Chronicle Sep 24

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Inducted Rock & Roll Hall of Fame, Lifetime Achievement Award

Trustees, Pastor Clash In Defamation Lawsuit

Charlestonian James Jamerson, Heartbeat of the Motown Sound Rejected for 11th time for S.C. Hall of Fame By Bob Small An old R&B song “Uptown,” tells the story of a guy considered ordinary in his neighborhood but when he goes Uptown he is recognized as the standard of cool. The same might be said about

objective of the lawsuit was to clear these gentlemen's good names."

native son James Jamerson, the heartbeat and pulse of the famous Motown sound who was turned down for the 11th time for induction into the SC Hall of Fame. Anthony McKnight, a relative of Jamerson, Jerome Smalls, a See pg 2

Rev. Clinton Brantley James Bell, Ira Banks and Vernon Holmes filed suit against Rev. Clinton Brantley and St. Matthew Baptist Church alleging Defamation, Intentional Infliction of Emotional Distress and Negligence. The lawsuit arose from Brantley's false accusations of misappropriating money at a May 22, 2006 congregational meeting. Attorney T.O. Sanders who represents the gentlemen said, "When the gentlemen tried to defend themselves at this meeting, Brantley told them to 'sit down and shut up.' The

James Jamerson

Sanders reports that the tension between Brantley and the gentlemen stemmed from Brantley making various requests for money which were not in the church's operating budget. When the gentlemen denied Brantley's requests

in an attempt to stick to the budget, and to be good stewards of the church's money, Brantley became angry at them. Even though former Finance Officer Francina Roche reports that every penny of the $300,000.00 has always been accounted for in full, Brantley sought to move the gentlemen out of his way. To date, Brantley has not ordered an audit of the church's finances. Sanders says the case was about a pastor who abused the power of his position and who

violated the trust of his congregation. "Brantley wanted unquestioned control of the church so badly that he falsely accused the gentlemen of misappropriating $300,000.00 of the church's money," said Sanders. In 2003, with approval of Brantley and the congregation, the gentlemen oversaw a $300,000.00 loan along with the rental property purchases and the subsequent management of the properties. Brantley and the congregation considered the rental properties an investment for the church and in the neighborhood around the church. After being commissioned to locate and to purchase the rental properties in 2003, the three gentlemen (as well as Finance Officer Francina Roche) regularly reported their progress to the trustees and to the congregation at regularly-scheduled meetings. No one ever objected, and all actions were unanimously approved. During this time, Brantley was present at almost all of the trustee meetings and he presided over all of the congregational meetings. Despite

three years of regular reports by the gentlemen and Roche, Brantley accused the gentlemen of wrong-doing. According to Sanders, Brantley refers to himself as "Doctor" and wishSee pg 2

Behind the Controversy at St. Matthew At a May 22, 2006 congressional meeting at St. Matthew Baptist Church, Trustees James Bell, Ira Banks and Vernon Holmes, were removed by the pastor, Rev. Dr. Clinton Bradley, for misappropriation of funds. The allegations arose concerning the purchase of the Grayson St. Apartments located in the vicinity of the church. According to documented church minutes and in the minister’s

See pg 2


The Charleston


NO EXCUSE FOR NOT VOTING Black voter apapthy remains a concern. The reasons people give for not voting range from disillusionment with the political process to bad weather. Some common excuses are cited below.

Let’s examine a few close Presidential elections:

1. My vote won’t make a difference.

1880- James A. Garfield (Rep) 48.27% Winfield S. Hancock (Dem) 48.25% difference of 1,898 votes

Many citizens believe their votes don’t count. That could be further from the truth. Politicians count two things, votes and campaign contributions. Unless you’re wealthy, your vote may be the only chance to be heard. Your vote is your voice. And history has shown that one or two votes per precinct can make a difference in close elections. This year’s presidential election between Sen. Barack Obama and Sen. John McCain promises to be a close contest.

1844- Jame K. Polk (Dem) 49.54% Henry Clay (Whig) 48.08% difference of 39,490 votes

1884- Grover Cleveland (Dem) 48.50% James G. Blaine (Rep) 48.25% difference of 25,685 votes 1960- John F. Kennedy (Dem) 49.72% Richard M. Nixon (Rep) 49.55% difference of 114,673 votes So now you’re probably saying, so what’s the difference between one voe? Examine the following: 1800 - In a determination See pg 2

•1111 King St. •Charleston, SC 29403• September 24, 2008 • .50


Black Inner-City Schools Set-Up For Closure? by Arthur Lawrence The Charleston County School District (or CCSD) has presented to the community a new set of criteria to assess the future of its schools. There is a possibility, District officials have said, that some schools must close. The proposed set of criteria will determine the future of failing schools. Charleston County School Superintendent Dr. Nancy McGinley led a presentation of this new plan to the community last Monday at Burke High School. As I sat there and listened, I was very dismayed. The set-up did not give audience members ample opportunity to ask questions – we were to only listen to the plan. It felt like a complete waste of time. District officials did the community a disservice: not only were we not able to question, only last minute notice of this meeting was given. With all of the tools CCSD has, they could have sent a press release to all local TV and radio stations. They could have sent notices to local

I speculate that CCSD wants to sell downtown schools as commercial property, which is valued more than residential property. If we as community do not raise our level of commitment to our children and the education process, we will find our schools sold to the highest bidder, and our children will have to be bused to another district. I assure you that there is a plan is in the works. The School District works on a long term plan. Right now, CCSD is working towards the year 2010. By then, I believe that Frasier Elementary will be closed and likely sold to an entity like Trident Tech, just like CA Brown was in the early 1980s. Frasier students will then have to merge with our Sanders-Clyde students. Inevitably, Burke will be “re-structured”. CCSD likely wants to change every-

thing about this historic school. They will probably

When you strip away all of the public and media attention that is directed toward elected officials you are left with one simple truth. An elected official is simply a public servant. Those of us who are fortunate enough to have won an election have asked the public for the right to be their slaves during the duration of our terms in office. Remember the old adage, be careful what you ask for because of if you get it then what? This truth applies to a public servant regardless of whether he or she is black or white. But in the case of public servants who are black we usually have come to an elected office after a very long history of serving the community prior to running for a public office, and that community service does


not end after the oath of office is given. This is in contrast to white elected officials who come to public office after being a member of a major club or organization, the head of a successful business or the benefactor of a special interest group. Go down the list of elected public officials in South Carolina and you will see that this is usually the route that public servants have followed to win an elected office. In Charleston, me and two of my friends and colleagues David Mack and Wendell Gilliard - are good examples of community organizers who didn’t stop providing community service after we became elected public servants. David Mack’s public service career started when he was in his late teens with the Congress of Racial Equality under the guidance of Bill



even change its name, likely doing this before Burke gets See pg 2

Burke High School

Rivers Middle School

What It Takes To Be A Good Public Servant By State Senator Robert Ford Black Community Developer


churches. And they have a local Black-owned newspaper that circulates in our community every week. It felt controlled. I walked away feeling that when all is said and done that we are in jeopardy of losing our neighborhood schools.

Saunders. His public service responsibilities did not stop when he joined the S.C. House of Representatives. Charleston City Councilman Wendell Gilliard got his feet wet in public service back in 1971, and he has been helping black people on a daily basis since that time. And I don’t expect that to change when he joins the state House next year. In my case, I got started in my early teens with the Southern Christian Leadership Conference under Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. I was first arrested in 1964, for example, in Alexandria, La., during a voters’ rights demonstration. I truly believe that a good public servant like me, David and Wendell have touched the lives of millions of people by what we do and how we do it. Because of that, it is sometimes hard to swallow the criticism directed toward those of us who carry the dual responsibilities of providing community service while carrying out our mandates as elected public officials. For example, I recently read articles about black people who want to become elected See pg 2

Factors Cited for Closing of Schools By Bob Small As the Charleston County School District goes through the process of gathering input from parents and members of the community on what schools could face closure or consolidation during their current budget crisis, the concern for many is that predominately blacks schools will bear the brunt of the closures. In Peninsula Charleston enrollment criteria based on last year’s figures would leave only one downtown elementary school other than Buist Academy meeting the enrollment criteria, James Simons reported student population of 423. Of the 16 criteria’s being used to decide if the schools will close, enrollment and enrollment decline over the past 10 years are factors. To successfully meet the enrollment part of the criteria high schools should have an enrollment of 650. Middle schools should have a 500 enrollment and elementary schools should have enrollments of 350. Other factors include, the State Report Card ratings See pg 2

The Chronicle

2-September 24, 2008 Trustees, Pastors --cont. from pg 1

What It ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------cont. from pg 1

es others to do the same, although he never earned his doctorate degree. "Brantley is willing to fudge the truth to obtain the prestige of a title he has never earned, so Brantley's actions show that he is more interested in unquestioned power and prestige than in sheparding his flock," says Sanders.

officials. But I see a problem with these people. Unlike Wendell, David and I, they have decent jobs, they raise money and they run for office like white candidates. They come into the black community and they say: “Vote for me, and I will set you free.” But in the black community you can do it that way. Wendell, David and I have made personal sacrifices to generate funds for the community at-large. In the past two years, I have raised as a black community developer and state senator close to $500,000 that I have given to non-profit organizations such as Masonic, fraternal and sorority groups and black churches. And in one case, a contribution amounted to as much as $70,000 to an organization. This is way beyond the call of duty. I represent people on various issues, problems, concerns and situations. That is way beyond the call of duty. Wearing the two hats of a community organizer and a public official is a very difficult job. The only reason why we

Sanders also says, "Brantley calls himself the CEO of the church, even though churches don't have CEOs, because they are not businesses. They are houses of worship, biblical teaching and spiritual growth. However, Brantley seems unconcerned that the Bible calls for Christ's followers to be humble servants." "In 2000 when Brantley asked the gentlemen to serve as trustees, they accepted and volunteered countless hours of their time to the church and to its causes. They gave their all and did their jobs right. What they got in return was humiliation at the hands of Brantley which continues to this day. In Charleston's close-knit African-American church community, word of this event has traveled like lightening and it hurts these gentlemen— striking them again and again and again as they go about their daily lives," says Sanders. On September 16, 2008, Judge John Milling of Darlington decided that the Charleston County Court of Common Pleas did not have jurisdiction to hear the case. Milling ruled that Brantley's allegations arose from a church disciplinary matter and that courts should not get involved in these matters. Because there is no South Carolina case law on point, Milling relied on the case law of other states and on the First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution. According to Sanders, he and the gentlemen are considering an appeal, because the case law Milling relied on applies to church employees who had been fired and to church members who were ex-communicated from their churches. Neither situation applies to the gentlemen. "While churches certainly have the right to govern themselves as they see fit, a pastor should not be allowed to lie about his parishioners and to humiliate them in front of the congregation," said Sanders. He went on to say that the courts were the only opportunity the gentlemen would have to clear their names, because Brantley would not want to recognize them at a congregational meeting.

THE CHRONICLE 1111 King Street Charleston, SC 29403


(843) 723-2785 Fax: (843) 577-6099 Email: [email protected] J. JOHN FRENCH, SR. President - Editor//Publisher NANETTE FRENCH-SMALLS CEO/ADVERTISING VALENTINA SMALLS Operations-Business Mgr./ Comptroller-Advertising SIMONA A. FRENCH ReceptionistTraffic/Photographer Marketing Tolbert Smalls, Jr. Contributing WritersHakim Abdul-Ali Beverly Birch Bob Small DEADLINE: PUBLIC SERVICES FRIDAY PRIOR TO PUBlICATION DATE Member: National Newspaper Publishers, Assoc. South Carolina Press Assoc. Amalgamated Publishers S.C. Chamber of Commerce NO REFUNDS ON SUBSCRIPTIONS Published Wednesday TRI State PrintingNorth Charleston Credo of The Black Press The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world from racial and national antagonism when it accords to every person, regardless of race, creed or color, his or her human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all persons are hurt as long as anyone is held back

do it is because we have a deep love for people, compassion for people, particularly African Americans and people who’ve been left out. This job is difficult because people expect us to give more than our white counterparts. Look at it this way, when the General Assembly is out of session, most white elected officials can take long vacations with their families. They don’t have to worry about people in the community calling them with a problem in the community that goes way beyond their role as an elected public official. In my case, I get calls not just from African Americans. Latinos call. White people call. Seniors call. Educators calls. Professional people call. Business people call. All kinds of people call with their problems because they know we are going to be there for them. Now that is what you call a good public servant who goes way beyond the call of duty. David, Wendell and I can put our records as community organizers and public servants up against anyone in this coun-

No Excuse ------------------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 for the Democrat-Republican (at one time both were one party) Presidential candidate, the Electoral College produced a “tie” for first place between Thomas Jefferson and Aaron Barr. This deadlock was a result of one elector’s refusal to vote against Barr thereby causing the determination to be made in the House of Representative. 1860 - Democrats Presidential Convention. Dispute over the party’s view of slavery. Members of 2 committees submitted reports - - - - support or deplore the activity. Party members voted in favor of the moderate report which did not deplore the KKKs activities. Vote 152 - 151. 1860 - Republican Presidential Convention. During the 3rd roll call, Abraham Lincoln received 231 1/2 of the delegates votes but needed 1 1/2 more votes for a majority. Result: Ohio provided 4 votes and soon other states followed. 1888 - Republican Presidential Convention. Although he was neither running nor campaigning for office, Frederick Douglass received one nomination from a participating delegate. That “one” vote encouraged the following Black men to run for the same office nearly 100 years later: 1968 - Eldridge Cleaver (Peace & Freedom) 1986 - Dick Gregory (Peace & Freedom) 1972 - Walter E. Fauntroy (Dem) And, of course, two campaigns by the Rev. Jesse Jackson of the Rainbow Coalition. 1924 - Democrat Presidential Convention. Party failed to renounce the activities of the KKK. Members voted in favor 543-3/20 votes with 542-7/20 votes opposed. 1210/ 20 declined to vote. 2. Other excuses some folks give for not voting: (A) I’ll be out of town on election day (B) I’m shut-in due to illness or physical disability (C) I’m disabled and can’t climb the steps to my voting place (D) I don’t have time to go and register (E) I don’t have transportation to the polls (F) I’ve moved and don’t know where to vote (G) I’m turned off by negative campaigning (H) and, I’m too busy. Like we have said, there are no excuses! Behind the -------------cont. from pg 1 State of the Church Report, it was noted that the church had been mortgaged for $300,000 and that the apartment buildings had been purchased for $160,000 with an additional $40,000 for repairs. He said he didn’t know anything about it, and as a result of their (trustees) actions, they should be removed. However, according to sworn affidavits the pastor had attended all meetings where these issues were discussed and approved and as a result should have been aware. Said 58-year-old Shirley Mae Taylor, a member of the church for 50-years: “I was present during several meetings that Rev. Brantley presided over, and on May 22, 2006, he stood before the congregation and said he didn’t know anything about the church being mortgaged. He also said money was being mis-managed and was holding James Bell, Veron Holmes and Ira Banks responsible. Due to this false information, a vote was taken to dismiss them.” Gerri Miller, a member of the church for 40 years, was in attendance where the pastor gave permission to the

Trustees to locate and acquire property in the vicinity of the church to help rid the neighborhood of its high crime status. “I was deeply disturbed to hear Rev. Brantley accuse these Trustees of mortgaging the church without his knowledge.” Marguerite Grimes, a 30-year member of St. Matthew, said she attended a meeting where the real estate committee talked about purchasing some apartments. “Rev. Brantley suggested to the committee to use a particular bank he was associated with. Also, Rev. Brantley presided over the meeting pertaining to purchasing real estate and gave them authorization to make the purchase without coming back to the board. Later, he led the congregation to believe the Trustees were dishonest and called for a vote to remove, and they did.” 62-year-old Deloris Wilson said she was in attendance when the minister gave Trustee Vernon Holmes authorization to get information on properties in the area that the church can purchase. I witnessed this authority being given.”

