropriate law enforcement officials and/or to the appropriate university or judicial body.

• The responsibility for class attendance and to submit all class assignments (e.g. examinations, tests, projects, reports), by scheduled due dates or accept penalties. If any problem arises regarding course work or attendance, the student will be responsible for initiating contact with the instructor.


• The responsibility for meeting degree requirements as provided in the university catalog.

In addition to subscribing to biblical expectations, members of the university community intentionally commit themselves to following the university’s institutional standards of behavior. This commitment reflects the conviction that these standards serve the good of the individual, the community, and the institution. For further explanation of the implications of these responsibilities, please refer to the Columbia International University Standards and Lifestyle Expectations.

• The responsibility to register, “add,” and/or “drop” courses in a timely manner to ensure that others will have an opportunity to take courses. The student is responsible to follow the university guidelines if he/she desires an incomplete or needs to withdraw from the university. • The responsibility for the financial cost of attending the university.

ACADEMIC RESPONSIBILITIES The faculty has the responsibility to educate students from a biblical worldview to impact the nations with the message of Christ. Students have the responsibility to embrace, inquire, and


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

Basic Rights of Students

compensation awarded through such intellectual property belongs to the owner.

Students enrolled at the University enjoy certain rights, including, but not limited to:

Privacy • The right to prevent disclosure of directory information or educational records to a third party.

Access • The right to access the programs and services of the university without regard to color, gender, race, disability, or national/ethnic origin.

• The right to seek amendment of educational records.

• The right to receive counsel regarding financial aid sources and implications of student debt repayment prior to incurring financial obligation to the institution.


• The right to withdraw without obligation within a time frame published by the university.

• The right to organize, to assemble, and to express opinions, subject to established procedures.



• The right to appeal decisions involving judicial or administrative action.

• The right to know, in person when possible, the charges made against him/her in any disciplinary procedure.

• The right to be heard with regard to the formulation and improvement of educational programs, policies, and services.

• The right to appeal decisions involving grades.

• The right to expect that two or more witnesses and/or corroborating evidence support any accusation.

• The right to seek exceptions to program requirements or academic policies by petition.

• The right to an appeal process if a student disagrees with disciplinary measures assigned by a representative of the university.

Information • The right to inspect and review educational records except where a student has waived such rights or where access is prohibited by the Family Education Rights and Privacy Act of 1974.

• The right to request that a neutral party be present at appeal meetings as an advocate. This person must be a member of the university’s Student Senate and is present only to assist the student in presenting his/her case or testimony, not to serve in a role defending the student’s actions.

• The right to receive a syllabus for each course which states the goals of the course, the requirements which must be met, the system of grading, and the attendance policy.


• The right to full disclosure of all expenses per semester prior to becoming financially obligated to the institution.

• The right to bring formal complaints against the university and, if not resolved through the normal channels, to register a complaint with the university’s accrediting agencies.

• The right of access to campus crime statistics.

• The right to file a formal complaint of discrimination on the basis of disability with the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) in the U.S. Department of Education.

• The right to data on advancement, retention, and graduation ratios. • The right to own intellectual property created in fulfillment of coursework unless specified otherwise in writing. All revenue generated or

• The right to notify the State Postsecondary Review Entity (SPRE) of complaints related


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

to the university’s management of the Title IV programs, or regarding misleading or inappropriate advertising and promotion of the University’s educational programs, or other complaints about the institution.

• Anonymous complaints and grievances will not be addressed formally. • There will be no adverse effect on or retaliation against either a student who, in good faith voices a compliant/ grievance or against any person who, in good faith, provides information regarding a complaint/grievance.

Policies and procedures governing the above responsibilities and rights appear in various university publications. Revisions may be made to such policies and procedures and shall become effective following dissemination or update.

• Written grievances will receive written responses within 30 days and will be kept on file in the appropriate office.

Student Discipline When Student Life personnel must address matters of student conduct requiring discipline, it is done with redemptive intent. Assessment takes into account the nature of the problem and the student’s attitude, previous conduct, and length of enrollment at CIU. Students are offered opportunities to grow through counseling and/or logical or natural consequences. The ultimate goal is restoration of healthy relationships with God, other individuals, and their community. The Student Handbook lists some of these avenues.

Academic Grievance Procedures If a student has a concern about an academic matter, the following process should be followed: STEP 1: In keeping with the Matthew 18 principle, the student should discuss the matter with the faculty member involved. Faculty will listen to concerns or questions and, when deemed appropriate, amend decisions. After this discussion if the student feels that one of the following reasons applies, Step 2 of the appeal process may be taken:

Student Complaints and Grievance Policy CIU provides a process for students to voice complaints and file formal grievances when they are dissatisfied with a university service or policy or an action by a university employee. The process aims to be constructive and positive in resolving differences. This Student Complaints and Grievance Policy covers academic and non-academic matters except in areas where formal policies and procedures take precedence. (Such formal policies and procedures are listed in the student handbook and academic catalogs.)

• The decision rendered was not supported by sufficient evidence. (i.e. expectations in the class syllabus) • The academic consequence is more severe than called for by the situation. • A stated university policy has been misapplied. STEP 2: Within three days of receiving an answer from the faculty member, a letter of appeal should be delivered to the student’s program director*. If the program director* is the faculty member involved, Step 3 should be taken. The letter of appeal should outline the concern, describe the steps taken and the answer given, and provide an explanation of why one of the above stated reasons can be applied to the situation. The program director* will call a meeting with both the student and the faculty member to discuss the problem and issue a written decision on the appeal. If the student feels that the program

GENERAL PRINCIPLES: • Whenever possible and in a timely fashion, a student should voice a complaint informally with the faculty member, staff member, or other student involved. • The appropriate division (Higher Education, Ben Lippen School, or Broadcasting) will handle student complaints and grievances as quickly and as fairly as possible.


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

director’s* decision does not correctly address the reason for the appeal as stated above, then Step 3 should be taken.

General Grievance Procedures STEP 1: Following the Matthew 18 principle, if a student has a concern about a non-academic matter (e.g. an issue with the business office, security, food service), the student should discuss the matter with the individual or office involved. If a student believes Step 1 is untenable or inappropriate given the situation, he or she may proceed to Step 2. This grievance procedure should not be followed in the case of a disciplinary appeal. Please refer to the appeal process in the student handbook.

STEP 3: Within three days of receiving a written decision from the program director*, the student should deliver a letter of appeal to the academic dean who will direct the appeal to the Academic Grievance Committee. The letter will be given to the committee chair and the matter will be presented to the Academic Grievance Committee for resolution. The committee is comprised of a minimum of three program directors* or their designees.

After a discussion with the individual or office involved, if the student feels that one of the following reasons applies, Step 2 of this process may be taken:

The student may request to be in attendance for the discussion of the issue to present a verbal statement and to answer questions. In addition, the student may request a neutral observer (only) who is a student at CIU to join them at this meeting. Neither the student nor the observer will be allowed to be present during the decision making process. Following the appeal discussion and decision, the Academic Grievance Committee chairman will provide a written response to the student outlining the decision.

• the decision rendered was not supported by sufficient evidence • the consequence is more severe than called for by the situation • a stated university policy has been misapplied STEP 2: Once a student has addressed the individual or office involved, the student may direct a letter of appeal to the next appropriate individual office. Please see Student Life for the appropriate contact person regarding the appeal.

An appeal of the grievance committee decision may be made to the academic dean only if there is evidence that the grievance procedures were not followed, new evidence surfaced, or inappropriate or disproportionate consequences were imposed. This written appeal must be presented to the academic dean within three days of receipt of the written Grievance Committee decision. A decision rendered by the dean shall be considered final.

STEP 3: Student grievances or complaints about university procedures may be referred to the Student Senate for its consideration. The Student Senate (comprised of executive officers and presidents/leaders of all student organizations) represents all CIU students and can make recommendations to the CIU office involved. If this response still does not resolve the issue, or if the Student Senate is not the appropriate venue for the grievance, the appeal may continue to the following individuals in order:

A student has the right to register a complaint with the university president and/or provost and then, if still deemed necessary, to accrediting agencies (i.e., ABHE, SACS) to whom CIU maintains accountability. * In the Seminary & School of Missions, the student’s faculty advisor carries out the responsibilities of the program director that is described in this document.

Dean of Students, ext. 5234 (Student Center) Provost, ext. 5039 (Administration Building) President, ext. 5016 (Administration Building)


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

STEP 4: If deemed necessary, the student can register a complaint to CIU’s accrediting agencies. Southern Association of Colleges and Schools 1866 Southern Lane Decatur, GA 30033-4097 Tel. (404) 679-4500 Association for Biblical Higher Education 5575 S. Semoran Blvd., Suite 26 Orlando, FL 32822-1781 Tel. (407) 207-0808


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog


Most CIU students find employment in their chosen field within a year after graduation. Students should maintain close contacts with their denominations and local churches, and gain experience that will help them achieve their vocational goals. Students should begin early in their entire academic career to investigate organizations, institutions, and agencies that interest them.

Since we seek to train and develop the whole person, physical fitness is a key aspect of the overall training program. Students are encouraged to develop healthy habits in the areas of sleep, diet, and exercise. The college seeks to develop an intercollegiate athletic program, however one is not in place at the time of publication of this Catalog. Facilities, equipment, organized intramural team sports, and fitness and nutritional information are available to assist students in achieving and maintaining a viable fitness program.

CHAPLAIN SERVICES Many CIU students grow through discussing life issues with Student Life personnel and other faculty. Non-clinical counseling encourages students in their relationships with God and others, in biblical self-image, and in handling the challenges of life, community, and ministry. Referrals to on-campus licensed professionals or other licensed therapists in the Columbia area are available upon request.

CAREER SERVICES The Career Services Office provides a range of services to assist students with their career and employment needs. The office maintains a password protected job database with current listings for on- and off-campus jobs. There are usually campus jobs available in various departments. Some of these require, little or no experience, while others need more skill and ability. Part-time and full-time off-campus positions are available in churches, educational institutions, mission agencies, parachurch organizations, and the marketplace: locally, nationally, and worldwide. Through personalized assistance, students receive guidance in conducting a job search, self-assessment, resume and cover letter writing, and interviewing.

FOOD SERVICES Food service at CIU is provided through a contract with Pioneer College Caterers, Inc. Pioneer offers on-campus students a choice of six meal plan options. Various plans are available during Summer Studies; please consult with Student Life to see if a summer plan is available. Offcampus students and guests may purchase meals throughout the week during any regular academic semester.


In addition to the services listed above, career counseling and help with the placement process also occurs in a variety of settings and activities on campus, particularly through academic advising, program specific courses, field education/ internships, and chapels. Representatives and recruiters from Christian organizations such as churches, denominational agencies, mission organizations, and educational institutions are on campus recruiting personnel on a regular basis throughout the school year.

An on-campus clinic staffed by a registered nurse and a visiting physician is provided for the health care needs of CIU students. Students are responsible for the cost of medicines, physician’s fees, testing procedures, and any hospital charges. All students must carry hospital and medical insurance. A CIU group insurance plan is required of students not covered by another plan.


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog


tional community and the many churches in the area provide a variety of learning and ministry experiences. The Student Life Office informs, encourages, and helps international students and their families with non-academic concerns, including transition issues and immigration policy and paperwork.

On-campus Grad/Seminary housing is available either by semester or under a 12 month contract. Housing is provided in single family 4 bedroom/2 bath houses with up to five students sharing each house. There are three single rooms and one double room with its own full bathroom. The houses are equipped with wireless Internet and are fully furnished. All utilities are included in the cost of housing. On-campus students are required to have a meal plan through the cafeteria.

KOINONIA FOOD CO-OP Student families operate an on-campus food co-op, providing quality Harvest Hope Food Bank goods and products at no cost and other household items at a reduced cost to off-campus residents, faculty, staff, and alumni. There is a fee to join the co-op.

Off-campus housing includes mobile homes, apartments (including professionally managed complexes, privately managed duplexes, and federally subsidized apartments), and homes. Rental prices are dependent upon size, facilities, and locale, typically averaging between $300 and $600 per month. A housing register of available units is maintained by the Student Life Office.

MARRIED STUDENT SERVICES Spouses are encouraged to enroll in an academic program or individual courses. (See “Partners in Ministry Program” in the Financial Aid section of this catalog.) Student spouses are also encouraged to be involved in other activities of the student body.

Some campus housing is provided for married students in the mobile home “Village.” In addition to many homes owned by students, a number of school-owned homes are rented to students. Applications for the Village, as well as information concerning additional area housing, may be obtained through the the Student Life Office.

POST OFFICE CIU operates a full-service post office for faculty, staff and students with regular afternoon hours throughout the academic year. Students are assigned a personal post office box for receiving mail. The Post Office sells stamps, postcards and air forms and receives and forwards letters and packages for the U.S. Postal Service. United Parcel Service is also available for deliveries and mailings.

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS CIU strives to provide a hospitable environment for its many international students. Many faculty members have significant overseas ministry experience. A special international student handbook is published each year to introduce international students to the life of the school and the community. The school’s emphasis on cross-cultural ministry and biblical studies provides an atmosphere in which international students are encouraged to relate biblical truth to their cultures and in which North American students are encouraged to appreciate other cultures and how the Scriptures may be lived out and communicated in those cultures. Over 1,000 international students from 91 countries reside in the Columbia area. This large interna-

NEW STUDENT ORIENTATIONS The orientation program provides a comprehensive introduction to the CIU community and CIU’s educational philosophy. While being informative, orientation is also an opportunity for fun and Christian fellowship. All entering students are required to attend an Orientation session. Orientation brochures are mailed to all accepted students. Students who are unable to attend must notify the Student Life Office.


Course Descriptions

2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

COURSE DESCRIPTIONS Graduate School Division course numbers consist of a three-letter subject area prefix and a four-digit number indicating the difficulty level of the course as follows: 5000-level courses are considered introductory and may include some of the information covered in a similarly titled undergraduate course; 6000 and 7000 levels courses are more advanced and may include prerequisite requirements. Some courses required of Graduate School degree programs are offered through the seminary division of CIU. Each course description below indicates the course number, title, semester hour value, anticipated semester of offer, and if the course is available in IDL (independent learning) format through the Distance Education Center.


