Chronicle Nov 19 08

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A Chilling Horror Story about American Racism by Hakim Abdul-Ali The historically hoped for, but hardly imagined, victory of President-elect Barack Obama in November’s national political election did much for the attitudes of many right-minded Americans. Various ethnic and gender communities celebrated wit pride and astonishment. Every nation around the world appeared to be interested in the leader of the so called ‘free world’s” democratic attempt to show the universe that the United States of America was finally living up to its hype as the home of the free and the land of the brave. Sometimes, I wonder. Take for example a recent news story that was in the New York Times’ Sunday edition of November 16, 2008. It was shocking to read, but,

Hakim Abdul-Ali

somehow, it didn’t surprised me that the reality of America’s brutality surfaced so unbelievably quickly—

once again. The story was reported by journalists Christine Hauser and Ann Farmer of “The Times” under the story headline entitled “2 Held in Election Night Beating of Black S. I. Youth.” It was a chilling read to fathom, and I still feel angered by what happened to this young person of color. Reporters Hasuer and Farmer’s account of what happened states that a young 17year old Black teenager named Allie Kamara from Staten Island had watched the election results on November 4 at a friend’s house. Soon after finding out that Senator Obama had won the election, Mr. Kamara said he walked home alone to his house in a section of Staten Island called Stapleton. As he was going home, he said that he was approached by a dark car that pulled up alongside of him on Vanderbilt Avenue. The reporters’ story states that two men jumped

S.C. House of Representatives , District 111

Wendell Gilliard sworn-in, Citing Need to Organize When former Charleston City councilman Wendell Gilliard was sworn in Monday evening on the campus at Trident Technical College, he savored the natural high of the election of President-elect Barack Obama as America’s next president, as a sober moment to mount an ongoing campaign to join with others in organizing the African-American community, as a member of the South Carolina General Assembly from House District 111.

He noted that “Now that the speculation, anticipation, and trepidation have had a couple of days to calm down, the real work begins.” Continuing, Rep. Gilliard said “The struggle really continues; there is work to do for our state and communities. We have entered a new era of struggle! What must we do with a new president in the White House? How can we bring change that will benefit our communities?” Community activist See pg 2

Rep. Wendell Gilliard

Clyburn’s daughter on short list to lead FCC By JAMES ROSEN President Elect Obama out of the car and started to chase him, with two other following shortly thereafter. “They said ‘Obama!’ ” Alle told reporters in the driveway of his home on Pine Place, recalling that the men were carrying (baseball) bats. When the men caught up with him they beat him on the leg and head, he said. Mr. Kamara related, “I was bleeding by my head.” He said that the men wore hooded See pg 6


President-elect Barack Obama forms his new administration, it helps to have a friend — or a father — in Jim Clyburn.

chairman John Spratt, a York Democrat, and Inez See pg 2

The House majority whip’s eldest daughter, Mignon Clyburn, is on the short list to head the Federal C o m m u n i c a t i o n s Commission, which regulates television, radio and, increasingly, the Internet.

Mignon Clyburn

Other Clyburn allies cited as possible Obama administration officials include House Budget Committee

Jim ClyburnHouse Majority Whip




•1111 King St. •Charleston, SC 29403• November 19, 2008 •


Black Businesses Will Rise, Says Obama Economic Advisor

President- Elect Obama By. Hazel Trice Edney NNPA Editor-in-Chief W A S H I N G T O N (NNPA) – Time Warner Chairman Richard “Dick” Parsons, a member of President-elect Barack Obama’s Transition Economic Advisory Board, says Black and other minority-owned businesses, which dominate the rock bottom of the economic crisis will be swept upward as the bailouts and stimulus strategies begin

to work. “We all know it’s the people on the bottom who suffer most. But you’ve got to fix it on a holistic basis. You’ve got to get credit going,” Parsons told a standing room only audience at the Howard University School of Business last week. “No one is unaware of on whom the burden falls the heaviest. That’s just a reality. But, how do you make things better for the people at the bottom? How do you make things tolerable? How do you make things bearable? You’ve got to fix the whole system so that it works top to bottom.” Parsons was responding to a student’s question about how the Obama administration would specifically attend to the woes of “minority businesses” as much of the focus appears to be on bailouts of banks, lenders, major corporations and even the automotive industry. Parsons says the excite-

Dr. Walter Allen, ‘51, to receive Bythewood Award at 139 th Claflin Founders’ Day Convocation Orangeburg, S.C. – Dr. Walter R. Allen Sr., ‘51, the 2008 recipient of the Bythewood Award, has unfailingly devoted himself, through leadership and service, to two lifelong passions: music and inspiring students. A native of Allendale, S.C., Dr. Walter R. Allen Sr. entered Claflin University in 1947 on a music scholarship and earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Music Education. Graduation was followed by two years

Dr. Walter R. Allen, Sr.

in the United States Army, where he was deployed to Korea and played trumpet in the 36 th Army Band. Dr. Allen is a 32 nd Degree Mason, a member of Kappa Alpha Psi Fraternity Inc. and Kappa Kappa Psi National Honorary Band Fraternity, and continues to serve his community. The Bythewood Award was established in 1995 by the Claflin University Board of Trustees in honor of one of its former members, Mr. Thaddeus Kinloch “T.K.” Bythewood. The award recognizes individuals who exemplify Mr. Bythewood’s outstanding and extraordinary contributions to the University and the community. The award is traditionally presented during the Founders’ Day Convocation. This year’s program will be held on Sunday, Nov. 23, at 4 p.m. in the Tullis Arena in the Jonas T. Kennedy Health and Physical Education Center. The public is invited to attend.

ment of an incoming new president will give people the hope and confidence to help jumpstart spending and keep the economy flowing. But the reality is that America’s economic condition at the moment is very bad. “How bad is it? Actually, it’s pretty bad,” he told the audience of Howard business students, professors, and economists. Parsons says the high hopes for the new and historic administration of President Barack Obama after the Jan. 20 inauguration are fearful because people tend to overestimate what he can do single handedly. “One of my big concerns and fears for our incoming president is that the expectations for this guy are so off the charts. People think that he can walk on water,” he said to chuckles in the audience. “You know, he may be able to walk on water, but he’s not going to get this economy turned

around in a nanosecond. There’s no silver bullet. I just hope somehow that we can really get people really grounded in what’s going to have to happen to get us out of this so that their expectations for a President-elect Obama can become somewhat more realistic.” A member of Howard’s board of trustees and former Time Warner chief executive officer who recently led the entertainment corporation out of its own financial woes, Parsons gave the first hints of the strategy that Obama may use to strengthen the failed economy. “The real problem is that virtually most of the growth around the world over the last half a dozen years has been funded through credit,” he said. “Banks jumped off the rail and started lending money to people who didn’t have the jobs or financial strength to otherwise pay the loans back and the

Monique W. Morris chosen as NAACP National Director of Research Today, NAACP President and CEO Benjamin Todd Jealous announced the selection of Monique W. Morris as National Director of Research of the nation's oldest and largest civil rights organization. Morris will direct the development and implementation of the NAACP's national research agenda in education, health, economic empowerment, criminal justice, civic engagement, labor, housing and international affairs. "We look forward to Monique's application of tools that measure and monitor

racial disparities in the NAACP's target policy areas See pg 2

housing crisis started with this spiral downward.” He said the economic rescue must start at the top of the economic chain because without credit, businesses will fail, jobs will be lost and people will not have money to spend. “First, businesses can’t get access to credit. That means they can’t build new plants, can’t replace obsolete or worn out equipment, they can’t innovate as progressively as they were before. That means jobs begin to go away,” he explained. They begin to cut costs – human capital and begin to ask, 'How do we get people off the payroll?''' Then, he said, people “stop spending, don’t have jobs, can’t pay credit cards.” Recently the U. S. House and Senate passed a $700 billion economic bailout largely for Wall Street investment bankers and lending institutions across the nation. “They are not saving these

Richard “Dick” Parsons people because they are their friends,” Parsons said. “You’ve got to save them because they get credit to people and they will get jobs to people who need jobs. So, you have to look at it in a balanced way.” Still, people want immediate relief, he conceded with understanding. “People are hurting. People are losing their jobs. People are scared. What can we do to get this thing jump-startSee pg 2

Meetings for School Redesign Initiative Announced CHARLESTON–The Charleston County School District released the schedule for Phase II of the School Redesign Initiative’s community engagement meetings today. The forums will be held in five different areas around the county: Wednesday, December 10, 2008: (McClellanville) Location: Lincoln High School - Cafeteria Time: 6:30 PM – 8 PM



Thursday, December 11, 2008 – District 4 (North Charleston) Location: Burns Elementary School – Auditorium

Monique W. Morris

See pg 2

Diary of a ‘Down Low’ Brother NNPA W A S H I N G T O N (NNPA) - According to the U. S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Black people, who make up only 13 percent of the U. S. population, account for about half of the people with HIV/AIDS, now a leading cause of death in the Black community. Therefore, the NNPA News Service, in partner-

ship with the CDC’s Heightened Response to the scourge of HIV/AIDS in the Black Community, is publishing the following first person story of the life of a young Black man, who died of AIDS within the past year. In a diary-like account, with his life waning, the writer expressed his hope to save the lives of others by telling the story of his so-called 'down low' lifestyle - a slang term to describe Black men who

hide their bi-sexuality. The story is factual. However, the name of the writer, his church and his choir are withheld and all names mentioned in the story are not real in order to protect the privacy of his family and others. The following is his story in his own words only three weeks before his death: I am laying down on my bed thinking back on my life. I finally have a “pain-

free” day. After finding out that I had full blown See pg 8

The Chronicle

2-November 19, 2008 S.C. House -----------------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 Elder James Johnson, apparently in the same mode, said “I will join with others in a people’s assembly where we can come together and discuss what our agenda should be. We are having so many things thrown at us, there are so many distractions. We have to develop a movement to decide who our leaders are, and what agenda should be developed.” He said that in the city of North Charleston, state and federal funds come into the community based on the population of its Black citizens, “but little of those funds are directed in uplifting our neighborhoods, providing for our seniors, creating jobs in the marketplace, and supporting Black institutions that will bring our people to a sense of community.” He added that is why the people can be proud in coming out to support our new president-elect and the same effort should be shown in electing people to our city and county councils. “While North Charleston councilmemebers are people of character and good will, they are at a disadvantage due to their inability to understand and equate the real issues that come before them, oftentimes persuaded by others on council,” he stated. “We must organize, organize, organize,” declared Rep. Gilliard. He said that every civil rights victory was through organization. “We have this tendency to gather for a strategy meeting and it falls apart because of our lack of respect for one another and varying viewpoints on issues of import,” he said. “I have been a union organizer all my adult years, and while South Carolina is a right-to-work state, they don’t recognize unions. But listen to me, the Charleston firefighters have been organized for years and their views were made clear following the death of nine firefighters in the Super Sofa Store disaster, but they still carried their concerns to the public. In my opinion, it was the union leadership that cranked aside the Charleston tradition of fighting fires, that turned it into a modern-day fire department. “It’s the same with the city’s sanitation workers who have been dogged by a don’t-care attitude of city government, lack of leadership by their own supervisors, and treated as sub-humans in on the the city’s most devilish jobs. They’re underpaid, don’t have credible health protection and safe equipment. Seems like the only way to get the city’s attention is to following the admonition of the late Rev. Willis T. Goodwin, who told the sanitation workers t o “just park your rigs at King & Calhoun,’ and perhaps they will listen to you. Or they will certainly listen to the businesses in the area,” he stated. Rep. Gilliard also said that even though the economy is slipping and the country’s reputation is tainted worldwide, citing Harriet Tubman and Fannie Lou Hamer, he noted that “It has been worse. We don’t have the right to be pessimistic.” Recently, a group of community leaders, activists and “people yearning for a change,” met two weeks ago to strategize, with the certainty that Sen. Barack Obama will become our 44th president.

Clyburn’s daughter ------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 Tenenbaum, a former S.C. public schools superintendent. Clyburn himself has been mentioned as a potential secretary of Housing and Urban Development under Obama. But aides say the Columbia Democrat is not interested in leaving his current job as the No. 3 leader of the House. “I understand she is being recommended to the Obama administration by her colleagues in the field,” Rep. Clyburn said of his daughter Mignon. “To the extent to which I am asked, I will offer my opinions about all South Carolinians that may be under consideration for various positions.”