try because we are good at it and we have been at it for a long time. My advice to anyone, particularly African Americans, who want to get involved in the political process, is just don’t do your job on a daily basis then party on the weekend. Come in contact with people in your neighborhood who need you. Let them see that you care, and

once they see that you care you will not have a problem getting elected. But if you run and lose a race stay involved. Just don’t wait until the next election to get involved again. You can’t do that with black people. You have to show them that you care. When I was in the Civil

Inducted Rock ------------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 local community activist who grew up knowing Jamerson as a youth, music historians Jack McCray and Karen Chandler who have formed a grassroots movement called, “Friend of James Jamerson,” have worked for years to have Jamerson inducted into the state hall of fame to no avail. “Here is a man who changed the face of music in America and and he is not recognized in his home state.,” McKnight said. If you’ve heard the Temptations sing, “My Girl, Ain't to Proud to Beg, Its’ Growing,” or the Supremes, “Stop In The Name of Love,” or Marvin Gaye’s, “What's Goin On,” or a host of other top R&B hits cranked out by Motown during its heyday, then you were listening to Jamerson, considered by the pros to be one of the innovators of the bass guitar. The state adopted shag music as its state music and Jamerson’s licks can be heard on many of the hits listed under the shag genre. Jamerson’s legacy began when as a young man he made his way to Detroit to try his hand at playing in the growing R&B sound. His impact was immediate. Barry Gordy , founder of Motown Records recognized the talents of the young Jamerson and quickly signed him on to the Motown house band, known as the Funk Brothers. Jamerson’s style which some came from the influence in church as a youth growing up on Edisto Island branded him an innovator which many bass players tried to imitate. Tributes to Jamerson include being inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 2000, receiving the Lifetime Music Achievement Award in 2002 and being inducted in the Musicians Hall of Fame in 2007, still the SC Hall of Fame still refuses to acknowledge his accomplishments. His latest tribute was being inducted into Gullah-Geechee Hall of Fame and receiving the Anointed Spirit Award. Born in 1936, he is considered one of the most influential bassist that ever lived. His bass licks for Motown are legendary and many well known bassist in Rock and Roll, R&B, Reggae and the Blues have been influenced by him. Former Republican presidential candidate Mike Huckabee paid tribute to Jamerson during his presidential primary trek through Michigan. When asked about the Tower of Power, (a well known R&B group) Huckabee reportedly said “The Tower of Power, absolutely great, but I gotta tell you, as far as laying down the track, nobody has ever been as good as the Funk Brothers. I mean, James Jamerson on bass guitar is one of my idols.” Huckabee went so far as to send South Carolina Governor Mark Sanford a letter urging him to support the induction of Jamerson into the Hall of Fame, but there has been no response from the governor’s office. Smalls recalls the days when Jamerson visited Charleston and would hang out with family members and friends who lived on Race Street. “When he came to town wearing his trademark tam we knew we were going to hear some stories and have some fun,” Smalls recalled. McKnight said a James Jamerson Fan Club still exists in London, England and his influence is universal.” Jamerson was by most accounts considered a troubled genius known to do the unexpected. Playing his guitar in recording sessions laying flat on the floor or introducing as totally different improv on a song were pure Jamerson. His son James Jamerson Jr., said his father played to his own beat. He recalled a story his father told him that as a boy he would put a stick with a rubber band tied to it into an ant hole and play for the ants. Jamerson died in a Los Angelos hospital in 1983 of sclerosis of the liver and pneumonia a the age of 47. Family members have set up a MySpace account for Jamerson where supporters of Jamerson’s induction into the hall of fame can sign an online petition on line petition. “This is a wrong that must be righted. A man recognized all over the world for his talent and giifts should be recognized in his home state,” McKnight said. The address is,

Black Inner -----------------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 the chance to celebrate its 100th Anniversary in 2010. I feel that Charleston Progressive is at risk of being “re-structured” and its students moved to Sanders-Clyde. Then the Charleston Progressive campus will become Buist’s campus, since they have little room for their current population. And I believe that CCSD does not want any school at Rivers Campus. The School District had talked up their plans to create High Tech High at Rivers campus; a year later, they ended up saying there was no money in the budget for this vocational program. And now there is speculation that the Chas. Charter School’s stay at Rivers Campus will be a brief one, due to “construction issues.” I believe that CCSD only see dollar signs when they look at that location. I don’t believe that CCSD is the sole mastermind of the plan to sell our schools. I feel the business community has a hand in this, too. That is why, I think, many of our District leaders are not native Charlestonians. Non-natives, I believe, are chosen because they do not have that sense of familial commitment to the city and its citizens. That way, everything can be strictly business. District officials, please come clean: major decisions are made based on money, not our children’s needs. Our District is experiencing a financial shortfall.

Rights Movement with Dr. King, I learned one very important lesson. If you have the interest and the ability to help people, do so.

Factors cited ----------cont. from pg 1 reflecting the school’s level of performance. Enrollment decline over the past ten year period. Use of the building for other normal school hours; yearly progress to see if schools are meeting district standards; per pupil cost, what it cost to educate a student for a year. Improvement rating, which measures past and present state report cards, minimum school size, to see if schools meet space requirements; transfer trends in and out of the school. Sanders Clyde Elementary reported enrollment at 184, Mitchell Elementary 287, Memminger 333, Charleston Progressive Academy 332, Figures for Burke were 614 and Fraser Elementary reported 295 enrollment. Schools in rural areas could also be susceptible to closures based on attendance. Jane Edwards on Edisto Island reported enrollment at 145, Frierson 139, Minnie Hughes 167, Lincoln High reported enrollment at 148, McClellanville Middle 109, Schroder Middle School had 299, Haut Gap Middle 330. Baptist Hill High School had enrolment 438 and St. James Santee reported enrolment at 212. Charleston County School Superintendent Nancy McGinley has already said the concerns and suggestions of the public would be taken into consideration but the final decision would be made by the school board. She said her three main goals were: 1. Focusing all CCSD resources on achieving instructional excellence. 2. Establishing optimal school designs, locations and capacities and replicating successful models. Many of the downtown schools have been classified as failing school for the past 10 years and those schools have had declining enrollments as parents have exercised the the right to transfer their children out of failing schools to schools outside their zone as part of the No Child Left Behind Law. In another group a resident questioned what would become become of the schools after they are closed. Cochran said the closing of schools in the district that have historical significance would have a negative impact on the community. He alluded to Charles A. Brown High School which was closed and reopened as Trident Technical College Palmer Campus.

May I propose a solution to the financial dilemma: 1) close Buist Academy. It is too small. It sits in a major commercial district. It should get major revenue; 2) re-locate our Buist and Chas. Charter students to Burke’s campus, which can accommodate up to 1000 students. With this, the District will forge a truly integrated school in District 20; 3) sell the District Office Building on 75 Calhoun Street. Think about how much profit the District will get from that location. With these actions, our elementary schools will remain intact, and we will have a diverse neighborhood school in the heart of our city. There is something we, the community, can do to save our schools: go charter. By converting our schools to charter schools, we will have more of a say in what happens in our schools. At your next PTA meeting, I suggest you discuss going charter for the sake of preserving your neighborhood school. If each school family work together for the greater good of our children, charter can be a reality, and will spare our schools from being “re-structured” or closed by the School District. We must do all we can to save our schools. Mr. Arthur Lawrence President West Side Neighborhood Association President, Friends of Burke


The Chronicle

Seotember 24, 2008- 3

Poll: Deep-Seated Racism Among White Democrats Could Cost Obama Close-Call Election enough to counter the negative effect of some whites' views.

By: Ron Fournier and Trevor Thompson, Associated Press WASHINGTON - Deepseated racial misgivings could cost Barack Obama the White House if the election is close, according to an AP-Yahoo News poll that found onethird of white Democrats harbor negative views toward blacks -- many calling them "lazy," "violent" or responsible for their own troubles. The poll, conducted with Stanford University, suggests that the percentage of voters who may turn away from Obama because of his race could easily be larger than the final difference between the candidates in 2004 -- about 2.5 percentage points. Certainly, Republican John McCain has his own obstacles: He's an ally of an unpopular president and would be the nation's oldest first-term president. But Obama faces this: 40 percent of all white Americans hold at least a partly negative view toward blacks, and that includes many Democrats and independents.

Race is not the biggest factor driving Democrats and independents away from Obama. Doubts about his competency loom even larger, the poll indicates. More than a quarter of all Democrats expressed doubt that Obama can bring about the change they want, and they are likely to vote against him because of that.

Barack Obama nomination on the 45th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.'s "I Have a Dream" speech, a seminal moment for a nation that enshrined slavery in its Constitution. "There are a lot fewer bigots than there were 50 years ago, but that doesn't mean there's only a few bigots," said Stanford political scientist Paul Sniderman who helped analyze the exhaustive survey.

More than a third of all white Democrats and independents - voters Obama can't win the White House without -agreed with at least one negative adjective about blacks, according to the survey, and they are significantly less likely to vote for Obama than those who don't have such views. click here

The pollsters set out to determine why Obama is locked in a close race with McCain even as the political landscape seems to favor Democrats. President Bush's unpopularity, the Iraq war and a national sense of economic hard times cut against GOP candidates, as does that fact that Democratic voters outnumber Republicans.

Such numbers are a harsh dose of reality in a campaign for the history books. Obama, the first black candidate with a serious shot at the presidency, accepted the Democratic

The findings suggest that Obama's problem is close to home -- among his fellow Democrats, particularly nonHispanic white voters. Just seven in 10 people who call

themselves Democrats support Obama, compared to the 85 percent of self-identified Republicans who back McCain. The survey also focused on the racial attitudes of independent voters because they are likely to decide the election. Lots of Republicans harbor prejudices, too, but the survey found they weren't voting against Obama because of his race. Most Republicans wouldn't vote for any Democrat for president -white, black or brown. Not all whites are prejudiced. Indeed, more whites say good things about blacks than say bad things, the poll shows. And many whites who see blacks in a negative light are still willing or even eager to vote for Obama. On the other side of the racial question, the Illinois Democrat is drawing almost unanimous support from blacks, the poll shows, though that probably wouldn't be

Three in 10 of those Democrats who don't trust Obama's change-making credentials say they plan to vote for McCain. Still, the effects of whites' racial views are apparent in the polling. Statistical models derived from the poll suggest that Obama's support would be as much as 6 percentage points higher if there were no white racial prejudice. But in an election without precedent, it's hard to know if such models take into account all the possible factors at play. The AP-Yahoo poll used the unique methodology of Knowledge Networks, a Menlo Park, Calif., firm that interviews people online after randomly selecting and screening them over telephone. Numerous studies have shown that people are more likely to report embarrassing behavior and unpopular opinions when answering questions on a computer rather than talking to a stranger. Other techniques used in the poll included recording people's responses to black or

white faces flashed on a computer screen, asking participants to rate how well certain adjectives apply to blacks, measuring whether people believe blacks' troubles are their own fault, and simply asking people how much they like or dislike blacks. "We still don't like black people," said John Clouse, 57, reflecting the sentiments of his pals gathered at a coffee shop in Somerset, Ohio. Given a choice of several positive and negative adjectives that might describe blacks, 20 percent of all whites said the word "violent" strongly applied. Among other words, 22 percent agreed with "boastful," 29 percent "complaining," 13 percent "lazy" and 11 percent "irresponsible." When asked about positive adjectives, whites were more likely to stay on the fence than give a strongly positive assessment. Among white Democrats, one-third cited a negative adjective and, of those, 58 percent said they planned to back Obama. The poll sought to measure latent prejudices among whites by asking about factors contributing to the state of black America. One finding: More than a quarter of white Democrats agree that "if blacks would only try harder, they could be just as well off as whites." Those who agreed with that statement were much less likely to back Obama than those who didn't. Among white independents, racial stereotyping is not uncommon. For example,

while about 20 percent of independent voters called blacks "intelligent" or "smart," more than one third latched on the adjective "complaining" and 24 percent said blacks were "violent." Nearly four in 10 white independents agreed that blacks would be better off if they "try harder." The survey broke ground by incorporating images of black and white faces to measure implicit racial attitudes, or prejudices that are so deeply rooted that people may not realize they have them. That test suggested the incidence of racial prejudice is even higher, with more than half of whites revealing more negative feelings toward blacks than whites. Researchers used mathematical modeling to sort out the relative impact of a huge swath of variables that might have an impact on people's votes including race, ideology, party identification, the hunger for change and the sentiments of Sen. Hillary Rodham Clinton's backers. Just 59 percent of her white Democratic supporters said they wanted Obama to be president. Nearly 17 percent of Clinton's white backers plan to vote for McCain. Among white Democrats, Clinton supporters were nearly twice as likely as Obama backers to say at least one negative adjective described blacks well, a finding that suggests many of her supporters in the primaries -- particularly whites with high school education or less -- were motivated in part by racial attitudes.


REGISTER TO VOTE TODAY. Paid for by Obama for America

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The Chronicle

4-September 24, 2008

Is It Too Late for Black People? by Jim French


As we round the political curve and circle the people together that will elect the first African-American President of these United States, I am concerned that many of our preachers are saying to the flock that their role is the spirituality of saving our souls, not the mingling in of politics. However, I’m reminded that Jesus Christ not only saved souls but nourished the spirit and fed the masses, using the politics of that day. During numerous conversations, especially at election time, with the late Rev. Dr. Willis Goodwin, he would become outraged at those who favor the status quo who feel that preachers ought to stay out of politics. He said they believe in a narrow definition of religion and do not recognize the connection between faith and action. He said, in his raspy voice, not to pay attention to those who say that Christianity has no place in politics, and if that were so, tyranny would remain unchallenged by truth and bigotry would remain unchecked and uncondemned by the Bible. Among my memorable keepsakes which I borrowed from his many sermons, rang with so much political persuasion, and this is what he said: “Moses would never have defied Pharoah. Joshua would never have conquered Canaan. David would have ruled a nation. Elijah would never have confronted Ahab. Amos would never have shaken the oppressive throne of Jereboam and Jesus would never had leveled the power of God against the Roman empire. If religion had not been involved in political struggles, Martin Luther would never have liberated the Church and Martin Luther King Jr. would never have integrated public facilities and dignified his people.” As we face the conditions of Blacks in the Republic of Charleston, they seem to be getting worse, achieving racial justice is getting more knotty as new ways are devised to continue ancient prejudices. Witness the Charleston County School Board and its reverse push to a return to school segregation, which was never a reality, anyway. While there are other preachers who are definitely involved in politics, none more-so than the late Rev. Fred D. Dawson, that intrepid spirit with the pioneering zeal and political consciousness who for over 40 years served as pastor of Calvary Missionary Baptist Church. Rev. Dawson was a stone liberal and a radical in the days when Black political in the Republic of Charleston was neither organized nor mobilized. He preached from his pulpit that spiritual zeal ought to walk hand-in-hand with political activism, that those who pray ought to register and those who read the Bible ought to vote, that those who believe in God ought to work for the betterment of the community and those who claim redemption in Jesus Christ ought to fight boldly for freedom. Fred Dawson, at least during my time, was the only preacher to demonstrate the essential relationship between the Bible and the ballot, between church and community, between prayer and politics, Jesus and justice. He was a fearless fighter for Black equality. He fought for integration in the city’s new housing projects during World War II. He put his life on the line when he would take to the streets, usually alone, facing down the KKK and police brutality against Black citizens. He fought vigorously and marched in the blazing sun to protest the negative editorials in the daily newspaper against our people, and to remove etchings-in-cement the word “colored” from the restrooms in Marion Square. Of course there was and will always be criticism of Black religion. Some negative attitudes are justified, others are grossly unfair, as is the case of Sen. Barack Obama and his pastor, Rev. Dr. Jerimiah Wright, whose face and words will again grace television screens in the coming weeks, more than the snakes on Wall St. who have robbed the economy of our country. Some of our churches are responsive to human needs, others seem irrelevant and esoteric but all of them are free. And if they were not fulfilling some human need, they could not and would not exist. Of course, the biggest swindle of all time is the buying off politics from prayer so that many people think that one can’t pray politically and can’t politic prayfully. The two must be kept together; knee work must be coordinated with foot work lest politics become corrupt and prayer become an escape mechanism. Prayer seeks diving intervention. Politics is geared toward human action. The two must be kept together because it refuses to do for us when He has given to us the power and the opportunity to do it ourselves. That’s why our foreparents used to ask, “Is you got good religion?” As a Lay member of the Interdenominal Ministerial Alliance the past five years, I have learned that the position and function of the Black church is the nucleus of life and hope, around which the Black community is organized, strengthened, instructed, inspired and sustained. Whether you travel from downtown Charleston’s East or Westside, to Liberty Hill and all the way to Moncks Corner, Summerville, the Sea Islands, there is no shortage of beautiful religious edifices. In most cases, they are situated in the middle of neighborhoods that are ridden with drugs and squalor, and yet no spiritual force is reviving lives of those areas. Docility and passivity in the face of conspicuous moral carnage undercuts the role of the church. If a neighborhood is good enough for black suit, white dress-blazing Sunday worship, it should be good enough for a spiritual campaign to rid it of crack houses which serve as havens for crime. The Black church’s mission is not only to talk about “a land flowing with milk and honey,” but also how to rid the land of crack to protect the citizens and save lives. I’m afraid that the bane of today’s church is that too many of them are being confined to armchair pontification immersed in self-glory. Having said that, we hear too much about what churches are not doing and too little about what churches have done and are doing to enhance and liberate Black people. Too much attention is given to the house the preacher lives in, the car he drives and the chicken he devours, and too little about his or her labors and sacrifices in behalf of social and political deliverance. Just remember the Black church was the only institution we had during slavery, and there is a Black church in Clearwater, S.C. that is actually older than the United States!