BIB 5132 Gospels: God’s Means of Providing Redemption ..............................................(3) This course will guide you through a chronological, synthetic study of the four gospel records, emphasizing the time, place, circumstances, and persons involved in the events of Jesus’ ministry. The gospel writers narrate the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, God’s appointed Redeemer of the world, who fulfills the promises and prophecies of the Old Testament. (Also in online format)

BIB 5112 Genesis — Song of Solomon: God’s Plan of Creation and Redemption ........................................................(3) In this course you will focus on the structure and contexts (historical, political, social, and religious) of each book, major theological passages and issues, and the application of these texts to the life of the New Testament believer. God introduces His purpose for creating the world and redeeming human beings and establishes Israel as the nation through which He would bless all the nations in Jesus Christ. (Also in online format)

BIB 5133 Acts — Revelation: God’s People Proclaiming Redemption Globally..................................................(3) In this course you will study the introductory background, structure, and content of the New Testament books, Acts to Revelation, understood within their first century life setting. The authors of Acts, the letters, and Revelation not only relate the advance of the Early Church in proclaiming redemption globally, they provide the contemporary church with normative missionary documents to guide it in fulfilling Christ’s commission. (Also in online format)

BIB 5113 Prophets: God’s Message of Redemption and Judgment ..........................................................(3) In this course you will focus on the structure and contexts (historical, political, social, and religious) of each prophetic book, major theological passages and issues, and the application of these texts to the life of the New Testament believer. The prophets of Israel proclaim God’s program for Israel and the nations of the Old Testament period and anticipate the redemptive work of Christ whose predicted life and death would secure salvation for the world. (Also in online format)


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog Course Desctriptions (Bible) continued…

BIB 5410 Hermeneutics: Interpreting and Applying the Bible ....................................................(3) This course introduces you to the principles and processes of biblical interpretation and application. Emphasis will be placed on both theory and practice. Within the framework of an exegetical method, you will learn to apply basic principles to selected missiological passages from the Old and New Testaments. Special attention will be given to the principles used in correctly interpreting parables, poetry, and prophecy. (Also in online and online formats)

BIB 6310 Progress of Redemption ..........................................(3) The study of God’s redemptive plan as it unfolds chronologically throughout the entire Bible. An emphasis will be placed on the methods God has employed and the response God desires from the people. The course will examine the history and character of covenant theology and dispensationalism, noting similarities as well as differences. (Offered only as online.) BIB 6950 Faculty Directed Study in Bible ............................(1-3) Upon Request Available by special arrangement with instructor. Consult with academic advisor.

BIB 5901 Field Education in Bible Teaching ............................(1) The specific program requirements are stated in the field education handbook. Field education supervisors work closely with program faculty to assure proper ministry placement and supervision. BIB 6030 Biblical Theology of Missions ..................................(3) A study of God’s purpose and activity as revealed through Israel’s responsibility to the nations in the Old Testament and the mandates entrusted to the church in the New Testament. (Offered as staffing and enrollment permit. Also offered in online format.)


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog


issues of dependence, control, sin, and responsibility will be studied.

CNC 6330 Church and Mission Health ......................................(3) (if included in your LPC track concentration) This course will help you understand the counseling, relational, occupational, medical, and leadership issues that exist in ministry both in the United States and in missionary endeavors. You will use a variety of tools to examine your own health with application to churches and missionary organizations. Additional purchase of assessment materials is required for this course.

CNC 6441 Counseling Grief and Loss ........................................(3) (if included in your LPC track concentration) In this course you will learn to understand and identify the process and progress of how people deal with loss in their lives. You will also learn how to guide a person through the grief process so that the loss can be placed in its proper perspective and the individual can readjust and grow. Special attention will be given to anger, depression, anxiety, social withdrawal, along with loss of hope and faith. Using specific tools you will be able to address your own losses, the losses in others, and the losses that can affect communities and institutions.

CNC 6410 Crisis Counseling ......................................................(3) (if included in your LPC track concentration) This course is designed to train you to respond with wise counsel to those who have endured a crisis such as the death of a family member, divorce, loss of a child, illness and political trauma. Attention will be given to the emotional, spiritual, relational and physical symptoms that may occur in the aftermath of crisis. Critical Incident & Stress Management (CISM) certification is a part of this course. Course Fee: $100 for CISM certification.

CNC 9474 Clinical Application of Member Care ........................(3) (if included in your LPC track concentration) This course is designed to increase understanding of various aspects of utilizing clinical care and knowledge from the mental health professions in missionary care. Considerations of ethics, professional relationships, influence of untreated pathology on the community and various personal, interpersonal, and systemic dynamics will be considered. Biblical, spiritual, and psychological underpinnings will be articulated as well as types of clinical resources, referral procedures, and collaboration and clinical service providers. The place of psychological consultation as a model for clinical care will be discussed. A focus will concentrate on recognition of need, referral, and follow-up for those in between general missionary caregivers needing and/or receiving clinical help. Students will be expected to demonstrate application potential from readings and class discussion to their own ministry situations in a post-seminar project. A variety of learning activities will take place in the seminar, including lecture, discussion, question and answer, case studies, small group work, and demonstration. As much as possible, students will be given opportunities to bring their own ministry observations and experiences in interaction with one another, the course instructor, and course material.

CNC 6411 Sexuality Counseling ................................................(3) (if included in your LPC track concentration) This course addresses the biological, developmental, relational, emotional, and spiritual issues that are involved in understanding human intimacy and sexuality. You will learn basic diagnostic and treatment skills and how to use a variety of treatment skills, the Bible, and the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in teaching and counseling sexual issues. CNC 6412 Addiction Counseling ................................................(3) (if included in your LPC track concentration) This course will train you to understand the etiology of addictions and enable you to understand and deliver treatment on both a professional and lay level. Addictions in the areas of sexuality, pornography, work, thought, and substance abuse will be addressed. The 86

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CNS 5075 Cross-cultural Counseling ........................................(3) This course is an application of counseling and marriage & family therapy skills in intercultural settings. Multi-cultural counseling and cultural diversity issues with focus on marriage and family therapy will be addressed. Human needs in the world community are examined in order to understand how messages relate to individuals and families with dramatically different circumstances. The person and role of the crosscultural counselor will be evaluated in light of his or her theology, personal adaptation, communication, and counseling skills. The cross cultural counselor in the professional roles of pastor, missionary, business person, professional counselor and marriage & family therapist will be addressed. This course presupposes the validity and necessity of involvement in a crosscultural job or ministry, whether within the United States or in another country. Open to students in the MACNS program or by permission of the professor.

of a whole and holy lifestyle characterized by first loving God, then appropriately loving others and self. Professional practice, Global Commission vision, and ministry applications are built upon a central transformational model where whole-person change is accomplished through the student’s intentional appropriation of God’s grace progressively into every sphere of their personal being (will, mind, body, social interaction and soul). This course will help counselor-students understand how worldview, personality, relationships, theology, and communication styles impact the counselor’s wellbeing, and in turn, shape the counselor’s impact on those they serve. Guidance is provided to students through the use of assigned readings, evaluation tools, classroom interactions, and modeling experiences. This course will also examine the ethical and appropriate application of evangelism within the counseling role and across cultural, modern and post-modern domains. Learning is further reinforced through participation in a spiritual transformation, small group experience. Open to students in the MACNS program or by permission of the professor. Course Fee: $50

CNS 5310 Counseling Theory ....................................................(3) This course will provide a broad, foundational personality and counseling theories overview and critique. Emphasis will be on the application of these theories by exploring the techniques and strategies of each theory, including systems theory. The philosophical presuppositions, theological implications, situational appropriateness, and effectiveness with client populations will be addressed. The student will be encouraged to begin the process of synthesizing various approaches into their personal paradigm of counseling. Prerequisites: undergrad Personality Theory, CNS 5420, and CNS 6410. The following course is recommended to be taken concurrently: CNS 6911. Open to students in the MACNS program or by permission of the professor.

CNS 5330 Professional Ethics and Issues for Counseling........(3) This course will study the practice of professional counseling within the context of ethical and legal standards, and potential future directions of the field. Information about legal responsibilities and liabilities in the practice of marriage and family therapy will also be covered, including research, family law, confidentiality issues and codes of ethics with a focus on marriage and family therapy. The course will focus on the following four areas: Models of ethical decision making will be presented and practiced through case presentations; Ethical standards that govern the professional practice of counseling and marriage & family therapy will be studied and integrated with personal, theological, and cultural values and professional and legal standards; Legal standards that impact the field of professional counseling and marriage & family therapy will be examined in light of the realities of daily practice; and the future direction of counseling and marriage &

CNS 5312 Personal & Spiritual Development I..........................(0) This course is the first half of a two-semester course (see CNS 6312 Personal & Spiritual Development II, 3 credits). This course is designed to facilitate the student’s development 87

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family therapy as a profession and ministry will be explored. Open to students in the MACNS program or by permission of the professor.

CNS 6210 Preparation for Clinical Practice ..............................(1) This is a course in applied clinical practice. This class will focus on consolidating the skills and understanding needed before the student’s first real-world experience in clinical practice is initiated. Its aim is to help the student to integrate their first year of clinical course work by presenting opportunities to develop clinical competencies in the areas of diagnostic interviewing, case conceptualizing, goal setting, treatment planning, and case managing. Successful completion of this course is contingent upon competent demonstration of key core competencies listed under course objectives. Prerequisites: CNS 5330, CNS 5420, and CNS 6410. The following course is recommended to be taken concurrently: CNS 6911. Open to students in the MACNS program or by permission of the professor.

CNS 5410 Research, Statistics and Evaluation ........................(3) This course provides an advanced understanding of types of research statistics, report development, implementation, program evaluation, needs assessment and ethical and legal considerations. The course also includes significant material on research in marriage and family therapy, with a focus on research methodology, data analysis, and the evaluation of research as it pertains to marriage and family therapy. The class will be given opportunity to apply this understanding in a variety of venues such as counseling and marriage & family research, generic research, and research that needs to be done within the religious community. Students will be introduced to research as it is conducted for single-subject designs, experimental/quasiexperimental designs, and systems-oriented designs. Both quantitative processes will be explored. Students will review literature and produce a research proposal that is appropriate for their program emphasis. Prerequisite: Undergrad Research Design/ Statistics. Open to students in the MACNS program or by permission of the professor.

CNS 6300 Integration of Theology and Psychology ..................(3) This course provides an introduction to understanding the nature and scope of the integration of psychology and theology at three different levels, philosophically, theoretically, and practically. With the basic assumption of the full authority of Scripture, this course will discuss the benefits of open dialogue between the truths found in general and special revelation as they relate to counseling issues. Also, discussed will be the impact of personality and personal history on one’s spiritual practices and theological leanings. Prerequisites: CNS 6911, and THE 6320 (or equivalent in undergraduate study). NOTE: THE 6310 may be taken in place of THE 6320 but THE 6320 is recommended over THE 6310. Open to students in the MACNS program or by permission of the professor.

CNS 5420 Psychopathology ......................................................(3) This course will provide an understanding of morbidity or pathology of the psyche or mind with focus on behavioral manifestations and other dynamics of mental disorders and how they affect individuals and families. Study will be done in the most current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) in order to learn the categories of symptoms of psychopathology necessary to diagnose and treat mental disorders. Students will be challenged to determine theologically what they believe are the standards for pathology and how these correlate with the DSM. Prerequisite: undergrad General Psychology or Introdution to Psychology and undergrad Abnormal Psychology. Open to students in the MACNS program or by permission of the professor.

CNS 6310 Human Development Issues in Counseling ............(3) This is a course in applied developmental counseling and marriage & family therapy, theory, and practice. Focus will be on the individual’s and family’s development over the lifespan within the context of the family and cultural environment, as well as family relationships. 88

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Challenges and pathologies that are often experienced at each stage of development will be examined. Students will understand, analyze and predict potential and realized crises, disabilities, and pathologies that occur across the lifespan. This study will approach the lifespan issues from wellness, prevention and treatment models, and will show in specific terms how individual and family developmental theory can be integrated into the counseling session. Emotional, cognitive, interpersonal, intrapersonal, physical, and moral issues will be examined with special attention being applied to the process of personality and spiritual development. Significant material on issues of sexuality as it relates to marriage and family therapy, theory, and practice will be covered. Sexual dysfunctions and difficulties, as well as individual development, gender, and sexual orientation, as related to marriage and family therapy, theory, and practice will be included. Prerequisites: undergrad Developmental Psychology, CNS 5310, CNS 5420, CNS 6410, and CNS 6911. Open to students in the MACNS program or by permission of the professor.

skills are important, they do not replace the person of the counselor as the primary intervention tool. Emphasis will be placed upon who the counselor is and not just what the counselor does in the session. Open to students in the MACNS program or by permission of the professor. Course Fee: $200. CNS 6430 Appraisal of Individuals ............................................(3) This course presents students with an understanding of the psychometric theories and practical approaches concerning the appraisal of individuals, couples, and families, while equipping the student with the skills and competencies necessary to incorporate appraisal strategies into the helping process. Assessment, including marriage and family therapy methods and major mental health assessment methods and instruments will be covered. Focus will be placed on information gathering methods, evaluating test validity and reliability (controlling for factors that may influence appraisal results), and application of assessment practices as an integral part of counseling, and marriage & family therapy. Prerequisites: CNS 5330, CNS 5410, CNS 5420, CNS 6410, and CNS 6911. Open to students in the MACNS program or by permission of the professor. Course Fee: $75. Additional purchase of assessment materials is required for this course.

CNS 6312 Personal & Spiritual Development II ........................(3) Spring only. This course is a continuation of CNS 5312 Personal & Spiritual Development I. This course will also examine the changing direction of missions and member care, in the application of counseling to cross-cultural settings throughout the world. Learning is further reinforced through participation in a spiritual transformation, small group experience. Prerequisite: CNS 5312. Open to students in the MACNS program or by permission of the professor. Course Fee: $50.

CNS 6431 Assessment & Treatment of Childhood Disorders ....(3) This course will introduce students to developmental, self-regulation and systems perspectives used to understand, diagnose, and treat disorders of childhood and adolescence. Students will gain an understanding of the normal and abnormal developmental issues of children; the process of mastering self-regulation throughout development in various domains; the impact of relational dynamics within various systems (family, school, church, etc.); and the trend of the self’s consolidation and conceptualization of these various vectors of life. The student will then be able to form diagnosis and treatment plans that flow from their relational understanding of the child’s life based on the above models.

