Chart - Cns - Part 1revised

  • November 2019
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Constituents Family: Ranunculaceae

Aconitum napellus

CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM Actions Indications Sensory & motor depressant, Sedative, Anti-pyretic

Constituents: Aconitine, Benzaconine, Tropane alkaloids (benzoylaconine), Gum, Sugar

Internal  small frequent pulse

fever or chills – temp ↑/↓, not for sepsis but for early fever, skin hot & dry;

early fever w/ or w/o restlessness – scarletina, measles use w/Atropa belladonna  HT dilation/poor vessel tone: ↑ power of HT contraction & vessel tone

Neuralgia– trigeminal, intercostals, facial  arthritic/gout pains esp w/neuralgia (w/ Colchicum autmnale)


External – topical ointment for neuralgia – use small quantity

Toxic dose = 10gtt fatal = 5mL tincture, 1g plant, 2mg

Pharm / Toxic Pharmacology: decoction ↑ HT circulation analgesic

oral dose - ↓ inflamm – antiphlogistic stimulates adrenal-pit axis: ↓ ascorbic acid in adrenals, ↑ 17-ketosteroid excretion in urine low dose stimulates CNS, peripheral motor system, general awareness, pulse rate Toxicity:

alkaloids – high dose depresses HT  paralysis, ↓d contraction  arrhythmia  cardiac arrest

also depresses skeletal muscles, CNS, & peripheral nerves  ascending paralysis  respiratory & cardiac paralysis

toxic dose = 10gtt fatal = 5mL tincture, 1g plant, 2mg aconitine CI: pregnancy, lactation

S/Sx = numb mouth, throat, hands; ventricular fibrillation w/I 6hr; sweat, hypothermia; resp/card paralysis w/I 4-5hr of OD Tx: charcoal, GI lavage (emetic), CPR, O2, dig for heart, atropine for slow HT, stimulants (coffee, strynos nux); recumbent w/ heat below feet Family: Solonaceae

Atropa Belladonna

Constituents: Atropine (dlhyoscyamine), Lscopalomine (tropane alkaloid), Starch, Sugar, Mucilage, Ca, Mg K+, CO3

Antispasmodic, Parasympathetic depressant, Vasoconstrictor, Smooth muscle inhibitor, Bronchodilator

Midriatic- dialates pupils Belladonna

dull expressionless face, dilated/immobile pupils, drowsy w/o sleep, dusky or red-blue face & extremities, sluggish soft circ involuntary muscle spasm, cold, slow respiration

GI spasm, acute/chronic enterocolitis, biliary dyskinesia (gallstones), gastritis, ulcers, hyperacidity, lead pipe colon, colic, spastic constipation, mucus colitis  rectal spasm, fermentative dyspepsia sore throat, red, raw, swollen, <swallowing, dryness, w or w/out fever, quincy, tonsillitis w/ Aconite

cerebral congestion – throbbing h/a, drowsy; dullness, coma, threatened apoplexy, dizzy fever of measles, chickenpox, scarlet fever, stimulant in typhoid fever

Parkinsonism, encephalitis, tremor: for Abn

Avena sativa

Family: Poaceae (subgroup of Graminaceae)

Nutritive Nervine, Mild Sedative

increase in motor fce 1918 flu epidemics acute cystitis pain, enuresis in children, poor perineal circ pneumonia: sustains respiration nervous exhaustion & debility  cardiac weakness,

Pharmacology: smooth muscle relaxant throughout body (lungs, GI) - ↑ effect of anti-cholinergics, anti-histamines, phenothiazines, quinidine & TCanti-depressants  CI: narrow-angle glaucoma, tachycardia, prostate CA w/urinary retention, LU edema, GI stenosis, megacolon Toxicity: Alkaloids

competitive antagonist to ACh at peripheral nerves; scopolamine = CNS depressant; atropine = CNS stimulant, but has reverse action at large dose

toxic dose = 0.03% atropine ; 1-15gtt fatal = 3 berries in children; 10mg in alkaloid in adults only use acutely in children

