Chart-cns - Part 2 Revised

  • November 2019
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Name Nepata cataria (Cat Nip)

Constituents Volatile oils (citronellol, citrol); Organic acid; Cistrans-nepetelactone (cpd that affects cats); Bitter, Tannin

Actions Sedative, Carminative, Anti-spasmodic, Diaphoretic

Lamiaceae Key: Relaxing for humans (no buzz for us)

Indications Internal  nervousness w/insomnia (v.good relaxant for getting to sleep), h/a, or cold w/upset ST

respiratory problems w/assoc nervousness – spastic respiratory coughs, ie., bronchitis (smoke rolled leaves)

leaf can produce “happy intoxication”  delayed menstruation External

hemorrhoids –(crushed leaves applied directly or sitz bath) more soothing than astringent  swelling – bruises or other injuries – poultice

Papaver somniferum (Opium Poppy)


Alkaloids (>20 – narcotine, morphine, codeine, rhoeadine, narcerine, thebaine, papaverine); Sulphuric acid, Erythritol, Myoinositiol; D-mannoheptulose

Sedative, Nervine

depression – difficult, persistent hypochondriac (only ↓doses; ↑ dose  severe aggravation);  melancholy & feelings of guilt;  menopausal;  mood change in elderly (d/t arteriosclerosis in brain) – ill-tempered & irritability that is out of character

 

ST CA w/N&V (v. painful); painful fever, spasm & inflammation, soft pulse, moist skin, pale faced, dilated pupils, expressionless face = typhoid fever, asthma, cholera, passage of renal/biliary colic;

Increased chronic d/c – nose, mouth, oral salivation, uterine or other hemorrhage;

 

chronic incessant cough;

severe spastic pain,  severe diarrhea/dysentery  anti-dote to Atropine, Atopa, Physostigma, Datura & strychnine  addiction c/b treated w/ Valeriana External – linament, ointment & plaster: very painful inflammation, eg. erysipelatous, eye inflammation

Pharm / Toxic Pharmacology:

mice: catnip oil and hexobarbitol  first become stimulated, and secondarily, euphoric & relaxed; ↑s sleep time

#1 mosquito repellant, but attracts all types of cats

Toxicity:  emmenagogue  irritating to mucus membranes

s/e’s – h/a, malaise – from tea, smoked

morphine, narcotine, codeine = sedative, analgesic; anti-tussive = ↓s CNS excitation, inhibits cough reflex; anti-diarrhea = inhibits GI persitalsis Caution: ↓d respiratory reserve, pregnancy, lactation CI: acute pancreatitis, biliary colic, depression at higher doses Toxicity:

 

toxic (codeine) = 1mg/kg children fatal (codeine) = 5mg/kg children; 7-14 mg/kg adults

s/e = CONSTIPATION (Tx w/Rheum, Cassia, Rhamnus OD = - constipation (nerve plexus stops func’) - pinpoint pupils - pale/clammy skin - prostration - cyanosis - shallow irregular breathing - bradycardia, hypotension, hypothermia - shock or coma (hallucinations if conscious) - pupils dilate, severe sweat, then death(resp shutdown) - hallucinations – dreamy, c/b violent, pill-rolling, bugs crawling on wall; severe sweat then respiratory shut-down Tx: maintain resp, CPR, GI lavage, KMnO4, stimulants, catherization, heat stimulants. Keep them awake and moving

Internal –


Passiflora officinalis/ incarnata (Passion Flower)

Alkaloids (passiflorine, harmitol,harmine); - Cyanogenic glycoside, - Flavonoids (vitexin, rutin, quercitin, apigenin), - Calcium oxalate