CNS 6410 Counseling Techniques..............................................(3) This course is an introduction to the basic counseling skills that are foundational to doing effective individual counseling and marriage & family therapy. Students will be required to understand and to demonstrate successfully basic counseling skills in the form of competencies in order to progress through the course. While counseling techniques and therapeutic 89

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Treatment issues will be covered within the confines of treatment planning (as opposed to how to do therapy), including such areas as applied behavioral analysis, cognitive-behavior treatment, interpersonal treatment, psychopharmacology, community and school-based treatment, etc. Prerequisites: CNS 5310, CNS 5420, CNS 6310, CNS 6410, and CNS 6911. Open to students in the MACNS program or by permission of the professor. Course Fee: $75.

CNS 6710 Marriage Counseling ................................................(3) This course will provide an introductory understanding of premarital and marital counseling theories, contemporary conceptual directions, and therapy practice. A thorough review of biblical and scientific data, along with research regarding marital issues, will be foundational to the course. Treatment of the normal transitions and phases of marriage, as well as the more difficult marital problems, will be studied. Prerequisites: CNS 5310, and CNS 6911. Open to students in the MACNS program or by permission of the professor.

CNS 6432 Counseling Children & Adolescents..........................(3) This course provides the basic principles of counseling children and adolescents within the context of family, school, socio-cultural and religious systems and is based on the case conceptualization and treatment planning developed in CNS 6431 Assessment & Treatment of Childhood Disorders. The emphasis will be on helping each student develop his or her own style in forming therapeutic relationships with children or adolescents, and in using effective therapeutic skills and techniques, including therapeutic mediums such as toys, audio/visual aids, games, cognitive and behavioral programs, etc. A special focus will be given to parent training and parents as co-therapists, which are empirically sound, highly efficacious, and cost-effective intervention strategies for treating behavior disorders in children. Legal and ethical issues specific to working with children are addressed. Prerequisite: CNS 6431. Open to students in the MACNS program or by permission of the professor.

CNS 6810 Career Counseling and Decision Making ................(3) This course provides an understanding of career development theories; occupational and educational information sources and systems; career and leisure counseling, guidance, and education; lifestyle and career decision making; and career development program planning, resources, and evaluation. Attention will be given to clients making career and education decisions for the first time, those who are making mid-life or end-of-life changes, as well as those who need help with the career they have chosen. Special application will include counseling missionaries, pastors, lay ministers and church leaders in regard to their career and calling. Prerequisites: CNS 5310, and CNS 6430. Open to students in the MACNS program or by permission of the professor. Purchase of assessment materials is required for this course.

CNS 6440 Group and Institutional Counseling ..........................(3) This course is an introduction to the practice of group counseling. The process of doing group counseling and the application of group counseling in a variety of settings and situations is discussed. The counselor as a group leader is emphasized. The course relies heavily on the component of an actual group counseling experience, both as a group member and co-leader. Prerequisites: CNS 5310, CNS 5420, and CNS 6410. Course enrollment is limited to nine students. Open to students in the MACNS program or by permission of the professor.

CNS 6820 Family Systems Theory ............................................(3) This course will provide a foundational understanding of family systems theory as it relates to clinical concerns. Course content will enable students to conceptualize and distinguish the critical epistemological issues in marriage and family therapy. Students will be introduced to historical development, theoretical foundations, and contemporary conceptual directions in the field of marriage and family therapy. An overview of the different models of family systems theory will be addressed. Students will also be expected to 90

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examine their own families in light of theory and to assess these theories from a biblical perspective. Prerequisites: CNS 5310, and CNS 6911. Open to students in the MACNS program or by permission of the professor.

into the diagnostic formulation and treatment planning processes. This course addresses the 150 hour supervised counseling practicum licensure requirement for LPC and LMFT. Prerequisites: CNS 5330, CNS 5420, and CNS 6410. CNS 5310 must either be completed or taken concurrently. There is a lab that accompanies this course. Open to students in the MACNS program or by permission of the professor. Course Fee: $150.

CNS 6821 Family Therapy ..........................................................(3) This course will focus on conceptually applying the foundational family systems theory and counseling techniques taught in CNS 6820 Family Systems Theory into clinical practice. The course will provide a comprehensive survey and substantive understanding of the major models of marriage and family therapy, as well as address a wide variety of clinical problems. Special emphasis will be given to the therapeutic models of Murray Bowen and Salvador Minuchin. Students will be expected to integrate both biblical and cultural understanding of family into their therapeutic approach. Students will also be educated about appropriate collaboration with related disciplines. Prerequisite: CNS 6820. Open to students in the MACNS program or by permission of the professor.

CNS 6931 Supervised Internship in Counseling 1: Mood Disorders..........................................................(3) This internship course includes a 300 hour (face-to-face client contact) supervised practice of counseling in a clinical setting, with an emphasis in assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and pharmacology of mood disorders and how they affect individuals, couples, and families. At least one half of the face-to-face client contact must be relational (talking about a relational issue in the counseling session, NOT necessarily having more than one client in the session) for student interns in the LMFT track. A minimum of 50 hours of clinical supervision must be provided by an approved supervisor specific to the student intern’s program track (LPC or LMFT). The student intern will practice a full range of counseling skills at an approved internship site and will demonstrate those skills in confidential class discussion, technique demonstrations, presentations, and report writing. The student intern will strive to develop skills that combine both counseling and theological training within secular, religious, and culturally diverse settings. The student intern will engage in a variety of professional activities at the internship site that would be typical of a regularly employed licensed therapist. This course will focus primarily, although not exclusively, on treatment from the CognitiveBehavioral and Systems perspectives. Prerequisites: CNS 6911, and candidacy approval to the MACNS program. Open to students in the MACNS program or by permission of the professor. Course enrollment is limited to 10 students. Course Fee: $250.

CNS 6911 Diagnostic Practicum ................................................(3) This course provides the student with advanced skills in diagnostics of psychopathology, including coverage of the most current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) with a focus on differential diagnosis. The student will develop the ability to gather clinical information effectively; form a DSM diagnosis accurately; defend their diagnostic formulation convincingly; construct a case conceptualization insightfully; and relate the diagnostic profile to a treatment plan appropriately. Students will be trained to diagnose when faced with atypical symptoms, multiple diagnoses, and overlapping criteria. The student will then build treatment plans that demonstrate an accurate grasp of the client’s pathology, family structure/relationships, and resources, while specifying appropriate treatment modalities and employing sound report writing. In addition to DSM and psychopathology considerations, the personality patterns, spiritual development and belief systems of the client will be incorporated 91

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CNS 6932 Supervised Internship in Counseling 2: Anxiety Disorders ......................................................(3)

(LMFT-I) certification. In this course, student interns will receive clinical supervision for their ongoing casework. The supervision will emphasize advanced counseling technique, counseling paradigm development, and a philosophy of integrated counseling work. Student interns will be expected to share casework (confidentially) from their internship sites and enter into analysis and feedback with one another regarding their work. This class may be repeated as needed. Open to students in the MACNS program or by permission of the professor. Course enrollment is limited to 10 students. Course Fee: $100.

This internship course includes a 300 hour (face-to-face client contact) supervised practice of counseling in a clinical setting, with an emphasis in assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and pharmacology of anxiety disorders and how they affect individuals, couples, and families. At least one half of the face-to-face client contact must be relational (talking about a relational issue in the counseling session, NOT necessarily having more than one client in the session) for student interns in the LMFT track. A minimum of 50 hours of clinical supervision must be provided by an approved supervisor specific to the student intern’s program track (LPC or LMFT). The student intern will practice a full range of counseling skills at an approved internship site and will demonstrate those skills in confidential class discussion, technique demonstrations, presentations, and report writing. The student intern will strive to develop skills that combine both counseling and theological training within secular, religious, and culturally diverse settings. The student intern will engage in a variety of professional activities at the internship site that would be typical of a regularly employed licensed therapist. This course will focus primarily, although not exclusively, on treatment from the Cognitive-Behavioral and Systems perspectives. Additional issues such as job search skills and how to build a counseling center will be addressed. Prerequisites: CNS 6931. Open to students in the MACNS program or by permission of the professor. Course enrollment is limited to 10 students. Course Fee: $250.

CNS 6934 Supervised Internship (Non-license) in Counseling 1: Mood Disorders..........................................................(3) Upon Request. This internship course is only available by permission from the Director of the Clinical Counseling Program and by special arrangement with the professor. Consult with academic advisor. This internship course is for those who seek the M.A. in Counseling degree but are not seeking a counseling license. This course is designed for students who will be counseling in other cultures and will not be counseling in the United States, and for whom a counseling site and an appropriate supervision might be difficult to obtain due to language and target audience issues. Therefore, the supervision, site, hours of internship, and some other requirements have been modified. This internship is a 100 hour supervised practice of counseling with an emphasis in the assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and pharmacology of mood disorders. The student intern will practice a full range of counseling skills at an approved internship site and will demonstrate those skills in confidential class discussion, technique demonstrations, presentations, and report writing. The student intern will strive to develop skills that combine both counseling and theological training within secular, religious, and culturally diverse settings. The intern will engage in a variety of professional activities at the internship site that would be typical of a regularly employed licensed therapist. This class will focus primarily, although not exclusively, on treatment from the

CNS 6933 Extended Internship ..............................................(.05) This internship course is designed for advanced clinical counseling students (and is required by S.C. state law) for those who have completed all required supervised internship courses, and/or graduated from an accredited M.A. in Counseling program and are currently seeing clients, yet have not received their Licensed Professional Counselor Intern (LPC-I) or Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist Intern 92

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Cognitive-Behavioral perspective. Prerequisites: CNS 6911, candidacy approval to the MACNS program, and an approved internship site. Open to students in the MACNS program or by permission of the professor. Course Fee: $250

CNS 6936 Supervised Internship in Counseling 3: Marriage & Family Issues ............................................................(3) This internship course is designed for student interns enrolled in the LMFT track and includes a 300 hour (face-to-face client contact) supervised practice of counseling in a clinical setting, with an emphasis in assessment, diagnosis, and treatment of marriage and family issues. At least one half of the face-to-face client contact must be relational (talking about a relational issue in the counseling session, NOT necessarily having more than one client in the session). A minimum of 50 hours of clinical supervision must be provided by an approved marriage and family therapist supervisor. The student intern will practice a full range of counseling skills at an approved internship site and will demonstrate those skills in confidential class discussion, technique demonstrations, presentations, and report writing. The student intern will strive to develop skills that combine both counseling and theological training within secular, religious, and culturally diverse settings. The student intern will engage in a variety of professional activities at the internship site that would be typical of a regularly employed licensed therapist. This course will focus primarily, although not exclusively, on treatment from the Cognitive-Behavioral and Systems perspectives. Prerequisites: CNS 6932. Open to students in the MACNS program or by permission of the professor. Course enrollment is limited to 10 students. Course Fee: $250.

CNS 6935 Supervised Internship (Non-license) in Counseling 2: Anxiety Disorders ......................................................(3) Upon Request. This internship course is only available by permission from the director of the Clinical Counseling Program and by special arrangement with the professor. Consult with academic advisor. This internship course is for those who seek the M.A. in Counseling degree but are not seeking a counseling license. This course is designed for students who will be counseling in other cultures and will not be counseling in the United States, and for whom a counseling site and an appropriate supervision might be difficult to obtain due to language and target audience issues. Therefore, the supervision, site, hours of internship, and some other requirements have been modified. This internship is a 100 hour supervised practice of counseling with an emphasis in assessment, diagnosis, treatment, and pharmacology of anxiety disorders. The student intern will practice a full range of counseling skills at an approved internship site and will demonstrate those skills in confidential class discussion, technique demonstrations, presentations, and report writing. The student intern will strive to develop skills that combine both counseling and theological training within secular, religious, and culturally diverse settings. The student intern will engage in a variety of professional activities at the internship site that would be typical of a regularly employed licensed therapist. This course will focus primarily, although not exclusively, on treatment from the Cognitive-Behavioral perspective. Additional issues such as job search skills and how to build a counseling center will be addressed. Prerequisites: CNS 6934, and an approved internship site. Open to students in the MACNS program or by permission of the professor. Course fee: $250

CNS 6950 Faculty Directed Study in Counseling ..................(1-3) Upon Request Available by special arrangement with instructor. Consult with academic advisor. Certain prerequisites may apply. Certain course fees and/or additional assessment expenses may be required.


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and strategies for teaching K-12 English language learners. It will provide discussions on current educational issues and trends in working with K-12 ESOL students. K-12 ESOL students’ educational backgrounds, ethnicity, national origin, language, and culture will be discussed. Classroom case studies will be incorporated to help students develop a realistic overview of working with K-12 ESOL students.

EDUCATION EDU 5100 Topics in Christian School Education ......................(1) This course centers on participation in International Institute for Christian School Educators (IICSE). Delegates, who attend all sessions, including selected CEU tracks, may elect to be enrolled in this course. The IICSE is designed to provide insight into philosophy, current issues and trends of Christian schools.

EDU 5330 Nature of the Learner ................................................(2) This is a survey course in developmental psychology covering human growth from birth through young adult. Emphasis is placed on the major theorists and changes within the strands of development that impact the teaching profession and serve as the basis for developmentally appropriate practices. Upon completion of this course the students should not only have a grasp of the characteristics of the learner, but also the teaching strategies that complement the student’s developmental needs. The student will also acquire the knowledge base and skills needed for continued child study. This course provides examples of how to analyze and critique the field of behavioral science in light of special revelation—the Bible. IDL only.