THE CHRONICLE 1111 King Street Charleston, SC 29403


(843) 723-2785 Fax: (843) 577-6099 Email: [email protected] J. JOHN FRENCH, SR. President - Editor//Publisher NANETTE FRENCH-SMALLS CEO/ADVERTISING VALENTINA SMALLS Operations-Business Mgr./ Comptroller-Advertising SIMONA A. FRENCH ReceptionistTraffic/Photographer Marketing Tolbert Smalls, Jr. Contributing WritersHakim Abdul-Ali Beverly Birch Bob Small DEADLINE: PUBLIC SERVICES FRIDAY PRIOR TO PUBlICATION DATE Member: National Newspaper Publishers, Assoc. South Carolina Press Assoc. Amalgamated Publishers S.C. Chamber of Commerce NO REFUNDS ON SUBSCRIPTIONS Published Wednesday TRI State PrintingNorth Charleston Credo of The Black Press The Black Press believes that America can best lead the world from racial and national antagonism when it accords to every person, regardless of race, creed or color, his or her human and legal rights. Hating no person, fearing no person, the Black Press strives to help every person in the firm belief that all persons are hurt as long as anyone is held back

Mignon Clyburn, 46, is a member of the S.C. Public Service Commission, paid $99,400 a year. The PSC oversees public utilities and transit systems in South Carolina. She is the oldest of Jim and Emily Clyburn’s three daughters. “For the record, I have no comment,” Mignon Clyburn said when asked whether the Obama transition team has contacted her about the FCC post, which pays $158,500 a year. Jim Clyburn, the highestranking African-American in Congress, endorsed Obama in his bruising Democratic primary campaign against U.S. Sen. Hillary Clinton of New York, though his support came after the S.C. primary and later than that of some other Democratic congressional leaders.

'President Obama' Will Be Greeted by a Stack of Problems By. Richard Prince Special to the NNPA from the Afro-American Newspapers “With the economic crisis and two wars being fought, this is not an easy time to be president,” said Cordell Faulk of the University of Virginia’s Center for Politics. “They’re going to have to mold their administration to the times.” Allan Lichtman, a history professor at American University in Washington, D.C., said like great presidents of the past, however, Obama seems suited to the task of navigating the country through its current morass. “He’s very cool, very unruffled; he doesn’t panic and he’s retained his good humor, like Ronald Reagan, and that’s going to be very critical,” Lichtman explained. “Also, he’s been very inspirational and that’s an important quality because it helps bring people along with you and the only way to counter wealthy, special interests is the power of the people. That’s how Teddy Roosevelt countered special interests in his administration.” Still, there are major drawbacks. As a relatively inexperienced executive, Obama will face acute pressure to produce results and to produce them quickly. “He doesn’t have four years to make all the changes that he wants,” Faulk said. “He’s got two years to ensure that the country is confident having a Democratic White House [and] a Democratic Congress. It’s going to make him want to tack a little bit to the center.” Already, the policy priorities have been staked out for Obama and his vice president, Joe Biden. And, given the recent near-trillion-dollar rescue plan for failing Wall Street firms which has ratcheted up the national debt to historic proportions, funds to fulfill campaign promises may prove elusive. “Their plans are very ambitious [but] honestly, they’re going to have to cut back on everything…on tax cuts,” Faulk continued. “It’s hard to see how we can continue with the bailout of Wall Street and with foreign adventures in the Middle East and cut taxes.” What Obama won’t have to

Monique W. Morris -------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 that will assist in guiding our advocacy activities," Jealous said. Morris brings nearly 20 years of professional and volunteer experience as a civil rights, criminal justice, education and social justice advocate to the position. For the last 15 years, Morris has led efforts to examine and respond to racial disparities in the justice system. Her most recent work examines the impact of a criminal record or period of incarceration on the employment outcomes of women. Morris has worked in partnership with government agencies, academic institutions and communities to develop comprehensive approaches and training to eliminate ethnic and gender disparities in the justice system. Her work has resulted in the design and development of improved culturally-competent and genderresponsive services for youth. "I look forward to bringing my passion and expertise to NAACP efforts that focus on dismantling racial injustices and developing informed solutions to support the healthy development our communities," Morris said. The Columbia University alum is the author of Too Beautiful for Words, a coming-of-age story that explores the impact of prostitution in urban communities, various book chapters and other published articles on social and criminal justice issues.

cut back on is Supreme Court appointments, getting one and possibly two during his first term. With affirmative holding on by a fragile 5-4 margin, Obama most likely will replace 88year-old John Paul Stevens with another liberal. The second oldest justice, Ruth Bader Ginsberg, 75, is also a liberal. Replacing either or both would maintain the present mix on the court. However, if McCain had won and replaced Stevens with a conservative, the right-wing would have obtained a clear fivevote majority. Obama’s approach to problem-solving—more “cerebral” compared to Bush’s “from the gut” reaction, Faulk said—and his stance on taxes and other policies, analysts say, answers one demand that an overwhelming number of voters seem to share after the last eight years under President Bush – change. “I think it’s a return to a kind of liberalism that we have not seen since the 1960s, early 1970s,” said Lichtman. “There’s a much greater faith in government, a less militaristic approach to foreign policy and a much more multilateral approach compared to the Bush administration….there’s less of an emphasis on supporting the wealthy.” But even though his policies reflect what Faulk calls a left-of-center point of view, Obama is trying to be pragmatic about it, seeking ways to inject revenue even as he spends, the University of Virginia political scientist said. That approach is evident in the Obama-Biden tax plan, which his Republican opponent, John McCain, condemned as a socialist attempt to redistribute wealth. Roberton Williams, principal research associate with the non-partisan Tax Policy Center at the Urban Institute who analyzed the candidates’ tax plans, said Obama’s plan basically extends Bush’s tax cuts to low- and middle-income citizens and adds others and pays for the lost revenue by increasing taxes on the wealthy, defined as those making more than $250,000 annually. “Any time you are going to be fiscally balanced, you are going to end up with that type of income distribution,” Williams said. “You certainly can’t tax low-income people to help themselves.” Several of Obama’s key tax

policies are refundable credits such as the Making Work Pay Credit of up to $500 per worker; Universal Mortgage Credit, a 10 percent of mortgage interest for non-itemizers up to $800; a revised Child and Dependent Care Tax Credit equal to 50 percent of child care expenses that do not exceed $6,000; a saver's credit that provides a 50 percent match of the first $1,000 of contributions and the American Opportunity Tax Credit— formerly the Hope Credit—a 100 percent refund of the first $4,000 of college expenses. While these plans could effectively address problems facing low- and moderate-income people, Williams said, it would boost debt by $3.5 trillion by 2018. McCain’s would increase the nation’s liability by $5 trillion. “It’s an expensive proposition,” the researcher said. “It’s very progressive, but it does create many fiscal problems.” And, it will do little to solve the current economic crisis if other ways of cutting spending or raising revenues aren’t found, the report concluded. Lichtman, the history professor, said Obama should look to the past for answers: “Obama can take good lessons from Franklin Roosevelt, who came into office during a financial crisis, and that is bold, persistent determination and a willingness to try lots of different things. There is no one silver bullet for this economic problem.” So far, Lichtman has been impressed. “He’s shown tremendous willingness to experiment and change and try to do new things and not just walk down the line in Democratic orthodoxy,” he said. By doing so, Obama, who has already demonstrated a conciliatory approach that welcomes ideas from all sides, may bump heads with his own party. “The Democratic leadership in the House of Representatives may want him to move a little more to the left than he wants to,” Faulk predicts. “But if Congress pushes the country too far left—and for the most part this is a centerright nation—Democrats will pay in 2012.” To boost the economy, Obama has suggested: taxing oil companies’ windfall profits to provide $1,000

Black Businesses -------------------------------------cont. from pg 1 ed…to get the engine going again?” He says the following are a few points that Obama can start to focus on: He said, first he must explain to the American people what happened. “How did we go from prosperity to what seems like the brinks of depression?” I think that if people understand what happened and if their leader would articulate a path forward, that will help them,” Parsons said. “People will have to say, ‘I understand what’s going down’. And that the man has a plan will restore some confidence. That’s a plus.” Then the economy must start going again, he said, pointing to the need for “some kind of stimulus package that has some kind of tax relief for the middle and lower class.” There must also be some kind of infrastructure investment and development that includes roads, rails, bridges, broadband fibers and business needs, he said. “My guess is that you’re going to see people debating how much stimulus and in what direction the stimulus will go,” he said. Among the most recent industries pleading for help is the automotive industry. Parsons said the failure of the automotive industry – which he said affects 15 percent of America’s payroll - could plummet the nation into full-fledged depression. “You can’t let these guys go down. You just can’t let it go down because then you’re talking depression…You could be talking about levels of unemployment exceeding 20 percent and we’ll be under depression-like conditions.” But, credit is key to all, he said. “As soon as the credit stuff is resolved then [people will] start buying cars again.” I think that frankly, the fact that we have a new president, is going to give people a sense of courage and optimism that will help materially. Among the following are some of what Parsons also outlined as “keys to recovery”: • The banks must gain courage to start lending again. • More banks must consolidate. • With consolidation must come more regulation. • Though more than a million housing stocks will crumble, many will be taken over by new housing stock. Recovery will happen, Parsons concludes: “We will get out of this slowly. We didn’t get into it overnight. We won’t get out of it overnight...The good news is not whether we will be able to recover, the question is when and how much pain is going to be experienced in the period between now and the recovery.”

tax reliefs to families; investing $60 billion over 10 years on transportation infrastructure, which is projected to create 2 million new jobs and stimulate about $35 billion per year in new economic activity; eliminating all capital gains taxes on start-up and small businesses; investing $150 billion over 10 years in renewable energy technology, which is expected to create 5 million new jobs; increasing the minimum wage and tying it to inflation; revising lending, foreclosure and bankruptcy laws to ensure people can keep their homes and more. More importantly, Obama would likely invest in research about the causes of the current economic breakdown and seek longterm solutions, said Dianne Pinderhughes, professor of Africana studies and political studies at the University of Notre Dame. “He’s good at consulting researchers, scientists and academia and really listening to their ideas.” It’s a quality seen in his approach to urban renewal as part of his long-term approach to healing the economy. “What is clear is that because Obama understands that metropolitan areas and urban areas are tremendous engines of the country, there is an urban agenda designed to address many of the issues that impact [these areas] because if you impact metropolitan areas you impact the country,” said Obama supporter Mayor Michael Coleman of Columbus, Ohio, in a teleconference with the Black press. It’s an urban agenda that many look forward to. “There are a number of good things in there,” said Ronald Walters, a Black politics expert and professor at the University of Maryland. “He has already said he is setting up a White House Office on Urban Policy. If I were him, I’d get that staffed right away.”

Meetings for ----------cont. from pg 1 Time: 6:30 PM – 8 PM Monday, December 15, 2008 – District 9 (John’s Island, Wadmalaw, Seabrook Island, and Kiawah Island ) Location: St. John’s High School - Auditorium Time: 6:30 PM – 8 PM Tuesday, December 16, 2008 – District 20 (City of Charleston) Location: Burke High School – Auditorium Time: 6:30 PM – 8 PM Wednesday, December 17, 2008 – District 23 (Hollywood, Ravenel, Adams Run, Yonges Island, Edisto Island) Location: Baptist Hill High School – Cafeteria Time: 6:30 PM – 8 PM The meetings—led by Sue Robertson, an experienced education planner and facilitator—will provide the opportunity for parents and community members to give feedback on redesign options being proposed by the district. All comments will be recorded, shared publicly and brought back to the Board when the options are considered in January. At the December 8th Board Meeting, the district will brief the Board on the proposed draft options that will be brought to the community during Phase II meetings. Please call 937-6303 or email HYPERLINK "mailto:[email protected] 2 . s c . u s " [email protected] with any questions or comments.

