Christianity In Southeast Asia - Anderson

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SOUTHEAST ASIA T h e boundarier shown on thir map do not implsr official endorsement or accaptance by the United Nation..







An Annotated Bibliography of Selected References in W e s t e r n Languages


Published by

The Missionary R e s e a r c h L i b r a r y 3041 BROADWAY, NEW YORK, NEW YORK 10027 and

Yale University, Southeast Asia Studies NEW HAVEN, CONNECTICUT 06511

1966 Price: $3.00




Herbert C . Jackson





Gerald H. Anderson






..........................................................................v i i i


I. I1. 111. IV . V.




Bibliographies .......................................................................... 1 Atlases ................................................................................ 2 Periodicals ............................................................................. 3 General History and Historiography ....................................................... 5 Christianity in the Area ................................................................. 6 6 A . General Reference Works ............................................................ B . History and Survey of Missions ...................................................... 7 C . Miscellaneous Works ............................................................... 10



.................................................................................. .....................................................................................













28 33














Foreword Throughout the world there is a remarkable development of interest in serious study of the history and life of the churches in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The immediate stumblingblock encountered, however, is that for most areas no bibliographies have been compiled and published, so the researcher is left without much knowledge of what and where the resources for such study are. Consequently, this bibliography on Christianity in Southeast Asia is a major contribution to the world of Christian scholarship. The Wssionary Research Library is glad to publish it, in conjunction with Yale University Southeast Asia Studies, and to make it available at production cost. The Drector of the Missionary Research Library wishes to express deep appreciation to Doctor Gerald H. Anderson, Professor of Church Hlstory and Ecumenics, Union Theological Seminary, Manila, Philippines, for his assiduous, accurate and scholarly labors in the compilation and editing of this excellent select bihliography. He also wishes to express appreciation to each of the several scholars who provided the basic material for each of the geographical sections. Special recognition is made of the assistance and cooperation of the Yale University Southeast Asia Studies program, and of Professor Karl J. Pelzer and Professor Harry J. Benda, Director and Associate Director respectively. W e express our gratitude to Mr. ~ i r Nosek, i Chairman of the Publications Board of the United Nations, for permission to reproduce herein United Nations Map No. 1032.

Finally, the Director wishes to express appreciation to Miss Janet McCutcheon, Bibliographer and Reference Assistant, and to the several other members of the staff of the Missionary Research Library who assisted in one way or another in the preparation of this manuscript for publication. HERBERT C. JACKSON, DIRECTOR

New York City May 1966

P. S. The Director wishes to express great appreciation to the Board of the Foundation for Theological Education in Southeast Asia, and to the Foundation's Executive Director, Dr. John R Fleming, for a grant toward the publication costs of this bibliography. H. C. J.

Acknowledgments The accomplishment of this project would hardly have ' k e n possible without the counsel, cooperation and contributions from a number of colleagues in various parts of the world. I a m especially indebted to Dr. Herbert C. Jackson, Director of the hlissionary Research Library, for his encouragement and assistance throughout the project. Yale University Southeast Asia Studies provided a grant to help underwrite the editorial expenses of preparing the manuscript, and Dr. Karl J. Pelzer and Dr. Harry J. Uenda a t Yale gave helpful counsel on several occasions. Dr. Raymond P. hlorris, librarian a t Yale University Divinity School gave careful attention to the preliminary draft of the manuscript and provided valuable research assistance during my visits to Yale University. Two members of the Missionary Research Library staff were especially helpful: kIr. Paul A. Eyrnes in proofreading the foreign language materials, and Miss Janet McCutcheon in preparing the index. Miss Mary Gabitanan, my secretary a t Union Theological Seminary in the Philippines, prepared the stencils for mimeographing a preliminary draft. The preliminary draft was prepared by the following contributors, to whom major credit must be given for the respective sections: General - - the editor. Ceylon -- G. Basil Jackson, The Theological College of Lanka, Pilimatalawa. Ceylon. Burma - - William W i m , Burma Divinity School, Insein, Burma. Thailand


Margaretta B. Wells, Church of Christ in Thailand, Bangkok.

Cambodia, Laos, Vietnam - - Lothar Schreiner, Nommensen University, Pematang Siantar, Sumatra, Indonesia. Malaysia, Singapore, Brunei - - Alan Herron, Trinity TheologicalCollege, Singapore. Indonesia, Papua, Australian New Guinea - - Ido H. Enklaar, University of Groningen, Netherlands. Philippines - - Peter G. Gowing, College of Theology, Silliman University, Dumaguete, Philippines; and the editor. Taiwan - - Lai En-tse, Tainan Theological College, Tainan, Taiwan; Cheng Lien-ming, Taiwan Theological College, Taipei; and A. J. Poppen, Tainan Theological College, Tainan. The preliminary draft was then revised by the editor with the benefit of critical comments and suggestions k o m the original contributors and the following consultants: Wilhelm Andersen R. Pierce Beaver C R Boxer Alan Brash Paul-Gerhardt Buttler D. D Chelliah Ivy Chou Clayton H Chu Ban It Chui Paul D Clasper Harold R Cook Frank L. Cooley James S. Cummins

William J Danker John R Fleming Charles W. Forman H -W Gensichen J Harry Haines Donn V. Hart Victor E. W. Hayward Cecil Hobbs W. k c h e y Hogg Kosuke Koyama Kenneth Scott Latourette Gordon P. Means Th. Miiiler -Kriiger

Mgr. Alph. Mulders John Musgrave Stephen Ne 111 Morton J. Netzorg Gottfried Oosterwal Frank W. Price Gerhard Rosenkranz George Ivan Smith James Sutton Helen G. Trager Georg Vicedom Robin W. Winks

A study furlough, provided by the World Division of the Board of Missions of The Methodist Church, and an invitation from the faculty of Union Theological Seminary in New York City to join them as a Visiting Scholar during the academic year 1965-66, gave m e the opportunity to prepare the final manuscript i n the Missionary Research Library. The Publications Board a t the United Nations generously gave. permission to use their "South-East Asia, Orientation Map" (Map No. 1032). GERALD H. ANDERSON


Abbreviations EACC

East Asia Christian Conference


Human Relations Area Files (New Haven, Conn. )


International Missionary Council (now the Division of World Mission and Evangelism, World Council of Churches) International Review of Missions (Geneva)


Missionary Research Library (New York)



Neue Zeitschrift f& Missionswissenschaft (Beckenried, Switzerland)


World Council of Churches (Geneva)


Introduction The need for a bibliography of this type became apparent a t a consultation of Protestant church historians at Singapore in 1963. It was evident that one of the handicaps in teaching and writing about Christianity in Southeast Asia was an inadequate awareness of the sources and literature. It is hoped that this publication might begin to fulfill that need, and that it may provide some assistance and encouragement for scholars to pursue much-needed studies and the publication of new Iiterature in this field. Most of all, however, it may hopefully stimulate new interest and understanding of the Christian mission in Southeast Asia among students in many parts of the world. The scope of the geographical area included here is larger than what is generally regarded as "Southeast Asia." Some scholars of Southeast Asia studies will seriously question the inclusion here of Ceylon, Taiwan, Papua and Australian New Guinea. Ceylon is, however, occasionally included in the orbit of Southeast Asia studies, as noted for instance in certain publications of the United Nations and in Southeast Asian History: A Bibliographic Guide, edited by Stephen N. Hay and Margaret H. Case. For purposes of Christian missions, a case can be made for including Ceylon with Southeast Asia because of the common presence of Therevada Buddhism there as in Burma, ~ h a i a n d ; Laos and Cambodia. Taiwan is included because i t is in the area served by the Southeast Asia Association of Theological Schools. And numerous missionary agencies and societies that work in West Irian also work in Papua and ~ u s i a l i a nNew Guinea, so it would have tGenkqually arbitrary and artificial for the purposes of this study not to include the eastern half of this vast island, now that the western half is included within the political boundaries of Southeast Asia. It is difficult to state explicit criteria for the selection of the literature included. In some measure the selection is unavoidably arbitrary and personal. Those who contributed to the work asked to compile a representative selection of the basic literature which they found to be of greatest importance for a scholarly general orientation. The bibliography is in no sense exhaustive. The selection has been further influenced by three factors. First, the emphasis is on the history of Christian missions and church history because of the interests of those involved in preparing the bibliography. Second, while the selection is ecumenical in orientation and intention, it is nevertheless weighted on the side of Rotestant literature and interests. And third, the emphasis is on literature that is relatively accessible. * Each section of the bibliography includes a selection of a few books on "General Background" -- books that deal with the history, politics, culture, society, and religions in general -- before listing references to literature on Christianity. This "General Background" literature is included only for the convenience of those who are not specialisrs in Southeast Asia studies, in order to give them a starting point for the wider literature. The groupings of certain countries and territories together is strictly for academic convenience and no pol i t ~ c a connotations l are implied.

* The best overall collections of this literature in the United States are in the Missionary Research Library and the Day Missions Collection in the Yale Divinity School Library.


General I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Frei, Ernest J. "Bibliographies of Southeast Asia and the Pacific Areas: A Short Discussion," Occasional Papers of the Bibliographical Society of the Philippines, No. 1 (Jan., 1958). 3 1 pp. A review of five area bibliographies, by a Protestant missionary in the Philippines. Hart, Donn V. Bibliography of Southeast Asian Bibliographies. Syracuse University, Syracuse, New York; to be published in 1967. An annotated bibliography of bibliographies o n Southeast Asia, for the natural sciences, humanities, and social sciences, in both Western and some Asian languages. Leeson, Ida. A Bibliography of Bibliographies of the South Pacific. London: Oxford University Press, 1954. x + 6 1 pp. (Published under the auspices of the South-Pacific commission. ) Includes Australian New Guinea, Papua, and Netherlands New Guinea. Subject bibliographies on missions, pp. 45-47. Annotated. Wllson, Patrick. "Bibliographical Article: A Survey of Bibliographies on Southern Asia, " Journal of Asian Studies, VII1 (May, 1959). 365-76. Emphasis on India, but some material on Southeast Asia.

Bibliographia Missionaria. Rome: Pontificia ~ n i v e r s i t zUrbaniana d e Propaganda Fide, Plazza d i Spagna, 48. An exhaustive bibliography of current Roman Catholic literature, published annually. Sections 1.1, 12, 15 deal with books and articles about Southeast Asian countries.


Bibliotheca Missionum; von R. Streit, 0. hl. I. and J . Dindinger, 0 . M. I. ; hrsg. von J . Rommerskirchen, 0 . M. I. und N. Kowalsky, 0. M. I. 23 vols. Published originally 1916 ff. ; reprinted by Verlag Herder, Freiburg i m B., 1963 ff. The most important missio-bibliographical work for Roman Catholic literature within certain limited periods and places. See especially volumes 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, and 11 for literature on Southeast Asia from 1245 to 1909. Echols, John Mmor (ed. ). "Southeast Asia," in The American Historical Association's Guide to Historical Literature, ed. by George Frederick Howe and others. New York: hlacmillan, 1961, pp. 319-34. 270 entries, divided by countries, from Burma to t h e Philippines, concentrating on the history of Southeast Asla. Embree, John F. and Lillian 0. Dotson. Bibliography of the Peoples and Cultures of Mainland Southeast Asia. New Haven: Yale University, Southeast Asia Studies, 1950. xxxiii -i821 + xii pp. About 12,000 items, including critical list of 34 bibliographies, and list of about 500 periodicals; few annotated; does not include MaIaya. Hart, Donn V. "Southeast Asia: An Introduction to the Literature, " Social Education (Washington, D. C. ), XXVIII, No. 8 (Dec., 1964). Reprinted and distributed by the Asia Society, New York City. 9 pp. A guide to Iiterature that is recent and basic for an introductory study. Hay, Stephen N. and Margaret H. Case (eds. ). Southeast Asian History: A BibIiographic Guide. New York: Praeger, 1962. vii + 138 pp. Very Gefu1 scholarly bibliography, fully annotated, includes Ceylon. Pp. 5-9 Iist 2 1 genera1 bibliographies and reference works. The section for e a c h country lists bibliographies, books, articles, -and dissertations. The last section Iists general books, articles and dissertations. Author and subject indexes.

Hobbs, Cecil Southeast Asia: An Annotated Bibliography of Selected References in Western Languages. Rev. ed. Washington, D C . : Library of Congress, 1964. 180 pp. C o n t a m 5% carefully selected entries, with critical annotations of literature published from 1952 to 1963. An earlier edition (1952) llsted works from 1942 to 1952. International Review of Missions (Geneva). Each issue (quarterly) contains a "Bibliography on World Mission and Evangelism, " \vhich is the best bibliographical source of current mission literature for non-Roman Christians. Journal of Asian Studies (Ann Arbor, Michigan). No. 5 of each volume is an annual bibliography, which includes most of the important books and articles on Southeast Asia as they appear. Journal of Southeast Asian History (Singapore). Includes an annual survey of "Current Research in Southeast Asian History." Het Missiewerk (Nijmegen). The fourth quarte.rly issue every year has a bibliographical survey of mission literature, compiled by Mgr. Dr. Alph. Mulders, with primary attention to Roman Catholic publications. hlorris, Raymond P. A Theological Book List. New York: Theological Education Fund, 1960. xiv + 242 pp. Supplementary volume, 1963. Includes a selected list of works on Christianity in each of the countries in Southeast Asia. Pelzer, Karl J. Selected Bibliography on the Geography of Southeast Asia. Part I: Southeast Asia--General. New Haven: Yale University, Southeast Asia Studies, 1949. ix t 45 pp. (Mimeographed. ) Uses "geography " in the broad sense,. Section headings are: Nature, Economy, State. Not annotated. 11. ATLASES

Atlas of South-East Asia. Introduction by D. G. E. Hall. London: Macmillan; and New York: St. ?dartin's Press, 1964. 84 + 7 pp. 59 pages of maps in color, with 24 pages of introduction. Beach, Harlan P. A Geography and Atlas of Protestant Missions. 2 vols. New York: Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions, 1903. Vol. I, " ~ e o g r a ~"his~ now , of little value, but Vol. 11, "Atlas and Statistics," is of permanent value.

- - - - - - and Charles H. Fahs. World Missionary Atlas. New York: Institute of Social and Religious Research, 1925. 178pp. Authoritative for Protestant missions of that period. Dennis, James S . , Harlan P. Beach and Charles H. Pahs. World Atlas of Christian Missions. Student Volunteer Movement for Foreign Missions, 1911. 172 pp. A standard reference.

New York:

Emmerich, H. , S. V . D. Atlas Missionum a Sacra Congregatione d e Propaganda Fide dependentium; cura editus eiusdem Sacrae Congregationis. Ex Civitate Vaticana: S. Congr. d e Propaganda Fide, 1958. Indispensable for Roman Catholic mission studies. Also available is an appendix with statistical data published in 1959, of utmost value. Freitag, Anton, S . V. D. Atlas du monde c h i t i e n ; I'expansion du chrlstianisme 2 travers les si&les.. Paris & Bruxelles: Elsevier, 1959 100 pages of text, notes and index, 96 pages of illustrations, and 34 maps in 6 colors. German ed. : Die Wege des Heils; Bildatlas zur Geschichte der Weltmission. Salzburg: Miiller Verlag, 1960. 104 pages of text, 96 pages of illustrations, 64 maps, and 24 pages of statistics and index. Dutch ed. : Historische Wereldatlas van het Christendom. Amsterdam, 1960. 213 pp. English ed. : The Twentieth Century Atlas of the World. New York: Hawthorn, 1964. 200 pp. Contains the following sections: the young church in the ancient world, the Christianization of Europe, from a western Church to a world-church, and, finally, the new mission period of the Roman Catholic Church. Grosvenor, Melville Bell (ed. ). National Geographic Atlas of the World. Geographic Society, 1963. 300 pp. A good general atlas.

Washington, D. C. : National

Grundemann, Peter Reinhold. Allgemeiner Missions-Atlas nach Originalquellen. Perthes, 1867-71. One of the earliest Protestant efforts for a mission atlas.

3 parts in 1 vol.


Missionary Atlas. A Manual of The Foreign Work of The Christian and Missionary Alliance. Revised as of June 30, 1964. Harrisburg, Pa. : Christian Publications, 1964. vii + 207 pp. Exceedingly useful and well done. Emphasis on CMA work, but also includes general information on religions and other missions. Much material on Southeast Asia. Schlunk. Martin and Horst Quiring (Hrsg. ). K a t e der Religionen und Missionen der Erde. 3. verbess. Aufl. Evang. Missionsverlag, Stuttgart und Geographischer Verlag Kiimmerly & Frey, Bern, 1960. 4th rev. ed. , with English language version, 1966. Useful colored wallmap. Sellman, R R. An Outline Atlas of Eastern History. London: Edward Arnold, 1954. 63 pp. About half of the 53 maps deal with Southeast Asian history; the others deal with developments in India and China. Streit, Carolus. Atlas Hierarchicus. Solid Catholic work.

Paderborn: Typographia Bonifaciana, 1913.

128 + 37

Streit, F. C. Catholic World Atlas. Paderborn: St. Boniface Press, 1929. 37 + xlvii An official publication of the Society for the Propagation of the Faith.

+ 35 pp.

+ 37 + xi pp.

Thauren, J. , S. V. D. Atlas der katholischen Missionsgeschichte; mit einem kurzen Abriss der Geschichte der katholischen Missionen dargestellt in geographischer und zeitlicher Folge. Miidling bei Wien: St. Gabriel, 1933. 17 maps; 52 pp. Indispensable for study of Catholic mission history.

9. PERIODICALS (with publishing addresses) Ma, John T. (comp. ). Current Periodicals in the Missionary Research Library. Second and rev. ed. New York: MRL, 1961. 38 pp. An alphabetical list of 776 current periodicals received by the MRL, giving title, address to which subscriptions may be sent, main subject matter, place of publication, language, religion or denomination represented, frequency, and beginning year of the collection in the MRL. There are three indexgs.

Asia. -

The Asia Society, 112 East 64th St., New York, N. Y. 10021. Quarterly.

Asian Studies.

University of the Philippines, Dil iman, Rizal, Philippines, Quarterly.

Asian Survey. University of California, 2538 Channing Way, Berkeley, California 94720. C. hl. S. Newsletter. East and West Review.

Church Missionary Society, 6 Salisbury Square, h n d o n , E. C. 4.



S. P. G . , 15 Tufton St., Westminster, S. W. 1, London. Quarterly.

East Asia Millions. Overseas Missionary Fellowship, 237 West School House Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. 19144. Monthly except Aug. and Sept. Eastern World.

58 Paddington S t . , London, W. 1. Monthly.

Eglise Vivante. SociCtg des Auxiliaires des Missions, 44 rue des Bernardins, Paris 5; or 61 Boulevard Schreurs, Louvain. Bimonthly. Evangelical Missions Quarterly. Evangelisches Missions-Magazin.

1405 G S t N. W., Washington, D. C. Quarterly. Basileia Verlag, Missionsstrasse 21, Basel 3. Quarterly.

Evangelische Missions-Zeitschrift. Evang. Mlssionsverlag G. m. b. H. , Stuttgart S., Heusteigstrasse 34. Quarterly.

The Tar East.

Magazine of the Columban Fathers. St. Columbanus, Nebraska.

Monthly except August.

Frontier. 34 Brook St. , London, W 1 Quarterly. De Heerbaan.

Prins Hendriklaan 37, Amsterdam. Bimonthly.

Herder Correspondence. 232 Madison A v e . , New York, N Y. 10016. German e d . , Herder Korrespondenz. Herder Verlag, Freiburg i m Breisgau. Monthly. Indo-Asia.

Verlag W. Kohlhammer, Urbanstrasse 12-14, Stuttgart. Quarterly.

International Review of Missions. Quarterly.

World Council of Churches, 150 route de Ferney, 1211 Geneva 20.

Journal o f Asian Studies. Association for Asian Studies, P. 0 . Box 606, Ann Arbor, Michigan. Quarterly, plus annual bibliography. Journal of Southeast Asian History. annually.

Malaysia Books Limited, 4-8 Trafalgar St., Singapore 2 . S e m i -

Die kathollschen Missionen. Zeitschift des p2pstlichen Werkes der Glaubensverbreitung. Herder Verlag, Freiburg i m Breisgau, Germany. 6 times a year. hlisiones exnanjeras. Revista de Misionologla. Burgos, Spain. Quarterly.

Seminario Nacional d e Misiones Extranjeras, Apartado 254,

Het Missiewerk. Nederlands Tijdschift voor Mwsiewetenschap. 's- Gravenhage, Netherlands. Quarterly.

Laan Copes van Cattenburch 127,

hlissionalia Hispanica. Edita por e l Departmento de Misionologia Espaiiola. Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas "Patronato hlenendez Pelayo." Serrano 123, Madrid 6. Quarterly. Le hlonde non chrgtien. 17, rue Saint- Antoine, Paris 4.


T h e Muslim World. Hartford Seminary Foundation, Hartford 5, Conn. Quarterly. Neue Zeitschrift fk Missionswissenschaft. (Nouvelle Revue d e science missionnaire. ) Seminar Schiineckl Becltenried, Switzerland. Quarterly. Nordisk Missions Tidsskrift.

Lohses forlag, Bernstorffsgade, 21, Copenhagen 5.

Norsk Tidsskrift for Misjon. Quarterly.

Egede Institute of Missionary Study and Research, Theresegt. 5 1 B, Oslo.

Occasional Bulletin. Pacific Affairs.


The Missionary Research Library, 3041 Broadway, New York, N. Y. 10027. Monthly.

University of British Columbia, Vancouver 8, Canada. Quarterly.

Pacific Historical Review.

University of California Press, Berkeley, California 94720. Quarterly.

Pacific Journal of Theology. Box 184, Apia, Western Samoa, South Paclfic. Practical Anthropology.


Box 307, Tarrytown, N. Y. Bimonthly.

Revue d'Histolre des Missions.

Paris: Les Amis des Missions. (1924-1940. )

Rythmes du Monde. Abbaye d e St. - ~ n d r g ,Bruges 3, Belgium. Quarterly. South East Asia Journal of Theology. 6 Mount Sophia, Singapore 9. Quarterly. Studia. Revista Semestral. Centro de Estudos ~ i s t 6 r l c o sUltramarinos, Lisbon. Svensk Missionstidsktift. Domkyrkoplan, 2, Uppsala.


Worldmission. Society for the Propagation of the Faith, 366 Fifth Ave., New York, N Y. Quarterly.

Das Wort in der Welt. Deutsche Evangelische Missions-Hilfe, Hamburg 13, Mittelweg 143. 6 times a year. Zeitschrift fiir Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft. Miinster/Westf. , Germany. Quarterly.

Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung,

IV. GENERAL HISTORY AND HISTORIOGRAPHY There is no end t o the general literature o n various aspects of Southeast Asia studies. T h e bibliographies listed above, especially those by Hay and Case, and Cecil Hobbs. are valuable guides t o this wider literature. T h e three best books on the general history of the a r e a are: Cady, John F.

Southeast Asia: Its Historical Development.

New York: hlcGraw-Hill, 1964. xvii

+ 657pp.

Hall, D. G E. A History of Southeast Asia. Rev. ed. London: Macmillan; and New York: St. Martm's Press, 1964. 1 8 + 955 pp. T h e best known single-volume history of the area; here updated to about 1960 and expanded to include the Philippines. Harrison, Brian. South-East Asia: A Short History hlartin's Press, 1963. x l 270 pp.

Second ed.

London: Macmillan; and New York: St.

T h e following studies d e a l with the problems of historiography: Anderson, Gerald H 1963, 1036.

"Asian Studies i n Church History, " Christian Century (Chicago), LXXX, October 23,

Bastin, John. T h e Western Element in Modern Southeast Aslan History. (Papers o n Southeast Asian Subjects, No. 2.) Dept. of History, University of Malaya i n Kuala Lumpur, 1960. 27 pp. (See critical rejoinder by D. P. Singhal listed below. )

- - - - - - . T h e Study of Modern Southeast Asian History. Inaugural lecture delivered in the University of Malaya i n Luala Lumpur o n Dec. 14, 1959. Kuala Lumpur: University of Malaya, 1959. 26 pp. Benda, Harry J. "The Structure of Southeast Asian History: S o m e Preliminary Observations," Journal of Southeast Asian History (Singapore), 111, 1 (March, 1962), 106-38. Fisher, Charles A. " T h e Concept of Southeast Asia." Eastern World (London), VII. 3 (March, 1953), 12-14. T h e term "Southeast Asia" is defined from the geographical, economic, ethnological, political, and historical points of view. Hall, D. G. E.

"Looking a t Southeast Asian History, " Journal of Asian Studies, XIX (May, 196O), 243-53.

- - - - - - . "On the Study of Southeast Asian History, " Pacific Affairs, XXXIII (1960), 268-81. - - - - - - . East Asian History Today. Hong Kong: Hong Kong University Press, 1959.

18 pp.

(ed. ). Historians of Southeast Asia. London: Oxford University Press, 1961. viii + 342 pp. (Historical Writing on the Peoples of Asia, vol. 2.) Twenty-five scholarly essays by outstanding authorities o n indigenous and Western writings.



Lach, Donald F. Asia i n the Making of Europe. Vol. I i n two books: T h e Century of Discovery. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1965. Book I, xxviii + 492 pp. ; Book 11, xii, pp. 493-965. Lavishly illustrated and documented. Excellent bibliography. Pp. 229-331, 493-650 d e a l with "The Christian Mission" and "South East Asia" during the sixteenth century. Two further volumes are projected for the seventeenth and another two for the eighteenth centuries, respectively. Singhal, D. P "Some Comments o n 'The Western Element in Modern Southeast Asian Hlstory' (A Review Article), ' Journal of Southeast Asian History, I, 2 (Sept., 1960), 118-23. Small, John R W. "On the Possibility of a n Autonomous History of Modern Southeast Asia," Journal of Southeast Asian History, 11, 2 (July, 196 I), 72- 102

Trager, Frank N.

"Recent Southeast Asian Historiography," Pacific Affairs, XXX (Dec., 1957), 358-66.

V CHRISTIANITY IN THE AREA In this section are included a selection of reference works and studies that deal with and are relevant for two or more regions in Southeast Asia. A. G e n e r a l R e f e r e n c e W o r k s Allen, Yorke. A Seminary Survey. New York: Harpers, 1960. xxvi i640 pp. A comprehensive listing and review of Protestant, Roman Catholic, and Orthodox seminaries in Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The Anderson-Smith Report o n Theological Education in Southeast Asia, Especially as i t Relates to the Training of Chinese for the Christian Ministry. The Report of a Survey Commission, 1951-1952. New York: Board of Founders, Nanking Theological Seminary, r19521. xiv i9 8 pp. T h e most thorough survey of its kind a m 0 6 Protestants in E. Asia up to 1 9 i i .


Arens, Bernard. Handbuch der katholischen Missionen. 2. Aufl. Freiburg i. Br. : Herder, 1925. xix + 510 pp. A wealth of statistics and other information about the state of the missionary work and clergy in Southeast Asia and other parts of the world. Aufhauser, Johann Baptist. Hauptdaten zur Religions- und Geistesgeschichte der Menschheit. Speyer: Pilger-Verlag, 1951. 80 pp. A useful handbook.

2. Aufl.

Beach, Harlan P. and Burton St. John (eds. ). World Statistics of Christian Missions. New York: Committee of Reference and Counsel of the Foreign Missions Conference of North America, 1916. 148 pp. Authoritative. Beckmann, J. (Hrsg. ). Der einheimische Klerus in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Schiineck-Beckenried: k Missionswissenschaft, Suppl. 2. ) NZM, 1950. xx + 3 2 1 pp. (Neue Zeitschrift f Includes essays o n Roman Catholic theological education in Southeast Asia. Bliss, Edwin Munsell (ed.). Encyclopedia of Missions. Edited by Henry 0 . Dwight, H. Allen Tupper, and Edwin M. Bliss. Second ed. New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1904. xii + 8 5 1 pp. Descriptive, historical. biographical, and statistical information; Protestant in orientation. The Catholic Encyclopedia. New York: Robert Appleton Co. , and Encyclopedia Press, Inc. , 1907- 1914. 15 vols. and Index vol. Supplement I (Vol. XVII), 1922. Supplement I1 (Vol. XVIII), 1951. Contains brief articles about the mission work in e a c h country. Dennis, James S. Centennial Survey of Foreign hlissions. New York: Revell, 1902. xxii + 4 0 1 pp. "Being a conspectus of the achievements and results of evangelical missions in a l l lands a t the close of the 19th century." Directory of Christian Colleges in Asia, Africa. . . Compiled by Clara E. Orr. New York: hlRL, 1 9 6 1 xii + 38 pp. Gives basic historical and statistical information. Directory of Protestant Church-Related Hospitals Outside Europe and North America. vii + 159 pp. Information o n 1,228 hospitals in 85 countries.

New York: MRL, 1963.

Enciclopedia Cattolica. 1 2 vols. C i t t l d e Vatlcano: Ente per 1'Enciclopedia cattolica e per i l libro cattolica. 1949-54. Contains brief but helpful articles, with maps, about the history and circumstances of the mlssions in each country; with statistics and some bibliographies. Publisher to be an3 vols Encyclopedia of Modern Christian Missions. Ed. by Burton L. Goddard nounced, 1966 - -. The three volumes wlll deal with agencies, biographies, and missionary topics of current interest; prepared under the auspices of Gordon Divinity School.

Evangelisches Kxchenlex~kon. Hrsg. von H Brunotte und 0. Weber. 2, unrev. lmpr. 3 vols. and Reg~ster. Gcttlngen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 196 1. Up-to-date, general reference work of life and thought in the Protestant churches, with European emphasls. Lexikon fk Theologie und Kirche. Hrsg. von J . Hiifner und K. Rahner Herder, 1957 --. The Catholic counterpart to the previous Protestant reference.

2. Aufl.

10 vols


I,e h l ~ s s i o nCattoliche ~ Roma: Cons~glioSuperlore della Pontificia Opera della Propagazione della Fides, 1950. X X ~ 548 pp. A goldmme of Roman Catholic misslons statistics, l ~ s t i n gclergy (foreign and nationals), mission stations, schools, seminaries, etc. Also gives a brief sketch of the history of the missions for each country E a r l ~ e reditions also The New Schaff-Herzog Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge; based on the 3rd e d of the RealencyklopB'die. I3 vols. Grand Rapids, M:ch. : Baker Book House, 1951-54. Old but st111 useful; reprint of the 1908 14th ed. Proteslant in tone. Supplemented by the 2 vol. Twentieth Century Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge. Norsk hIis~onsleksikon. 3 vols. Stavanger: Nomi Vorlag, 1965-66. A comprehensive encyclopedia of Norwegian missionary work. North American Protestant Foreign Mission Agencies. 6th ed. New York: MRL, 1964. xvi + 80 pp. Includes illformation on most of the Protestant agencies from North America working in Southeast Asia. Ohm, Thomas. W i c h t ~ g eDaten der Miss~onsgeschichte. Eine Zeittafel. 2. Aufl. Miinster: Aschendorffsche Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1961. 290 pp. French tr. : Les princlpaux faits de 1'Histolre des h l ~ s i o n s . Tournau'Parls: Casterman, 1961. 162 pp. A chronology of the main events of mission history. Parker, Joseph I. (ed. ). Directory of World Missions. New York: IMC, 1938. x i + 255 pp. Includes valuable list of the periodicals of the various mission boards and societies.

- - - - - - . (ed. )

Interpretative Statistical Survey of the World Mission of the Christian Church. IMC, 1938. 323 pp. A standard reference.