EDU 5101 Program Orientation ..................................................(0) This course must be taken during an orientation day prior to the first semester of enrollment in the MAT program. The orientation is scheduled during the first days of fall and spring semesters. A program orientation fee is charged. Prerequisites: Admission to the MAT program. EDU 5115 Educational Administration ......................................(3) This course examines the role of the Christian schools administrator and the broad scope of the duties associated with the role. Emphasis is placed on leadership theory; personal leadership style; working with faculty, board, parents and community; developing mission driven, data informed decision; understanding and communicating a biblical worldview

EDU 5331 Understanding the Learner ......................................(3) This is a survey course in developmental psychology covering human development from birth through preadolescence. The course models how to analyze and critique the field of behavioral science in light of special revelation—the Bible. Emphasis is placed on the major developmental theorists and changes within the strands of development that impact the teaching profession and serve as the basis for developmentally appropriate practices. Upon completion of the course students should not only have a grasp of the characteristics of the learner, but also the teaching strategies that complement the student’s developmental and brain-based needs. Additionally, an understanding of the nature and needs of culturally diverse populations and at-risk learners will also be included. A knowledge of these differences will

EDU 5310 Christian School Guidance Program ........................(3) This course reviews the common theories and components of guidance and career development. It urges students to compare and contrast these approaches with the biblical concept of Career Stewardship. This principle is developed as a school guidance program model and is presented as the guiding philosophical principle for all the components of a comprehensive developmental and balanced curriculum of Christian school guidance and counseling interventions. EDU 5320 Principles and Strategies for Teaching ESOL to Elementary and Secondary Learners........................(3) This course is designed to examine the principles and the research-based practices


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form the basis for designing culturally responsive teaching.

EDU 5421 Seminar in Dimensions of Learning ........................(2)

EDU 5336 Seminar in Critical Thinking: Knowledge, Skills, and Application..........................................................(2) The course examines the nature and development of critical thinking and techniques for teaching critical thinking in the classroom. Aspects of critical thinking abilities are identified and application to particular disciplines or subject matter areas of the curriculum is demonstrated. Students will learn techniques for teaching critical thinking and develop lesson/unit plans that can be used in their subject area. This course is applicable for teachers of grades 4-12.

This seminar focuses on the Dimensions of Learning model as a tool for enhancing instruction, developing critical thinking ability, and promoting the meaningful use of knowledge. Participants will use the model for lesson and unit planning and instructional delivery to achieve these goals. Participants will design a practical project that can be implemented in their classrooms or schools. EDU 5430 Authentic Assessment ..............................................(3) This course is designed to introduce students to varying methods of assessment procedures in order for them to establish a foundation for constructing, choosing various forms of assesments and interpreting and reporting the results in order to gauge student educational progress.

EDU 5400 Principles of Bible Curriculum Design......................(3) This course covers principles of curriculum design with application to the preparation of curriculum for Bible teaching; Existing Bible curricula are evaluated in order to determine the philosophical basis for their construction; Students design original Bible courses and units on various grade levels for use in varied teaching environments.

EDU 5440 Teaching Bible ..........................................................(3) This course is designed to enable the teacher of Bible to develop a philosophy of Bible teaching and to follow a preparation procedure that will ensure that the purpose for which Scripture was given will be accomplished. Special emphasis is placed on how to plan daily lessons following the pattern of biblical revelation and teaching with integrity.

EDU 5410 The Counseling Process in Christian Schools..........(3) This course studies common models of brief counseling. It introduces a biblically recycled model, Wisdom-Framed, Solutions-Initiated (WFSI) youth counseling, as a practical, biblically consistent process for youth counseling and teacher and parent consultations in Christian school and youth group settings. Role-plays, observation, and case studies are core components of this skill-development course.

EDU 5443 Directed Teaching in Bible ........................................(6) This course allows students to apply principles and methods of teaching in an extended classroom experience of observation and teaching under the supervision of an experienced teacher. Regular personal conferences with the cooperating teacher and the university supervisor are required. A directed teaching fee is charged. Prerequisites: EDU 5442 and approval of applicant for Directed Teaching in Bible.

EDU 5420 Seminar in Models of Teaching ................................(2) This seminar focuses on the dimensions of learning and cooperative learning but includes other simple models of teaching. Participants will learn several cooperative learning structures and activities and will design practical projects to implement in their classrooms or schools.

EDU 5444 Transformational Education ......................................(3) This course overviews the biblical basis for spiritual transformation, the process of personal transformation along with its implications for student and staff development, the contextual 95

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factors that influence transformation in today’s children and youth, and methods for facilitating spiritual development in educational settings.

tors with an overview of the field of learning disabilities. In particular, biblical and research perspectives will be presented for the process of student identification, intervention and appropriate classroom adjustments. In addition, a model of effective co-laboring will be shared in which general and special educators form a collaborative school-wide team.

EDU 5445 Seminar in Authentic Educational Measurement ....(1) This course is designed to introduce students to foundational ideas for creating a plan of authentic educational measurements. The course is presented in a six-seminar format with assessment-focused assignments due after the seminars. The course is offered as requested. Students must complete a separate registration process.

EDU 5485 Education Technology..........................................(3) The scope of this course will be to provide the core technology knowledge and skills for the productivity and professional practice of educators. This hands-on experience will emphasize leadership role; competency in the use of information and technology tools; integration andsupport of technology for learning, teaching, assessment, management, and operations; and responsible decision making in relationship to technology issues and trends.

EDU 5451 Methods of Teaching Bible........................................(3) This course is a study of the methods of classroom instruction with specific application to using the Bible as the text; preparation of material for teaching, including formulation of objectives; and preparing units and daily lesson plans.

EDU 5515 Institutional Advancement………………………..(3) Today’s administrator’s role encompasses more than overseeing day to day activities of a school. They must address such complex issues as fundraising, vision casting and public relations. This course emphasizes the critical administrative processes that heads of schools must be able to effectively accomplish in order to develop and maintain a healthy school. Strategic planning, development and marketing, and financial accountability are explored in light of biblical principles. Application of every strategy to actual cases helps the students to transfer theory into practice.

EDU 5452 Student Teaching Seminar: Bible Teaching ..........................................................(3) This seminar is designed to prepare the student teacher in Bible for the directed teaching experience. Issues of being under supervision, managing the classroom, and evaluating student performance will be addressed. EDU 5453 Applied Methods of Teaching Bible ..........................(3) This course is a practical experience in and demonstration of principles and methods studied in EDU 4440. Students complete the preparation of assigned unit for Directed Teaching in Bible.

EDU 5525 Law and Personnel ....................................................(3) This course looks at the Christian school administrator's ethical and legal responsibility toward constituents, especially personnel. A broad knowledge of school law is essential for the administrator to make wise, data-enabled, decisions for the school. Embedded within the study of school law is the study of the principles and practices of effective personnel administration. Case studies are used to understand and apply legal issues affecting the entire

EDU 5461 Seminar in Diagnostic Reading Instruction ............(2) This course is designed to provide procedures and material for the diagnosis, assessment and correction of reading difficulties, the evaluation of student progress, and the differentiation of techniques to offer effective instruction. EDU 5466 Seminar in Learning Disabilities ..............................(2) The purpose of this course is to equip educa96

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school constituency. Biblical application of all principles and practices is a key focus.

Section Section Section Section

EDU 5541 Learning Environment and Classroom Management ..........................................(2) This course is designed to introduce a variety of class management models, with analysis and application emphases. Implications for both early childhood and elementary settings are studied. Classroom environmental arrangements, time-management factors; children of differing backgrounds and needs; mentally, emotionally, socially and/or physically disabled children; and preventive, supportive and corrective discipline are addressed. Large and small group management and components of effective physical, social, emotional, academic learning environments are examined. Prerequisites: Admission to the MAT program, EDU 5101, EDU 5545, EDU 5619.

1 2 3 4

Section 5 Section 6 Section 7

Administration Legal Issues Strategic Planning Curriculum Development & Supervision School Board Development & Policy Budget & Finance Marketing

EDU 5600 Teaching the Content Areas ....................................(6) This course introduces the knowledge, skills, and dispositions related to teaching in the content areas — social studies, math, science, and health. It helps students design and assess developmentally appropriate learning environments and instructional experiences; use technology resources for learning, communication, and productivity; and implement national and state standards in lesson design. Preparation of lesson plans that actively involve school students in meaningful content and a focus on the ADEPT Performance Standards and curriculum standards as well as integrating biblical truth are also important parts of this course. This course and the interrelated required practicum will help students evaluate themselves as prospective discerning educators. A practicum fee is charged. Prerequisites: Admission to the MAT program, EDU 5101, EDU 5545, EDU 5331.

EDU 5545 Classroom Assessment ............................................(2) This course is designed to introduce students to varying methods of assessment procedures in order for them to establish a foundation for constructing and choosing various forms of assessments and interpreting and reporting the results in order to gauge student educational progress. Instructional activities are constructed with an understanding of the ADEPT Performance Standards. Practicum experiences are incorporated into the class schedule. Prerequisites: Admission to the MAT program, EDU 5101.

EDU 5611 Seminar in Children’s Literature ..............................(2) This course will examine the genre designed for children and youth, and develop instruction using this supply of materials. The students will read and review works created in different periods, written by different authors, and generated for different purposes. Using children’s literature in the classroom can offer the teacher and student new horizons to explore through interdisciplinary units, author studies, and appreciation of new authors and award winners alike. This course is offered alternate years during the International Institute of Christian School Educators (IICSE).

EDU 5592 Studies in Christian School Leadership....................(2) This seminar is a synthesizing study of the Christian philosophy of education and the practical skills needed for effective administrative leadership. This will involve a variety of faculty and/or other resource persons. Requirements are satisfied by active participation in a track of the International Institute of Christian School Educators and an application project. The tracks are as follows —


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EDU 5619 Teaching Literacy and Technology............................(6) This course introduces the knowledge, skills, and dispositions related to teaching literacy— reading, writing, listening, speaking, viewing, and visual presentations. It helps students design and assess effective learning environments and experiences; use technology resources for learning, communication, and productivity; examine children’s literature; and accommodate individual differences particularly related to those who speak English as a second language and those at-risk. This course and the interrelated, required practicum will help students evaluate themselves as prospective discerning educators. A practicum fee is charged. Prerequisites: Admission to the MAT program, EDU 5101, EDU 5545.

professional literature, and relevant to the student’s current professional endeavors or setting; and must answer a professional question related to the development or education of the young child. Prerequisite: EDU 5330. IDL only. EDU 5741 Issues in Pre-adolescence ......................................(1) Study in this course centers on issues in the nature, needs, and education of the preadolescent (ages 10-14) as an extension of EDU 5330, Nature of the Learner. Each student selects a topic for extended study involving an in-depth examination of an issue and a followup journal article. Selected issues must be contemporary, documented from within the last five years of professional literature, and relevant to the student’s current professional endeavors or setting; and must answer a professional question related to the development or education of the middle school child. Prerequisite: EDU 5330. IDL only.

EDU 5660 Integrating Enrichment Areas ..................................(2) This course introduces the knowledge, skills, and dispositions related to teaching in the enrichment areas—exposing students to “hands-on” interdisciplinary experiences in art, music, and physical education. It helps students design and evaluate developmentally appropriate learning environments and instructional experiences, and implement national and state standards in lesson design. Preparation of lesson plans that actively involve school students in meaningful content and a focus on the ADEPT Performance Standards and curriculum standards as well as integrating biblical truth are also important parts of this course. This course will help students evaluate themselves as prospective discerning educators. Prerequisites: Admission to the MAT program, EDU 5101, EDU 5545, EDU 5331, EDU 5600.

EDU 5751 Issues in Adolescence ..............................................(1) Study in this course centers on issues in the nature, needs, and education of the adolescent (ages 14-20) as an extension of EDU 5330, Nature of the Learner. Each student will select a topic for extended study involving an in-depth examination of an issue and a follow-up journal article. Selected issues must be contemporary, documented from within the last five years of professional literature, and relevant to the student’s current professional endeavors or setting; and must answer a professional question related to the development or education of the adolescent child. Prerequisite: EDU 5330. IDL only. EDU 5810 Students with Diverse Needs ..................................(2) This course will expose students to various areas of exceptionality including definitions, incidence, and educational needs. Regulations governing the education of the handicapped, options of serving special needs, and the modification of regular classrooms to accommodate exceptional children will be studied. Prerequisite: Admission to the MAT program,

EDU 5722 Issues in Early Education ..........................................(1) Study in this course centers on issues in the nature, needs, and education of the young child (ages birth-8) as an extension of EDU 5330, Nature of the Learner. Each student selects a topic for extended study involving an in-depth examination of an issue and a follow-up journal article. Selected issues must be contemporary, documented from within the last five years of 98

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EDU 5101, EDU 5545, EDU 5619, EDU 5541, or by permission.

EDU 6231 History and Philosophy of Education........................(3) This course surveys and analyzes the historical and philosophical ideas that guide educational theory and practice in schools today. The course focuses on the study of ideas and movements and their developmental effects on current educational settings in the United States. In addition, major consideration is given to Christian philosophical perspectives which are the foundation of Christian school education, with attention given to the goals of education, the nature of the learner and learning, the role of the teacher, and the content of curriculum as components of educational philosophy.

EDU 5931 Student Teaching with Seminar ..............................(9) This course requires observation, participation, and extended classroom teaching in a school under the supervision of an experienced teacher. Regular interaction includes assistance and evaluation by the university supervisor and the cooperating teacher using the South Carolina ADEPT (Assisting, Developing and Evaluating Professional Teaching) Performance Standards. A student teaching fee is charged. Prerequisites: Admission to the MAT program, EDU 5101, EDU 5545, EDU 5600, EDU 5331, EDU 5810, EDU 5619, EDU 6140, EDU 5231, EDU 7300, EDU 5444, and content area and Bible/Theology prerequisite courses completed.

EDU 6410 Biblical Dynamics of Counseling ..............................(3) This course covers an orderly understanding of the doctrine of sanctification as related to challenges and temptations that Christian youth face. The concepts of the WFSI youth counseling model will be reviewed. Role-play and case studies will be used to increase teacher and counselor skills and understanding. Requirements are satisfied by active participation in the International Institute of Christian School Educators and an application project. This course is offered alternate years during the International Institute of Christian School Educators (IICSE).

EDU 5970 Evaluative Professional Practice………………….(0) This zero credit course consists of the assessments that will be administered to the student during active practice. The self assessments, supervisor checklists and rubrics will allow the MEd program to assess the transfer of learning from the university classroom to secondary school. These assessments will be used to improve the quality of the MEd program. EDU 6110 Curriculum Development and Instruction ................(3) This course is designed to assist students in developing and analyzing curriculum. Philosophies, theories and strategies will be examined in planning and developing long- and short-range units. Principles of knowledge, aesthetics and values are considered in light of teaching and learning.

EDU 6425 Supervision of Instruction ........................................(3) This course will assist supervisory personnel in improving their ability to exercise effective supervision and evaluation principles. This improvement will be influenced by an understanding of biblical principles, a knowledge of related educational theory, and an opportunity to apply these principles and knowledge to specific supervisory problems and practices.