The Chronicle

November 19, 2008- 3

Clamoring to Get to Inauguration Day? I'd Enjoy it From Home By: Deborah Mathis, During the last episode in which this town was absolutely electrified by the inauguration of a new president, I was at the Mayflower Hotel to get my press credentials for a particular event for the 1993 Clinton inaugural, when I heard a man shouting, “I’m a $25,000 donor; there are

public, they require tickets, stamina and boundless patience. Lines will be thick and long. And annoying. I don’t care how upbeat one is over the wonderful event; standing in a ticket queue or behind a rope line for hours and hours with all manner of humanity pressed against you in hopes that at least one eye will actually land on the

UN: Congolese Troops Raped, Pillaged Villages By: Anita Associated Press


GOMA, Congo (AP) Hundreds of Congolese soldiers rampaged through several villages in eastern Congo, raping women and pillaging homes as they pulled back ahead of a feared rebel advance, the U.N. reported Tuesday. U.N. peacekeeping spokesman Col. Jean-Paul Dietrich said the army troops had reportedly raped civilians near the town of Kanyabayonga in violent attacks that began overnight that lasted into Tuesday morning.

The U.N. Security Council was meeting Tuesday to take up Ban's request.

Kanyabayonga in rebelheld territory, where they expected the need for food was urgent. In normal times, the two towns have a combined population of more than 150,000. But aid workers said they have no idea how many people are there now. At least 250,000 people have been displaced by 10 weeks of fighting between army troops and rebels led by renegade general Laurent Nkunda.

Aid workers were trying to gain access to the towns of Rutshuru and Kiwanja, both 10 miles (16 kilometers) south of

A rebel spokesman said any aid workers who wanted to help civilians trapped on rebel-held territory would be safe.

rape." Ban said about 3,000 more U.N. peacekeeping soldiers and police were urgently needed to bolster the 17,000-strong U.N. force in Congo that has been unable to stop the fighting or halt the rebel advance.

"If there are NGOs who want to come to Rutshuru, they are welcome to come," rebel spokesman Bertrand Bisimwa said. Congo's armed forces are notoriously ill-disciplined soldiers, historically better at looting than standing their ground. In recent days, some have been seen manning checkpoints drunk. Dietrich said the U.N. flew helicopters over the ravaged area Tuesday, carried out foot patrols, and initiated an investigation into the violence with the Congolese army.

Kanyabayonga is 60 miles (100 kilometers) north of the provincial capital, Goma. Dietrich said 700 to 800 Congolese soldiers then fled Kanyabayonga and went on a rampage through several villages to the north.

Prersident elect Barack Obama and wife Michelle going to be tickets in my name!” I turned to see an elegantly dressed black man, 35 to 40-ish, with that wideeyed, somebody-up-inhere-better-recognize look on his face. I had not seen many brothers who can shell out that kind of money for a political candidate – and even fewer who will - so I found myself staring at him for some clue to the source of such hardy disposable income. Lawyer? Doctor? Investment banker? An architect, maybe? Fact is, there were untold numbers of modestly wealthy black people in the country back then and not all were rappers, actors, athletes or at the tip-top of a Fortune 500 company. Across America, black men and women have been plowing the vineyards and, in more cases than we may imagine, many have reaped a fat harvest. They are often referred to, sometimes with derision, as the “black elite,” and they have always been with us, however – and I feel safe in saying this even without the safety net of statistics – the culture has never enjoyed such a saturation of black wealth.

new president of the United States – especially if it’s icy and cold, as it was at Clinton’s second inaugural in 2005 – that will work a nerve. And the inaugural ball? There will be dozens of “official ones.” At most, the beautifully adorned can expect to sweat through their Armanis and Herreras and for their feet to swell as they stand in what feels more like a mosh pit than a gala of any kind, all in anticipation of the president and first lady’s arrival, which will be more like a drive-by – just long enough to wink and wave and dance the first few stanzas of a song. For that, ball-goers will pay hundreds, in addition to the duds and transportation. This is not to discourage those who would make the trip to witness history. But, as a public service, I feel encumbered to advise you to think twice about the cost-benefit ratio. After all, this is not Election Day, when sacrifices of time and effort were necessary. “Laughter is good for the heart”

"They looted vehicles, they looted some houses," Dietrich said by telephone from Kinshasa, the national capital. A rare nighttime gunbattle erupted late Tuesday between rebels and the army just north of Goma, and the U.N. said it was trying to get the warring sides to move further apart. Mortars were also used during the nearly onehour fight near Kibati, Dietrich said. Kibati is six miles (10 kilometers) north of Goma and home to 75,000 people who have been repeatedly forced to flee fighting. "There is a big tension because there are so many people there and it's so close to Goma," Dietrich said. In New York, U.N. Secretary-General Ban Kimoon called Tuesday for an immediate cease-fire so aid workers could urgently help "at least 100,000 refugees" cut off in rebelheld areas north of Goma. "Because of the ongoing fighting, these people have received virtually no assistance. Their situation has grown increasingly desperate," Ban said. The U.N. chief also said he was "very concerned by reports of targeted killings of civilians, looting and

But elite does not automatically mean elitist, and, come Inauguration Week, the nation’s capital is going to be a veritable meeting ground of black men and women – and their children – who are living their lives like it’s golden.

“I chose Trident Technical College because I was looking for a learning environment

Everybody wants to witness the opening chapter of a major piece of history. And who can blame them?

where I would receive oneon-one attention and practical

But, trust me; this scene is not for everyone.


By some projections, as many as 1.5 million visitors may converge on Washington in the days leading up to Barack Obama’s oath-taking on the U.S. Capitol steps. That’s five times the number who came to D.C. for George W. Bush’s first inaugural in 2001.

Latora Hooper Massage Therapy

If the crowd estimates hold true, this city is in for something the likes of which it has never seen. Already overcrowded, the streets, sidewalks and subway system will be bursting beyond their seams. Hotel rooms, sold out even in the hinterlands surrounding D.C., are going for a king’s ransom. According to a local newspaper, some enterprising folks from other places are trying to broker apartment, house or condo swaps with the locals here; that’s how desperate it’s gotten already. Although the key events – the inauguration itself and ensuing procession down Pennsylvania Avenue – are


Apply now. Visit for registration schedule. You must be accepted before registering.


The Chronicle

Who knew? Getting everything together for a turkey dinner doesn’t have to be so complicated. Use the recipes we’ve provided, along with this sequence, to streamline your holiday dinner. Log on to for more recipes and ideas.



A-65949 (G_LG) LHP - 11/20/08

4-November 19, 2008

For an 8–12 lb turkey (6–8 servings), preheat oven, prepare turkey following our recipe (or package instructions); and begin to roast about 3 1/2 hours before you would like to serve.


About forty-five minutes before your turkey is done roasting, prepare green beans, mashed potatoes, or other family-favorite side dishes. Prepare Apple Sage Dressing (recipe included) for baking.



Even with turkey to roast and a party to host, Thanksgiving can be enjoyable.

Publix Baby Cut and Peeled Carrots




A very good source of vitamin A and dietary fiber, carrots are actually members of the parsley family. When you buy baby carrots, all the work is done for you—just add them to your favorite recipe. Or just cook them up and top with a bit of butter and a sprinkling of brown sugar. Give your Thanksgiving a touch of nature’s sweetness, 16-oz bag SURPRISINGLY LOW PRICE

Potato Rolls, 12-Count


We bake our potato rolls fresh daily in the Publix Bakery so they have a delicious, rich flavor and soft, dense texture. Enjoy them just the way they are or warm them in the oven. They’re perfect for your Thanksgiving dinner, 15-oz pkg. SAVE UP TO .50



Whether you add your family’s favorite extras—cooked sausage, cranberries, mushrooms, and more—or serve it hot from the oven just as it is, this side dish is always a star. Made from premium Pepperidge Farm breads and a blend of special seasonings, our stuffing is a gratifying must for your Thanksgiving meal, 14 or 16-oz bag SAVE UP TO 1.38 ON 2

Land O Lakes Sweet Cream Butter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A 00

Apple Sage Dressing


Prep and Cook: 40 minutes (Makes 8 servings)

Salted, Light Salted, or Unsalted, 4-sticks or Salted 8-half sticks, 16-oz box SAVE UP TO 2.98 ON 2

1 lb ground pork sausage with sage 8 oz trinity mix (fresh diced onions, peppers, celery) 1/2 cup dried berry medley (berries and raisins) 1 large Granny Smith apple (rinsed) 1 tablespoon flour 1 (14-oz) can reduced-sodium chicken broth 1 (6-oz) box or 2 cups cornbread stuffing mix cooking spray


Jimmy Dean Sausage Roll . . . . . . . . . . .A 00 Or Fully Cooked or Fresh: Links or Patties, Assorted Varieties, 9.6 to 16-oz pkg. SAVE UP TO .98 ON 2

Swanson Broth . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

1. Preheat oven to 450°F. Preheat large sauté pan on medium-high 2–3 minutes. Crumble sausage into pan (wash hands); stir in trinity mix and berries. Cook 5–7 minutes, stirring often, until meat is browned and vegetables are tender. Meanwhile, peel apple; cut into small pieces.

B Am

Assorted Varieties, 14-oz can Quantity rights reserved. SAVE UP TO 1.09

Ocean Spray Cranberry Sauce . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

B Am

2. Stir flour into sausage mixture; cook 2 minutes, stirring often, until flour is hot and well blended into mixture.

Jellied or Whole Berry, 16-oz can Quantity rights reserved. SAVE UP TO 1.55

Publix Young Turkey



We have a wide variety of sizes of young, broad-breasted, USDA-Inspected, Grade A frozen turkeys so you can choose the one perfect for your gathering. SAVE UP TO .60 LB


2 A4 00

Pepperidge Farm Stuffing


3. Stir in apple, broth, and stuffing mix. Coat 2-quart baking dish with cooking spray; add stuffing mixture. Bake 20–25 minutes or until internal temperature reaches 165°F. Use a meat thermometer to accurately ensure doneness. Let stand 5 minutes before serving.

Cool Whip Whipped Topping . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A 00


Assorted Varieties, 8-oz bowl SAVE UP TO 1.38 ON 2


Publix will be closed Thanksgiving Day, November 27

Carving the turkey is easy with these expert tips. See the complete video of how to prepare and carve your turkey—even make gravy!—at

We’re taking the day off so our associates can spend time with their families and loved ones.




We will be open regular store hours

When your turkey is done, remove it from the oven, cover with foil, and let it sit for 15 –20 minutes before placing on a clean cutting surface.

Separate the drumsticks from the thighs by holding the tip of each drumstick and cutting through the joint where it meets the thighbone.

Hold each drumstick by the tip, resting the larger ends on the cutting board. Slice parallel to the bones until all meat is sliced.

on Wednesday, November 26 and Friday, November 28.

November 19, 2008-5

Remove your turkey from the oven when your meat thermometer—inserted into the thickest part of inner thigh and breast (not touching bone)— reaches 165°F. After you’ve removed your turkey, let it stand 15–20 minutes before carving.

Increase oven temperature to 450°F and bake dressing. Put the final touches on your side dishes and carve the turkey.




A-65949 (G_LG) RHP - 11/20/08

The Chronicle

Remove dressing from oven and use the residual heat in the oven to warm potato rolls for dinner and pie for dessert. Serve.



With help from Publix, your wish for an exceptional holiday can come true. From meal planning to cooking and carving, we promise simple steps for a spectacular feast that everyone will be thankful for—especially the chef.




Simi Chardonnay White Wine

Before the 16th century, celery was used only as a medicinal herb. It is high in vitamin C, but even better, loaded with crispy, crunchy taste, perfect for Thanksgiving appetizers, salads, stuffing, and more. Leave the ribs attached to the stalk until ready to use and wash well before trimming the leaves and base. SAVE UP TO .90

A great wine-and-food combination makes both wine and food taste better. Here’s to a feast with family and friends! 750-ml bot. SAVE UP TO 1.20

One-Pan Turkey,Vegetables, and Gravy 3 medium parsnips (rinsed) 5 medium carrots (rinsed) 4 celery ribs (rinsed) 2 large onions (rinsed) 2 bay leaves



Gourmet Apple Raisin Walnut Pie



No need to peel apples, chop walnuts, or roll dough. Just head to the Publix Bakery and make this stunning sweet one of your favorite Thanksgiving traditions. Enjoy the delicious taste of fresh Ida Red apples cooked with sweet raisins and walnuts from California in a full-top and bottom piecrust made with unbleached flour, 43-oz size SAVE UP TO 1.20

Prep and Cook: 3 1/2 hours (Makes 8 servings)

1 teaspoon kosher salt, divided 4 oz unsalted butter (1 stick) 1/2 cup flour 2 (14-oz) cans reduced-sodium chicken broth

1 (12-lb) turkey (thawed, following package instructions) 1 teaspoon poultry seasoning 1/2 teaspoon pepper aluminum foil

4. When turkey is golden brown, cover loosely with foil. Roast 1 more hour or just until internal temperature reaches 165°F. Use a meat thermometer to accurately ensure doneness. (Ovens and size of turkeys vary; adjust time, as much as 30 minutes, as needed. Refer to packaging to determine time for larger turkey.) Transfer turkey to carving board; let stand 15–20 minutes before carving. Transfer vegetables to serving dish; remove and discard bay leaves (cover to keep warm).