New York:

Protestant TheologicaI Seminaries and Bible SchooIs in Asia. . . A Directory. Compiled by C. Stanley Smith and Herbert F. Thomson; edited by Frank W. Price. New York: hlRL, 1960. viii + 50 pp. Basic information and statistics. Die Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart. Hrsg von K. Galling, e t al. 3. Aufl Tiibingen: hlohr, 1957-63. Exhaustive; includes bibliographies

6 vols and Register.

Ryaoft, W. Stanley and Myrtle M. Clemmer. A Factual Study of Asia. New York: Commission o n Ecumenical Mission and Relations, United Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. , 1963. xii -t 180 pp. A wealth of information, conveniently summarized. Weltklrchen Lexikon: Ilandbuch der Oekumene Hrsg von Franklm f I Littell und Hans Hermann Walz. Stuttcart: Kreuz Verlaa, 1960 1756 cols " u Exceedingly useful reference work; comprehensive and ecumenical. World Chr~stianHandbook, 1962. Ed. by H. Wakelin Cox111 and Kenneth Grubb London: World Dominion Press, 1962. xxlii ., 400 pp. Earlier e d i t ~ o n sfor 1949, 1952 and 1957 contain much valuable mformation; unfortunately, the stat~sticsIn the 1962 edition are not only unreliable, they are misleading.

B. H i s t o r y a n d S u r v e y o f


There is no attempt here to include the histories of the great missionary boards, socletles and orders that have worked in Southeast Asia. For a partial list of these see the blbllographles In Neil1 's History of Christian Missions (pp. 582-83), Glover and Kane The Progress of World-Wide Mlssions (pp. 464-66), and, for Roman Catholic material, Mulders' Missionsgeschichte (pp. 9-15). The annual conference and assembly

h l a n ~ k a m ,Rajah B and Winburn T Thomas The Church in Southeast Asia. New York: Friendship Press, 1956 xvi - 171 pp. Brief but valuable semi-popular survey by nvo experts hlathews, Basil. Unfolding Drama In Southeast Asia. Semi-popular study during the war.

New York: Friendship Press, 1944. vii

+ 184 pp.

Mathem, James K "The Mission to the Eastern Rim of Asia," in The Christian ;1Ilssion Today. AbingdonRess, 1960 Pp. 116-28. Concerned primarily with h l e t h o d ~ work t

New York:

hlontalban, F J and 6 o n Lopetegui Manual d e Hlstoria de las hlisiones 2nd ed. Bilbao: El Siglo de l a < hllsiones, 1952. 728 pp. General mission hlstory, with special interest In the Spanish missions, and the work of the Jesuits in particular. Llulders, Alphons. Xlissiegeschiedenis. Bussum: Paul Brand, 1957. xxvi + 565 pp. German tr. : hlissionsgeschichte; Die Ausbreitung de.s katholischen Glaubens. Regensburg: Pustet, 1960. 535 pp. The best one-volume history of Roman Catholic missions; includes bibliographies. Neill, Stephen. The Cross Over Asia London: Canterbury Press, 1948 159 pp. lmpressions from a visit in 1948, by a noted Anglican authority on missions - - - - - - . A History of Cluistian hlissions. (Vol. 6 in the Pelican History of the Church. ) Harmondsworth, Middlesex: Penguin Books; and Grand Rapids. Michigan: Eerdmans, 1964. 622 pp. Ecumenical and comprehensive, by a reliable scholar; valuable bibliographies. Next to Latourette, this is the most important work from the Protestant side.

Oldham, W. F. India, Malaysia, and the Philippines. A Practical Study in Missions. New York: Eaton & Mains, 1914. viii + 299 pp. Observatioiis from a n American Methodist missioiiary bishop. Pollock, J. C. Earth's Remotest End. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1960. 336 pp. Report from a tour in Asia by a n informed Christian journalist. Richter, Julius. Die evangelische Mission in Fern- und Siidost-Asien, Australien, Amerika. Bertelsmann, 1932. xii t 485 pp. Concerned only with Protestant missions; some bibliographies.


Robinson, Charles Henry. History of Christian Missions. Edinburgh: Clark, 1915. xiv + 533 pp. A standard Protestant work a t the beginning of this century. SS, Artur d e (ed. ). Documenta(;%o para a hist6ria das missBes do padroado portugu&s do Oriente: Insulindia. 5 vols Lisboa: Agencia Geral do Ultramar, 1954-58. Fundamental rource publication of documents covermg the period 1506-1597 Schmidlin, Joseph. Katholische Missionsgeschichte. Steyl: hlissionsdruckerei, 1924. xi + 598 pp. English tr. : Catholic Mission History. Techny, Illinois: Mission Press, 1933. xiv + 862 pp. A standard Catholic mission history. Schwager, Friedrich. Die katholische Heidenmission der Gegenwart i m Zusammenhang mit ihrer grossen Vergangenheit. Steyl: Missionsdruckerei, 1907. 446 pp. Now dated, but still of value. Silva Rego, A n t h i o da. Curso d e Missionologia. Lisboa: Agencia Geral do Ulaamar, 1956. xlv + 7dopp. Handbook of Portuguese missionary history and present activities, of which pp. 545-86 deal with past and present ~ o r t u ~ u e smissions e in South-East Asia. Sundkler, Bengt. Missionens V%ld. Stockholm: Svenska ~ o k f i i r l a g e Norstedts, t 1963. 228 pp. English tr. : World of Mission. London: Lutterworth; and Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1965. The theology, history, and present situation of the missionary church. Thiessen, John C. A Survey of World Missions. Rev. t h b d ed. Chicago: Moody Press, 1961. xiii + 5 4 4 ~ ~ . General survey from a conservative evangelical point of view; this revised edition IS more accurate than earlier editions.

Thomas, Winburn T. "The Chrlstian Mission Since 1938 in Southeast Asia," in Frontiers of the Christian World Mission Since 1938, ed. by Wilber C. Harr New York: Harpers, 1962, pp. 23-61 Valuable condensed survey.



Vicedom, Georg F. "Klrche und Mission am Rande Asiens. " Evangelische Missions-Zeitschrift (Hamburg). XXIII, 1 (Feb. , 1966). 1-14. Reflections by a noted German mlsslons scholar on the situation of the church and mission in South, east Asia, following a vlsit there In 1965 Warneck, Gustav. Abriss einer Geschichte der protestantischen Missionen von der Reformation bis auf die Gegenwart. Mit einem Anhang iibef die katholischen Missionen. 10th ed. Berlin: Verlag von Martin Warneck, 1913. x + 624 pp. 3rd English ed. tr. from the 8th German ed. by George Robson, Outline of a History of Protestant Missions from the Reformation to the Present Time. New York: Revell, 1906. xvii + 435 pp. From the German "father" of Protestant missiology; still valuable. Warr, Winifred. South-East Asia. London: Edinburgh House Press, 1962. 95 pp. A handbook for mssionary leaders; includes Burma, Malaya, Hong Kong, and Borneo; with brief bibl~ography. Westman, Knut B. and Harald von Sicard. Geschichte der Christlichen Mission. Miinchen: Chr. Kaiser Verlag, 1962. 337 pp. A translation and revision of the Swedish Den Kristna Missionens Historia (Stockholm); inadequate documentation, but includes a chronological table and indexes.

C. M i s c e l l a n e o u s


Beaver, R. Pierce. Ecumenical Beginnings in Protestant World Mission. A History of Comity. Nelson, 1962. 356 pp. A definitive study; with much relevant material on the churches in Southeast Asia.

New York:

Cartwright, Frank T. A River of Livmg Water. A Historical Sketch of Nanking Theological Seminary, Nanking, China, and The Board of Founders, by Frank T. Cartwright and Frank W. Prlce. Singapore: The Board of Founders, 1963. 87 pp. Describes the work in Southeast Asia beginnmg in 1952. T h ~ sBoard is now The Foundation for Theological Education in Southeast Asia. The Christian Family in East Asia Report of the Study and Training Institute held In Chiengmai, Thailand February 1 to April 25, 1958. London: IMC, [1958]. 84 pp. East Asla Chrlstian Conference. The Chrlstlan Community Wlthln the Human Community. Statements from the Bangkok Assembly of the EACC, Feb. -March, 1964. Bangalore, India: EACC, n. d. iv + 84 pp. This volume is Part Two of the Minutes from the Third Assembly. See also "Minutes--Part One" for all the other actions of the Assembly.

- - - - - -.

The Christian Prospect in Eastern Asia. Papers and Minutes of the EACC, Bangkok, Dec. 3-11, 1949. New York: Friendship Press, 1950. 156 pp.

- - - - - - . The Common Evangelstic Task of the Churches in East Asia. Papers and Minutes of ~e EACC, Prapat, Indonesia, March 17-26, 1957. 167 pp.


E. A. C. C. Hymnal, edited by D. T. Niles. More than half of the hymns are from Asia.

Published by the EACC, 1963. 21 pp.

+ 200 hymns.

- - - - - - . One People--One Mission. The Situation Conferences of ~e EACC, 1963. Singapore: EACC, 1963.

112 pp.

Reprinted from the Oct. , 1963 issue of the South East Asia Journal of Theology.


Witnesses Together, edited by U Kyaw Than. Official Report of the Inaugural Assembly of the EACC, held a t Kuala Lumpur, Malaya, May 14-24, 1959. Rangoon: EACC, 1959. iii + 178 pp. The documents from an important historical event.

Forman, Charles W. The Nation and the Kingdom. New York: Friendship Press, 1964. 174 pp. Contains material on the reaction of Christians to independence movements, particularly in Burma and Indonesia.

Freytag, Walter Spiritual Revolution in the East. Translated by L hl. Stalker, wlth a foreword by Wllliam Paton. London: Lutterworth, 1940. 264 pp. Translation of: Die junge Christenheit im Umbruch des Ostens; vom Gehorsam des Glaubens unter den Vzlkern. Berlin: Furche-Verlag, 1938. 272 pp. Observations by a noted German mlssiologlst on the pre-war challenge of other faiths to churches and missions in East Asla. Landon, Kenneth P. Southeast Asia: Crossroad of Religions ix + 215 pp. A general survey; includes bibliography.

Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1949.

Latourette, Kenneth Scott World Service. A Hlstory of the Foreign Work and World Service of the Young Men's Chrlstian Associations of the United States and Canada. New York: Association Press, 1957. 489 pp. Includes chapters on the hlstory of the YMCA m countries of Southeast Asla. Margull, Hans Jochen. Aufbruch zur Zukunft. Chiliastisch-messianische Bewegungen in Afrika und Siidostasien. Giitersloh: Gerd Mohr, 1962. 126 -pp. Scholarly study of rnillenarian-messianic movenlents in Africa and Southeast Asia, by a German missions scholar. Neill, Stephen. Colonialism and Christian Missions. New York: McGraw-Hill; and London: Lutterworth Press, 1966. A much-needed critical inquiry, by an eminent missions-historian. Ohm, Thomas. Aslens Kntik a m abendlzndischen Chrstentum. Miinchen: KBsel, 1948. Engllsh tr. : Asia Looks a t Western Chrlstianlty New York: Herder, 1959. xvil - 252 pp. What ~sthought and sald about Western Christianity in Asia Oosthuizen, G. C. Theological Discussions and Confessional Developments in the Churches of Asia and Africa. Franeker: Wever, 1958. 327 pp. Revised ed. is in preparation. Based on a doctoral dissertation; very useful. Panlkkar, K. M. Asia and Western Dominance. London: Allen & Unwin, 1959. 350 pp. A noted Hindu hstorian discusses the weaknesses of Christian missions in Asia as reasons for meager success. Price, Frank Wilson. "The Rural Church in Asia," The Christian Rural Fellowship Bulletin (New York), 1965 (Summer), 15 pp. South-East Asia. LIFE World Library. New York: Time Inc., 1962. 160 pp. Informative; with magnificent colored photographs. The South East Asia Journal of Theology (Singapore), VI, 4 and VII, 1(April-July, 1965), whole number. Speclal double number on theological education in South East Asia, edited by John Fleming. A consultation sponsored by the Association of Theological Schools in South East Asia. Thomas, M. M. and M. Abel (eds.). Religion, State and Ideologies in East Asia. Bangalore, India: East Asia Christian Conference. 1965. 160 PP. Essays by M. M. ~ h o k a s ,M. ~ b e i Celestine ,~ Fernando, P. D. Latuihamallo, Kiyoko Takeda Cho, Won Yong Kang, Gordon P. Means, Inayat Masih, 0. D. Corpus, Rex Drilon, and Juan Collas. Thompson, Douglas. Dangerous Opportunity. The New Work Among Chinese in Southeast Asia. Cargate Press, [I959 ?I. 37 pp. Popular, with primary attention to Methodist work.


Thunberg, A. M. Kontinente i m Aufbruch. Kirche und Mission angesichts der afro-asiatischen Revolution. Gttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1960. 291 pp. Translation of Kontinenter i uppbrott Study of the challenge of nationalism, race, population explosion, industrialization, and politics in lands of Asia and Africa. Von der Mehden, Fred R. Religion and Nationalsm in Southeast Asia: Burma, Indonesia, The Philippines. Madson: University of Wsconsin Press. 1963. xiv + 253 pp. Must be used carefully, together with more thorough studies. Bibliography included.

Warren, W. H. and Ruth Ure Warren. Christian Literature Work in Southeast Asia. Mysore: Wesley Press, 1953. iv i7 9 pp. A study for the IMC and WCC. Weber, Hans-Ruedi. Asia and the Ecumenical Movement. h n d o n : SCM Press, 1966. Fully documented study of the contribution to the ecumenical movement k o m Asians and missionaries working in Asia during the period 1895-1961. Winship, Irving E. "The Asia Council on Ecumenical Mission. A Study of a n Emerging Regional Approach to Inter-Church Cooperation For t h e Evangelization of East Asia." Unpublished M. Th. thesis. Princeton, N. J. : Princeton Theological Seminary, 1957. v 149 pp. A sympathetic study of the controversial forerunner to the EACC, by a Presbyterian missionary in the Philippines.

Ceylon I. BIBLIOGRAPHY Ware, Edith W. Bibliography on Ceylon. Coral Gables, Florida: University of Miami Press, 1962. 181 pp. About 10, 000 entries in 13 languages. Valuable section on Christianity, pp. 28-31.

11. GENERAL BACKGROUND Arasaramam, S. Ceylon. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1964. v i + 182 pp. The problems facing contemporary Ceylon, and the historical causes. Bailey, Sydney D. Ceylon. h n d o n : Hutchinson & Co., 1952. 168 pp. A good short history; with bibliography. Evers, Hans-Dieter. Kulturwandel in Ceylon. Eine Untersuchung iiber d i e Entstehung einer IndustrieUnternehmersschicht. Baden-Baden: Verlag August Lutzeyer, 1964. 206 pp. Historical-sociological analysis of the development of an entrepreneurial middle class. Discusses religious factors, also in relation to education (Chapt. VI). Jefkies, Charles. Ceylon, T h e Path to Independence. New York: Praeger, 1963. x The evolution of the relationship between Ceylon and Britain.

+ 148 pp.

Ludowyk, Evelyn F. C. The Story of Ceylon London: Faber & Faber, 1962. 328 pp. Concentrates on the British period, and on political and economic problems of today. Pakeman, S. A. Ceylon. London: Ernest Benn, 1964. 235 pp. The political, economic and social conditions in Ceylon in the years since independence, and the historical events which led up to it. Singer, Marshall R. The Emerging Elite: A Study of Political Leadership in Ceylon. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1964. 203 pp.

Cambridge, Mass. :

Tresidder, Argus John. Ceylon: An Introduction to the "Resplendent Land." Princeton, N. J. : D. Van Nostrand, 1960. 237 pp. A very readable introduction Wriggins, William Howard. Ceylon, Dilemmas of a New Nation. Princeton, N. J. : Princeton University Press, 1960. x i i i + 505 pp. An excellent account of Ceylon In the first t e n years of Independence, when the confkontation of Christian influence and Buddhist nationalism was a t its peak. Includes bibliography, pp. 471-83.

111. HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY, GENERAL Courtenay, Peter. [Pseudonym for L M. Zaleski. ] Le Christianisme 5 Ceylan. 2 vols. Lille: Desclge de Brouwer, 1900. 1052 pp. Volume 1 deals with the Catholic period under the Portuguese, and Volume I1 with the Protestant period under the Dutch and Engl~sh. Includes chronology and bibliography. Fernando, C. N. V. "The History of The Christian Church in Ceylon"; a series of articles in the University of Ceylon Review (Colombo), which provides the best continuous account of Christianity in Ceylon from earliest times up to 1860; as follows: "Early Christianity in Ceylon in Pre-Portuguese Times," VI, 3 (July, 1948), 196-200. "Christianity in Ceylon in the Portuguese and Dutch Periods," VI, 4 (Oct., 1948), 267-88. VII, 2 (April, 1949), 135-41. "Christianity in Ceylon in the British Period, " "Christian Missionary Enterprise in the Early, British Period," VII, 3 (July, 1949), 198-207. "Christian Missionary Enterprise in the Early British Period: 11. The Wesleyan Methodist Mission, " VII, 4 (Oct. , 1949), 269-81. "Christian Missionary Enterprise in the Early British Period: III. The American Missionaries, 1816-1826, " VIII, 2 (April, 1950), 110-115. "Christian Missionary Enterprise in the Early British Period: IV. The Beginnings of the Work of the Church Missionary Society in Ceylon, 1818- 1826, " VIII, 3 (July, 1950), 203-206. "Some Aspects of Christian Missionary Enterprise in the Early British Period, 1796-1830," VIII, 4 (Oct. , 1950), 264-71. "Christian Missions: Some Aspects of Baptist and Wesleyan Work from 1827-1864," IX, 2 (April, 1951), 106-112. "Christian Missions: Some Aspects of the Work of American Missionaries in Jaffna District, 1827-1866," IX, 3 (July, 1951), 191-201. Palm, J. D. "An Account of the Church in Ceylon a t the Beginning of the 19th Century, " Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society (Colombo), I, 2 (1846-47), 134-51. Ruberu, T. Ranj it. "Educational Work in the Christian Missionary Societies in Ceylon During the Early Years of British Rule, " Ceylon Journal of Historical and Social Studies (Peradeniya), III (July, 1960), 157-65; IV (Jan., 1961), 50-58; (July 1961), 157-68; VI (Jan. , 1963), 71-83.

- - - - - - . Education in Colonial Ceylon. Kandy: Kandy Printing Works, 1962. 260 pp. Education, mostly under missionary auspices, prior to 1832. d e Silva, K. M. Social Policy and Missionary Organizations in Ceylon, 1840-1855. Vol. 26, Imperial Studies Series. London: Longmans. Green & Co. , for the Royal Commonwealth Society, 1965. viii + 318 pp. Tennent, James Emerson. Christianity in Ceylon. Its Introduction and Progress under the Portuguese, the Dutch, the British, and American Missions; with an Historical Sketch of the Brahmanical and Buddhist Superstitions. London: John Murray, 1850. xv + 348 pp. By a government officer; "the most sensitive and perceptive study of the subject in existence."

IV. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Boudens, Robrecht, 0 . M. I. The Catholic Church in Ceylon under Dutch Rule. Rome: Catholic Book Agency, 1957. 266 pp.

- - - - - - . "The Sources for a History of the Catholic Church in Ceylon under Dutch Rule, " Ceylon Historical Journal (Colombo), 11, 1 (1952), 43-57.

- - - - - - . "Thkmes bibliques dans l a littkrature catholique indigzne 2 Ceylan." Neue Zeitschrift f& Missionswissenschaft (Beckenried), XVI, 1 (1960). 27 -39. Bourdon, Gon. Les dgbuts d e l'gvang&satlon de Ceylan vers le milieu du XVIe s&le. f r a n ~ a l sau Portugal, 1936. 86 pp. Includes blbliographical footnotes.

Lisbon: Institut

Boxer, C. R "'Christians and Spices.' Portuguese Missionary Methods in Ceylon, 1518-1658," History Tod a (London), ~ VIII, 5 (May, 1958), 346-54. A dispassionate account of Portuguese missionary methods.

Boxer, C. R. "A Note on Portuguese Missionary Methods in the East, " in The Ceylon Historical Journal, Tenth Anniversary Volume (Colombo), 1965, 77- 90. Shows that, contrary to what some Roman Catholic writers maintain, the Portuguese did sometimes use forceful methods of conversion in Ceylon and elsewhere. The Catholic Directory of India, Pakistan, Burma and Ceylon, 1950. Madras: Good Pastor Press, 1950. v i + 482 + 374 pp. Directory of clergy, ins~itutions, and statistics. Duchaussois, P., 0. hl. I. Sous les Feux d e Ceylan chez les Singhalais e t les Tamouls. Grasset, 1929. 380 pp. T h e history and work of the Oblate mission in Ceylon. Gnana Prakassar, 0. M. I. A History of the Catholic Church in Ceylon 1515-1602. Press, 1924. xiv .- 283 pp.

Paris: Bernard

Colombo: The Catholic

Haas. H. "Zur gegenwdrtigen Lage der katholischcn Kirche auf Ceylon, " Neue Zeitschrift fk Missionswissenschaft (Beckemied), XIX (1963). 300-311. - - - - - - . "Ontmoeting van Boeddhlsme e n Christendom o p Ceylon, " Het Missiewerk (Nijmegen), XLIII, 3

(1964), 142-54. IIerdcr Correspondence, "Catholicism, Nationalism, and Caste Divisions in the New Ceylon," I, G (June, 1964), 179-86. Also in Herder Korrespondenz, "Der zweite nationale Aufbruch auf Ceylon und die Katholiken, " XVIII (1964), 284-91. Kuruppu, D. J. B. The Catholic Church in Ceylon. A Brief Account of Its History and Progress. Colombo: The Messenger Press, 1923. 24 pp. Perera, S. G . , S. J

The Jesuits in Ceylon.

Madura: De Nobili Press, 1941. 170 pp.

- - - - - - . Life of Jacone Goncalvez. Madura: De Nobili Press, 1942. 150 pp. - - - - - - . Life of the Venerable Joseph Vaz, Apostle of Ceylon. 2nd ed.

Galle: Loyola House, 1953. 272pp.

- - - - - - . The Oratorian Mission in Ceylon. Historical documenrs relating to the I ~ f eand labors of Joseph Vaz and hir successors, translated from the Portuguese. Colombo: Caxton Prlntmg Warks, 1936. 270 pp.

- - - - - - . Historical Sketches (Ceylon Church History). 2nd ed. Colombo: Catholic Book Depot, 1962. 196 pp. Essays on the history of the Roman Catholic Church in Ceylon. Peter, W. L. A. Studies in Ceylon Church Hlstory. Colombo: Catholic Ress. 1963. v i u - 170 pp. Essays on the early history of the Catholic Church in Ccylon.

- - - - - - . "Les methodes missionnaires d e 1 'Ap6tre de Ceylan, " Eglise Vivante (Louvain). VlIl(1956). 90- 103.


Queyroz, Fernao de. The Temporal and Spiritual Conquest of Ceylon Tr. from Ibrtuguese by S. G. Perera, S. J. Colombo: A. C. Richards, Acting Government Printer, 1930. 3 vols. 29 xxv~li 1274 pp. A study of utmost importance for the history both of Ceylon and of the Roman Cathollc Church in the Portuguese period. Rommerskirchen, Joh., 0. hl. I. Die Oblatenmissionen auf der Insel Ceylon un 19. Jahrhundert, 1847-1893. Hiinfeld: Verlae der Oblaten, 1931. xi + 247 pp. Based on aYdoctoral dissertation. A


- - - - - - . "Die Errichtung des Apostolischen Vlkariates Ceylon, " Missionswissenschaft und Religionswissenschaft (Miinster), 1 (1938), 124-32. Schurhammer, Georg und E. A. Voretzsch. Ceylon zur Zeit des Ko'nigs Bhuvaneka BPhu und Franz Xavers, 1539- 1552. Quellen zur Ceschichte der Portugiesen, sowie der Franziskaner- und Jesuitenmission auf Ceylon, i m Urtext herausgegeben und erkllrt. 2 Bde. Leipzig: Verlag d. Asia Major, 1928. xxxiii + 727 pp. A standard reference for the history of Catholic work.

Tambimuttu, Francls 0 A Profile of Ceylon's Catholic Heritage. Maryknoll, N. Y. : Maryknoll Publications, 1961. 104 pp. (World Horizon Reports, No. 28. ) Factual and accurate The flrst half deals with the history of the Catholic Church m Ceylon; the latter half is concerned chiefly with the modern problems for the church arising from the Buddhst Commission's Report, and the Government's taking over the Chrstian schools Zaleski, L. hl The Apostle of Ceylon, Father Joseph Vaz, 1651-1711 [ 19101. 174 pp. Uncritical, and no documentation.

Einsiedeln, Switzerland: Benziger,

V. DUTCH REFORMED CHURCH Arasaratnam, S. Dutch Power in Ceylon. Amsterdam: Djambatan, 1958. xii Chapter 10 is on the religious policy of the Dutch government.

+ 246 pp.

"Reverend Philippus Baldaeus--Hs Pastoral Work in Ceylon 1656-1665," Ceylon Journal of Historical and Social Studies (Peradeniya), 111, 1 (1960), 27-37. The work of the chief Predikant of the Dutch Church a t the time it was establishing the Reformed Faith in place of the Catholicism of the dispossessed Portuguese. Boxer, C. R. The Dutch Seaborne Emplre, 1600-1800. London: Hutchinsons; and New York: Alfred Knopf, 1965. xxvi + 326 pp. Pp 132-54, "Gain and Godliness Abroad, " discuss the impact of Calvinism as a missionary factor in Southeast Asia and Ceylon, particularly as regards the rivalry with Roman Catholicsm and Islam. Greenway, Roger Selles. "The Dutch Reformed Chwch in Ceylon, 1642- 1796." Unpublshed Th. M. thesis. Grand Rapids, Michigan: Calvin Theological Seminary, 1963. Leembruggen, H. U. "The Dutch Reformed Church in Ceylon 1642-1796 and After, " Journal of the Dutch Burgher Union of Ceylon (Colombo), XXXII, 2 (1942), 57-71. Van Troostenberg de Bruijn, C. A. L. "Dutch Predikants in Ceylon," a series of biographical articles, aanslated from Biographische Woordenboek Van Oost Indische Predikanten, in the Jownal of the Dutch Burgher Union of Ceylon (Colombo), V-X, 1912- 1917.

VI. ANGLICAN CHURCH Balding, J. W. One Hundred Years in Ceylon. The Centenary Volume of the Church Missionary Society in Ceylon, 1818-1918. Madras: Diocesan Press, Vepery, 1922. viii + 237 pp. Beven, F. Lorenz (ed. ). A History of the Diocese of Colombo. Colombo: Times of Ceylon, 1946. xvii + 426 pp. A detailed factual account of the Anglican Church in Ceylon up to 1945. Butterfield, R. P. Padre Rowlands of Ceylon. London: Marshall Morgan & Scott, n. d. viii + 192 pp. The life of a CMS missionary who spent the years 1861-84, and 1906-18 in Ceylon, working mostly among the Indian laborers on the tea-estates in connection with what was then known as the Tamil Coolie Mission. Chwch of England. The Scheme for Church Union in Ceylon. Being a Report of a Committee of Theologians appointed by The Archbishop of Canterbury. Westminster [London].: The Church Information Board, 1951. 16 pp. Reflects Anglican preliminary discussions and attitudes. Hitchcock, Olive (ed.). A History of C. M. S. Ladies College, Colombo, 1900-1955. College, 1957 115 pp. + appendices. C o n t a m insights into Ceylon missions in general.

Colombo: Ladies

Selkirk, James. Recollections of Ceylon. With an account of the Church Mlssionary Society's operations in the Island. London: J. Hatchard & Son, 1844. xv + 544 pp. Pp. 195-363 deal with the work of the C. M. S. in Ceylon. Smith. George. Bishop Heber. London: John Murray, 1895. . x i x + 370 pp. Chapter XI deals with Bishop Heber's visit to Ceylon in 1825.



d e Soysa, Harold (ed. ). The Church of Ceylon, Her Faith and Mission. Church of Ceylon, 1945 Section IV (pp. 119-98) is mainly historical.

A Centenary Book

Stock, Eugene. The History of the Church Missionary Society. 4 vols ciety, 1899-1916 Includes valuable sections on missions in Ceylon

London: Church hllssionary So-

VII. METHODIST CHURCH Findlay, G. G. and W. W. Holdsworth. A History of the Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society. 5 vols. London: Epworth Press, 1924. Vol. V, pp. 1-115 deals with the Methodist Church in Ceylon. Hardy, R. Spence. Jubilee Memorials. Colombo: Wesleyan Mission Press, 1864. 336 pp. A history of the Methodist Church in South Ceylon from its beginning to 1864; a valuable source book. Harvard, W. M. A Narrative of the Establishment and Progress of the Mission to Ceylon and India.. . under the Direction of the Wesleyan Methodist Conference with an Introductory Sketch of the Natural, Civil and Religious History of the Island of Ceylon. London: T . Blanshard, etc. , 1823. lxxiii :404 pp. Important source book for Methodist beginnings. Langdon, Samuel. The Happy Valley: Our New "Mission Garden" in Uva, Ceylon. London: Charles H Kelly, 1890. 137 pp. Moscrop, Thomas and Arthur E. Restarick.

Ceylon and Its Methodism. London: Robert Culley, n. d. 128pp

Niles, D. T. The Temple of Christ in Ceylon. Being an exposition of t h e Ceylon Scheme of Church Union. With a Foreword by the Rt. Rev. W. Q. Lash. [London: Methodist Missionary Society, 1948. ] 30 pp. Exposition by a hlethodist leader in Ceylon. Strutt, Edward. A Missionary Mosaic from Ceylon.

London: Charles H Kelly, 1913. 251 pp.

VIII. BAPTIST CHURCHES Charter, Howard Johnston. Ceylon Advancing. London: Carey Kingsgate Press, 1955. 168 pp. A sketch of the work of the Baptist Missionary Society in Ceylon from its beginning in 1812 to 1955. Ewing, John A. Lanka: The Resplendent Isle. The Story of the Baptist Mission in Ceylon. London: The Baptist Missionary Society, 1912. ix + 120 pp. A popular account, with pen-portraits of early missionaries. Includes bibliography.

IX. AMERICAN BOARD Chelliah, J. V. A Century of English Education. The Story of Batticotta Seminary and Jaffna College. Tellippali: American Ceylon Mission Press, 1922. The most important of many monographs on Christian schools in Ceylon. Miller, Charles (ed. ). The One-Hundredth Annual Report of the Ceylon Mission of the American Board, 1916. Tellippali: The Mission Press, 1917. 104 pp. Root, Helen I. A Century in Ceylon. A Brief History of the Work of the American Board in Ceylon, 18161916. Tellippali: American Ceylon Mission Press, 1916. 87 pp. Wilder, R. G. Mission Schools in India of the American Board of Commissioners for Foreign Missions. 3rd ed. New York: Randolph, 1861. Chapter VII, pp. 283-339, deals with schools of the Ceylon mission. Winslow, Miron. A Memoir of Mrs. Harriett Wadsworth Winslow, combining a sketch of the Ceylon Mission. New York: Leavitt Lord 8t C O . , 1835. 408 pp.

X OTHER PROTESTANTS Annett, Edward A. The Story of Friends' Foreign Missions, Ceylon. sociation, 1903. 119 pp. A popular interpretation.

London: Friends' Foreign Mission As-

Brief Sketch of the American Ceylon hlission, with an Appendix. Jaffna: American hlission Press, 1849. statistical tables. 56 pp. Includes sketch of early labors of the mission, with a list of the missionaries connected with the American Ceylon Mission, "Articles of Belief and Rules of Life Adopted by the American Mission Churches, Jaffna, " curriculum of theological studies, and statistics.

