City Profile Riverside California 1924 By L.p. Stewart Realtor

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The Eeul,t! BLueBook ol CalitornirL

this state exceededour clearing house receipts of almost fifty-two million dollars last year. Bakersfield's daily payroll is over one hundred thousand dollars. T'he county tax rate on Bakersffeld property was the lowest in the state last year and the city rate was only five centsmore. BakeNfield,recentlytrebled in population,now has nearly thirtyffve thoussndpe$ons,residing srithin five hours' de o{ Los Angeles, over the most scenicroa.din the \forld. Bakemfield is also a center of music, alt, scientific a.ndindustrial r€search. The Iibraries in Bakersfield contain one hundred and fifty_ seven thousand volumes. Junior College fumishes two years of recognizedUniversity tmining. Bakersfield has twenty-tvro churctps, twenty-two schools, five hospitals, the largest natatorium in the state, four public palks, con_ taining over thilty acres,seventh€atres,the fastest dirt race track on earth, the largest garage in the state, thirty clubs, numerous fratelnal organizations,eight public buildings, eighty-ffvemiles of paved streets, ten miles of electdc railroad. and Bakersfieldis surrounded by lwo hundred and twenty-five miles of paved roads and six hundred miles of highways.

Riverside.the Citv Beautiful B? L. P. SrEwARr,Realto. OMPARING Riversideto beauty is just like compa ng one rose with another. Aside from being a thing of beauty and a ioy for€ver it is also a city of homes,where each and every home owner has an averageincome of $2,285.00. Think that over. Also rememberthat $2,285.00in Riverside is equal to $3,500.00in any ci{y. If you hare ever lravelpdor read you know about congested Riverside. Here are a few facts: RiveNide is a wonder city of twenty-seventhousandcontented souls. Located 60 miles east of Los Angelesin the and DrosDerous treart ot the OrangeBelt; x'ithin 60 miles of any one of five Ocean Beach resorts; 35 miles from Nature's $5,000,000?lay ground; 30 miles from five heaith resolts and is in effect a wonderful playgTound where you get paid for playing. We dedve our' wealth from our productive soil, our health from our glo::iousclimate and our pleasure from livine in $'hat would havebeenthe "Gardenof Eden" had Adam and Eve blen on this side of the continent. It would take me too long to tell you aboutall the things we grow here ifl addition to happiness. Suffice for me to say that we halvested last year some r,orth of products from our soil. This fact has $21.665,050.00 attracted the attention of outside interests with the result ttlat Riverside is now the hub of severalcolonizationprojects fostered by big moneyedinterests1{.hoare colorizingsome14,000acresof fertile land surlounding Riverside. High pricesof land and sub-dividingof many acreagetracts around Los Angeles is driving dairies and truck farmers to Riverside,with the result that st ngs of trucks are now carry-

I TlLeRe(Llt.ltBhrc Book al C1.liforria


ing li.iverside gl'o\vn products to Los Anseles markets. Conditions ale ideal for. the dair'1'61n, poultlyman arld truck farmer. Land is still cheap ancl therefole pmfits large. If you are i)rterested in the citlus industr). r.hich after all is Southel Calitolria's gr.ealest irlconle-come and look us over. We have marr], gloves $.hich sho\,!.30 pel cent on the inlestnent. If vou want to }now what localitt usuallt' tops the or.ange rrarket, Iook at your daily ralket r.eport. If you can live on 1j4,000.00a vear. take a good ten acre glove and live. This\jll a1iold vou a honle that vou car erliov wjth the timc and ]nonc).to enjoy it. All this {or rD in\,esf ment ol sonre$16,000to 5i20,000.$Ihat more coLrldrou rsk?

\\/hitticr. tht' Citr' of Horncs 8t J. W. BALSoN l"!s

rnr \\'IiIirf

Iristrirl ti!,rt(\ Borfrl. \\'lrirlipf. citiLornia

HITTIER. nith a populationoi 15.455,is ci|e ol the most ideal little cities in thc state. Clcar, healthful, plogr'essive; a city ol splendid chulches and schools,of beautiful streets, hones :rnd encharliing orange gr.oves; pr.e-eminently a city oi homes. Fourded by a Qualier.colony, arld giver the nanc of the beloved Quaker poel, ollc natural]y cxpccts a community. of high molal standnlds, and sluldy nranhoo.i, nnd we nlertior with Dljde the frct that not siDce its founding llas a capital cr ilne e\'el beel rommittl](l r.ithin The climatic conditionsle:rvelittl€ to bc desiled. Plotected by the Puenic Flills, Whittief is shelteled alike the cold winds that sweep down the sno\r-covered moultails .lur.irrg tbe \virter. and the hot deseft \'inlds of the sumn]er'. The cooling sea the btoad Pacjfic, t$.ertv rriles distllnt, tcmpel the sLmDlcr.heat. Whittiel is rnost \1'onderfully located; rnidx-av bctween the r.ountaiDsand the sc^;thilt\- nirutes flom Los AnAelcs;folty nlinutes fro the bclches; \\'iihin :1n houl o1' so of dozcrls ol lhe best nrourtairl lesorts; \\'ith tfolley and lnotot bus transpoltation al ost evely$41ere. Sur'€ll' thjs nppeais to lhe homeseekel: Whitticr is lost fortun:rte in lhri it docs ot depeDdon any one thins for its Dlosperitr. The fi\'e points that have made \Vhittier a star ol the fi|st nl:rgritude in her. gloup alc her' Ieoplc, hel collegc, the cj|]'Lls,wallut and oil in.lustrics. An]' oue of thc three iDdustt,ics n:lmed \yould arnply supDolt a citv ten limes as large. Thc citrus industrt' has lo)rgbcdr kno{n to bc the beclrtroneof the dishicrt, and can be deDendcdupon to hr).nish thc cesh that Ak€s our' locai b:rnks fair'ly buige i.ith del]osits. Onc can have sorne little jdca ot thc nagnitudt oJ'ouf ritrus xnd w.thut lr'oltuctil]lr$h€n rle mention that it takes more tlan thirt].-five hundrcd fi eight cars, loaded to theil full cap:1citl, to move a single yeafs outpLtt. wllitticr is the center oI fire distirrct oil fields,the ploduction of

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