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Republic of the Philippines


Panfilo M. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque


Introduction Vocabulary represents one of most important skills necessary for teaching and learning a foreign language like English. It is the main tool for the students in their attempt to use the English language effectively. Likewise, it is the basis for the development of all the other skills such as reading comprehension, listening comprehension, speaking, writing, spelling and pronunciation. In reading, vocabulary development is critical since comprehension is the ultimate goal of reading, and one cannot overestimate the importance of vocabulary development. Words are the currency of communication. Thus, as early as young, the children should be taught and developed their vocabulary words. Hence, if not, the children’s reading comprehension will be at stake. As it has been observed and found to be true in some countries, especially in the developing countries like the Philippines, one of the culprits of poor academic performance of the students is the poor reading comprehension skill which is attributed to some factors like poor or limited vocabulary awareness. Several researches and news reports confirmed that reading comprehension attributed to poor development of vocabulary building is one of the culprits of students’ academic performance, particularly observed in most of the developing countries. Thus, when students have limited vocabulary knowledge, this consequently limits their understanding of the books that they are reading, the inability to read between the lines,


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Panfilo M. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque

and inability express opinions or thoughts and other others related to such (Tanczinke, 2014; Sperenger, 2013; National Assessment of Education Report; 2015; Malipot, 2018). In the classroom context, teachers know that students who are learning to read and write and those who are reading to learn, that is, learning in content area will benefit from a sound instructional vocabulary program. This is especially true for classrooms where children have small vocabularies and are non-speakers of English language learners. Knowledge of words is acquired incidentally, where vocabulary is developed through immersion in language activities. Words are also learned through direct instruction, where students learn words through a structured approach. Thus, vocabulary programs should be designed to support children’s word learning through a combination of approaches to teaching, direct instruction, and incidental word learning. Graves (cited by Gibson, 2017) offers a framework for successful vocabulary programs that supports effective teaching and students’ development of word knowledge. The foundation of his instructional program includes a four-part approach to developing robust vocabularies: (1) provide rich and varied language experiences, (2) teach individual words, (3) teach word-learning strategies, and (4) foster word consciousness (pp. 4–8). Similarly, in the Philippines, the Department of Education (DepEd) is continuously doing its best to improve the literacy of the Filipino children. In fact, former President Benigno Aquino III sets out the ten point Educational Agenda in which one of these points concerned on literacy program to make every child a reader in Grade 1. The Every Child is A Reader Program was introduced as enclosure in DepEd Order no. 70, s. 2011 that aims


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to equip elementary pupils in public schools with strategic reading and writing skills to make them independent young readers and writers. Among activities lined up in ECARP are the Read-a-Thon, “A Paragraph A Day” sessions, DEAR program, Big Brother/Big Sister, Kaklase Ko, Sagot Ko, Shared Reading, Pull-Out Remedial Class, Reading Assistance Program, Remediation Classes, Intensified Remedial Reading, Five Words A Week (FWAR), A Paragraph A Day (APAD), and Library Hour A Week. Other programs include the development of vocabulary awareness which is incorporated in reading. However, despite the implementation of reading remediation programs, there are many cases that a child is promoted to another grade level without having learned the skill of reading and had not developed vocabulary awareness that consequently, impede the child to understand the next level of lessons in the grade level he or she attended. Thus, reading remains a problem in many of the public schools and a culprit of low academic achievement. For instance, in the recently conducted colloquium, a part of the School Heads Development Program Foundation Course, the Schools Division Office of Marinduque found out that 93% of the problems that schools heads in both elementary and secondary schools presented concerned oral reading and reading comprehension (Division Memorandum No. 4, s. 2017). One of the root causes presented by the school heads is the poor development of vocabulary words among pupils and students. With this premise, the researcher conceived of developing vocabulary learning package which is a part of the implementation of Every Child A Reader Program that


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Panfilo M. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque

mandates pupils should be a reader at Grade 1. As a Grade 1 teacher, the researcher sees the importance of the vocabulary package to facilitate easy way of developing the vocabulary building of the pupils as early as Grade 1. The vocabulary package incorporated strategies which various researchers have found to be effective in teaching vocabulary among students across countries. These vocabulary strategies are coined as Super Six Strategies namely: Word Context Clue, Word Mapping, Word Sorts, Word-Picture Association, Vocabulary Games, and Miming. Context Clues are hints that the author gives to help define a difficult or unusual word. The clue may appear within the same sentence as the word to which it refers, or it may follow in a preceding sentence. The utilization of contextual clues strategies can also be associated with successful language learners in utilizing language strategies (O’Malley & Chamot, 1995). The framework of this study lies in the workings of Oxford’s taxonomy for language learning strategies (1990), which categorizes contextual strategies as reading strategies. The taxonomy lists contextual strategies as part of a continuum of strategies indicating different strategy levels where learners control content, identify structure and create links. The self-regulation model, the Oxford’s (1995) S2R Model, postulates how learners actively and independently learn through a systematic series of strategies. Selfregulated learners are expected to have multidimensional approaches to strategies; characteristics similar to successful learners. A word map is a visual organizer that promotes vocabulary development. Using a graphic organizer, students think about terms or concepts in several ways. Most word map organizers engage students in developing a definition, synonyms, antonyms, and a picture 4