XI. CHURCH AND STATE IN CEYLON TODAY The Betrayal of Buddhism. Colombo: n. n . , 1956. 124 pp. An abridged edition of the Report of the Buddhist Committee of Enquiry (popularly known as the Buddhist Commission Report; t h e full report is in Sinhalese). The Report is factually inaccurate and strongly prejudiced, but is important as a reflection of the "Buddhist case against the Christian Church." T h e recommendations of the Report, designed to curtail the power of the Church and to rehabilitate Buddhism, were adopted as a part of his political program by the late Mr. S. W. R. D. Bandaranaike a t the election of 1956 when he first c a m e into power. A reply to the Report, entitled Companion to the ~ u d d h i s iCommission Report, was published by the Catholic Union of Ceylon in Colombo in 1957. -



Mendis, Garrett C. Ceylon Today and Yesterday: Main Currents of Ceylon History. Colombo: Associated Newspapers of Ceylon, 1957. x 148 pp. A collection of radio talks and newspaper articles by one of Ceylon's leading historians, w m menting on the present problems and their roots in history. Vijayavardhana. D. C . Revolt in the Temple. Colombo: Sinha Publications, 1953. 700 pp. A widely-read and influential piece of propaganda which was the inspiration of the Buddhist Commission Report. Its major thesis is that the culture of Ceylon - - "the Dharma Dweepa" - - is to be found in the language, religion, blood and the soil of the Sinhalese race. Essential reading for understanding the mood of Sinhalese Buddhist nationalism.

XII. MISCELLANEOUS Jackson, G. Basil. "The Church in the Changing Society of Ceylon," Frontier (London), VII, 3 (Autumn, 1964), 202-206. S a g a n t , N. C The Dispersal of the T a m i l Church. Delhi: I. S. P C. K. , 1940; rev. ed. 1962. xiii + 140 pp. A popular but well-documented account. Chapters IV-V deal with the T a m i l Church in Ceylon, Burma and Malaya; includes bibliography. Scheme of Church Union i n Ceylon. Society, 1964. I l l pp.

3rd rev. ed. 1955 as amended in 1963. Madras: Christian Literature

Vimalananda, Temakoon. Buddhism in Ceylon under the Christian Powers, and the Educational and Religious Policy of the British Government in Ceylon 1797-1832. Colombo: M. D. Gunasena, 1963. ix + 10 + lxxii + 190 + 11pp. . An ill-edited, prejudiced, and often splenitive account of Ceylon under the Portuguese, Dutch and early British rulers. The only value of t h e book is the 190 pages of selected passages from State papers and other contemporary sources concerning Buddhism and the religious and educa tional policy of the British government in Ceylon, 1792-1832.

XIII. PERIODICALS The Ceylon Journal of Historical and Social Studies. Published twice a year by the Ceylon Historical and Social Studies Publications Board, Peradeniya. T h e Ceylon Rosary Review.

Colombo: Dominican Missionary Fathers.


The Christiaa Pkus Bulletin. Issued by the Study Department of the National Christian Council, 490/5 Havelock Road. Colombo 6. Bi-monthly (mimeographed) Journal of the Ceylon Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Colombo. Irregular National Christian Council Review (formerly The Harvest Field). Mysore and Nagpur. Organ of the National Christian Council of India (Burma and Ceylon, included until 1951). Monthly.


New York University. Annotated Bibliography of Burma. Prepared by Burma Research Project: Frank N. Trager, Director and Editor; John N. Musgrave, Jr. , Chief Bibliographer; Janet Welsh, Assistant. New Haven: HRAF, 1956. viii + 230 pp. Books, pamphlets, serials, government publications; more than a thousand published items listed under authors and topics, with brief annotations.

11. GENERAL BACKGROUND Cady, John F. A History of Modern Burma. Ithaca, N. Y. : Cornell University Press, 1958. xiii With supplement, 34 pp. The best history of modern Burma; with full bibliography.

+ 682 pp.

Charles, G. P. (ed. ). Buddhism in Burma. Rangoon: Commission on Buddhism of the Burma Christian Council, 1955. 70 pp. Interpretations of the present role of Buddhism in the country. Furnivall, John S. Colonial Policy and Practice. A Comparative Study of Burma and Netherlands India Cambridge, England: Cambridge University Press, 1948; and New York: New York University Press, 1956. xii + 568 pp. Challenging critique of colonial policies by a British civil servant; a classic study. Hall, D. G. E. Burma. 3rded. London: Hutchinson's University Library, 1960. 198pp. Brief, but reliable; includes bibliography. Harvey, Godfrey Eric. History of Burma from the Earliest Times to 10 March 1824, the Beginning of the English Conquest. London: Longmans, Green, 1925. xxxi + 415 pp. A thorough study for this period which includes the beginning of missionary work. King, Winston L. A Thousand Lives Away. Buddhism in Contemporary Burma. Oxford, England: Bruno Cassirer, 1964. 238 pp. Marshall, Harry I. The Karen People of Burma. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press, 1922 iv + 329 pp. ~ e t a i l e ddescription of the Karens, including animistic beliefs and customs, by a missionary, Maung Maung. Burma In the Family of Nations. Amsterdam: Djambatan, 1958. xi The only standard work in English by a Burmese scholar. Nash. Manning. The Golden b a d to Modernity. Wiley & Sons, 1965. viii + 333 pp.

+ 242 pp.

Village Life in Contemporary Burma. New York: John

Pye, Lucian W. Politics, Personality, and Nation Building: Burma's Search For Identity. New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Press, 1962. xx + 307 pp. The most penetrating recent study of the mind of the people of Burma, with helpful insights con cerning the role of the Buddhist religion.

Ray, N. R. An Introduction to the Study of Theravada Buddhism in Burma. 1946. 306 pp.

Calcutta: University Press,

Shway, Yoe (Sir James George Scott). The Burman: His Life and Notions. Introduction by John K Musgrave. New York: W. W. Norton Co. , 1963. xxvi + 609 pp. Fvst published in 1882, this material is still valuable for an understanding of the Burman. Sinai, I. R. The Challenge of Modernization. The West's Impact on the Non-Western World. London: Chatto-W indus, 1964. 256 pp. Drawing mainly upon experience in Burma, the author maintains that newly independent AfroAsian countries, lacking a background of the Renaissance, the Reformation, and the Enlightenment, need authoritative left-wing governments if they are to emerge into the modern world. Smith, Donald Eugene. Religion and Politics in Burma. Princeton, N. J . : Princeton University Press, 1965. 332 pp. The interaction of Buddhism and politics; attempts to relate Buddhism to nationalism, democracy and socialism. Symes, Michael. An Account of an Embassy to the Kingdom of Ava. London: Nichol-Wright, 1800. xxiii A 503 pp. This is t h e book, reporting on the visit of Symes to Burma in 1795, that aroused much interest and caused many of the early Protestant missionaries first to go to Burma.

- - - - - -.

Journal of His Second Embassy to the Court of Ava in 1802. Edited and with an introduction by D. G. E. Hall. London: Allen & Unwin, 1955. lxxxix + 270 pp.

Tinker, Hugh. The Union of Burma. A Study of The First Years of Independence. 3rd ed, London: Oxford University Press, 1961. 424 pp. (Issued under the auspices of the Royal Institute of International Affairs. ) The most comprehensive work on the subject in English. Includes numerous references to the work of the American Baptist Foreign Missionary Society. Trager, Frank N. (ed.). Burma. Area Handbook. 3vols. New Haven, Conn: HRAF, 1956 A wealth of information on most aspects of Burma. Woodman, Dorothy. The hhking of Burma. London: Cresset Press, 1962. viii + 594 pp. A detailed history. 111. CHRISTIANITY IN BURMA Anderson, Courtney. To the Golden Shore. Boston: Little, Brown Co., 1956. xiii + 530 pp. A moving account of the first American missionary, Adoniram Judson, to Burma. Annual Reports. American Baptist Foreign Mission Society, 1814 to the present. Appleton, George. Buddhism in Burma. London: Longmans, Green, and Co., 1943. 49 pp. (Burma Pamphlets, No. 3. ) An interpretation of Buddhism in Burma by a former Anglican missionary.

- - - - - - . Burma. London: SPG, 1945. 44 pp. (The War and After Series, No. 1. ) Summary statement about the state of the church and missions.

- - - - - - . The Christian Approach to the Buddhist. London: Edinburgh House Press, 1958. 172 pp. Based on missionary experience in Burma. Bigandet, Paul A. An Outline of the History of the Catholic Burmese Mission From the Year 1720 to 1887. Rangoon: Hanthawaddy Press, 1887. lix + 146 pp. French tr. : La mission de Birmanie, traduit d e l'anglais e t augmen6 d'une introduction par Adrien Launay. Paris: Tdqui, 1890. 166 pp. Valuable information about early Catholic work. by a long-time missionary.

- - - - - - . The Life or Legend of Gautama, the Buddha of the Burmese. 2 vols. London: Trubner 1911- 12. Old but still important for study of Buddhism in Burma.

& Co.,

Bunker, Alonzo. Soo Thah. A Tale of the Making of the Karen Nation. New York: Revell, 1902. 280 pp. The story of the conversion of the Karen people, by a Baptist missionary.

- - - - - - . Sketches from the Karen Hills. New Yak: Revell, 1910. 215 pp. After forty years of missionary experience. The Burma Directory of Christian Service, 1961. Rangoon: Bible Society Building, 1961. 14 pp. Agencies affiliated to or in cooperation with the Burma Christian Council. Carpenter, Chaplin Howard. Self-support, Illusrrated in the History of the Bassein Karen Mission from 1840 to 1880. Boston: Rand, 1883. xv + 426 pp. Carson, Laura Hardin. Pioneer Trails, Trials and Triumph. New York: Baptlst Board of Education, 1927. 255 pp. One of the few writings about Christian work among the Asho and the Zomi Chins.


Catholic Directory of Burma. Rangoon: St. Mary's Cathedral, annually. About forty pages. Formerly called The Burma Catholic Calendar; contains names and addresses of missionary priests, names and addresses of the various institutions operated by the Catholic Church, and general statistics for each diocese. CharIes, G. P. "The Church In Burma, " National Christian Councll Review (Mysore, India). XXXI (Jan., 1953), 22-30. German rr., "Die Kirchen in Burma, " Allgemeine Missionsnachrichten (Hamburg), XXXIII (April, 1953), 9-12. Clasper, Paul D. "The Buddhist- Christian Encounter in Burma, " Occasional Bulletin from the MRL, X, 4 (May, 1958). 10 pp. - B a~ Protestant missionary.

- - - - - - . The New Missionary's New Relationships. Rangoon: Burma Baptist Convention, 1962. 66 pp. Some post first-term reflections on the problem of identification.

Cochrane, Henry Park. Among the Burmans. A record of fifteen years of work and its fruitage. New York: Revell, 1904. 281 pp. A missionary reporting on life and conditions in Burma. Collis, Maurice. The Land of the Great Image. Being Experiences of Friar Manrique in Arakan. London: Faber and Faber, 1943. 266 pp. Manrique was a ~ortugueseAugustinian who visited Arakan (now part of Burma) about 1630. Cooney, D.

"Apostolate Among the Sham," Worldmission (New York), XILT, 1 (1962), 43-55.

Crittle, Wilfred. Burma, land of Many Tongues. London: Bible Churchmen's Missionary Society, 1948. 35 pp. (Field Survey, No. 5. ) Story of work from 1924-1946 by an evangelical society of the Church of England. I

Directoire pour la mission de Birmanie meridionale. Fr. Provost. Hong Kong: Ed. Nazareth, 1932. 188pp. /

Directorium pro sacerdotibus indigenis Birmaniae meridionalis. Fr. Provost. Hong Kong: Ed. Nazareth, 1932. 188 pp. Dunstan, J. Leslie. "The Church in Burma: Yesterday and Today, " Andover Newton Quarterly (Newton Cenrre, Mass.), 11, 3 (Jan., 1962), 34-50. Concise study by a well-known Protestant missions scholar. Dyer, V. W. Christ of the Burma Road. 2nd ed. Rangoon: American Baptist Mission Press, 1931. xxvii + 157 pp. Gammell, William. A H l s t o r y s . Boston: Gould, Kendall and Lincoln. 1850. xii + 359 pp. The first fifteen chapters deal with the history of Baptist missions in Burma. Geren, Paul. Burma Diary. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1943. 58 pp. By a missionary professor in Judson College, Rangoon. Tells of the pilgrimage of missionaries and refugees across the Burma Hills into India after'the Japanese invasion.

Hall, Gordon Langley. Golden Boats from Burma. Phlladelphla: hlacRae Smlth Press, 1961. 398 pp. Biography of Ann Hazeltme Judson. Harris, Edward Norman. A Star in the East. An account of American Baptist Mlsslons to the Karens of Burma. New York: Revell, 1920. 223 pp. Harwood, H. J. "Christianity in Present-Day Burma, " World Dommion (London), XXVII (Nov. -Dec., 1949), 363-69. Hla Bu, U,

"The Christian Encounter Wlth Buddhism in Burma, "

3, XLVII (April,

1958), 171-77.

Howard, Randolph L. Baptists in Burma. Philadelphia: Judson Press, 1931. 168 pp. Historical survey, with analysis of conditions at that time, by a former Baptist missionary to Burma.

- - - - - - . It Began in Burma. Philadelphia: Judson Press, 1942. 125 pp. The story of Baptist work in Burma. Hughes, Lizabeth B. The Evangel in Burma. Being a Review of the Quarter Century 1900-1925 of the Work of the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society In Burma. Rangoon: American Baptist Mission Press, 1926. 225 pp. James, Eileen R. (ed. ) . "Burma Christian Council Issue, " Burma News (Baptist Board of Publications, Rangoon), LXXI (August. 1958). 34 pp. A description of the activities of the Burma Christian Council, the body of cooperating Protestant church denominations in Burma.

- - - - - - (ed. ). "Education Issue, " Burma News, LXXI (October, 1958). 54 pp. A survey of Baptist education in Burma, from the early beginnings to the present tlme. Jacobson, Nolan P. and William E. Winn. "The Living Cenrre in Asia," International Review of Missions (Geneva), LI (October, 1962), 420-29. A critique of recent missiology and suggestions for a new kind of evangelism for an age of science and technology, coming from within the Burma setting. King, Winston L. Buddhism and Christianity, Some Bridges of Understanding. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1962. 240 pp. A respected authority on Burmese Buddhism compares and conrrasts major religious beliefs and emphases in the Buddhist and Christian naditions. Laymen's Foreign Missions Inquiry. Fact-Finders' Reports, India-Burma, Vol. IV, Supplementary Series, Part 2. New York: Harper & Brothers. 1933. A wealth of information, based on first-hand investigation. Luce, E. (Very Rev. ), rewritten and edited by a Catholic layman. An Account of the Catholic Mission of Southern Burma and of the Cathedral of the Immaculate ConceptLon, Rangoon. London: Burns & Oates, 1909. 106 pp. The first 55 pages give a brief history of Catholic missionary activity in Burma, 1581-1894, followed by an account of the building of the Cathedral. Two appendices, dealing with the work of the French Society of Foreign Missions in southern Burma, and a list of social and charitable works. McLeish, Alexander. Christian Progress in Burma. London: World Dominion Press, 1929. iv A survey of Protestant effort.

+ 100 pp.

- - - - - - . Burma: Christian Progress to the Invasion. London: World Dominion Press, 1942. 28 pp. Observations on the eve of World War 11, relates "progress made in the last twelve years. "--Ref. Malcom, Howard. Travels in South-Eastern Asia. Embracing Hindustan, Malaya, Siam, and China; with notices of Numerous Missionary Stations, and a full account of The Burmese Empire. 2 vols. 3rd ed. Boston: Gould, Kendall, and Lincoln, 1839. 27 3 pp. , 321 pp. All of Vol. I reports on observations in Burma by this American Baptist missionary society representa tive. Marks, John E. Forty Years in Burma. Foreword by the Archbishop of Canterbury. London: Hutchinson Press, 1917. 308 pp. Report on early Anglican work.

Marshall, Harry I. Naw Su, A Story of Burma. Portland, Maine: Falmouth Publishing House, 1947. 351 . pp. . A novel based on historical facts, including experiences and problems of Burmese Christians, by a missionary. hlaung Shwe Wa, and Genevieve and Erville Sowards (eds. ). Burma Baptist Chronicle. Rangoon: Baptlst Board of Publication, 1963. xvi - 448 pp. A survey of the history of Burma's iirgest Christian body. Missions in Burma. Boston: American Baptist Foreign Mission Society. [1911]. 70 pp. Historical sketch of Baptist work; includes roster of all Baptist missionaries from 1813 to 1911; and mission stations in 1911. Olmstead, C. E. (chairman). A Survey of Christian Missions in Burma by The Committee on Survey. Burma Christian Council. Rangoon: American Baptist Mission Press, 1927. 35 pp. Contains valuable statistical information on missions in 1921. Purser, Mary C. An Ambassador in Bonds. London: SPG, 1932. 83 pp. The story of William Henry Jackson, priest of the Anglican hlission to the Blind in Burma; by his sister. Purser, W. C. B. Christian Missions in Burma. London: SPG, 1911. xvi + 246 pp. Anglican description of early mission work. Rattenbury, H. B. and Hilda M. Porter. Methodists in Burma.

Let hly People Know! London: Cargate Press, 1947. 136 pp.

Read, Katherine with Robert 0. Ballou. Bamboo Hospital. The Story of a Missionary Family in Burma. Foreword by Jesse R Wilson. Philadelphia: Lippincott, 1961. 224 pp. The story of Dr. Albert Henderson and his wife, who went to Burma as medical missionaries in 1893. Rillstone, Thomas. And Behold We Live. Days of Danger in Wartime Burma. Essendon. Victoria: St. Columban's Mission Society, [1948]. 114 pp. Adventures of a group of Columban missionaries in Northern Burma during the Second World War. Robbins, Joseph Chandler. Boardman of Burma. Philadelphia: Judson Press, 1940. 178 pp. The life of George Dana Boardman (1801-1831), the apostle of the Karens. Roberts, W. H Pioneering Among the Kachins. [1911]. 39 pp.

[Boston:] American Baptist Foreign Missions Society,

Sangermano, Vicentius. The Burmese Empire A Hundred Years Ago. With an introduction and notes by John Jardine. Westminster [England]: Constable, 1893. xxxix + 311 pp. (Includes preface to the first ed., 1833, signed by Cardinal Wiseman. ) Sangermano was an Italian Catholic missionary who worked in Ava and Rangoon from 1783 to 1806 with considerable success. Seagrave, Gordon Stifler. The Life of the Burma Surgeon. New York: Ballantine Books, 1960. 224 pp. Autobiography of the well-known Namhkam doctor.

- - - - - - . Tales of a Waste-Basket Surgeon. Philadelphia: Judson Press, 1938. 265 pp. One of several of his books about his work.

- - - - - - . Burma Surgeon Returns. New York: Norton, 1946. 268 pp. Returning with the refugees after the Second World War. Sword, Gustaf A. Light in the Jungle. Chicago: Baptist Conference Press, 1954. 189 pp. Life story o f Ola Hanson in the setting of his work among the Kachins. Than, U Kyaw (ed. ). Consultation on Buddhist-Christian Encounter. Rangoon: East Asia Christian Conference, 196 1. 89 pp. (Mimeographed. ) Trager, Helen G. Burma Through Alien Eyes. Missionary Views of The Burmese in the Nineteenth Century. New York: Praeger, 1966. 239 pp. HOW the Burmese were portrayed by ~ h r i s t i a nmissionary writers, mainly American, during a period o f colonial subjugation. The years encompassed precede the First Anglo-Burmese War of 1824-26 and conclude in 1962.



Vivian Ba. "Early Catholic hlksionaries in Burma, IX (August, 1962 and following issues).


The Guardian, Burma's National hlagazine (Rangoon),

Warbuuton, Stacy R. Eastward! The Story of Adoniram Judson. New York: Round Table Press, 1937 xi - 240 pp. A good biography. Wayland, Francis. A Melnolr of the Life and Labours of the k v . Adoniran~Judson, D. D. Boston: PhiIllps, Samson, and Co., 1853. Vol. I, 544 pp. ; Vol. 11, 522 pp. The authoritative biography of Judson, and one of the main sources for later books on him.

IV. UNPUBLISHED THESES AND DISSERTATIONS Eastman, Addison John. "A Study of Baptist Work Among the Burmans." M. A. thesis. Kennedy School of h4issions of the Hartford Seminary Foundation, 1952.

Hartford, Conn. :

HauGo, Suket T. "Some Basic Principles for the Establishment of Christianity Among an Animistic Chin Tribe. " A.1. R. E. thesis. Philadelphia: Eastern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1950. 90 pp. By a native of the Tiddim section of the Chin Hills. Hobbs, Cecil Carlton. "Christian Education and the Burmese FamiIy." A?. Th. thesis. Colgate-Rochester Divinity School, 1942. ix + 259 pp.

Rochester, N. Y. :

hlarcheta Thaw. "Great-Hearted Brayton Clarke Case. " Thesis. Insein: Burma Divinity School, 1964. 84 PP. The most complete study of the pioneer agricultural missionary. Smart, James S. "American Baptist Missionaries and the British Annexation of Burma." M. A. thesis. Waco, Texas: Baylor University, 1957.

V. PERIODICALS Baptist Missionary Review. Pakistan.

1895-1957. Official organ of the Baptist Union of India, Burma, Ceylon,

Burma News. Burma Baptist Mission Fellowship. 143 St. John's Road, Rangoon. Bi-monthly. American Baptist Foreign Mission Society, Valley Forge, Pa.


East Asia A4illions. Published by the China Inland Mission Overseas Missionary Fellowship; Newington Green, London N. 16; and 237 West School House Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. 19144. 10-12 issues annually.


The Guardian, Burma's National Magazine. Published by the Guardian, Ltd. 392 Merchant Street, Rangoon. Adonthly. A wide range of articles, poetry, news, summaries and stories, all with authentic Burma settings, mostly by Burma authors or long domiciled Europeans. Journal of the Burma Research Society. The Burma Research Society, University Estate, Rangoon. Published twice a year. Its objects are the study and encouragement of arts, science, history, and literature in relation to Burma. The Sower. A fortnightly newspaper, published since 1949 In two editions, English and Burmese; offices a t S t Mary's Cathedral, Rangoon. Gives news of the activities of the Catholic Church, as well as doctrmal articles. From 1925-42 The Sower was publlshed only in Burmese, once a month at Thonze. From 1946-49 i t was published In Burmese twice a month at Bassein. The Voice. A monthly news periodical, publlshed 1912-42 at St. Mary's Cathedral, Rangoon.


Chdalongkorn University. Bibliography of Material about Thailand in Western Languages. Compiled by the Central Library of Chulalongkorn University. Bangkok: Chulalongkorn [Jniversity, 1960. vii i 326 pp. Religion and philosophy, pp. 3- 17. Mason, John Brown and H. Carroll Parish. Thailand Bibliography. Gainesville, Florida: Dept. of Reference and Bibliography, University of Florida Libraries, 1958. vii + 247 pp. (Bibliography Series, No. 4. ) Contains more than 2, 300 references? many annotated, to books, articles, and documents in nine Western languages. Of particular value is the periodical literature (pp. 120-233), mostly in English language sources, and the list of "English Language Newspapers and Periodicals Published in Thailand" (pp. 233-35).

11. GENERAL BACKGROUND Blanchard, Wendell (ed.). Thailand, Its People, Its Society, Its Culture. New Haven: HRAF Press, 1958. x + 528 pp. In the Area Handbook series; invaluable for background study. Busch, Noel F. Thailand: An Inuoduction to Modern Slam. (The Asia Library. ) A popular inuoduction.

Princeton, N. J. : Van Nosuand, 1959. 166 pp.

De Young, John E. Village Life in Modern Thailand. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1955. vi + 224 pp. ~ e s c r i ~ t i vaccount e of the life of the Thai peasants. Imor, D.

Thailand; a Political, Social, and Economic Analysis.

New Pork: Praeger, 1963.

188 pp.

Kaufman, Howard K. Bangkhuad: A Community Study in Thailand. Locust Valley, N. Y. : J. J. -Augustin, lnc., 1960. ix + 235 pp. Chapters VI and VII are studies of the function of the wat (Buddhist monastery) In a small rural village. Chapter X is on religion. Kingshill, Konrad L. Ku Daeng, The Red Tomb. Bangkok: The Siam Society. 1960. xiii + 310 pp. (Cornell University Southeast Asia Research project. ) A village study in northern Thailand; chapters VIII and IX are on religion. Valuable ethnographic data on the Chiengmai plain area. Landon, Kenneth Perry. Siam in Transition. A Brief Survey of Cultural Trends in the Five Years Since the Revolution of 1932. Shanghai: Kelly & Walsh; and London: Oxford University Press, 1939. xi1 + 328 pp. An era of change in government and foreign relations. Landon, Margaret. Anna and the King of Siam. New York: John Day Co., 1943. vi Life in Bangkok during 1862-67, with references to the Mattoons.

+ 391 pp.

Moffat, Abbot Low. Mongkut, The King of Siam. Ithaca, N. Y. : Cornell University Press, 1961. 254 pp. The book is permeated with quotations kom Dr. Bradley, Dr. House, Samuel J. Smith, and other missionaries of that time (1851-68). Skinner, George William. Chinese Society in Thailand. University Press, 1957. xvii + 459 pp. Includes bibliography, pp. 421-38.

An Analytical History.

Ithaca, N. Y. : Cornell

Thompson, Virginia. Thailand, The New Siam. New York: Macmillan, 1941. xxxii + 865 pp. An exhaustive historical study. Chapter XVIII (pp. 623-72) deals with "Religion," with accounts of Thai Buddhism and Christianity. Extensive bibliography (20 pp. ).

Vclla, Walter F. Siam Under Rama 111, 1824-1851. Locust Valley, N. Y. : Augustin, 1957. ix -. 180 pp. (hlonographs of the Association for Asian Studies, 4. ) hlakes numerous references to the work of Chistian missions in this period. Includes bibliography. Wells, Kenneth E. Thai Buddhism, Its Rites and Activities. Bangkok: Distributed by the Christian Book Store, 1960. viii 320 pp. First published in 1939; studies the general characteristics, services of worship, ceremonies and outreach of Thai Buddhism; by a n American Protestant missionary. Wilson, David A. Politics in Thailand. Ithaca, N. Y.: Cornell University Press, 1962. xiv - 307 pp. Gives a background understanding of Thai political relationships. Wood, William Alfred Rae. A History of Siam From the Earliest Times to the Year A. D. 1781, With a Supplement Dealing with More Recent Events. Rev. ed. Bangkok: Siam Barnakich Press, 1933. 2nd ed. London: Probsthain, 1960. 300 pp. .. The best book on early Thai history.

111. Cl-IfUSTIANITY IN THAILAND The Bangkok Calendar. Bangkok: Yearly from about 1863 to 1872, approximately 125 pp. each Source material on early mission work. Beugler, Dorothy. Central Thailand: Heart of the Orchid. London: China Inland Mission Press, 1954. 32 . pp. . Work of the Overseas Missionary Fellowship (formerly China Inland Mission). Bradley, Dan Beach. A b t ~ a c of t the Journal Siam. 1.835-1373. Edited bv Georee H. 0 Invaluable source material on early College Library, Oberlin, Ohio. Library in New York. J


of Rcv. Dan Beach Bradley, M. D., h k d i c a l Missionary in Feltus.- Privatelv 1930. --, ,~ r i n t e d, . -. ~. vii + 305 DD.Protestant mission work. The original diary is in the Oberlin copy of this abstract is in the ~ n i y e d~resby;erian Mission - -





4 4

~ r o w n ,Arthur J. The Expectation of Siam. New York: Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A. , 1925. 204 pp. Presbyterian mission work in Siam to 1925.

- - - - - -.

"hlissions in Siain," pp. 908-68 in One Hundred Years. Reliable history of the Presbyterian mission in Siam.

New York: Revell, 1936

The Catholic Directory of Thailand, 1963. Edited by the Jesuit Fathers. Bangkok: Thai, Inc., 1963. xxi r 466 pp. Seven sections in English and Thai, with valuable statistics and other information o n Catholic work and institutions. Chappoulie, Henri. Une controverse entre missionnaires 1 S i a m a u XVIIe sizcle. Paris: n. n., 1943. xxi T 77 pp. By a reliable CathoIic scholar; based on a thesis a t University of Paris. Cort, Mary L. Siam, the Heart of Farther India. New York: Randolph & Co., 1886. Life and mission work in Siam, especially in and around Petchaburi.

x + 399 pp.

Cressy, Earl H. A Program of Advance for the Chistian Movement in Thailand. Bangkok: Church of C h i s t in Thailand, 1959. 108 pp. A Protestant prospectus. "/1

5 I


Crooks, Florence Bingham. Tales of Thailand. [Norwood, Mass. xi + 249 pp. [A copy is in the hmL. ] Experiences of a Presbyterian missionary family.

1: Privately printed for the author. 1942.

Curtis, Lillian Johnson. The Laos of North Siam. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1903. xix By a Protestant missionary a t Lakawn. Dodd, Edward M: by Mabel H. A peat King of

+ 338 pp.

"Doctor and Friend: James W. McKean, M. D.," pp. 89-96 in Answering Distant Calls, e Erdman. New York: Association Press, 1942. (SVM Series, "Creative Personalities," American doctor under the Presbyterian mission, he was twice decorated by H. M. t Siam. He initiated the first work for lepers in the kingdom.

Eakin, Paul A. Buddhism and the Christian Approach t o Buddhisrs in Thailand. in Thailand, 1956; reprinted 1960. iv + 85 pp. A Protestant study:

Bangkok: Chutch of Christ

Exell, F. K. Siamese Tapestry. London: Robert Hale, 1963. 192 pp. A book of reminiscences; refers to missionaries and mission work, pp. 146 ff. Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine, Executive Committee of the Eighth Congress. Siam: General and Medical Features. Bangkok: Government Printing Office, 1930. Chapter I11 is on Religion; Chapter XX deals with Protestant medical missions (written by the Rev. Paul A. Eakin); pp. 301-308 ff. give a n account of Chiengmai Leper Asylum and McCormick Hospital (by James W. McKean, M. D. ). Fleeson, Katherine F. Laos Fold Lore. New York: Revell, 1899. 153 pp. Stories £rom northern Thailand. Feltus, George H. Samuel Reynolds House of S i a m . New York: Revell, 1924. 256 pp. T h e life and work of Dr. House in Siam, 1847-76; mention is also made of Mrs. House and her great work for education of girls in Siam.

- - - - - - . (ed. ). Missionary Joutnals of Rev. Jesse Caswell and of the Rev. and Mrs. Asa Hemenway of Siam. Troy, N. Y. : n. n., 1931. Freeman, John H. An Oriental Land of the Free. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, 1910. 200 pp. An oft-quoted book on S i a m and the mission work there, by a Presbyterian missionary. Fridell, Elmer A. Baptists in Thailand and the Philippmes. Philadelphia: Judson Press, 1956. 80 pp. By a secretary of the American Baptist Foreign Mission Society. Gammell, William. A History of American Baptist Missions. Boston: Gould & Lincoln, 1851. xii Chapter XVI deals with Baptist missions in S i a m to 1850. Graham, Walter Armstrong. Hing, 1903. 89 pp. Grether, Herbert.

+ 359pp.

A Brief History of the French Roman Catholic Mission in Siam. Bangkok: Wo

"The Revision of the Thai Bible, " Bible Translator (London), VIII (Jan., 1957); 9-19.