EDU 6140 Connecting with Families and Communities............(2) This course provides students with strategies for linking schools, families, and communities to provide integrated service delivery, for strengthening instruction with a team concept, and for connecting with families from culturally diverse backgrounds. It also provides a foundation in ethical and professional standards.

EDU 6480 Professional Portfolio Development ........................(1) This course is specifically designed for MAT students who have previous teaching experience and are exempt from student teaching. Under the direction of the MAT program director, the student will prepare a professional port99

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folio to provide evidence of their professional competencies as outlined by South Carolina state standards. The evidence for competency will also include teaching evaluations, letters of reference, and artifacts from prior instructional experience. By permission only.

identification, analysis, and response to current issues in education. Students will examine selected issues from a variety of viewpoints and then reach a biblically integrated response and position. Students will research issues and articulate the debate both verbally and in writing. The goal is for students to be able to publish their research or to host workshops. The professor acts as a facilitator. This course is offered alternating years during the International Institute of Christian School Educators (IICSE).

EDU 6490 Educational Research................................................(3) This course is designed to enable students to conduct and evaluate educational research. The instruction will emphasize the major principles, methods, and procedures of research as employed by students of education. Special emphasis is given to researching educational and administrative effectiveness in the school.

EDU 6640 Issues in Guidance ....................................................(3) This course will make wide use of the Internet resources and professional guidance and counseling journals and periodicals to survey contemporary issues in school guidance and counseling. Many of the issues reflect the felt needs that our culture presents and that grow out of post-Christian, post-modern social and moral relativism—outside and inside of the Christian family, church, and school. In addition, the distinctive Christian worldview that shapes our Christian school ministry, brings other, more predictable issues to the forefront for school counselors. This course will make wide use of Internet resources and professional guidance and counseling journals and periodicals to survey contemporary issues. Students will identify biblical principles that will bear on relevant school counseling and guidance interventions at elementary, middle, and/or high school levels.

EDU 6610 Advanced Instructional Strategies: The Differentiated Classroom ..................................................................(3) This course addresses the concept of differentiation, which is the process of developing curriculum to meet the specific learning styles of the students within one’s classroom. Students will examine strategies to develop or strengthen new thinking patterns concerning curriculum and instruction. Some topics to be discussed will be tiering, 4-MAT, learning contracts, orbitals, interest groups, and compacting. EDU 6620 Advanced Instructional Strategies: Understanding by Design ..................................................................(3) The purpose of this course is to instruct teachers and administrators in the best practice of using assessment as the tool to determine the instruction of concepts. Class participants will be taught how to examine learning concepts and determine how to develop enduring understandings and then to determine what is the best method of assessing these understandings. Students will learn how to develop instruction and classroom activities from the assessments.This course is offered alternating years during the International Institute of Christian School Educators (IICSE).

EDU 6650 NILD Training Level 1 ................................................(4) Level I is an introduction to the general field of learning disabilities and provides foundational training in the philosophy and techniques of NILD Educational Therapy. Prepares participants to begin giving therapy as intern therapists (all educational therapists are considered interns until certification). (as listed on website)

EDU 6630 Issues in Curriculum ................................................(3) This course will assist school personnel in the 100

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EDU 6651 NILD Training Level 2 ................................................(4) Level II provides a review of introductory NILD Educational Therapy techniques and introduces a series of techniques for advanced therapy students. Prerequisites: successful completion of the NILD Level I course, minimum experience of 1 year/100 student contact hours in individual educational therapy, on-site visit if Level I training or last on-site was more than three years prior to application. (as listed on website)

EDU 6950 Faculty Directed Study in Education ....................(1-6) Upon Request: This course is available by special arrangement with instructor. Consult with academic advisor. EDU 7300 Biblical Foundations for Curriculum ........................(3) This course will enable both teachers and administrators to use the Bible as their primary document for curriculum and instructional design. Students will learn to utilize basic hermeneutical principles when integrating faith and learning, design biblically-integrated instruction, write biblical standards and objectives, and teach Christian critical thinking and worldview. Products from the course will include a comprehensive list of biblical standards for education, a list of Christian critical thinking skills, a knowledge of models for biblical integration and examples of integrated lessons. The course will utilize both historical lectures (video) from the International Institute for Christian School Educators and a team of CIU professors.

EDU 6652 NILD Training Level 3 ................................................(4) Level III provides in-depth study of the neurological considerations of NILD Educational Therapy techniques and develops mastery skills. Prerequisites: Successful completion of NILD Levels I & II training, On-site observation after Level II and within three years of application, minimum experience of two years/200 student contact hours in individual educational therapy, proof of participation in required sessions at the NILD regional conference of your choice. (as listed on website)

EDU 7340 Spiritual Formation in Higher Education ..................(3) This course studies biblical principles guiding spiritual development with particular application to students in different educational settings. It addresses the challenge of integrating head and heart, thinking and spiritual life, and intellectual work and prayer. Examples of philosophies and programs aimed at students’ spiritual growth are examined. Students synthesize learning into practical models for effective implementation in their institutions.

EDU 6901 Authentic Professional Experiences ....................(0-3) This course will prepare students for beginning the clinical experience. Length of the field experience will vary according to hours needed. A primary goal of this course is to provide students with experiences in diverse early childhood and elementary classroom settings that will assist in the equipping of discerning educators. This course is repeatable three times. Prerequisites: Admission to MAT program. EDU 6940 Internship in Educational Administration ............(2-6) This on-the-job experience enables the administration student to gain practical experience working alongside an experienced “mentor.” Opportunity is afforded to be a participant in the actual job of a school administrator. Prerequisite: Permission of advisor.

EDU 7400 Advanced Instructional Design ................................(3) This course provides a theoretical and practical framework for creating effective instruction. Beginning with a study of human learning, a procedure for planning, delivering, and evaluating instruction will be presented and practiced through hands-on activities. Emphasis will be on determining goals (including those in the cognitive, psycho motor, spiritual, affective


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domains), identifying appropriate resources and strategies to reach those goals, and evaluating the ultimate achievement of the goals.

ideas and movements and their developmental effects on current educational settings in the United States. In addition, Christian philosophical perspectives which are the foundation of Christian education are examined.

EDU 7960 Professional Project ..............................................(2-6)

EDU 9209 Theological and Pedagogical Foundations of Theological Education ..............................................(3) (Taught in Korntal, Germany. German fluency required.) This course provides an overview of biblical, historical and contemporary educational theories and models. An emphasis will be laid on the theology of theological Education, as well as the paradigmatic changes of the last 50 years in innovative and alternative educational forms. This is taught from the perspective of missions and the global church. The integration of theory and practice will take a central position.

Provides an opportunity to design and develop an idea resulting in a tangible product, innovative curriculum, improved management system or other unique addition to the field of education. Project proposal must include a clear statement of outcome and benefits to setting, defined procedures, timetable and assessment procedures. Prerequisite: approval of advisor. EDU 9010 Seminar in Core Values ..........................................(0) This one-day course introduces students to the place of core valued in an educational institution by presenting CIU's five core values of (1) Authority of Scripture, (2) Victorious Christian Living, (3) World Evangelization, (4) Evangelical Unity, and (5) Prayer & Faith. Presentations are given by CIU faculty and administration members. (Pass/No Pass grading.)

1. A theology of Theological Education. 2. Western educational theories and models and the challenge to the world-wide church. 3. The paradigm change in Theological Education. 4. Alternative models of theological education: their opportunities and limits. 5. Toward to a mission-oriented theological Education 6. Integration of theory and practice

EDU 9150 Contextualizing Christian Education in Diverse Settings ....................................................................(3) This course examines philosophical, sociological, religious, and cultural variables which impact Christian schooling in contemporary culture. Attention is given to diverse environments in which Christian education occurs, including urban settings and culturally/linguistically diverse (international) arenas. Biblical principles relevant to transcultural relationships are studied, along with models of successful Christian schooling in these settings. Students will address the Christian school mission and educational emphases which are needed in light of the current and future societal environment.

EDU 9300 Biblical Foundations for Curriculum and Pedagogy ...............................………………(3) This course will enable educators to use the Bible as their primary document for curriculum and instructional design. Students will learn to utilize basic hermeneutical principles when integrating faith and learning, design biblically integrated instruction, write biblical standards and objectives, and teach Christian critical thinking and worldview. Products from the course will include a comprehensive list of biblical standards for education, a list of Christian critical thinking skills, a knowledge of models for biblical integration and examples of integrated lessons. The course will utilize historical lectures (classic videos) from the International Institute for Christian School Educators.

EDU 9200 Historical and Philosophical Perspectives on Education ..............................................................(3) This course surveys and analyzes the historical and philosophical ideas that guide educational theory and practice in schools today. The course focuses on the study of nations, leaders, 102

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EDU 9310 Curriculum Theory and Design ................................(3) This course provides theoretical frameworks for evaluating and developing effective courses of study in different educational settings. Curricular emphases throughout history, philosophies, theories and strategies will be examined in planning and developing long- and short-range units. Included are such topics as curriculum theory, formation of educational goals, definition of educational content, formation of educational processes, and program development implementation.

edge of the technology available to build systems useful in educational institutions and will show how technology is used to create a systems architecture that meets the information processing needs of schools, colleges, and other educational endeavors. Students will also learn how to apply the possibilities for globalized data searches and communication in pedagogically responsible and relevant ways. EDU 9429 Leadership for Learning Resources..........................(3) (Taught in Korntal, Germany. German fluency not required.) The preparation of lesson resources and study material is a critical factor in the educational process, especially in those contexts where there is limited access to literature and teaching material. In this course, students will learn to prepare context-relevant resources, and especially, how to draw up appropriate study materials.

EDU 9320 Teaching and Learning Theory..................................(3) This course compares various pedagogical models and their accompanying assumptions about the nature of learning. At the same time, biblical perspectives on teaching and learning are integrated into an understanding of effective, differentiated instruction.Students will gain a deeper understanding of learning processes and their relevance in different educational and cultural settings.

EDU 9510 Biblical Leadership ....................................................(3) Educational leadership, based on JudeoChristian ethics and core values, is assessed and developed. An analysis of biblical, historical, and contemporary leadership models provides the framework for personal leadership formation.

EDU 9330 Measurement and Assessment Theory ....................(3) This course examines important components of measurement and assessment theory as they relate to program development and student assessment on an institution-wide basis.

EDU 9515 Leadership and Organizational Behavior ................(3) This course examines the relationship dynamics which occur in organizations between leaders and followers, and between work groups in light of biblical principles. Attention is given to theories of effective leadership, motivation, decision-making, organizational change, and organizational systems, with applications in diverse and cross-cultural settings.

EDU 9359 Theological Education as Adult Education ..............(3) (Taught in Korntal, Germany. German fluency required.) Traditional Educational Models are normally based on pedagogical assumptions adequate for children in the initial phase of education. Theological Education increasingly has to do with adult persons with considerable life and work experience. In this course students will learn how to apply principles of Adult Education to Theological Education.

EDU 9520 Supervision and Instructional Leadership ..............(3) This course investigates the dynamics of developing instructional leadership in Christian schools which lead to lasting school improvement. Attention is given to leadership principles and strategies, techniques of working with teachers, and focusing on growth in student learning.

EDU 9410 Information and Communication Technology in Education ..........................................(3) This course will provide students with knowl103

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EDU 9521 Developing and Evaluating Faculty ..........................(3) This course investigates the dynamics of developing instructional leadership in Christian higher education institutions which lead to lasting improvement. Attention is given to leadership principles and strategies, techniques of working with faculty, and focusing on growth in student learning.

EDU 9550 The Legal Environment and the Christian School....(3) This course examines the philosophies and trends which have surfaced in through court decisions and legislation relating to education in general, and private or sectarian education in particular. The implications for Christian school practice are reviewed. EDU 9555 Developing Institutional Resources ..........................(3) This course addresses various philosophies and approaches for building strong public relations programs and for generating non-tuition funds for operations and capital growth.

EDU 9525 Principles of Organizational Team Building ............(3) This course examines models and strategies for building team unity within organizations. Biblical principles, the role of leadership, new team development, inter-group relations, large group interventions, and goal setting are studied.

EDU 9559 Competencies-oriented Theological Education(3) (Taught in Korntal, Germany. German fluency required.) Development and promotion of key competencies are central for contemporary education. They have to do with both career independent, transferable meta-competences as well as career specific competencies — in this case of theological education, for missionary and pastoral ministry. This course provides the foundational knowledge and the tools to design competenceoriented educational processes. In this context the students will be introduced to the concepts of supervision, coaching and mentoring as instruments of theological education.

EDU 9535 Leadership and Governance in Higher Education....(3) This course examines policies, organizational structures, and relationships necessary for effective functioning of institutional governing bodies and managers, including boards, presidents, and deans, while focusing on biblical principles which are foundational to the roles of academic leaders. Consideration is also given to the role of faculty in institutional and academic governance. This course also addresses the necessary components of strategy (vision, mission, goals). EDU 9540 Models of Strategic Planning and Organizational Assessment................................................................(3) This course examines various models for conducting strategic planning and for assessing the effectiveness of organizations in accomplishment of their missions. Special attention is given to linking mission, vision, goals, planning, budgeting, and assessment in Christian educational institutions.

EDU 9570 Business Affairs of the Educational Enterprise........(3) This course examines factors necessary for effective management of financial affairs and human resources in religious, not-for-profit educational institutions. Students examine financial and human resource management concepts and analytical skills for generating principledriven business decisions while making effective use of information and communication technology.

EDU 9545 Alternative Educational Delivery Systems................(3) This course involves study and analysis of non-traditional strategies for ministry preparation. Students examine various delivery systems such as technology-mediated learning, modular course formats, cohorts, collaboration with local churches, mentoring, internships, etc.

EDU 9601 Research for Methods in Theological Education I ................................................................(1) This course introduces students to practice-oriented and literature-based research, equipping them with the logic, design, methods, and exe104

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cution of practice-oriented and practice-based research necessary for doctoral level study. (taught at Korntal, Germany)

EDU 9630 Research and Authorship for Publication ................(3) This course equips the candidate to assimilate research findings and to prepare research reports suitable for publication in refereed journals or non-refereed publications. Pre-requisite: EDU 9620.