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for a given vocabulary word or concept. Accordingly, word map is one of the vocabulary learning strategies which empower EFL/ESL to effectively learn vocabulary independently. It enhances word learning and retention as it enables learners to incorporate new words into what they previously know; it guides learners to use the words and information in their word and concept repertoire to associate meanings with the new words. This leads to deeper vocabulary learning and thus longer retention of the target vocabulary items. Previous research on vocabulary reveals a significant improvement in vocabulary acquisition whenever semantic maps were used (Keshavarz et al., 2006:149; Abdollahzadeh & Amiri-Vardani, 2009:1; Baleghizadeh & Yousefpoori, 2011:15; Nilforoushan, 2012:165; Abbasian & Arianezhad, 2013:139; Jang,2014:25; Afrin,2014:65; Avrianti, 2015:95). A Word Sort is a simple individual or small group activity. Students list key words from a reading selection. Students identify the meaning and properties of each word and then “sort” the list into collections of words with similar features. This “sorting” process links students' prior knowledge to the basic vocabulary of a reading selection (Reading Educator, 2015). Word sorting activities provide instructors with a framework for more individualized instruction at students’ developmental spelling levels. In word sorting activities, students organize word cards into columns on the basis of a shared conceptual, phonological, or orthographic feature (Zutell, 1998). Word sorting is based on four principles outlined by Zutell (1996) such as: English language is nor arbitrary, learning to spell includes a strong conceptualization, spelling development follows a set of stages, and relationships are first recognized in familiar words. 5

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Word Picture Association is the strategy where pupils develop their vocabulary skills by pairing pictorial images and printed words. This has been originally by the special education teachers which placed a particular emphasis on effective strategy for teaching and vocabulary to students with language-based learning disabilities. Stahl (1986) “find and define” technique is technique as an alternative to build new knowledge on existing knowledge, that is, to take a constructional approach. Miming is a strategy where teachers use gestures, facial expression and body movement to help learners infer the meaning of difficult words. It has originated from the Greek word “mimos” which means imitation. It has been a great way of non-verbal communication. The art of mime has been incorporated in teaching and learning (Feder, 1992; Farmer, 2009). Vocabulary Games is used as vocabulary strategy along with games such a crosswords, jumbled letters, dominoes, kangaroo words, eliciting games and others to improve learners’ vocabulary skills. For the purpose of this research, the Super Six Strategies were used in building vocabulary words among Grade 1 pupils of Lupac-Tabigue Elementary School. The researcher believed that as early as Grade 1, the pupils should be taught of vocabulary words for wide utilization in the next grade level. In addition, the researcher claimed that if pupils have been taught of more vocabulary words each day, they could be more expressive of their ideas and could be able to construct simple sentences and eventually transpire into a meaningful communication. The Vocabulary Learning Package aimed to


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Panfilo M. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque

find out how effective were the strategies in improving the level of vocabulary proficiency of the Grade 1 pupils in English. Results would yield to the proposal of wide utilization of the vocabulary package among Grade1 teachers in Boac North District in which LupacTabigue Elementary School is one the complete elementary school.

Statement of the Problem This research attempted to find out the effectiveness of Super Six Strategies in building vocabulary among Grade 1 pupils of Lupac-Tabigue Elementary School. Specifically, it sought answers to the following questions: 1. What is the level of proficiency of the Grade 1 pupils based on the mean percentage scores of the pre-test? 2. What is the level of proficiency of the control and experimental groups based on the mean percentage scores of the post-test? 3. Is there a significant difference in the pretest mean score of the Grade 1 pupils in the control and experimental group? 4. Is there a significant difference in the posttest mean score of the Grade 1 pupils in the control and experimental group? 5. Is there a significant difference between the mean gain score of the Grade 1 pupils in the control and experimental group? 6. How effective are the super six strategies in building vocabulary based on the following:


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6.1 word context clues; 6.2 word mapping; 6.3 word sorts; 6.4 word-picture association; 6.5 vocabulary games; and 6.6 miming?

7. What intervention can be proposed to facilitate effective utilization of the Super Six Strategies in building the vocabulary of the Grade 1 pupils?

Significance of the Study With the underlying belief that building vocabulary as early as Grade 1 is important, the researcher believes that this study would be helpful to the following groups or individuals in the education. The DepEd officials through the Learning Resources Management and Development (LRMDS) may find the Vocabulary Learning Package using Super Six Strategies as another quality materials for teaching vocabulary and reading in general among Grade 1 pupils and may recommend as pattern of learning materials for other teachers across country. This may be find also as another supplemental materials in teaching reading and may be enhanced through quality assurance unit of the DepEd for its suitability for wide utilization of the learning package.


