Chevron Profile

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  • Pages: 36
Chevron Upstream Business in Thailand

Vision At the heart of The Chevron Way is our be the global energy company most admired for its people, partnership and performance.

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Chevron Corporation With over a century of history, Chevron is now the world´s fifth-largest integrated energy company. We´re headquartered in San Ramon, California and conduct business in over 180 countries. Chevron is involved in every aspect of the oil and natural gas industry, including exploration and production; refining, marketing and transportation; chemicals manufacturing and sales; and power generation. The acquisition of Unocal in August 2005 enhanced our assets in key locations around the world, making Chevron a true global energy leader. We´re now the fifth-largest producer and third-largest reserve holder among international oil companies. Our 53,000 employees worldwide are building a bright future for themselves, the company and the communities in which we work.

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Vision Chevron´s Vision : The heart of the Chevron Way Aspiring to our vision of being the global energy company most admired for its people, partnerships and performance, Chevron drives the world with energy from both our products and our people. Chevron people make our vision a reality. They work together to provide energy products vital to sustainable economic progress and human development throughout the world. Our people, with strong capabilities and outstanding commitment, deliver world-class performance. Our reward is the strong support of all our stakeholders, investors, customers, host governments, local communities and our employees - not only for the goals we achieve, but for how we achieve them. As a result, Chevron is the partner of choice wherever we work.

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Chevron´s Values Our company´s foundation is built upon our values, which distinguish us and guide our actions. We conduct our business in a socially responsible and ethical manner. We respect the law, support universal human rights, protect the environment, and benefit the communities where we work.

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Chevron´s values include: Integrity We are honest with others and ourselves. We meet the highest ethical standards in all business dealings. We do what we say we will do. We accept responsibility and hold ourselves accountable for our work and our actions. Trust We trust, respect and support each other, and we strive to earn the trust of our colleagues and partners. Diversity We learn from and respect the cultures in which we work. We value and demonstrate respect for the uniqueness of individuals and the varied perspectives and talents they provide. We have an inclusive work environment and actively embrace a diversity of people, ideas, talents and experiences. Ingenuity We seek new opportunities and out-of-the-ordinary solutions. We use our creativity to find unexpected and practical ways to solve problems. Our experience, tech-nology, and perseverance enable us to overcome challenges and deliver value.

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Partnership We have an unwavering commitment to being a good partner focused on building productive, collaborative, trusting and beneficial relationships with governments, other companies, our customers, our communities and each other. Protecting People and the Environment We place the highest priority on the health and safety of our workforce and protecting our assets and the environment. We aim to be admired for world-class performance through disciplined application of our Operational Excellence Management System. High Performance We are committed to excellence in everything we do and we strive to continually improve. We are passionate about achieving results that exceed expectations - our own and those of others. We drive for results with energy and a sense of urgency.


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The Asia South Strategic Business Unit The Asia South Strategic Business Unit, one of key operations in Asia Pacific of Chevron International Exploration and Production´s oversees the company´s upstream operations in Thailand, Cambodia, Bangladesh Myanmar, Vietnam, and China. It also looks for new opportunities in this dynamic and growing part of Asia.

As Thailand´s top oil and gas producer, the unit operates more than 160 platforms in the Gulf of Thailand with total average production of approximately 100,000 barrels of oil, 40,000 barrels of condensate and 1.5 billion gross cubic feet of natural gas per day. The gas is used to generate approximately one-third of Thailand´s total power demand. In Cambodia, Chevron Overseas Petroleum Cambodia Limited (COPCL) is operator with 55% interest in Block A (6278 sq. kms.). To date COPCL has drilled six exploration wells, four of which are considered discoveries. COPCL plans to drill five additional wells (three exploration and two appraisal) in 2006 to confirm reservoir deliverability and expand the resource base. Depending upon the success of this program, additional wells are scheduled for 2007 to determine the commerciality of a core development area for Block A. In Bangladesh, the Asia South Strategic Business Unit is developing significant gas resources in the Jalalabad, Bibiyana and Moulavi Bazar fields. Chevron is the premiere international oil company in Bangladesh currently producing 20% of the country's gas. We will have a 40 percent share of the Bangladesh natural gas market by the end of 2006. The Jalalabad field produces between 110 and 230 million cubic feet per day of natural gas. The Moulavi Bazar field began production in March 2005 and now produces just over 110 million cubic feet per day. The Bibiyana natural gas project is scheduled to begin production in November 2006 starting at 200 MMCFD and quickly building to a capacity of 600 MMCFD.


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In Myanmar, the Asia South Strategic Business Unit owns a significant interest in the Yadana gas field located at a depth of 150 feet of water in the Andaman Sea, 80 kilometers south of Myanmar´s coast. The field contains more than five trillion cubic feet of natural gas. The first major cross-border energy and commercial pipeline project in Southeast Asia, Yadana required construction of a 254-mile pipeline in Myanmar and a 150-mile pipeline in Thailand. Under a Production Sharing Contract (PSC) with the government of Myanmar, Yadana partners secured a 30-year Gas Sales Agreement with Thailand´s state company PTT. Yadana natural gas delivery to Thailand exceeds 650 million cubic feet per day and supplies three main power plants. Yadana also delivers another 50 million cubic feet per day to Myanmar.

