City Profile Bakersfield California 1924 By Edw. A. Kelly Realtor

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Download & View City Profile Bakersfield California 1924 By Edw. A. Kelly Realtor as PDF for free.

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The Reolta Bl, ,e Book al Ca,Utomia,


"Come witll us and wd will do thee eood,', but be warned that Pasadenagets in the bloocl,and once a Pasadenanalways a pasadenan at heart, even though a body may of necessity dwell elsewhere. PASAD!iNA Boadway, L. A., 268 U. Coiolrdo St, Arainerii, Gertrude G.,517 !i. Walnut St, Dee, !, N., 1480 N. MichigaE Aye. Day, Clarence P. Co.!-,36 N. Ray. Eims, J. A,, 43? E. PeidDoDt. Froer, L. R, Co,, 43 S, l-os Robles. Cilcrisi, H. B, Co,, 810 E. Colorado. Hiatt-Cutler Rea,lty Co,, 103 N- r.air Euber, F. G., 2036 l-ircoln. XeDyotr-Yourislove Co., 401 Dodro.ti Blds, Leake, A, E, & SoD, 1441 E. Wahtls-

BROX@Si Low BuildiDe Co., 396 E. ColoDdo. Marsh&u, F. D,, 681 Earthaa St. Melile, Th€ l\ank Co,, 26 N. EucltnMccurdy & r.IarkliD, ?81 E. Colorarlo. Monroe, lrvins S., 2236 Ii. Colorado, Pratt, Cliltor J,, 831 E, Colorado. SeweU, W. R. 'w.;& SoE,2594 Ij. Coiorado Shatr€r, A, 2? S. Eucltd. Smtth, Erne6t w', 2?2 S. Los Robtes, Sturdevant-Swink Co,, ?49 E. Colo.ado Tnomlson & SDen@r. 1780 E. Colorarlo ThuD, F. & W. Co., 541 Securtty Blitg. Vibet, Leon, 1112 E. Cnlorado. 'W, Weber, Eoyt, 10 Galneld. White, M. K., 64? E. Colorailo.

Bakersfield Ba EDw. A. KrLLy, Realtor AKERSFIELD'S supremeposition mak€sit a natural junction, a trading and industrial center. It is sudound€d by the largest.greaiFsl, and riche.Ioil and naturalgasfie]ds,the'mosl valuable gold, silver and copper mines, the most tertile level irrigated lands,and the most valuablestock rangesin the world. Besides these natural resources,is the geological and topographical location of the city. Lying betweenthe Virgin Coast Range Mountains on the west, the Rocky Siena Nevada Range on the eait, and with these two mighty ranges closing together on the south, anal our giant K€r-rt River flowing calmly by her side, Balersfield has all that generousnature can give her. Balersfield is the capital of Kern county, a county cortaining over five million acres of land that poured natural wealth into Bakersfietd of over one hundred million dollars during 1921,which is greater thsn the assessedvaluatior of ten counties of this state combined. Balersfield has rhe largest mryoretion engagingin srock raising a-ndfarming in-l,Ie-world,the targp offcers of the richesl oil corporai tion in the world, the largest corpomtion selting water for irrigation in the world, the largest elpclrical gpneralingphnl using natural gas fo-rJuel in lhe world. lhe largest Fbrd Motor Car Sales-Agency;est of the Eocky Mountains, and two of the largest transcontiientil railroad shops and yards in the state. The largest -Andgasoline condensing plant on earth is situated a few miles away. Bakelsfield selh 6 Los AEgeles and vicin'ity alnost all of tleir natural sas anal an enormous amount of electricity for light and power. The cohbined assetsof the ba.nksof Bakersfeld ar€ greater than that of each of thirty-five cities of this state, and only f;ur cities in


The Eeul,t! BLueBook ol CalitornirL

this state exceededour clearing house receipts of almost fifty-two million dollars last year. Bakersfield's daily payroll is over one hundred thousand dollars. T'he county tax rate on Bakersffeld property was the lowest in the state last year and the city rate was only five centsmore. BakeNfield,recentlytrebled in population,now has nearly thirtyffve thoussndpe$ons,residing srithin five hours' de o{ Los Angeles, over the most scenicroa.din the \forld. Bakemfield is also a center of music, alt, scientific a.ndindustrial r€search. The Iibraries in Bakersfield contain one hundred and fifty_ seven thousand volumes. Junior College fumishes two years of recognizedUniversity tmining. Bakersfield has twenty-tvro churctps, twenty-two schools, five hospitals, the largest natatorium in the state, four public palks, con_ taining over thilty acres,seventh€atres,the fastest dirt race track on earth, the largest garage in the state, thirty clubs, numerous fratelnal organizations,eight public buildings, eighty-ffvemiles of paved streets, ten miles of electdc railroad. and Bakersfieldis surrounded by lwo hundred and twenty-five miles of paved roads and six hundred miles of highways.

Riverside.the Citv Beautiful B? L. P. SrEwARr,Realto. OMPARING Riversideto beauty is just like compa ng one rose with another. Aside from being a thing of beauty and a ioy for€ver it is also a city of homes,where each and every home owner has an averageincome of $2,285.00. Think that over. Also rememberthat $2,285.00in Riverside is equal to $3,500.00in any ci{y. If you hare ever lravelpdor read you know about congested Riverside. Here are a few facts: RiveNide is a wonder city of twenty-seventhousandcontented souls. Located 60 miles east of Los Angelesin the and DrosDerous treart ot the OrangeBelt; x'ithin 60 miles of any one of five Ocean Beach resorts; 35 miles from Nature's $5,000,000?lay ground; 30 miles from five heaith resolts and is in effect a wonderful playgTound where you get paid for playing. We dedve our' wealth from our productive soil, our health from our glo::iousclimate and our pleasure from livine in $'hat would havebeenthe "Gardenof Eden" had Adam and Eve blen on this side of the continent. It would take me too long to tell you aboutall the things we grow here ifl addition to happiness. Suffice for me to say that we halvested last year some r,orth of products from our soil. This fact has $21.665,050.00 attracted the attention of outside interests with the result ttlat Riverside is now the hub of severalcolonizationprojects fostered by big moneyedinterests1{.hoare colorizingsome14,000acresof fertile land surlounding Riverside. High pricesof land and sub-dividingof many acreagetracts around Los Angeles is driving dairies and truck farmers to Riverside,with the result that st ngs of trucks are now carry-

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