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Panfilo M. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque

The Vocabulary Learning Package with Super Six Strategies may be serve as model materials which the school head may recommend for wide utilization in their respective schools as it has been found to be effective in the research. Similarly, school heads may benefit from the idea of crafting the vocabulary learning package for other subjects like Mathematics in which pupils and students have also difficulties understanding some terminologies that hinder their comprehension to process the activities. Furthermore, the teachers may become more motivated in crafting different instructional materials, scaffolding materials, workbook, and others for the good and benefit of the learners and as their shared materials and contribution to the continuous improvement of literacy among Filipino learners. Also, they may be more inspired to make reading materials like this for their authorship and support papers as they desire to apply for future promotion. Furthermore, teachers may benefit from the study because they may become more committed in teaching the children, especially the Grade 1, since it is believed that the best learning should be given in this stage because this is the foundation of learning. Ultimately, the learners are the primary beneficiaries of the study. The Vocabulary Learning Package with Super Six Strategies had been purposely developed for their use to be able to build their vocabulary as young age. Different materials were gathered to come up with the best and suitable design of the package to facilitate easy way of developing vocabulary among children, thus, it is expected that through the learning package their vocabulary and reading skills will both be developed, and that each day of the teaching, a new word is added to their vocabulary bank which they can eventually use for in making 9

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sentences and simple paragraph. Also, it is expected that with the aid of the Vocabulary Learning Package using Super Six Strategies, learners would be become active and selfmotivated learners.

Scope and Delimitation of the Study In compliance with the time frame and schedule of conducting a research, this study sets its scope, parameters, coverage, and exclusion of the research variables. The study covered the utilization of the developed Vocabulary Learning Package in which the Super Six Strategies were used as the main strategies in building vocabulary among Grade 1 pupils of Lupac-Tabigue Elementary School. The Super Six Strategies include word context clues, word mapping, word sorts, word-picture association, vocabulary game, and miming. These strategies were chosen and selected based on the recommended strategies for Grade 1 pupils as stipulated in the Curriculum Guide for English 1. Since the research is experimental in nature, this has been conducted in the research locale of the teacher-researcher where she was the one who utilized the learning package with their Grade 1 pupils. The utilization of the Vocabulary Learning Package covered the third and fourth quarter of the School Year 2018-2019 which is allowed time frame to conduct the experiment after a series of request and approval from different authorities and also due to the fact that in the K to 12 Curriculum, the teaching of English for the Grade 1 pupils starts at the 3rd quarter and ends at the 4th quarter because it paves way to the teaching of Mother –Tongue first, before the second the teaching of the second language. 10

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It did not touch other domains of English such as listening comprehension, oral language fluency, phonological awareness, and grammar but limited only to the development of vocabulary as the main domain for reading. Also, the concepts of vocabulary development are limited to the use of words that are related to self, family, school, community, and concepts such as the names for colors, shapes, and numbers.


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Panfilo M. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque

Chapter 2 REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE AND STUDIES This chapter presents a review of literature and related studies that have bearing on the present study and are required in understanding the variables investigated in the present study. Foreign Literature The first part of the review of foreign literature presents and discusses the overview of vocabulary development which includes the definition, importance, advantages, and the teaching in classroom. There are various definitions of vocabulary. One of them is vocabulary is a total number of words in a language, list of words with their meanings1. From these definitions, the writer concludes that vocabulary is number of word or phrases which has meaning that are used in spoken or written language. Richard and Renandya (2002) said that vocabulary is component of language proficiency and provides much of the basis for how well students speak, listen, read and write. Vocabulary is part of language component and list of words that have been used by people to communicate. According to Hornby, vocabulary is the total number of words in language an individual knows and those words are used as a vehicle of language to express ones thought.


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From explanation above, it can be argued that vocabulary not only contains list of words but also it become a basic for people to communicate, because without vocabulary an idea cannot be transmitted in communication. Vocabulary is the basic component to help the students in mastering language. They will learn the language skill easily if they have enough vocabulary. In any foreign language, learning vocabulary is one that is emphasized. Students have to develop their vocabulary. Developing a good vocabulary will help them to improve their ability in learning vocabulary. Many of the vocabulary in English textbook have to be learned. Without it no one can speak or understand the language3. It means that people cannot write a word or make a sentence well, when they do not master it. There are some advantages when students can master the English vocabulary. According to Bonet (2002) some advantages of vocabulary are: 1) Students will be better improving their reading, writing, speaking and listening vocabulary; 2) Students will think more clearly. Thoughts are limited by vocabulary; 3) Students will experience personal growth and greater confidence; 4) Students will understand other people idea and explanation easily; 5) Students will gain important survival tools for the new millennium; 6) Students’ friend will think they are getting very smart. In school activity, learning teaching process is the main activity which is cannot be separated each other. One of the domains in English taught with the students is vocabulary. According to Brown (2007) teaching vocabulary is an activity to acquire some new words to improve the language. Before teaching the students, the teacher should consider how to