S/Sx  psychosis, hyperreflexia, Babinski, circ collapse

TX: IV physostigmine 2mg; antacids dec absorption, keep warm & moving Pharmacology:

gramine – relaxes blood vessels at serotonin receptors


nervous h/a from overwork or depression,

Constituents: Starch 59%, Saccharo-mucilaginous 11%, Albumin 4%, Fiber and moisture 24%, Avenin-nitrogenous compound soluble in EtOH, Gramine (indole alkaloid), Oat straw has pectin & silica

nervous debility from convalescence  spermatorrhea from long disease  relapsing cardiac rheumatism; opium/morphine/nicotine withdrawal spasm of neck of the bladder; habitual constipation -- as a gruel; nutritive gruel for convalescence from acute dz, puerperal sate, chronic dz;

(mood enhancer)

β-glucan (oat gum)  -- ↑food viscosity, peak post-prandial glucose; -- ↑stool weight & fat excretion  ↑bile excretion, ↓blood lipids

fructo-oligosaccharide (FOS) – prebiotic acidophilus

N&V, diarrhea, dysentery, cholera, irritable ST;

may antagonize analgesia or morphine, HTN of

make oatmeal into a cake, then pulverize & make into coffee or infusion

nicotine good for nicotine withdrawal.

External – anodyne for irritated skin, eczema; Family: Apiaceae Nervine, Anti-pyretic

Centalla asiatica Consituents: Triterpenoid saponins (asiaticoside), Brahmic acid, Centelose, Carotenoids, Madecassoside

inflamed skin, seborrhea; soothing foot bath Internal


post-natally in large doses to ↑ACh activity in hippocampus  brain function/intelligence

anti-depressant (rats) via HPA axis  ↑monoamine NTs

 

water extract of bud = antibacterial

nervousness, nervous insomnia, disturbed emotions  poor memory, epilepsy (d/n stop seizures but improves brain function)  infections esp URTI – sore throat, tonsillitis, measles, hepatitis, venereal dz, cystitis

leprosy, eczema, scrofula, ulcers, secondary syphilis, rheumatism  venous insufficiency  calms the mind for meditation, yoga (Ayurvedic Hx’l use)

Gotu Kola Water extract of bud = antibacterial

Type O blood (go’s best with) External

Inflamed skin, ulcers, psoriasis, scleroderma,

Asiaticoside effective for skin conditions; ↑serum glucose, TGs, cholesterol; ↓s BUN, acid phosphatase, ↑vital capacity

Toxicity: S/Sx – headache, dizziness, ↑BP, bloody stools, itching skin, photosensitivity, contact dermatitis Tx: GI lavage

snake bite (poultice) Family: Asteraceae

Chrysanthemum parthenium



Carminative, Febrifuge, Anti-pyretic, Antiseptic, Insecticide

Sesquiterpene lactone, Volatile oils, Bioflavonoids

 

migraine prophylaxis/prevention - 50 mg qd prophylactiaclly (4-6wks before effect at 125-150mg/day); drop to 50mg/day after 6 months for maintenance -- migraine relief d/t rls of serotonin from platelets that  vasoconstriction - reduces #, severity and vomiting 

Cerebrospinal stimulant

 antimicrobial – gram +, fungi dermatophytes, some gram –  equal or better than ASA for inflammation and fever

migraines - ↓ secretion of inflammatory particles from WBC’s and platelets; inhibits release of serotonin from platelets that cause vasoconstriction

inhibits BV motor control  dilation, hypotension (= vasoconstrictive h/a, fever, rheumatoid arthritis)

Family: Rubiaceae

digestive problems  ↑appetite, ↑secretions, ↑digestion; (b/c bitter) cold, flu, fever;

history of rheumatoid arthritis; irregular menstruation

External – topical antiseptic,  anodyne for toothache (chew leaf/flower);  pyrethrin = natural insecticide for organic gardens Internal –

d/n ↓ duration of migraine (will still progress) Toxicity:

 

S/Sx of OD – oral ulceration (chewed leaf), GI pain/upset

Post-feverfew syndrome – usage for extended periods of time & c/n stop  nervousness, tension, tension h/a, insomnia with great tiredness, joint pain Topically - dermatitis