1. Preheat oven to 325°F. Peel parsnips and carrots. Cut parsnips, carrots, and celery into 1-inch-long pieces. Remove ends and peel skin from onions; cut both into quarters. Place vegetables, bay leaves, and 1/2 teaspoon of the salt into turkey roasting pan. 2. Place butter in microwave-safe bowl; cover and microwave on HIGH 30 seconds or until melted. Whisk in flour and 1 can of the chicken broth until blended. Pour into pan over vegetables. Place wire roasting rack in pan over vegetables.

5. Thin the reserved gravy in the roasting pan, if needed, by heating the remaining chicken broth (up to 1 can) in microwave or on stovetop. Gradually whisk heated broth into gravy until desired consistency. Transfer gravy to serving dish. Carve turkey and serve.

3. Remove turkey from packaging (remove giblets and neck for another use). Sprinkle turkey evenly with poultry seasoning, pepper, and remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt. Place on roasting rack, breast side up; (wash hands). Roast turkey about 2 hours.

All recipes: Publix Apron’s ® Simple Meals


Three easy ways to buy.

s Stop by your neighborhood Publix s Call us at 1-800-830-8159 s Buy gift cards online at

Not a second to spare? Pick up Thanksgiving dinner at the Publix Deli.

Publix Deli Turkey Dinner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


The centerpiece of the traditional holiday feast is succulent, fully cooked turkey. It comes with delicious dressing, mashed potatoes, rich turkey gravy and cranberry orange relish. Our side dishes simply require baking before serving. Turkey must be heated, per instructions prior to serving. 10–12 lb, serves 7–10 SURPRISINGLY LOW PRICE


Select locations only.




p u b l i x . c o m / a d s

Make a deep horizontal cut into the breast meat just above the wing.

From the outer top edge of each breast, continue to slice from the top down to the horizontal cut made during the previous step. Repeat steps 4 – 5 on the other side.

Remove wings by cutting through the joints where the wing bones and backbone meet.

Prices effective Wednesday, November 19 through Wednesday, November 26, 2008. Only in Berkeley, Charleston, Dorchester, Lexington and Richland Counties. Quantity rights reserved.

The Chronicle

6- November 19, 2008

As I See It

Hakim Abdul-Ali

by Jim French

Thanksgiving Watch It began this Thanksgiving week with the two tiny head snapping youngsters, seemingly oblivious to those around them as a rhythm played a private concert in their heads at the corner of King and Romney Streets. Their lips moved as if reading sign languages, these neatly-dressed students from James Simons Elementary School turning it on at their own party. I had been thinking about a Thanksgiving column all week. Should I stop and reflect, at this time, to give thanks to those who have made our lives richer just by being there? Or should I write about those among us who have achieved upward mobility and have become apologist for racism at our expense? But as I watched the toy couple, moving on their private carousel, I realized this was a beautiful afternoon in my town. It was contrived but simple. From a wood-frame house on Romney St., there came the faint sound of Tupac Shakur as people moved along the street two-by-two. Further up King St., in King’s Plaza I paused to get a 6pack to chase down the pizza. Then, as I was leaving CVS, I noticed the mood of the people. Even those with work-drained bodies smiled as they waited for the new CARTA buses, laden with fixin's for Thanksgiving,while young students pranced along the sidewalk in all their innocence. Resting between a weather-beaten house on Simons St. was an elderly gent with a rummy’s face, gloriously creased and puckered, inflamed as though he was fighting a hangover, which he was. There was in the brother’s look all the kindness and the weakness of the goodnatured drunk, a kind of uncle a lot of us knew, who came on Thanksgiving, half-loaded but burdened with fruits and food, slightly embarrassed by his generosity and a little ashamed of his shakiness. I don’t recall seeing a brother like that in a long time. They all seem to appear around the start of the holiday season. I stopped at Meeting Street Piggly Wiggly to pick up dinner at the deli for a late worker at the office, and already preparations were being readied for Christmas while turkeys waited in refrigerated cases waiting to fatten bellies for a Thanksgiving yet to arrive. There were turkeys, chickens, hams, buckets of chitterlings as if in a parade, and there was fish and shrimps and then I saw the boy’s eyes. He was about six, shabby and disheveled, all by himself, gazing at the prizes he seldom shared and feasting on what others take for granted. “Look at that,” he said, meaning all of it. “Look at that.” He addressed no one but himself and he was an attentive audience, moving along the meat counter, his eyes reaching for what he would never get, appearing to understand that, too. In the parking lot outside the store there appeared to be the sound of music. It isn’t possible for me to forget Thanksgivings ago when Rev. Fred D. Dawson marched in downtown Charleston to protest the firing of a young mother whose only sin was asking for more hours to work. This grand man, this true friend of humanity, like so many of our fallen heroes, are too soon forgotten and relegated to the dank pages of history, deeds forgotten. And as cynical as I know how to be, no one will ever convince me that Charlestonians will turn the humanity of Rev. Dawson into a forgotten remembrance as we approach Thanksgiving and all its meanings. I will never believe that. The idea for the column dropped from my thoughts. Two children tagged behind their mother as she headed for the bus stop loaded with groceries. She had a smile on her lips and hummed a tune I couldn’t make out and I was elated. I thought I’m a lucky guy to be here at this time. I remember too vividly the boys in Vietnam being massacred, the people in The Congo, stolid in a resolve for freedom, humble in their patience. I felt a twinge of guilt because I know how fortunate I am to be here at another Thanksgiving. I guess my thankfulness is based on my contention and belief that we live in better times than our foreparents. It hasn’t been that long ago when Blacks in this village could not stay in downtown hotels, eat in restaurants or try on clothing along King St. and beyond. There were no Blacks in city council and only a few wore the uniform of policemen, and now, in 2008, the new police administration building is named to honor the services of a retired Top Cop, Reuben Greenberg. Could be that I’m happy for today because I am aware that in a society so complex and confused, one must be thankful for each day that we can enjoy the simple and really important joys of life: feeling, touching, hearing, seeing, loving and giving thanks to The Almighty watching over us. Could be on this Thanksgiving Eve, I am like so many others, pleased that African Americans are finally awakening. I am thankful that progress is being made fighting the diseases which ravage mankind. Remembering my salad days in Kansas where snow piled up like mashed potatoes, there was always a lot of gambling by the poor to get up turkey money for Thanksgiving. anyone serving the usual fare of neck bones, fish, chicken or spaghetti was the sign of a poor provider. The family that didn’t have a turkey was ostracized. In my neighborhood the politicians gave away baskets containing the ingredients for a family turkey dinner. But a pool shark friend of mine believed these baskets humiliated the poor. So he gave them discreet handouts of money. The women would collect the money for it would be too risky to give a drinking man money for a turkey while the joints were still open. Those are beautiful remembrances of my youth and now I’m in another place, another time and for many who walk these mean-streets, this Thanksgiving will be celebrated with complacency and bleakness. Those who wish for turkey, ham and the trimmings, will settle for last night’s leftovers. Poor people cannot but remember the human suffering and causes of it, and ask themselves again and again what is it that they have done and have left undone which produced the miseries that prolong it. Yet, we have much to be thankful for because life itself is good, truth will triumph, and hope in the bosom of us all, continues to surge against all odds. Thanksgiving is a form of hope and joy that will lead us to acknowledge and appraise our advantages as we work for better days in God’s paradise, and a Black president will remind us of that star in the East that bespeaks of hope for all humankind. As Lowell said, “Truth forever on the scaffold, wrong forever on the throne, yet that scaffold sways the future and behind the dim unknown, standeth God within the shadow, keeping watch above His own. Mercy.

A Chilling Story About American Racism cont. from pg 1 sweatshirts but that he could see the men who had attacked him were White individuals.They continued to hit him, he said, until another appeared. Then he left. The attackers made no other comments besides the initial shouting of the president-elect’s name. The police said, as the story elaborated, on Saturday (November 15) that two 18-year old White men were arrested on Friday (November 12) for the vicious beating. The White men , Ralph Nicoletti, of 35 Wadsworth Avenue, and Bryan Garaventa, of 169 Maryland Avenue, face charges of hate-crime assault and criminal possession of a weapon, according to the police. A witness came forth and aided the police in identifying the two suspects. The horror of the attacks says much about the state of America’s legacy of hidden bigotry and open racism, especially in light of the election of Senator Obama as this country’s next president, and the victim from Staten Island’s memories of his cowardly attacks. Mr. Kamara said he jumped over a fence and hid in a backyard, where he called his mother, who called an ambulance. “I couldn’t move,” he said. “I was dizzy.”He was taken to Richmond University Medical center, where he was treated and released. Sadly, Mr. Kamara needed four staples to close the wounds in his scalp. The alleged attackers, Nicollet and Garaventa, were expected to be arraigned on Sunday (November 16) on Staten Island, said William Smith, a spokesman for the district attorney, Daniel M. Donovan Jr. As I read this story about this criminal incident all that I could think about was that this unfortunate episode is another example of “A Chilling Horror of American Racism.” This time it takes a backstage to the monumental election of America’s soon-to-be 44th president. The story of Alle Kamara’s attack appeared on page 33 of “The Times,” and it may not have even been widely published in other news venues. I never saw or heard about it on the television, so I don’t how many “colored” folks in the bald eagle’s domain are aware of it, or even care about what happen to this innocent young Black youth, whose only crime was that he was easily obviously identified as a person of color to his attackers. It was a terrible thing to have happened to this innocent victim, but America is what it is to some in continuing bigoted degrees, and that’s the scary, frightening reality of “hidden racism.” It’s a big problem of ignorance that envelopes the mind-sets of some unfortunate sick minded souls, with different sinister agendas, to their own detriments and leads to criminal self-destruction and national shame. America is a potentially great nation, and, in spite of its legacy of “his-storical” racism and bigotry, it could and can (possibly) lead the world in showing the entire globe that we, as Americans, are a collected salad bowl of all kinds of fair-minded “colored” people who abhor attacks of open racism and overt prejudice. I want to believe in that concept as I’m sure that every sane-minded “hueman” being in this country from South Dakota to New Hampshire would and, hopefully, does. I’m commenting about this story because I would like you to remember that if you’re of color, the “next” innocent victim of American bigotry could me you, or me. From skin color to religious bigotry, I’ve tasted a little bit of prejudice in every format that you could imagine. So have countless others That’s life living in the world of racism and reality. It can consume anyone just like it could consume me. I choose not to do it, nor let it though, because there have been too many wonderful experiences in my sorted world of existences that have led to sincerely believing that most people are inherently peaceful and loving. I’ve been shown that by touching examples of kindness and respect extended to me by numerous Americans of different shades of political differences, various “hues” of ethnicities and sorted religious traditions who’ve made feel me that we’re all Americans and children of God. That is a sobering thought that makes me know that the ignorance of bigotry is not absorbed in the faiths, beliefs and practices of and by all “colored” folks in our country that lays claim to being “the” place where freedom is the shining star of equality for all (?). I’d like to see that inert reality in full color, and not in the lyrics of a spirited song or the limiting, mere words written on a piece of legal paper that proclaims something that it can’t ensure. I hope that we as Americans of all ethnicities and religious leanings learn to respect and honor the fact that God Alone is the Creator Alone of life and death. Life is precious and we must understand that attacks like that which happened to young Alle Kamara doesn’t fit in the present (and new) American political landscape of mutual respect and collaboratively working together. Staten Island and the rest of America has a lot work to do in order to ensure that “all” people of colors and faiths can be who they are and can be. From cities like San Francisco to Boston and from Dallas to Charleston, for example, we all must ensure that crime against Alle Kamara are addressed and targeted because they are “Chilling Horrors of American Racism” that we will not tolerate anymore. In the arena of a “new” changing America to come, let’s (now) build a better world for “all” Americans and the rest of the world to experience. I believe that we can do it, and by way please don’t forget the terrible incident that occurred in Staten Island. It should serve as a reminder and a call for justice, and that’s, “As I See It.”.