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present vocabulary in class, it is necessary in making lesson plan. Before presenting vocabulary, the teacher should consider the factors as the foundation in presenting vocabulary. Accordingly, the teacher should know how much vocabulary to present and may consider the following: 1) the level of the learners whether beginner, intermediate or advanced; 2) the learner’s likely familiarity with the words, thus, learner may have known the words before even though the words not part of their active vocabulary; 3) the difficulty of items, in which the teacher should know whether the words difficult to pronounce or difficult to find the real meaning for her/his students; 4) the students’ teach ability for the teacher to know whether easy to demonstrate or explain the words; 5) the items are being learned for production or for recognition only, so the teacher should know whether the words for speaking and writing or listening and reading only. In addition, Thornburry (2012) pointed out that in teaching vocabulary, it is necessary to present the meaning. It is said that in teaching vocabulary process, after presenting vocabulary, there are some ways of getting the meaning of words. It will depend on the item which is presented. There are techniques used to define as follows: First is translation. This way doesn’t need many times. The teacher only needs to translate the target language into the mother language of the students. Sometime this way is less memorable for the students, because they do not have to work hardly to access the meaning. Second is real things. In this way, the teacher shows the real thing of the words. Unfortunately, define the words by showing the real things are seldom to be done. It is because not all the words can be showed with its real things. Third is picture. This way is almost same with shows the real thing. 14

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This is very useful for more concrete words (dog, rain, and tall) and for visual learners. In this way, the teacher shows the picture of the words. Fourth is actions or gesture. In this technique, the teachers express the words using action, expression and movement. Fifth is definition. Using the words a student already knows can be effective for getting meaning. Furthermore, Bonet (2012) said that there are different types of vocabulary. These are reading and listening, writing, speaking, and games. In reading and listening, a student’s reading and listening vocabulary is all the words he or she can recognize when reading and listening. This is the largest type of vocabulary simply because it includes the other two. When reading and listening, the students remind words which they may not use by themselves, but they recognize them by their context. When the students hear or read new words often and find them useful, the students usually adopt them. For writing, a student’s writing vocabulary is all the words he or she can employ in writing. Compared to the previous two vocabulary types, the writing is stimulated by its user. As to speaking, a student’s speaking vocabulary is all the words he or she can use in speech. Students usually use word in spontaneous. It makes the words are often misused. This misused can be compensated by facial expressions, tone of voice, or hand gestures. These statements prove that vocabulary plays an important role in everyday communication. Students can express their thoughts and emotions with words.


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Panfilo M. Manguera Sr. Rd., Tanza, Boac, Marinduque

Game is another way of teaching vocabulary. In mastering vocabulary, there are many games which are appropriate for use with the collections of vocabulary items. The games can be applied on the board to help the students to enrich their vocabulary well. Al One research suggests that using games to practice vocabulary improves learners’ ability to memorize the words effectively (Neyadi, 2015). Game is considered as an effective strategy to help the learners learn language. It is because game makes the students fun when learning language. Based on those statements, game is not only generally played by the children but also can be applied to language learning. Learning language should be fun (Redjeki, 2012). The second part of the review of literature directly discusses the nature of the vocabulary strategies that the research explored. The purpose of the Word Mapping strategy is to promote the students’ deeper understanding of words through depicting varying relationship between and among words. Word maps are visual displays of word meanings organized to depict relationships with other words. Research reveals that to develop students’ vocabularies, teachers need to promote in-depth word knowledge (Beck, McKeown, & Kucan, 2002). It is also called semantic mapping as one of the most powerful approaches to teaching vocabulary because it engages students in thinking about word relationships (Graves, 2008). The strategy promotes students’ in thinking about word relationships, thereby leading to a deeper understanding of word meaning by developing their conceptual knowledge related to words.


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Harness (2017) described how the word map is used as teaching strategy in a fifth grade class. Within the fifth grade class, the teacher may use an integrated language arts and social studies unit to help students about the American colonies and their conflict with the Great Britain. Using the word mapping strategy, the teacher taught the key words to each literature circle through the use of direct instruction and guided discussions. Students were then directed to (1) use their word maps during and after reading by elaborating or building on word meanings from their readings and discussions within the literature circles and 2) find new words and meanings to add to their word maps, along with pictures and diagrams that illustrate the word’s meanings. Context Clue is another vocabulary strategy. One way teachers may approach the presentation of context clues in a way that can majorly impact the amount of words a student is able to acquire independently is through morphologic instruction (Goodwin & Perkins, 2015, p. 510). When students come to an unknown word, they can use their morphologic knowledge to determine the meaning. Morphologic instruction requires students to focus their attention to the root word and affixes that a word may be composed of (Goodwin & Perkins, 2015, p. 510). This method of instruction is effective because according to Goodwin and Perkins (2015), “Sixty percent of words can be figured out using the knowledge of the units of meaning” (p.511). Using this type of instruction, students can substantially increase their word knowledge and ability to decipher the meanings of unknown words.