Nervine, Sedative, Anti-spasmodic


- restlessness, wakefulness from exhaustion or debility from nervous excitement; - nervous from menstrual disturbances; - insomnia from worry, infants, elderly, mental overwork, fever – sleep induced is peaceful, pt awakens quiet & refreshed (induces relaxation, not sleep = permits normal sleep cycle); spasmodic disorders – worms in children, chorea, esp in girls approaching first menstruation - spasmodic asthma - convulsive movements, tetanus, - at first warning of epileptic attack; - nervous h/a, h/a of debility or cerebral fullness - nervous tachycardia - palpitations from excitement, shock, nervousness * usually not strong enough on its own, works well with the other nerviness External –(soothing bath) hemorrhoids, burns, inflammation

Piper methysticum (Kava Kava) Piperaceae

Kavalactones (kava pyrones Skeletal muscle relaxant, – kavaine, dihydrokavine); Anti-spasmodic, Yangonoic acid; Sedative Cinnamic acid; Benzoid acid Starch (49%) Excellent Anxiolitic the best herb for this!!! * benzoic & cinnamic acid = anesthetic, antifungal

- neuralgia esp facial, - trigeminal neuralgia– toothache, earache, eye neuralgia; - anxiety, despondency (benefits w/i 2 wks) - anorexia, GI cattarrh - vertigo, despondent, insomnia; anxious - urinary catarrh d/t gonorrhea, edema w/scanty micturition, cystitis of the bladder neck, neurogenic bladder; - renal colic; - swelling of prostate d/t prostatitis; Bronchitis (relieves cough), - gout, rheumatic pains External – - leprosy (M.leprii) – rinse or paste over skin - otitis type pain, - abscesses or other skin problems, - vaginal douche for infections Pharm: - anticonvulsant - dopamine antagonist - antagonist to strychnine & tetanus poisoining

Piscidia erythrina (Jamaican Dogwood)

Glycosides (piscidin) Isoflavones Rotenones (lisetin, piscerythrone, piscidone) Resin, fat, wax, calcium,

Sedative Analgesic Anodyne

-Insomnia from neuralgia, nervous tension -Nervous unrest, hysterical insomnia, DT -Pain: toothache, burns, scalds, hemorrhoids, oral abscess, neuralgia, sciatica, eyeball neuralgia, supraorbital neuralgia, OM -H/A: migrane esp. with neuralgias; reduces

apigenin – may bind benzodiazepine receptors ↓d dyspnea in NY HT Ass II cardiac insufficiency ↑ pain threshold - decreases amphetamine induced hypermotility, aggressiveness, restlessness - increases pain threshold - decreases anxiety, anticonvuls (animal) Caution: SSRIs, MAOIs, tyramine containing foods, may potentiate barbiturates, avoid 5d pre-surgery (any CNS herbs) CI: pregnancy, uterine stimulant (harmane, harmaline) Toxicity: some sources suggest non-toxic Harmaline – has marked CNS effects, toxic = 200mg OD  convulsion, motor paralysis, CNS depression, hypothermia, ↓HR, ↓myocardial strength, ↓ respiration Pharmacology: acts on reticular formation in brain stem (like LSD) animal: ↓d brain damage induced by brain ischemia = may be good for high risk stroke pt anesthetic on bladder mucosa (specifically irritating cystitis) - eliminated by kidneys - compared to benzos  no S/E, improved memory, no drowsiness, “safe to operate machinery” -↓ in anxiety and phobias w/ no dependency or withdrawl symptoms Caution: kavalactones enter breast milk may potentiate alprazolam, EtOH, benzodiazepines Toxicity: dihydromethysticin  exfoliative dermatitis, ulcers (ext/int), inflammation of eyes resins  can accumulate in spinal column, LIV ( # of cases of LIV failure) & KIs (problem when combining w/meds) – considered safe until now OD  vomiting, unconscious (infusion)

Pharm: -Rotenones: toxic to insects (neurotoxin) -animal: rotenones are carcinogenic Toxicity: -Piscidin affects CNS OD: ↓ sensation, salivation, sweating, hyporeflexia,


pain but not prophylactic (unlike feverfew) -Spasm: dysmenorrhea, false labour pains or threatened abortion w/ Viburnum -Reflex cough: chronic bronchitis, consumption