Guide to Christian Work in Thailand. Bangkok: Church of Christ in Thailand, 1962. 28 pp. Concise sutvey, with directory, photos, and maps. Herder Korrespondenz, "Die katholische Kirche in S i a m (Thailand). Missionsgebetsmeinung fiit Juli 1959. " XIII, 1958/59, 424-28. A summary of the history and present situation of the Catholic Church. Hewey, G. Winfred. The Story of Baptist Missions. St. Louis: Chancy R. Barns, 1882. xx Chapters XL and X U deal with Baptist missions in Siam.

+ 815 pp.

Hutchinson, Edward W. "The Earliest Translation of the Gospel into Siamese, " Journal of the S i a m Society (Bangkok), 1935, pp. 197 -200. Jacobs-Larkcom, Dorothy. pp. 11. 19,26.

"Mission Work in Northern Siam," Standard (Bangkok), No. 598, June 14, 1958,

Kuhn. Isobel Miller. Ascent t o the Tribes. Pioneering in North Thailand. London: Lutterworth Press; and Chicago: Moody Press, 1956. 315 pp. The beginning of tribal work by the Overseas Missionary Fellowship. Launay, Adrien Charles. Histoire de l a mission de Siam, 1662-1811. By a n a b l e Catholic missions historian.

3 vols.

Paris: Tequi, 1920.

- - - - - - . S i a m e t les missionnaires f r a n p i s . Tours: A. Mame, 1896. 240 pp. Leonowens, AM^ H. Siamese Harem Life. London: Arthur Barker Ltd., 1873. 228 pp. Reprinted, New York: E. P. Dutton. 1953. Five chapters study witchcraft in Siam; also Roman Catholicism in Siam, 1862-67.

McFarland, Bertha B. Our Garden Was so Fax. New York: Revell, 1943. 141 pp. An account of life In Bangkok, by r e t u e d government official and wife who became affiliated missionaries of the Presbyterian Church

- - - - - - . AIcFarland of Slam. New York: Vantage Press, 1958. 313 pp. The llfe of George Bradley McFarland, Al. D. , D. D. S. , afterwards Phra Ach Vidyagama; the son of missionaries, and later affiliated with the Amerlcan Presbyterian Mlssion. McFarland, George Bradley (ed. ). Historical Sketch of Protestant hlissions in Siam, 1828-1928. Bangkok: pp. Bangkok Tlmes Press, 1928. xvii t 386 . . Excellent source material on the pioneers, the expansion of the church, and national leadership in the church up to 1928. hIcGilvary, Daniel. A Half Century Among the Siamese and the Lao: An Autobiography. Revell, 1912. 429 pp. The Apostle to the Lao, a Presbyterian missionary.

New York:

McLeish, Alexander. Today in Thailand (Siam). London: World Dominion Press, 1942. 26 pp. Observations on the eve of World War 11. illaddox, Catharine. Paddy Field Hospital. London: Lutterworth Press, 1962. 183 pp. The establishment of the Overseas Missionary Fellowship Hospital a t Manorom, in central Thailand. Miller, E. F.

"Catholicism in Thailand,


(Hong Kong), 1960, 923-27

Royce, Nancy. A Sketch of the Life and Character of Mrs. Emelie Royce Bradley, T e n Years a Missionary in Siam. New York: American Tract Society, n. d. 176 pp. A copy is in the Oberlin College Library, Oberlin, Ohio. Ryburn, Horace W. 1949, 16-36.

"The American Presbyterian Mission in S i a m , " Standard (Bangkok), No. 131, July 2,

- - - - - - . "The Challenge to the Church in Thailand Today, " IRM, XLI (July, 1952). 288-300.


Scheuzger, Otto. The New Trail. London: China Inland Mission, 1963. 9 3 pp. Mission beginnmgs in a Meo village in northern Thailand. Seely, Francis M. "Some Problems in Translating the Scriptures into Thai," Bible Translator (London), VIII (April, 1957), 49-61. Siam and Laos as Seen by Our American Missionaries. Philadelphia: Presbyterian Board of Publication, 1884. 552 pp. Presbyterian missionary impressions. Siam Society. Vol. VII: Relationships with Portugal. Holland and the Vatican. Bangkok: S i a m Society, 1959. Selected articles from the Siam Society Journals; includes six articles about relations with the Vatican in the 17th century. Singhanet, Chinda. Dr. Cort of Chieng Mai. Bangkok: Church of Christ in Thailand, 1962. 17 pp. An appreciation of a great and endearing personality. South East Asia Journal of Theology (Singapore), V, No. 1(July, 1963). Special T h a i issue. Starling, Lucy. Dawn Over T e m p l e Roofs. New York: World Horizons, Inc., 1960. 182 pp. Reminiscences of a missionary career upcountry, with snatches of history, 1909-45. Suriyakam, Singkaew. Briggs of Chiangrai. Bangkok: Church of Christ in Thailand, 1962. 16 pp. Biographical appreciation of Briggs the doctor, builder and defender of Chiangrai against the Sham during the Shan rebellion. Tomlin, Jacob. A Missionary Journal Kept a t Singapore and Siam from May, 1830 to January, 1832. Malacca: Mission Press, 1832. 90 pp. Tomlin and GutzIaff were the first Protestant missionaries to Siam.

Wells, Kenneth E. Hlstory of Protestant Work in Thailand, 1828- 1958. Bangkok: Church of Christ in Thailand, 1958. viii + 213 pp.

- - - - - - . Theravada Buddhism and Protestant Christianity. Bangkok: Church of Christ in Thailand, 1963. 94 PP. The Sinclalr Thompson Memorial Lectures a t the Thailand Theological Semmary, Chiengmai, 1963; by a Protestant missionary. Wells, Margaretta B. Siam Story. New York: Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A., 1946. 34 pp. The beginnings of World War I1 in Siam and the escape or detention of missionary personnel. - - - - - - . Guide to Chiengmai. Bangkok: Church of Christ in Thailand, 1962. 88 pp. A guide book for tourists, with a section on McKean Leprosariuin and mention of other Christian work.

IV. UNPUBLISHED THESES, DISSERTATIONS, AND OTHER MANUSCRIPTS Arkkapin, Pisnu. "The Present Status and Theological Foundations for Social Work in the Church of Christ in Thailand. " S. T. M. thesis. New York: Union Theological Seminary. 1961. Fowler, Dorothy. "A History of Protestant Missions in Thailand. " M. A. in Biblical Education the.sis Columbia, South Carolina: Graduate School of Missions, Columbia Bible College, 1955. Detailed account, since 1925, and especially since World War 11. Ingersoll, Jasper Cooke. "The Priest and the Path: An Analysis of the Priest Role in a Central Thai Village." Ph. D. dissertation. Ithaca, N. Y. : Cornell University, 1963. ix + 354 pp. Kraege, Elfrieda A. "History of Christian Work Among the. Chinese of Thailand, and of Chinese Churches There, 1828-1963." Unpublished manuscript. 35 pp. + 2 pp. bibliography. United Presbyterian Commission on Ecumenical Mission and Relations. Copies are in the United Presbyterian Mission Library, 475 Riverside Drive, New York City. Lord, Donald Charles. "In His Steps: A Biography of Dan Beach Bradley, Medical Missionary to Thailand, 1835- 1873." Ph. D. dissertation. Cleveland, Ohio: Western Reserve University, 1964.

V. PERIODICALS East Asia Millions. Overseas Missionary Fellowship, 237 West School House Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. 19144 Monthly except August and September. Journal of the Siam Society. Bangkok. Irregular. Standard. A weekly newspaper for international readers in English, published by a Thai staff. Princess Prem Purachatra, a Buddhist, is the editor. The Chaka Press, 77 Rama V Road, Bangkok. The Thailand Outlook (1940-41), successor to The Siam Outlook (Chiengmai, 1921-1939). numerous reports and articles on missionary work.





I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Beaver, R. Pierce. "Christianity in Indo-China: A Review of the Literature," Occasional Bulletin from the MRL, IV, 15 (Dec., 1953). 7 p Especially good for Roman Ca#mlic literature.

Bibliography of Cambodia. Annotated. Bibliography of Laos. Annotated.

New Haven: HRAF, 1956.

New Haven: HRAF, 1956.

17 pp.

29 pp.

Boudet, Paul. Bibliographie d e l'lndochine francaise.. . 4 vols. Hanoi: Impr. d'ExtrZme-Orient. 19291943. Covers material from 1913-35. Continues the materia1 included in Henri Cordier's Bibliotheca indosinica ( 3 vols. Paris, 1912-14). Hobbs, Cecil. Indochina: A Bibliography of the Land and People. Washington, 1).C. : United States Library of Congress, 1950. 367 pp. k t s 1 8 5 0 t i t l e s on a l l aspects of French Indochina; indexed, with some annotations. Jacquet, Constant H., Jr. ( D e c . , 1953). 7 pp. Annotated.

"A Bibliography o n Indo-China," Occasional Bulletin froin the MRL. IV, 16

11. GENERAL BACKGROUND Cady, John F. T h e Roots of French Imperialism in Eastern Asia. Ithaca, N. Y. : Cornell University Press, for American Historical Association, 1954. xii + 322 pp. Intimately connected with some aspects of the history of missions. Taboulet, Georges La geste francaise e n Indochine. 2 vols. Paris: Adrien-Maisonneuve, 1955, 1956. 935 OD. Authoritative documentary selection, containing a great deal of material o n the history of Roman Catholic missions.


Thompson, Virginia. French Indochina. London: Allen & Unwin; and New York: Macmillan, 1937. 517 pp. A standard reference, especially valuable for study of growth of the Roman Catholic Church in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Extensive bibliography.

A. C a m b o d i a e t al. ; revised 1959 by Herbert H. Cambodia: Its People, Its Society, Its Culture. By David J. Steinberg, Vreeland. New Haven: HRAF Press, 1959. 351 pp. Studies a l l major aspects of Cambodian culture; includes bibliography. Herz, Martin. A Short History of Cambodia from the Days of Angkor to the Present. New York: Praeger, 1958. 141 pp. A welli written introduction for the lay man.

B. L a o s Berval, Reni d e and others. Kingdom of Laos; The Land of the Million Elephants and t h e White Parasol. Saigon: France-Asie, 1959. 506 pp. A symposium of interesting articles dealing with social and cultural aspects of Cambodia and Laos; originally published in French in 1956 under the title Prisence du royaume Lao. Includes bibliography. Dooley, Thomas A. T h e Edge of Tomorrow. New York: Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 1956. 214 pp. T h e l a t e American doctor, a Roman Catholic layman, tells the heart-warming story of starting a jungle hospital in Laos.

- - - - - - . The Night They Burned the Mountain. New York: Farrar, Straus and Cudahy, 1960. 192 pp. Halpern, Joel M. Government, Politics, and Soclal Structwe in Laos. A Study of Tradition and Innovation. New Haven: Yale University Southeast Asia Studies, 1964. ix + 184 pp. (Yale Southeast Asia Monograph Series, No. 4. )

Halpern, Joel M. Economy and Society of Laos. A Brlef Survey. New Haven: Yale University Southeast Asia Studies, 1964. IX - 178 pp. - tables. (Yale Southeast Asla Monograph Series, No. 5. ) Two carefully documented studies wlth ample statistical data Laos, Its People, Its Society, Its Culture. Frank Id. LeBar and Adrienne Suddard, eds. New Haven: HRAF Press, 1960. 294 pp. A wealth of Information on Laotian society and culture; includes bibliography, pp. 255-64. Vuavong, Maha Slla. History of Laos. Tr. from the Laotlan by the U. S. Joint Publications Research Service. New York: Paragon Reprint Corp. , 1964. 147 pp.

C. V i e t n a m Buttinger, Joseph. The Smaller Dragon; A Polltical Hlstory of Viemam. New York: Praeger, 1958. 535pp. The only study of its kind in Engllsh, with extenslve notes and bibliography (51 pp. ); begins with pre-history and ends with 1900. A second volume is planned. CadiEre, Gopold Michel. Croyances e t pratiques religieuses des Annamites. Prif. de Paul Boudet. 3 vols. Hanoi: Impr. d ' Exusme-Orient, 19-14-57. Thorough study of religious cults and practices among the Vietnamese. Fall, Bernard B. The Two Viet-Nams: A Political and Military Analysis. Rev. ed. New York: Praeger, 1964. 493 pp. Thorough and able study by a professor of international relations a t Howard University.


"The Political-Religious Sects of Vietnam," Pacific Affairs, XXVIII, No. 3 (Sept., 1955), 235-54.

Hickey, Gerald Cannon. Village in Vietnam. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1964 325 pp. The most important study of Vietnamese cultural and social anthropology in the English language Hoang Van Chi. From Colonialism to Communism: A Case History of North Vietnam. New York: Praeger, 1963. 252 pp. By a scholar with experience in the North Vietnam revolution; contains information not otherwise available in English. Honey, P. J. (ed. ). North Vietnam Today: Profile of a Communist Satellite. New Y a k : Praeger, 1962. vi t 166 pp. A background book about the events which have led up to the present situation. Includes bibliographical footnotes.

I,? ThQnk Khsi. Le Viet-Nam, histoire e t civilisation. Paris: Minuit, 1955. 587 pp. By a Viemamese scholar resident in Paris, this is the most comprehensive one-volume history. Louvet, L.-E. La Cochinchine Religieuse. 2 vols. Paris: Challamel Aine, 1885. Useful for background understanding of the religious situation. Scigliano, Robert. South Vietnam: Nation Under Stress. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1963. 227 pp. The main developments since independence (July, 1954).

III. CERISTIANITY, GENERAL Barney, George L. "Christianity: Innovation in Meo Culture. A Case Study in Missionization." lished Master's thesis. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota, 1957. 100 pp.


- - - - - - . "The Meo--An Incipient Church," Practical Anthropology (Tarrytown, N. Y.), IV, 2 (MarchApril, 1957), 31-50. Discusses how Christianity has spread among the 45, 000 Meo in Laos, with 4,500 converts since 1950. Grandjean, Phillipe. Le statut l i g a l des missions catholiques e t protestants e n Indochine fran~aise. Paris: Recueil Sirey, 1939. 14.4 pp. The history of legal statutes affecting Catholic and- Protestant mission stations, schools, seminarie etc. Contains a brief history of the missions.


Smalley, William A. "The Gospel and the Cultures of Laos," Practical Anthropolopy (Tarrytown, N. Y.), 111, 3 (1956), 47 -57. Reprinted in PA supplement issue, 1960, pp. 63-69. IV. ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCH Bonifacy, A Les d6buts du Christianisme e n Annam. Des origines au commencement du XVIIIe SiEcle. Hanoi: Impr. Tonkinose, 1930. 96 pp. Caillaud, Romanet du. Essai sur les origines du Chrlstianisme au Tonkin e t dans les autres pays Amamites. Paris: Challamel, 1915 205 pp. Based chiefly on the reports of Ordones de Cevallos Of limited value. Chappoulie, Henrl. Paris: Bloud e t A standard Portuguese

Aux Origines d'une E'glise Rome e t les hlissions dTIndochineau XVIIe Sidcle 2 vols. Gay, 1943-1948. Vol. I, xv 452 pp. : bibliography, pp. 411-26; Vol. 11, 27.5 pp. hlstory of Roman Catholic mlssions in Indochina in the 17th century Describes the work in the early part of the century, and the efforts of the Jesuits.

De-George, J . B A la ConquEte du Chu-Laos. Hong Kong: Imp. de la Soc. des Miss. Etr., 1926. 232pp. On the beginnings of Roman Catholic work in Laos. Dournes, Jacques. Dieu a i m e les Paikns. Une Mission de 1 ' ~ ~ l i sur s e les Plateaux de Viet-nam. Aubier (Thgologie, 54), 1963. 172 pp.


Grosller. Bernard Philippe, avec l a collaboration de C R. Boxer Angkor e t l e Cambodge a u XVIe Sidcle d'aprzs les sources Portugaises e t Espagnoles. Parls: Presses ,Universitawes de France, 1958. 194 pp. (Vol. 6 3 of the Annales du h4usie Guimet, ~ i b l i o t h ~ q udes e Etudes. ) Early Portuguese and Spanlsh misslonary accounts of Cambodia are reproduced in full. Guglielmotti, Alberto. Memorias d e las Mlsiones Cat6licas e n e l Tonkin. Translated from Italian into Spanuh by Manuel Amado. Madrid: Eusebio Aguado, 1846. 320 pp. .Hamen, Hubert. Ein Missionsberuf. Leben des P. Alois Nempon

Steyl: Missions Druckerei. 1907. 341 pp.

Jenks, David SIX Great Missionaries of the Sucteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Milwaukee: Morehouse, 1930. vii + 251 pp. Chapter VI contains a sketch of the career of Pallu Joly, G o n . k Christianisme e t 1'ExtrSme Orient. Vol. I deals with Indochina.

2 vols.

London: Mowbrays; and

Paris: k t h i e l l e u x , 1907

Launay, Adrien. Histoue d e l a mission d e Cochinchine, 1658-1823. Documents Hlstoriques. Paris: Tgqui, 1923- 1925. By a n able Roman Catholic hlstorian of missions.

3 vols.

- - - - - - . Histoire de la Mission d e Tonkin. Documents Historiques. Vol. I, 1658-1717. Paris: Libraire Orientale, 1927. Lletzler, Josef. "Vietnamesische Blbeliibersetzungen," Well-documented Catholic essay.

g, XX (1964).


Ncez, Mgr. Documents sur l e clerg6 Tonkinois aux XVIIe e t XVIIIe Sidcles. Paris: Tgqui, 1925. ix 273 pp. N6ez was vicar apostolic of Western Tonkin In the 18th century and his manuscript, prepared 1754-61, contains the biographies of 5 3 native priests. Nguuyen, Huu Trong. 289 pp.

Les Origines du Clergz Vietnamien.

Saigon: Groupe Littzraire Tinh-Viet. 1959.

Papinot, E. "Cinquante ans dlApostolat au Laos (1881-1931)," Revue d'Histoire des Missions (Paris), VIIl (1931). 337-52. Planet, J. "Hutoue de la Mission d e Cambodge," Bulletm d e l a ~ o c i g t ddes Missions Etrangdres (Hong Kong), 1928-29.

Shortland, John R. The Persecutions of Annam: A History of Christianiti in Cochln China and Tonklng I London: Burns and Oates, 1875. ix - 430 pp Rased largely upon letters published in Annals of the Propagation of the Faith and Lethes Edifiantes. ~ r a ^ n - m i n h - ~ i c tHistoue . des Persecutions au Vietnam. Blois: Notre-Dame d e l a ~ r i n i t 6 , 1955. 276 pp. A Roman Catholic account of the struggle with Communism. Trochu, Francis. Un Martyr Franqais a u XIXe Sizcle. k Bienheureux ~ h C o p h a n e~ 6 n a r d(1829-1861). Pars: Librairie Catholique Emmanuel Vitte, 1929 xvi"; 537 pp. By a n admlrer Walsh, James A. A hlodern hlartyr. Adapted by E. A. McGurkin. 118 pp. Life of Thiophane VCnard, 1829- 1861


New York: McCullen Books, 1952.

- - - - - - . Observations in the Orient. The account of a journey to Catholic mission fields in Japan, Korea, Manchuria, China, Indo-china, and the Philippines. Ossining. N Y.: Catholic Foreign Mission Society of America, 1919. xiii + 323 pp. Observations by a respected American Catholic missionary statesman. V. PROTESTANT CHURCHES Corthay, Charles. Le Laos, Dicouverte d'une Champ hlissionnaire Yverdon (Suisse): Impr. H Cornaz, 1953. 64 pp. Well illustrated account of the Swss Mission EvangElique au Laos; contains chapters on land and people, the blrth of a church, and the fellowship of the missionaries. Very informative. Decorvet, Jeanne and George Rochat. L'Appel du Laos. Yverdon: Impr. H Cornaz, 1946. 165 pp. A history of the Msslon Evangilique Susse for Lower Laos, leadmg up to the events following the Japanese invasion in 1944; includes good map of Lower Laos with full details Dowdy, Homer E. The Bamboo Cross The Witness of Christian Martyrs in the Communst-Infested Jungles of Viet Nam. New York: Harper & Row, 1964 239 pp. T h e story of Chrstian trlbespeople in the mountains of Vietnam, and thelr conversion The author lived for a t i m e among the people and with the missionaries of the Christian and Missionary Alliance. Contams considerable cultural material. Irwin, E. F. With Christ in Indo-China The Story of Alliance Missions in French Indo-Chma and Eastern Slam. Harrisburg: Christian Publications, 1937. 164 pp. A comprehensive account, now somewhat dated, of the rise and growth of the mission and the Annamese Church. Mission Evangglique au Laos. Jubilc de l a Mission a u Laos, 1902- 1952. Yverdon: Impr. H. Cornaz, n. d. 32 PP. Contains ten reports by members of the mission on various aspects of their work; many pictures Englsh summary in Occasional Bulletin from the MRL, V, 6 (June, 1954), pp. 9-12. Missionary Atlas A Manual of T h e Foreign Work of The Christian and hflsslonary Alliance. Revised as of June 30, 1964 Harrsburg: Chrstian Publications, 1964 vii + 207 pp. Exceedingly useful; emphasis on ChfA work, but also includes general lnformatlon on religions and other mssions Sections o n Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos, pp. 53-78. "The Protestant Community in Indo-Chlna, ' special issue of the Occasional Bulletin from the MRL, V, 6 (June, 1954). 12 p p Contams three articles: I "The Evangelical Church in French Indo-China," by Winburn T Thomas; I1 "The Swiss Brethren Misslon in Laos, ' by Constant H Jacquet, Jr. ; I11 "The Bible in Laotian, ' by F. Auditat Schloesing, Emile. "Les Missions Protestantes e n Indo-Chine," k h4onde non chritien (Paris), 1955 (JulySept. ), 245-72.

- - - - - - , "Tentatives Fransaises d e Mission Protestante e n Indo-Chine," Le Monde non chritien, 1955 (Oct. - Dec. ), 335-48.

Smith, hlrs. Gordon H. Gongs in the Night. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1943 102 pp. A description of missionary work among the jungle tribes of Indochina, written by a missionary of the Christian and Missionary Alliance Farther lnto the Night. 1955. 247 pp.


hlissionary Adventure in Indo-China

2nd ed.

Grand Rap~ds: Zondervan,

- - - - - - . Victory in Viet Nam. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1965. 246 pp. The Smiths are now with Worldwide Evangelization Crusade, centering at Da Nang.

Smith, Gordon Hedderly. The BIood Hunters. Chicago: World Wide Prayer and Missionary Union, 1942 140 pp. A missionary of the Christian and Missionary AlIiance describes his adventures among the tribespeople of the hinterIands of Indochina, against the background of missionary endeavor. This book is a companion voIume to Gongs in the Night by the author's wife. Smith, Laura and Gordon H. Light in the JungIe. Chicago: Moody Press, 1946. 41 pp. A popular account of mission work among the tribespeopIe of Annam. Westervelt, Josephine Hope. The Green Gods. New York: Christian Alliance Publishing C o . , 1927. 140 pp. hhssionary stories about Indo-China, by a member of the CMA.

IV. PERIODICALS The Call of Viet Nam. Issued bi-annually by the Viet Nam missionaries of The Christian and Missionary AIliance. P. 0. Box 923, Saigon; or 260 West 44th Street, New York, N. Y East Asia Millions (formerly The Millions). Published by the China Inland Mission Overseas Missionary Fellowship; Newington Green, London N. 16; and 237 West School House Lane, Philadelphia, Pa. 19144. 10-12 issues annually. Includes articles and reports about 0MF work in Laos. /

Ethos du Laos. Mission Evangzlique au Laos. Bellvue-Geneva, Switzerland. 3-4 issues annually. In German, Echo aus Laos, ed. by Evang. Mission in Laos through Schweizerische Missions-Gemeinschaft, Kiisnacht -Ziirich. Jungle Frontiers. News Magazine of the Viet Nam Mission (Tribes Region) of The Christian and Missionary Alliance. 260 West 44th Street, New York, N. Y. Semi-annually. Les Millions. Bulletin trimestriel d e l a Mission 1 1'Intzrieur d e l a Chine. Corsier-sur-Vevey, Suisse French edition of East Asia MiIlions, but contains some original material. Semailles e t Moisson. Edification Mission. Organe des Assemblzes Evangzliques de Ia Suisse Romande. Yverdon, Suisse: Impr. Cornaz. Mission journal of the Churches of the Swiss Open h e t h e n , who support the Swiss Laos Mission.


Singapore, Brunei

I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Cheeseman, HaroId A. R. (comp.). Bibliography of Malaya. Being a Classified List of Books Wholly or Partly in English Relating to the Federation of Malaya and Singapore. London and New York: Published for the British Association of Malaya by Longmans, Green and Co.. 1959. 234 pp. The most comprehensive bibliography available; "Religion," pp. 160-68. Lim, Beda (comp.). "Malaya; A Background BibIiography," Journal of the Malayan Branch Royal Asiatic Society (Kuala Lumpu), XXXV, 2 / 3 (1962). v + 199 pp. See section on "Christian Missions," pp. 130-34.

Missionary Research Llbrary. "Bibliography on Malaysia," Occasional Bulletm, XV, 3 (March, 1964). 31pp. 363 items on Malaya, Singapore, Sarawak, and Borneo. Pelzer, Karl J. Selected Bibliography o n the Geography of Southeast Asia. Part 11: Malaya. New Haven: Yale University Southeast Asia Studies by Arrangement with HRAF, 1956. 162 pp. Uses "geography" in the broad sense; includes a section o n Religion. No annotations.


Chinese Ancestor Worship in Malaya. Singapore: Donald Moore, 1956. 4 1 pp.

- - - - - - . Chinese Magic and Superstition in Malaya. Singapore: Donald Moore, 1957. 80 pp. - - - - - - . Chinese Secret Societies in Malaya. Locust Valley, N. Y. : J. J . Augustin, 1959. viii Coupland, Sir Reginald. Raffles of Singapore. A scholarly biography.

3rd ed.

London: Collins, 1946.

+ 324 pp.

144 pp.

Evans, Ivor Hugh Norman. Studies in Religion, Folk-lore, and Custom in British North Borneo and the Malay Peninsula. Cambridge, England: University Press, 1923. v i i + 299 pp.


The Religion of the Tempasuk Dusuns of North Borneo. 1953. xviii + 579 pp.

Ginsburg, Norton S. and Chester F. Roberts, Jr. Malaya. 1958. 533 pp. the Area Handbook o n Malaya. Based

London: Cambridge University Press,

Seattle, Wash.: University of Washington Press,

Harris, George L. (ed. ). North Borneo, Brunei, Sarawak (British Borneo). New Haven, Conn. : HRAF, 1956. x i + 287 pp. An overall study of the principal aspects of these small territories- -historical, economic, social and cultural. Harrisson, Thomas Harnett (ed. ). The Peoples of Sarawak. 141 pp.

Kuching, Sarawak: Sarawak Museum,. 1959.

Liang, Kim Bang. Sarawak, 1941-1957; and Edwin Lee, Sarawak in the Early Sixties. Singapore: Dept. of History, University of Singapore, 1964. 65 pp. (Singapore Studies o n Borneo and Malaya, No. 5) McDougall, Colin.

Buddhism in Malaya. Singapore: Donald Moore, 1956. 6 1 pp.

Makepeace, W. Brooke and G. E. Randell. One Hundred Years of Singapore. Murray, 1921. Includes numerous references to Christianity.

2 vols.

London: John

Miller, Harry. Menace in Malaya. London: Harrap, 1954. 248 pp. Chapter 11 has a good description of the re-settlement operation, with a uibute to missionary personnel who were recruited as resettlement officers. Purcell. Victor. The Chinese in Southeast Asia. 2nd ed. London: Oxford University Press, 1965. xvi + 623 pp. A standard work; essential for understanding Southeast Asia, and especially Malaya. Bibliography, pp. 574-610.

- - - - - - . The Chinese in Malaya. London: Oxford University Press, 1948. 327 pp. An authoritative study in depth, includes bib1 iography, pp. 30 1-306. Rauf, M. A. A Brief History of Islam, With Special Reference to Malaya. versity Press, 1964. 105 pp.

Kuala Lumpur: Oxford Uni-

Runciman, Steven. The White Rajahs: A History of Sarawak from 1841 to 1946. London: Cambridge University Press, 1960. 319 pp. T h e story of Brookes of Sarawak; includes bibliography.

Tregonning, K. G. Under Chartered Company Rule: North Borneo, 1881-1946. Singapore: University of Malaya Press, 1958. v + 250 pp. A scholarly history, beginning with the American period in North Borneo; includes bibliography, illustrations and maps. Wang Gungwu (ed.). Malaysia, A Survey. New York: Praeger, 1964. 466 pp. A comprehensive survey, by qualified scholars. Winstedt, Sir Richard Olaf. Malaya and Its History. 1957. 158 pp. The be;;-known general history.

4th ed.

London: Hutchinson's University Library,

- - - - - - . The Malays: A Cultural History. 5th ed. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul, 1961. vii + 198 pp. Dependable.

111. CHRISTIANITY Alliston, Cyril. In the Shadow of Kinabalu. London: Robert Hale, 1961. 191 pp. A personal account of the work and travels of an Anglican missionary working with the SPG in North Borneo. Anderson, Alan S. Moore. Random Reminiscences. London: Albert Clark, 1955. 99 pp. Autobiography of a remarkable Presbyterian bachelor missionary who went to S. Fukien in 1902 and transferred to Malaya in 1935. He died in Malaya about 1960. Baines, C. J. Ye Shall Have Trlbulation. A Report. Singapore: The Diocesan Synod, 1951. 92 pp. Anglican post-war stock-taking. Balchin, Frank. On China's Doorstep. London: Livingstone Press. 1952. 96 pp. An introduction to London Missionary Society work in Malaya and Hong Kong, written a t the time of the redeployment of China missionaries into these areas. ~ h d Edward. , Working His Purpose Out. The History of the English Presbyterian Mission, 1847-1947. 5 vols. London: Publishing Office of the Presbyterian Church of England, 1947. xix + 595 pp. The official history of the English Presbyterian Mission, includes a section on Malaya. Brodrick, James. St. Francis Xavier. New York: Wicklow Press, 1952. 548 pp. See especially chapter 10. Broomhall, Marshall.

Robert Morrison: A Master Builder.

Browne, Laurence Edward. Christianity and the Malays.

London: SCM Press, 1924. London: SPG, 1936. vii

238 pp.

+ 78 pp.

Bull, Geoffrey T. Coral in the Sand. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1962. 125 pp. The author's fourteen years of missionary experience in North Borneo. Bunyon, C. J. Memoirs of Francis Thomas McDougall, Bishop of Labuan and Sarawak. London: Logman's & Green, 1889. 368 pp. Carpenter, Kathleen.

Come In

. . . To the Household of God.

London: Highway Press, 1955. 96 pp.

- - - - - - . The Password is Love. London: Highway Press, 1955. 84 pp. Both books are helpful far understanding the challenge of the new villages, 1950-1955. Cartwright, Frank T. Tuan Hoover of Borneo. New York: Abingdon Press, 1938. 186 pp. The story of James M. Hoover, first missionary of The Methodist Church to work in Sarawak, 1903-1935. Chelliah, D. D. A History of The Educational Policy of The Straits Settlements (1800-1925 circa). With Recommendations for a New System Based on Vernaculars. 2nd ed. Singapore: Distributed by SPCK Bookshop for the author, 1960. xii + 170 pp. A Ph. D. dissertation a t University of London in 1940; includes considerable information about the establishment of Christian schools of different denominations in Singapore. Penang and Malacca. formerly comprising what was known as the Snaits Settlements.