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In Vietnam, the business unit has discovered natural gas in the Kim Long Ca Voi and Ac Quy trends, in offshore Blocks B, 48/95 and 52/97. To date 23 exploration wells have been drilled with 19 gas discoveries. Screening engineering studies are underway to determine the best development alternative. A field development plan is being constructed for consideration by PetroVietnam in 2006. In China, Chevron is a partner in the CACT Operators Group, which includes the China National Offshore Oil Corporation (CNOOC). It began production from the Huizhou fields in 1990 and is now China´s third-largest offshore foreign operator with current production at around 49,000 barrels of oil per day. The company is also a joint venture in the CNOOC-operated QHD 32-6 and BZ 25-1 projects in Bohai Bay. Each project currently produces approximately 27,000 barrels of oil per day. Chevron along with its partner in NWS Australia is the supplier to China´s first LNG project in Guangdong province. As a part of a global company, the Asia South Business Unit conducts business to world-class levels while remaining sensitive to the cultures of the countries in which we operate. We forge strong partnerships with local companies that aspire to the same degree of commitment, standards and ethics. As a result, we are proud to be the partner of choice in the countries where we do business.


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Chevron Upstream Business in Thailand The merger with Unocal Thailand in August 2005 strengthened Chevron´s competitive position as Thailand´s top oil and gas producers. Chevron´s offshore concession blocks currently cover over 36,000 square kilometers in the Gulf of Thailand with current production coming from 20 fields namely Erawan, Baanpot, Satun, Platong, Kaphong, Pladang, Funan, Gomin, Jakrawan, Surat, Plamuk, Trat, Yala, Pailin, North Pailin, Tantawan, Benchamas, Maliwan, Jarmjuree, and Rajpruek. In addition, Chevron holds 16% working interests in the Arthit Gas Field, part of Navamindra Petroleum Area.

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Gulf Of Thailand







∑“πµ–«—π Tantawan

√“™æƒ°…å Maliwan



¬–≈“ Kaphong

°–æß Plamuk



ª≈“∑Õß Surat

 ÿ√“…Æ√å Pladang













‚°¡‘π∑√å Jakrawan

®—°√«“≈ Funan

North Pailin







Chevron operating area


The natural gas Chevron produces for Thailand fulfills about one-third of the country´s total power demand. Of the natural produced more than 75% is used to generate electricity. The remainder is used for industrial fuel, transportation fuel, cooking gas, and petrochemical feedstock. Natural gas produced is sold to PTT and transported via PTT´s sub-sea pipelines to the gas separation plants in Rayong and Nakhon Si Thammarat provinces. The company produces apporximately 100,000 barrels of crude oil per day. Around 40,000 barrels are sold to local refineries such as Thai Oil and Bangchak while the remaining 60,000 barrels are exported to international markets.


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Our People Chevron´s talented and dedicated employees are the reason for the company´s outstanding performance. Our upstream business in Thailand has over 1,300 employees, 86 % of whom are Thais. Chevron places a high priority on the professional development of our Thai employees. After merging with Unocal, Chevron now owns another world-class training facility for the petroleum industry, the Settapat Center in Songkhla. The name “Settapat“, meaning “economic development“, was bestowed by HRH Princess Maha Chakri Sirindhorn. Established in 1979, it offers a wide range of technical, leadership, and managerial training programs to ensure our people are the top-tier employees in the oil and gas industry. Today, Settapat Center is not only Southeast Asia´s largest firefighting and seasurvival training center but also plays a crucial role in Thailand´s human resource development.


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Operational Excellence - Health, Environment and Safety (OE-HES) Chevron defines Operational Excellence (OE) as the systematic management of safety, health, environment, reliability and efficiency to achieve world-class performance. Our commitment to OE is embodied in The Chevron Way´s value of Protecting People and the Environment. To achieve and sustain high levels of performance, we must develop strong capability in operational excellence throughout Chevron. This requires active leadership and all employees to be engaged. We must develop a culture where everyone believes that all incidents are preventable and that “zero incidents“ is possible. With engaged and committed leadership, world-class processes and an OE culture we can achieve our objectives in operational excellence. Chevron uses proven and emerging technologies to continually improve performance to achieve OE. We were the first to introduce advanced technologies to Thailand´s upstream sector, such as a water flood system for crude oil production. From the initial design of facilities and equipment to ongoing staff training, Chevron carefully manages every aspect of our business to fully protect our people and preserve Thailand´s environment while strengthening our competitiveness.


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Our Objectives To better describe “world-class performance“, the following corporate OE objectives have been established. We will systematically manage OE in order to : * Achieve an injury-free workplace * Eliminate spills and environmental incidents. Identify and mitigate key environmental risks * Promote a healthy workplace and mitigate significant health risks * Operate incident free with industry-leading asset reliability * Maximize the efficient use of resources and assets


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Awards & Recognitions Chevron has been recognized by both local and international organizations to receive prestigious awards, namely the 1994 and 2004 Prime Minister´s Outstanding Industry Award for Safety Management, the 1998 Prime Minister´s Outstanding Industry Award for Environmental Management, the ISO 9001 and ISO 14001 certifications from SGS Company of Switzerland, and the ISO 17025 certification for our laboratory from the Thai Industrial Standards Institute, Ministry of Industry.