Pharmacology - ↑s endorphin, 5-HT, cortisol, ACTH,

Diuretic Stomatic

Coffea arabica


Constituents: Caffeine (1-2%) – trimethyl xanthine (tea is L-thronine); Trigonelline; FA oil; Volatile oil, Citric acid, Caffeotannic acid, Caffeic acid; CHO; Protein 10-13%, Palmitic, Acetic, & Carbonic acids; when roasted  caffeol, furfurol, valerianic acid

GH, NE constipation (↑s peristalsis b/c it’s an irritant & a bitter; ↑LIV function); -dyspepsia, poor biliary flow, gastric atony; - sense of heaviness/fullness after eating; - h/a w/cerebral hyperemia/congestion; - sense of exhaustion; - antidote to morphine, opium, alcohol related DT, strychnine and opium poisoning; - cardiac dropsy & feeble circulation; - cardiac failure (5g q2hr); - typhoid fever, pneumonia, flu assoc w/↓CO that leads to dropsy (stimulate HT fce for recovery) - retarded urination or renal torpor (combine with wine to enhance effect – historically) - syrup for whooping cough, hiccup, spasmodic asthma; - gout, urinary gravel, post-partum hemorrhage, metrorrhagia - room deodorizer - rapid and complete absorbed by GI: enhanced by grapefruit juice.

External – Carbon form: ulcerated mucosa, gangrenous ulcers, foul ulcers, diarrhea; festering wound, inflammation of oral mucosa Coffee retention enema: enhanced perstalsis, bile release Family: Orchidaceae

Cypripedium pubescens

Lady’s Slipper

Constituents: Glycoside, Quinones; Volatile oils & acids; Organic acids (gallic acid, tannic acid); Ca, K, Mg, Oleoresin

Nervine, Nerve stimulant, Anti-spasmodic Key: depression, nervousness, ♀ remedy (assoc. w/ menses and sx assoc around menses), neuralgia (traveling nerve pain)

CI: >300mg caffeine in pregnancy, acute nephritis, fibrocystic breast dz, uterine fibroids, prostatitis, BPH, gallstones, hyperthyroidism, seizure, high BP, glaucoma, panic disorders, GI ulcers, menopausal hot flashes, insomnia; Avoid: Use with Ephedrine/Ephedra, MAOI; Caution - arrythmias Toxicity:

S/Sx - ↑↑doses = CNS, HT &KI stimulants, can induce h/a agitation, gastric distress & ulceration, GERD, DM, acid ST; long-term  ↑pulse, BP and RR; nervousness & palpitations, frequent urination

↓ iron absorption >450mL coffee/day fast metabolizers: 8-10hrs Slow metabolizers: 13-17hrs (insomnia at night) Drugs to avoid: ephedrine/ephedra, MAOI Cautions: arrhythmia *note: lots of pharm in the book


nervous insomnia, nervous irritability, neuralgia, External – skin contact w/leaves can cause dermatitis delirium from atony w/o organic dz OD (only w/large dose) – hallucinations, giddy, hysteria, chorea, nervous h/a, wakefulness prostration from low-grade fever, epilepsy, hypochondria, mental depression d/t poor digestion in females

restless h/a

TX: avoidance, no long term effect on GABA receptors; no need for hospitalization

mood changes leading to depression (perimenstruation or peri-menopause)

irregular menses w/despondency, dementia Family: Solanaceae

Datura stramonium

Sedative, Anti-spasmodic

Constituents: Tropane alkaloids(daturine, atropine, hyoscine) Malic acid

Smoke for asthma:

w/menopause, depression in sexual abuse Joint pain from scarlet fever Internal – - furiously delirious, enraged (violent) DT w/tendency to injure/destroy = severe alcohol withdrawal; - opium addiction; - epilepsy w/ or followed by mania, cerebral irritation; - face congested, red, bloated; - loquacious, restless, fearful, sexual irritation=manic; - spasmodic cough, asthma, dyspnea of non-

CI: glaucoma, pregnancy, anti-cholinergics, tricyclic anti-deps Caution: tachycardia, arrhythmia, BPH, pyloric stenosis Toxicity: Tropane alkaloids action – inhibition of ACh at neuroceptor sites

toxic = 5 grains powder (300mg) fatal = 4-5gm in children, 15-100g leaf adult, 15-25g seed

Jimson Weed

Datura Leaf + Pimpinella anisum seed + KNO3; mix and smoke with inhalation Narrow therapeutic window!!