Chelliah, V. A. and Alexander Mckish. Malays and Singapore. Survey Directory of Churches and Missions in the Federation and Colony. London: World Dominion Press, 1948. 36 pp. A postwar survey; now out of date. Cole, Robert Alan. Emerging Pattern. C. I. M. Work Within the Diocese of Singapore and hlalaya. London: China Inland Mission, Overseas Missionary Fellowship, 1961. 48 pp. Cook, J. A. B. Sunny Singapore. An account of the place and its people, with a sketch of the results of missionary work. 2nd ed. London: Elliot Stock, 1907. By a pioneer Presbyterian missionary in Singapore, 1885-1924. Cornwall, Nigel Edmund. Borneo, Past, Present and Future. Westminster: SPG, 1953. 60 pp. An account of Anglican work in Borneo, by the Blshop of Borneo. Daniel, G. 0. Love Unites People. Memoirs of a Christian Worker in Singapore from 1913 to 1959. Singapore: n. n. , 1959. From a devoted Anglican layman. Davie, C. E. F. In Rubber Lands. London: SPG, 1921. 88 pp. An account of the work of the church in Malaya. Denyes, John Russell. The Malaysia Mission of The Methodist Episcopal Church. Society of The Methodist Episcopal Church, [1903]. 40 pp. A summary of the history, and description of Methodist work.

New York: Missionary

Dumper, Anthony. Vortex of the East. London: SPG, 1963. 56 pp. Looks a t the church in the context of the changes and challenges in Southeast Asia. Fitly Framed,. Diocese of Borneo, 1855-1955. Kuching, Sarawak: Centenary Committee of the Diocese of Borneb, 1955. v + 39 pp. A brief historical sketch of the Anglican Church in Borneo, including Sarawak. Green, Eda. Borneo: The Land of River and Palm. London: SPG, 1912. xvi Discusses the early phase of Anglican work in Borneo.

+ 172 pp.

Greer, Robert M. A History of the Presbyterian Church in Singapore. Singapore: Malaya Publishing House, 1956. 156 pp. The ceniennial history of the Presbyterian congregation a t Orchard Rd., Singapore, 1856-1956; a predominantly British congregation. Harcus, A. Drummond. "History of the Presbyterian Church in Malaya," The Journal of the Presbyterian Historical Society of England (London), X, 4 (May, 1955), 160-75. A survey in convenient summary fashion. Healey, Francis G. Malaya: What of the Church? 3rd impression, rev. by John R. Fleming. Edinburgh House Press, 1957. 27 pp. The general picture.


Henrich, Ruth. No Richer Harvest. The Story of the Church in Borneo. London: SPCK and SPG, 1934. 71 PP. An Anglican introduction to missions in the Diocese of Labuan and Sarawak. Includes brief bibliography. Hood, George. Malaya--The Challenge. London: Overseas Missions Committee of the Presbyterian Church of England. 1957. 47 pp. Brief buCgood; emphasis building up strong self-supporting churches. Houliston, Sylvia. Borneo Breakthrough. London: China Inland Mission, 1963. 204 pp. A movement resulting in the birth of a new church among the Chinese of West Borneo. Jones, Margaret Geraint (comp. ). The Open Door. The Work of the Church in Malaya. for the Propagation of ~e Gospel in Foreign Parts, 1947. 104 pp.

London: Society

Lee, Felix George. The Catholic Church in Malaya. Singapore: Published by Donald Moore for Eastern Universities Press, 1963. 56 pp.

Legge, Helen E. James Legge: Missionary and Scholar. London: Religious Tract Society, 1905 viii + 248 pp. Dr. Legge's thirty-three years of missionary service in Malacca and Hong Kong ended in 1870. He later served as Prof. of Chinese a t Oxford. Leiffer, Murray H. The Methodist Church in Singapore, 1961. A Report on Present Program and Future Prospects. Singapore: The Methodist Church, 1961. v + 6 5 pp. (Mimeographed.) A detailed sociological survey study. Lim, Janet (Lin, Ch'iu-mei). Sold for Silver. An Autobiography of Janet Lim. London: Collins; and Cleveland: World Publishing Co., 1959. 252 pp. A vivid description of &e aspect of the work of the church in Singapore before and during the Second World War, by the sometime matron of St. Andrew's Mission Hospital. Loh, Keng Aun. Fifty Years of The Anglican Church in Singapore Island, 1909-1959. of History, University of Singapore, 1963. 54 pp. (Number, Four, Singapore Studies on Borneo and Malaya.) Lomax, Frank. 22-32.

Singapore: Dept.

"The Church in North Borneo," East and West Review (London), XXIX, 4 (October, 1963),

McIntosh, Amy. Journey Into Malaya. London: China Inland Mission; Lutterworth Press, 1956. A picture of the conditions of missionary life and work in Malaya.

190 pp.

McLe ish, Alexander. A Racial Melting Pot. Religion in Malaya. 'London: World Dominion Press, 1940. 28 PP. Observations on the e v e of World War 11. Malayan Christian Council. Survey of the New Villages in Malaya. tian Council, 1959. 49 pp. Valuable detailed information.

Rev. ed. Singapore: Malayan Chris-

Means, Nathalie T. Malaysia Mosaic. A Story of Fifty Years of Methodism. Book Room, 1935. 145 pp. A very important a i d oft-quoted reference.

Singapore: The Methodist

Oldham, W. F Malaysia: Nature's Wonderland. Cincinnati, Ohio: Jennings and Graham, 1907. 90 pp. By a n early American Methodist bishop of Malaysia. Paton, W. and M. M. Underhill. (April, 1932), 156-59.

"Ten Years in Malaya, " International Review of Missions (London), XXI

Pollock, J. C Earth's Remotest End. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1960. Pp. 223-68 deal with the author's observations of mission work in Sarawak, Brunei, and Sabah during a visit in 1958-59. Raaflaub, Fr. (ed. ). Der bleibende Auftrag. 1965. Pp. 185-210 on Sabah.

150 Jahre Basler Miss ion. Stuttgart: Ev. Mmionsverlag,

Ride, Lindsay. Robert Morrison. Hongkong: Hongkong University Press, 1957. 48 pp. + appendices. A commemorative volume on the 150th anniversary of Morrison's arrival in Canton, by the ViceChancellor of Hongkong University. Seventy-Five Years o n Elton H~11. The History of S t Michael's Church, Sandakan, North Borneo, 1963. 33 pp. text + photos. Jubilee publication, recording the history of a n important Anglican center in Sabah. Sharp, Arthur F. The Wings of the Morning. Foreword by the Bishop of Borneo. London: Greaves, 1953. 230 pp. An account of the author's life and work as a n Anglican missionary in Sarawak for 18 years, where h e was Archdeacon and Vicar General. Sulston, A. E. A. "[The Church in] Borneo and Malaya." East and West Review (London), XXII, 1(January, 1956), 12-23.

Sutton, James, "Christian Literature Work in Malaya and Singapore," International Review of Missions (London), XLVIII (1959), 216-21. Swindell, F. G 1929.

A . Singapore: hlalaya Tribune

Teixelra, h1anueI. The Portuguese Xiissions in Malacca and Singapore (1511-1958). AgEncia Geral do Ultamar, 1961-63 502 pp. ; 435 pp. ; 508 pp. Definitive.

3 vols.



Thoburn, James h.1. India and Malaysia. Cincinnati: Cranston & Curts, 1892 562 pp. Observations on early Methodist work by a n American missionary bishop. Thompson. H. T .

Into All Lands.

The History of the S. P. G. , 1701- 1950. London: SPCK, 1951. 760 pp.

Wittenbach, Henry August. Malaya. London: Highway Press, 1957. 35 pp Historical sketch of the church since the Japanese occupation. Woods, Robin. A Short History of St. Andrew's Cathedral, Singapore. Singapore: hlalaya Publishing House. 1959.

1V. UNPUBLISHED THESES AND DISSERTATIONS Chou, Ivy Su-Teng. "Planning a Leadership Program for the Theological School in Sarawak, Borneo." Ed. D. dissertation. New York: Teachers College, Columbia University, 1955. Dodsworth, Marmaduke. "The Assimilation of Christianity by the h h l a y s of the Malay Peninsula." thesis. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1928.

M. A.

Fleming, John R. "The Growth of the Chinese Church in the New Villages of Johore, Malaya, 1950-1960.'' Th. D. dissertation. New York: Union Theological Seminary, 1962. Haines, J. Harry. "A History of The Methodist Church in Malaya." Princeton Theological Seminary, 1956.

Th. M. thesis.

Princeton, N. J . :

- - - - - - . "A History of Protestant hlissions in Malaya During the Nineteenth Century, 1815-1881." Th. D. dissertation.

Princeton, N. J . : Princeton Theological Seminary, 1962.

Loo Choo Kheam. "The Methodist Impact on Malaya, 1885-1953." University of hlalaya, 1955.

Intisari. The Research Quarterly of Malaysia. Oxley Mansions, Oxley Road, Singapore.

Methodist Message. The Methodist Church, Southeastern Asia. 10 times per year.

National hluseum, Singapore 6.

P. 0 . Box 483, Singapore.

Diocese of Jesselton, Likas, Jesselton, P. 0 . Box 811.

The Sarawak Museum Journal.


Malaysian Sociological Research Institute, Ltd. , 28-N Quarterly.

Journal of the Malaysian Branch of the Royal Asiatic Society. Quarterly.

Sabah Anglican Observer. graphed. )

B. A. (Hons. ) thesis.

The Museum, Kuching, Sarawak. Occasional.






A u s t r a l i a n New G u i n e a ,

Portuguese Timor 1. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Galis, K. W. Bibliography of West New Guinea. New Haven, Conn. : Yale University Southeast Asia Studies, 1956. iii + 135 pp. Supplements the Kennedy bibliography listed below, with 3, 760 titles of both scientific and popular interest; not annotated. Kennedy, Raymond (ed. ). Bibliography of Indonesian Peoples and Cultures. Second rev. ed. , edited by Thomas W. hlaretzki and H. Th. Fischer. New Haven: HRAF for Yale Southeast Asia Studies, 1962. xxii 207 pp. Extensive listing, unannotated and unindexed, of books and articles, mainly concerned with ethnology and culture. No new titles have been added to the 1955 edition.


Leeson, Ida. Bibliography of Cargo Cults and Other Nativistic Movements in the South Pacific. South Pacific Commission, 3.952. 16 pp.


11. GENERAL BACKGROUND Baudet, H. and 1. J. Brugmans (eds. ) . Balans van Beleid. Terugblik op de laatste halve eeuw van Nederlandsch-lndit'. Assen: Van Gorcum, 1961. 374 pp. Appraisal of Dutch policies in Indonesia in the twentieth century by Dutch scholars, mostly of rather conservative orientation. lncludes essays by H. Kraemer and J. Wils on Protestant and Roman Catholic missions. Benda, Ilarry J. The Crescent and the Rising Sun. Indonesian Islam Under the Japanese Occupation, 19421945. The. Hague: W. van Hoeve, 1958. xv +320 pp. Social, political and historical analysis of the Islamic elite. Bibliography, pp. 291-305. Studies Dutch and Japanese Islamic policies. Cunningham, Clark E. The Postwar Migration of the Toba-Bataks To East Sumatra. New Haven. Conn. : Yale University Southeast Asia Studies, 1958. xii + 189 pp. (Cultural Report Series. ) Includes statistics and maps locating churches, membership, and migration of H. K. B. P. Encyclopaedie van Nederlandsch-Indig. 2nd ed. 4 vols. and 4 suppl. vols. The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1917- 39. Standard reference work, covering most subjects relating to the islands, but not including the churches. Includes some bibliographies. Feith, Herbert. The Decline of Constitutional Democracy in Indonesia. 1962. xx + 618 pp. The best study of post-revolutionary political developments.

lthaca: Cornell University Press,

Fischer, b u i s . The Story of Indonesia. New York: Harpers, 1959. viii A well-done, semi-popular account.

+ 341 pp.

Frey tag, Walter. "Indische, islamische und christliche Einfliisse in Iridonesien und ihr Ergebnis," pp. 33-53 in Reden und Aufsztze, Teil 11. Miinchen: Chr. Kaiser Verlag, 1961. Geertz, Clifford. The Religion of Java. Glencoe, Illinois: The Free Press, 1960. xv + 392 pp. Anthropological study of "animistic," Islamic, and Hindu-Buddhistic types of religion in East Java. Gattin, J. "Vom neuen Leben in der islamischen Welt Indonesiens," Evangelisches Missions-Magazin (Basel), C (1957), 140-51. A missionary's description arid analysis of the political and religious situation. Kahin, George McTurnan. Nationalism and Revolution in lndonesia. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 1952. xii + 490 pp. The definitive study of the subject by a recognized authority.

Klein, W. C. (ed.). Nieuw-Guinea. De ontwikkeling op economisch, sociaal e n cultureel gebied in Nederlands e n Australisch Nieuw-Guinea. The Hague: Staatsdrukkerij - e n Uitgeverijbedrijf, 1953-54. 3 vols. Outstanding handbook on New Guinea, with articles on history, culture, missions (Vol. I), e t c . Legge, J. D. Indonesia. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. : Prentlce- all, 1964. 184 pp. Historical Perspective, A Spectmm Book. ) Well-written historiogaphical essay, by an Ausnalian scholar.

(Modern Nations in

McVey, Ruth T. (ed.). Indonesia. New Haven: HRAF Press for Yale Southeast Asia Studies, 1963. 600pp. Best single volume on Indonesia in general, but the religions a r e dealt with only by implication and there is no section on present beliefs. hlaher, Robert F. New Men of Papua. A Study in Culture Change. Press, 1961. x i i + 148 pp. Includes some material on missions and cargo cults.

Madison: University of Wisconsin

Pacific Islands Year Book and Who's Who. Edited by Judy Tudor. 9th ed. Sydney: Pacific Publications, 1963. 496 + 156 pp. Contains much valuable factual information on New Guinea, Timor, Sarawak, Brunei, Borneo, Indonesia. A

Schlrer, Hans. Die Gottesidee der Ngadju Dajak in Siid-Borneo. Leiden: Brill, 1946. x + 236 pp. Trans. into English by Rodney Needham, Ngaju Religion: The Conception of God Among a South Borneo People The Hague: M. Nijhoff, 1963. xv + 229 pp. By a Protestant missionary who lived among the Nagju for seven years; studies the essence of Dayak religion. Stahr, Waldemar and Piet Zoetmulder. Die Religionen Indonesiens. 354 pp. (Die Religionen der Menschheit, Bd. 5, 1. ) Comprehensive.

Stuttgart: Kohlhammer, 1965

Tobing, Ph. 0 . L. T h e Suucture of t h e Toba-Batak Belief in t h e High God. Campen, 1956. 190 pp. v a l u a b l e first-hanh material on the uibal religions Vlekke, Bernard H. M. Nusantera, A History of Indonesia. Rev. ed. viii + 479 pp. A good general history of Indonesia, up till 1941.

Amsterdam: Jacob van

T h e Hague: W. van Hoeve, 1959.

Wertheim, W. F. Indonesian Society in Transition. A Study of Social Change. 2nd rev. ed. The Hague and Bandung: W. van Hoeve, 1959. 394 pp. Brilliant survey of Indonesian social developments in the 19th and 20th centuries; written with a distinctly Marxian bias, y e t indispensable. Mentions Christian minorities in passing, but especially valuable chapter on "Religious Reform," dealing with Islam (Chapt. VIII).

111. CHRISTIANITY, GENERAL Atlas der Protestantsche Kerk in Nederlandsch Oost-Indib. Invaluable for historical studies.

Weltevreden, Java: n. n. , 1925. 165

+ plates

Atlas van de tetreinen der Protestantsche Zending in Nederlandsch Oost- e n West-Indib. Oegstgeest: Zendingsbmeau, 1937. 18 pp. + maps. Detailed missions atlas of a l l areas of Indonesia, according to the situation prior to t h e Second World War. Barth, Christoph. Fernastliche Kirche. Merkwiirdiges Land Indonesien. 1953. 40 pp. (Theologische Studien, Heft 38. ) A general introduction.

Zollikon-Ziirich: Evang. Verlag,

Boetzelaer van Asperen en Dubbeldam. C . W. Th. van. De Protestantsche Kerk in Nederlandsch-Indib. Haar ontwikkeling van 1620- 1939. 's Gravenhage: M. Nijhoff, 1947. 459 pp. T h e best history of t h e Protestant Dutch East India Company and Netherlands East Indies State Church (1620- 1816, 1816- 1939).

Bolssevain, H. D J (ed.). De Zending in Oost en West. Verleden e n Heden. "01s Hoenderloo: Zcndingsstudieraad. Vol. I, 1934, 210 pp. ; Vol. 11, 1945, 356 pp. Concise history and handbook of a l l missionary organizations (esp. Protestant) and thelr activities up till 1340, In the former Netherlands Indies. Brouwer, K J Zending in e c n glstende \ \ w e l d . Amsterdam: G. J. A Ruys, 195 1 . 134 pp. Studies the new sitilation and problems of missions after the War.

- - - - - - and H. Geurtjens. Zending e n htissie in Indi?. Deventer: W. ban Hoeve, 1340.

92 pp.

Short survey of Protestant and Catholic nlissions shortly before the Second World War. Coolsma, S De Zendingseeuw voor Nederlandsch Oost-Indig. Utrecht: C. H. E. Breyer, 1901. 874 pp. Compilation of missionary data covering the 19th century. No evaluation, and not entirely reliable Enklaar, Ido H. De scheiding der Sacramenten op het Zendingsveld. Amsterdam: Drukk. Holland, 1947. xii + 171 pp. Dissertation o n the theological and methodological aspects of missionary practice with regard to a separate admission of converts to baptism and communion, especially in Indonesia. Groenen, Cletus. "DIG Bibeliibersetzung in die indonesische Sprache," Neue Zeitschtift wissenschaft ( B e c k e ~ i e d ) ,X X (1964), 116-32. A Roman Catholic. survey, well documented.

fiir Missions-

Koper, Jacob Enkele aspecten van het vraagstuk der missionalre Bijbelvertaling, in h e t bijzonder in Indo& n The Hague: Voorhoeve, 1956 186 pp. Some aspects of the problem of missionary Bible aanslations, with special reference to the situation in Indonesia; includes a summary in English. Kraemer, Hendrik. Froin Missionfield to Independent Church. Report on a decisive decade in the growth of indigenous churches in Indonesia. London: SChl Ress, 1958. 186 pp. English translation of Dr. Kraemer's very interesting and valuable reports on the situation in several missionfields in Indonesia between 1922 and 1935. Kroef, Justus M. van der. "Problems of Dutch Mission Policy in Indonesia." Practical Anthropology (Tarrytown, N. Y . ) , VII, G (Nov. - D e c . , 1960), 263-72. Kruyf, E. F Geschiedenis van het Nederlandsch Zendeling-Genootschap Groningen: J B Wolters, 1894. 676 pp. Exhaustive study of the history of the Netherlands M~ssionarySociety during its f m t century (1797?894), especially its work in the Xloluccas, Minahasa (Celebes) and Timor. Locher, G. P. H. De kerkorde der Protestantse Kerk in Indonesig. Bijdrage tot de kennis van haar historie e n beginselen. Amsterdam: Bijdragen tot d e Zendingswetenschap, 1948. 255 pp. A doctoral dissertation a t Leiden. h l c k i s h , Alexander. Sabang to Balikpapan. A Missionary Journey through the Netherlands Indies o n the e v e of war. London: World Dominion Press, [1940]. 52 pp. Observations by a noted missionary statesman. bliiller- Kr tiger, Theodor Der Rotestantismus in Indonesien. Seine Geschichte bis zur Cegenwart. published 1966/67. By a n outstanding German authority on Indonesian church history.

- - - - - - (ed. ). Lob der Inseln

Ein Indonesienbuch. Salzuflen: M. B. K Verlag, to be published in 1966 A symposium on church and society in Indonesia by more than twenty conaibutors.

Nichols, Buford L Echoes horn Indonesia. Nashville: Convention Press, 1958. 141 pp. American Southern Baptlst beginnings about 1952. Nortier, C. W. Anderhalve eeuw Zending, 1797-1947. Oegstgeest: Zendingsbureau Ned Herv. Kerk, 1949. 82 pp. Outline of the mtssionary work of the Netherlands Reformed Church, for the general reader

Oosthuizen, G. C. Theological Discussions and Confessional Developments in the Churches of Asia and Africa. Franeker: T. Wever. 1958. Chapter IV includes a discussion of creeds and confessions in the Dayak Church, the Moluccan Church, the Church of hlinahassa, the Church of Timor, the Batak Church, and the Evangelical Christian Church in Netherlands New Guinea. The Netherlands Indies: The Religious Situation. London: World Dominion Press, Rauws, Johannes, Gal. 1935. 154 . pp. . Symposium on the church-missions situation on the eve of the Second World War, by Dutch experts. Rhijn, L J van. Reis door den Indischen Archipel. Rotterdam: M. Wijt, 1851. 246 pp. Interesting journal of a Netherlands Missionary Society inspector, vlsiting Java and the eastern archipelago in the 1840's Richter, Julius. Die evangelische Mission in Niederllndisch -1ndien Giitersloh: C. Bertelsmann, 1931. 167 pp. A general history, lacking adequate references to the sources. Rosin-Reusser, B. Indonesische Frauen in der Kirche von heute. 3 1 PPDeals with the place of women In the churches.

Basel: Basler Missionsbuchhandlung, 1954.

Rossel, Jacques. D6couvert.e de l a mission. Neuchatel: Delachaw & ~ i e s t l 6 ,1945. 186 pp. Studies missions in Java and Sumana before the Second World War. Sldjabat, Walter Bona. Religious Tolerance and the Christian Faith. A study concerning the concept of divine omnipotence in the Indonesian Constitution in the light of Islam and Christianity. Djakarta: Badan Penerbit Kristen, 1965. 192 pp. Based on a doctoral dissertation a t Princeton Theological Seminary. Thomas, Winburn T. "Indonesia and the Indonesian Church in Today's World," Occasional Bulletin £tom the MRL, IX, 2 (Feb 10, 1958), 15 pp.

- - - - - - . "The Protestant Movement in Indonesia," IRM, XLII (July, 1953), 297-305. - - - - - - . "The History of the Protestant Community in Indonesia," Occasional Bulletin from MRL, XIII,


(June, 1962), 8 pp. Thomson, Alan C. "Indonesia," pp. 245-58 in The Prospects of Christianity Throughout the World, edited by M. Searle Bates and Wilhelm Pauck. New York: Scribners, 1964. A brief appraisal of the situation in 1963 from a Presbyterian missionary point of view. Troostenburg de Bruyn, C. A. L. van. Biographisch Woordenboek van Oostindische Predikanten. P. J. Mllborn, 1893 521 pp. Biographical listing o i Western pastors serving in Indonesia from 1610 to 1890.


Van Dusen, Henry P. For the Healing of the Nations. Impressions of Christianity Around the WorId. New York: Scribners, 1940. Pp. 17-59 give observations from a visit to Indonesian churches. Verdoorn, J. A. De Zending en het Indonesisch nationalisme. Amsterdam: Vrij Nederland, 1945. 83 pp. Excellent study of the attitude of Christian missions toward the nationalist movement for independence in Indonesia. IV. HISTORY OF CHRISTIANITY, 1600-1800 Boetzelaer van Dubbeldam, C. W. Th. van. De Gereformeerde Kerken in Nederland en de Zending in Oost-IndiE. Unecht: P. van Boer, 1906. xiii + 358 pp. A dissertation on the relationship between the Dutch East India Company Church and the Reformed Church in the Netherlands. Callenbach, J. R. Justus Heurnius. Nijkerk: Callenbach, 1897. 364 pp. Biography of an eminent pastor-theologian-missionay at Batavia and Ambon during the first half of the 17th century.

Dam, Pieter van. Beschrijvinge van d e Oostindische Compagnie. Vol. IV, Het Ecclesiasticq, 1700. Edited by C. W. Th. van Boetzelaer van Asperen e n Dubbeldam. 's Gravenhage: M Nijhoff, 1954. xx + 306 pp. The author, a high official of the Dutch East India Company, describes a number of ecclesiastical affairs in the Indies in the 17th century. 62 pp. with 226 pp. of appendixes. New edition with introduction and annotations. Franken-van Driel, P. M. Regeering e n Zending in Nederlandsch-IndiE. Amsterdam: A . H. Kruyt, 1923. 128 pp. A doctoral dissertation on the history of government permits for missionaries in the first half of the 19th century and the changes which came later. Grothe, J. A. (ed. ). Archief voor de geschiedenis der Oude Hollandsche Zendinq. Vols. 1-11, Verschillende synodale, provinciale en classicale Acta. Vols. V-VI, De Molukken. Utrecht: C. van Bentum, 188491. 218, 322 pp. ; 248, 431 pp. Collected records from the archives, concerning resolutions on missions by the Netherlands Church boards, and'the church in the Moluccas, 1603-38. Hofstede, Petrus. Oost-Indische Kerkzaken, zoo oude als nieuwe, uit oorspronglyke e n ongedrukte stukken bij een versameld. Rotterdam: J. Bosch & R. Arrenberg, 1779-80. 2 vols. 230, 296 pp. A discourse about ~e recruitment and ordination of pastors for the Dutch East India Company Church. Mooij , J. Geschiedenis der Protestantsche Kerk in Nederlandsch -IndiE, I, 1602- 1636. Weltevreden: Landsdrukkerij. 1923. 494 pp. History of the beginnings of the Dutch East India Company Church and missions. A very detailed study that was not completed. Troostenburg de Bruyn, C. A. L. van. De Hervormde Kerk in Nederlandsch Oost-IndiE onder de OostIndische Compagnie (1602-1795). Arnhem: H. A. Tjeenk Willink, 1884. 652 pp. A systematic study of the work of the Dutch East India Company Church and missions during two centuries, based on original sources.

V. ROMAN CATHOLIC MISSIONS, GENERAL Brodrick, James. Saint Francis Xavier. London: Burnes and Oates, 1952. 548 pp. Interesting, well-written story of Xavier's activities in the Indies, drawing on Schurhammer's studies (listed below). Mulders, Alphons. De Missie in tropisch Nederland. Standard reference for Catholic missions.

's-Hertogenbosch: Teulings' Uitg. Mij, 1940. 242 pp.

Schurhammer, Georg. Franz Xaver, Sein Leben und seine Zeit. Vol. 11, Part I, Indien und Indonesien; Book V, Im malaiischen Archipel (1545-1547), pp. 648-803. Freiburg im Breisgau: Herder, 1963. Exhaustive account of Xavier's mission work in the Moluccas, based on the original sources, by a noted Jesuit scholar. Valignano, Alessandro. Historia del Ptincipio y Progresso d e l a Campaiiia de Jes% e n las Indias Orientales, 1524- 1564. Hrsg. und erlgutert von Jos. Wicki. Roma: Institutum Historicum, 1944. 108 + 510 pp. The Jesuits in Indonesia in the 16th century. Velden, Arn. J. H. van der. De Roomsch-Katholieke Missie in Nederlandsch Oost-Indib, 1808-1908. Een historische schets. Nijmegen: Malmberg, 1908. 400 pp. Roman Catholic missions in the 19th century. Visser, B. J. J. Onder Portugeesch-Spaansche Vlag. De Katholieke Missie van IndonesiE, 1511- 1605. Amsterdam: R. K. Boek-Centrale, 1925. 337 pp. Roman Catholic missions in the 16th century.

- - - - - - . Onder de Compagnie. Geschiedenis der Katholieke Missie van Nederlandsch-Indig, 1606-1800. Batavia: Kolff, 1934. 256 + 55 pp. Continues the story, under the rule of the Dutch East India Company. A


Wicki, Jos. Documenta Indica, 1540-1569. 7 vols. 1948- 1962. Monumental collection of source material.

Romae: Apud "Monumenta Historica Soc. Iesu,"

VI. JAVA Adriaanse, L. Sadrach's kring. Leiden: Donner, 1899. 441 pp. A study of the remarkable Javanese Christian Sadrach (19th century), and his sect. ~ a a r b i ,C. Dr. Sung. Een tiveil op Java. Den Haag: J. N. Voorhoeve, 1950. 40 pp. Moving story of the revival started among the Chinese m Java during and after the evangelistic campaign of John Sung. Bavinck, J. H. Christus en de mystiek van het Oosten. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1934. 237 pp. Deals with the confrontation between Christian faith and the oriental, mainly Hindu, mysticism in Java. Bentley-Taylor, David. The Prisoner Leaps. A Diary of Missionary Life in Java. London: Lutterworth, for China Inland Mission, 1961. 352 pp. Story of evangelistic campaigns in the villages of East Java, with cooperation between an Overseas Missionary Fellowship missionary and evangelists of the East-Java Church. Cleveland, Clyde C. Indonesian Adventure for Christ. Washington, D. C. : Review and Herald Pub. Association, 1965. 191 pp. The story of Seventh-day Adventist missionary work. Gilhuis, J. C. Ecclesiocentcische aspecten van het Zendingswerk, met name bij de ontwikkeling daarvan in IndonesiE, byzonder op Midden-Java. Kampen: J. H. Kok, 1955. 214 pp. Valuable dissertation on several important issues of church life, especially in Central Java: confession, finances, ecumenical relaiions, missionary task. Lindenborn, M. West-Java. Den Haag: Zendingsstudieraad, 1921. 186 pp. An account of the sowing of the Gospel in the hard soil of Muslim West-Java. Nortier, C. W. Van zendingsarbeid tot zelfstandige kerk in Oost-Java. Hoenderloo: Zendingsstudieraad, 1939. 275 pp. The development of mission work towards an independent church in East Java; the largest church anywhere among Muslims. Pol, D.

Midden-Java ten Zuiden. Hoenderloo: Zendingsstudieraad, 1939. 326 pp. Studies the thorough, intensive mission work of the "Gereformeerde Kerken" of the Netherlands in southern Cenual Java.

Pouw Boen Giok. De kerkrechtelijke positie van een ethnisch bepaalde kerk in een ander ethnisch bepaald milieu. Een ecclesiologische studie over de situatie van Chinese christengemeenschappen in Indonesis. Uuecht: H. J. Smits, 1952. 120 pp. Dissertation on the Chinese churches in Indonesia, mainly in Java. Rijckevorsel, L. van. Pastoor F. van Lith; de stichter van de missie in Midden-Java. 1863- 1926. Nijmegen: Stichting St. Claverbond, 1952. 139 pp. A pioneer missionary pastor in Middle Java. Schuurman, Barend Martinus. Mystik und Glaube, im Zusammenhang mit der Mission auf Java. Den Haag: M. Nijhoff, 1933. 125 pp. Dissertation on the conbontation between Javanese mysticism and Christian faith.

- - - - - -.

Over alle bergen. 's-Gravenhage: Daamen's, 1951. 213 pp. Collected essays of Schuurman, and essays in his honor by H. Ktaemer and others.

Visser, B. J. J. "De Nederlands-Indische Regering en de Katholieke Kerk," Koloniaal Missietijdschrift (Warmond), IX (1926), 189-221.

VII. BALI- LESSER SUNDA IS LANDS Biermann, Benno M. "Frei Luis de Andrada und die Solormission." Religionswissenschaft (Miinster), XL (1959), 176-87, 26 1-75. Scholarly study of a 17th century Dominican missionary.