Who Asked Me? by Beverly Gadson-Birch

Fashion Trends Are Not For Everyone Ladies, can we talk? I don’t know how you feel about the latest floral fashions but I have had enough. It’s been in stores for the last five years and frankly speaking it is time that the fashion industry comes up with more age appropriate clothes for the more mature lady. Judging by the bright floral fabrics, I am inclined to believe that they are manufactured overseas by billion yard bolts. They are everywhere. Even the little children’s clothes are made out of the same paisley fabrics. Paisley and geometric designs may look good on children and sofas but does absolutely nothing for the mature, full figured woman. It doesn’t matter where you shop. It’s the same from New York to California. Those paisley and geometric stretched fabrics are really an insult to my body. My body is already stretched to the limit; so, why would I want to stretch anything floral over it. Some of that stuff if you aren’t careful someone might mistake you for a sofa. If you find yourself spending more time shopping than house cleaning, then you know there is a problem. A typical shopping day for me consumes at least five to six hours and takes me from West Ashley to East Cooper to North Charleston. And if that fails, I am off to Hilton Head or Myrtle Beach for that special occasion attire. Some folks close to me call me a shopaholic. Is that something like an alcoholic? It has little to do with being a shopaholic but about being conservative and shopping within a conservative budget. Trendy ladies can shop in seconds but it takes more time and effort for conservative ladies. It really is a drawn out process. You search through racks of clothing until the right outfit catches your eyes. Then you swear up and down that’s me. After hours of searching, you finally find a conservative outfit only to discover that the skirt is about the length of a bib. The jacket is fine but the skirt is a definite “no, no”. So, you end up buying the suit for the jacket and tossing the skirt in the Goodwill bag for a tax write off. How many of you know that short skirts aren’t for everyone? I am sure even the fellas will agree with me on this one. I don’t make it a habit checking out ladies legs but short skirts just brings out the worst in legs. While growing up, I had some pretty skinny legs like Twiggy. Y’all remember Twiggy from the comic books? She was the industry’s standard of how we were supposed to look. The skinny test was you stand sideways in a mirror and if you were more than two inches from front to back, you were too fat. If you weren’t Twiggy thin, you did not get the modeling jobs. There was no such thing as full figured models. As we age, it becomes increasingly more difficult to find fashions that accentuate the figure whether it is the slim and trim or the plump and fat. Every woman has some positive attributes that she wants to show off. That does not include cellulite thighs and rows of fat at the waist line that we more affectionately call “love handles”. If you don’t plan to diet and exercise to reduce those areas, then wear clothes that are less revealing. You can stretch fabric but so far. I had a barber one time who told me my skirt must have been made out of some good material. For a moment, I thought he was paying me a compliment until my sister giggled. So, I said what’s the problem? Then my barber asserted that the material had to be to hold all of that together. Well, the message was clear. I was expecting too much out of my skirt. We have become a nation of trendy fat folks. The fashion industry has set such low standards. They know if they make it, someone will buy it. Young girls are exposing too much of their bodies too early. They are sending mixed signals out to older men who lurk in the shadows waiting to catch them alone. I am no expert on age or place appropriate attire. However, the older ladies had it right when I was coming along. They saved their Sunday go to meeting attire for church. Work clothes were worn to, yes you guessed it, work. Some work clothes are just not proper attire for church. What’s up with those pierced navels and crop tops that expose the bellies? If you just have to show of your tattoos and piercings, save it for the club. It’s not church, job or in some cases age appropriate. The fashion industry has over killed the paisley fashions. They have massed produced floral prints in green, brown, blue, yellow and red. They are everywhere from discount stores to high priced ladies boutique. Ladies, are you spending more time shopping than on housework? Are those paisley dresses making you sick? Are you seeing those paisley dresses in your sleep? Then don’t despair, get a scissors and cut them up. The industry caters more to young ladies because the market is youth driven. Although those dollars are spent by the more mature ladies on their children and grandchildren, the market registers those dollars as if spent by young folks. We spend more on children trendy wear and as long as we do so, the industry will continue to mass produce what sells. Have you seen the fall fashions? I hope to see more conservative attire on store racks this fall so I can spend less time in stores and more time cleaning the house. I am sure you won’t get any argument from hubby on this one.

The Chronicle

November 19, 2008-7

Appeals Court Clears Way for Rep. Jefferson Trial By: Zinie Chen Sampson, Associated Press RICHMOND, Va. - A federal appeals court upheld bribery and other charges against Louisiana Democratic U.S. Rep. William Jefferson on Wednesday, clearing the way for a trial. Jefferson, who cruised to victory in a primary last week and is expected to easily win re-election, had sought to dismiss a 16count indictment charging him with taking bribes, laundering money and misusing his congressional office for business dealings in Africa. A three-judge panel of the 4th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals rejected Jefferson's claims that a federal grand jury received evidence that violated his constitutional right to legislative immunity. Jefferson's attorneys argued that three staffers should not have been allowed to tell the grand jury about Jefferson's relationships with African leaders and his knowledge about West African nations because those activities were part of his legislative duties. Jefferson could further delay a trial by appealing to the U.S. Supreme Court. A telephone message was left Wednesday with his attorney, Robert P. Trout. Prosecutors contend Jefferson used his influence as chairman of the congressional Africa Investment and Trade Caucus to broker deals in Nigeria, Ghana, Cameroon and other African nations on behalf of those who bribed him. The 2007 indictment alleges that Jefferson received more than $500,000 in bribes and demanded millions more between 2000 and 2005, including $90,000 he received from an FBI informant that was later found in the freezer of his Washington home. He has pleaded not guilty. U.S. District Judge T.S. Ellis III had refused to dismiss the indictment, saying Jefferson was trying to apply the legislative immunity clause so broadly that it would be virtually impossible to charge a congressman with a crime. Ellis "accorded Congressman Jefferson every substantive and procedural protection to which he was entitled," the appeals court judges wrote.

Rep. William Jefferson Jefferson's trial had been scheduled to begin in December, but has been postponed. If convicted of all charges, he faces up to 235 years in prison. Meanwhile, Jefferson, 61, Louisiana's first black congressman since Reconstruction, faces a Dec. 6 election against little-known Republican, Anh "Joseph" Cao in his

New Orleans-based district. The district's election was pushed back because of Hurricane Gustav. Last week, he easily won a Democratic primary runoff against a former television reporter who argued that the scandal had obliterated the influence Jefferson built during 18 years in Congress.

President-Elect Obama’s Gift That Kept on Giving By. A. Peter Bailey NNPA Columnist Reality Check It is appropriate to begin by congratulating now President-Elect Barack Obama for presiding over a near-flawless Democratic primary campaign against Sen. Hillary Clinton and an equally near-flawless campaign against Sen. John McCain. Students of politics should study it closely for guidance on how to run a early 21st Century political campaign. Especially informative, fascinating and revealing was the masterful, audacious way that the Obama campaign and its supporters intimidated the Clintons with exaggerated accusations of racism during the pivotal South Carolina primary election. It was a striking example of hardball politics at its most effective essence. In January 2008, I told friends and colleagues of my position that if the Democrats nominated either Sen. Clinton or Sen. Obama as their presidential candidate, they would basically be conceding the 2008 election to the Republicans. That position was totally invalidated by the humongous economic meltdown in September 2008, less than two months before the election. Without that meltdown I

continue to believe that White middle income and working class members of the American electorate would have, as they had done for generations, voted based on their individual and group racial prejudices rather than on their economic interests. That so many of them didn’t do so in 2008 is a clear reflection of just how truly incompetent the Bush administration really is. Its incompetence is so flagrant that it drove many Whites, most of whom would probably still move out of any neighborhood into which too many Black folks moved, to take a deep breath hold their noses and vote for a person of color. According to a survey by a University of Michigan professor on what Whites consider the proper level of integration, the magic number is 15 percent.

Platinum R&B Artist Avant Going the Extra Mile Newly signed to Capitol Records and ready to deliver his 5th and most personalalbum, the self titled AVANT, set for release December 9th. Interviewer: Avant welcome to Charleston, all the way from Cleveland, Ohio how you doing brother? Avant: Hey what’s going on man I appreciate you having me. I’m doing real good, feeling blessed, glad to be back on the grind doing what I love to do. Interviewer: All I’ve been hearing about over the airwaves is the life changing experience that you had visiting some of our U.S. Troops, could you tell us about that experience? Avant: Yeah man I really had a life-changing experience when I visited some U.S. troops in Iraq and Kuwait. I was able to perform for the soldiers and they were very receptive and glad to see me perform for them, just to be able to give those guys something that they usually don’t get to see while they are away fighting for our country, Interviewer: Man, I bet it was quite a different environment than what we are used to. Avant: Man I’m telling you it was hot over there, at night it was hot! We actually touched down in Kuwait and it was 100 degrees at 5:00 in the morning. I got to see the real military life over there seeing bunker holes and the trenches. Our troops really deserve a lot of respect. Interviewer: That’s whatsup man, glad to hear that. Let’s get into this album. I actually heard you perform your first single for this album listening to the Steve Harvey Morning Show when you did a live performance. Could you tell us about that lead single? Avant: Ah yeah the name of that single is “When it Hurts”. Basically this song is really a plea about the true meaning of unconditional love, which was produced by the Anonymous

Entertainment team of Eric Dawkins and Tony Dixon (Fantasia). Interviewer: Okay, I feel you. I know you’ve been through some things just listening to your alubms over the years. What are some of your favorite tracks from the Album? Avant: I really don’t have any favorite tracks in particular.I do have this track, it’s called “French Pedicure”, it’s basically talking about a woman’s toes you know what I’m saying, I got another track called “Break Your Back” you know in a good way. I know my fans can use their imagination with that one! I’m just trying to give the people what they want on this album. Interviewer: Yeah that’s what we need man. What would you say people will be able to use this album for in real life? Avant: Well besides entertainment, it is based off some real life experiences that not only I’ve been through, a lot of people in general have been through. It will show you how I’ve been able to deal with some of my relationship problems and it can definitely guide you and tell you what you need to do in yours. I try to keep it real with my fans and let them see more than one side of me because I’m human just like them. Interviewer: Ain’t nothing wrong with that, I’m sure the ladies and fellas will appreciate that. Who did you get to work with on the Album? Avant: I got to work with Snoop Dogg on the Album, Trackmasters (LL Cool J), The Architects (Missy Elliott) and some other artists and producers that I was glad to work with. We really made some good music for this album. Right now I’m on tour with Dream, we just recently did a show in Raliegh, NC and we are having a good time with it. Interviewer: How has the transition been moving to

Avant Capitol Records from Geffen? Avant: Actually the transition has been great. My time at Geffen was good and really I appreciate what they did for me. Now I’m with Capitol and I’m getting a great opportunity to work with some really good people, and it has been positive for me so far so I’m ready to get work and start making some good music. Interviewer: That’s good to hear Avant, I’m glad you are doing well. What are you doing outside of music right now? Avant: Right now I’m really focused on promoting my new album right now, doing tours and shows, interviews, making sure that I do what I need to do to be successful right now. I got a new number that my fans can call me on so I can keep in touch with them, it’s called Say Now and the number is 216-5036875. I like for my fans to be able to personally call me and tell me how you feel. Interviewer: That’s whatsup Avant, it’s good to hear artist like you doing positive things in our communities as much as we get ridiculed in the media everyday, you are a role model for a lot of people. Thank you for your time and good luck with your new Album that will drop in December. Avant: Thanks for having me it’s been good talking with you, take care brother. Barack Obama in 2008!

By the way, contrary to the spin that mortgage payment defaults by middle income and working class home renters (one is not a home owner until the mortgage is paid in full) is the main cause of the economic meltdown doesn’t pass the smell test. What about the enormous costs of the wars of choice in Iraq and Afghanistan? For the past five years billions upon billions of dollars are being spent monthly on these seemingly endless military ventures.