Family: Loganaeceae

Gelsemium sempervirens

Constituents: Indole alkaloids (Gelsemine, gelsemicine) Iridoids, B-methyl aesculetin, Pentatriacontane

Profound relaxer Key: fevers, h/a, migranes, rigid os, HRT Dz (in elderly)

Yellow Jasmine

Family: Cannabinaceae

Humulus lupulus


Stimulates then Depresses Neural Function, Antispasmodic, Cardiosedative

Constituents: 1-3% volatile oils; Resin; Bitter principle (lupamric acid & lupulinic acid); Picric acid, Tannin, Choline, Asparagines; Essential oil (β-humulene)

Sedative nervine, Digestive bitter, Cholagogue, Mild laxative

cardiac cause; - Hx’ly smoked for asthma w/ Salvia (point of slight nausea = therapeutic level) - whooping cough w/epistaxis, hemoptosis; pertussis External - poultice of fresh leaves burised, or dreid leaves soaked in hot water - fresh leaves & tops covered w/ boiling mutton tallow & kept just below boiling for 2hrs, strain through a flannel – hemorrhoids, pruritus ani, peritonitis, pleurisy; - perineum for painful UB conditions, enlarged prostate needing catheterization; - painful ulcers, acute opthalmia(caution re: mydriasis), orchitis, partitis, glandular induration, swollen breasts, vulvar inflammation - bright eyes w/miosis; - arterial throbbing w/↑sensibility to light & noise; - migraine or severe h/a, pain over whole head (make note of migraine prodrome); - hyperemia, fever, heat, nervous unrest, insomnia; - convulsions (anti-epileptic effects); - extrasystoles, functional HT dz; - ↓s excessive reactivity in vascular system; - neuralgic pains (Aconitum napellus better) – trigeminal neuralgia; - severe fever, chilliness (fine if sitting still) < moving, >sitting still; nervous hysteria; - ↓SNS or PNS irritation (dose-dep); - severe dysmenorrhea; rigid (dry) os – delivery - asthma - nervousness hysteria - reduced SNS and PNS irritation

S/Sx –nausea, thirst, mydriasis, impaired vision (CI in glaucoma), dry mucosa, vertigo, rapid weak pulse, anuria (d/t hyperspasm, CI in BPH), hallucination, delirium with laughter (people can use recreationally), loquacity, violence, circulatory collapse & coma Lab: elevated liver enzymes, alters prothrombin time TX: emesis or GI lavage, physostigmine (for eye sx), CPR, warm catheterize to prevent reabsorption, Arryhythmia – propanolol, Convulsions – diazepam - allergic rxn -- benedryl

Caution: very potent, caution with dosing CI: hypotension, myasthenia gravis, pregnancy (uterine stimulant in animals), resp/card dz/def, weak vital force May potentiate aspirin, phenacetin (same additive effect) Toxicity: Alkaloids ↑ then ↓ neural function esp in medulla & spinal ganglia; also analgesic effect

Toxic = tasting flower nectar, eating honey from flowers, 0.5g/child, 2-3g/adult

S/Sx – prostration, lax muscles, visual disturbances (can persist for up to 2wks), hypothermia, hypotension, ↓HR, death from resp/card paralysis

Antidote – strong tea or coffee, O2 & artifical respiration, atropine, diazepam, Strychnos Nux Vom q2h External toxicity = contact dermatitis  rinse w/cold water

Indications: Calming, Sleep difficulties Internal

Pharm: in vitro antispasmodic activity on the uterus


DT (withdrawal) w/ restlessness, sleeplessness (with nervousness & restlessness)  Restless leg syndrome

dyspepsia w/eructationsm restlessness & brooding

nervous stomach  nervous irritation, anxiety, exhaustion, excitable  h/a from cerebral hyperemia  GU irritation, bladder irritation

sleep aid – get into REM w/o foggy feeling in

the odor in susceptible pts  sick h/a w/nausea  barbiturates, alcohol  estrogenic tendency  allergy – fresh plant, plant dust CI: depression – may accentuate sx; sedative meds, - pregnancy (antispasmodic)


sexual neurosis (contains anti-androgens) – spermatorrhea, premature ejaculation, chordee (peyronies – 2-3x normal dose)

