Christian Worldview 21.02

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 453
  • Pages: 8
Developing Christian Mind

Tadius S. Gunadi GCLC Perkantas Jakarta Februari 2007

Pendahuluan ❚ Sebagai orang Kristen, cara kita berpikir dan meresponi berbagai isu dalam kehidupan dan masyarakat akan pengaruhi kesaksian kita ❚ Jika cara berpikir kita sama dengan yang lain maka respon kita juga tidak akan jauh beda ❚ Sudahkah kita mengembangkan pikiran yang bisa berpikir secara kristiani dan meresponi secara Alkitabiah terhadap berbagai isu dan dalm semua bidang

What is a Christian Mind? ❚ “…a mind trained, informed, equipped to handle data of secular controversy within a framework of reference which is constructed of Christian presuppositions” - Harry Blamires, The Christian Mind (SPCK, 1963), p.70 ❚ “…a mind which has firmly grasped the basic presuppositions of Scriptures and is thoroughly informed with biblical truth. It is only such a mind which can think with Christian integrity about the problems of contemporary world.” - John Stott, Issues Facing Christians Today (Marshalls, 1984), p. 31 ❚ “…a Christian outlook on life. Because it is based on God’s revealed truth enables us to think and therefore to live in accordance with his will.” - Oliver Barclay, Developing a Christian Mind (IVP, 1984), p. 191

Some Biblical Injunctions ❚ “Kasihilah Tuhan, Allahmu dengan segenap hatimu dan segenap jiwamu dan dengan segenap akal budimu” (Mat 22: 37) ❚ “Jangan kamu menjadi serupa dengan dunia ini, tetapi berubahlah oleh pembaharuan budimu, …” (Ro 12: 2) ❚ “…, stop thinking like children. In regard to evil be infants, but in your thinking be adult” (1 Kor 14: 20)

Proses Berpikir ❚ Bagaimana anda memandang suatu isu dan bagaimana seharusnya anda menanggapi isu tersebut? ❚ Bagaimana proses anda berpikir dan apa yang menjadi dasar pandangan dan tanggapan anda?

A Suggested Process ❚ Understand the issue: define, clarify, analyze, … ❚ Understand the relevant Scriptures: ❙ Broad biblical framework: Eg. Creation--> Fall--> Redemption--> Consummation ❙ General Biblical Principles: Eg. Principle of stewardship ❙ Specific Biblical Texts: Eg. You shall not murder

❚ Apply the Scriptures to the Issues ❙ Broad Biblical Framework: Eg. Christian view on the Javanese culture ❙ General Biblical Principles: Eg. Christian perspective on Accounting ❙ Specific Biblical Texts: Eg. Christian response to

How to Grow a Christian Mind? ❚ Soak your mind in Scriptures We must read, study, meditate and obey the Word constantly (see Jos 1:8)

❚ Feed your mind with good books ❚ Exercise your mind by thinking ❚ Discuss the issues with fellow Christians “God has given us the Christian community as the context in which we do our thinking” Stott, p.43)

Conclusion ❚ The Christian mind or a sub-Christian mind or a non-Christian mind? ❚ The help of the Holy Spirit

Diambil dari makalah: Kua Wee Seng, Developing Christian Mind, EARC 1997, Singapore

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