ADVERTISEMENT On or about Monday 17 November 2008, plans and specifications for SPA Main Office, Installation of 5 Liebert Challenger Units and Removal of Two Existing Liebert Units, 176 Concord Street, State Pier # 2, Charleston, South Carolina. will be available for distribution to qualified contractors by the South Carolina State Ports Authority. A Mandatory pre-bid will be held on Wednesday, December 3, 2008, at 10:00 a.m. at the Main Office Building 341, 176 Concord Street, Charleston, South Carolina. Contractors must attend Pre-Bid to be qualified to Bid on the above project. Bids will be received at the Maintenance Department, Building 160, Columbus Street Terminal, 838 Morrison Drive, Charleston, South Carolina until 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, December 16, 2008, at which time there will be a public opening of bids at the Port of Charleston Operation Center Office, Building 160, Columbus Street Terminal. The work consists of Installation of Five New Liebert 5-ton Challenger Units Owner supplied in computer room and server room, reworking of electrical controls and refrigerant lines, and all miscellaneous items to insure proper installation, and any items that are specified in specification or drawings. Work also includes the removal of Two Liebert one-10 ton and one 7 ? ton units this include all electrical work and controls. Contractor will be responsible for disassembly, removal and disposal of both units. Requests for Contract Documents from parties interested in bidding on this work should be filed promptly with the Maintenance Department, South Carolina State Ports Authority. Cost for Contract Documents, Plans and Specifications are $25.00 per set. Make check payable to South Carolina State Ports Authority. Edward W. Piggott, Project Manager, Telephone Number (843) 577-8703 or (843) 577-8660, Fax (843) 577-8690. South Carolina State Ports Authorities consultant engineering service Owens & Associates Inc. Bidding materials will be forwarded as soon as possible. One hundred percent (100%) labor and material bond and one hundred percent (100%) performance bond will be required. The bidder shall have a current’s bidder’s license and contractor’s license for the state of South Carolina The South Carolina State Ports Authority reserves the right to reject any or all bids or to accept any bid if considered best for its interest.





The Chronicle

8- November 19, 2008

---------------------------------------Diary of a ‘Down Low’ Brother cont. from pg 1

AIDS, I have finally come to grips with my impending demise. The doctors told me that I have maybe a year to 18 months. I am now nine months into my sentence. Man, I remember the days that I was pain-free, let alone AIDS free. Yea, I was that 16- year-old, bright-eyed, friendly teenager who had recently discovered my singing voice was liked by people other than me. My then buddy Mark hooked me up with an audition for the choir. Oh, that choir – an award-winning, world renowned recording gospel choir. My girlfriend broke up with me because I joined that choir. She told me that the choir was full of “faggots and dikes” and that I do not need to be around those folks. Yea, I admit that some of the women acted more masculine than the men, and vice-versa. But that choir could sing and they wanted me to be a part. I remember it like it was earlier today, Camille and I were sitting on her porch. She was crying and begging me not to join that choir. I tried to explain to her that I was man enough to not be influenced by anybody. As long as I had her and as long as I was the one that she always loved, there would be nothing or no one that tore us apart. She and I were both virgins when we met in middle school. I remember the day we surrendered our gift to each other. It was after the late night skate after church. When I took her home, no one was home so I came in to watch a little television. We started kissing and could not stop. Before we knew it, clothes were off, and we surrendered to each other right there on the couch. I left with some guilt, but the guilt was washed away by the fact that she was not pregnant. I never saw a girl so happy that she got her period in my life. We repented before God and vowed to not do it ever again. We kept our prom-

ise until she broke up with me after I joined that choir. I did not have much time to try to get back with her. I was leaving with the choir on a 10- city tour the next morning. We were doing concerts in Boston, Brooklyn, Philly, Richmond, Charlotte, Savannah, Atlanta, Birmingham, Memphis, then ended up in Nashville. I got to know many of my fellow choir members a whole lot better on that tour. I got high for the first time. I passed out for the first time. I was exposed to group sex for the first time, with other men. I never dreamed that it would be so easy to go back on what I said that I would never do. I guess that it was the pressure of fitting in. I mean, they all accepted me and they thought I was one of the best tenors on the choir. My first time was with the director. After that, I and he became very close. I guess you can say that we became lovers. He always told me that just because I had sex with a man, I did not have to act like a woman. He made it easy for me to keep our relationship secret. After a while, the secrecy became a large part of the lure. Camille never called me again. That made it easy for me to keep on returning to my new found love. He saw that I was getting too attached. So he said that we should chill for a while and maybe [I should be] with other people at times. I did not want to do it. But when I saw him in a restaurant one day with another new tenor, I decided that I was just as flexible as he was. This started me on the path to discovering that there were some really willing participants just waiting for me. I was even more surprised at how many were still involved in church; singing on the choir, playing, ushering, even preaching. I became an official member of the club. Yea, Pastor would say that “faggots and dikes” were going to Hell, but his son was still on the organ every

Sunday after clubbing with me and others Friday and Saturday nights. Yea we had some good times too. We were all able to put on acts. We even took out ladies every now and then, just to keep down suspicions. It was funny how we would double date, and wind up over one another’s house for the night. Our excuse was that we always wanted to stay “Holy”. Yea, I felt guilty, but after a while, the guilt was short term. I further justified my actions by vowing to only be with men that went to church. I never frequented the usual spots where the “sinners” hung out, other than the clubs. If I went to the club, I was always with my kind of folk. One day, I ran into the choir director. After I decided to not be mad at him anymore, we went out a few times. Nothing ever happened. That is until I went to pick him up at his condo and he invited me in. Needless to say, we got back together, until he moved away to LA. We stayed in touch, but that distance thing didn’t cut it for me. I continued hanging out with my usual friends until one day, one of them passed away suddenly from what they called a severe respiratory infection. I guess that caused fear to begin to ring aloud in our group. I had heard about AIDS. I always felt that I was only with clean people. Right after the holidays, I started having bouts with severe diarrhea. It got so bad that I became dehydrated. My friends came over and took me to the hospital. I will never forget the day I got the news. All my friends went home for the evening. The doctor came in with a somber look. As I laid there with my trusted IV, he asked me did I know that I was HIV positive. I must have cried for two hours straight. I cried until I had no tears left. My tears soon turned into a rant: “If only I had listened to Camille and not joined that choir!”

I woke up at about six the next morning. I was being discharged about noon. I thought about killing myself. But I knew from Pastor’s preaching that that may land me into hell directly. I did not know what I was going to do. One of my friends called me to come pick me up. I told him that I was all right and had already called a cab. Back at my apartment, I lay on my bed and cried myself to sleep. Hopelessness was only deadened by crying myself to sleep. After about three days of this, I decided to pull it together. I had a good job. I had a little money saved. I figured that I better find out how to make the best of the rest of my life. I turned on the television and tuned in to one of my favorite preachers. That particular broadcast changed my life. He was preaching about the love of GOD. The line that kept resounding in my head was, “God’s love never excuses or winks at wrong. God’s love never convicts without remedy. God’s love is consistent.” I was always thinking that my singing and serving somehow gave me a pass for my other issues. After all, many people were inspired, cried and danced when I sang. I felt that because I moved a lot of people that somehow that would score points with God. I can honestly say that that night was the first time that I ever knew the love of God. That night, I truly got saved. Maybe it was the fear of dying. Maybe it was desperation. Whatever it was, I, for the first time, came to know the love of God. This is my story. I am getting a little tired now. I left out a lot of details. Living that lifestyle has a many things that needs just stay personal. Needless to say, I will take some things to my grave. I just hope that someday somebody in the Church will make the love of God available to my friends. Some have died already. I wonder if they got it right with God. Well, if they did, I will soon see them. If not, I hope that my story will help somebody miss their fate.

Attention All Young, Upcoming, and Progressive Minded Individuals The Royal Foundation and The Fort Dorchester High School African-American Studies Club Presents

A Charleston Premier Event Power Luncheon And Business Networking Seminar Come hear Powerful Testimonies Get Insider Tips and Tools of Your Trade To Become Successful NETWORK, NETWORK, NETWORK with area Top Professionals in the media, law enforcement, global issues, health and beauty, technology, entrepreneurship, business, finance, politics, medicine, community organizing, and more….. Date: Saturday November 22, 2008 Location: Fort Dorchester High School, 8500 Patriot Blvd, North Charleston, SC 29420 Time: 9:00am- 2:00pm Developed specifically for those age 18--mid thirties ***Free Lunch Provided; however, You Must Register in Advance by November 18th-- 843-801-2211.



Lowcountry Connection


November 19, 2008


Rice Says ‘Children of Color’ are Worst Hit by Failing Schools As far as women’s prospects for making future breakthroughs in male-dominated fields, Rice said, “It’s going to take our young girls growing up seeing themselves as being capable in math and science, and engineering

by Marisela Santana In striking remarks at conference for women, outgoing secretary of state says unequal opportunity has become the nation’s “most pressing national security issue.” LONG BEACH — In a Wednesday afternoon appearance before an annual gathering of powerful women, Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice said the failing American education system has become “the most pressing national security issue in this country right now.” Rice, the highest-ranking African-American in government and the first Black woman to hold the post, made the remarks at The Women’s Conference, a yearly event organized by California First Lady Maria Shriver. Taking the Long Beach Convention Center stage to resounding applause from the nearly 15,000 in attendance, the statement by Rice — who previously served as President Bush’s national security advisor and was once the chief academic and budget officer at Stanford University — was particularly striking in light of her deep involvement in a global conflict against terrorism and the central role she plays in helping to oversee lengthy wars in both Iraq and Afghanistan. “The state of education, in K-12, in this country is a national security issue,” she said during a discussion moderated by CNN host Campbell Brown. “And frankly, [it is worse] for underprivileged kids and children of color. I have long been in education, and it breaks my heart … to know that a [future] president of the United States could be sitting in one of these public schools that are basically warehousing. That makes me very sad. As secretary of state, that terrifies me.” She later added that the U.S. is unique in the belief that “you can be born in a log cabin and still be president. But the only thing that makes that true is equal access to education … for everybody. If we can-

and technology.” Young women today, she said, should “not let somebody else define what you want to be and who you are because you come from a certain background. My advice is, do what you love and forget the rest of it.”

Rice, who will leave government when Bush exits office in January, said she will likely return to California next year and write books. More importantly, she said, she wants to take a role in fixing education in the state.

Calling all String Instrument Players Condoleezza Rice not educate our young people, then we cannot be competitive. And if we can’t be competitive in this world, then we are going to turn inward.” As one of the day’s many presenters at an event entitled “Women as Architects of Change,” Rice, dressed in a fashionable dark suit and her trademark string of pearls, spoke candidly about her upbringing in the segregated south (“There had never been any White students in my classes until we moved to Denver when I was in the 10th grade”) and the part she plays as a role model for young women across the world. Asked whether she believes that a glass ceiling still exists for women striving to achieve, Rice responded, “Of course it does … but it’s getting much, much thinner.” In remarks introducing the secretary of state, Shriver called Rice “a role model, and a trailblazer for women everywhere.” Rice accepted the compliment, but later cautioned women against becoming overly reliant on seeing others come before them in high-ranking positions in business and politics. “If we are constantly looking for role models who look like you, then there won’t be any firsts,” she said. “Sally Ride would not have been the first woman astronaut had she been looking for a woman to follow. And so, I try to tell my students, because I am still

a professor [at Stanford], that ‘Yes it’s important to seek mentors and role models, who look like you … but don’t limit it to that.’ It’s OK to be first.”

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Burke High School Centennial Celebration If you attended Burke High School, C. A. Brown High, The High School of Charleston, Rivers High, Rhett Middle, Immaculate Conception School, or Avery Institute and you play violin, viola, cello or string bass, please contact [email protected] to express your interest in participating in a string ensemble that will be a part of the

Burke High School Centennial Celebration in 2010 Come join us for a great program. We are starting now to have ample time for preparation. Out-of-towners are invited to participate. Please provide you name, contact information by phone, cell, and e-mail and indicate the instrument and skill level.