Family: Solanaceae

Hyoscyamus niger


Constituents: Scopalamine (hyoscyamine); Tropane alkaloid (butyrin – mental effects, cough); Glucoside (hyospicrin); Starch, Gum, Oil, Gressamide & Cannabisins D, G (moderate cytotoxic effects in prostate CA)

Sedative, Hypnotic, Mydriatic, Antispasmodic

Key: coughs, fevers, epilepsy

↑ lactation & milk let down– estrogenic & relaxing effect of drinking beer External –fomentation – mb/ with Eupatorium perfolatum or bitters - pneumonia, pleurisy gastritis, - enteritis applied to painful area, - Ointment; painful swellings, tumor, eczema, ulcers; - stuffed pillow for insomnia (or strobilaceous fruit of the hop) Internal

nervous irritability, unrest, insomnia, mydriasis, flushed face;  delirium, muttering, singing, loquacity, amusing hallucinations, illusions < fever (=mental illness)  spasm – renal, uterine, urethra, hepatic, colic, asthma, gout, rheumatism,chronic cough  cough – short, dry, explosive,
Caution: anti-histamines, tricyclic anti-depressant, narrow angle glaucoma, megacolon, anti-dopaminergic drugs CI: exhaustion, depression, feeble pulse Toxicity: Tropane alkaloids (similar to nicotine, atropia)

parasympatholytic = competitive antagonist w/ACh  relaxes GI muscles; parasympathetic effect strongest on iris, secretory glands, CNS, but little on BVs

S/Sx – acute  dryness, mydriasis, spasm, hallucinations, salivation, death by asphyxiation; chronic  macular rash

Tx: GI lavage, KMNO4, pilocarpine HCL, caffeine, physostigmaine IV, propnalol for tachycardiaarrhytmia, IV diazepam for convulsions

pneumonia – cough, fever, delerium  pain – herpes zoster, LIV, KI, UB, urethra, ovaries

Hypericum Perforatum

Family: Clusiaceae (Hypericaeae) Constituents: Volatile oils w/mono & sesquiterpenes;

St. John’s Wort

Alterative, Anti-depressant, Vulnerary

epilepsy, chorea, senile tremor (Parkinson’s), insanity, mania, nymphomania after childbirth, puerperal/lochia mania  morphine addiction d/t DT External (fresh leaves/bruised or in linseed oil) scar tissue, hemorrhoids, cancer, eyes, glandular swelling pains ; begin w. small dose, gout Homeopathic = #1 Rx for persistent hiccough in nursing infant Internal –  spinal injury, shock, concussin;

 

lacerations, puncture wound w/ excruciating pain, throbbing body w/o fever;

mild to moderate depression (up to 4-6wks for effect) less effect in severe

Dianthrone derivatives – hypericin, hyperforin (more active form);

depression with anxiety & restlessness; neurotic depression; frequent bed-wetting in older children, adult

Flavonols – quercitin, rutin; Xanthones, Coumarins

 

Tooth pain (after dental work; anti-microbial too swish in mouth)


anti-bacterial: Staph Aureus, Myco Tub, Pneumococcus, Vibrio cholerae, Shigella

dose dependent inhibition of re-uptake for NorAdrenaline & 5-HT; comparable to tricylic, SSRI, Paxil, but w/fewer s/e’s; also may ↓ cortisol  NO EFFECT with hypericin or hyperforin alone  may work at GABA A & B receptors = may effects same target as benzodiazepines  has been used to wean pts off of MAOIs Interactions:  any drug that works at CYP450 3A4 may affect

grapefruit potentiates, BCP, digitalis, anti-retroviral

External –  Oil for pain of gastric ulcer, gastritis (flavonoid has effect),  inflamed colon – rentention enema warm oil  inflamed hemorrhoids;  combined w/ linseed oil in psoriasis, oil for tattoo trauma, burns, myaligia: sooths skin & pain relief;

  Family: Asteraceae

Lactuca virosa

Lettuce Opium

Constituents: Lactucic acid (bitterness); Lactucin, Lactuco-picrin, Lacytuycone; Alkaloids, traces of mydriatic alkaloid; Gum, Sugar/CHO, KNO3