EDU 9602 Research for Methods in Theological Education II ................................................................(1) This course introduces students to social science research, field research, and empirical research, equipping them with the logic, design, methods, and execution of practice-oriented and practice-based research necessary for doctoral level study. (taught at Korntal, Germany)

EDU 9690 Portfolio and Qualifying Exam Competencies ................................................(0) To satisfy the requirements of this course, students must demonstrate "acceptable" competency on each of nine (9) portfolio artifacts specified in the Portfolio Manual and on each of eight (8) qualifying exam questions specified in the Qualifying Examination Manual. Each of the competencies will be evaluated by two faculty members in accord with procedures contained in the manuals. (Pass/No Pass grading.)

EDU 9603 Research for Methods in Theological Education III ..............................................................(1) This course introduces students to developing research designs and producing research project proposals, as a means of equipping them with the logic, design, methods, and execution of practice-oriented and practice-based research necessary for doctoral level study. (taught at Korntal, Germany)

EDU 9700 Doctoral Dissertation ..............................................(12) In this course the candidate implements the research proposal developed in the Applied Research course. A full research report (dissertation) is written and orally defended before a panel of faculty.

EDU 9610 Advanced Educational Research Design..................(3) This course equips students with the research tools required to design the study of a doctoral dissertation topic. It prepares students to select a topic, review literature, design a study, collect quantitative data, analyze and interpret data, and report and evaluate research. Emphasis is on quantitative studies including experimental, quasi-experimental, correlational, and survey designs. Pre-requisite: Statistics competency examination passed.

EDU 9950 Faculty Directed Study: ........................................(1-3) This course is available by special arrangement with instructor. Consult with the EdD program director.

EDU 9620 Qualitative Research ................................................(3) This course is designed to equip students to construct and implement qualitative research designs. The various types of qualitative approaches are studied, as well as data collection and analysis methods. Pre-requisite: EDU 9610.


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

ICS 6024 Understanding Cultures and Worldviews The course will enable you to understand the worldview assumptions which are foundational to a person’s belief systems and behavior patterns. You will analyze the culture and worldview of an ethno-linguistic or socio-economic grouping of people from a biblical worldview perspective. You will also consider elements of biblical contextualization. Prerequisites: BIB 5410; ICS/MIS 5031, or ICS/MIS 5050, or equivalent. (Also in online format)

INTERCULTURAL STUDIES ICS 5010 Introduction to World Religions .................................(3) You will survey the origins, beliefs, practices, impact, and folk expressions of major world religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. You will evaluate the status of each religion in reference to Christian missions. ICS 5031 The Mission of God ....................................................(3) You will study the mission of God as it is revealed in the Bible and throughout history. You will compare and evaluate principles, dynamics, philosophies, and practices of crosscultural missions. You will grow in your ability to share the gospel with individuals from cultures other than your own.

ICS 6040 Cultural Anthropology ................................................(3) This course will introduce you to the discipline of cultural anthropology and the study of other cultures. You will learn concepts and field methods which will help you acquire an understanding of the society, culture, and customs of the people God has called you to reach. (Also in online format)

ICS 5046 Principles of Language Learning ...............................(3) This course will train you in effective principles of language learning emphasizing LAMP, Total Physical Response (TPR), and phonetics. The goal is to provide you with the knowledge needed to learn a new language in any context.

ICS 6043 Tentmaking Strategies for the 10/40 Window .........(3) This course will help you understand the scope of tentmaking, and will demonstrate biblically and historically that the opportunities for church planting via tentmaking entry strategies are limitless. Through numerous case studies, mostly taken from Muslim settings, you will explore the growing need for tentmakers to plant churches among the least-reached people groups.

ICS 5050 Perspectives on the World Christian Movement .......(3) This course will introduce you to the biblical, historical, cross-cultural, and strategic aspects of international missions as seen and experienced by missions practitioners and instructors. (Can be used as elective credit. Does not count toward residence requirements. Does not count toward financial aid eligibility.)

ICS 6045 Biblical Contextualization ..........................................(3) In this course you will study how to understand and apply the Bible faithfully and effectively in a cross-cultural setting. You will look at the Bible’s teaching about culture and hermeneutics, especially language, revelation, truth, scriptural authority, application and contextualization. You will assess case studies of contextualization in missions. Your summative exercise will produce a biblically controlled example of contextualization. Prerequisite: BIB 5410 or equivalent. (Also offered as BIB 6045.)

ICS 6020 History of Missions ....................................................(3) In this course you will survey the expansion of Christianity with an emphasis on the cultural and strategic dimensions of its growth. Special attention will be given to factors arising during the post-Reformation era which have influenced the development of Christian missions.


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

ICS 6046 Folk Religion ................................................................(3) The dynamics of humankind’s religious experience as influenced by supernatural powers and spirits will be reviewed, described, evaluated and contrasted with biblical teaching and practice. You will study the widespread beliefs and practices associated with the occult in its various expressions, and the impact of the occult on humankind individually and socio-culturally. The goal is to help you develop an awareness of the activities of the powers of darkness and a strategy for responding to these activities with biblical “spiritual warfare” principles. (Also in online format)

LNG 5710 Theoretical Foundations of Language Teaching ......(3) An introduction to the principles and practices of English language teaching. We examine the theories and practices of language teaching and learning in general and English language teaching and learning in particular, focusing on the adult learner. LNG 5900–LNG 5901 ESL Practicum ..........................................................(1) These courses are designed to enable M.Ed. students to complement their coursework with experience in the ESL classroom. Students will observe and teach local ESL classes, attend weekly labs, and submit lesson plans and reports.

ICS 6092 Strategy for Kingdom Advance ..................................(3) This course will give you a fresh perspective on missiology and the changing globe with special attention to your own area(s) of particular interest. You will examine specific strategies and issues in missions, and you will think strategically about your own vision and planning. You will create and evaluate your own life path as you receive input from your classmates and the global connections of the instructor.

LNG 6114 Introduction to Linguistics ........................................(3) An introductory survey of some of the major areas of linguistics, excluding syntax. This course is intended to explore how language works at different levels and how these levels interact with one another. It covers phonetics (the study of speech sounds), phonology (the sound systems of individual languages), morphology (the origin and structure of words), semantics (how words and sentences make meaning), pragmatics (language in its context), sociolinguistics (language in society) and historical linguistics (how language changes over time). The approach is practical, emphasizing problem solving and proving the skills needed for analyzing languages including English and other languages whose structure may be quite different from that of English.

ICS 6950 Faculty Directed Study in Intercultural Studies ........(1-3) A faculty member will direct your study as you participate in a seminar or pursue research in an area of special interest.


LNG 6650 English Syntax ..........................................................(3) A detailed study of the structure of English, especially designed for the teacher of English as a second language, with special attention to making the aspects of grammar teachable.

LNG 5041 Introduction to Language Learning ..........................(3) An introductory course in language learning, designed primarily for missionaries. Using the Brewsters’ LAMP method (Language Acquisition Made Practical), the course involves building skills needed to create a personalized, non-classroom based language learning program. Also includes strategies for traditional classroom based programs, and specific training in articulatory phonetics. Because of the essential field work component, this course is not recommended for audit.

LNG 6740 Techniques of TEFL: Listening, Speaking and Reading ..............................................................(3) A practical course in teaching listening, speaking and reading to adult speakers of other languages. Also covers the following: oral proficiency level ratings; pronunciation; reading 107

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skills appropriate for different levels; vocabulary development. Includes the design of activities, the practice of techniques and microteaching – opportunities to teach portions of lessons and receive feedback.

experience in the ESL classroom. Students attend weekly classes, observe experienced ESL teachers, tutor non-native speakers, write lesson plans, and teach ESL classes under the supervision of CIU faculty. These placements are designed to provide students with opportunities to develop their teaching and ministry skills in a supportive environment. Students must receive a satisfactory grade in these courses in order to register for LNG 7970 TEFL Internship.

LNG 6745 Techniques of TEFL: English Structure and Writing ................................................................(3) A practical course in teaching English grammar and writing to adult speakers of other languages. Includes the design of activities, the practice of techniques and microteaching – opportunities to teach portions of lessons and receive feedback. Not a review of English grammar. Prerequisite: LNG 5710 or LNG 6740.

LNG 6950 Faculty Directed Study in Linguistics ..................(1-3) Upon Request Available by special arrangement with instructor. Consult with academic advisor.

LNG 6831 Curriculum, Testing and Administration for Language Programs....................................................................(3) This course is a study of the principles of curriculum development and testing for language programs. The course also covers program administration and other professional issues. Prerequisite: LNG 5710 and LNG 6740.

LNG 7970 TEFL Internship..........................................................(2) An off-campus, intensive experience in teaching English to speakers of other languages. Focuses on developing skills and techniques in teaching English while applying language teaching theory and principles. Prerequisite: All coursework for MATEFL/ICS and permission of instructor.

LNG 6910-6911 TEFL Practicum ........................................................(1) These courses are designed to enable TEFL students to complement their course work with


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

the Bible (Bibliology), the doctrine of God (Theology Proper), the doctrine of Christ (Christology), and the doctrine of last things (Eschatology). You will gain experience in intergrating what you learn into real world situations and in understanding how theological concepts are expressed differently across cultures. (Also in online format)

THEOLOGY THE 5550 Principles of the Christian Life ................................(3) A study of the most important theme known to humankind—knowing God. A biblical theology of sanctification will provide the foundation for every principle for living the Christian life presented—both personal and social. Personal issues such as spiritual growth, temptation, the function of the Law, the means of grace and the character of faith will be examined. Varying viewpoints among Christians will be noted. The course also considers the biblical approach to such social aspects of sanctification as life and death, war and peace, church and state, wealth and poverty and race questions. The goal of the course is to discover how God has planned to remake us like Christ, and to commit ourselves to godliness in today’s world. (Offered as IDL only.)

THE 6320 Systematic Theology 2... ............................................(3) In this course you will explore those areas of theology especially relating to and serving as the foundation for the sanctification and Christian growth of the believer. Areas studied will include the doctrine of man (Anthropology), the doctrine of sin (Hamartiology), the doctrine of salvation (Soteriology), the doctrine of the Holy Spirit (Pneumatology), and the doctrine of church (Ecclesiology). The course particularly focuses on God’s plan of transforming you into Christ’s likeness and helping you experience godly living in today’s world. (Also in online format)

THE 5110 Doctrine: Survey ........................................................(3) You will survey the 10 major areas of Christian theology, including the purpose and value of studying the Bible thematically. You will learn key biblical texts which are foundational to each doctrine. (Online format only.)

THE 6950 Faculty Directed Study in Theology ......................(1-3) Upon Request Available by special arrangement with instructor. Consult with academic advisor.

THE 6310 Systematic Theology 1 ..............................................(3) In this course you will explore the major divisions of theology (Prolegomena), the doctrine of


Fa c u l t y

2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

FACULTY Resident Faculty Mark Bolte, Director of M.A. in Counseling Program Clinical Counseling B.A.(Psychology), Tennessee Temple University; M.S.(Clinical Psychology), Loyola College; APA residency in clinical psychology, Tripler Army Medical Center; Psy.D. (Clinical Psycho- logy), Florida Tech; mental health worker, Sheppard Pratt hospital, 1984-89; psychotherapist, Skeen, DeWitt and Associates, 1988-89; psychotherapist, Renewal Counseling Center, 1989-92; addiction counselor, Epoch Counseling Center, 1989-92; instructor, Midlands Technical College, Beltline Campus, 1997; Chief psychologist, Psychology Service, Fort Jackson’s Community Mental Health Service, 1996-99; command psychologist, Fort Jackson’s Community Mental Health Service, 1998-99; chief psychologist, South Carolina Department of Public Safety Criminal Justice Academy Division, 1999-2003; private practice, Palmetto Counseling Associates, 1999-present; SC Licensed Clinical Psychologist; professor, Columbia International University, Graduate School Division, 2000-present; Director of the Clinical Counseling Program, Columbia International University, 2005-present 2000

Gordon Brown, Director of Doctor of Education (Ed.D.) Program Education B.A., Wheaton College; M.A.T., Rollins College; Ed.D., University of Miami; headmaster, Asheville Christian Academy, 1974-77, 8489; principal, Miami Christian School, 1970-74, 77-84; provost,

associate professor of education, Simpson College, 1989-2003. Adjunct professor, Columbia International University, 1995-2003. 2003

Anita J. Cooper, Director of M.A. in Bible Teaching Program Bible Teaching B.S., Columbia Bible College; M.Ed., Reformed Theological Seminary; Ph.D., University of South Carolina; advanced biblical studies, Reformed Theological Seminary; advanced biblical studies, Columbia Biblical Seminary and School of Missions; teacher, Hamilton County Public Schools, 1975-77; teacher, Mercer County Public Schools, 1977-85. 1985

W. Lindsay Hislop Teaching English as a Foreign Language B.A., Columbia Bible College; M.A., Ph.D., University of South Carolina; Rinker Materials Corporation, 196367; Ontario Hydro Corporation, 1967-78; teaching assistant, University of South Carolina, 198283. 1983

Ronald Kroll, Associate Dean for Extension Education Education B.Mus., William Tyndale College; M.A., Eastern Michigan University; Ed.D., Nova University; church music director, 1979-80, 1982-84; interim pastor, 1991-92; dean of men, assistant professor, music department chair, coordinator of academic advising, associate professor, registrar, vice-president for academic affairs, Practical Bible College, 1982-1996; Commission on Accreditation, Accrediting Association of Bible Colleges, 1992-97; associate dean for cluster


support and student services, Nova Southeastern University, 1996-20D

Elaine Lindsey, Director of M.Ed. Programs Education B.S., Houghton College; Ed.M., Temple University; Ed.D., University of South Carolina; teacher, director of curriculum and instruction, Ben Lippen School, 1980; adjunct faculty, Columbia International University, 1995-2000. 2000

Mark D. McCann, Director of MAT Education B.A., Florida Bible College; M.S., Nova Southeastern University; Ed.D., University of Central Florida; Elementary Teacher, Osceola Public Schools, 1985-1988; Computer Science Teacher (K-12), The First Academy, Orlando, Florida, 19881995; Administration, The First Academy, 1995-2003; Director of School Improvement and High School Bible Teacher, The First Academy, 2003-2004. 2004