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Ames (cited by Parault, 2010) gave the types of context clues which are divided into four categories. These types of context clues include: Association, Cause and Effect, Comparison or Contrast, Definition or Description, Language Experiences or Familiar Expression, Main Idea or Support Details, Modifying Phrases or Clauses, Non-restrictive Clauses or Appositive Phrases, Prepositional Phrase, Questions and Answer, Referral Clue, Synonym, Tone/Setting/Mood, and Words Connected in a Series. Although Ames’ work is too old, his categories are still relevant and are referenced in most contemporary vocabulary instruction research work. There are several approaches to context clues instruction. Master’s Curriculum Research Project (Randall & Ryder, cited by Goodwin & Perkins, 2015). First, teachers must begin instruction by presenting information in a concrete manner before moving to more abstract concepts. Teachers must also use familiar texts to teach context clues. Students should not struggle through texts while learning to define words within context because student mastery varies with text difficulties. There are three stages in which context clues should be taught. In the first stage, students learn through using visual context clues. In the second stage, students use sentence context to acquire new words. The last stage is learning words through paragraph context (Randall & Ryder cited by Goodwin & Perkins, 2015). A Word Sort is a simple individual or small group activity. It is another way of building vocabulary. It has two common forms such as the closed word sort and the opened word sort. In Closed Word Sort, the teacher provides the categories (and the specific features of each) to the students. The students then match the words with the features to 18

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create the word collections such as (i.e. letter sounds, meanings). On the other hand, in Open Word Sort, the teacher provides only the list of words. Students work together to discern the common features and to describe the categories for collect Word Sorts can be used for a variety of different topics and can be helpful for all students. “Some benefits of word sorting are that it's interactive, it promotes higher level thinking skills, and it provides oral language development opportunities that build on students' prior knowledge (Pearson Education, 2010). Teachers can tailor word sorts for individual children, depending on student needs or the activity can be completely studentcentered. For example, if a child has difficulty distinguishing between long and short vowel sounds, an adult may assemble a group of words that the child already knows and ask him or her to sort them into categories. For extra support, the cards could include a picture that goes along with the word (pictures could be helpful for English Language Learners). The same group of words could later be used to sort by initial consonants, number of syllables, or any other relevant word characteristics (Readstrong, 2011). Word sort is a kind of word work. Word sort is the basis of word study. It is used as a technique in phonemic awareness. It also called word study. Word sorts require students to categorize words in isolation based on similarities in sound, pattern, or meaning. The purpose is to help students make generalizations about the spelling in each category so that it can be applied to new words (Invernizzi & Hayes, 2014). Word Picture Association is also a strategy used in building vocabulary. It made use of coupling images and printed words to build the vocabulary skills of students. It was first used with children with language-based learning disabilities who have difficulty 19

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remembering the definitions of new words. It involves one method of pairing or linking a new word to its definition by way of a pictorial image. For example, on an index card, the word raconteur may appear directly below an animated picture of a raccoon telling a story to a group of crickets in a field. While the student examines the picture, the teacher explains that the word raconteur means “one skilled in the narration of anecdotes or stories.” According to Christen and Murphy (as cited by Nielsen, 2015), the visual image provides the learner with a frame of reference from which to recall the definition under critical circumstances, for example, when the learner encounters the target word while reading or while taking a standardized test. The word-picture association words through pairing procedure. Accordingly, it appears that the effect of the procedure can be explained by the incorporation of “withinstimulus” prompts (Shreibman cited in Nielsen, 2015). Within-stimulus prompts can be conceptualized as prompts that are incorporated into instructional materials. For example, in an effort to teach the meaning of the word oxalis, a teacher might present a student with the printed word along with a picture of an ox tugging a cloverlike plant from the ground. The teacher explains that oxalis means cloverlike plant. In this example, the word ox is embedded within the target word and, consequently, functions as a within-stimulus prompt when the word is seen in isolation. More to the point, the word ox can potentially remind the student of the picture of the animal pulling a plant from the ground, and that image can lead to the correct oral definition of the target word.