Zeitschrift f& Missionswissenschaft und

Kersten, J . @. Hoe een mmionaris het ziet. Eindhoven: De Pelgrim, 1940. 240 pp. Roman Cathollc misslonary view. Kraemer, Hendrik. De strijd over Bali en de Zending. Amsterdam: H Parls, 1933. 133 pp. Studies the controversy surrounding the admission of missions into Bali, In connection with the commotion started by the Christian and Missionary Alliance evangelists. Piskaty, Kurt and J. ~ i b 6 r u . Nusa Tenggara. 50 Jahre Steyler Missionare In Indoneslen. St. Augustin: Steyler Verlag, 1963. 176 pp. (text) + 64 pp. (illus. ). Survey of the difficulties and developments of the S. V. D. mission on the islands of Nusa Tenggara (Lesser Sunda Islands). Swellengrebel, J. L. Kerk e n Tempe1 op Bali. 's-Gravenhage: W. van Hoeve, 1948. 317 pp. Clear and scholarly study of the encounter of the Christian church with the Hindu Temple on Bali, by a Bible translator; beautifully illustrated. Thauren, Joh. Die Mission in HollLndisch-Indien. Apost. Vikariat der Kleinen Sundainseln. Kaldenkirchen: Missionsdruckerei Steyl, 1931. 64 pp. Includes bibliography, chronological chart and listing of S. V. D. missionaries who worked in this area, 1912-30. VIU. TIMOR-SUMBA, PORTUGUESE TIMOR Abineno, I. L. Ch. Liturgische vormen e n panonen in de Evangelische Kerk op Timor. Den Haag: J. N. Voorhoeve, 1956. 154 pp. With a summary in English. Dissertation on liturgical forms and patterns in the Evangelical Church of Timor, by its former moderator. Leit%o, Humberto. 0 s Portugueses e m Solor e Timor d e 1515 a 1702. Lisboa: Tip. da Liga dos Combatentes da Grand Guerra, 1948. 303 pp.

- - - - - - . Vinte e oito anos de his6ria de Timor, 1689 a 1725. Lisboa: DivisZo de Publicac6es e Biblioteca, Agcncia Geral do Ultramar, 1952. 352 pp. These two well-documented works are largely concerned with the history of the Portuguese Dominican missions in the area of the Lesser Sunda Islands. Further volumes are in preparation. Middelkoop, Pieter. Curse- -Retribution- -Enmity. Data in Natural Religion, especially in Timor, confronted with the Scriptures. Amsterdam: J. van Campen, 1960. 168 pp. A doctoral dissertation at Utrecht, contams material on the historyof the church in Timor. Bibliography, pp. 165-68. Vroklage, B. A. G. "Aesten van Portugeesche missioneering in Beloe e n Noord-Midden-Timor," Het Missiewerk (Nijmegen), XXI (1940), 223-35; XXII (1941), 33-44, 80-90. Wielinga, D. K., T. van Dijk and P. J. Luyendijk. De Zending op Soemba. 2nd ed. Hoenderloo: Nederlandse Zendings Raad, 1949. 304 pp. Informative account of the development of "Gereformeerde" missions in Sumba. IX. SUMATRA- NIAS Aster, Gentilis. Een Volk ontdekt Christus. De katholieke missie onder de Bhtaks op Sumatra. Uitgeverij Foreholte, 1959. 223 pp. Catholic work among the Bataks on Sumatra.


Beyerhaus, Peter. Die SelbstHndigkeit der jungen Kirchen als missionarisches Problem. Wuppertal-Barmen: Verlag der Rheinischen Missions Gesellschaft, 1956. 393 pp. Revised and considerably condensed with Henry Lefever as The Responsible Church and the Foreign Mission. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, and London: World Dominion Press, 1964. vii + 199 pp. Contains an important chapter on "The Evolution of the Lutheran Batak Church." The German edition remains indispensable. Davis, J. Merle. The Batak Church. An account of the organization, policies and growth of the Christian Community of the Bataks of Northern Sumatra. [London]: International Missionary Council, 1938. 32 PP. A document prepared for the Madras-Tambaram Conference of the IMC.

DeWaard, Nellie. Pioneer in Sumatra: The Story of Ludwig Nommensen. 63 . PP. . A popular biographical sketch.

Chicago: hloody Press, n. d.

Ellwanger, Joseph. "The Batak Protestant Christian Church," Concordia Theological Monthly (St. Louis, Missouri), XXX, 1(1959), 1-17. Includes considerable bibliography. Finlay, Matthew H. By Launch to Indonesian Isles. Missionary Work in the Rhio Archipelago. London: Picketing & Inglis, 1954. 139 pp. Popular account of evangelical missionary experiences in the Pulau-Pulau Riouw islands south of Singapore. Kleine, Hans de. Tole! Das posse Wagnis. Wuppertal-Barmen: Verlag der Rheinischen Missions-Gesellschaft, 1960. 75 pp. A short history of the H. K. B. P.

- - - - - - (Msg. ). Gemacht zu seinem Volk: 100 Jahre Batakkirche. Wuppertal-Barmen: Verlag der Rheinischen Missions-Gesellschaft, [1961]. 212 pp. A symposium on various aspects of the history and life of the Batak Church by Indonesians and Western authors. Lumbantobing, Andar M. Das Amt in der Batak-Kirche. [ Wuppertal-Barmen]: Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft, [1956]. 199 pp. Dissertation of a Batak pastor concerning the ministry and other offices in his church.

- - - - - - . "Das Bekenntnis der Batakkirche," pp. 199-223 in Das Bekenntnis im Leben der Kirche, hrsg. v. Vilmos Vajta und Hans Weissgerber. Berlin/Hamburg: Lutherisches Verlagshaus, 1963 The Batak Church's confession of faith. Miiller, Theodor. Die "grosse Reue" auf Nias. Geschichte und Gestalt einer Erweckung auf dem Missionsfelde. Giitersloh: Bertelsmann, 1931. 188 pp. Dissertation on the great revival movement in Nias, 1916-17. Schlipkiiter, Emil and Alfred Schneider. Erweckung zum Dienst. Wuppertal-Barmen: Verlag der Rheinischen Missions-Gesellschaft, 1961. 27 pp. A report on the revival in Nias. Spiecker, J. (Hrsg. ). Die Rheinische Mission auf Sumatra, Nias und den andern westlich von Sumatra gelegenen Inseln Barmen: Verlag des Missionshauses, 1913. 288 pp. Reports from a missions inspector. Tobing, Ph. 0 . L. "Dr. Nommensen and the Rapid Christianization and Development of North Tapanuli in Sumatra," De Heerbaan (Amsterdam), 1964 (Nr. 9/10), 2 4 - 5 4 , Swedish tr. in Svenks Missionstidskrift (Uppsala), LII, 4 (1964), 226-35. Tiipperwien, Karl Christoph. "Die Evangelische Kirche auf Nias: Kirche f& die Niasser?" Evangelische Missions-Zeitschrift (Hamburg), XXII, 4 (Nov. , 1965). 162-86. The situation of the churches on the island of Nias after one hundred years of Evangelical missionary effort. Warneck, Johames. Dr. Ludwig I. Nommensen, ein Lebensbild. Barmen: Verlag des Missionshauses, 1928. 141 pp. Biography of the famous "Apostle of the Bataks," in North Sumatra.

- - -- - - .

60 Jahre Batakmission in Sumatra. 3. Aufl. A standard Protestant reference.

Berlin: Martin Warneck, 1925. 255 pp.

Wessels, Cornelius. "Uit de missiegeschiedenis van Sumana. Atjeh in de 16e en 17e eeuw," Historisch Tijdschrift (Tilburg), XVIII (1939). 5- 16.

X. BORNEO (KALIMANTAN) Kriele, Ed. Das Evangelium bei den Dajak auf Borneo. Barmen: Verlag des Missionshauses, 1915. 155pp.

Wessels, Cornelius. "De Theatijnen op Borneo en SumaQa 1688-1764," Historisch Tijdschrift (Tllburg), XV (l936), 205-43. Witschi, Hermann. Chrlstus siegt. Geschichte der Dajak-Mission auf Borneo. Basel: Basler Missionsbuchhandlung, 1942. 279 pp. The story of the Base1 Mlssion and the buildmg of the Dyak Church in Kallmantan (Borneo). XI. CELEBES -S ANGI


Den Haag: Zendingsstudieraad, 1919. 258 pp. Adriani, Nicolaus. The beginnings of mission work and the founding of the Christian Church in Ceneal Celebes.

- - - - - - . Verzamelde Geschriften van N. Adriani. 3 vols. Haarlem: Bohn, 1932. Collected writings of the famous missionary to Celebes. Alle Volken. Op weg met het Woord in Toradjaland. 's-Gravenhage: Van Keulen, 1963. 175 pp. Church and mission work in S . W. Celebes, published by the "Gereformeerde Zendingsbond in de Nederlands Hervormde Kerk." A symposium for the general reader. Bange, J . J. H. Levensbeeld van Johann Friedrich Riedel uit de Minahassa op Celebes. Veendam: J. Mulder, n. d. [ 19th century. ] 158 pp. Biography of a well-known pioneer of modern missions in N. Celebes in the 19th century. Brilman, D. De Zending op de Sang1 en Talaud-eilanden. Hoenderloo: zendingsstudieraad, 1938. 239 pp. Account of the often-interrupted evangelization of the island group north of Celebes. Brouwer, K. J. Dr. Alb. Kruyt, dienaar der Toradja's. Den Haag: J. N . Voorhoeve, 1951. 169 pp. Biography of the famous ethnologist-pioneer missionary of Central Celebes. Kraemer, Hendrik and A. E. Adriani. Dr. N. Adriani. Amsterdam: H. J. Paris, 1930. 213 pp. Biography of the famous linguist-pioneer missionary of Central Celebes. Wessels, Cornelius. "De Katholieke Mlssie in Zuid-Celebes 1525- 1668," Het Missiewerk (Nijmegen), XXVIII (1949), 65-83, 129-44.

XII. MOLUCCAS Cooley, Frank L. "A Church Reformed and Reforming," International Review of Missions (London/Geneva), LI (Jan. , 1962), 26 -32. The background and present condition of the Protestant Church of the Moluccas.

- - - - - -.

Ambonese Adat: A General Description. New Haven: Yale University, Southeast Asia Studies, 1962. 99 pp. Considers the impact of Christianity on Adat.

Enklaar, Ido H. Joseph Kam, "Apostel der Molukken." Den Haag: Boekenceneum, 1963. xv t 186 pp. Biography of the pioneer of modern missions in Eastern Indonesia. Extensive, scholarly exposition of church, missions, and society in the Moluccas, 1815-35. Hueting, A. Geschiedenis der Zending op het eiland Halmahera. 322 -pp. The mission in Halmahera, by a long- time missionary.

Oegstgeest: Zendingsbureau, [I9351

Mfiller-Kriiger, Th. Kirche der Inseln. Wuppertal-Barmen: Verlag der Rheinischen Missionsgesellschaft. 1953. I l l pp. Dutch tr , Bericht van Ambon. Oegstgeest: Zendingsbureau, 1957. 134 pp. Journal of a visit to Ambon and adjacent islands. Vivid picture of the old Moluccan church In modern times. Valentijn, Frangois. Oud en Nieuw Oost-Indien. Vol. I, Moluccas; Vol. 11, Amboina. Gerard onder de Linden, 1724-26. 282 + 56 folio pp., charts, engravings. Very detailed, standard work on the East Indies, by a learned pastor of Ambon.


Wessels, Cornelius. De Geschiedenls der R. K. Missie in Ambiona, 1546-1605. Nijmegen: Dekker & Van der Vegt, 1926. xxviii + 204 pp. French tr. , Histoke d e l a Mission d'Amboine, 1546-1605. Louvain: Museum ZRssianum, 1934. History of Catholic mlssions a t Ambon in Portuguese times.

- - - - - - . De Katholieke Missie in d e Molukken, Noord-Celebes e n d e Sanghie-Eilanden gedurende d e Spaansche Bestuursperiode, 1606 - 1677.

Tilburg: Bergmans, 1935

141 pp.

XIII. WEST NEW GUINEA (INAN BARAT) Asperen, Lubbert Nicolaas. Zending e n Zendingsonderwijs op Nederlandsch Nieuw-Guinea. Leyden: M. Dubbelman. 1936. 124 + xi DD. A brief history and evaluation of Protestant mission work in New Guinea, especially with a view t o educational work. L L

Boelaars, J.

Nieuw Guinea.

Uw mensen zijn wonderbaar. Bussum: 1953.

Bout, D. C. A. Eerstelingen des oogstes op Jappen. Oegstgeest: Zendingsbureau, 1931. 72 pp. T h e establishment of the Protestant church on the island of Japen. Hitt, Russell T . Cannibal Valley. New York: Harper & Row, 1962. 253 pp. Interesting and important story of t h e Christian and Missionary Alliance pioneering work among the newly discovered stone-age tribes In the mountain area of West New Guinea. Kamma, F. C. "Messianic Movements in Western New Guinea," International Review of Missions (Geneva), XL (l952), 148-60.

- - - - - - (ed. ). Kruis e n Korwar. Een honderdjarig waagstuk op Nieuw-Guinea. Den Haag: Voorhoeve, 1953. 285 pp. Symposium on one century of missionary work in West New Guinea. Schouwenburg, N. G. J. van. Een eeuw zending op Nieuw-Guinea, 22 PP. A century of Protestant missions in New Guinea.

Oegstgeest: [Zendingsbureau], 1955.

Slump, F. "De Zending op West Nieuw-Guinea, ' Tijdschrift voor Zendlngswetenschappen (Mededelingen), LXXVII (19331, 86-100, 206-217; LXXVIII (1934), 101-125, 340-55; LXXIX (1935), 184-204. Very valuable revlew of the history and work'of Protestant missions m varidus parts of New Guinea. Sunda. James. Church Growth in the Central Highlands of West New Guinea. of Church Growth, Northwest Christian College, [1963]. v i + 5 1 pp. A study following the methods and theories of Donald McGavran

Eugene, Oregon: Institute

Teutscher, Henrikus Jacobus. "Die Messianische Bewegung auf Japen (Niederlzndlsch-Neuguinea)," Egelische Missions- Zeitschrift (Hamburg), XII, 2 (April, 1955), 33-39


and G. P. H. Locher "Het eeuwfeest van d e Nieuw-Gumea Zending," De Heerbaan (Amsterdam), VIII (1955), 57-69. A review and appraisal of the centennial of Protestant missions.

Verschueren, J "50 Jahre Mission in Holllndlsch-Neuguinea, Religionswissenschaft (Miinster), XLI (1957). 44-54. Survey of half-century of Roman Catholic mlssions Vlaminck, J. "De Kerk op Nieuw-Guinea, Catholic missions.



Zemchrift fiir Missionswissenschaft and

Kerk e n Missie (Tilburg), XXXVI (1956), 28-37.

Wetstein, J. "Overzicht van het Zendingswerk in d e Berau-saeek van 1911-1923," Tijdschrift voor Zendingswetenschappen (Mededelingen), LXIX (1925), 258-64. Protestant mission work in t h e Berau area. XIV. PAPUA-NEW GUINEA Abel, Russell William. 255 pp.

Charles W. Abel of Kwato: Forty Years in Dark Papua.

New York: Revell, 1934.

Butcher, Benjamin T. My Friends, The New Guinea Headhunters. Garden City, N. Y. : Doubleday. 1964. x 272 pp. By a missionary who spent nearly forty years with the Papuans; much anthropological detail. Cadoux, A. L'Ap8rre des Papous Mgr. H e m Verjus, missionnalre du Sacr6 Coeur, 6vbque d e Limye. Issoudun: Dillen, 1950. 287 pp. The life and work of Mgr. H Verjus; important for the study of Roman Catholic mlssions - - - - - - . Les missionnaires du Sacr6 Coeur e t la Papouasie. Issoudun: Dillen, 1953. 44 pp. History of the Society of the Sacred Heart in Papua.

Chatterton, Percy. Papua Looks Ahead. London: Livingstone Press, 1947. 24 pp. The growth and development of an independent Papuan church. Chignell, Arthur Kent. An Outpost in Papua. London: Smith, Elder & Co., 1911. xii By a n Anglican priest of the New Guinea Mission.

+ 375 pp. + plates.

- - - - - - . Twenty-one Years in Papua. A History of the English Church hfission in New Guinea (1891-1912) London: h(owbray, 1913. xv + 157 pp. + plates. Cranswick, G. H. and Ian W. H. Shevil. A New Deal for Papua. London: Wadley & Gin, 1950. 167 pp. Anglican mission in New Guinea; the impact on the life and culture there. Dollinger, Hans. "Kargokult in Neuguinea," pp. 88-95 in Lutherisches Missionsjahrbuch, 1962, hrsg. von Walther Ruf. Niirnberg: Bayer. Missionskonferenz, 1962. Droit, Michel. Chez les mangeurs d'hommes. Paris: Tableronde, 1952. 245 pp. Dupeyrat, Andr6.

Cinquante annces d e luttes apostoliques en Papouasie.

Papouasie, histoire d e l a mission (1885-1935).

Pars: Dill&. 1935. 542 pp

- - - - - - . Savage Papua. A Missionary Among Cannibals. New York: Dutton, 1954. 256 pp. The experiences of Fr. Dupeyrat in New Guinea.

- - - - - - . Le Sanglier de Kouni. Pzre Chabot, missionnaire e n Papouasie. Issoudun: ~ i l l g n ,1951. 24 pp. The life and work of Fr Chabot; a study of the early Roman Catholic misslons in Papua. Erich, H. Die Rheinische Mission im Kaiser Wilhelrnsland. History of Rhenish mission work in New Guinea.

Barmen: Verlag des Missionshauses, 1908.

Flierl, John. Christ in New Guinea. Tanunda, S. Ausrralia: Auricht's Printing Office, 1932. 208 pp. A short history of the Lutheran mission. Flierl, Leonhard. "Amt und Gemeinde in Neuguinea und in der Heimat," pp. 103-111 in Lutherisches Missionsjahrbuch, 1963, hrsg. von Walther Ruf. Niirnberg: Bayer. Missionskonferenz, 1963. Frerichs, Albert C. Anutu Conquers in New Guinea. A Story of Seventy Years of Mission Work in New Guinea Columbus: Wartburg, 1957. 272 pp. Henrich, Ruth. South Sea Epic. War and the Church in New Guinea. Forward by the Bishop of New Guinea. London: SPG, 1944. 92 pp. "A record of events in the Anglican Diocese of New Gumea between the years 1939 and 1943." Hertel, Heinrich. Ernte auf Manus. Stuttgart: Evang. Missionsverlag, 1949. 16 pp. Manus is a little island north of New Guinea where missionaries have worked under very difficult circumstances. Hoffmann, Albert. Lebenserinnerungen eines rheinischen Missionars. Hrsg. von Wilhelm Brandenburger. 2 vols. Wuppertal- Barmen: Rheinische Missionsgesellschaft, 1948-49. Hogbin, Herbert Ian. "Native Christianity in a New Guinea Village," Oceania (Sydney), XVIII (1947-48), 1-35. Study of the effect of Christianity on Papuan life and culture.

- - - - - - . Transformation Scene: The Changing Culture of a New Guinea Village. London: Routledge & Paul, 1951. xi1 + 326 pp. The role of the church in rransforming Papuan ways of life, amidst other factors of change.

Keysser , Christian. Eine Papuagemeinde. 2. Aufl. Neuendettelsau: Freimund Verlag, 1950. 336 pp. Keysser 's account of his well-known methods of christianizing Papuans.


Anutu im Papualande. 3. Aufl. Neuendettelsau: Freimund Verlag, 1958. A reprint of the 1926 edition, with one page added, "lm Jahre 1958." Gives a history of early Lutheran work.

Kraft, Hermann. Morgenrot auf Manus. Vom Anfang unserer Missionsarbeit auf hlanus vor fiinfzig Jahren. 2. Aufl. Bad Liebenzell: Verlag der Liebenzeller Mission, 1964 40 pp. Deals with the beginnings oVf the Liebenzeller Mission in Manus, 1913. Krige, Willem Adolf. Die Probleem van die eiesoortige kerkvorming bij Christiaan Keysser. Franeker: T. Wever, 1954. 151 pp. Study of Keysser's indigenous church methods in New Guinea; bibliography, pp. 145-51. Lawrence, P. 73-89.

"Lutheran M~ssionInfluence on hladang Societies," Oceania (Sydney), XXVII (1956-57),

McFarlane, S. Among the Cannibals of New Guinea. Being the Story of the New Guinea Mission of the London Missionary Society. Philadelphia: kesbyterian Board of Publication and Sabbath-School Work, [1888]. 192 pp. O'Neill, Tim. Wir, das Volk. Zehn Jahre unter den Eingeborenen von Neuguinea. 1963. 312 pp. A Roman Catholic study. Pllhofer, D. Georg. Die Geschichte der Neuendettelsauer Mlssion in Neuguinea. Freimund-Verlag, 196 1-62. Solid study of an important German mission. ScMfer, Alfons. Pionier auf Neuguinea. Briefe von. . . Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1960. 147 pp. A Catholic pioneer.

Limburg: Lahn-Verlag,

3 vols. Neuendettelsau:

Hrsg. von Josef Ulbrich, S. V. D. Steyl: Steyler

Tomlin. James William Sackett. Awakening: A History of the New Guinea Mission. London: New Guinea Mission, 1951. xii + 226 pp. The Anglican mission. Includes bibliography and lists of missionaries and native c l e r g 1891-1950. Vicedom, Georg F. Junge Kirche in Neuguinea. Stuttgart: Evang. Missionsverlag, 1962. 96 pp. English tr., Church and People in New Guinea. London: Lutterworth Press, 1961. (World Christian Books. No. 38. ) By a noted German Protestant missions scholar.

- - - - - - . "Von der Theologie einer jungen Kuche. Beispiel Neuguinea." pp. 103- 116 in Das Wort Gottes in Geschichte und Gegenwart, hrsg. von Wllhelm Andersen.

Mt'nchen: Chr Kaiser Verlag, 1957.

Walter, Friedrich. Das Kreuz unter Palmen Ein Bericht iiber die Missionsarbeit auf den AdmiralitHtsInselnin den Jahren 1939- 1959. 2. Aufl. Bad Liebenzell: Buchhandlung der Liebenzeller Mission, 1959. 78 pp. Williams, F. E. "Mission Influence Among the Keveri of South East Papua," Oceania (Sydney), XV, 2 (Dec. , 1944), 89- 141. This government anthropologist does not always conceal his bias. but the study is worthwhile. Worsley, Peter. The Trumpet Shall Sound. A Study of "Cargo" Cults in Melanesia. London: MacGlbbon and Kee, 1957. 290 pp. Comprehensive study of the prophetic and messianic movements in New Guinea and Papua, and the role of missions. Includes bibliography. XV. UNPUBLISHED THESES AND DISSERTATIONS Cooley, Frank L "Altar and Throne in Central Moluccan Societies." A study of the relationships between the institutions of religion and the institutions of local government in a traditional society undergoing rapid social change. Ph. D. dissertation. New Haven, Conn.: Yale University. 1961.

Dicker, Gordon "The Proclamation of the Gospel in Timor." A study of the Evangelical Church of Timor in relation to its historical antecedents Master's thesis. Sydney: Sydney University [Australia], 1962. Fowler, Joseph Andrew. "Christian Schools in Muslim Lands: A Survey by Representative Examples of Christian Schools in Turkey, the United Arab Republic (Egypt), Pakistan, the Federation of Malaya, Indonesia, the Republic of Sudan, and Northern Nigeria." S. T. M. thesis. Dallas, Texas: Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodlst University, 1963. Hutagalung, Sutan M. "The Problem of Religious Freedom in Indonesia, 1800 to the Resent." dssertation. New Haven, Conn. : Yale University, 1958. Inselmann, Rudolf. "Changing Missionary Methods in Lutmis, New Guinea." Wartburg Seminary, 1948. Millegan, Lloyd S. "The Protestant Church in Indonesia." University, 1959.

M. A. thesls.

B. D. thesls

Ph. D

Dubuque, Iowa:

Washington, D. C. : American

XVI. PERIODICALS De Heerbaan Algemeen Zendingstijdschrift. 1947 ff Published by the Netherlands Missionary Council. N. Z. R. , R i m Hendriklaan 37, Amsterdam 7. Bi-monthly. In die Welt, fiir die Welt. Berichte der Rheinischen Mission und der Bethel-Mission. Vol. I, Jan. 1965. (Formerly Berichte der Rheinischen Mission, 114 vols. ) Postfach 57 1, Wuppertal-Barmen. Monthly. De Macedonier. Zendingsti~dschrift. Wageningen, 1883-1939. meerde Kerken." with many articles on Java, Sumba, e t c

Missionary magazine of the "Gerefor-

The missionMededeelingen. Tijdschrift voor Zendingswetenschap. Rotterdam-Oegstgeest. 1857-1940. ary magazine before the Second World War, with much valuable material on Indonesia. Oceania. A journal devoted to the study of the native peoples of Australia. New Guinea and the islands of the Pacific Ocean. Publlshed by the University of Sydney, Australia. Quarterly. Onze MissiEn in Oost- en West-Indi& 1917-1963. First with subtitle: Tildschrift der Indische Missievereniging. Later subtitle: Koloniaal Missietijdschrift. Subtitle 1946-1963: Indisch Missietijdschr1ft. De Opwekker.

Orgaan van den Nederlandsch-Indische Zendingsbond.

Pacific Journal of Theology.


1855- 1942.

Box 184, Apia, Western Samoa, South Pacific. Quarterly.

Philippines I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Agcaoli, Candida and Leticia Espmas. "Reliminary Selective Bibliography on the Christianization of the Philippines," Philippine Colophon (Manila), 111, 1-2 (1965), 2-17. Mostly Catholic material; includes much in Spanish. Anderson, Gerald H. "Missionary Readings on the Philippines: A Guide," Occasional Bulletin k o m the MRL, XV, 7-8 (July-August, 1964). 12 pp. Revised and expanded version under the same title in Sllliman Journal (Dumaguete City), XII, 2 (1965), 211-27. A commentary on about 150 items in the areas of general history, culture and society, education, language, and Christianity in the Philippines. Eggan, Fred (ed. ). Selected Bibliography of the Philippines. New Haven: HRAF Ress. 1956. vi + 138 pp. Deals with such topics as history, people, language, social organization, religion, education, political structure, industry, etc. Annotated, with author index.

Huke, Robert E. Bibliography of Philippine Geography, 1940- 1963, A Selected List. Hanover, New Hampshire: Dartmouth College, 1964. 84 pp. (Geography Publications a t Dartmouth, No. 1. ) This volume is designed to supplement rather than to replace earlier works, such as Pelzer's No annotations. Pelzer, Karl J. Selected Bibliography on the Geography of Southeast Asia. Part 111: The Philippines. New Haven: Yale University Southeast Asia Studies, 1950. ix + 76 pp. (Mimeographed. ) Uses "geography" in the broad sense; includes a section on history No annotations. 11. GENERAL BACKGROUND Agoncillo, Teodoro A and Oscar M. Alfonso. A Short History of the Filipino People. Quezon City: University of the Philippines, 1960. iv + 629 pp. A useful one-volume survey, which includes favorable ueatment of the Philippine Independent Church. Benitez, Comado H~storyof the Philippines Rev, ed. Boston: Glnn & Co. , 1954 xi1 - 522 pp. A standard textbook in many Philippine schools and, in many respects, it IS the best of the popular treatments Blalr, Emma and James Alexander Robertson. The Philippine Islands, 1493- 1898 55 vols Cleveland, Ohio: A. H. Clark Co., 1903-1909. (Republished in the Philippines, 1963. ) A monumental collection of source material, with helpful inuoductory essays in each volume. Carson, Arthur L. Higher ~ d u c a t i b nin the Philippines Washington, D. C. : U. S Dept. of Health, Education, and Welfare; Office of Education, U. S Government Printing Office, 1961 (Bulletin 1961, No. 29, OE- 14065. ) xiv + 251 pp. By a long-time Protestant missionary and former President of Silliman University, this is the best and most recent general survey of the historical development of private and public higher education, including information on elementary and secondary schools; contains an extensive bibliography, tables of statisncal data, and a directory of colleges and universities. Census of the Philippines, 1960. Vol. 11, Summary Report on Population and Housing. Manila: Bureau of the Census and Statistics. 1963. xxviii + 26 *pp. . Contains the report on the religious census. Corpuz, Onofre D. The Philippines. Englewood Cliffs, N. J. : Prentice-Hall, 1965. viii (Modern Nations in Historical Perspective, A Specuum Book. ) Interpretative essay by an eminent ~ i l i ~ i scholar no


149 pp.

Costa, Horacio de la. Readings in Philippine History Selected historical texts with a commentary. Manila: Bookmark, 1965. 351 pp. Source material with commentary by a noted Filipino historian. Foronda, Marcelino A. , Jr. Cults Honoring Rizal. Manila: n, n. , 1960. 98 pp. Valuable insights into nationalism and religion in the Philippines. Galang, Zollo M. (ed. ). Encyclopedia of the Philippines. Vol. X: "Religion." Manila: Exequiel Floro, 1950. (Roman Catholic Church, pp. 62- 111; Protestantism, 112-42; Aglipayan Church, 143-57. ) Uneven in value and reliability. Gowing, Peter G Mosque and Moro A Study of Muslims in the Philippines. Manila: Philippine Federation of Christian Churches, 1964. ix + 120 pp. A scholarly i n ~ o d u c t i o nto the history and present situation of the largest non-Christian minority in the Philippines. Includes photos and bibliography. Grossholtz, Jean. Politics in the Philippines. Boston: Little, Brown & Co., 1964. xvi parative Politics Series. ) Behavioral analysis of contemporary politics, by a young American scholar.

+ 293 pp. (Corn-

Hessel, Eugene A. The Religious Thought of JOSE Rizal, Its Context and Theological Significance. Manila: Philippine Education C o . , 196 1 xii + 289 pp. A solid study of the national hero's thought.

Land;, Carl H. Leaders, Factions, and Parties: The Structure of Philippine Politics. New Haven: Yale University, Southeast Asia Studies, 1965. xiv i148 pp. (Monograph Series, No. 6 .) Careful and thorough study. Lynch, Frank (ed.). Four Readings on Philippine Values. 2nd rev. ed. IPC Papers, NO. 2. Quezon City: Ateneo de Manila University Press, 1964. 113 pp. T h e most important single item that a new student could read for insights into Philippine cultural patterns. Taylor, George E. The Philippines and the United States: Problems of Partnership. New York: Praeger, 1964. viii + 325 pp. An excellent assessment of Philippine-American relations that is sympathetic and sensitive to the Filipino point of view. Wolff, Leon. Little Brown Brother. How t h e United States Purchased and Pacified the Philippine Islands a t the Century's Turn. Garden City, N. Y. : Doubleday & Co., 1961. 383 pp. Should be required reading for every new missionary to the Philippines, especially American missionaries. Zaide, Gregorio F. Philippine Political and Cultural History. 2 vols. Rev. ed. Manila: Philippine Education Co., 1957. Vol. I: xii + 407 pp.; Vol. 11: xiii + 408 pp. Larger and fuller than the work by Benitez (cited above), but not superior to it. '

III. CHRISTIANITY IN THE PHILIPPINES Achiitegui, Pedro S. de, and Miguel A. Bernad. Religious Revolution in t h e Philippines. The Life and Church of Gregorio Aglipay, 1860- 1960. 3 vols. Manila: Ateneo de Manila, 1960 ff. Vol. I (2nd ed.): 1860-1940, xiv + 588 pp.; Vol. 11: 1940-1960; Vol. 111: Documentary Appendix. A well-documented account of the Philippine Independent Church by two Jesuit scholars who do not conceal their prejudice against Aglipay and his Church in their interpretation of the records. Alonzo, Manuel P., Jr. A Historico-Critical Study on the Iglesia ni Kristo. Manila: University of Santo - Tomas Press, 1959. 102 pp. Critical study from the standpoint of Catholic dogma; includes valuable bibliography. Anderson, Gerald H. (ed.). Studies in Philippine Church History. Ithaca, N. Y. : Cornell University Press, to be published in 1967. An ecumenical symposium of scholarly essays concerning various aspects of the history of t h e Catholic Church, the Philippine Independent Church, the Protestant Churches, and the Iglesia ni Cristo, by John Leddy Phelan, J. Gayo Aragon, 0. P . , James S. Cummins, Cesar Adib Majul, and several others, including two essays by H. de l a Costa, S. J. : "Episcopal Jurisdiction in the Philippines During the Spanish Regime," and "The Development of the Native Clergy in the Philippines." Also valuable bibliographical survey article.


and Peter G. Gowing. "Four Centuries of Christianity in the Philippines: An Interpretation," Encounter (Indianapolis), XXV, 3 (Summer, 1964), 352-67. German tr. in Evangelische ~issions:

Area Handbook on the Philippines. Vol. 11. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, for HRAF, 1956. (Chapter IX: "Organized Religion "; General Introduction, pp. 47 1-75; Roman Catholicism, pp. 476 686; Aglipayanism, pp. 687-729; Protestantism, pp. 730-44.) One of the most important sources for a study of Christianity in the Philippines, with a strong sociological emphasis. Barlow, Sanna Morrison. Mountains Singing. The Story of Gospel Recordings in the Philippines. Moody Press, 1952. 352 pp. Includes ethnographic chart and gIossary.