Connie Z. Mitchell, Associate Dean for Professional Education Programs Education B.A., Florida Bible College; B.S., Bryan College; M.A., Ed.D., University of Miami; teacher, Coconut Grove Elementary School, 1967-72; faculty, director of education, Florida Bible College, 197296; adjunct faculty, Valencia Community College, 1983-92; adjunct faculty, Columbia International University, 199197.1997

Dennis Morgan Clinical Counseling B.S.(psychology), Abilene Christian

2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

University; M.A. (Clinical Psychology) Rosemead School of Psychology, Biola University: M.A.T.S. (Theological Studies), Reformed Theological Seminary; Psy.D.(Clinical Psychology) Rosemead School of Psychology; coordinator of psychological services, Psychological Services, Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA, 1982-1984; adjunct faculty, Pepperdine University, Malibu, CA and Los Angeles, CA, 1983-1984; private practice, Columbia Psychological Group, Long Beach, CA, 1983-1984; medical affiliate staff, College Hospital, Cerritos, CA, 1983-1984; private practice, Campbell Psychological Services, Campbell, CA, 1984-1988; psychologist, Employee Assistance Program, El Camino Hospital, Mountain View, CA, 1985-1986; private practice, Christian Family Counseling Services, Fremont, CA, 1986-1988; clinical coordinator, RAPHA Unit, Sharpstown General Hospital, Houston, TX, 1988-1989; private practice, Christian Counseling Centers, Campbell, CA, 1989-1993; clinical consultant, Rapha/Renewal Unit, Oak Creek Hospital, San Jose, CA, 19911992; co-owner/board member, Renewal Psychotherapy Group, Fremont, CA, 1991-1992; active professional staff, Oak Creek Hospital, San Jose, CA, 19911993; vice president-clinical services, Christian Counseling Centers, San Francisco Bay Area, 19921993; active professional staff, Good Samaritan Hospital, San Jose, CA, 1992-1993; senior psychologist, Tennessee Christian Medical Center, Madison, TN, 1993-1997; consultant/owner, Life Phases Consultation, Hendersonville, TN, 1996-1998; clinical associate professor/psychological services center clinical manager, Regent University, School of Psychology and Counseling,

Virginia Beach, VA, 1998-2000; clinical psychologist, Christian Psychotherapy Services, Virginia Beach, VA, 2000-2005; consultant, Pro-Family Counseling Services, Vienna Austria, 2002-present; adjunct professor, Columbia International University, Graduate School Division, Columbia, SC, 2003-2005; resident professor, Columbia International University, Graduate School Division, Columbia, SC, 2005-present; SC Licensed Clinical Psychologist; private practice, Christian Counseling Center at First Presbyterian Church, Columbia, SC, 2005present. 2005

Linda J. Murdaugh, Director of Professional Education Field Experiences Education B.A., California Baptist College; M.A., California State University; teacher, First Southern Baptist Christian School of Fountain Valley, 1979; teacher, curriculum director, Riverside Christian Day School, 1979-91; teacher, Ben Lippen School, 1991-93.1993

Harvey Payne, Associate Dean of Personal Care and Counseling Personal Care and Counseling/ Clinical Counseling B.S., Lancaster Bible College; M.A. in Counseling, Denver Seminary; Psy.D., in Clinical Psychology; Massachusetts School of Professional Psychology; APA Internship, Worcester State Hospital and University of Massachusetts Medical Center; Post-Doctoral Fellowship, Alfred I. duPont Institute, now the Alfred I. duPont Hospital for Children; Counseling Services Director, consultant, Cedar Ridge Counseling Services and Children's Home, Williamsport, MD, 1985-1986, 1986-1990; Crisis intervention and 112

mental health consultations, United Social and Mental Health Services, Inc., Day Kimball Hospital, Putnam, CT, Windham Community Hospital, Willimantic, CT, 1987-1988; nursing home consultant, Human Resource Institute (Franklin, MA). 1988-1990; Private Practice, Waynesboro, PA, 1991-1995; consultant, previously residential director and staff psychologist, Cedar Ridge Children's Home and School, Inc., Williamsport, MD, 1991-2006.; Head staff of mental health department, Greencastle Family Practice, Greencastle, PA, 1995-1999; clinical director, Frances Leiter Center, Chambersburg, PA, 1996-2006; allied health professional staff and consultant, Summit Behavioral Health Services, Chambersburg Hospital, Chambersburg, PA and Waynesboro Hospital, Waynesboro, PA, 1997-2006; consultant, Western Maryland Intensive Behavior Management Program, Hagerstown, MD, 1998-2006; consultant, Arc of Washington County programs: Autism Waiver Program, Children's Residential Services, Community Supported Living Arrangements program, Phoenix (Traumatic Brain Injury) Program, Psychiatric Rehabilitation Program, Stepping Stones Program, Hagerstown, MD, 1998-2006; Clinical Child and Consulting Practice, Waynesboro, PA, 19992006; consultant, Catholic Charities, Chambersburg, PA, 1999-2006; consultant, Kuwait Center for Autism, Al-Rawda, Kuwait, 2000-present; consultant, Oomit Corporation, Astana, Kazakhstan, 2004-present; consultant, Jeddah Autism Center, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 2005-present; Presentations: Dr. Payne has presented professionally for a wide variety of audiences such as parents, agency staff, regional seminars, Kazakhstan Medical

2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

Academy, Kazakhstan Children’s Hospital, Penn State University Mont Alto Campus, Child and Adolescent Service System Program Training and Technical Assistance Institute (Part of the Child Study Center in the Department of Psychology at The Pennsylvania State University), and Frostburg State University; Publications: Adams, W., Sheslow, D., Robins, P., Payne, H., & Wilkinson, G. Memory abilities in children with AttentionDeficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. American Psychological Association convention, San Francisco, CA, August, 1991; Payne, H. I. (2001). The photograph game of emotions. In H. G. Kaduson & C. E. Schaefer (Eds.), 101 More Favorite Play Therapy Techniques. Northvale, New Jersey: Jason Aronson. Associate Dean of Personal Care and Counseling and resident faculty, Columbia International University, Columbia, SC, 2006-present. SC Licensed Clinical Psychologist. 2006

Milton V. Uecker, Academic Dean of the Graduate School Education B.A., Concordia Teachers College; M.Ed., University of Texas; Ed.D., University of Virginia; teacher, Immanuel Lutheran School; teacher, The Seoul Foreign School; teaching principal, Hope Lutheran School; teacher, principal, Norfolk Christian Schools, 1975-89; associate professor, director of early childhood program, Regent University, 1991-95. 1995

Cathy Warn, Clinical Counseling Program Associate Director

Conwell Theological Seminary; Counseling Programs Administrator, Columbia International University, Graduate School Division 2003-2007; South Carolina Licensed Professional Counselor; South Carolina Licensed Marriage & Family Therapist; Private practice, Lexington Baptist Church Counseling Center 2004-present; Associate Director of Clinical Counseling Program, Columbia International University, Graduate School Division, 2007-present. 2003

James E. Watson Education B.A. Asbury College; M.Div., Columbia Theological Seminary; M.C.S., Regent College; M.Ed., Florida Atlantic University; Ph.D., Ohio State University; teacher, Westminster Academy, 1974-81; associate pastor, Coral Ridge Presbyterian Church, 1974-81; assistant superintendent, Grace Brethren Christian Schools, 198385; administrator, Wheaton Christian High School, 1985-89; adjunct faculty, Grace Theological Seminary, 1985-95; associate professor of education, Asbury College, 1989-93; pastor of adult education, Community Church of Greenwood, 1993-99; director, Trinity Evangelical Divinity SchoolIndianapolis Extension, 1993-98; adjunct faculty, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School, 1993-2000; administrator, Christian Academy, 19982000; adjunct faculty, Indiana Wesleyan University, 1998-2000; adjunct faculty, Columbia International University, 1993-2000. 2000

Clinical CounselingB.A. (Bible & Religion), Montreat College; M.A. (Christian Counseling), Gordon-


Lishu Yin Teaching English as a Foreign Language B.A., Guizhou University, P.R. China; M.A., Oral Roberts University; Ph.D., Mississippi State University; lecturer, editor and proof reader, translator and interpreter, Guizhou University, 1987-1993; tutor of Chinese language as a foreign language and Chinese culture to both adult and children, 19912004; graduate research assistant, Oral Roberts University, 1994-1995; adjunct lecturer of TESL, Bronx Community College of City University of New York, 1996;  K-12 certified teacher of Teaching English as a Second Language, Omaha Public Schools, 1996-2004; graduate research and teacher assistant, and lecturer, Mississippi University, 2004-2007; university supervisor, University of South Carolina, 2008. 2008

2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

ADJUNCT FACULTY Tom Barbian Counseling B.A., Southern California College; M.S., California Lutheran University; (Marriage, Family, & Child Counseling), California Lutheran University, 1985; staff member, Church of the Living Christ, 1982-1989; M.F.C.C. intern, private practice, 1986-1989; marriage family, & child counselor, Antelope Valley Christian Counseling Center, 1989-1991; director, Care Options, 1994-1997; professional advisor, C.H.A.D.D., 1991-1997; assistant professor, Chapman University, 1996; clinical director, part-owner, Associated Christian Therapy Services, 19911997; director, Christian Counseling Center at First Presbyterian Church, 1997-present; SC Licensed Professional Counselor; SC Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor; adjunct faculty, Columbia International University, Graduate School Division, Columbia, SC, 1997present. 1997

Eddie K. Baumann Education B.S., M.S., Ph.D., University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; teacher to adolescent hospital patients, 198489; director of education; Northbrooke Hospital, 1989-91; teacher, Heritage Christian School, 1991-93; professor, Cedarville University, 1993-present. 2000

Schools, 1969-74; special education teacher, Virginia Beach Public Schools, 1974-77; adjunct professor in special education, Old Dominion University, 1973-83; principal, Virginia School at Hampton, 1979-83; teacher, curriculum coordinator, director of special education, Lynchburg Christian Academy, 1983-84; director, Shades Mountain Christian Schools, 198494; director of curriculum, Association of Christian Schools International, 1989-1996; founder and vice president, Christian Academic Publications & Services, 1996-present; founder and director, Deaf Online University, 2002present

Mickey Bowdon, Vice President for Christian School Education Education B.S. Cumberland College; M.Ed. in Administration and Supervision, Memphis State University; public school teaching and coaching, 1967-1971; high school principal, Evangelical Christian School, Memphis, TN, 1972-1976; headmaster and president, Evangelical Christian School, 1976-1992; Executive Director of the Institute for Christian School Development, 1992-1994; President, SchoolMasters (Christian School Consultant firm), 1994-1996; Superintendent, Westminister Christian Academy, 1996-2002; Headmaster, Shoals Christian School, 2002-2005. 2005

Sharon Berry Education B.S.E., University of Arkansas; M.S., Old Dominion University; Ph.D., Gallaudet University; teacher, Arkansas School for the Deaf, 1965-69; special education teacher, Portsmouth Public

Lee Alison Branham Vocal Music Ms. Branham’s specialty is vocal performance. She brings rich experience as a classical trained vocalist along with a passion for church ministry. BMus., Columbia College;


MMus., University of South Carolina. Private voice instructor and vocal coach, 2003-present; Church music administrator, 19982005. 2008.

David G. Cashin Intercultural Studies Ph.D., Stockholm University, Sweden; press secretary, U.S. Center for World Mission, 1977-79; director of research, Samuel Zwemer Institute of Islamic Studies, 1979-80; immigrant relations specialist, Saron Baptist Church, Gothenburg, Sweden, 1980-82; missionary, church planter, educator and development worker, SIM International, 1982-91; city translator, Eskilstuna, Sweden, 1991-94; teacher and seminar leader, Orevoro Theological Seminary, 1991-95; pastor, Johanneberg Baptist and Salem Baptist Church, 1991-95; interim pastor, Stony Brook Community Church, 199697; principal, Valley Christian School, 1995-2001; faculty, Columbia International University Seminary & School of Missions, 2001-present. 2001

Penny Clawson Education B.S., Philadelphia College of Bible; M.Ed., Millersville University; Ed.D., Nova Southeastern University; elementary teacher, director, therapist, Learning Disabilities Discovery Center, Christian School of York, 1968-83; professor, education department chair and director of Consulting Resource Teacher Program, Lancaster Bible College, 1983-present. 1997

2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

John L. Cooley

Robert Ferris

Education B.A., Tennessee Temple University; M.R.E., Temple Baptist Theological Seminary; Ph.D., Baptist Christian University; J.D., Washington & Lee University School of Law; Christian school administrator for over 10 years; adjunct professor, Philadelphia Biblical University, Partner, Firm President for WootenHart, PLC. 2007

Education B.A., 1961, Wheaton College; M.A., 1965, Wheaton Graduate School; graduate studies, 1963-64, Gordon Divinity School; M.Div., 1965, Denver Conservative Baptist Seminary; Ph.D., 1982, Michigan State University; missionary, SEND International, 1966-88, Philippines; CBS Interim Dean, 2002-2003. Associate provost 2004-2007; Professor Emeritus, Columbia International University Seminary & School of Missions, 2007-present. 2008

Steve Dill Education B.A., Wheaton College; M.A., Villanova University; Ed.D., Temple University; teacher, Norfolk Christian School 1972-73; teacher, director of development, middle school principal, assistant headmaster for planning and development, Delaware County Christian School, 1973-2003, headmaster 2003-present. 1994

Ralph Enlow Education Enlow Ed.D., George Peabody College of Vanderbilt University; assistant director of admissions, Columbia Bible College, 1976-77; director of outreach ministries, Columbia Bible College & Seminary, 1977-80; director of admissions, Columbia Bible College, 1977-82; director of alumni affairs, Columbia Bible College and Seminary, 1982-88; assistant to the dean, Columbia Bible College, 1987-90; dean, Columbia Bible College, 1990-94; vice-president for academic affairs, Columbia International University, 1994-98; executive director, Association for Biblical Higher Education, 19982000. Provost, Columbia International University, 2000-2006. Executive Director of the Association for Biblical Higher Education, 2006-present. 2008

Ollie Gibbs Education B.A., Bob Jones University; M.Div., Grand Rapids Seminary; M.A., Grace Theological Seminary; Ed.D., University of Georgia; teacher and middle school principal, Salem Academy, 1972-78; faculty and Education Department chair, Western Baptist College, 1978-82; southeast regional director, Association of Christian Schools International, 1982-86; vice-president, Association of Christian Schools International, 1989-1996; headmaster, Lexington Christian Academy, 1996-present; vice-president, Christian Academic Publications and Services, 1996present. 2007