Pulsatilla vulgaris

Saponins Alkaloids

(Pulsatilla, Wind Flower)

Key: Discharge: thick w/ yellow and bland out of every orifice


Scutellaria lateriflora (Skullcap) Laminaceae

Nervine Sedative Emmenagogue

VO Tannin Gum sugar Bitter Flavonoid (scutellarin crystals)

Nervine tonic Anti-spasmodic Anti-convulsant

-Nervous restlessness, imagines impending dz or danger -Gloomy and depressed; weepy -Mind tends to wander (b/c unsettled, hysterical or anxious) -Unpleasant dreams -Pulse: weak, soft, except when discharging -Amenorrhea from uterine atony, nervous shock, anemia or from getting chilled -Leukorrhea tends to be thick, yellowish-white and bland Urine: clear and copious; dysuria during preg; ↑ed micturation during cold -Nervousness during cold -Epididymitis and orchitis (mumps, N. gon); spermatorrhea; prostatorrhea and varicoceles -Improves sexual dysfunction, reduces morbid sexual excitement -H/A: menstral, nasal catarrh & nervousness, biliousness, chilliness, nausea -URTI: thick mucous, yellow and bland -Asthma in preg w/ profuse mucous or suppressed menses -Coryza or lacrimation from measles or cough from measles -constipation in hysterical females (anxious) w/ dyspepsia, indigestion and greasy taste; constipation alt. w/ diarrhea (IBS) -greasy fat taste in the mouth -Ear aches or Otitis from cold-wet wind thick yellow and Bland discharge -Cataracts, iritis, glaucoma, hordeolum/stye -Lacrimation in the wind -Eye discharge thick, yellow, bland -Rheumatism: >cold, < worm; pains move and change location -Toothache w/ abscess, yellow pus Nervousness- from illness; mental or physical exhaustion -teething in children- sub for chamomile but not as pleasant. -DT; seizure remedy for petit and grand mal -insomnia (restless type- can’t go to sleep more from mental exhaustion/ overwork -HRT dz assoc w/ nervousness, irregular arrhythmias or intermittent pulses -Muscular fasciculations esp w/ nervousness

bradycardia, mydriasis, weakness, ↓ respiration & volume, dyspnea, paralysis, death from resp failure. Tx: establish resp, emesis/ GI lavage, charcoal, cathartic fluids for hypotention, IV Diazapam convulsions Caution: May potenciate sleep aids Toxicity: CNS stimulation then paralysis Irritates KI and urinary tract in high doses OD: Burning in mouth and throat, salivation, n/v, colic, bloody diarrhea, cardiac arrhythmia, SOB, lose control of sensory and moter functions, convulsions Tx: emesis/ lavage, charcoal, demulcents such as Ulmus and Althea spp. Sxs external: Dermatitis with vesiculations Tx: water and soap

Pharm: -Inhibits Ab release, preventing allergy, asthma, or dermatitis rxns -anti-fungal -anti-bacteria -has anti-inflammatory effect potentiates benefits for inflammatory types of cancer Toxicity: Scutellarin: Giddy, stupor, limb twitching, seizure,

Valeriana officinalis (Valerian) Valerianaceae

Vol Oil Isovaltrate, valtrate, valepotriates, valeranone (neuro effects) Organic acids (malic acid and Mg to increase absoption fibromyalgia) Starch, gum resin, tannin iridoid Monoterpines- cat buzz

Sedative Anodyne

-♀ remedy: uterine probs d/t nervousness or excitability and mm spasm -Circulatory probs (stroke, emboli, thrombi), used for paralysis or insomnia assoc w/ stroke (Ginko may be better) -Exhaustion assoc w/ chronic dz (severe influenza or pneumonia) Internal: - Despondant - Mental depression, hypochondria esp. if cold -irritable, pain, nervous excitement -Depression w/ nervousness -Insomnia from nervousness, grief or loss, with depression -Nervous H/A- hemicranium -↓ cerebral circulation -Epilepsy, spasmodic movements -Nervous palpitations -Elevated BP (has never been tested) External: -Add to bath for sleeplessness

intermittent pulse OD: Tremors, causes LV toxicity d/t adulteration w/ other plants.