Bazaco, Evergisto. The Church in the Philippines. Manila: University of Santo Tomas Press, 1938. Reproduced in a mimeographed edition in 1953. 112 pp. A brief history of Philippine Catholicism by a Dominican. An uncritical, almost hagiographical treatment.

Boletin Eclesiastlco de Fllipinas (Manila), XXXIX, 435 (Jan. -Feb., 1965), 352 pp. Special issue for the Fourth Centennial of the Christianization of the Philippines; contains a miscellany of important articles on the hlstory of the Orders, and various Catholic missions in the Philippines. Braganza, Jose Vicente. The Encounter. The Eplc Story of h e Christianization of the Philippines. Manila: Catholic Trade School, 1965. xv + 235 pp. A popular account of Catholic beginnings in the Philippines. Brown, Arthur Judson. The New Era in the Philippines. New York: Revell, 1903. 314 pp. Observations on Protestant beginnings, by an American missionary statesman. Carson, Arthur L. Silliman University, 1901-1959. New York: United Board for Christian Higher Education in Asia, to be published in 1966. A history of the best-known Protestant university in the Philippines, by a former president of the institution. Catholic Directory of the Philippines, 1965. Manila: Catholic Trade School, 1964. 844 pp. An annual publication, listing every diocese, parish and priest in the Philippines, together with statistical tables and much historical information. Clark, Francis X. The Philippine Missions. A Study of the Apostolate in the Islands from King Philip of Spain to Pope Pius XII. New York: The America Press, 1945. 48 pp. (Missionary Academia Series. ) A summary of Catholic mission history by a Jesuit. ~ o l h Francisco , and Pablo Pastells. Labor Evangilica de 10s obreros de l a ~ o m ~ a f i df ea J e s h en las islas h la misma compaflia. Nueva edici6n ilusuada con copia de Filipinas por el Padre Francisco ~ o l de notas y documentos para l a critica de la historia general de l a soberanfa de EspaiIa en Filipinas por el Padre Pablo Pastells, S. J. 3 vols. Barcelona: Henrich, 1900-1902. Densely documented study of the Jesuit mission in the Philippines down to the year 1663. Condict, Alice Byram. Old Glory and the Gospel in the Philippines. Notes Gathered During Professional and Missionary Work. "Prefatory Note" by Methodist Episcopal Bishop Frank W. Warne. New York: Revell, 1902. 124 pp. Methodist missionary impressions of Protestant beginnings Coquia, Jorge R The Legal Status of the Church in the Philippines. versity of America Press, 1950. xiv i224 pp. A perceptive doctoral dissertation.

Washington. D. C. : Catholic Uni-

Cornish, Louis C. The Philippines Calling. Philadelphia: Dorrance & Co., 1942. Reprinted 1946. 313pp. Sympathetic report on the Philippine Independent Church in its unitarian period. Costa, Horacio de la. The Jesuits in the Philippines, 1581-1768. Cambridge, Mass: Harvard University Press, 1961. xiii + 702 pp. A definitive study by the leading historian in the Philippines today. Cummins, James S. (ed. ). The Travels and Conuoversies of Friar Domingo Navarrette, 1618- 1686. 2 vols. Cambridge, England: hbllshed for the Hakluyt Society by Cambridge University Press. 1962. 475 pp. An English edition of the autobiography of a Spanish Dominican who worked in the Philippines (1648-58) and who visited Ceylon and Macassar. Cushner, Nicholas P. Philippine Jesuits in Exile. The Journals of Francisco h i g , S. J. , 1768- 1770. Rome: Institutum Historicum, S. I . , 1964. xvi + 200 pp. Scholarly study of Jesuit expulsion. Deats, Richard L. The Story of Methodism in the Philippines. Manila: Published for Union Theological Seminary by the National Council of Churches in the Philippines, 1964. xii + 129 pp. Based on original research, covers the entire period of Methodist work, 1898-1964; includes bibliography, photos and chronological table.

- - - - - - . Nationalism and the Churches in the Philippines. Dallas, Texas: Southern Methodist University Press, to be published in 1967. A doctoral dissertation a t Boston University, this is a well-documented study of the response to nationalism by the Roman Catholic Church, Philippine Independent Church, Methodist Church, and United Church of Christ in the Philippines.

Del Pilar, Marcelo H. Monastic Supremacy in the Philippines. Tr. from the Spanish by Encarnacion Alzona. Quezon City: Philippine Historical Association, 1958. iv + 180 pp. First published in Spain in 1889, this new edition of a rare Filipiniana item includes both the original Spanish text and an annotated English translation, together with a short biography of Del Pilar. Evangelische Missions-Zeitschrift (Hamburg), XXI, 2 (May, 1964). "Special Philippine Issue." Contains three major articles dealing with the history of Christianity, cooperation among nonRoman Christians, and religious freedom and proselytism in the Philippines. Gowing, Peter G "Chrstianity in the Philippines Yesterday and Today," Silliman Journal (Dumaguete City), XII, 2 (Aprll, 1965), 109-51. A succinct survey of the history of Christianity in the Philippines.

- - - - - - . Islands Under the Cross. The Story of the Church in the Philippines. Manila: National Council of Churches in the Philippmes, to be published in 1966. Comprehensive and ecumenical, with photographs and a full bibliography. Guansing, Benjamin I. (ed. ). 1962- 1963 Philippines Christian Yearbook. Manila: [Union Theological Seminary], 1962. xvl + 1 6 1 pp. Concerned only with Protestantism; includes statistics, Who's Who, and interpretative articles. Higdon, E. K. and I. W. From Carabao to Clipper. New York: Friendship Press, 1941. 120 pp. Popular and accurate report on the progress and problems of Evangelical Christianity during the first forty years, by a Protestant missionary couple. ~ i i b n e r ,Dietmar. "Der philippinische Protestantismus innerhalb der siidostasiatischen evangelischen Christenheit," Das Wort in der Welt (Hamburg), Nr. 4 / 1964 (Aug. -Sept. ), 49-55. A report and interpretation of the Protestant situation in the Philippines by a German Lutheran pastor who studied a t Union Theological Seminary near Manila. Laubach, Frank Charles. The People of the Philippines. New York: George H. Doran CO.. 1925. %x + 515 . pp. Dated and a bit too homiletical, but still a valuable survey, in part, of Philippine religion, and especially of Protestant beginnings. Leiffer, Murray H. An Introductory Study of Methodist and Other Protestant Churches in Greater Manila, 1965. Manila: The Methodist Church Headquarters, 1965. 58 pp. A detailed sociological inquiry, directed by an expert. McGavran, Donald Anderson. Multiplying Churches in the Philippines. Manila: United Church of Christ in the Philippines. [1958]. 145 pp. A study of Protestant church growth and strategy for evangelism. McLeish, Alexander. A Christian Archipelago. Religion in the Philippines. Rev. ed. London: World Dominion Press, 1941. 30 pp. (War-time Survey Series, No. 2. ) A brief introduction and observations on the eve of World War 11, by an English Protestant scholar. Osias, Camilo and Avelina Lorenzana. Evangelical Christianity in the Philippines. Brethren Publshing House, 1931. xx + 240 pp. Still has some value for a study of the early Protestant period.

Dayton, Ohio: United

Phelan, John Leddy. The Hispanization of the Philippines: Spanish Aims and Filipino Responses, 1565-1700. Madison: Universitv of Wisconsin Press. 1959. xv + 218 DD. The most valuable study of its kind in recent years. The original manuscript was entitled "The Christianization of the Philippines."


Pitts, Joseph S. Mission to the Philippines. Kansas City, Missouri: Beacon Hill Press, 1956. The story of Nazarene work. Poethig, Richard P. (ed.). Philippine Social Issues from a Christian Perspective. of Christ in the Philippines, 1963. vii + 222 pp. A Protestant symposium. Regan, Joseph W. The Philippines: Christian Bulwark in Asia. cations, 1957. 41 pp. (World Horizon Reports. ) A brief introdu&oi to the history of catholicism.

127 pp.

Manila: United Church

Maryknoll, New York: Maryknoll Publi-

Roberts, Walter N. The Filipino Church. Dayton, Ohio: The Foreign Mssionary Society . . . United Brethren in Christ, 1936. xii + 158 pp. "The Story of the ~ e v e l o ~ m e n t ban - f Indigenous Evangelical Church in the Philippine Islands as Revealed in the Work of 'The Church of the United Brethren in Christ.' "


e t al. Survey Report on Theological Education in the Philippines. Quezon City: Philippine Federa t i o n o f ~ h r i s t i a nChurches, 1962. vi + 207 pp. (Mimeographed. ) A detailed report on five Protestant seminaries and six colleges, with a weal& of statistical information on the Protestant churches.

Rodgers, James B. Forty Years in the Philippines. A History of The Philippine Mission of The Presbyterian Church in the U. S. A , 1899-1939. New York: The Board of Foreign Missions of The Presbyterian Church in the U S. A , , 1940. viii + 205 pp. Invaluable account by the first regularly appointed Protestant missionary to arrive in the Philippines. Rodriguez, Isacio R. Gregorio Aglipay y 10s origines de la Iglesia Filipina Independiente, 1895-1917. 2 vols. Madrid: Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientfficas, Departmento de Misionologia Espaiiola, 1960. Vol. I: xxxii + 597 pp. ; Vol. 11: 399 pp. A critical Augustinian study: Vol. 11 contains 371 pp. of documents, with 28 pp. of indices and cross references. Ryan, Archie Lowell, Religious Education in the Philippines. Manila: The Methodist Publishing House for The Philippine Council of Religious Education, 1930. 205 pp. Describes the early Protestant Sunday School program. Sanders, Albert J. The Evangelical Ministry in the Philippines and Its Future. Manila: Published for Union Theological Seminary by the National Council of Churches in the Phdippines, 1964. 70 pp. The author studies the prevailing image of the ministry in the Philippines as contrasted with the emerging image ministry in relation to the New Testament and Philippine cultural values.

- - - - - -.

A Protestant View of the Iglesia ni Cristo. Quezon City: Philippine Federation of Chrstlan Churches, 1962. 72 pp. The best study available of this significant indigenous movement

Schumacher, John N. "Some Historical Considerations on the Evangelization of the Philippines," Contemporary Studies (Makati, Rizal), 11, 4 (Dec., 1965), 222-37. Concerning the early failure to develop a native clergy. Scott, William Henry. "The Philippine Independent Church in History," The East and West Review (London), XXVIII, 1 (January, 1962), 3- 13; reprinted in Silliman Journal (Dumaguete City), X, 3 (July-Sept., 1963), 298-310.


"Staunton of Sagada: Christian Civilizer," Historical Magazine of the Protestant Episcopal Church (Austin, Texas), XXXI, 4 (December, 1962), 307-39. Exceedingly interesting account of the beginnings of mission work of the Episcopal Church in the Mountain Province.

Sobrepeiia, Enrique C. That They May Be One. 2nd ed. Manila: United Church of Christ in the Philippines, 1964. vii + 177 pp. A brief account of the united church movement in the Philippines, by one who has played a major role in the movement. Silliman Journal (Dumaguete City), XII, 2 (April, 1965), whole issue. Special issue for the Fourth Centennial of Christianity in the Philippines; contains important articles and reviews on the history of Christianity in the islands, religious freedom and proselytism. the alleged retraction of ~ o s 6Rizal, nationalism and the churches, and bibliography. The South East Asia Journal of Theology (Singapore), IV, 1 (July, 1962). whole issue. Special Philippine issue, with a miscellany of important articles and reviews about Christianity in the Philippines. Spottswood, Curran L. Beyond Cotabato. Westwood, N. J. : Revell, 1961. 256 pp. A popular account of the personal experiences of Methodism's "Flying Missionary" in the Philippines since World War 11.

Stevenson, Dwight E. Christianity in the Philippmes. A report on the only Christian Nation in the Orient. Lexington, Kentucky: College of the Bible, 1956. 48 pp. Emphasis on Protestantism in general, and the Disciples of Christ in particular. Stuntz, Homer C. The Philippines and the Far East. Cincinnati, Ohio: Jennings and Pye, 1904. 514 pp. Invaluable information on Protestant beginnings by an early Methodist missionary. Turner, E. S. Nation Building. Manila: [Capitol Publishing House], 1965. xvi + 221 pp. A history of the Philippine YMCA Movement, by the honorary general secretary who has been a long-time resident in the Philippines. United Church of Christ in the Philippines. Yearbook 1962. Manila: United Church of Christ in the Philippines, 1964. 6 4 pp. + appendices. Summary of denominational statistics.

- - - - - - . Book of Government: Constitution and By-Laws. Manila: United Church of Christ in the Philippines, n d. 72 pp.

- - - - - -. The Book of Common Worship. Quezon City: United Church of Christ in the Philippines, 1962. vi


186 pp. ~ssentialdocuments for understanding the largest Protestant denomination in the Philippines.

Waterman, G. Henry. "Problems of Syntax in the Translation of the Scriptures in Philippine Dialects," The Bible Translator (London), XI. 4 (October, 1960), 162-72. Wentzel, Constance White A Half Century in the Philippines. New York: National Council of the Protestant Episcopal Church, 1952. 6 4 pp. Sketches the history of The Episcopal Church in the Philippines; of limited value. Whittemore, Lewis Blss. Struggle for Freedom. Hstory of the Philippine Independent Church. Greenwich, Conn. : Seabury Press; and London: S P. C. K. , 1961. x i + 228 pp. A readable outline of the hstory of Roman Catholicsm in the Philippines as well as a sympathetic study of Aglipayanism; marred somewhat by careless errors in names, dates and certain factual accounts. Wise, Francs H The History of the Philippine Independent Church (Iglesia Filipina Independiente). Dumaguete City: Published by Saint Andrew's Theological Seminary, Silliman University College of Theology, and Union Theological Seminary, 1965 viii + 273 pp. (Mimeographed.) An M A. t h e m a t University of the Philippines, 1955; c o n t a m a good summary of historical material that s useful and not entlrely suppIanted by the more recent studies of Whittemore, and Achhegui and Bernad Zaide, Gregorio F. Catholicism in the Philippines. Manila: University of Santo Tomas Press, 1937. viii + 239 pp. An uncritical survey written for Roman Catholic consumption by a well-known Filipino historian. Zobel de Ayala, Fernando. Philippine Religious Imagery. Manila: Ateneo de Manila University, 1963. 154 pp. Contains 147 photographs and many drawings, devoted almost exclusively to Roman Catholic objects. IV. UNPUBLISHED THESES AND DISSERTATIONS Clifford, Sister Mary Dorita. "Aglipayanism as a Political Movement." Ph. D. dissertation. S t Louis, Mo. : St. Louis University, 1960. Digan, Padraig. "A Study of the Philippine Friar Memorial of 1898." M. A. thesis. Catholic University of America, 1956.

Washington, D. C. :

Estoye, Jos6 D. "The Missionary Enterprise of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines in the Light of the Theological Basis for Mission and With Reference to the Missionary Work of the Disciples of Christ in the Philippines." ,M. A. thess. Hartford, Conn. : Hartford Seminary Foundation, 1964. Foster, James Alcorn. "Evangelical Christianity in the Philippines From 1936 to 1952." M. Th. thesis. Louisville, Ky. : Lousville Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, 1953.

Goss, Edward. "The Philippine Islands and the Friars' Land Question and the Flrst Unlted States Commission to the Vatican." M. A. thesis. St. Louis, Mo. : St. Louis University, 19.34. Gripe, Alan Gordon. "A Comparative Study of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines, the United Church of Christ in Japan (Kyodan), and the Church of South India." S. T. M. thesu. New Yak: Union Theological Seminary, 1953. Higdon, Elmer Kelso. Chicago, 1930.

"The Development of a Filipino Church.' M. A. thesis.

Chlcago: Unlversity of

Jacinto, ~ o s 6Samuel. "The Faith of the United Church of Christ in the Philippines " M.A. thesis. Oberlin, Ohio: Oberlin Graduate School of Theology, 1954. Johnson, James J. "Evangelistic Approaches to the Filipmo Lowlander: An Examination of Varlous Evangellstic Approaches as Conditioned by a Number of Different Fillpino Cultures.' S T M. thesu. St. Louls, Mo. : Concordia Theological Semmary, 1965. Jose, Maynard0 R. "The Expansion and Filipmization of Philippine Methodism Since 1900." Th. hl. thesls. Washington, D C : Wesley Theological Seminary, 1962 Lagunzad, Clriaco Ma., Jr. "The Meaning of the Church in the Philippine Situation." S. T. h4. thesis. New York: Union Theological Seminary, 1958. Lauby, Paul Timothy. "Contributions of the Protestant Churches Toward the Solution of Basic Philippine Economic Problems: 1946-1957." Ph. D. dissertation. Los Angeles: University of Southern California, 1958. Maillard, Ralph. "An Investigation of the Philippine Friars' Land Case and Related Church Problems." Ph. D. dissertation Chicago: Loyola University, 1942. Moore, Ernest Maynard ID. "The Philippine Student Christian Movement in the Asian Revolution." S. T. hl. thesis. Dallas, Texas: Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist Unlverslty. 1964. Pacquing, Isabelo Imperial. "The Roman Catholic Church in the Philippines Under American Administration. ' M. A thesis. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1933. Parker, Donald D. "Church and State in the Philippines, 1565- 1896." h4. A. thesis. of Chicago, 1936.

Chicago: University

- - - - - - . "Church and State in the Philippines, 1896- 1906." Ph. D dlssertatlon. Chlcago: University of Chicago, 1936. See also his article under the same title in the Philippine Social Sciences and Humanities Review (Manila), X, 4 (i938), 354-71 Rlgos, Clrilo. "The Development of the United Church of Chrlst in the Philippines." S. T M. thesis New York: Union Theological Seminary, 1958. Rotz, Henry Welton. "A Study of the Recruitment, Training, Support, and Performance of Church Leaders in Three Protestant Denominations m the Philippine Federation of Christian Churches." Ph. D. dissertation. Ithaca, N Y. : Cornell University, 1955. Ulveling, Raymond Emmet. "The Friar Problem in the Philippines and Its Settlement." M. A. thesis. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1932.

V. PERIODICALS Boletin Eclesiastico de Fillpinas. Official Roman C a t h o l ~ cInterdiocesan Organ. Fathers' Residence, University of Santo Tomas, Manlla. Monthly. The Christian Register. Philippine Independent Church. 1327 Calle Alfredo, Sta. Cruz, Manila. Monthly. Church and Community. Department of Public Welfare, United Church of Christ in the Philippines. Box 718, Manila. Bi-monthly. Contemporary Studies. San Carlos Seminary.

Makati, Rizal.

P. 0.


The Filipino Methodist Magazine. The h4ethodist Church in the Philippines. P. 0 . Box 756. Manila. Monthly.

Pasugo Official publication of the Iglesia ni Crnto, in Tagalog and English 1655 Soler, Sta, Cruz, Manila. Monthly. The Philippine Christian Advance and Rural Fellowship Bulletin. Churches. From 1948 to 1963. Monthly. The Philippine Chronicle.

Phllippine Episcopal Church.

Liwayway Publications, Inc.,

Philippine Federation of Christian

P. 0 Box 655, Manila.


The Philippine Ecumenical Review. National Council of Churches in the Philippines. Manila. h4onthly. The Philippine Lutheran.

Lutheran Philippine Mission. P 0 . Box 507, Manila.

Phllippine Social Sciences and Humanities Review. Philippine Sociological Review.

Phllippine Studies. Ateneo de Manila

Philippines Young Men. Saint Louis Quarterly

Quezon City. Quarterly.

P. 0. Box 154, Manila. Quarterly.


P 0 Box 1992, Manila. Bi-monthly.

Saint Louis University, Baguio City.

Silliman Journal. Silliam University. Unitas.

P. 0. Box 154, Manila.

YMCA of the Philippines.


University of the Philippines.

Philippine Sociological Society.

P. 0 . Box 1767,


Dumaguete City, Negros Oriental. Quarterly.

University of Santo Tomas, Manila.


T a i w a n (Formosa) I. BIBLIOGRAPHIES Stanford University. China Project, Bibliography of Taiwan (Formosa). (Behavior Science Bibliographies. )

New Haven: HRAF, 1956. 37 pp.

U S. Library of Congress. Formosa (Taiwan), A Selected Bibliography. Washington, D, C. : Library of Congress, 1955. 68 pp. Includes 607 references to bibliographies, books, pamphlets, and articles in peri~dlcals,in Western languages.


Bureau of Aboriginal Affairs. Report on the Cont~olof the Aborigines in Formosa. Taihoku: Government of Formosa, 1911. 45 pp. + plates. Official report of the Bureau of Aboriginal Affairs of the Japanese Government, wlth 100 pictures and 3 maps. Valuable for a background understanding of life among the mountain tribes in Taiwan. Davidson, James W. The Island of Formosa, Past and Present. London: Macmillan, 1903. iii + 646 pp. Valuable for general information on Taiwan from the earliest days to 1900. Recently reprinted and available from Cellar Book Shop in Detroit, Michigan. Ken, George H. Formosa Betrayed. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1966. 544 pp. The author presents a sober account of oppression. Mancall, Mark (ed. ). Formosa Today. New York: Praeger, 1964. vi + 171 pp. A symposium of essays written in 1963 on a cross-section of subjects that provide a relatively comprehensive picture.

Pache, Alois. Dle rellgib'sen Vorstellungen in den Mythen der formosanlschen BergstPmine. Wlen-Miidling: Verlag der Mlssionsdruckerei St. Gabriel, 1964. 262 pp. appendix. (Studia Instituti Anthropos, Vol. 19. ) Religious myths among the mountain people of Taiwan.

111. CHRISTIANITY IN TAIWAN Aavlk, Asbjhn. Taiwan. [Copenhagen]: Det Danske hlissionsselskabs Forlag, 1955. 77 pp. A brief general mtroduction to the religions and missionary work, with a chapter on the Danish Lutheran work there. Band, Edward. Barclay of Formosa. The life and work of one of Barclay (1874-1935); based cerning the development of

Tokyo: Christian Literature Society, 1936. 212 pp. the best-remembered English Presbyterian missionaries, Thomas largely on letters and reminiscences of Barclay; reveals much conthe church in Taiwan.

- - - - - - . Working His Purpose Out. The Hlstory of the Engllsh Presbyterian Misslon, 1847-1947. 5 vols. London: Publlshmg Offlce of the Presbyteriail Church of England, 1947 xix - 595 pp. The sectlons on Taiwan are In the latter part of volume one and all of volume two; a comprehensive survey narrated chiefly from the side of the missionaries.

- - - - - -.

He Brought Them Out. The Story of the Christian Movement among the Mountain Tribes of Formosa. London: The Brmsh and Foreign Blble Society, 1949 and 1956. 3 1 pp. A popular account concernmg the beglnnlng of Christian work among the mountain trlbes; based largely on secondary sources.


and John Whitehorn. He Led Thetn On. The Story of the Christian Movement Among the Paiwan Tribe of Formosa. London: The British and Foreign Bible Society, 1955. 32 pp. The same kind of booklet as mentioned above: continues the story of the Christian movement among the Paiwan tribe.

Beeby, H. D Formosa, The Challenge. London: Overseas Committee of the Presbyterian Church of England, 1956. 32 pp. A brief survey of the history of Christianity in Taiwan, with special reference to the Presbyterian Church of Taiwan. Campbell, William. An Account of Missionary Success in the Island of Formosa. 2 vols. London: Trubner & Co., 1889. 670 pp. The first 214 contain valuable materials for the early 17th century Dutch mission in Taiwan; the rest of the scudy is filled with personal experiences of the author in his missionary work on the island.

- - - - - -. Formosa Under the Dutch. London: Kegan Paul, 1903. xiv + 630 pp. An indispensable work for the hlstory of Dutch mlssion work.

- - - - - -. xxx

Handbook of the English Presbyterian Mlssion in South Formosa. Hastings: F. J Parsons, 1910. 405 pp. Prlnted only for private cxculation, it contains the unabridged, revued, and indexed copy of the minutes of the Taman hlission Council of the Presbyterian Church in Taiwan from the flrst meeting in 1877 to 1910, with an introduction and church statistics up to that date.


- - - - - - . Sketches from Formosa. London: Marshall Brothers, 1915. 394 pp. Some narratives published earlier are re-written, with new pieces added. Though mostly o f amusing incidents, things which are informing and penetrating are found here also. Catholic Directory of Taiwan, 1960. Taipei: Hua Ming Press, 1960. 157 pp.. Directory of clergy, institutions, and statistics, in English and Chinese. Cheng, Lien-min. "A Short History of the Presbyterian Church Among the Mountain Tribes in Taiwan." XVI, I,, N ~ S .4-5 (April-May, G65). 19 pp. occasional Bulletin from the ?& Includes bibliography and statistics. Copland, Margaret L. 1962. 10 pp.

Chi-Oang, Mother of the Taiwan Tribes Church.

Taipei: United Publishing Center,

De Zeeuw, P De Hollanders op Formosa 1624-1662. Een bladzijde uit onze koloniale- en zendingsgeschiedenis. Amsterdam: Kirchner, 1924. 6 3 pp. A note on the Dutch period in Formosa. Dickson, James. Stranger Than Fiction. A Thrilling Story of Modern Christian hlissions Among the Aborigines of Formosa. Toronto: Evangelical Publishers, 1948. 47 pp. A valuable account of the beginnings of the Christian movement among these tribes, by a missionary who was engaged in the work. Dickson, Lilllan. These My People. Serving Christ Among the Mountam People of Formosa. Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 19.58. 121 pp. Popular account of the personal contacts and work of this lady missionary among the tribal people. The Federation of Christian hlksions In Japan (ed. ). The Christian Movement In Japan ( k o m 1913 to 1919); (from 1920 to 1927); The Japan Mission Year r Book. Tokyo: annually. Many valuable reports from Formosa are contained in these Issues. Ginsel, W. A. De Gereformeerde Kerk op Formosa, of de lotgevallen eener handelskerk onder d e OostIndische Compagnie, 1627- 1662. Leiden: P. J. Mulder, 1931. 138 pp. Dissertation on the life and work of the Dutch East India Company , Church and Missions. Story of a we.11-started but ill-ended venture. Grothe, J. A. (ed.). Archlef voor de geschiedenls der Oude Hollandsche Zending. Vols, 111, IV: Formosa, 1628-1661. Uttecht: C. van Bentum, 1888. 320; 314 pp. Collected records k o m the archives, regarding Dutch miss~onsin the 17th century. Herder-Korrespondenz, "Die katholische Gemeinschaft auf Formosa (Taiwan)," XVII, 1962/63, 312-18. A summary statement of recent developments and the present situation of the Roman Catholic Church. Hilber, Jakob.

"Bilanz einer Mission," Katholische Missionen (Freiburg), 1964 (July-Aug. ), 117-23.

Hwang, C. H. "Die PKU und die Hundertjahrfeier der Kirche auf Taiwan," Evangelische Missions-Zeit(Hamburg), XXII, 4 (Nov., 1965), 149-62. -schrift . The effort Fir expansion of the Protestant churches on Taiwan a t the time of theu hundredth anniversary in 1965. Johnston, James. China and Formosa. The Story of the Mission of the Presbyterian Church of England. London: Hazell, Watson & Viney, 1897. xvi + 400 pp. An overall survey of the f m t fifty years of the Engllsh Presbyterian mission in South Chma and Taiwan, by a former missionary. Keith, Marian. The Black Bearded Barbarian. The Life of George Leslie Mackay of Formosa. Toronto: Foreign Mission Committee, Presbyterian Church in Canada, 1912. x + 307 pp. Popular biography of the first Canadian missionary to North Taiwan, by a Canadian author. Lai, En-Be. "The Task of a Church Historian in Formosa--Church History as a History of Encounter," South East Asia Journal of Theology (Singapore), 111, 4 (Aprll, 1962), 42-50. Landsborough, Marjorie. Dr. Lan. A Short Biography of Dr. David Landsborough, Medical Missionary of the Presbyterian Church of England in Formosa, 1895- 1936. London: Presbyterian Church of England Publications Committee, 1957. 95 pp. A pleasant biography of the pioneer medical missionary in central Taiwan, by his wife. Lehmann, Arno. Ihla Formosa.

Stuttgart: Evang. Missionsverlag, 1952.

16 pp.

- - - - - - . Pfingsten in den Bergen. Taiwanesen bauen ihre Kuche. Wuppertal-Barmen: Verlag der Rheinischen Missions-Gesellschaft, 1955. 16 pp. Both of these pamphlets were prepared for use by young people.

bedding, W. J. "Centenary of Modern Catholic Missions on Formosa," Worldmission (New York), XI (1960), 97-104.

Mackay, George L. From Far Formosa: The Island, Its People and Missions. 4th ed. New York: Fleming H. k v e l l ; and Edinburgh and London: Oliphant, Anderson and Ferrier, 1896. 346 pp. A fist-hand obser&ion and description of the island, its people and the ~ h r i s t i a nmission work in the northern part by the first Protestant missionary himself. Indispensable for the early period. MacLeod, Duncan. The Island Beautiful. The Story of Fifty Years in North Formosa. Toronto: Board of Foreign Missions of the Presbyterian Church in Canada, 1923. xiv + 235 pp. A valuable book for the second period of the Northern Presbyterian Church; written from the missionary point of view. MacMillan, Hugh. Builder Abroad: William Gauld of Formosa. Taipei: English and Canadian Presbyterian Missions in Formosa, 1956. 49 pp. The life and work of a Canadian Zssionary, William Gauld, written by a missionary. First Century in Formosa. Taipei: China Sunday School Association, 1963. 136 pp. A brief sketch of the whole history of the Presbyterian Church in the island. This is a reprint of the author's Then Till Now in Formosa - (1953), with a new section added. Youth in a Younger Church. Taipei: Presbyterian Church of Formosa, 1961. 20 pp. Brief introduction to the youth activities in the church of Taiwan. John. They Went Forth. Toronto: McClelland & Stewart, 1933 and 1955. xi + 207 pp. Biographical sketches of several missionaries from the Presbyterian Church of Canada. The chapter "The Pathfinder of Formosa" deals with the first missionary to North Taiwan. The Methodist Church in Taiwan--Free China: The Tenth Anniversary, 1953-1963. Taipei: The Methodist Church, 1963. 32 pp. Outline of ~ e t h b d i s history t in Taiwan, with photographs; in English and Chinese. Moody, Campbell N. The Childhood of the Church. London: George Allen & Unwin. 1938. 143 pp. While only obliquely concerned with the church in Formosa, Moody's insights into the thought of Christian converts shed much light upon the Formosan Church which he helped to build, both her history and her present. This is a briefer account, covering material similar to his The Mind of the Early Converts, but not displaced by it.

