Children Protection Monitring Tools

  • November 2019
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  • Words: 748
  • Pages: 3
Children Protection Monitring Tools.

! Protection from physical Harms Land mines Uxos debries Are the children have been injured or killed in the accidents What waes the chid doing at the moment of accident Did the earthquake injured chilsdn recive adwequate treatment

Shelter Are children facing severe shelter problem Are the families are still living in the open places or tents Are the families are without adequate heating Are the things whih the children think are important for their shlter are still missing are ther enough provisions for thre protection of infants

FOOD Are ther problem with the availability of food for children? Are the problem seasonal? Are ther is any case of malnourished children?And are they reciving treatment? Do you notice any discrimination in the distribution of food in the home and community? Aew the problem meting the nutritional neds of pregnant,lactating mothers and breast feeding children/ Is the food istributed accepted soxcailally and culturally? If not specify the kind and agency who distributed the food?

WATER Who is responsible for fetching the warter? What problems are there in the withnacces to and control over water? Are ther complaint about the taste abnd safety of water? What type of problem do the children face when they go to fetch warter? Do boys and girls face any problem in fetching the water in nights? Is the water sources are easily accessible to all children/ Are ther any adequate facility available for bathing washing and cleaning of utensils to children and women/ Is water being wasted?

SANITAT ION Is the severage and drainage system exists? Do children and specially have access to lavatory especially at nights? Are the structure of latrine has been designed benfitting then children requirements? How does the sanitation problems effect the children?

HEALT H Is the health centre easily accessible? Are the health facilities aequate? Are the vaccination provision adequate? What are the most common health problems? Are there children with severse health problems whose families are doing nothing abolut these problems? Are there children with severe health problems? What kinds of reproductive do adfolescent children ezxperienc?\ Did yoy haer children seling body partas?

ADDICT ION Are the children other people ,using drugs cigrates regularly? What is the impact of addiction on children?

Are children involved in drugs smuggling? TrADITIONAL HARMFUL PRActices Arer there traditional harmful practices presents in the area ?which threaten boys and girls and in which way? What is the background of these practices?

PROTECTION FROM ABUSE AND EXPLIOTATION Child Labor What kind of work are children involved in? What rae the dangerous and exploitative aspects of this work? How is different work affecting their educational opportunities? What rae the some Known long term implications of hard work for children? How much money arev children earning?Is ther any problems with these earnings? What do the children do withnthe money they aearn? What support is ther fosr and amongst working children?

SEXUAL ABUSE Re tehse cases of sexual abuses and harassment against children? Who are the abusers? What are the reaction ofcommunity to the abused and abusers?

RAPE Have you heard about boys and girls raped in working place or outside the work place? Who were involved in the rape/ Are these cases been reported Known to public?What happened?

DOMEST IC VIOLENCE Are children working in homes? Are t6her any evidence recorded of domestics violence on children and women?

Are therev incidence of domestics accidents resulting in the injuries or victimizations of children an dwomen? Is the bviolence against children and women reported properly?Documented?

DISCRIMINAT ION What kinds of discrimination is there in the community? Who is suffering most from this? What is the effect? How do children feel about it?

EARRLY MARRIGES Are there any cases in then community of early marriges ?waht I sthe common age? What are the reasons? Which particular tribe section is involved and why? What is the community as wel as the view of children on the iossues? What I sthe effect on the child? Is there exists any law to apprehend the early mareiges?What about its implementation?

TRAFFUICKING ABDUCT ION Have you hearedabout the children smugglind abduction or trafficking? Are the parents sending their children outside the are town form work?What type of work they do? Is there any case of seliong the boys or girls and in which are?

HIV/AIDS Are there exis ts hiv aids positive case? What are its causes? How the people deral with it? Are their children suffering wiyh Hiv aids?

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