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Learning vocabulary through games had attained a lot of attention. Donmus (2010) believed that “The value of educational games has been increasing in language education since they help to make language education entertaining "(p.1497). According to Kuzu and Ural findings (as cited in Donmus, 2010, p.1499) "when games and education are combined, it can be educative and education environments can be entertaining. The learners who learned with the use of games, gain positive attitudes and can be more motivated while learning.” Games are advantageous and effective in learning vocabulary. They are motivating because they usually involve friendly competition and create cooperative learning environment, so students have an opportunity to work together. They improve students’ communicative skills and they have a chance to use the target language (Sorayaie- Azar, 2012).Therefore, vocabulary games bring real world context into the classroom, and enhance students' use of English in a flexible, communicative way. The role of games in teaching and learning vocabulary cannot be denied. Many experienced textbook and methodological manual writers have argued that games are not just time-filling activities but have a great educational value (Riahipour & Saba, 2012). However, in order to achieve the most from vocabulary games, it is essential that suitable games be chosen. Whenever a game is to be used, the proficiency level and cultural background of the students should be taken into account, and also it should be useful for students with lower language ability and should be easily applied in the class. For example, Riahipour and Saba (2012) mentioned that traditional activities such as memorization of long vocabulary lists, derivations, repetition of words, translation, fill21

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in-the-blank exercises are boring for students. Scrivener (as cited in Riahipour & Saba 2012, p.1259) states that using long list of words and their translation items make no guarantee that remembering will take place. By using vocabulary games, learning process is going to be more valuable, this method can make vocabulary learning more enjoyable, so it can help students to retain target words more quickly. Moreover, games play the important part of children’s development and learning language (Anyuegbu et al., 2012, Gardner; cited in Al-Nafisah 2012). Instructional games can make the varieties of learners’ benefits which range from cognitive aspects of language learning to the cooperative group dynamics (Gardner; cited in Al-Nafisah 2012). Learning language through games is useful, meaningful, worthwhile and effective that causes the motivation, relaxation and fun to learners in class. The learners can learn languages fundamentally and easily through games (Anyuegbu et al, 2012; Alemi, 2010; Huyen & Nga, 2013; Kumar and Lightner, 2017; Obee, 2012; Simpson, 2011; Jitmuad, 2015). In addition, positive feedbacks from instructors or learners can improve learning better by learners’ participating within a group or class. These motivate them to the succeeded goal (Alemi, 2010; Kumar & Lightner, 2017). In addition, word games can reflect the learners themselves in their classroom and teachers can assess teaching process by themselves through word games as well (Alemi, 2010). Researchers gave five steps in teaching vocabularies through game. First is making motivation by greeting and doing warm-up activity. Strong motivation makes learners be interested in language learning. Next, the presentation of vocabulary is presented through the variety of materials such as pictures, songs or real object and situation. The various materials can attract learners to 22

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language learning. Then, skill practice is used for evaluating learners’ memorization and understanding. After that, the assessment is started for checking progress of learners’ understanding. The assignment is provided to learners as the assessment for checking progress of learners’ understanding. The assignment can be worksheet, examination or presentation by learners. Finally, teacher and learners are participation of reviewing the lesson they have learnt.

Review of Local Literature The review of local literature presents the vocabulary development in the country. According to Cayubit (2012) vocabulary and reading comprehension as a measure of reading skills of Filipino children. A Filipino child needs to develop higher order skills and functional literacy. It is given that any Filipino child with sufficient reading skills would have greater chances of success in school compared to a child whose reading skills are poor and more often than not, those with poor reading skills when assessed properly are diagnosed with reading disability. Poor reading skill is manifested with poor comprehension, wrong pronunciations, among others. If no proper intervention is administered early, it could affect the academic, social and psychological development. In the words of Garcia (2017), vocabulary is a central to English language teaching because without sufficient vocabulary, students cannot understand others or express their own ideas. Particularly as students develop greater fluency and expression in English, it is significant for them to acquire more productive vocabulary knowledge and to develop their 23

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own personal vocabulary learning strategies. Students often instinctively recognize the importance of vocabulary to their language learning. She added that teaching vocabulary helps students understand and communicate with others in English. As she added that language is very difficult to put into words. SO when teachers teach vocabulary to build student’s knowledge of words and phrases, it helps them to learn any and all of these different components assists them in enhancing their English vocabulary knowledge and use. In addition, she pointed out that every student must develop a love for vocabulary learning because it is a changing, growing reality,that English vocabulary is challenging. In the article of Calub (2017) she emphasized that the greatest tools we can give students for succeeding not only in their education but more generally in life, is a large, rich vocabulary and the skills for using those words. Indeed, our ability to function in today’s complex social and economic world’s is might be affected our language skills and word knowledge. In addition to the vital importance of vocabulary for success in life, a large vocabulary is more specifically predictive and reflective of high levels of reading. Also, she mentioned that young children naturally learn to communicate through listening and speaking. And in order to make the transition to communicating through reading and writing, they need a large meaning vocabulary and effective decoding skills. Protacio (2013) in his article talked on the need to improve vocabulary in teaching reading. Accordingly, while the dependence of both general achievement and reading achievement on vocabulary growth has been clearly established for decades, those findings


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do not appear to have been put into practice. Thus, one of the factors of poor reading comprehension is still reading. The effects of the lack of attention to vocabulary in the reading instruction however may not manifest themselves in the earlier grades where tests of reading achievement tend to contain passages that have simple content and common vocabulary. While, most students who succeed in reading in the early grades continue to achieve well, some do not. Indeed, common reports in reading showed that many children who read at the third level in Grade 2 will not automatically become proficient comprehenders in later grades.