- - - - - -.

The Heathen Heart. An Account of the Reception of the Gospel Among the Chinese of Formosa. Edinburgh and London: Oliphant, Anderson and Femer, 1907. 253 pp. Indispensable for an understanding of the inner life of the Chinese converts.

- - - - - -.

The Mind of the Early Converts. London: Hodder and Stoughton, 1920. 310 pp. A valuable treatment of the Early Christian Church, which incidentally throws the Formosan Christians into perspective. The author's method is to compare their understanding of Christianity with that of the Early Church.


The Saints of Formosa. Edinburgh: Oliphant, Anderson, and F e ~ i e r ,1912. 251 pp. A perceptive and sympathetic account of life and worship in the Formosan Church fifty-five years ago. Reveals many present-day characteristics of the church in embryo.

- - - - - -.

The King's Guest. A Strange Formosan Fellowship.

London: Allenson, 1932. 144 pp.

Randall, Clairre (ed.). Island Beautiful. Nashville: Board of World Missions, The Presbyterian Church, U. S . , 1956. 56 pp. ~ e n o m i n a t i o n a booklet l introducing the work in Taiwan by missionaries from that church. Reichelt, Karl Ludwig. The Transformed Abbot. Tr. by G. M. k i c h e l t and A. P. Rose. worth, 1954. 157 pp. Story of Miao-Chi, a converted Buddhist monk.

London: Lutter-

Roy, Andrew T. On Asia's Rim. New York: Friendship Press, 1962. Pp. 100-112 deal with the religious situation and the churches on Taiwan; by a Protestant missionary in Hong Kong. South East Asia Journal of Theology (Singapore). VII, No. 2 (Oct., 1965), whole number. Special Taiwan number, with articles devoted mostly to Protestant theological education, its history and institutions, in Taiwan.


Sovik. W . e t al. Mlssion in Formosa and Hongkong. Studies in the beginning and development of the indigenous Lutheran Church in Formosa and Hongkong. Minneapolis: Augsburg Publishing House, 1957 PPA popular report.


Tawan Christian Yearbook, 1964. A Survey of the Christian Movement m Taiwan, 1961-1964. Taipei: Taiwan Missionary Fellowship, 1964. iii + 167 pp. "Aims to show the progress of evangelical Christianity "; includes reports from the missionary societies and agencies, statistics and interpretative articles. Earlier editions for 1956 and 1960. The Taiwan Lutheran Mission. hlission, 1961.

Ten Years in Taiwan, The Lutheran Story.

[Taipei?]: Taiwan Lutheran

Tong, Hollington K. Chrlstianity in Taiwan: A Hlstory. Taipei: China Post, 1961. iil + 249 pp. An overall hlstory of Christianity iri Taiwan, mcluding sects and the Roman Cathollc Church. Based largely on secondary sources. Valentijn, Franfou. Oud en Nleuw Oost-IndiEn, Vol. IV, ii. Beschrijvinge van Tayouan of Formosa. Amsterdam: Gerard onder de Linden, 1726, folio pp. 33-93, charts, engravmgs. Famous, very detailed descriptions of country, society, church, commerce, etc. by a learned Dutch East India Company pastor. Vicedom, Georg F. Ein Volk findet Gott. Erweckung in Formosa. Bad Salzuflen: MBK-Verlag, 1962. 184 pp. A study of the Christian movement among the tribal people; by a noted German missiologist. Whitehorn, John (ed. ). Taiwan Tribes: Prayer Survey. Taipei: Taiwan Missionary Fellowship, 1957 and 1958. 32 pp. Wllson, Kenneth L. Angel at Her Shoulder. Lillian Dickson and Her Taiwan Mission. Foreword by Daniel A. Poling. New York: Harper & Row, 1964. xiv + 256 pp. Popular story of a noted missionary in Formosa, who founded Mustard Seed, Inc.


ZEiger, Anton. "Die katholische Kuche auf Formosa." NZM, XIV (1958), 276-96. Well-documented article, surveymg the history and present problems of the Roman Catholic Church.

IV. UNPUBLISHED THESES Kao, Chiau-Liong. "The Ministry of Christian Education to Adults in a Younger Church in Formosa." S. T. M. thesis. New York: Union Theological Seminary, 1962. 82 pp. Deals with the Presbyterian Church of Formosa; includes an historical sketch. Malcolm, George A. "The Christian Layman in Formosa: One Hundred Years of Christian Witness." M. Th. thesis. Toronto, Canada: Knox College, 1965.


PERIODICALS The English Presbyterian Messenger. Presbyterian Church of England. 73 Gayton Rd., Harrow, Englaqd. From 1845. Monthly. Glad Tidings. The Women's Missionary Society (Western Division) of the Presbyterian Church of Canada. From 1925. Monthly. The Missionary Messenger. W. M. S. (W. D. ) of the Presbyterian Church of Canada. From 1914 to 1925. The Presbyterian Record. The Presbyterian Church of Canada. From 1875. Monthly.

229 College St., Toronto 2 B, Ontario.

ADDENDUM Hang, Thaddlus. Die katholische Kirche im chinesischen Raum: Geschichte und Gegenwart. Miinchen: Verlag Anton Pustet, 1963. 224 pp. chapter VII deals with the catholic missionary work in Taiwan: and chapter IX studies the situation of Chinese Catholics in other lands of Southeast Asia.

I n d e x of A u t h o r s Page

Page Aavik. Asbjdrn ........................... Abel. M................................. Abel. Russell William ..................... Abineno. J . L. Ch ........................ Achiitegui. Pedro S. de .................... Adriaanse. L............................. Adriani. A . E............................ Adriani. Nicolaus ........................ Agcaoli. Candida ........................ Agoncillo. Teodoro A..................... Alfonso. Oscar M......................... Alliston. Cyril ........................... Alonzo. Manuel P.. Jr .................... Anderson. Alan S . Moore .................. Anderson. Courtney ....................... Anderson. Gerald H. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. 49. Annett. Edward A ......................... Appleton. George ........................ Arasaratnam. S........................ 12. Arens. Bernard ........................... Arkkapin. Plsnu .......................... Asperen. Lubbert Nicolaas ................. Aster. Gentilis ........................... Aufhauser. Johann Baptist


60 11 48 45 53 44 47 47 51 52 52 35 53 35 19 53 17 19 15 6 28 48 45 6

Baarbi. C ............................... 44 Bailey. Sydney D......................... 12 Barnes. C . J ............................. 35 Balchin. Frank ........................... 35 Balding. J. W............................ 15 Ballou. Robert 0.......................... 22 Band. Edward ......................... 35. 60 47 Bange. J . J . H Barlow Sanna Morrison ................... 53 Barney. George L......................... 30 Barth. Christoph .......................... 40 Bastin. John ............................. 5 Baudet. H............................... 39 44 Bavinck. J . H Bazaco. Evergisto ........................ 53 Beach. Harlan P........................ 2. 6 Beaver. R Pierce ..................... 10. 28 Beckmann. J ............................. 6 Beeby. H. D ............................. 60 Benda. Harry J ......................... 5. 39 Benitz. Conrado ......................... 52 Bentley- Taylor. David .................... 44 Bernad. Miguel A ........................ 53 Berval. ~ e n 6de .......................... 29 Beugler. Dorothy ......................... 25 Beven. F. Lorenz ........................ 15 Beyerhaus. Peter 45 Biermann. Benno M 44 Bigandet. Paul 19 Blair. Emma ............................ 52 Blanchard. Wendell ...................... 24 Bliss. Edwin Munsell ...................... 6 Boelaars. J .............................. 48 Boetzelaer van Asperen en Dubbeldam. 40. 42 C. W. Th . van 41 Boissevain. H. D. J Bonifacy. A 31




......................... ....................... ...........................

................... ....................... ..............................

........................ ...........................

Boudens. Robrecht Boudet. Paul ............................. Bourdon. E o n Bout. D. C. A........................... Boxer. C . R ................... 13. 14. 15. Bradley. Dan Beach Braganza. Jose Vicente .................... Brennecke. Gerhard Brilman. D Broderick. James 35. Broomhall Marshall Brouwer. K . J ......................... 41. Brown. Arthur Judson 25. Browne. Laurence Edward Brugmans. I . J Bull. Geoffrey T Bunker. Alonm Bunyon. C J Busch. Noel F Butcher. Benjamin T Butterfield. R P......................... Buttinger. Joseph

13 29 13 48 31 25 54 8 47 43 35 47 54 35 39 35 20 35 24 49 15 30

...................... ...................... .............................. ..................... . ...................... .................. ................. ........................... ......................... .......................... . ............................ ............................ ...................... ......................... ~ a d i z r e . Eopold Michel .................. 30 Cadoux. A............................... 49 Cady. John F....................... 5. 18. 29 Caillaud. RDmanet du ..................... 31 Callenbach. J . R ........................ 42 Campbell. William ....................... 60 Carpenter. Chaplin Howard ................ 20 Carpenter. Kathleen ...................... 35 Carson. Arthur L....................... 52. 54 Carson. Laura Hardin ..................... 20 Cartwright. Frank T ................... 10. 35 Case. Margaret H ........................ 1 Chappoulie. Henri .................... 25. 31 Charles. G. P......................... 18 20 Charter. Howard Johnston ................. 16 Chatterton. Percy ........................ 49 Cheeseman. Harold A. R ................. 33 Chelliah. D. D.......................... 35 Chelliah. J . V ........................... 16 Chelliah. V . A.......................... 36 Cheng. Lien-min ........................ 60 Chignell. Arthur Kent .................... 49 Chou. Ivy Su-Teng ....................... 38 Chulalongkorn University .................. 24 Church of England ......................... 15 Clark Francis X ......................... 54 Clasper. Paul D.......................... 20 Clemmer. Myrtle M...................... 7 Cleveland. Clyde C...................... 44



............... ..................... ........................ ......................... .......................... .......................... .................... ......................... ............................ ....................... 47.

Clifford. Sister Mary Dorita Cochrane. Henry Park Cole. Robert Alan Colin. Francisco Collis. Maurice Comber. Leon F Condict. Alice Byram Coquia. Jorge R Cook. J . A. B Cooley. Frank L

57 20 36 54 20 34 54 54 36 50



.............................. 4 1 .............................. 20 ...................... 60

coolsma. s Cooney. D Copland. Margaret L Cornish. Louis C Cornwall. Nigel Edmund Corpuz. Onofre D Cort. Mary L Corthay. Charles Costa. Horacio de la Coupland. Sir Reginald Courtenay. Peter Craig Charles Stuart Cranswick. G. M Crawley. J . Winston Cressy. Earl H Crittle. Wilfred Crooks. Florence Bingham Cummins. James S Cunningham. Clark E Curtis. Lillian Johnson Cushner. Nicholas P


.......................... .................. ......................... ............................ ......................... .................. 52. ................... ......................... ..................... ......................... ...................... ........................... .......................... ................. ........................ ..................... .................... ......................

54 36 52 25 32 54 34 13 8 49

8 25 20 25 54 39 25 54


Dam. Pieter van 43 Daniel. G. 0 36 59 Davidson. James W 36 Davie. C . E . F 45 Davis. J . Merle 24 De Young. John E 61 De Zeeuw. P Deats. Richard L 54 32 Decorvet. Jeanne De-George. J . B 31 55 Del Pilar. Marcelo H 8 Delacroix. Simon 2. 6 Dennis. James S Denyes. John Russell 36 Descamps. Baron ......................... 8 46 DeWaard. Nellie Dicker. Gordon 51 61 Dickson. James Digan. Padraig 57 Dijk. T . van 45 25 Dodd. Edward M Dodsworth. Marmaduke 38 49 Dollinger. Hans Dooley. Thomas A 29 Dotson. Lillian 0 1 Dournes. Jacques 31 Dowdy. Homer E 32 Droit. Michel 49 14 Duchaussois. P Dumper. Anthony 36 Dunstan. J . Leslie 20 49 Dupeyrat. Andri 20 Dyer. V . W

............................ ........................ .......................... .......................... ......................... ............................ .......................... ......................... ......................... ..................... ........................ ......................... ......................

......................... .......................... .......................... ........................... ............................ .......................... ................... .......................... ........................ ......................... ......................... ......................... ........................... ............................ ........................ ........................ ......................... ............................. Eakin. Paul A ............................ 26 Eastman. Addison John .................... 23 Echols. John Minor ....................... 1 Eggan. Fred ............................. 51 Ellwanger. Joseph ........................ 46 Embree. John F ........................... 1 Emmerich, H............................ 2 Enklaar. Ido H........................ 41. 47 Erich. H................................. 49


.......................... ........................... .................. ....................... ........................... ..............................

Espinas. Leticia Estoye Josi D Evans. Ivor Hugh Norman Evers. Hans-Dieter Ewing. John A Exell. F. K

51 57 34

12 16 26

.......................... ........................... . ......................... ........................... ....................... ........................... . ............................ ....................... ......................... ...................... ........................ . .............................. .......................... ....................... ................. . ..................... .......................... .................... .................. ............................ ........................... ........................ .................... ........................ .......................... Galang. Zoilo M......................... 52 Galis. K . W............................. 39 Gammell. Wllliam .................... 20. 26 Geertz. Clifford .......................... 39 Gensichen. Hans - Werner .................. 8 Geren. Paul ............................. 20 Gilhuis . J . C ............................. 44 Ginsburg. Norton S........................ 34 Ginsel. W. A............................ 61 Glover. Robert H ......................... 8 Gnana Prakassar .......................... 14 a s s . ~ d w a r d ............................ 58 G t t i n . J ................................ 39 Gowing. Peter G...................... 52. 55 Graham. Walter Armstrong ................ 26 Grandjean. Phillipe ....................... 30 Green. Eda .............................. 36 Greenway. Roger Selles ................... 15 Greer. Robert M .......................... 36 Grether. Herbert ......................... 26 Gripe. Alan Gordon ....................... 58 Groenen. Cletus ......................... 41 Groslier. Bernard Philippe ................. 31 Grossholtz . Jean ......................... 52 Grosvenor. Melville Bell .................. 2 Grothe. J . A .......................... 43. 61 Grundemann. Peter Reinhold ............... 2 Guansing. Benjamin I ..................... 54 Guglielmotti. Albert0 ..................... 31

Fahs. Charles H 2 Fall. Bernard B 30 26 Far Eastern Association of Tropical Medicine Feltus. George H 26 39 Feith, Herbert 13 Fernando. C . N . V Findlay. G. G 16 Finlay Matthew H 46 39 Fischer. Louis 5 Fisher. Charles A Fleeson. Katherine F 26 Fleming. John R 8. 38 Flierl. John 49 Flier1 Leonhard 49 Forman. Charles W 10 Foronda. Marcelino A.. Jr 52 Foster James Alcorn 57 Fowler. Dorothy 28 Fowler. Joseph Andrew 51 43 Franken-van Driel. P. M Frei. Ernest J 1 Freitag. Anton 2 49 Frerichs. Albert C Freytag. Walter 8. 11. 39 Fridell. Elmer A 8. 26 Furnivall. John S 18



.......................... 8 .......................... 38 ......................... 18 ..................... 2 1 ..................... 8 30 .......................... 6 3 .......................... 3 1 .................... 36 ........................ 16 .................... 2 1 .......................... 34 ........................... 5 ................ 34 ............................ 1 ........................... 1 6 ..................... 1 8 ........................... 2 1 23 .......................... 1 ........................ 36 ........................ 49 ......................... 4 9 ...................... 26 ............................ 29 ......................... 52 ................... 30 .................. . 58 ............................ 55 ............................ 6 1

Hagspiel. Bruno Haines. J . Harry Hall. D . G . E 5. Hall. Gordon Langley Hallock. Constance M Halpern. Joel M ...................... 29. Hang. Thaddlus Hansen. Hubert Harcus. A. Drummond Hardy. R Spence Harris. Edward Norman Harris. George L Harrison. Brian Harrison. Thomas Harnett Hart. Donn V Harvard. W. M Harvey. Godfrey Eric Harwood. H. J HauGo. Suket T .......................... Hay. S t e p h e n N Healey. Francis G Henrich. Ruth 36. Hertel. Heinrich Hemey. G. Winfred Herz. Martin Hessel. Eugene A Hickey. Gerald Cannon Higdon. Elmer Kelso 55 Higdon. I . W Hilber. Jakob Hitchcock. Olive Hitt. Russell T Hla Bu. U Hoang Van Chi Hobbs. Cecil Carleton 2. 23. Hoffmann. Albert ........................ Hofstede. Petrus Hogbin. Herbert Ian Holdsworth. W. W Honey. P . J Hood. George Houliston. Sylvia Howard. Randolph L Hiibner. Dietmar Hueting. A Hughes. Lizabeth B Huke. Robert E Hutagalung. Sutan M Hutchinson Edward W Hwang. C H

......................... 15 ........................... 4 8 ................................ 2 1 ........................... 30 ............. 29 49 ......................... 4 3 ...................... 4 9 ........................ 16 ............................. 30 ............................ 36 ........................ 36 ....................... 2 1 ......................... 55 .............................. 4 7 ....................... 2 1 ........................... 5 2 ..................... 5 1 . ..................... 26

. ............................


.................... 28 ........................ 5 1 ................................. 24 .............................. 32 Jacinto. JOSESamuel ..................... 58 Jackson. G. Basil ......................... 17 Jacobs- Larkcom. Dorothy .................. 26 Jacobson. Nolan P........................ 2 1 Jacquet. Constant H.. Jr ................... 29 James. Eileen R ......................... 2 1 Jeffries. Charles ......................... 12 Jenks. David ............................. 3 1 Johnson . James J .......................... 5 8 Ingersoll. Jasper Cooke Inselmann. Rudolf Insor. D Irwin. E. F

.......................... 6 1 ............................ 8. 3 1 . ................... 36 ........................ 58 Kahin. George McTurnan .................. 39 Kamma. F . C ............................ 48 Kaufman. Howard K ...................... 24 Keith. Marian ........................... 6 1 Kennedy. Raymond ....................... 39 Kerr. George H........................... 59 Kersten. J ............................... 4 5 Keysser. Christian ........................ 50 King. Winston L....................... 18. 2 1 Kingshill. Konrad L....................... 24 Klein. W. C ............................. 40 Kleine. Hans d e ......................... 46 Koper. Jacob ............................ 4 1 Kraege. Elfrieda A ........................ 28 Kraemer. Hendrik ................. 41. 45. 47 Kraft, Hermann .......................... 50 Kriele. Ed ............................... 46 Krige. Willem Adolf ..................... 50 Kroef. Justus M. van der .................. 4 1 Kruyf. E. F.............................. 4 1 Kuhn. Isobel Miller ...................... 26 Kuruppu. D. J . B......................... 1 4 Lach. Donald F .......................... 5 Lagunzad. Ciriaco Ma.. Jr ................. 58 Lai. En-tse .............................. 6 1 Landk. Carl H............................ 5 3 Landon. Kenneth Perry ................. 11. 24 Landon. Margaret ........................ 24 Landsborough. Marjorie ................... 6 1 Langdon. Samuel ......................... 16 Latourette. Kenneth Scott ............... 8. 11 Laubach. Frank Charles ................... 55 Lauby. Paul Timothy ..................... 58 Launay. Adrien Charles ................ 26. 3 1 Lawrence. P ............................. 50 Li$ T h h k ~ h 6 i........................... 30 Lee. Felix George ........................ 36 Leembruggen. H. U ....................... 1 5

Johnston. James Joly. L h n Jones Margaret Geraint Jose. Maynardo R


............................ 1. 39 ........................... 37 .............................. 40 .......................... 6 1 ...................... 37. 55

Leeson Ida Legge. Helen E Legge. J . D Lehmann. Arno Leiffer. Murray H LeitZo. Humberto Leonowens. Anna H Liang. K i m Bang Lim. Beda Lim. Janet (Lin. Ch'iu-mei) Lindenborn. M Locher. G . P . H Loedding. W. J Loh. Keng Aun Lomax. Frank Loo Choo Kheam Lopetegui. G o n Lord. Donald Charles Lorenzana. Avelina Louvet, L.- E Luce. E

........................ 4 5 ........................ 26 ......................... 34 ............................... 3 3 ............... 37 ........................... 44 .......................... 4 1 ........................... 6 1 ........................... 37 ............................ 37 ......................... 38 ......................... 9 ..................... 28 ....................... 55 ............................. 30 ................................. 2 1



..................... 1 2 ................... 46 45 ............................ 5 3 McDougall. Colin ........................ 34 McFarland. Bertha B ....................... 27 McFarland. George Bradley ................ 27 McFarlane. S ............................ 50 McGavran. Donald Anderson ............... 55 McGilvary. Daniel ....................... 26 McIntosh. Amy ........................... 37 McLeish. Alexander ........ 21. 27. 36. 41. 55 MacLeod. Duncan ........................ 62 Machbllan. Hugh ........................ 67. McNab. John ............................ 62 McVey. Ruth T ........................... 40 3 Ma. John T .............................. Mackay. George L........................ 6 2 Maddox. Catharine ....................... 26 Maher. Robert F .......................... 40 Maillard. Ralph .......................... 58 Makepeace. W . Brooke ................... 34 Malayan Christian Council ................. 37 Malcolm. Howard ...................... 8. 2 1 Mancall. Mark ........................... 5 9

Ludowyk. Evelyn F . C Lumbantobing. Andar M Luyendijk. P . J .......................... Lynch. Frank

Manikam. Rajah B ....................... 8 Marcheta Thaw .......................... Margull. Hans Jochen ..................... Marks. John E............................ Marshall. Elarry I ...................... 18. Mason. .John Brown Mathews. Basil ........................... Mathews. James K ........................ Maung Maung ............................ Maung Shwe Wa Means. Nathalie T Mendis. Garrett C Metzler. Josef Millegan. Lloyd S Miller. Charles Miller. E. F Miller. yarry Mission ~ v a n g i l i q u eau Laos Missionary Research Library Moffat. Abbot Low Montalban. F . J Moody. Campbell N Mooij. J Moore. Ernest Maynard III Morrls. Raymond P........................ Moscrip. Thomas 9. Mulders. Alphons Miiller. Theodor Miiller -Kriiger. Theodor


.......................... ........................ ........................ ........................... ........................ .......................... ............................. ............................ ............... ................ ....................... .......................... ...................... ................................. ................. ......................... ....................... ......................... ................... Nash. Manning ........................... ~ 6 e z .Mgr ............................... Neill. Stephen ......................... 9. Nguuyen. Huu Trong ...................... Nichols. Buford L......................... Niles. D . T ............................. Nortier . C . W......................... 41. Ohm. Thomas ......................... 7.

.2 3 9


21 22 24 9 9 18 22 37 17 31 51 16 27 34 32 34 24 9 61 43 58 2 16 43 46 41 18 31 11 31 41 16 44 11

. ......................... 9. 37

Oldham. W F Olmstead. C . E O'Neill T i m Oosthuizen. G. C Osias Camilo

.......................... 22 ............................ 50 ..................... 11. 4 2 . ........................... 55 Pache. Alois ............................. 60 Pacquing. Isabelo Imperial ................ 58 Pakeman. S . A ........................... 1 2 Palm. J . D.............................. 1 3 Panikkar. K. M.......................... 11 Papinot. E............................... 3 1 Parker . Donald D ......................... 58 Parker. Joseph I .......................... 7 Pastells. Pablo ........................... 5 4 Paton. W................................ 37 Pelzer. Karl J ...................... 2. 34. 52 Perera. S . G............................. 1 4 Peter. W. L. A........................... 1 4 Phelan. John Leddy ....................... 55 Pianet . J ................................ 3 1 Pilhofer. D . Georg ....................... 50 Piskaty. Kurt ............................ 45 Pitts. Joseph S............................ 55 Poethig. Richard P........................ 55 Pol. D .................................. 44 Pollock . J . C .......................... 9. 37 Porter. Hilda M.......................... 22 Pouw Boen Giok .......................... 44 Price. Frank Wilson ....................... 11 Purcell . Victor ........................... 34 Purser. Mary C ........................... 22 Purser. W. C . B .......................... 22 Pye. Lucian W........................... 1 8 Queyroz. Fernao d e ....................... 1 4 Quiring. Elorst ........................... 3 Raaflaub. Fr ............................. Randall . Clairre .......................... ande ell. G. E ............................ Rattenbury . H. B ......................... Rauf. M. A.............................. Rauws . Johannes .......................... Ray. N . R .............................. Read. Katherine .......................... Regan. Joseph W.........................


..................... ........................ ................................ ......................... 9. ............................ . ............................. . ...................... ........................ .................. ............................ ........................ ................ . .......................... ................... ......................... ...................... ..................... ............................

Reichelt, Karl Ludwig Restarick. Arthur E Ribiru. J Richter. Julius h d e . Lindsay Rigos. Cirilo Rij ckevorsel L v a n Rillstone. Thomas Robbins. Joseph Chandler Roberts. W. H Roberts. Walter N Robertson. James Alexander Robinson Charles Henry Rochat. George Rodgers. James B Rodriguez. Isacio R Rommerskirchen. Joh Root Helen I



.......................... ....................... ........................... ............................ ........................ ........................ ...................... ........................ . ....................... s;. Artur d e ............................. Sanders. Albert J ......................... Sangermano. Vicentius .................... Sargant. N . C ............................ SchIfer. Alfons .......................... SchZrer. Hans ........................... Scheuzger. Otto .......................... Schlipkiipter. Emil ....................... Schloesing. Emile ........................ Schlunk. Martin .......................... Schmidlin. Joseph ........................ Schneider. Alfred ........................ Schouwenburg. N. G. J . van ............... Schumacher. John N...................... Schurhammer. Georg .................. 14. Schuurman. Barend Martinus ............... Schwager. Friedrich ...................... Scigliano . Robert ......................... Scott. William Henry ..................... Seagrave. Gordon Stifler .................. Seeley. Francis M........................ Selkirk. James ........................... Sellman. R R............................ Sharp. Arthur F.......................... Shevil. Ian W. H......................... Shortland. John R ........................ Shway. Yoe (Sir James George Scott) ........ Siam Society ............................ Sicard. Harald von ....................... S idjabat. Walter Bonar .................... Silva. K . M. d e ......................... Silva Rego. . Ant6nio da .................... Sinai. I . R .............................. Singer. Marshall R ....................... Singhal. D. P............................ Singhanet. Chinda ........................ Skinner. George William. .................. Slump. F................................ Small. John R W........................ Smalley. William A...................... Smart. James S.......................... Smith. Donald Eugene .................... Smith. George ........................... Smith. Mrs . Gordon H.................... Smith. Gordon Hedderly ................... Smith. Laura ............................ Sobrepefia. Enrique C..................... Sovik. Ruth .............................. Sowards. Genevieve and Edward ............ Soysa. Harold de ......................... spiecker. J .............................. Spottswood. Curran L..................... St. John. Burton ......................... Starling. Lucy ........................... Rossel. Jacques Rotz. Henry Welton Roy. Andrew T Royce. Nancy Ruberu. T . Ranjit Runciman. Steven Ryan. Archie Lowell Ryburn. Horace W Rycroft. W Stanley


...................... ........................... ......................... . .............................. ........................... ........................... ......................... ......................... ............................ .......................... ..................... . ........................... ....................... ........................... .......................... .......................... Taboulet. Georges ........................ 29 Tambimuttu. Francis 0.................... 15 Taylor. George E......................... 53 Teixeira. Manuel ........................ 38 Tennent. James Emerson .................. 13 Teutscher . Henrikus Jacobus ............... 48 Than. U. Kyaw .......................... 22 Thauren. Joh.......................... 3. 45 Thiessen. John C......................... 9 Thoburn. James M........................ 38 Thomas. M. M.......................... 11 Thomas. Winburn T ..................... 9 . 42 Thompson. Douglas ....................... 11 Thompson. H. T ......................... 38 Thompson. Virginia ................... 24. 29 Thomson. Alan C ......................... 42 Thunberg. A. M........................... 11 Tinker. Hugh ............................ 19 Tobing. Ph. 0. L ..................... 40. 46 Tomlin. ~ a c o b........................... 27 Tornlin. James William Sackett ............ 50 Tong. Hollington K....................... 63 Tzpperwien. Karl Christoph ................ 46 Trager. Frank N ........................ 6. 19 Trager. Helen G.......................... 22 Trdn-minh-~i$t .......................... 32 Tregonning. K. G........................ 35 Tresidder. Argus John ..................... 12 Trochu. Francis .......................... 32 Troostenburg de Bruyn. C. A. L . van ... 15. 42. 43 Turner. E. S............................. 57 Ulveling. Raymond Emrnet ................ 58 Underhill. M . M......................... 37 Valentijn. Fransois .................... 47. 63 Valignano. Alessandro .................... 43 Van Dusen. Henry P....................... 42 Van Troostenberg d e Bruijn. C. A. L .. 15. 42. 4 3 Velden. Arn . J . H. van der ................ 43 Vella. Walter F.......................... 25 Verdoorn. J . A........................... 42 Verschueren. J ........................... 48 Vicedom. Georg F................. 10. 49. 63 Vijayavardhana. D. C.................... 17 Vimalananda. Tennakoon ................. 17 Viravong. Maha Sila ...................... 30 Visser. B. .J . J ......................... 43. 44

Stevenson. Dwight E Stock. Eugene Stiihr. Waldemar Streit Carolus Streit. F. C Strutt. Edward Stuntz. Homer C Sulston. A . E . A Sunda. James Sundkler. Bengt Suriyakam Singkaew Sutton. James Swellengrebel. J . L Swindell. F. G Sword. Gustaf A Symes. Michael



............................... 23 ............................. 48 ..................... 40 .................. 11 .......................... 14 . ........................ 45 Walsh. James A.......................... 32 Walter. Friedrich ......................... 50 Wang Gungwu ............................ 35 Warburton. Stacy R ...................... 23 Ware. Edith W........................... 12 Warneck. Gustav ......................... 10 Warneck. Johannes ....................... 46 Warr. Winifred .......................... 10 Warren. Ruth Ure ......................... 12 Warren. W. H............................ 12 Waterman. G. Henry ...................... 57 Wayland. Francis ......................... 23 Weber. Hans-Ruedi ....................... 12 Wells. Kenneth E...................... 25. 28 Wells. Margaretta B ....................... 28 Wentzel . Constance White ................. 57 Wertheim. W. F......................... 40 Wessels. Cornelius ................ 46. 47. 48 Westervelt. Josephine Hope ................ 33 Westman. Knut B ......................... 10 Wetstein. J .............................. 48 Whitehorn. John .......................... 63

VivianBa Vlaminck. I Vlekke. Bernard H. M Von der Mehden. Fred R Voretzsch. E A Vroklage. B . A G

................... 57 ............................... 43 ......................... 45 ............................. 16 ........................... 50 ......................... 25 ........................ 63 . .......................... 1 ......................... 21 ......................... 12 .......................... 16 ................. 35 .......................... 57 ........................ 47 ................ '38 ............................. 53 . ................. 24 ....................... '19 ............................ 38 ........................... 50 ................. 12 Yorke. Allen ............................ 6 Zaide. Gregorio F..................... 53. 57 Zaleski . L . M ........................... 15 Zobel de Ayala . Fernando ................. 57 Zfiger. Anton ............................ 63

Whittemore. Lewis Bliss Wicki. Jos Wielinga. D. T. Wilder. R G Williams. F. E Wilson. David A Wilson. Kenneth L Wilson Patrick Winn, William E Winship. Irving E Winslow. Miron Winstedt. Sir Richard Olaf Wise. Francis H Witschi. Hermann Wittenbach. Henry August Wolff. I m n Wood William Alfred Rae Woodman. Dorothy Woods. Robin Worsley. Peter Wriggins. William Howard

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