For a precious few individual Black folks, it’s definitely not too late; they are doing just fine. No matter what the economy brings, I am sure most of them will continue to be financially secure. Of course we have some who, despite their tremendous wealth and fame, will continue to purchase all the “bling” they can possibly possess and end up broke in a few years, a la Mike Tyson and several others I could name. But, as many of my readers know, I have always been about collective economic empowerment rather than that of individuals, which is the reason for my question: “Is it too late?” Although I truly hope and pray it is not too late for Black people to make a serious move toward collective economic empowerment, the closer I look at our situation in this country the more doubtful I become of a positive outcome. I am not a pessimist, and I continue to work for our collective advancement, but always with one eye on reality. And the reality is that in spite of all the messages, all the lessons, all the instructions, all the examples, all the admonishment, and all the sacrifices made by our forebears, we are still in an untenable state of affairs. What’s our problem? Have we grown so complacent in our own dysfunction that we are willing to continue in status quo? Do we really believe that some day someone will ride down our street on a white elephant or a white donkey and rescue us? Have we finally succumbed to the ultimate okey-doke by subscribing to the fallacy that Black folks just cannot – or will not – work together when it comes to economic empowerment? Have we “fallen and can’t get up”? As I look at our situation in America, having modeled my life after those who have urgently called for Black economic empowerment, I don’t like what I see. In 2008 Black folks are mired in the worst conditions since we got our “civil rights.” Despite the possible election of a Black President, Black people in general are still at the bottom, steeped in poverty, poor health, short life spans, crime and disparate punishment, unemployment, and poor education. In all of our grandeur, all of our pomposity, all of our red-carpet flash, all of our champagne-sipping-braggadocios-arrogance, we have sunk to new levels of selfishness, self-hate, and insecurity. Our collective prosperity is virtually nonexistent because we have fallen for the ploy that directs us toward “I” rather than “we.” As for the so-called “committed” brothers and sisters, they spend so much time being philosophers and information junkies that they seldom if ever get anything else done. Our dear brother, the late Joe Seyoum Lewis of Atlanta, Georgia, called these folks “rapolutionaries.” Some of our folks have so many ideas, strategies, responses to and complaints about the current plight of Black people, but yet they seldom if ever participate in economic initiatives that will move our people forward. What is wrong with us, y’all? Is it indeed too late for Black people to secure a solid economic foothold in this country? Is it too late for us to collectively rally around sound economic principles and strategies such as those implemented by other “Tribes” in this country? Is it too late for us to lock-down a prosperous economic future for our children? Is it too late for Black people to use the power of numbers to build and sustain a true economic movement? If Katrina was not enough for us to see that we are on our own, I doubt that the latest economic debacle will do anything to shake us. In many cases we have grown comfortable in our complacency and psychologically immune to the “emergency we now face” as MLK warned us before he was killed. We have had recent warnings by Dr. Claud Anderson, in his books and speeches on Powernomics; we have heard from Amefika Geuka, in his brilliant “Black Papers,” especially the one titled, From Rhetoric to Action;” and the latest watchman on the wall to warn us is Bob Law, noted radio personality, who issued his “Appeal for Appropriate Behavior” among Black people. All three of these brothers agree on the simple principle of economic support for one another. They all agree that we should use more of our tremendous annual income to support one another, thereby, creating “conscious Black millionaires.” If only those who consider themselves “conscious” would purchase CD’s, books, and other items from conscious brothers and sisters, if only we would patronize the businesses of conscious Black people, if only those of us who are supported would, in turn, recycle that patronage to other conscious Blacks, we would create “instant” conscious Black millionaires who would surely, I repeat, “surely” use their financial resources to build an economic foundation for our people.

The ancient foundation of our racial strength and solidarity is not the family but the church. Only the church survived and it’s still around to help us in our struggle to elect as AfricanAmerican the next president of these United States! Mercy.

Don’t ForgetIT’S IMPORTANTRegister to


By. George E Curry NNPA Columnist

By. James Clingman NNPA Columnist


Also remember that when “Pitchfork” Ben Tillman told us that we were nobody, our churches told us that we were somebody. When the law told us that we were only 3-5 human, our churches told us that we were children of God and therefore equal to anybody. God didn’t make anyone inferior. When pseudo-scientists predicted that we would never advance from the condition of servitude, our churches preached to us, “You shall rise, stretch your wings and be free.” It was our churches which taught us how to sing and believe, “We shall overcome.”

New Poll Reveals Depth of White Racism

I wrote about Ashiki Taylor and his product, Ice Supreme; I have shared information about Compro Tax, 155 offices across this country that we can and should support; I have told you about Farley’s Coffee and other Black owned businesses that we can support; I even listed, free of charge, Black owned businesses in my latest book, Black Empowerment with an Attitude.” So what are we waiting for, a deep depression before we decide to act on our own behalf? I hope not, because then it will be too late. Empower yourself and empower our people, through mutual support. If the “conscious” among us fail to respond to our appeal for appropriate behavior, can we depend on the chosen few who have “made it” to use their resources to change our untenable economic position? I kinda doubt it. Is it too late? No; not as long as we’re breathing. Just start doing more with what you have, and we will succeed.

Despite their professed love for Oprah and Bill Cosby, more than half of Whites harbor Archie Bunker-like attitudes toward African-Americans. And that has tremendous implications not only for the presidential candidacy of Barack Obama, but for how African-Americans are viewed in the United States. Much of the coverage of a recent joint poll by the Associated Press and Yahoo News has centered on the finding that one-third of Democrats expressed negative views of African-Americans, calling them “lazy” and “violent.” However, a more disturbing finding – at least to me – was that more than half of Whites expressed more negative attitudes toward Blacks than Whites. Respondents were given a series of words and asked, “How well does each of these words describe most blacks?” Among the findings: • Asked about “complaining,” 11 percent of Whites said the description fits most Blacks extremely well, 18 percent said very well and 28 percent said moderately well, a total of 57 percent. • When given the word “boastful,” 7 percent of Whites said that describes most Blacks extremely well, 14 percent said very well and 31 percent said moderately well, a total of 52 percent. • When the word “violent” was applied, 7 percent said it describes most Blacks extremely well, 13 percent said very well and 28 percent said moderately well, a total of 48 percent. • When given the word “irresponsible,” 4 percent of Whites said that describes most Blacks extremely well, 7 percent said very well and 29 percent said moderately well, a total of 40 percent. • Five percent of Whites said the word “lazy” describes most Blacks extremely well, 8 percent said very well and 25 percent said moderately well, a total of 38 percent. Answers to other questions by Whites also provided some interesting responses. Pollsters provided this statement: “Generations of slavery have created conditions that make it difficult for blacks to work their way out of the lower class.” Of the White respondents, only 4 percent strongly agreed with that statement and 15 percent somewhat agreed. On the other hand, 22 percent strongly disagreed and 22 percent somewhat disagreed. Pollsters also provided this statement: “Over the past few years, blacks have gotten LESS than they deserve.” Only 2 percent of whites strongly agreed with that statement and 11 percent somewhat agreed. By contrast, 22 percent of Whites strongly disagreed and 22 percent somewhat disagreed. Another statement: “Most blacks who receive money from welfare programs could get along without it if they tried.” Eighteen percent of Whites strongly agree and 28 percent somewhat agree, a total of 46 percent. Only 7 percent of Whites strongly disagreed with that statement and 13 percent somewhat disagreed. None of this should come as a complete shock to any of us. Previous national polls have confirmed that when it comes to race, Blacks and Whites do not share the same view of reality. The Associated Press/Yahoo News poll was consistent with previous surveys. Asked, “How much of the racial tension that exists in the United States today do you think blacks are responsible for creating?” 54 percent of Whites said “some,” 31 percent said “most” and 5 percent said “all of it.” As gloomy as the poll findings may seem, that does not necessarily mean that Obama can not be elected president. We should not forget that Bill Clinton was elected twice without capturing a majority of the White vote. Similarly, Obama needs only to win a significant segment of Whites in order to be successful. That means that two key groups – young people and AfricanAmericans – must register and vote in record numbers in order to defeat John McCain on Nov. 4. Obama has already proven that he can win virtually all-White states in the West and compete with McCain in the battleground states and in the South. But he must do more. Obama must maintain focus on McCain’s record. Skip all of this nonsense about Sarah Palin; she’s a sideshow. As Clinton reminded George H.W. Bush, it’s the economy, stupid. McCain can’t have it both ways. He can’t argue for fewer government regulations – as he has most of his career in Congress – and now portray himself as a Wall Street reformist. Anyone who can’t readily recall how many homes he has should not be allowed to depict his opponent as an elitist. An elitist is one who gets in and out of the U.S. Naval Academy largely on the strength of his father and father’s father being admirals. In many respects, this presidential election will be a referendum on White attitudes. Will Whites who say they oppose the war in Iraq and reject George W. Bush’s economic policies vote in their best interest or will they remained blinded by racial prejudice? That is a question that will be answered on Nov. 4. George E. Curry, former editor-in-chief of Emerge magazine and the NNPA News Service, is a keynote speaker, moderator, and media coach. He can be reached through his Web site,

The Chronicle

September 24, 2008-5

As I See It

Hakim Abdul-Ali

Autumn Visions It’s that wonderful time of the year again, and I could only be referring to “autumn.” It makes me pause for a cold, stone moment in time, and I think about myself, family and friends who I care about and what’s going in the rest of the world. If you read anything that I’ve written in this heralded weekly newspaper, aptly named “The Charleston Chronicle,” over the last twenty years, you’d know that I’m a nature lover to the bone. And “autumn” is that special season that makes me become very reflective and introspective. I believe that many others in this potentially great land of that we call America may share my same vibration(s) about this season. The seasons of the year may represent more of an occasion to look at what’s going on than just a mere climatic weather alteration of nature. It does to me, and living in the America of the 21st Century as a person of color with hidden racism hiding under every leaf of reality makes realize that truth is very hard to find if we only believe in Halloween and any other “hollow-daze” as mere harmless fun. It’s during this time of the year that Black America and its pressing concerns appear to be highlighted in my mind-set. Being of color in the United States of America has always been a struggle for survival for all oppressed “colored” folks, even during the “autumns” of their quests for freedom and liberty. What hue is racism in America, and what season does it show its real face or true nature?Think about that! When I envision yesteryear’s “Autumn Visions,” I know that those “hue-man’s” sojourns for comfort, prosperity and equality are marked by the continual winds of clandestine bigoted changes that forever labels a person of color a second-class citizen, and oppression is a blow to the “hue-man” psyche of morality. Civic immorality is something that politicians only speak of when it’s vote- getting time, and this public “autumn” is no different if you can see behind the utterances and words of expressed “change(s).” This is an officially bipartisan “autumn,” and truly America is in need of some kind of “change” for the betterment of the forgotten and neglected souls who are going through untold struggles beyond imagination’s worse fears. That’s why it’s so very, very important now to take a more concentrated look at “Autumn Visions” this year than you might have in earlier years of living in the divided and unequaled realms of American citizenry. America is at a seasonal and twisted crossroad of disbeliefs where its current decreasing real estate values and foreclosures have made it liable to economic ruins. This “Autumn Vision” is a possible ground breaking political season of change that many people of color realize and deeply feel could offer a little relief from the same old “unreal” seasonal face of bureaucratic, forked-tongue political babble. America needs a political change. Along with this seemingly universal cry for political change, the escalating masses of the poor, unemployed, and soon-to-be unemployed are hoping that once and forever, America will morally right its political wrong in making this country’s credo of justice for all be made sincere for all to see, feel and believe in during every season of the year, and “it can be done” some folks are saying, loud and clear. Is it a dream deferred, or is America really the so-call leader of the free world ready for a great change? If it is in practicality, and not just whimsical theory, then the contradictions of hidden racism and political correctness must be viewed with something other than rose-tinted glasses. Such is viewing and envisioning the “autumn” reality of living in the “real” land of the home of the brave and the not-so-free, if you know what I mean. With no negative pun intended, America does become at times racially polarized and is a very mixed salad bowl of contradictions to and for many of the less than fortunate inhabitants of the bald eagle’s proverbial democratic landscape. Also, I see and question the “autumn’s” truth of who’s more concerned about things like global warning in relationship to the lack luster education that most inner city children “his-storically” receive. I also wonder who really cares about the inner children of today’s futures and the collapse of one real estate investment firm after another. Sounds a little like the reflective singer Marvin Gaye’s torrid plea to the masses about pertinent social issues when he asked rather directly, “What’s Going On?” more than three decades back on his mind blowing album of the same name. Is “Autumn Visions” the time to champion Marvin’s tune, or are we now really ready for change? In the “autumn” of my continually advancing mind-set, I, again, wonder who really cares about the average Joe, Juan, Duquan, Amira and Jane as they catch pure wholly hell trying make financial ends meet in a vision less world of hope and pretense. Is this the “Autumn Vision” that pervades the inner (and outer) thought processes of America’s escalating poor and disenfranchised working poor during this time of the year? This is no laughing matter as the banking industry prepares itself for a disappearing act that would make Harry Houdini shirk because being broke and losing one’s home and businesses to foreclosure is no magical trick that a sane being would want to see or be involved. America is need of serious change. “Autumn Visions” is the present moment to really think about what you’ve just experienced since the last time the leaves fell to the ground. So much has happened in my life until I know that from one moment to the next, and most definitely, from one year to the next, so much becomes unveiled about people, “poly-tricks” and the country as a whole. Everything that happens is a powerful metaphor of remembrance and advancement when the leaves of time chances from melancholy to reflection. Only those in “hue-manity” who are in tuned with the realism of “Autumn Visions” will understand what I mean by that statement. Life in the political ghettoes of America and elsewhere never really seems to change so far as the economic and moral seasonal winds of change are concerned. It’s a permanent state of mind called poverty, and that my dear reader is harsher than any winter in America, bar none. America must address that issue now. When I think of the “Autumn Visions” that the poor and neglected of the world have to face this year it’s heart breaking because for these in habitants of “hue-manity,” it’s a no win battle for existence and survival. Many are saying we need a moral political “change.” America, the potentially great nation of the (now) low flying bald eagle, can’t stand for any more seasons of the vows of frigid politicians and the oaths of insensitive bureaucrats’ oaths, who care nothing about the “real” masses of America needs. The country is saying we need an “autumn” change. All Americans, of all ethnicities, deserve a better “vision” of the American dream, especially during this “autumn” season. Enjoy your “Autumn Visions,” and that’s, “As I See It.” .