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Partnership with Thai Society Earning the respect of the communities where we work is vital to Chevron´s vision of being the most admired global energy company. We are involved in community activities in the two locations where we have operating bases - Sattahip and Songkhla - and elsewhere in Thailand. With the co-operation of local authorities and community organizations, Chevron achieves our aim of benefiting the communities where we work. In Thailand, we contribute to the local community in many ways including sponsorships for healthcare and environmental projects; educational support and scholarship programs; disaster relief; local cultural activities and assistance to social development charities. Chevron´s corporate responsibility projects focus on what we call the “3E´s“ education, environment, and energy conservation.


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Education Chevron believes that developing the future generation is essential for any country. This is why we organize and sponsor activities that offer young Thais experimences in areas such as the arts, sciences and technology. Education is the cornerstone of our community activities in Thailand. Chevron believes in the importance of sharing knowledge and experience. Enhancing educational opportunities is an integral part of our community activities in Thailand. Examples of our educational projects are Science-Math Camps that we organize annually through Chulalongkorn University´s Faculty of Science; the Exemplary Youth Scholarships we award to needy students who are average performers but demonstate outstanding behavior. Another two projects that we are proud of are Chevron´s donations of children´s books and bookshelves to schools; and school building in our communities and around the country. The objectives of the latter two projects are to foster a culture of reading and to leverage underprivileged students to have better educational environment.


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Environment Protecting the earth´s natural resources is as important to Chevron as providing safe and reliable energy sources to Thailand and the rest of the world. We have initiated many environmental preservation programs such as reforestation, mangrove rehabilitation and wetlands conservation. Our various youth participation and stewardship projects such as Wetland Conservation, Carbon Bank, Waste Management at school, and Tsunami Recovery also encourage children and communities to get involved in protecting the environment. Energy Conservation As one of the world´s leading energy companies, Chevron has a duty to promote the efficient and sustainable use of energy resources to help preserve these invaluable assets for future generations. We encourage towards the efficient use of energy through various community engagement conservation programs such as Songkhla People Save Energy Campaign, Energy Conservation Cartoon Books and the Exemplary Youth Scholarships for which students must demonstrate energy conservation at school or home.


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Partnership-Aspiring to be the Partner of Choice Chevron would be nowhere without our partners. We are committed to being the partner of choice for all people and organizations with which we interact. This is why we communicate openly and regularly with our employees, investors, customers, business partners, governments, the media, the general public and local communities.

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We strive to conduct our business with integrity, in a socially and environmentally responsible manner and according to the rules and regulations of the company, industry and countries in which we operate. Our track record in the Gulf of Thailand and the potential reserves we have discovered indicate great promise for the country´s economic future while reinforcing our long-term commitment to Thailand. ‡√“¡ÿàߪ√–°Õ∫∏ÿ√°‘®¥â«¬§«“¡´◊ËÕ —µ¬å ·≈–¥â«¬§«“¡√—∫º‘¥™Õ∫µàÕ —ߧ¡·≈– ‘Ëß·«¥≈âÕ¡ ∑—È߬—߬÷¥∂◊Õ·≈–ªØ‘∫—µ‘ µ“¡√–‡∫’¬∫¢âÕ∫—ߧ—∫¢Õß∫√‘…—∑ ¡“µ√∞“πÕÿµ “À°√√¡ ·≈–ª√–‡∑»∑’ˇ√“‡¢â“‰ª¥”‡π‘π∏ÿ√°‘®Õ¬à“߇§√àߧ√—¥ °“√ §âπæ∫ªî‚µ√‡≈’¬¡„πÕà“«‰∑¬∑’˺à“π¡“ √«¡∑—Èߪ√‘¡“≥ ”√Õߪ√‡≈’¬¡∑’ˇ√“§âπæ∫‡ªìπ ‘Ëß∑’Ë∫àß™’È«à“ª√–‡∑»‰∑¬®– ¡’°“√‡µ‘∫‚µ∑“߇»√…∞°‘®µàÕ‰ª„πÕ𓧵 ∑—È߬—ßµÕ°¬È”∂÷ߧ«“¡¡ÿàß¡—Ëπ¢Õ߇™ø√Õπ„π°“√æ—≤π“ªî‚µ√‡≈’¬¡„π ª√–‡∑»‰∑¬Õ¬à“ß®√‘ß®—ß·≈–µàÕ‡π◊ËÕß„π√–¬–¬“«

Chevron Asia South Ltd. Chevron Thailand Exploration and Production, Ltd. Tower III, SCB Park Plaza, 19 Ratchadapisek Road, Chatujak, Bangkok 10900, Thailand Tel: 66 2545 5555 Fax: 66 2545 5554

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