Review of Foreign Studies The review of foreign studies focus on the vocabulary strategies used in the research such as Word Mapping, Word Game, Word Context Clues, Word Sort, Word-Picture Association, and Miming. A study on comparing mapping word relationship and contextual approach in word learning (Margosein, Pascarella, & Pflaum, 2002) revealed that students learn about words through mapping because it helps them examine the characteristics of the word concepts, categorize words, and see relationships among words that are similar as strategy as those that may be different. Such activities that are part of the Word Mapping strategy are cognitive strategies that lead to a deeper understanding of words and the concepts that they represent.


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The word mapping strategy is referred to by different names such as semantic mapping, concept mapping, and word cluster. The strategy may be adapted to the nature of vocabulary instruction, the learning outcomes and the students’ grade levels. For example, it used for learning some words which may be more appropriate to have students to explore synonyms, antonyms, and origin of the words and may become helpful to find examples and non-examples of words. In the research of Sinantra, Stahl-Gemake and Berg (2014), they used word maps successfully for vocabulary instruction with students in the elementary grades who were disabled. Further, Reutzel and Cooter (2015) suggest the use of word map with English language learners for vocabulary instruction because it offers a way for them to demonstrate and connect their prior knowledge to new concept and at the same time, serve as a useful tool to categorize information. Harnes (2017) in her research suggested ways on using word mapping. Accordingly, the strategy is most effective when used before, during, and after reading. Most teachers the word mapping strategy to introduce new vocabulary before reading. As a follow-up to reading and discussion of the text, they encourage students to develop their word maps by using the new information they acquired through reading. Students may also use word maps during reading as they add new ideas and words to further build word knowledge and extend understanding of word relationships. In addition (Jefferson, 2017) claimed that there could be modifications of strategy in using word map which depends on the level of the students. Word maps be used at any grade level from kindergarten through the eighth grade and beyond. Teachers of the primary grade adjust the word maps to students’ literacy development by exploring fewer 26

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word relationships at a time. For the intermediate and middle grades, word maps become more complex as students search for varied word relationships and rich word meanings. As older and more proficient readers learn the process of mapping words, they will use them independently and more creatively. In a study conducted by Joseph (2000), first grade students received traditional spelling instruction, word box instruction, or word sort instruction. All groups received the same amount of instruction from the same instructor and had similar pre-test scores in letter-word identification. At the end of the study, students were given post-assessments to measure their phonemic awareness, word identification, pseudoword naming (reading nonsense words), and spelling. Students who received word box instruction performed significantly better than students who received traditional instruction in phonemic blending, phonemic segmentation, pseudoword naming, and word identification. Students who received word sort instruction performed significantly better than students who received traditional instruction in phonemic segmentation, word identification, and spelling. There was no statistically significant difference between students who received word sort instruction and those who received word box instruction. This indicates that both of these techniques are effective strategies for word study instruction. An additional technique that is often utilized in word sort is word hunts. The purpose of these is to help students make the connection between spelling words and reading words. During word hunts, students go through books, the classroom, and their own writing for words that are examples of the pattern being studied. There is little research into how effective this activity is (Bear et al., 2008, p.58). 27

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Several researchers had been conducted several years back to test the effects of pictures on word processing or the word picture association. In Paivio experiment, dual coding has been seen as the most superior effect of word picture association (cited by Nielsen, 2015). The hypothesis states that pictures and words are processed differently such that pictorial information is stored dually (visually as well as acoustically), whereas words are stored via only an acoustic/verbal store and thus only in one form (Paivio, 1971; Pellegrino, Siegel & Dhawan, 1975; Snodgrass & McClure 1975; Nelson et al., 1976; Mintzer & Snodgrass, 1999 all cited in Nielsen, 2015). A follow up study was conducted by Jenkins, et al (cited by Nielsen) to demonstrate support for the dual-coding hypothesis compared to the recognition of pictures and words. Jenkins et al. presented participants either pictures or words and then tested recognition memory using either the same or the alternate format. That is, words or pictures were presented in a study condition and then recognition was tested using either the word or the picture representation of the word. The picture-word condition revealed highly similar results to the word-word condition, suggesting that the pictures are stored using a verbal representation in addition to a visual store. The greatest difficulty in correctly identifying the original stimuli was observed for participants in the word-picture condition. This difficulty is also indicative of the idea that words are not encoded using a visual form, but rather only via a verbal form. Pellegrino et al. (cited by Nielsen, 2015) also provided support for the dual code hypothesis by examining short-term retention of pictures and concrete words. Pellegrino et al. used auditory and visual distraction in an attempt to interfere with the encoding and 28