The Chronicle

2b-November 19, 2008

CHURCH - SOCIAL FRIENDSHIP M I S S I O N A R Y BAPTIST CHURCHSunday School - 10:00 AMSunday Service -11:00 AM Thursday Night Bible Study and Prayer Service- 6:00 PMThe church is located at 75 America Street, Charleston, South Carolina We are the church where Christians are at work! The Honorable L.B. FyallPublicity Committee Reverend Leroy Fyall – Pastor

WALLINGFORD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Invites You To COME, SHARE and FELLOWSHIP with The Seniors Activities Bible Study, Physical Fitness, Arts & Craft Projects, Health Education, Enrichment Programs, Speakers, Community Resources, Trips, Recreation, Nutritional Lunch and lots more fun . . .When: Every Thursday, Where: 705 King Street, Time: 11:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. Cost: NO CHARGE~~FREE, (843) 723-9929

LIFE CHANGING MINISTRIES - Please come and join us for Bible Study on Saturday at 3:30 pm. Sunday Services is 11:00a.m. Minister Rose Washington, Associate Pastor Rev. Glenn Scott, Pastor

Wesley United Methodist Church Johns Island,

United Methodist Women Group presents A Women In Red Program and March Sunday, December 7, 2008 at 5:00 p.m Rev. Josephine Richardson of Payne RUME Church James Island, SC will be the speaker

Greater St. John A.M.E Church Johns Island, SC presents its annual Thanksgiving revival

Tuesday, November 25th - Friday, November 28,2008 • 7:30 nightly. Guest evangelist Pastor Floyd Knowlin of Georgetown, SC. You don't want to miss this Thanksgiving Revival. It's Harvest Time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Rev. Otis Scott, Jr., Pastor Sis. Bettye Legare, President All proceeds will benefit our Mission Ministry

Prices Good 11/19/08 thru 12/02/08. Stores Open Until 3:00 pm Thanksgiving Day.

Brother James Summersett, Musician Rev. Marvin Pasley, Pastor

FREE Mortgage and Foreclosure Clinic A free Mortgage Default and Foreclosure Clinic, for people behind in their mortgage payments or who are facing foreclosure, is at 6 p.m. Tuesday, December 9 and Tuesday, December 23 at the Sea Island Conference and Training Center at 178 Sams Point Road on Ladys Island. The Beaufort County Black Chamber of Commerce is partnering with the South Carolina Foreclosure Task Force to address the default and foreclosure issue in this area. The Homeownership Resource Center, a division of Family Services Inc., headquartered in Charleston, received a grant from NeighborWorks America to partner with agencies throughout South Carolina to address the high number of foreclosures in the state. NeighborWorks America is a Congressionally Chartered organization which receives its? funding from Congress using tax payer money. A clinic will be held every second and fourth Tuesday. Registration is required. Details: 888-320-0350 ID # 201. Clinics can be provided in Spanish.

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Plymouth Congregational United Church of Christ 124 Spring Street, Sunday, November 23, 2008 @ 4:30 P.M. Theme: “For we Walk by Faith, Not by Sight” Rev. Kathy R. Nelson, Pastor Rev. James R. Field, Pastor Emeritus Deacon Delores T. Wainwright, Chairperson Deacon Edward A. Smalls, Jr., Co-Chair Program Coordinator: Ms. Edna M. Brown

The Chronicle

Supermodel Beverly Johnson Speaks Out To Help Women

(NAPSI)-Beverly Johnson, the first African-American model to grace the cover of Vogue magazine, is speaking out to help women seek treatment for a common and often painful condition: uterine fibroids. Although up to 75 percent of all women in the U.S. are affected by uterine fibroids, noncancerous tumors that grow in or on the walls of the uterus, many women remain uninformed about this condition and wait up to a year before finding treatment, often despite heavy bleeding, pain, weight gain and other symptoms.

Beverly Johnson

Johnson is sharing her story to ensure that other women not only avoid silent suffering, but actively speak with other women and their health care provider about suitable treatment options. Women can read Johnson's story and learn more about uterine fibroids and their treatment at

that best fits their lifestyle and symptom profile," said John Lipman, M.D., FSIR, and director of interventional radiology at Emory-Adventist Hospital near Atlanta. In addition to hysterectomy, there are a variety of nonsurgical and uterine-sparing treatment options available today."

"When I was diagnosed with uterine fibroids, I didn't know a lot about the condition, and as a result I suffered for a long time, both physically and emotionally," said Johnson. "Ask 4 Tell 4 is about educating women about the condition so they will not be embarrassed to talk about their symptoms or be afraid to discuss treatment options with their doctors." "Women seeking relief from uterine fibroids should ask their doctor to discuss a variety of treatment options so they can select the procedure

November 19, 2008- 3b

Prevent Heartburn By Chewing Slower which increases your risk of developing esophageal cancer.

these questions and information about a variety of treatment options. Additionally, women can join Johnson's cause by sharing the information with four or more of their friends or family members through an instant e-mail message sent from the Web site. "I hope that women across the country will join me in breaking the silence about uterine fibroids. I'm sharing my story so that others will be more confident and empowered to speak up," added Johnson. Beverly Johnson is empowering women to make informed treatment decisions for uterine fibroids through her Ask 4 Tell 4 campaign.

cate to your brain that it’s full. Time yourself, just to see how long it takes you to eat an average meal.

But experts have found a simple way to prevent GERD in the first place: Eat more slowly. Researchers at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston fed 690-calorie meals to 10 healthy volunteers, instructing them to finish the meal in either five or 30 minutes on alternating days. Participants were monitored for two hours after finishing their meals. Those who took 30 minutes to eat experienced fewer episodes of acid reflux or GERD compared to subject who finished eating in five minutes.

( -- I know whenever I get heartburn, it feels like I am having a heart attack. Heartburn may feel like your heart is on fire, but what’s “burning” is actually your esophagus. Acid reflux, or gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), occurs when the stomach acids enter the esophagus, causing pain and burning sensations. Left untreated, GERD can lead to serious medical consequences, including narrowing of the esophagus, bleeding, or even a condition called Barrett’s esophagus,

Try to take a full 20-30 minutes (you might have to build up to this slowly) to finish your food. If you are experiencing heartburn or discomfort after meals on a regular basis, see your doctor, before GERD causes irreversible damage. By Candace Hall, BDO Staff Writer

What you can do Most people need to work on slowing down many areas of their lives, and mealtime is a perfect place to start. Besides aiding your digestion, eating your meals slowly can help your waistline too, by giving your stomach a chance to communi-

One such treatment is uterine fibroid embolization (UFE), a nonsurgical procedure that usually takes less than one hour. An interventional radiologist inserts a catheter through a tiny nick in the skin to deliver microspheres (sandsized particles) that block the blood supply to the fibroids, causing them to shrink. While a hysterectomy may require a six-to-eight-week recovery period, UFE patients typically return to work and can resume normal activities within one week. Johnson's new Web site,, features the four questions she thinks all women should ask themselves and their health care provider about uterine fibroids, whether they currently have them or not. The site also includes the answers to

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4b-November 19, 2008

The Chronicle

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George Herbert Roper, Kurline White, Gracie Roper Grant, and Carolyn Gibbs, Plaintiffs, The Estate of Isiah Roper, The Estate of Maggie Roper, The Estate of Sadie Roper, The Estate of Hutchinson Roper, The Estate Idella Roper, The Estate of Melvin Roper, The Estate of James Roper, The Estate of Alla Mae Roper, The Estate of Emily Roper Gibbs, The Estate of Arthur Gibbs, Arthur Gibbs, Jr., Henry Gibbs, Ronald Lee Gibbs, Bernard Gibbs, George Herbert Roper, Kurline Roper White, Gracie Roper Grant, The Estate of Herman Roper, Margaret Roper, J Doe adults and M Roe infants, insane persons, incompetents being fictious names designating a class of persons known or unknown who may be heirs, distributees, devisees, legatees, widow, widower, assignees executor, administrators, creditors, successor, issue and alieness of the Estate of Isiah Roper and Maggie Roper, and all other persons known or unknown claiming any right, title, Estate, interest in or lien upon the real property described in the complaint, adverse to the Plaintiff’s ownership, or any claim on Plaintiff’s title, Defendants. _______________________ IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS NINTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT CASE NO.: 07-CP-10-4227 SUMMONS AS A NOTICE OF THE COMPLAINT TO THE ABOVE NAMED DEFENDANTS: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED and required to answer the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer to the said Complaint on the Plaintiff, or on Plaintiff’s attorney, Brian G. Burke, at his office, 113 Wappoo Creek Drive, Charleston, South Carolina 29412, within thirty (30) days after service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service, and if you fail to answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint and a judgment by default may be rendered against you. PLEASE TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that the Summons and Complaint in this action were filed on June 17, 2008, at the Charleston County Courthouse, 100 Broad Street, Charleston, South Carolina.

Martin Law Firm s/Brian G. Burke_____ Brian G. Burke Martin Law Firm 113 Wappoo Creek Drive Charleston, SC 29412 843-762-2121 843-762-2333 fax



Plaintiff, v. RANEISHA MITCHELL, Defendant. IN THE INTEREST OF: XAVIAR DAVEON LLOYD, a minor child under the age of Eleven (11). TO THE DEFENDANTS ABOVE NAMED: YOU ARE HEREBY SUMMONED AND REQUIRED to Answer the Complaint in this action, a copy of which is herewith served upon you, and to serve a copy of your Answer thereto on the subscriber, Charlie L. Whirl, Esquire, at his office, 2112 Commander Road, North Charleston, South Carolina 29405, within thirty (30) days after the date of service upon you, exclusive of the day of such service; and if you fail to Answer the Complaint within the time aforesaid, the Plaintiff in this action will apply to the Court for the relief demanded in the Complaint and judgment by default may be entered against you. YOU ARE HEREBY GIVEN NOTICE FURTHER that if you fail to appear and defend and filed to answer the Complaint as required by this Summons within thirty (30) days after the service hereof, exclusive of the day of such service, judgment by default will be entered against you or the relief demanded in the Complaint. PLEASE TAKE NOTICE: The Summons and Complaint in the above-entitled action were filed in the Office of the Clerk of Court, Charleston County Family Court, Charleston, South Carolina on September 26, 2008. The Final Hearing date for the Adoption is scheduled for December 19, 2008 at 9:30 a.m. on the second floor, 100 Broad Street, Charleston County Judicial Center, Family Court, Charleston, South Carolina. CHARLIE L. WHIRL 2112 Commander Rd. Charleston, SC 29405 (843) 566-9705-Office Attorney for Plaintiff

Take A Bite Out Of Tooth Decay (NAPSI)-A lifetime of healthy smiles starts early, before your child gets his or her first tooth. To help people learn more about oral health issues affecting them and their children, MetLife, which administers dental benefits for over 21 million people, has created an online Oral Health Library at The MetLife Oral Health Library has articles, risk assessments and answers to frequently asked questions such as the following: Q. At what age should I first take my child to the dentist? A. The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry and the American Dental Association recommend that a child's first visit to the dental office should occur no later than his or her first birthday. Q. Is it necessary for me to clean or brush my infant's teeth? A. Yes. Parents should wipe an infant's gums and teeth after each feeding, using a clean, moist cloth or baby toothbrush. Q. What is "Baby Bottle Tooth Decay"? A. According to the National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research, Baby Bottle Tooth Decay, also known as "early childhood caries," is caused by prolonged contact with almost any liquid other than plain water. Sucking on a bottle filled with liquids that have sugar in them can cause tooth decay. To help prevent this condition, never routinely put your child to bed with a bottle containing sweetened liquids, do

not use the bottle as a pacifier and do not dip pacifiers in sweetened liquids, honey or sugar. Q. What is fluoride and does my child need fluoride treatments? A. Fluoride is a substance used to prevent or reverse the early signs of tooth decay. Research has shown that fluoride makes the tooth structure stronger so teeth are more resistant to acid attacks, which can break down the tooth structure and cause caries (decay). According to the American Dental Association, the use of fluoride-containing dental products by children under age six should be carefully monitored as ingestion of higher than recommended levels of fluoride by children has been associated with an increased risk of dental fluorosis, which is associated with abnormal enamel development. Q. What are sealants and should my child have them? A. Sealants are substances used in the prevention of tooth decay. It has been shown to be a very effective method to prevent cavities on the biting surface of teeth. Sealants are particularly important for children who have a high risk for decay. To learn more about oral health issues, visit For personalized oral health information, please speak to your dentist. You can help prevent tooth decay by brushing twice a day with fluoride toothpaste and cleaning between your teeth daily with floss.

ESTATES’ CREDITOR’S NOTICES All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401 before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication on his Notice to Creditors or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred. Estate of:

MOLLIE T. SMITH 2008-ES-10-1004 DOD: 8/22/07 Pers. Rep: MICHAEL L. SMITH 1852 CHESSHIRE DR. CHARLESTON, SC 29412 ************************************************************************** ESTATE of: BENNIE E. POWELL 2008-ES-10-1011 DOD: 10/15/06 Pers. Rep: ARTHURINE RIVERS 117 BELLPOINT LN. DANIEL ISLAND, SC 29492 *************************************************************************

ESTATES’ CREDITOR’S NOTICES All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401, before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred.

