Checklist For Training Process Audit

  • May 2020
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Checklist for Training Program Audit

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Checklist for Training Program Audit Processes and Procedures Audited: 1. External Training [ 2. Internal Training [

] ]

3. Induction Training [ ]

Checklist Item

Auditee: Auditor: Date and time of Audit: Duration:

Yes / Proof of Evidence No or Document Name I Training Requirements Identification and Communication a) Organizational Level: 1. Have any Training requirements at the organizational level been identified? 2. If yes, where have they been documented? 3. Does the document (TIFOrganizational Training Identification form) contain details of training identified for any of the following: ----- Softskills ----- Technical Skills ----- Quality Processes ----- Domain areas ----- Technologies 4. Has the TIFs been reviewed and approved by concerned persons? (Softskills – HR head, Quality – QA head, Technical – Project head/R & D head, Technology – Project /R&D head, Domain – HR/R&D/Projects) b) Project Level 5. Have any Training requirements at the project level, been identified by the PM/PL? 6. Are the training requirements external or internal? 7. In the case of external training has the training coordinator received training requisition by (E-mail) 8. In the case of internal training, is the coordinator aware of the project specific training plans


Checklist for Training Program Audit

prepared by PM/PL? II Training Calendar 9. Are Organization Training needs, which have been identified in the TIF, reflected in the Training Calendar? 10. Is there an Organizational Training Calendar? 11. Does the Training Calendar contain details of the Technical Training, Quality Process Training, Softskills etc as identified in the TIF? 12. Has the training calendar been reviewed by the head of HR? 13. Have there been changes to the Training Calendar? 14. If yes, Have the changes been incorporated & rectified? 15. Is the Training Calendar version controlled? III Training Organization Evaluation (for Organization & Project specific) 16.Has there been any project specific or organizational level external Training conducted? (e.g. communications training for onsite project members, technical training) 17.Has the Training been conducted by an external Training organization? 18.If yes, to the item 18, has an evaluations forms completed and available? 19.Are vendor evaluation form completed and available? 20.Has the vendor evaluation form been reviewed by concerned person (projects head/R&D head/HR head/QA head) IV Training Plans a) Organizational Training: (e.g. Induction, Softskills, Quality Processes) 21. Are the training plans available for organizational training, namely, softskills, Quality Processes Training, Technical Training) 22. Does the Training plans contain details of Training dates, budget, etc 23.Have the Training plans been

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Checklist for Training Program Audit

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reviewed by concerned person (if the plan are prepared by the head of projects, department, then the reviews are not applicable) Training Plans (Project Specific) 24.Have the training plan been prepared by all project specific training by the Training coordinator? (This will applicable only when the training is provided by a trainer within the organization) 25. Have the training plans been reviewed by concerned persons? _ head of HR, Head of Quality 26 Have any waivers been provided for the training? 27. Has the basis of the waiver been documented? V Training Schedule Organizational Training (e.g. Quality Processes Training, Softskills & Technical etc) 28. Have detailed Training schedules been prepared for the organizational level training by concerned Trainers (If the Trainings provided by Trainers within the organization then the Training schedule are prepared by the organizational trainers. If the training is provided by external organization, the schedule is prepared by the external trainer ) 29.Have the Training schedule been reviewed as appropriate? (schedule of external training organization are reviewed by the training co-ordinator along with Technical representatives)

TRAINING SCHEDULE PROJECT SPECIFIC: NOTE: (INTERNAL TRAINING) 30. Have Training schedules been prepared by the concerned trainers? 31. Have the Training schedules been reviewed as appropriate V Training Material: Organizational Level Training (e.g. Induction, Quality Process, Estimations, Technical) and Project specific: 32. Have the training materials been prepared for the training programs? 33. Have the training material been reviewed by concerned persons?

Checklist for Training Program Audit

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VI Training Program Implementation- Training Evaluation (applicable for both organizational level & Project specific) 34. Have the training program been implemented in accordance with the plan and schedule? 35. Have the participants list been captured in the attendance record? 36. Has the trainer conducted evaluations of the trainees & participants (as detailed in schedules/plans) (* not applicable to the induction training) 37 As a part of the evaluation, has there been any minimum criteria for successful completion which has been set? (N/A to Induction Training) 38a) As a result of evaluation, have the trainers met the ‘successful completion Criteria’ (N/A to Induction Training) 38b) Have there been instance of Re- training requirements identified? (*not for induction training 38 c)Are records of evaluation of all trainees available and maintained (by training coordinator, N/A for induction Training) 39. Have the details of evaluation been communicated to concerned heads/project managers by the training coordinator (N/A to Induction Training) Training Program evaluation & Improvement 40. Have the trainer logged the feed back on training program in the training feedback form 41. Have the feed back forms been collected and consolidated by the training coordinator/ concerned SQA facilitator 42. Have the feedback form been analyzed and documented? 43. Have the results of the analysis been translated into training improvements? Training Metrics:

Checklist for Training Program Audit

44. Have the metrics with respect to the training programs been collected? (e.g. Training duration, no. of Training programs conducted per month, Training programs evaluation and rating) 45. Have the actual collected metric been compared with the SLA values and analyzed? 46. Has the analysis on compliance to SLA’s been carried out and percentage of compliance documented? 47. Has the training metrics data & compliance to SLA’s been reviewed by the Training and QA head? Training database updation 48. Is there an organization Training database? 49.Is the Training Database accessible to all concerned? 50. Is the training database contains the details of : a) training calendar b) Training plans & schedule c) Training material d) Training evaluation 51. Is the Training database updated at a regular frequency? 52. Has any waivers are identified for the training? 53. if so, have the changes have been incorporated in the staffing and training plan? Other Items to be audited


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