American Muslims Want Sarah Palin’s Pick as V.P. Shows Seat at Political Table that the GOP’s Just Fine with Selective Affirmative Action By. Nisa Islam Muhammad Special to the NNPA from the Final Call

DENVER (NNPA) - American Muslims from around the country met with Joshua Dubois, director of religious affairs for the Barack Obama presidential campaign, during the Democratic National Convention to address concerns that the Muslim community was being marginalized by the campaign. “It’s not a smear to be called a Muslim. We have Muslim staffers all over the country,” said DuBois at a luncheon sponsored by the American Muslim Democratic Caucus. “You will have a seat at the table,” he said, “The issues today are too critical for us not to work together.” Those remarks were a precursor to an Aug. 26 meeting with caucus representatives. “The meeting went very well. It was a successful event. We asked questions about the perception that the Obama campaign was marginalizing the Muslim voice in this campaign. We were assured that that was not the case. We were satisfied with his answers,” said Dr. Inayat Lalani, chief organizer of the American Muslim Democratic Caucus, which debuted at the convention with a press conference and luncheon. Muslims have received a double dose of taint during the campaign since Sen. Obama has been accused of being a Muslim. He is a Christian. Many in attendance at events felt Sen. Obama’s stance on Islam and Muslims had been muddied by the media and the group planned a meeting with Patrick Gaspard, the political director for the Obama campaign. “If Barack said there’s nothing wrong with being a Muslim this needs to get out to the Muslim community. It alienates them to not have this information. The organizers here said that Barack Obama went to a mosque. Who knows this? We have to send this message to the Muslim community,” said Abdul Akbar Muhammad, who writes the syndicated Africa and the World column and hosts a radio program,'' he said. ''This is an important first step. Muslims have been marginalized. It’s partly our fault for not being active in politics.'' Muslim delegates came to Denver to make their voices heard and heed Sen. Obama’s call for inclusion in his presidential campaign. “We’ve been working very hard in the Democratic party to get the Muslim community involved. The Democrats know about the issues we are really concerned with. We’ve had a good relationship with them for the last 10 years. We’re very hopeful to put before them more of our issues and concerns,” Aftab Siddiqui, a caucus organizer, explained to The Final Call. “Look at the Muslim community. Our concerns are the same as other Americans, civil rights, loss of jobs, health care and the war in Iraq and Afghanistan. ” said Siddiqui. Much of what organizers conveyed during the press conference was to quell fears that Muslims are different and Islam is violent. “We are as American as apple pie,” said Dr. Lalani. “Sen. Obama stands for everything that we believe in. We believe President Obama will be a president for all Americans. That is good enough for us. “Somehow we are not well known by Americans. They’ve been misled by negative news reports and the happenings around the world that make people think Muslims are violent, intolerant or want to impose their religion on others. All of this is false.” The caucus was composed of 46 delegates from coast to coast, who were Black, foreign born, and second generation immigrants. Anthony Muhammad, a convention delegate from D.C., talked about the importance of the caucus. “It’s part of making history, to have influence over things happening in your community. Islam gives you a focus, principles and standards that are universal. There are principles imbedded in Islam that allow you to move out in the larger community and implement them,” he said. The push to make Muslims an integral part of the Obama campaign also includes the group Muslim-Americans for Obama. The group’s website,, reads, “We support Barack Obama because, among other reasons, he rejects the politics of fear, challenging our nation to embrace its collective identity, where each American has a stake in the success and well being of every American. We have a duty as Muslims and Americans to organize and vote.” Congress has two Muslim representatives. Andre Carson from Indiana and Keith Ellison from Minnesota who took his oath on a Holy Qur’an owned by Thomas Jefferson and was the first Muslim elected to Congress. “There’s nothing un-American about Islam. The best ideals of America are the best ideals of Islam. Allah knows the great work that you do,” Rep. Ellison said. “This is an honorable day, the first time Muslims have gotten together as a group at the DNC. For the Muslim community in America, who has so much to offer America, this moment is filled with promise and challenge,” he said. Rep. Carson told the media, “It’s truly an honor to represent Muslims in public office. So much has been said about Muslims, we need to be active in political life. Where are the Muslim mayors, school board members and city council members? We need Muslim women in office with hijab and without. We need to have a presence on the grassroots level. It’s a great time to be a Muslim, time to stand firm and be proud of being a Muslim.”

Safe Sex Ring Tone Sings 'Condom, Condom!' By Sam Dolnick - AP

able with safe sex issues.

NEW DELHI — A cell phone ring tone that sings "Condom, condom!" has been launched to promote safe sex in India, where condoms carry a strong social stigma and HIV and AIDS are growing problems, health experts said Tuesday.

More than 270 million people use mobile phones in India and ring tones, especially those featuring hit Bollywood songs, are extremely popular.

The a cappella ring tone features a professional singer chanting the word condom more than 50 times, a playful approach that public health activists hope will spark discussion and make condoms more socially acceptable. "We've made a conscious effort to move the concept of the condom away from negative association, like HIV and sex work," said Yvonne MacPherson, country director of BBC World Service Trust India. "Condoms are actually health products and if you have a condom and you use it, you are seen to be smart and responsible." Nearly 2.5 million people in India are infected with HIV and the disease is still largely taboo. The BBC group, which is funded by The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, hopes the condom ring tone can make people in India more comfort-

"A ring tone is a very public thing," she said. "It's a way to show you are a condom user and you don't have any issues with it." The ring tone was launched Aug. 8 and has been downloaded 60,000 times, MacPherson said. __ On the Net:


By: Tonyaa Weathersbee, It’s hard to look at the Sarah Palin craze and not see racial hypocrisy. Especially if you happen to be black. Since John McCain plucked the 44-year-old Palin from the Alaska tundra to be his vice-presidential running mate, the party that has spent much of the past two decades building part of its platform on the bones of affirmative action seems to be trying to resurrect it for her. But only for her. Palin has been governor of Alaska for less than two years. Before that, she was mayor of a town where fewer than 9,000 people lived -- and which she left in debt. It took her five years and four schools to finally get a college degree. And she and her aides continue to intimate that being able to see Russia from Alaska’s islands somehow magically imbues her with foreign policy insight. Yet Palin’s conservative GOP compatriots insist that she’s more qualified than Barack Obama to be the leader of the free world should the 72-year-old McCain die in office because she has “executive experience.” No matter that Obama has a Harvard Law degree, edited Harvard Law Review, taught constitutional law and represents a U.S. Senate district of hundreds of thousands. No matter that executive experience is a phony issue -- especially when one considers that George W. Bush, who may go down in history as the nation‘s worse president, had six years of it. Yet from the way the polls are looking right now, it seems a lot of people are buying it. And this would be laughable if so many black people didn’t experience this kind of hypocrisy every day. It’s the kind of hypocrisy that blames black people for not setting high enough standards for themselves; the kind that says that if we all speak correct English, embrace education and reject criminality, respect and opportunity will come our way. This hypocrisy also erroneously dictates that affirmative action, one of the tools that has led to scores of us getting into the middle class, amounts to a lowering of standards. They argue that it will taint us with the stigma of being a token; of having made it because of a quota rather than qualifications. But Palin’s selection shows that when the GOP wants one of their own to succeed, they’re all for tokenism and lowering standards -and calling it something else. Suddenly, being able to shoot and dress a moose becomes a qualification for holding high office. Fighting earmarks -- another phony issue -- becomes more important than an exit strategy from Iraq or a plan to boost the flailing economy. “Realness,” or rather, frontier nostalgia, becomes more important than judgment or intellect. Now, I don’t have a problem with flexibility when it comes to standards. Few people, regardless of color, ever meet every test or requirement for a position. What I have a problem with is the fact that the conservatives who praise Palin as the first woman on the GOP ticket yet denounce affirmative action don’t want to extend that flexibility to black folks. That’s what’s unfair. Obama probably never guessed that things were going to come to this. He is a black man who, as far as I can tell, has done virtually everything he needed to do as sketched out in the playbook of how to be a wildly successful American. But now, the party that admonishes blacks and minorities to make it on their own merits pooh-poohs Obama’s merit. Unlike their icon, Ronald Reagan, who they praised for his communication skills, GOP leaders have cast Obama’s articulateness as a tool of the con artist rather than as a trait of a leader. The bar that generations of presidents and national leaders raised, the GOP now wants to reinvent for their girl, Palin. And people are eating it up. What’s happening with Obama and Palin is one big metaphor for the double-standards that so many black people experience, and which, more than likely, drive many of us to an early grave. And it’s hard to feel a part of the American dream as long as that kind of hypocrisy persists.

New HIV infections high among SC blacks COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) _ New estimates of HIV cases in South Carolina shows the infection rate among blacks is higher than for all other races combined. The estimates released last week by state Department of Health and Environmental Control also show that men are infected at nearly twice the rate of women. The estimates come from an analysis of repeat blood tests and testing history from people who initially were diagnosed in 2006. Before the state could only count the number of cases detected not track the true number of new infections. The number of cases detected has declined steadily over the past several years. DHEC estimates there were 990 new cases in 2006, while the number of people diagnosed that year was 777. __ Information from: The State,

6- September 24, 2008



How Desk Workers Can Prevent Back Pain (SPM Wire) Work-related back pain doesn't just happen to physical laborers, as many desk-bound office workers can attest. "Health problems caused by long hours sitting in front of a computer are jeopardizing the health of the workforce, and affecting corporate America's ability to compete in the global economy," said Dr. Peter F. Ullrich, Medical Director of Spine-health ( and an orthopedic spine surgeon. Here are some tips from the experts at Spine-health on preventing back and neck pain: * Just move. Your body can only tolerate one position for 20 minutes at a time, 30 minutes maximum. * Avoid hunching. Sitting at the front of your office chair, hunching forward to see the computer screen, is wrong. Try to "retrain" your posture.

lems. As you age, having strong back and abdominal muscles - your core body muscles - is critical for maintaining good posture. These muscles don't get used in typical everyday activities, so you need to keep them in shape. More details on these tips are available online at

How To Lose Weight And Keep It Off (StatePoint) Losing weight seems to be everybody's goal. We all want to look better, feel healthier and ward off illness. However, for most people losing weight is a huge struggle and keeping it off is an even bigger problem. Research shows that almost 95 percent of repeat dieters fail

Larry J. Ferguson, D.M.D “Anxiety Free Dentistry”

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Office Depot & Barnes & Noble Bookstore)

and ultimately regain any weight they initially lost. "Very few people succeed at keeping off weight. Sometimes people aim to lose too much weight too fast by depriving themselves of foods they love. Or they follow a food plan that isn't realistic over the long term and don't cut out foods that are making them unhealthy by introducing harmful toxins into their bodies," says Dr. Edward F. Group III, author of the new book "Health Begins In The Colon." What about that successful five percent who lose weight and keep it off? What is their secret to weight loss? Here are some tips from Dr. Group and his new book, "Health Begins In The

Colon," that can help you permanently shed pounds while becoming healthier: * Stock up on healthy organic foods. Proper weight loss nutrition includes fruits, vegetables, whole grains, dried beans, low-fat cheeses and fish or lean poultry. Plan meals in advance to avoid making unhealthy selections when you're hungry and rushed. * Eat five small meals daily to help regulate your metabolism. This may sound difficult, but it takes a minute to enjoy a banana or a handful of seeds or nuts. Large meals can negatively impact your colon and bog down your system. * Eat slowly and chew food completely before swallowing. This allows your stomach to signal your brain it's full, so you avoid excessive calories. This is one of the best-kept secrets for losing weight and helps your body absorb vital nutrients more thoroughly and rapidly. * Limit meat intake to one-tothree meals weekly and don't eat red meat more than twice weekly. Avoid processed meats like bacon, hot dogs and sandwich meats. Not only will this help you lose weight, it helps eliminate toxins from antibiotics, hormones and nitrates in meat. * Avoid coffee, alcohol and soft drinks, especially beverages in aluminum cans. Aluminum can be absorbed by your colon and many nervous system disorders - like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease - are linked to excessive aluminum in delicate brain tissue. * Learn how many calories you eat in a typical day. If you don't already know, keep a food journal. Find areas where your diet is weakest. Also identify "hidden" calories from sodas or snacks. Make a plan that gradually reduces your caloric intake. Make sure to eat enough to keep your energy levels high and metabolism charged. Simply limiting portion sizes will help cut calories dramatically.

Dr. Stewart Middleton “A Caring Dental office for the whole family Family and Cosmetic Dentistry Do you, your children, family members or friends have Medicaid Insurance? Our office accepts Medicaid Insurance and other insurance plans (843) 763-3257 Mon-Thur. 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. Saturdays 9-5 pm 1605 B- Ashley River Rd. WEST ASHLEY

African-Americans Have Unique Lung Cancer Risks, Report Says Special to the NNPA from the St. Louis American

* Choose an adjustable office chair. Make sure it has the flexibility to adjust to the needs of your body and your work and can support your low back and create good posture. Consider such features as adjustable seat height, back rests and arm rests, as well as lumbar adjustment and padding. * Use exercise as the ultimate weapon against back prob-

* Go Slow. Slow weight loss is critical to long-term weight loss nutrition. Aim to lose no

The Chronicle

ST. LOUIS (NNPA) Scientists at the M.D. Anderson Cancer Center have developed a risk prediction assessment for lung cancer specifically for AfricanAmericans that suggests a greater risk from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), according to a report published in the September issue of Cancer Prevention Research, a journal of the American Association for Cancer Research. Etzel and colleagues analyzed data from 491 AfricanAmericans with lung cancer and 497 African-Americans without lung cancer to identify risk factors for the disease. They then compared these risk factors with a previously established risk prediction model for whites. What was unique to African-

Americans was the risk associated with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. AfricanAmerican men with a prior history of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease had a more than six-fold increased risk of lung cancer, similar to that seen with smoking. This is approximately two-fold higher than the risk typically seen from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease among Whites. “The one size fits all risk prediction clearly does not work,” said Carol Etzel, Ph.D., assistant professor of epidemiology at the University of Texas M.D. Anderson Cancer Center. As with Whites, smoking was a significant risk factor for lung cancer. Current smokers had a more than six-fold increased risk of lung cancer, and former smokers had a more than threefold increased risk. This decreased risk was confined to those who had

Diabetic ketoacidosis Diabetic ketoacidosis is a serious complication of diabetes. Diabetic ketoacidosis develops when you have too little insulin in your body. Without enough insulin, sugar (glucose) can't enter your cells for energy. Your blood sugar level rises, and your body begins to break down fat for energy. This produces toxic acids known as ketones. Left untreated, diabetic ketoacidosis may cause you to lose consciousness. Eventually, untreated diabetic ketoacidosis can be fatal. Diabetic ketoacidosis is most common in people who have type 1 diabetes, but people who have type 2 diabetes may develop diabetic ketoacidosis, too. In fact, in a few cases diabetic ketoacidosis is the first sign that a person has diabetes. If you have diabetes or you're at risk of diabetes, learn the warning signs of diabetic ketoacidosis — and know when to seek emergency care.

quit smoking more than ten years prior to diagnosis; these patients had a 58 percent decreased risk compared with patients who had quit within the previous ten years. Researchers also found that hay fever, previously shown to be protective among Whites, was also protective among African-Americans. Specifically, AfricanAmericans with hay fever were 44 percent less likely to develop lung cancer, a rate that had been previously seen among Whites. African-American males have a higher risk of lung cancer incidence at 110.6 per 100,000 compared with 81 per 100,000 among white males. Mortality is also higher among AfricanAmerican men at 95.8 per 100,000 compared with 72.6 among Whites. Lung cancer incidence and mortality rates among women are comparable. Etzel said the risk prediction model detailed in Cancer Prevention Research is part of an ongoing project to establish risk models among different ethnic groups; a model for Hispanics is currently under development. Said Etzel, “What we hope is that a doctor can use these models to encourage their patients to take steps to prevent lung cancer. Even if they are never smokers, they can be at risk.”