Leah Herod, Director of Clinical Counseling Internship Sites Clinical Counseling B.A., 1989, The University of Alabama; M.S. (Clinical Psychology), 1993, Auburn University; Ph.D. (Clinical Psychology), 1999, Auburn University; clinical work in Alabama and South Carolina 1992-1998; short-term missionary in Ethiopia, 2000; psychologist/short-term missionary in Brazil; licensed psycholo-


gist, Child and Family Services of Southeast Alabama, Dothan, Alabama, 1999-2001; adjunct psychologist, Ramsay Youth Services, Dothan, Alabama, 2000-2001; clinical director, Chrysalis: A home for Girls, Dothan, Alabama, 2000-2001; teacher/psychologist/missionary in Egypt, 2001-2002; psychologist/ short-term missionary, Liberia and Ghana, 2003; short-term missionary, Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, 2003; psychologist/short-term missionary, Cairo, Egypt, 2003; licensed psychologist, Child and Family Services of Southeast Alabama, Dothan, Alabama, 2003; director of clinical counseling internship sites and adjunct faculty, Columbia International University, Graduate School Division, Columbia, SC, 2004-present; Certificate in Biblical Studies, Columbia International University, 2005; SC Licensed Clinical Psychologist; private practice, Dickerson Center for Children, 2006-present. 2004

Richard M. Horne Education B.S., Philadelphia College of Bible; M.Div., Reformed Episcopal Seminary; M.Ed., West Chester State University; D.Min., Westminster Theological Seminary; secondary teacher, director of guidance, The Christian Academy, 1971-92; director of guidance, Delaware County Christian School, 1992-present. 1994

Charles Koestline Counseling B.A., Suffolk University; M.A., Miami University; graduate assistant, Butler County Mental Health Center, 1968-70; intern in psychology, certificate from Wofford Hall, USAF Medical Center, 1971-72; clinical psychology, United States Air Force, 1971-75; SC Licensed Professional Counselor; SC

2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist; SC Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor, 1985; Columbia Area Mental Health, 1975-2004; staff counselor, St. Andrews Presbyterian Church, 1985-present; staff counselor, Cornerstone Presbyterian Church, 1985-2005; private practice, Palmetto Counseling Associates, 1995-2005; university counselor and adjunct faculty, Columbia International University, Graduate School Division, 2001-present. 2001

Warren F. Larson Intercultural Studies Diploma, Peace River Bible Institute; B.Th., Vancouver Bible College; M.Miss., Canadian Theological Seminary; M.Div., Trinity Western University; Ph.D., Fuller Theological Seminary; church planter, International Missions, Inc., Pakistan, 1968-91 (director, reading room for Muslims, 1968-76; administrator, Bible Correspondence School, 1976-91; newspaper evangelism, 1976-91; department superintendent, 1978-88); teacher’s assistant, research assistant, Fuller Theological Seminary, 1993-96; faculty, Columbia International University Seminary & School of Missions, 1996-present. 1996

Allan D. McKechnie Director of Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual Formation Programs Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual Formation B.B.E (Bible Education), Columbia Bible College; M.Div. (Christian Education/Counseling), Trinity Evangelical Divinity School; additional study (Contemporary Theologies), under Dr. Carl Henry, Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary; D.Min. candidate (Pastoral Care and Family track: Pastoral Care), Bethel Theological

Seminary; associate pastor, Middletown Presbyterian Church, Middletown, PA 1972-73; youth pastor, Village Church of Barrington, Barrington, IL, 197376; psychiatric technician, Forest Hospital, Des Plaines, IL 1979-82; staff therapist, DuKane Clinics, Elgin, IL 1982- 85; Director of Counseling and Family Life, Willow Creek Church, South Barrington, IL 1985-92; Doctoral Internship, The Willows Graduate Program, 19961997; Church Plant, Palmetto Point Church, 1993-98; Professor and Director of Counseling Programs, Columbia International University, Graduate Division, 1992-2005; Director of the Pastoral Counseling and Spiritual Formation Program, Columbia International University, Seminary & School of Missions, 2005-present 1992

Terry Moffitt Education B.A., University of North Carolina Chapel Hill; M.Ed., University of North Carolina-Greensboro; teacher, principal, Wesleyan Christian Academy; city councilman, High Point, NC, 1989-92; executive director, Christian Policy Research Institute, 1992-present; trainer at “Passing the Baton,” present; National Superintendant for Veritas Sports Academy, present.1996

Rhonda Pruitt, Director of D.Min. in Member Care and Counseling Program Member Care and Counseling B.S. (Biblical Studies), Holmes College; M.A. (Missiology), Columbia Biblical Seminary; M.A. (Counseling), Regent University; Fellow, (Specialization in Woment’ Studies), University of Berlin, Germany; Fellow, (Specialization in Adlerian Therapy), Alfred Adler Institute of Berlin,Germany; D. Min


(ABD) (Family Counseling: Speialization in Human Sexuality), Asbury Theological Seminary; teaching team administrator, Taiyuan University of Technology, China, 1986-87; adolescent counselor, Pines Adolescent Treatment Center, 1987-88; instructor and department director, Limestone College, 1988-89; missionary, Pentecostal Holiness World Ministries, 1989-present; visiting fellow, Leport Mental Hospital, Hungary, 1990-92; private practice Berlin, Germany, 1996-2001; therapist, Heartstream Resources for Cross-Cultural Workers, 20012004; South Carolina Professional Counselor and Licensed Professional Counselor Supervisor; program coordinator, Mental Heal and Missions conference (the annual training conference for mental health professionals in North America serving the missions community); 2003-present; program coordinator of Mental Health and Missions (a training conference for mental health professionals, providing therapeutic services for missionaries), 2002- present; director of internship sites and resident faculty, Columbia International University, Graduate School Division and Columbia Biblical Seminary & School of Missions, Columbia, SC, 2000- 2004; director of D.Min. in Member Care and Counseling program and resident faculty, Columbia International University Seminary & School of Missions 2004-present. 2000

Alan Pue Education B.S., Baptist University of America; M.Ed., Florida Atlantic University; Ed.D., University of Delaware; youth minister, Bible Baptist Church, 1971-72; teacher, Hollywood Christian School, 197279; headmaster, Pike Creek

2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

Christian School, 1979-93; senior vice president/consultant, School Master’s Inc., 1994-96; provost/senior vice president, The Master’s College, 1996-2000; president/senior consultant, The Barnabus Group, 2001-present. 2006

Stephen Reel Education B.A., M.Ed., Columbia International University; Ph.D., University of South Carolina; United States Marine Corp, 1980-88; house parent, teacher, director of admissions, elementary principal, associate headmaster, Ben Lippen School, 1988-2004; superintendent, Southside Christian School, 2004present. 2000

Wesleyan University, 2002-present. 2007

John Storey Education B.S., Tennessee Temple University; M.A., Villanova University; Ed.D., Nova Southeastern University; teacher, Valley Forge Christian Academy, 1979-82; teacher and history department chair, Plumstead Christian School, 198285; headmaster, Harmony Christian School, 1985-1992; associate regional director, Association of Christian Schools International, 1992-2001; mid-atlantic regional director, Association of Christian Schools International, 2001-present. 2006

Larry R. Wagner Glen Schultz Education B.A. Roberts Wesleyan College; M.Ed, Ed.D University of Virginia; chemistry teacher, Gowenda Central School, 1968-73; teacher, high school principal and superintendant, Lynchburg Christian Academy, 1973-89; ACSI Southeast Director, 1989-96; head of Christian school department, Lifeway Christian Resources, 19962005; Associate Pastor and Headmaster, Sherwood Baptist Church and Christian Academy, 2005-present. 2009

Clinical Counseling B.A., Wheaton College; M.Ed., George Mason University; Ph.D., Texas A&M University; associate pastor, Arlington Memorial Church, 1978-82; director of guidance, Westminster Christian School, 1984-86; graduate teaching assistant, lecturer, Texas A&M University, 1986-89; research consultant, psychologist, Family Studies Foundation, 1990-92; psychologist, clinical supervisor, Atlanta Counseling Center, 1992-96; faculty, Columbia International University Undergraduate Division, 1996-present. 1996

Brian Simmons Education B.A., Cornerstone University; B.S., Calvin College; M.S., Indiana University; Ed.D. Ball State University; teacher, administrator, Elkhart Christian Academy 198296; adjunct professor, Grand Rapids Baptist Seminary, 1996-98; superintendent, Heritage Christian School, 1996-2005; vice president for University of Advancement, adjunct professor, Indiana

Eliezer G. Yanson Jr. Choral Music Mr. Yanson is working on his doctoral degree with a focus on choral conducting. He brings a wealth of knowledge and skills in the area of choral music. His experience includes teaching and engaging in music ministry internationally, which adds a multi-cultural richness to the classroom.Th.B., Baptist Bible Seminary & Institute


(Philippines); B.Mus., Bob Jones University; M.Mus., Bob Jones University; doctoral studies in process, University of South Carolina. Music Teacher, Vandalia Christian School (NC), 2004-2008; Music Instructor, Baptist Bible Seminary and Institute, 2000-2004.

2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

TRUSTEES & ADMINISTRATION OFFICERS: MR. HAROLD F. WEAVER, CHAIR (1980) Columbia, SC Financial Consultant MR. DAVID C. MORELAND, V. CHAIR (1994) Ft. Myers, FL Vice President, Shell Point DR. RUSSELL L. FRENCH, SECRETARY (1996) Knoxville, TN Professor, University of Tennessee MR. MARVIN R. SCHUSTER, TREASURER (1987) Columbus, GA Board Chairman, Schuster Enterprises, Inc.

MEMBERS OF THE BOARD: MRS. DELAINE P. BLACKWELL (1995) Irmo, SC Bible Teacher and Homemaker MR. W. TOBIN CASSELS, III (2008) Columbia, SC President, Southeastern Freightlines Mrs. Lyn Striplin Cook (2009) Decatur, AL Secretary-Treasurer Cook’s Pest Control, Inc.

MRS. JENNIFER GUTWEIN (2007) West Lafayette, IN Attorney, Homemaker DR. D. GARY HARLOW (2000) Bethlehem, PA Professor, Lehigh University MR. J. RONALD MULLINS (2004) Columbus, GA Attorney, Page, Scrantom, Sprouse, Tucker & Ford THE REV. ROBERT A. NORRIS (1974) Florence, SC Pastor, The Church at Sandhurst


DR. JERRY A. RANKIN (2001) Richmond, VA President, International Mission Board


THE REV. DOUGLAS J. RUTT (2004) Jacksonville, FL Pastor, Christian Family Chapel


MR. MARQUIS J. RYAN (1992) Charlotte, NC President, Ryan, Geer & Company, PA

MR. ADRIAN T. DESPRES, JR. (2001) Columbia, SC Evangelist, Kingdom Building Ministries DR. HANS W. FINZEL (1994) Littleton, CO President, WorldVenture


DR. JOHN W. P. OLIVER Charlotte, NC


2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog

Administration President William H. Jones

Director of Human Resources and Placement Donald E. Jones

Chancellor George W. Murray

Director of Information Technology Michelle Branch-Frappier

Senior Vice President for Development and Operations D. Keith Marion

Director of the Library Jo Ann Rhodes

V.P. for Enrollment Management and Corporate Communication Michael D. Blackwell

Director of Human Resources and Placement Donald E. Jones

V.P. for Corporate Planning Robert C. Kallgren

Director of University Admissions and Student Financial Services Dan Griffin

V.P. for Educational Affairs Junias Venugopal

Coordinator of Academic and Disability Services Cyndi Morgan

Dean Milton V. Uecker

Director of Career Services Stephanie Bryant

Associate Dean for Instruction and Programs Connie Z. Mitchell

Athletic Director Dan Vance

Dean of Students Rick C. Swift Dean of Distance Education and Media Development Center Ronald C. Kroll




2009-2010 Graduate School Catalog



20 – 21

UG – Connect: CIU


19 – 20

UG – Connect: CIU


19 – 23

UG Entering Students Arrive/Welcome Week Begins



Martin Luther King Day – CIU Closed



Business Day – Enrollment Finalized



UG Enrollment



CIU Classes Begin



Residences Open/Returning UG Students



Convocation 10:50 a.m.



UG Classes Begin

September 7

Labor Day — CIU Closed*



September 15 – 18

Christian Life Conference

Entering SSM/Grad Students Arrive/Orientation;Enrollment



SSM/GS Classes Begin

(Prayer Day Thursday)

Entering UG Students Arrive/ Orientation; First Meal: Lunch

September 15 – 19

CIU Homecoming


4 –5

CIU Brd of Trustees



CIU Board of Trustees Meeting



Prayer Day



Prayer Day



World Christian Week


16 – 19

Fall Break (Mon. – Fri.)



CIU Preview – Grad/Seminary School

November 4

Prayer Day

November 5 – 6

CIU Preview – Undergrad

November 23 – 30

Thanksgiving Break: No Classes

(Prayer Day: Thursday) TBA

Last Meal Wed. Breakfast; First Meal Mon. Lunch November 26 & 27

Thanksgiving Holiday - CIU Closed



13 – 22

Spring Break: Last Meal Bkfast, First Meal Lunch


25 – 26

CIU Preview



Good Friday: CIU Closed



Prayer Day



CIU Preview – Seminary/Grad School



CIU Board of Trustees

December 3 – 6

R.C. McQuilkin Scholarship Weekend



CIU Last Day of Class



CIU Graduate Banquet (evening)

December 17

Graduate Banquet (5:30 p.m.)



CIU Commencement 9:00 a.m.

December 18

CIU Last Day of Semester



December 18

CIU Commencement

CIU Residences Close 10:00 a.m.; Last meal: Bkfst.

December 19

CIU Residences Close


Last Meal: Breakfast December 24 - Jan. 1

May 24 – July 30

Holiday Closings

Enrollment for Summer Studies (1st Monday of each Session)



Winter Session Begins First Meal: Lunch Winter Session Enrollments (1st Monday of each Session)



Winter Session Ends




Memorial Day – CIU Closed



July 4 Holiday – CIU Closed



Summer Connect: CIU


11 – 15

International Institute for Christian School Educators (IICSE)



DIRECTIONS TO CIU MAIN CAMPUS Columbia International University



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