Charleston, South Carolina

Coburg Dairy Diesel Mechanic needed. Experience in diesel and gas engine repair, knowledge of A/C and D/C electrical circuits and certification in air breaks is helpful. HS diploma or GED required. Excellent company benefits and competitive salary. Qualified candidates should call (843) 745-5500 ext. 233. EOE M/F/V/D DFWP

Driver- Owner Operators & ESTATES’ CREDITOR’S NOTICES All persons having claims against the following estates are required to deliver or mail their claims to the Personal Representative indicated below and also file subject claims on Form #371PC with Irv Condon, Probate Judge of Charleston County, 84 Broad Street, Charleston, S.C. 29401, before the expiration of 8 months after the date of the first publication of this Notice to Creditors, or else thereafter such claims shall be and are forever barred. Estate of:


KING DAVID GRAHAM 2008-ES-10-1456 DOD: 09/04/08 Pers. Rep: EDNA K. GRAHAM 2144 MIDLAND PARK RD., NORTH CHARLESTON, SC 29406 Atty: EDUARDO K. CURRY, ESQ. PO BOX 42270, NORTH CHARLESTON, SC 29423 *************************************************************************

Estate of:

THADDAUES S. JONES, SR. 2008-ES-10-1462 DOD: 10/31/01 Pers. Rep: SARAH M. JONES 2716 LEOLA ST., NORTH CHARLESTON SC 29405 Atty: DANIEL E. MARTIN, JR., ESQ. 61 MORRIS ST., CHARLESTON, SC 29403 *********************************************************************** Estate of: BENJAMIN M. CRAWFORD 2008-ES-10-1490DOD: 09/10/08 Pers. Rep: ADDIE D. CRAWFORD 1204 MAIN RD., JOHNS ISLAND, SC 29455 Pers. Rep: BERNARD CRAWFORD, JR. 4004 PROSPERITY RD., JOHNS ISLAND, SC 29455 Atty: DANIEL E. MARTIN, JR., ESQ. 61 MORRIS ST., CHARLESTON, SC 29403 ************************************************************************** Estate of: ANNIE VIOLA AMAKER 2008-ES-10-1497 DOD: 09/03/08 Pers. Rep: JULIUS F. AMAKER, MD 307 SOUTH FRANKLIN DR., FLORENCE, SC 29501 Atty: GEORGE E. COUNTS, ESQ. PO BOX 80399, CHARLESTON, SC 29416 ************************************************************************** Estate of: RUTH ANN R. PAYNE 2008-ES-10-1498 DOD: 02/15/08 Pers. Rep: BEVERLY A. SMALLS 1544 SEACROFT RD., CHARLESTON, SC 29412 ************************************************************************** Estate of: JAMES STEPHEN MELVIN, JR. 2008-ES-10-0643 DOD: 02/04/08 Pers. Rep: JERALDINE MELVIN HEYWARD 5820 N. MURRAY DR., HANAHAN, SC 29410 Atty: BEN F. MACK, ESQ. 110 N. MAIN ST., SUMMERVILLE, SC 29483 **************************************************************************

November 19, 2008-5b

The Chronicle

Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders will be received from qualified b--__idders,properly licensed under will be received from qualified licensed under the wil will be received from qualified bidders Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under- from qualified bidders, will be received from Advanced Medicine licensed under the properly under the will be be received from qualified bidders,properly licensed under will be received from qualified licensed under the wil will be received from eceived from qualified bidders, dvanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the properly licensed under the Package for the MUSC Center for Advanced Medicine will be received from qualified bidders, properly licensed under the will be received from qualified bidders will qualified biddersackage for licensed


Michael Vick Expecting NFL Return Following Prison sentence and a year of probation. He is scheduled to appear in Surry County Circuit Court on Nov. 25.

Special to the NNPA from the St. Louis American (NNPA) - It appears that Former NFL star Michael Vick has no doubts that he will return to the field upon his release from prison. His bankruptcy attorneys have laid out a plan to pay creditors based in part on his anticipated earnings as a player. ''The Debtor has every reason to believe that upon his release, he will be reinstated into the NFL, resume his career and be able to earn a substantial living,'' Vick's attorneys wrote in a disclosure statement filed before a hearing Thursday in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Norfolk. The former Atlanta Falcons star is serving a 23month sentence in a federal penitentiary for bankrolling a dogfighting ring in rural Virginia and is scheduled to be released on July 20. Once the NFL's highestpaid player, Vick has assets of $16 million and liabilities of $20.4 million, according to the court filing in which attorneys

Information from the Associated Press contributed to this report.

Michael Vick wrote in extraordinary detail about Vick's dizzying financial mess -- listing a fleet of vehicles, properties, businesses and the extended family he supported. A Vick attorney said a committee representing all his debtors has proposed a plan to pay off his debt. A judge scheduled a hearing for mid-December on the appointment of a trustee, which Vick's attorneys oppose. Vick still faces two state felony counts - dogfighting and animal cruelty. They carry maximum prison terms of 10 years, but under a plea deal, Vick would serve a suspended

Oldest Private HBCU in the Nation Cuts Jobs By: Associated Press WILBERFORCE, Ohio - The nation's oldest private, historically black university is cutting jobs and reducing salaries to close a $2.8 million budget shortfall. Wilberforce University interim president Patricia Hardaway says private donations, revenue from the university endowment and tuition have all been hurt by the deteriorating economy. Hardaway says the school in Wilberforce, Ohio, will cut six to eight staff positions and make $850,000 in salary cuts. Wilberforce is also asking employees who have not previously paid into their insurance fund to contribute a small amount. The university has about 800 students. Its total annual operating budget was $15.6 million before the cuts

When Turned Down For A Business Loan, Turn To A Business Grant Columbus, OH -- If you've applied for a business loan in the last six months, its a strong possibility that you were denied - even if you have good credit. This is because the current economic times have forced banks to be super cautious towards all loan applicants, even if you appear to be responsible. This is even worse news for minorities who have always found it difficult to obtain business and personal loans from financial institutions. In this regard, many have turned to business grants as a solution. In 2008 alone, $360 billion dollars in grant money was awarded and more than 25% of that was given to individuals who wanted to start or expand a business. Though many grant programs have been eliminated or reduced by corporations and government agencies, there are still plenty of opportunities available. For instance, business grants continue to be awarded from the Small Business Administration, the Department of Commerce, the U.S. Agency for International Development, the U.S. Business and Cooperative Programs, and many more. Even companies such as Miller Brewing Company, Ford Motors, and others are offering business grants through various competitions and contests. The National Institute of Business Grants ( w w w . B u s i n e s s is encouraging entrepreneurs and small business owners to not give up in their efforts to seek financial support, but just to redirect their search towards business grants.


WHERE TO GET HELP, ADVICE Programs that help veterans start small businesses: VetFran

National Motor Club of America has been in business since 1956. We are currently offering part and full time business opportunities. For more information please contact 800-417-6360 Ext 8063

Patriot Express Pilot Loan Initiative Veterans Business Outreach Program ovbd/OVBD_VBOP.html National Veteran-Owned Business Association Center for Veterans Enterprise Veterans Corporation

African-American Students Say Interning Is Key To Finding Job (NAPSM)-There are more than 2 million AfricanAmerican college students in the U.S., according to numbers from the U.S. Census Bureau. While many of them may wonder what the future holds after graduation, a number of those students have already found out. They've started college internships-a step that both employers and statistics show can help them land and keep a job, long after leaving school. In fact, nearly one-third of all entry-level hires at the companies on BusinessWeek's "Best Places To Launch A Career" list once worked as interns for their employer. And if the term "internship" brings to mind days spent filing and making copies, think again. Groups such as INROADS-a non-profit organization that matches talented people of color with high-profile internships-now provide yearround coaching and train-

Part-time Faculty

Air Conditioning/Refrigeration Mechanics Developmental Math Electrical Line Worker Program Coordinator Industrial Maintenance Mechanics Program Coordinator Librarian Nursing Physics/Astronomy

Aircraft Maintenance Technology Animation Anthropology Biological Sciences CNC Machining Cosmetology Criminal Justice Economics Electrical Facility Maintenance

English Esthetics Graphic Design Industrial Mechanics Information Systems Marketing Multimedia and Web Site Design Music Nail Technology Nursing Paralegal Photography

The goal is to provide leadership training experiences that make participants valuable-and sought-afteremployees upon college graduation. The INROADS process has helped more than 38,000 young men and women develop professional skills and competencies to be successful in careers in business and industry. Camryn Prevost, a senior at Southern University A&M, majoring in mechanical engineering, is one of them. Three years ago, Prevost began interning at UTC/Pratt and Whitney Rocketdyne, a company that designs and develops rockets. The company has offered him a full-time position after graduation. "I realized that the company needed an intern to do substantial work as part of the Systems Engineering Integration Team for a new program," says Prevost. "So I exercised the performance skills I

Ask Gwen Thanksgiving Dinner Only for My Children This Year! NNPA Ask Gwendolyn Baines Dear Gwendolyn: Last night I had a most disturbing call from my sister. She called to inform me of her anger that I am only having Thanksgiving Dinner for myself and my children. Growing up, my parents would have a huge Thanksgiving and Christmas celebration. There would be kin folks coming from everywhere – from old to babies. However, I tried to explain to my sister that this year I only want to celebrate with my children. There is a reason for my decision. I raised my children alone while my sister has had three husbands who provided for her a good living financially. Yet, she has nothing. Her children had the best of everything. However, they grew up with no goals and ambition. In fact, they are on drugs and her son just got out of jail for robbery and attempted murder. Both of my children, a son and a daughter, are good children. My daughter is scheduled to graduate from college in May and has been accepted into law school. My son has an interest to become a medical doctor. . My sister has always been jealous of me. She thinks it is wrong that I don’t want her son and two girls to mix with my children.

For detailed information, visit or call 843.574.6201.

Full-time Faculty

ing to their participants.

Plumbing Sociology Spanish Theater Welding

Full-time Staff

Engineer/Associate Engineer II Information Resources Consultant I


Gwendolyn, what do you think? Gladys Dear Gladys: I commend you for taking a stand against your sister. People tend to think just because you are kin, you should be close to the

had developed in my INROADS training sessions and they allowed me to make a smooth transition from the classroom to the workforce." Other companies working with INROADS' interns include such heavy industry hitters as PwC, MetLife, Pfizer and Target. Interns matched up with top companies even earned a paid summer salary as they learned the workings of the corporate world. For more information, visit

point you become as they are. To mix your children with your sister’s children would 99 percent end in tragedy. Instead of your daughter becoming a lawyer, she would become a drug addict as her cousins. And your son instead of becoming a medical doctor would 99 percent find himself behind bars with his cousin. They would rob as a team. Gladys, you are doing right and I know it hurts, but your decision is a must. Prepare your turkey with all the trimmings and enjoy your children. You are not alone as there are many in your situation. Let me tell you this: Families try so hard to hold on to ‘family bond,’ but often that cannot be done. Think about it. Sometimes you have no choice except to love family - from a distance.

NOTICE INVITING STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS The Charleston County Aviation Authority (CCAA) is requesting Statement of Qualifications from interested Prime Contractors for the Fuel Farm Expansion & Rehabilitation Project at Charleston International Airport as further outlined in this notice. Written Statements Will Be Received up to the hour of 2:00 p.m. on December 18, 2008. All such statements shall be addressed to: Susan M. Stevens, A.A.E. Director of Airports Charleston County Aviation Authority 5500 International Boulevard, #101 Charleston, South Carolina 29418 and clearly marked: STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS FOR FUEL FARM EXPANSION & REHABILITATION PROJECT CHARLESTON INTERNATIONAL AIRPORT (Advertisement No. 2008-12-CHS) Statement of Qualifications Submittal Packages may be obtained by contacting the Authority at the above address or by calling 843-767-7000, Any questions and/or comments concerning this request for Statements of Qualifications shall be directed in writing to Susan M. Stevens, A.A.E., Director of Airports, at the above address. CCAA will not be responsible for any oral instructions with regard to this Notice. A Pre-Submittal Conference Will Be Held at 2:00 p.m. on Tuesday, December 2, 2008 at the offices of the Charleston County Aviation Authority, Second Floor.

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