The Chronicle

September 24, 2008-7

........HEALTH FOR YOU Affordable, Effective Support for Caregivers of Loved Ones with Dementia By. Sandra Jordan Special to the NNPA from the St. Louis American ST. LOUIS (NNPA) Perhaps one of the most difficult roles that loved-ones take on is that of a fulltime caregiver when they usually have a full slate of responsibilities of their own. Earlene Weathersby, 69, and her two siblings, Evelyn Lee, 72, and her late brother, Arnett Thomas took turns taking care of their mom for seven years before their mom went into hospice care. An email from a friend gave Weathersby of St. Louis the message she needed to become a better caregiver for her mother, Elizabeth Thomas, 91, who has Alzheimer’s disease. The email told her about Memory Care Home Solutions, based in St. Louis. Its program is designed specifically to reduce stress on the caregiver and to provide more productive time at home for the person with memory loss. “They provided contacts, telling us what’s there and when they have sessions for Alzheimer’s caregivers and literature on Alzheimer’s. They did have a home consultation it turned out to be very helpful and informative and also they pointed out you have to think about caring for yourself something you don’t tend to think about,” Weathersby said. Lisa Baron, J.D. is the executive director of MCHS. She founded the organization after her own personal experience with a loved one with Alzheimer’s to teach others how to master the role as a caregiver while managing dementia at home. “It’s modeled after Parents As Teachers—they go into homes to train caregivers and give recommendations,” Baron said. “They wanted to be sure that we had equipment that was needed and services for her, like Depends. The state offered those and they sent us

Depends and pads for the beds that were terrific,” Weathersby said. “They let you know the resources that are out there, like Depends or Ensure and she (Lisa Baron) sent a spoon to me too that might be easier for mother to use when she is eating.”

The charge for the service is $1,500. Baron said they ask people to pay only $150. “No one is turned down for inability to pay. Scholarships are available,” Baron said. Washington University is tracking outcomes as the organization seeks to delay institutionalization of its clients with Alzheimer’s and dementia. “They still follow up with us. When they come in they want to know what changes, if we are satisfied with them. She sent me a letter - so I would call her. It was hard getting me. They always tried to do follow-ups that kind of amazed me that they could keep up with their follow-ups,” Weathersby said. “When you know there is always someone you can call when you have a problem or have a question. I had a problem with a home health care person—it was good to have someone tell you to take the next step further and find another agency. You really

don’t know what to do when you are trying to figure out everything else you have to do.” Memory Care Home Solutions was formed in 2002 through a grant from the Missouri Foundation for Health. It started receiving state funding this year.

Baron said too often caregivers wait until they are at their wits end before they reach out to help, adding that people need to call much earlier in the disease process. Weathersby agrees. “It was needed. It was so helpful and I didn’t know it was out there. And I think of other caregivers that don’t know it’s out there and it could help you a lot, financially and emotionally,” Weathersby said. As Weathersby and her siblings pulled together and found what they needed to take care of their mother in her waning years, unknowing they were also leading by example. “We’ve had the younger ones in the family make statements that we are teaching them how to care for us, and I never thought about that,” Weathersby said. “You are doing what needed to be done, but there were others, there may be outside the family. You just never know who is observing you.”

Young Black Males Facing Mental Health Crisis, Group Says Special to the NNPA from the Louisiana Weekly NEW ORLEANS (NNPA) A significant increase in mental illness and behavioral problems among adolescent African-American males demonstrates the need for new approaches to treatment and better understanding of the complex challenges facing these youths, according to a policy paper issued by Community Voices: Healthcare for the Underserved, an advocacy group based at Morehouse School of Medicine. The paper, titled ''The Secret Epidemic: Exploring the Mental Health Crisis Affecting Adolescent AfricanAmerican Males,'' outlines data indicating that mental health problems are rising among members of this at-risk group, their access to treatment facilities is relatively low and treatment strategies must be revamped to address the socioeconomic issues that confront them. ''Our research found that many young Black males are treatable, but they are going undiagnosed because of failures in America's health-care system,'' said Dr. Henrie M. Treadwell, Director of Community Voices, a nonprofit seeking to improve health services and access to health care. ''Our entire society feels the impact of this failure. Suicides and homicides have increased for this group, and the residual effect is impacting communities across the country. This problem must be addressed.'' Dr. Claire Xanthos, a health services research specialist, wrote the paper, which cites studies showing that Black males ages 15-19 die from homicide at 46 times the rate of their white counterparts and that from 1980 to 1995, the suicide rate for Black adolescents rose from 5.6 to 13 per 100,000 of the population. Xanthos writes that ''these fig-

ures should not be surprising since adolescent AfricanAmerican males in contemporary American society face major challenges to their psy-

ly white, middle-class communities where they feel distanced from the white youths and also from Blacks from poorer communities.

chological development and well-being. In addition to dealing with the physical, mental and emotional issues typically experienced during adolescence, adolescent AfricanAmerican males are confronted with unique social and environmental stressors. They must frequently cope with racism and its associated stressors, including family stressors, educational stressors, and urban stressors.'' Moreover, the paper notes that: - Racism can affect mental health by reducing socioeconomic status, diminishing access to desirable resources and contributing to poor living conditions. - When positive adult male role models are absent, many Black youths turn to their peers for help in forming a male identity, an adaptation that often means absorbing negative influences. - Urban stress is an important factor in the psychological development of young Black males because many live in deprived and dangerous neighborhoods where they are exposed to violence. - Significant problems are also encountered by Black males who grow up in predominant-

Citing these problems, the paper makes a plea for better access to mental health treatment for young Black males, noting that they currently often confront a ''confusing maze'' when trying to get help. The paper notes that when Black youths do find treatment, depression is often overlooked because their symptoms often differ from white youths'. For cultural and social reasons, Black youths often express suicidal feelings through somatic complaints rather than sadness or depression. Moreover, the paper calls for more ''bicultural'' training for young Black males. Such training would better prepare them to follow proper behavior in school and the workplace, while also working with young Black males to get them ready to deal with the discrimination they are likely to face. Also cited is the need for a significant increase in the number of Black therapists available to work with African-American youths. Dr. Treadwell said it is essential that new policies be implemented to address the social and environmental factors that create poor mental health outcomes for young Black males.

The Chronicle

8- September 24, 2008

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The Chronicle----Lowcountry Connection

South Carolina Coalition for Black Voter Participation Education Forums Schedule



Mon., Sept. 29th, Burke High School, 7:00 pm Invited Race(s) Charleston County School Board Mon., Oct. 6th, St. John High School, 7:00 pm Invited Race(s) Charleston County School Board Tue.,Oct. 7th, Mt. Pleasant Town Hall Council Chambers 7:00 pm Invited Race(s) Charleston County School Board PAC POC: Veronica Vincent 556-8935 Forum POC: Condida Joy 408-7780

The Faithworks International Christian Center at the corner of King St. and Race St. were busy Saturday morning as they volunteered to attract unregistered voters to take part in the Nov. 4 General Election for president and other local races taking place the same day. “We’re not telling people for whom to vote,” said Rev. Doris Haynes (center), pastor of te church, “but just to exercise their constitutional right to be able to vote, that’s the real blessing.” Ms. Sheila Mitchell(sitting), register Mr. Johnathan Mitchell, general manager of the King. St. Apartments. Also, the same scene was being repeated along America St. on the Eastside, in Liberty Hill at the community center. October 4 is the last day to register in order to cast your vote in the Nov. 4 election.


S e pt e m be r 2 4 , 2 0 0 8


The Chronicle

2b-September 24, 2008

CHURCH - SOCIAL FRIENDSHIP M I S S I O N A R Y BAPTIST CHURCHSunday School - 10:00 AMSunday Service -11:00 AM Thursday Night Bible Study and Prayer Service- 6:00 PMThe church is located at 75 America Street, Charleston, South Carolina We are the church where Christians are at work! The Honorable L.B. FyallPublicity Committee Reverend Leroy Fyall – Pastor

LIFE CHANGING MINISTRIES - Please come and join us for Bible Study on Saturday at 3:30 pm. Sunday Services is 11:00a.m. Minister Rose Washington, Associate Pastor Rev. Glenn Scott, Pastor

WALLINGFORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Invites You To COME, SHARE and FELLOWSHIP with The Seniors Activities Bible Study, Physical Fitness, Arts & Craft Projects, Health Education, Enrichment Programs, Speakers, Community Resources, Trips, Recreation, Nutritional Lunch and lots more fun . . .When: Every Thursday, Where: 705 King Street, Time: 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Cost: NO CHARGE~~FREE, (843) 723-9929

The Emancipation Proclamation Association

cordially invites you to their annual King & Queen Contest on Monday Night, October 20, 2008 @ 7 P.M. The Event will be held at Wesley United Methodist Church, 446 Meeting St., Charleston, SC 29403. Dr. George McClanan is the pastor. Please come out and witness a great and marvelous event. Young people from numerous churches and organizations will be displaying their talents and fineries. Please come out and support our young people. They are our future. For more information please contact Mrs. Annice Brown, Youth Director @ 843-797-1613 or Mrs. Ethel Greene @ 843-571-4061.

CHARLESTON COUNTY ALUMNI CHAPTER OF CLAFLIN UNIVERSITY is having its "Tea/Hat & Fashion Show" on Sunday, Sept. 28, 2008 @ 4:00pm. This will be held at New

Francis Brown United Methodist Church, 2517 Corona Street in North Charleston.

The Public is invited and the affair will benefit students at Claflin University. Rev. Harold E. Gordon, Pastor of New Francis

Brown United Meth. Church C. Donna Harris, President (843-207-103), Pearl W. Thomas, Treasurer

CHARLESTON COUNTY MISSIONARY BAPTIST ASSOCIATION AWARDS SCHOLARSHIPS FOR 2008-2009 The Charleston County Missionary Baptist Association, Rev. Doctor Willie Griffin, Moderator, announces the awarding of a $500 scholarship, renewable for four years, to Keisha Marie Washington of Central Baptist Church (Charleston), Rev. Darrin K. Johnson, Sr., Pastor and its second renewable scholarship of $500 to Jazmon Davauro Kearse of Covenant Baptist Church (Georgetown), Rev. James B. Lewis, Pastor. Additionally a $500 one year scholarship was awarded to Jessica Taylor of St. Matthew Baptist Church Rev. Dr. Clinton Brantley, Pastor, for academic excellence.

Sarah Elizabeth Nicole Robinson of Jerusalem Baptist Church, Dr. William A. Salley, Pastor, received the Stanford L. Edley Memorial Scholarship. This scholarship is sponsored by the Whipper Family. The Bruce DesaussureArnold Prioleau Service Award of $500 for the 20082009 school term was awarded to Mark Jeffrey Fielding, Jr. of Morris Street Baptist Church, Rev. Leonard O. Griffin, Pastor. Dr. Lucille S. Whipper is Chairperson of the Education Committee and Mrs. Gloria E. GanttLambright is Secretary.

CALLING ALL MALE CHOIRS AND GROUPCOME ONE, COME ALL, COME AND BE BLESSED Payne RMUE Male Choir is having its Anniversary on Sunday, September 28, 2008 at 4:00 pm- 1560 Camp Road, James Island, SC Contact person- Bro Jason Singleton 843-343-9055. Bro Samuel Smith, President ; Rev. Thomas Junious, Pastor

For the Sake of Our Families and Our Futures, It’s Time for You to Man Up, Brothers

By: Deborah Mathis, My daughter was married on Saturday. To her mother, she was the world’s most beautiful bride ever -- radiant, floating on air, altogether lovely to behold. It took months of planning and attention to details, large and minute, but I know that the key ingredient to a wonderful ceremony and reception is the fact that the bride and groom are intimate, respectful and appreciative of one another. In other words, ‘twas love that made the flowers bloom. My handsome, personable, good-as-gold new son-in-law is a lucky man. But, more than that, he’s a smart man, having recognized that a good, grounded and intelligent woman who is willing to give a man her heart, her patience




and her devotion are not a dime a dozen and that if you want your own family and you’re fortunate enough to find a woman like that, you’d be wise -- as I heard a young brother once say -- to “wife her.” My daughter’s blessed event brought to mind -- and to the event itself -- several young women who also have much to offer and want to continue the tradition of their ancestors by “settling down” with a mate and making a family, but who, for reasons that are many and varied but seldom fair, have yet to find a black man who shares that dream. Or, at least, one who is willing to make that dream come true. Only one of my daughter’s pretty, bright-eyed bridesmaids is married, though their ranks included three business executives, one entrepreneur, a physician and a doctor of anthropology. Without exception, each is personable, respectful and respectable. Among these single lovelies, only one has what might be called a serious relationship, and her man, whom I met, isn’t as serious about the long term as his lady would like him to be. This, mind you, is a stunning beauty with major brain power and an electrifying personality who, for reasons I have never quite understood, has always held down at least two jobs at a time. Why her guy -- or any guy -- would not jump at the chance to “wife her” is beyond me. Would someone help me out here? Would someone clue me in on why -- when family and commitment run so deep in our heritage that it must have burrowed into the DNA by now -- so many of our young men are hesitating? What are they afraid of? What do they know that they aren’t telling? And what will become of the black family and black tradition if the current trend continues? Perhaps boyhood is the fiend. Perhaps too few are willing to “put away childish things,” as the good book says, and man up, which requires a certain discipline and ambition for which boys are just not capable. Perhaps this is why I cannot count the number of guys in their 30s and even 40s I’ve run into whose idea of dressing up is to have baggy pants and jerseys and sneakers that are clean, neat and matching.

The Chronicle

September 24, 2008- 3b

Four Georgia School Board Members Fired County, Fla., in the 1969-70 school year, Dr. Elgart said. Many individual schools have also lost accreditation.

the agency “to turn and look the other way and grant accreditation to a school system that does not deserve it.”

Clayton can regain accreditation at any point this academic year if board members meet the standards outlined by the agency, Dr. Elgart said. If it does not regain it by Sept. 1, 2009, the process would start anew and could take two or three years.

The board members and their lawyer, Rodney Moore, could not be reached for comment.

Asked whether it was fair that students might be hurt by the action, Dr. Elgart said the greater injustice would be for

accused the residents of trying to remove board members because of their race.

board members filed complaints to the agency about what they said was unethical behavior by fellow members.