Dose for insomnia: after dinner and before bed. Pharm: -Valepotriates may inhibit thymidine synthsis in DNA -↑ GABA ↓ CNS activity -↓ wakefulness, AM wake w/out hangover (adv over benzos; also a benzo sub for withdrawalof the drug ) Tox: FAIRLY SAFE SX: H/A, vertigo, altered vision, restlessness, agitation, insomnia, nausea, motility and reflex excitability, central paralysis (20x normal dose) Note: some people it does not induce sleep and they get wired (too much LV heat 5% of cases)

Strychnos ignatia (Ignatia)

Indole Alkaloids (strychnine, brucine) Tannic acid Glycosides

Neuromuscular stimulant Tonic


Strychnos nux

Indole Alkaloids (strychnine, brucine,

Stomachic Synergist

-Similar to S. nux but milder in action -Atony, nervous dibility; amenorrhea, anemia -Dysmenorrhea w/ colic pains and heaviness in uterus, ovaries (pain assoc w/ cysts), pains in lumbar - Right hypochondrium pains -menopause w/ coldness of extremites Brain anemia w/ hysteria, choreic, epileptoid, melancholic, hypochodriacal behaviour from nervousness, mm debility, facial twitching -Disposition to grieve, nervous depression -Atonic dyspepsia, chronic catarrh of ST -Sick congestive h/a -Sexual coldness- impotence in ♂, sterility and frigitity in ♀ -Visual atonia, sensation of dust in eye, eyelid twitching -Tinitus (also indication for selenicereus grandiflorus, Ginko biloba) and impaired hearing from atony -Epilepsy -Anti-fungal -n/v from GI irritation, nervous ST, anorexia -congested LV, spleen, portal circ -Bilious intermittent fever, bilious h/a w/ nausea,

Caution: w/ centrally acting drugs (benzo, barbiturates, epileptic drugs) Toxicity: -CNS stimulant by selective block of motor inhibitors at post synaptic membrane. -rapidly absorbed in GI, metabolized in 24hrs by LV and excreted in urine. -Strycnine: accumulates w/ chronic use, causing LV damage Fatal: 30-90mg adults; 15mg kids OD: Prodrome (sense of doom), mm cramps and spasm, stiffness, agitation, extreme convulsions in 15-60 min (5min if inhaled), lactic academia, spasm, opisthotonos (massive back bend), depressed resp., death d/t hypoxia, Increased: SGOT, LDH, CPK, leukocytosis Tx: Immediate emesis/lavage but not if tetany has begun, Keep quiet, recumbent, decrease any stimulation of any kind, dark room, monitor blood gases, curare (sedate px) CI: hepatitis, preg Fatal: 30-90mg adult; 15mg kids OD: restless, uneasy, sense of suffocation, violent convulsions (from slight stimulus), opithotonos, death

vomica (Nux Vomica)

vomicine) Glycosides Caffeotannic acid



Similars to Homeo pictures: -Atropa -Aconite -Pulsatila -Strychnos ignatia *** all are toxic at small doses and all have Alkaloids

umbilical pain, forehead pain dysentery -constipation, diarrhea, menstrual colic from atony, Lv or func’al GI peristalsis paralysis pain

2hrs after 2-5 convulsions, recovery if not dead w/in 6hrs. Tx: KmnO4 or I, no lavage/emesis to prevent convulsions, cathartic, charcoal, camphor, quiet-dark room to ↓ stimulus, CPR, IV-Diazapam for seizure and Hx: passiflora and Gelsemium Curare is the best anti-dote- paralyses

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