Family: Asteraceae

Matricaria chamomile

German Chamomile

Action: Sedative, Anodyne, Anti-spasmodic

Constituents: Azulenes (chamazulene), Volatile oils (α-bisabolol) , Flavonoids (apigenin), Coumarins, Poly-saccharides, Tannin, Organic acids (anthemic acid, malic acid)

Action: Nervine, Stomachic

Key: summer diarrhea from GI irritation:

stools fetid, excoriate anus, water, green, slimy “like chopped eggs & green”; delayed or absent menses (2nd amenorrhea)


 

varicose veins prone to leg ulcers  soothing & pain relief ; DOES NOT CURE cleans cuts, wounds; traumatic bruise/injury

insomnia from mental overwork (not an antidepressant, but calming & soothing)  used a lot in children – restless, excitable, anxious, insomnia, cough  dysmenorrhea or cramping esp in younger females  muscular/joint pain

chronic cough assoc w/TB, emphysema, pertussis – as syrup (not severe, acute)

substitute for opium & codeine but not equal to them nor addictive (used in WWII when codeine not available)

Internal Nervous, irritable of sensory & motor nerves, restless, impatient, peevish – related to pain of indications below:

dentition; earache; rheumatism; eye, nose, neuralgia – apprehension out of proportion w/actual pain  kids only appeasd when carried

summer diarrhea – stools fetid, excoriate anus, water, green, slimy “like chopped eggs & green”  congested LIV or right hypochondrial pain  sore, swollen breast in infants & adults

flatulence, colic w/distension, GI ulcers esp w/ nerve pain  anuria/poor urinary output (relaxation effect)

(Indinavir), cyclosporine (immune suppressant for organ transplant), warfarin, Theophalin (antiasthmatic)

amenorrhea (secondary) w/weight or heaviness in uterus, bloated abdomen & irritable sudden temper during menopause  severe dysmenorrheal, labour-like pain of passing clots  tea for children: calm, sleep teething, colic External – infusion as a wash for leucorrhea, mammary abscess, mastitis, ulcerating bubo,

hypericin – photoxic  avoid bright sun during use >0.5-8mg in HIV males >12wks  mild diarrhea, indigestion, itchy rash, reversible elevated hepatic enzymes

Toxicity: generally safe for long-term use

Lactucarium – when injected into dog IV  sleep, coma, death; no reports in humans


azulenes – anti-inflamm & anti-allergic prevent histamine release;

α-bisabolol – anti-microbial & anti-inflam; ↓ST ulcer healing time & prevents formation d/t ASA, alcohol, and stress;  Coumarins & flavonoids: relax smooth mm affectinv Ach and bradykinin

apigenin – active at benzodiazepine (GABA) Rs  smooth muscle relaxant

topical: ↓skin inflammation > hydrocortisone > bufexamac over 3-4 weeks  antimicrobial : myco TB, Myco Avium compelx, polio virus, HSV-1 CI: anticoagulant, benzodiazepine, alcohol, sedatives Caution: ↑↑dose α-bisabolol (vol oil)  vomiting (Tx = cease use) - allergic dermatitis but often d/t addition of Anthemis cotula w/ Matricaria

Family: Lamiaceae

Melissa officinalis

Constituents: Tannins, Gum Volatile oils of terpene aldehydes (citral, citronella)

Lemon Balm

Limbic sedative, Anti-spasmodic, Carminative

leg ulcers, catarrhal conjunctivitis, relief of skin irritation, stomatitis (mouthwash); Inhaled – essential oil or strong infusion respiratory infections/inflammation (inhaled fumes) Internal

nervous ST associated w/anxiety & depression – relieves spasm, colic, dyspepsia; ST/GI sedative

 Note: dysmenorrhea, HSV 1 &2; excellent for worrier; calming bowels for IBS

Dyspepsia from anxiety / depression  insomnia from nervous ST, flatulence, vegetative

dystonia combines well w/Mentha X piperita for IBS (1:1)  herbal tranquilizer – autonomic nervous problems, acts on limbic system

cardiac problems assoc w/nervousness & depression (tachycardia, palpitations, reactive HT) (Note: full ST will affect HT; common to see HT problems w/ ST problems) External – cream & bath for skin irritations

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