George Brown, one of the people who filed the complaint, dismissed Mr. Moore’s accusations. Both black and white members of the Clayton school system testified against the board members at a state hearing, Mr. Brown said. “This was not racially motivated at all,” he said. “That’s ridiculous.”

The case contains undercurrents of racial tension. The board members who were removed are black, and the five Clayton residents who filed a complaint against them that led to Mr. Perdue’s decision are white. During a state hearing this month, Mr. Moore

Mr. Brown, whose sons graduated from Clayton schools and whose wife taught in them, said he hoped the governor’s decision and the agency’s ruling would turn around the school system. “We’re all sorry about the loss of accreditation,” he said. “But we’re hoping that the governor’s actions will help us get accreditation back.”

The troubles that culminated Thursday began in November, when several

Mike Glanton (left) and Jessie Goree (right) ATLANTA — A county school system in metropolitan Atlanta on Thursday became the nation’s first in nearly 40 years to lose its accreditation, and the governor removed four of its school board members for ethics violations. A school board member-elect, Jessie Goree, right, with State Representative Mike Glanton, after accreditation was lost. The school system in Clayton County, just south of the Atlanta city limits, was ruled unfit for accreditation by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools, one of the nation’s six major private accrediting agencies, after school board members failed to meet the group’s standards for leading a school system. An investigation by the agency found that county officials had not made sufficient progress toward establishing an effective school board, removing the influence of outside individuals on board decisions, enforcing an ethics policy or meeting other requirements for accreditation, Mark A. Elgart, the chief executive of the association, announced Thursday at a news conference.

Georgia would allow adult actions to penalize children,” Ms. Reeves said, choking back tears. “My daughter has been getting college invitations in the mail every day, even from Harvard. Now who knows? Kids don’t understand that. As a parent, I’m having a hard time understanding this.” School accreditation is voluntary, but more than 90 percent of Georgia school systems are accredited, according to the agency. Many colleges require or prefer diplomas from accredited high schools, and until Georgia legislators changed the law this spring, one of the state’s largest college scholarship programs required students to graduate from accredited schools. The last school system to lose accreditation was in Duval

County officials said they were planning to appeal the decision. The loss of accreditation could impair the ability of Clayton County students to attend some colleges and earn scholarships. It could also prevent teachers from receiving benefits if they change school systems, and could mean a loss of money for pre-kindergarten education. Two hours after the accreditation agency’s announcement, Gov. Sonny Perdue of Georgia removed four Clayton school board members, Michelle Strong, Louise Baines-Hunter, Yolanda Everett and Sandra Scott, for violations of the state’s open meetings act and ethics code. “The fate of the Clayton County school system is now in the hands of the voters,” Mr. Perdue said in a statement. “Through the elections to replace these four board members, they can send a clear signal that the kind of behavior that has led to this ruling and the system’s loss of accreditation will not be tolerated.” The accreditation loss and the removal of the board members generated anger and concern about the fate of the 52,000 students in the largely black district’s 59 schools. Vernetta Reeves, a Clayton resident, accused the accrediting agency of punishing students for the board’s errors. She said she was considering transferring her daughter Genetta, 17, to a different county or a private school. “I can’t believe the state of Christian Poetry Contest A $1,000 grand prize is being offered in a special poetry contest sponsored by Christian Poets Guild, free to everyone. There are 50 prizes in all totaling $5,ooo. To enter, send one poem of 21 lines or less to Free Poetry Contest, 1638 Dogwood Ln., Acworth, GA 30101. Or enter online at The deadline is October 18, 2008.

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The Chronicle

4b-September 24, 2008

Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders will be received from qualified b--__idders,properly licensed under will be received from qualified licensed under the wil will be received from qualified bidders Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under- from qualified bidders, will be received from Advanced Medicine licensed under the properly under the will be be received from qualified bidders,properly licensed under will be received from qualified licensed under the wil will be received from eceived from qualified bidders, dvanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders will qualified biddersackage for licensed


Former Baltimore Councilman Gunned Down Compromise Could Keep Atlantic Beach, SC Open ATLANTIC BEACH, S.C. (AP) _ A potential compromise to solve a financial crisis in Atlantic Beach means the town may not have to close by the end of the week.

By. Sean Yoes Special to the NNPA from the Afro-American Newspapers BALTIMORE (NNPA) Former Baltimore City Councilman Kenneth Harris was murdered Sept.20 outside a jazz club within the district he represented in Northeast Baltimore. Harris, who represented Baltimore City’s Fourth District, was killed during a robbery attempt at the New Haven Lounge, a long-time jazz club at Northwood Shopping Center near Morgan State University according to police. Police report that Harris came to the lounge at approximately 1:30 a.m. and visited with the club’s owner Keith Covington and borrowed a corkscrew from him when three masked gunman approached and grabbed Covington. Two of them took the Haven’s owner into the lounge. Harris ran to his car where he was shot in the chest by the third gunman. Harris managed to drive a short distance near the corner of Argonne Drive and Loch Raven

Town Council will hold a special meeting Tuesday to consider a deal that would sell some of the town's land for $120,000 and have North Myrtle Beach take over its policing, interim Town Manager Charles Williams told The Sun News of Myrtle Beach. The Council refused to approve a proposal to sell the land this week, which prompted Williams to say that without more money, Atlantic Beach would have to lay off the town's five police officers and two clerks until property tax collection began again at the end of the year.

Kenneth Harris Boulevard. He was transported to Johns Hopkins Hospital where he was pronounced dead at around 2 a.m. Harris, who was elected to the City Council in 1999, ran for City Council President last year against Michael Sarbanes, the son of former U.S. Senator Paul Sarbanes and Council President

ESTATES’ CREDITOR’S NOTICES All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401 before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication on his Notice to Creditors or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred. Estate of: MOLLIE T. SMITH 2008-ES-10-1004 DOD: 8/22/07 Pers. Rep: MICHAEL L. SMITH 1852 CHESSHIRE DR. CHARLESTON, SC 29412 ******************************************************************* ESTATE of: BERNIE E. POWELL 2008-ES-10-1011 DOD: 10/15/06 Pers. Rep: ARTHURINE RIVERS 117 BELLPOINT LN. DANIEL ISLAND, SC 29492

ESTATES’ CREDITOR’S NOTICES All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401, before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred. Estate of:

EMILY PEARL MACK 2008-ES?10?1190 DOD: 10/26/06 Pers. Rep: ANDERSON MACK, SR. 2192 BIRD NEST RD., WADMALAW ISLAND, SC 29487 Atty: CHARLES S. GOLDBERG, ESQ. PO BOX 9, CHARLESTON, SC 29402-0009 ************************************************************************* * Estate of: MARTHA S. PERONNEAU 2008-ES?10?1203 DOD: 01/05/05 Pers. Rep: JAMET P. ROSS 14119 MT. PLEASANT DR., WOODBRIDGE, VA 22191 Atty: DANIEL E. MARTIN, JR., ESQ. 61 MORRIS ST., CHARLESTON, SC 29403 ************************************************************************

Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, who won. Harris was a star baseball player at Dunbar High School from which he graduated in 1981 and he was a graduate of Morgan State University with a B.S. in Business Administration. In addition to politics, Harris was an executive with Comcast Cable. He leaves his wife Annette, daughter Nicole and son Ken, Jr.

But a day after the vote, Williams heard at least one council member might be willing to change her vote if North Myrtle Beach hires the five Atlantic Beach officers and agrees to police the city for at least a one-year trial. ``I'm for giving it a try,'' Councilwoman Charlene Taylor said. ``Those things can be hashed out.'' The other council member who voted against the land sale, Retha Pierce, still plans to vote no. ``Until we have a public hearing with all the stakeholders,

MAINTENANCE MECHANIC The Housing Authority of the City of Charleston is currently accepting applications for the position of Mechanic at our Office of Special Housing Needs. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. This position is responsible for performing semiskilled maintenance on building, grounds and equipment that includes duties in carpentry, plumbing, refrigeration, painting, heating, and/or mechanical or electrical repair. Operates related automotive and power equipment. Performs basic supervisory duties. Minimum qualifications: HS Diploma or GED supplemented by two to three years of semiskilled and unskilled tasks such as carpentry, electricity, heating, and plumbing, or an equivalent combination of education, training and experience that provides the required knowledge, skills and abilities. Must have the ability to perform responsible craftwork at the journeyman level. Must possess a valid state driver's license. The Housing Authority offers a great benefit package, which includes: Free medical and dental insurance Flexible schedule Generous holidays and paid time off State retirement plan, 401(k), and 457 Free life insurance Short-term disability, and more. The starting salary for this position is $12.08/hour. This position will require a background investigation, drug screen and physical at our expense. The Housing Authority of the City of Charleston 550 Meeting Street Charleston, SC 29403 Attn.: Human Resource EOE M/F/D/V (TDD 843-720-3685)

all the people who will be affected, I will not make a decision on anything,'' Pierce said.

years of unpaid bills in a town that hadn't had an audit in several years.

Williams was sent to Atlantic Beach by the Municipal Association of South Carolina in March after the town manager and mayor were indicted on misconduct charges and suspended from their jobs. Williams said he has settled

During the Civil Rights era, Atlantic Beach was the only beach in the area for blacks. The town has struggled financially for decades and nearly went bankrupt in 1988 after a wrongful death lawsuit.

CP0410C1 INVITATION FOR CONSTRUCTION BIDS The City of Charleston Department of Parks is soliciting bids from interested marine contractors for CP0410C1: Milton P. Demetre Park Public Pier and Floating Dock. The project scope includes: the construction of a 190’ pier with a 20’x 20’ pierhead and the installation of a 40’ floating dock at Milton P. Demetre Park (formerly known as Sunrise Park) on James Island, SC. The budget range is $ 400,000-$ 450,000. Bid Documents will be available on or after Tuesday September 9th, 2008 from Charleston Blueprint Co. 90 Brigade St. Charleston, SC 29403. There is a $ 35.00 non-refundable charge for these plans. Checks shall be payable to Charleston Blueprint. Plans may be examined at the Department of Parks office at 823 Meeting Street. All questions can be referred to: Mr. Kevin Turner, Collins Engineering Inc. 843-763-1576. A Mandatory pre-bid meeting will be held on site at Milton P. Demetre Park, Wampler Drive, on James Island, SC 29422 at 10:00 AM on Thursday September 18th, 2008. Bids will be due on Thursday October 2nd, 2008 at 2:00 PM. Interested parties please contact Ross Eastwood, Project Manager at 843-579-7552 or [email protected].


CHARLESTON COUNTY COUNCIL HAS SCHEDULED A PUBLIC HEARING IN COUNCIL CHAMBERS FOR OCTOBER 7, 2008, 5:30 p.m., AT THE LONNIE HAMILTON, III PUBLIC SERVICES BUILDING, 4045 BRIDGE VIEW DRIVE, NORTH CHARLESTON, SOUTH CAROLINA, TO HEAR PUBLIC COMMENTS CONCERNING THE TEN-YEAR UPDATE OF THE CHARLESTON COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN. This notice is being made in accordance with Section 6-29530 of the Code of Laws of South Carolina. If you require further information, please contact the Charleston County Planning Department, (843) 202-7200 during regular working hours, 8:30 - 5:00 daily except Saturday, Sundays, and holidays, or e-mail us at [email protected] LENGTHY PRESENTATIONS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED IN WRITING PRIOR TO THE MEETING. Beverly T. Craven Clerk of Council ESTATES’ CREDITOR’S NOTICES All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401, before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred. Estate of:

DEXTER KEYES 2008-ES?10?0821 DOD: 04/23/08 Pers. Rep: DEVANTE ALSTON 806 MINNIE ST., CHARLESTON, SC 29407 Atty: CHARLES S. GOLDBERG, ESQ. PO BOX 9, CHARLESTON, SC 294020009 ****************************************************************** Estate of: GEORGE JUNIOR WARD 2008-ES?10?0823 DOD: 12/14/07 Pers. Rep: GAIL LEE WARD 3115 BONANZA RD., CHARLESTON, SC 29414 ******************************************************************

ESTATES’ CREDITOR’S NOTICES All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401, before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred. Estate of:

Full-t ime/Regular: Part-time/Temporary : Administrative Asst II School Crossing Guard Appraisal Supervisor Construction Project Manager I Pool P ositio ns: Detention Officer Detention Officer Electrical Engineer EMT EMT Paramedic Paramedic School Crossing Guard Paramedic Crew Chief Recovery Assistant For details and to apply online visit: www .charle stonc ounty .org or call Jo blin e: 843.958.4719

HERBERT HOOVER HOSEY 2008-ES?10?0469 DOD: 02/02/04 Pers. Rep: LOUISE B. HOSEY PO BOX 71611, CHARLESTON, SC 29415-1611 Atty: ARTHUR C. MCFARLAND, ESQ. PO BOX 80609, CHARLESTON, SC 29416-0609 ****************************************************************** Estate of: DENISE JOHNSON SIMMONS 2008-ES?10?0532 DOD: 03/26/08 Pers. Rep: REV. VERNON SIMMONS 1406 RAINBOW RD., CHARLESTON, SC 29412 Atty: ARTHUR C. MCFARLAND, ESQ. 1847 ASHLEY RIVER RD., SUITE 200, CHARLESTON, SC 29407 ******************************************************************

September 24, 2008-5b

The Chronicle

Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders will be received from qualified b--__idders,properly licensed under will be received from qualified licensed under the wil will be received from qualified bidders Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under- from qualified bidders, will be received from Advanced Medicine licensed under the properly under the will be be received from qualified bidders,properly licensed under will be received from qualified licensed under the wil will be received from eceived from qualified bidders, dvanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders will qualified biddersackage for licensed



SHIRLEY CARNICKEY, WILLIE HEYWARD, SR., ALFRED ALLEN CARNICKEY, JOHN DOE,) and MARY ROE, being fictitious names used to designate the unknown heirs at law distributees, devisees, legatees, widow, widowers, successors and assigns, if any, of WILLIAM SIMONS, (deceased), MOLLY SIMONS a/k/a MILEY SIMONS (deceased), DORA SIMONS, (deceased), REBECCA SIMONS GRAHAM, (deceased), LOUISE SIMONS SMALLS, (deceased), BERNICE SMALLS CARNICKEY, (deceased), SAMUEL CARNICKEY, (deceased), MARY L. HEYWARD, (deceased) and all other persons unknown claiming by, through or under them or having or claiming any interest in the real estate described in Complaint, whether infants, i n c o m p e tents, insane persons under any other disability, and AMERICAN GENERAL FINANCE. Defendants. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS CIVIL CASE NO.: 08-CP-10-797 AMENDED

STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON FRANK REED, Plaintiff, Vs. ARTHUR CHOICE, if he is alive, and JOHN DOE AND MARY ROE, fictitious names representing the unknown heirs, devisees, distributes, or personal representatives, and SARAH DOE AND RICHARD ROE, fictitious names representing the unknown minors, incompetents, persons in the military, persons imprisoned, or persons under any other legal disability of ARTHUR CHOICE, if he is deceased, and all other unknown persons claiming any right, title, interest, or lien upon the real estate which is the subject of this action, Defendants. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT CASE: 08-CP-10-4446 SUMMONS (Quiet title action: Equity And Partition by Allotment) TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action, which was filed with the Clerk of Court for Charleston County on August 7, 2008 at 3:24 p.m., a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer upon the subscribers, at their offices at No. 61 Broad Street, P.O. Box 9, Charleston, South Carolina, 29402 within thirty (30) days after the service thereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid judgment by default will be rendered against you for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Charles S. Goldberg Attorney, LLC No. 61 Broad Street, P.O. Box 9 Charleston, South Carolina 29402 (843) 720-2800 Attorney for the Plaintiff Charleston, South Carolina August 11, 2008 LIS PENDENS TO THE DEFENDANTS: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT an action has been initiated and is pending in the Court of Common Pleas for the County and State aforesaid, by the above-named Plaintiff, against the Defendant above named, and that the object of such action is to quiet the title to the real estate and to allot by partition described as follows: ALL that lot, piece or parcel of land, situate, lying and being Johns Island, Charleston County, South Carolina, containing 12.3 acres, more of less, and is the residual portion of No. 49, which originally con-

National Gospel Music Heritage Month

SUMMONS (Quiet Title Action) (Non-Jury) TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Amended Complaint in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer to the said Amended Complaint upon the subscriber at his office, located at 1847 Ashley River Road, P.O. Box 80609, Charleston, South Carolina 29416, within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service; and, if you fail to answer the Amended Complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in said Complaint. AMENDED LIS PENDENS NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that an action has been commenced and is now pending in the Court of Common Pleas for the County of Charleston, which action was brought by the above-named Plaintiff against the abovenamed Defendants to determine the rightful owners of the below described real estate. That the premises affected by this action is located within the County and State aforesaid and is more particularly described as follows: ALL that certain lot, piece or parcel of land containing twenty-five acres, more or less, situated in Adams Run Township, County and State aforesaid.

tained 25 acres and shown on a plat of HICKORY HILL PLANTATION, made by S. Lewis Simmons, as Surveyor, May, 1881. The residual portion is partially shown on a survey of LOT 49-D, dated October 6, 1997, and recorded in the RMC Office for Charleston County in Plat Book EC, Page 851. The residual portion of located on the easternmost portion of Lot No. 49, but according to the subdivided plat aforementioned it butts and bounds to the North on Pine Log Lane; South on lands now or formerly of Hamilton and West on Lot 49-D; the easternmost line is cut off and show no terminus. BEING the same property conveyed to Frank Reed by deed of Katherine L. Hare, Acting Sheriff of Charleston County dated June 21, 2001 and recorded in the RMC Office of Charleston County in Book K377, Page 291; further conveyed to Frank Reed by deed of J. Al Cannon, Sheriff of Charleston County, dated June 19, 2008 and recorded in the RMC Office for Charleston County in Book E-663, Page 092. The Tax Map Reference Number is 312 00 00 008 Charles S. Goldberg No. 61 Broad Street, P.O. Box 9 Charleston, South Carolina 29402 (843) 720-2800 Attorney for the Plaintiff Charleston, S.C. July 28, 2008 NOTICE NISI TO THE DEFENDANTS: THE DEFENDANTS TO ABOVE NAMED: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT J. Heyward Harvey, 13 State Street, Charleston, SC, has been appointed as Guardian ad Litem Nisi in the above entitled action by Order and that such Order will become absolute thirty (30) days after the last publication of the Notice of Appointment, herein unless such of the Defendants as may be heirs, devisees, distributes, administrators, executors, guardians, and all those persons who may be minors, in military service, under any legal disability, or other persons claiming by or through, of the deceased persons above named, or someone in their behalf shall in the meantime procure to be appointed Guardian ad Litem for them, and that such Order is on file in the Office of the Clerk of Court for Charleston County, Charleston County Courthouse, South Carolina. Charles S. Goldberg, Esquire Attorney for Plaintiff No. 61 Broad Street, P.O. Box 9 Charleston, South Carolina 29401 (843) 720-2800 Charleston, South Carolina August 7, 2008

Gospel Music Channel television network has joined with Members of Congress, The Recording Academy® and the Gospel Music Association to launch the first-ever National Gospel Music Heritage Month initiative. The dual legislation passed by the House of Representatives (H.Con. Res. 370) and the Senate (S. STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA ) ) IN THE PROBATE COURT COUNTY OF CHARLESTON ) IN RE: ) ) NOTICE ESTATE OF MARGARET CLARK ) CASE NO.: 06-ES-10-006 ) TO: ALL HEIRS AND INTERESTED PARTIES: YOU WILL PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the above-captioned action was filed in the Probate Court of the County of Charleston, South Carolina on January 3, 2007. This action seeks a determination of heirs of Margaret Clark who died intestate on November 15, 1987. PLEASE present any claims to the Probate Court for Charleston County, 98 Broad Street, Charleston, SC or to petitioner’s attorney within thirty (30) days of this publication. PLEASE be present at the said hearing if you are an heir or interested party in the within estate. _______________________ __________ Anthony B. O’Neill, Sr. 1847 Ashley River Road Charleston, SC 29407 (843) 763-3900 * 763-7996 FAX Attorney for Petitioner Charleston, S.C. August 2, 2008

Bounded Northwardly by Big Bay, Eastwardly and Southwardly by property now or formerly of Elizabeth La Roche and Westwardly by land now or formerly of Thomas Williams, all of which will be seen by reference to a plat made by J. D. Taylor, surveyor dated July 30, 1900. TMS NO.:


00-091 AMENED NOTICE NIS THE DEFENDANTS TO: ABOVE-NAMED: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Plaintiff has applied to the Court for appointment of a suitable person as Guardian ad Litem for all unknown and known Defendants who may be incompetent, under age, or under any other disability, and said appointment shall become final unless such Defendants, or anyone in their behalf, within thirty (30) days of the service of this Notice, shall procure to be appointed a Guardian ad Litem for them.

Res. 595) designates September 2008 as Gospel Music Heritage Month, honoring gospel music for its valuable long-standing contribu-


tions to American culture. The initiative was created by Gospel Music Channel, the country's first and only television network devoted to all forms of Gospel/Christian music. Gospel Music Heritage Month honors a true American art form for its vast contributions to our culture, bringing a message of hope and inspiration to people of all racial, ethnic and religious backgrounds. People are encouraged to celebrate Gospel Music Heritage Month by attending concerts, events, watching and listening to gospel music, learning and reading about gospel music and more. Visit http://www.GospelMusicCh for more information. Gospel Music Channel will celebrate on-air, online and ondemand by featuring the greatest names ever in gospel music throughout the month. Mahalia Jackson, Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Amy Grant, Al Green, Dixie Hummingbirds, Kirk Franklin, Michael W. Smith, Bobby Jones, Natalie Grant,

Bill Gaither and many others will be seen in GMC world and network premieres, documentaries, original specials and series. "Gospel music is an historical American art form that has spanned hundreds of generations and both inspires and entertains across racial, ethnic, religious, and geographic boundaries. We must officially recognize the great contributions to American culture that have derived from the rich heritage of gospel music and its artists," said Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas). "This is the opportunity for the millions of gospel/Christian music fans to have their own national month to honor and celebrate the rich heritage of their music," said Charles Humbard, Founder and President of the Gospel Music Channel. Gospel Music Channel is the fastest-growing network in television today and can be seen in nearly 40 million homes on various cable systems around the country and on DIRECTV on Channel 338.

ESTATES’ CREDITOR’S NOTICES All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401, before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred. Estate of:

DAVID N. FLEMING 2008-ES?10?1101 DOD: 05/17/99 Pers. Rep: DONNA FLEMING 23 BURNT MILLS RD., GOOSE CREEK, SC 29445 ************************************************************************** Estate of: THEODORE JAMES COKER 2008-ES?10?1106 DOD: 07/17/08 Pers. Rep: AMELIA T. COKER 2467 BIRKENHEAD DR., CHARLESTON, SC 29414 Atty: JUAN W. TOLLEY, ESQ. 184 EAST BAY ST., STE. 201, CHARLESTON, SC 29401 ************************************************************************** Estate of: DOROTHY FLOWERS 2008-ES?10?1147 DOD: 05/09/08 Pers. Rep: CORDELIA LA BOARD 2127 AMAKER ST., CHARLESTON, SC 29405 **************************************************************************

Attention: Charleston County Taxpayers

AMENDED NOTICE OF FILING TO: THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Amended Summons, Amended Lis Pendens, Amended Complaint and Amended Notice Nisi were filed on March 4, 2008 in the Office of the Clerk of Court of Common Pleas for Charleston County, South Carolina. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that Kelvin M. Huger, Esquire of 27 Gamecock Avenue, Suite 200, P.O. Box 80399, Charleston, S.C. 29416, has been designated as Guardian ad Litem for all Defendants who may be incompetent, under age, or under any other disability by Order of the Court of Common Pleas of Charleston County, dated the 21st day of March, 2008 and the said appointment shall become absolute thirty (30) days after the final publication of this Notice, unless such Defendants, or anyone in their behalf, shall procure a proper person to be appointed as Guardian ad Litem for them within (30) days after the final publication of this Notice. By: Arthur C. McFarland Attorney for Plaintiff 1847 Ashley River Road, Suite 200 P.O. Box 80609 Charleston, S.C. 29416 (843) 763-3900 Charleston, S.C. March 21, 2008

Notice of end of Redemption Period for October 1, 2007 Delinquent Real Property and Mobile Home Tax Sale If your property was sold at the 2007 Charleston County Delinquent Real Estate or Mobile Home Tax Sale and you have not yet redeemed it, please be advised that the redemption period ends at: 5 p.m. on Thursday, October 2, 2008 All properties not redeemed by that time will be conveyed to the successful bidder at the tax sale. Only cash, money orders or certified checks will be accepted for payments.

For additional information, contact: Charleston County Delinquent Tax Department O.T. Wallace County Office Building 101 Meeting Street, Suite 230 Charleston, SC 29401 (843) 958-4570 [email protected] Office Hours: 8:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m., Monday thru Friday

6b- September 24, 2008-

The Chronicle

Kilpatrick Officially Leaves Office, Setting the Stage for New Mayor, New Start for Detroit

James Barren (left) and Ken Cocktrel, Jr. (right) By: Jackie Jones, Embattled Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick left office officially at 11:59 p.m. Thursday, spending part of the day preparing a statement thanking and saying goodbye to his supporters. “Being elected Mayor of Detroit, my hometown, was an honor and a privilege,” said the 38-year-old Kilpatrick, who spent seven years in office. “I want to thank everyone who supported me through the years. I am proud of the fact that we, as a community, were able to accomplish so much in such a short period of time.” Kilpatrick encouraged citizens to support incoming Mayor Ken Cockrel, Jr., with whom he concluded transition meetings on Wednesday. Kilpatrick announced his resignation two weeks ago as part of a plea deal on federal perjury charges stemming from a textmessaging scandal that consumed the city for months. The Detroit Free Press said that before the texting scandal erupted, Kilpatrick had tamed the city’s budget, cutting nearly $300 million in annual costs, continued the downtown development trend that started under his predecessor, Dennis Archer, and was beginning to focus on decay-

ing neighborhoods in the city. “His ability to lead wasn’t the issue; he just made some bad choices,” Robin Barnes, a Detroit realtor and a former Kilpatrick campaign volunteer, told Attorney Richard Mack said the scandal surrounding the mayor was a distraction that annoyed some residents and city employees. “ You literally had daily news coverage of one issue or another, the scandal, lawsuits, too much partying, too much spending with the credit card,” Mack said. “You can’t have all that and not have it affect your ability to govern.” Even before Kilpatrick moved out of Manoogian Mansion and relinquished his post, Cockrel on Wednesday began announcing appointments. Saul Green, a former U.S. attorney in Detroit, will become deputy mayor. Green also has been a federal monitor for the Justice Department in its oversight role with the Cincinnati police department. Detroit’s police department is under federal oversight, and Green is expected to help the department meet mandated federal guidelines. On Thursday, Cockrel named 31-year police veteran James Barron to replace Chief Ella Bully-Cummings.

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL Project: Compensation and Classification Study for The Housing Authority of the City of Charleston. The Housing Authority of the City of Charleston will receive proposals for a Comparability Study of salary ranges used by the Housing Authority and other Public Sector Entities within the Charleston locality. Information provided by the Contractor will be used to assist in updating the current salary tables and job descriptions. Proposals should be submitted no later than 2:00pm on Tuesday, October 6, 2008 to: The Housing Authority of the City of Charleston 550 Meeting Street Charleston, SC 29403 Attn: Daysha Alston-Gordon Human Resource Manager

ESTATES’ CREDITOR’S NOTICES All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401, before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred.

DOD: Pers. Rep:

Cockrel said he wanted his inauguration to be understated and brief, considering the unusual circumstances in which he is becoming mayor, according to the Free Press. The Detroit City Council voted Tuesday to hold a special election to fill the remainder of Kilpatrick’s term, which ends in December 2009. Cockrel has indicated he will be a candidate. Candidates must file for the Feb. 24 special primary by Oct. 14. The top two winners will compete in a runoff in the May 5 special general election. Kilpatrick and his former chief of staff, Christine Beatty, had been charged with perjury, conspiracy, obstruction of justice and misconduct in office -all connected to their testimony in a civil trial last year in which they denied having a romantic relationship. Those claims were contradicted by text messages on the aide’s city-issued cell phone. Kilpatrick is scheduled to be sentenced Oct. 28. Under the plea deal, he is expected to be sentenced to four months in jail, five years of probation and will pay $1 million in restitution. His state pension will be applied to the debt.

MOJA ARTS FESTIVAL CONCERT The Choraliers Music Club will present a 1 hour concert of spirituals and other kinds of music, Thursday, October 2, 7:00 pm, Mt. Zion AME Church, 5 Glebe St. Admission: Adults $10; Seniors & Students $8; Children under 6- Free.




29016 Atty:

KELVIN M. HUGER, ESQ. PO BOX 80399, CHARLESTON, SC 29416 *************************************************************************



Inquiries may be directed to Ms. Gordon at the above address, or by phone (843) 579-3017 or via fax (843) 9733482.

Estate of:

Cockrel and new City Council President Monica Conyers were sworn in Wednesday afternoon. Conyers is under federal investigation in the awarding of a multimillion dollar sludge contract last year. According to The Detroit Free Press, Conyers invited reporters to her swearing-in at the Detroit Election Commission office, but Cockrel’s ceremony was private and announced afterward. The ceremonies enabled them to assume office at 12:01 a.m. Friday after Kilpatrick’s resignation became effective. The new mayor’s public swearing-in ceremony on Friday morning was expected be a low-key affair in the City Council chambers at the Coleman A. Young Municipal Center.

REQUEST FOR PROPOSAL FOR A The Charleston County Park and Recreation Commission (CCPRC) is requesting proposals from qualified Vendors for the purchase and delivery of a Train for the Holiday Festival of Lights for use at the James Island County Park, 861 Riverland Drive, Charleston, SC 29412. To receive a copy of the Request for Proposal, please contact Ms. Elaine Richter, 843-7959885, Charleston County Park and Recreation Commission, 871 Riverland Drive, Charleston, SC 29412. Proposals shall be submitted no later than, as outlined in the Request for Proposal. By: Mr. Tom O’Rourke, Executive Director Charleston County Park and Recreation Commission


Saturday, September 27 • 7:30pm Cistern Yard, College of Charleston, 66 George Street Admission: $25.00

THEATRE – “EUBIE” Wednesday, September 24 - Saturday, September 28 Conceived by Julianne Boyd, music by Eubie Blake Produced by: Art Forms & Theatre, Inc. Directed by Art Gilliard; Musical Director, Howard Brown Memminger Auditorium, 56 Beaufain Street. Admission: $20.00 general, $15.00 students/seniors with ID.

GOSPEL CONCERT – “A Back Home Gospel Hour”

Sunday, September 28 • 4pm GOSPEL DIVAS, Joy S. Pryor, Lynn-Marie Boone with Christal Brown-Gibson, Javetta Campbell, Martha Rhoades. THE MEN OF GOSPEL, Anthony Burke Mario Desaussure, and Rev. Randolph Miller

Citadel Square Baptist Church, 328 Meeting Street • Admission: $8:00


Wilfred Delphin Valerie Francis Sunday, September 28 • 2pm St. Stephens Episcopal Church 67 Anson Street Admission: $10.00

THEATRE – “CROWNS” Wednesday, October 1 Saturday, October 4 Footlight Players, Inc., Written by Regina Taylor, DIrected by Henry Clay Middleton

Footlight Players Theatre, 20 Queen Street Admission: $25.00, $20.00 students/seniors

Dallas Black Dance Theatre For detailed information, visit or call 843.574.6201.

Full-time Faculty

Accounting Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Mechanics Cosmetology Electrical Line Worker Industrial Maintenance Mechanics Program Coordinator Industrial and Manufacturing Training Director Librarian Massage Therapy Academic Program Coordinator Mathematics

Part-time Faculty

Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Aircraft Maintenance Technology

Animation Anthropology Biological Sciences CNC Machining Cosmetology Criminal Justice Economics Electrical Facility Maintenance English Esthetics Graphic Design Industrial Mechanics Information Systems Marketing Multimedia and Web Site Design Nail Technology

Nursing Paralegal Plumbing Radio, TV and Film Sociology Spanish Theater Welding

Full-time Staff

Administrative Specialist II Electrician Engineer/Associate Engineer II Landscape Maintenance Law Enforcement Officer I Law Enforcement Officer II

Friday, October 3 • 7:30pm Network Security Technician Security Specialist III Supply Manager I

Temporary Staff

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Gaillard Municipal Auditorium 77 Calhoun Street Admission: $15.00 To order tickets call Ticketmaster at (843) 554-6060 or Order On-Line at MOJA Arts Festival Box Office, Gaillard Municipal Auditorium, 77 Calhoun Street. For more information, call (843) 724-7305 or visit

The Chronicle

September 24, 2008 -7b

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STATE OF SOUTH CAROLINA COUNTY OF CHARLESTON ANN ROPER WHITE, Plaintiff, vs. VIRGINIA ROPER, deceased, MORRIS ROPER, deceased, CORA BELL CHANDLER ROPER, deceased, NED ROPER, deceased, KATIE S. ROPER, deceased, MARY ROPER, deceased, BESSIE ROPER, NAOMI ROPER WASHINGTON, VIOLA ROPER RICHARDSON, HERMAN ROPER, ARTHUR ROPER, DECEASED, ALICE ROPER WILLIAMS, DECEASED, JAMES ROPER, DECEASED, JANIE ROPER DEAS, ANN ROPER, ALPHONSO WHITE, DECEASED, BRENDA ROPER, DECEASED, EDWARD DAVIS, MORRIS ROPER, JR., ARLICE ROPER, ALPHONSO ROPER, ANTHONY ROPER, ALAN ROPER, ANWAR ROPER, ALIA ROPER, SALEEMAH ROPER, AQUILA ROPER, ZAHIR ROPER, TARIQ ROPER, TYNISHA ROPER, IVORY ROPER, MAURICE ROPER, SHAMIRA ROPER, GREGORY ROPER, THERESA ROPER, SHAKIYA ROPER, JALESSA ROPER, YVETTA JEFFERSON, AL JEFFERSON, EVERETT JEFFERSON, AUSTIN DAVIS, COREY DAVIS, JOHN DOE, MARY DOE, RICHARD ROE, And SARAH DOE, being fictitious names used to designate the unknown Heirs- at-Law, devisees, Distributees, widows, widowers, administrators, Executors, successors, and assigns, if any of VIRGINIA ROPER and MORRIS ROPER, the deceased and above named Defendant who may be deceased and all other persons claiming any right, title estate, interest in or lien upon the lands of VIRGINIA ROPER AND MORRIS ROPER or any portion thereof, including any such as may be infants, incompetents, or otherwise under an disability, Defendants. IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT CASE NO: 08-CP-10-3543 SUMMONS YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer to the said Complaint on the Plaintiff or her attorney, George E. Counts, Esquire, at 27 Gamecock Avenue, P.O. Box 80399, Charleston, South Carolina 29416, within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to answer the Complaint with the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint. Dated this 16th day of June 2008, at Charleston, South Carolina. COUNTS & HUGER, LLC GEORGE E. COUNTS Attorney for the Plaintiff 27 Gamecock Avenue Post Office Box 80399 Charleston, SC 29416 (843) 573-0143 LIS PENDENS TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT an action has been initiated and is pending in the Court of Common Pleas for the County and State aforesaid, by the above-named Plaintiff, against the Defendants above named, and that the object of such action is to quiet the title of the below described property. The Real Estate affected by this action is described as follows: ALL that lot, piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being on James Island in the County of Charleston, State of South Carolina, and being shown as owned by the Estate of Lucy Roper on a survey by W.L. Gaillard, Surveyor, dated February 2, 1966, and said to contain two and two-tenths (2.2) acres. MEASURING AND CONTAINING on the northwest line three hundred fortyone (341.0) feet; on the eastern line five hundred twentynine (529.0) feet; on the southern line one hundred twentyfive (125.0) feet; and on the southwest line three hundred eighty-eight (388.0) feet be all the said dimensions a little more or less. BUTTING AND BOUNDING to the northwest on property, now or formerly, of Deleston; to the east and south on property of persons not mentioned on said plat and to the southwest on property, now or formerly, of Grimball; all of which by reference to said plat will more fully and at large appear.

BEING the same property conveyed to Virginia Roper, Morris Roper and James Roper by deed of Katie S. Roper date July 9, 1985 and recorded in the R.M.C. Office for Charleston County in Deed Book __ at Page __. TMS NO.: 334-12-00-025 ALL that lot, piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being on James Island in the County of Charleston, State of South Carolina, and being shown as owned by the Estate of Lucy Roper on a survey by W.L. Gaillard, Surveyor, dated February 2, 1966, and said to contain three and five-tenths (3.5) acres. MEASURING AND CONTAINING on the northern line seventy-five (75.0) feet; on the eastern line one thousand nine hundred thirty (1,930.0) feet; on the southern line one hundred twenty-five (125.0) feet; and on the southern line seventy-nine (79.0); and on the western line one thousand nine hundred sixty (1.960.0) feet be all the said dimensions a little more or less. BUTTING AND BOUNDING to the north on property of persons not mentioned on said plat; to the east on property, now or formerly, of Thomas Prioleau; to the south on property, now or formerly, of Grimball; to the west on property, now or formerly, of Betsy Prioleau; all of which by reference to said plat will more fully and at large appear. BEING the same property conveyed to Virginia Roper by deed of James Roper dated August 23, 1989 and recorded in the R.M.C. Office for Charleston County in Deed Book F-194, at Page 182.

T.M.S. NO.: 334-00-00-039 MEASURING AND CONTAINING on the northern line three hundred forty-five and seventenths (345.7’) feet; on the Southeastern line one hundred eight (108.0’) feet; on the Southern line three hundred five and eight-tenths (305.8’) feet; and on the western line ninety-seven (97.0) feet; be all the said dimensions a little more or less. BUTTING AND BOUNDING to the North on the property, now or formerly, of William Singleton; and to the southeast on Folly road eighty (80’) feet in width; to the South on property,, now or formerly, of Rufus Wilder; and to the east on the property, now or formerly, of James Roper, all of which by reference to said plat will more fully and at large appear. BEING the same property conveyed to Virginia Roper by deed of James Roper dated August 23, 1989 and recorded in the R.M.C. Office for Charleston County in Deed Book F-194, at Page 182. T.M.S. NO.: 334-10-00-006 ALL that lot, piece, parcel or tract of land, situate, lying and being on Battery Island Road, James Island, Charleston County, South Carolina containing 0.45 acres measuring as folows: Beginning at an iron pipe in the western edge of Battery Island Road at the souheast corner of the lot hereinabove conveyed to James Roper and thence south three degrees nine minutes (3.9’) east, seventy (70’) feet to an iron pipe, thence south eighty nine degrees thirty minutes thirty minutes (89’30’) west, two hundred eighty-eight and 40/100 (288.40’) feet to an iron pipe, thence north fifteen degrees fourteen minutes (15’14’) west, sixty-five (65’) feet to an iron pipe, thence south eighty-eight degrees twenty-five minutes (88.25’) west, three hundred one and 88/100 (301.80’) feet to the point of beginning. Butting and bounding as follows: To the east on Battery Island Road, to the south on a lot hereinafter conveyed to Jaine Roper Deas, to the west on lands of Nelson Deas and to the north on a lot hereinabove conveyed to James Roper. BEING the same property conveyed to Morris Roper by deed of Mary Roper, Bessie Roper, Ned Roper, Naomi Roper Washington, Viola Roper Richardson, Herman Roper, Arthur, Alice Roper Williams, James Roper and Janie Roper Deas dated June 23, 1969 and recorded in the R.M.C. Office for Charleston County in Deed Book C-93, at Page 227. T.M.S. NO.: 431-01-00-022

ACREAGE & FARMS FOR SALE REPEAT Pre-Construction Grand Opening Land Sale less than two hours from Atlanta. Saturday, October 11th. Lake lot with cabin package from $89,900. Limited availability. Call 888-8072859. ADOPTION NEW AD ADOPT Loving family will provide your baby with a life of unconditional love, devotion, opportunity, and security. Expenses paid. 1888-833-8230. APARTMENTS/UNFU RNISHED NOTICE OF FILING TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: PLEASE TAKE NOTICE, that the Complaint in this action, together with the Summons and Lis Pendens, of which the above are copies, were duly filed in the office of the Clerk of Court for Charleston County, South Carolina, on the 20th day of June, 2008. FURTHER TAKE NOTICE that Sherry B. Crummey, Esquire of 61 Morris Street, Charleston, South Carolina 29401, has been designated as Guardian ad Litem for all Defendants who may be incompetent, under age, or under any other disability by Order of the Court of Common Pleas of Charleston County dated the 20th of June, 2008, and said appointments shall become absolutely thirty (30) days after the final publication of this Notice unless such Defendants, or anyone in their behalf, shall petition the Court to have a Guardian ad Litem appointed for them within thirty (30) days after the final publication of this notice. COUNTS & HUGER, LLC GEORGE E. COUNTS Attorney for Plaintiff 27 Gamecock Avenue/Suite 200 P.O. Box 80399 Charleston, South Carolina 2941 (843) 573-0143 Dated August 14, 2008

NOTICE NISI TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the Plaintiff has applied to the Court for appointment of a suitable person as Guardian ad Litem for all unknown and known Defendants who may be incompetent, under age, or under any other disability, and said appointment shall become final unless such Defendants, or anyone in their behalf, within thirty (30) days of the service of this notice, shall procure to be appointed a Guardian ad Litem for them.

Notice of September, October Meetings And November Election of Charleston Branch NAACP The following General Membership meetings of the NAACP Charleston Branch, for the purpose of election of officers and at-large members of the executive committee. 1. On September 25, 2008 at 6:30 pm at Morris Brown AME Church, 13 Morris Street, there will be a report of the Nominating Committee. All members whose memberships are current as of 30 days prior to the meeting date may be elected to the Nominating Committee. 2. On October 23, 2008 at Morris Brown AME Church, 13 Morris Street, there will be a report of the Nominating Committee, receipt of Nominations by Petition, and election of the Election Supervisory Committe. All members whose memberships are current as of April 1st may be nominated for office or as an at-large member of the Executive Committtee. In order to sign a nominating petition, or be elected to the Election Supervisory Committee, a member must be current as of 30 days prior to the October meeting. 3. On November 20, 2008, the election of officers and at-large members of the Executive Committee will take place at Morris Brown AME Church, 13 Morris Street. Polls will open from 5:00 pm to 6:30 pm. In order to vote in a Branch election, one must be a mem-


Dated this 16th day of June 2008, at Charleston, South Carolina.


COUNTS & HUGER, LLC GEORGE E. COUNTS Attorney for Plaintiff 27 Gamecock Avenue/Suite 200 P.O. Box 80399 Charleston, South Carolina 29416 (843) 573-0143


ber in good standing of the Branch 30 days prior to the

election. A form of identification is required.

Advertisement 10 Vacation Cottage Restroom Renovations James Island County Park Project #08-CP-025-A September 2008 Project Description: Sealed bids will be received for work that includes, but is not limited to, the Renovation of ten (10) Vacation Cottage Restrooms at James Island County Park, 871 Riverland Drive, Charleston, SC 294123107. Timing is of the Essence for this Project. Work will be accomplished in two phases as outlined under the Scope of Work. Publication Date: Beginning: September 21, 2008 Publication Information: Notification will be posted on CCPRC’s website in addition to being publicized in the Post and Courier, The Charleston Chronicle and the South Carolina Business Opportunities. Submittal Information: Bids shall be on a lump sum basis; segregated bids will not be accepted. Bids should be clearly marked on the bottom left hand corner: Bid Enclosed: 10 Vacation Cottage Restroom Renovations, Project #08-CP-025-A Bids must be accompanied by a BID BOND or certified check in the amount of (5) five percent of the BASE BID. Contractor will be required to submit a PERFORMANCE BOND and LABOR AND MATERIAL PAYMENT BOND, for 100 percent of the amount of the work that exceeds $30,000, prior to work being accomplished. Bid Opening Information: Bids will be received until 2:00 p.m. on Thursday, November 6, 2008 at the CHARLESTON COUNTY PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION, 861 RIVERLAND DRIVE, CHARLESTON, SC 29412. Contractors who mail bid documents must send bids Return Receipt Requested, and are encouraged to provide mail delivery by 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday, November 5, 2008. Bids will be opened publicly and read aloud after the specified time. All interested persons may attend. Pre-bid Meeting: There will be a mandatory pre-bid conference and site visit for all interested bidders at James Island County Park Vacation Cottages, 871 Riverland Drive, Charleston, SC 29412 on Wednesday, October 1, 2008 at 1:00pm. The dimensions and drawings included in the bid document are for information purposes only. It will be the responsibility of the Contractor to verify measurements and become familiar with the facilities prior to submitting a bid. Contact Person: All Technical Questions pertaining to the bid documents shall be referred to: Mr. Erick Briles, Project Manager, via e-mail at w no later than 2:00pm on Monday, October 13, 2008 and an addendum, if deemed necessary, will be issued no later than Thursday, October 15, 2008. Plan and Specifications Available: Bidding documents may be examined at CHARLESTON COUNTY PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION, 861 Riverland Drive, Charleston, SC 29412. Also in the Dodge Plan Room and the AGC Plan Room. Prime Bidders may obtain documents by contacting, Ms. Penny Westerfelhaus, Administrative Assistant, by calling 843-762-8098 beginning, Monday, September 22, 2008 until the day of the bid opening. Download Available: - No Special Requirements:

ESTATES’ CREDITOR’S NOTICES All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401, before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred.


Estate of:

GEORGE E. COUNTS Attorney for Plaintiff 27 Gamecock Avenue P.O. Box 80399 Charleston, South Carolina 29406 (843) 573-0143

DOD: Pers. Rep: Atty:


CHARLES S. GOLDBERG, ESQ. 61 BROAD ST., CHARLESTON, SC 29401 *************************************************************************

Owner reserves the right to waive any irregularities and to reject any or all bids. PRC also reserves the right to accept the bid as a whole or any items listed under the Scope of Work. No bid may be withdrawn for a period of 60 days after date and time set for opening of bids. Miscellaneous: Contact, Ms. Lynda Abram, Contract Coordinator with the Charleston County Park and Recreation Commission, 843762-8081 for additional information. By: Mr. Tom O’Rourke, Executive Director CHARLESTON COUNTY PARK AND RECREATION COMMISSION

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