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retention of a picture or presented word. Auditory distraction was created by having participants count backward out-loud by 13. The visual distraction required participants to perform a visual search task to find a shape within a matrix of lines (known as the hidden figures task). Auditory distraction led to better retention for pictures than words, presumably due to the additional visual store associated with pictures. Visual distraction was not associated with detriment for pictures compared to words. These results were presumably due to the acoustic store that both possessed. Picture memory could be based on an acoustic store, thus leading to no detriment compared to words. However, the use of both visual and acoustic distraction produced a significant decline in picture memory, below that of the decline in participants’ word memory, providing support for the idea that pictures are dually encoded (Pellegrino et al.). Snodgrass and McClure (cited by Nielsen, 2015) explored the dual-code hypothesis by instructing participants to manipulate the type of encoding used for words and pictures. Participants verbally rehearsed items, or rehearsed items using visual imagery. Participants in either of the picture recognition conditions, (i.e., verbal rehearsal or rehearsal using imagery) showed no difference in recognition accuracy. Thus, memory for pictures was not influenced by the instructions given. There was however a significant difference in the word conditions. Words rehearsed using the imagery strategy were better remembered than those that were repeated using the verbal rehearsal strategy, suggesting acoustic storage is the default unless otherwise instructed. These results indicated that pictures are dual coded automatically whereas words are only dual coded when participants are initiated to do so. 29

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A dual coding view for vocabulary learning was provided by Sadoski (2005 cited in Harness, 2015). He suggested that the dual coding theory provides a dominant framework for effective vocabulary learning in children. One study noted in Sadoski’s work (2009) examined the effectiveness of using pictures, auditory pronunciation, or no alternate method in conjunction with the printed word form when children are learning sight vocabulary. Stenberg (2006 cited in Harness, 2015) provided further insight into how conceptual and perceptual aspects of pictures may provide pictures with their superiority over words. While conceptual factors such as semantic meaning and perceptual aspects such as discriminating sensory details were investigated before, Stenberg attempted to distinguish which of the two factors played a more significant role in the superiority effect. Using orientating tasks and encoding manipulation, participants were directed toward more conceptual or perceptual processing of the pictures and words during a study task. Results indicated that although perceptual form based processing played a role in picture processing, there was a large difference between conceptual based and perceptual based processing. The results favored the notion that a larger contribution to the picture superiority effect is that of conceptual meaning based processing. The use of pictures at the time of encoding of associated words that converge onto a lure word can also reduce the later false recognition of words (Israel & Schacter, cited in Harness, 2015). Based on the methodology of Roediger and McDermott (cited in Harness) in which participants often falsely recognize lure words related to words in a presentation list, Israel and Schacter introduced the use of pictures to the task of distinguishing 30

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semantically related words and lure words in a recognition task. Participants were presented words either in auditory form, or in both auditory and visual form. Additionally, participants were provided either pictorial enhancement in the form of a line drawing or no pictorial enhancement. The use of pictorial stimuli reduced the amount of false recognition in a subsequent memory task that included lure words as well as non-lure words and enhanced the ability of participants to correctly distinguish between old and new items in a recognition task list. Again, studies such as this support the usefulness of using the distinctive aspects of pictures. The semantic intrusion effect of pictures (as demonstrated by the automatic semantic processing theory of pictures) on word judgments suggests that there is a potential for intrusion effects of semantically related pictures on word processing. Thus, in addition to addressing the interference of pictures on word encoding and retention, the present study will also attempt to investigate the effect of semantic relatedness of a picture on word memory. Although research supporting the automatic semantic processing theory examined effects of semantically related pictures on word judgments, no known research has been conducted to directly investigate the semantic relatedness of pictures on subsequent word memory. Research has however been directed to studying the effects of semantically related distractors on stimuli using the picture word interference task. The picture-word interference task consists of presenting participants line-drawings and then asking participants to name the picture in the presence of a distractor word. On the whole, research overwhelmingly suggests that the use of words as distractors using the picture-word 31

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naming task slows response time in the naming of the target pictures (Smith & Magee, 2010). More importantly to this study, a great deal of research has also been conducted that explores the effects of different types of words (i.e., semantically related) on picture naming (Caramazza & Costa, 2000; Costa, Alario & Caramazza, 2005; Damian & Bowers, 2003 and Mahon et al., 2007). For example, using both children and adult groups, Rosinski demonstrated semantic interference in the picture-word interference task. Participants were presented pictures in the context of distractor words and were asked to verbally label the picture while ignoring the word distractor. The words were either congruent with the picture label, a consonant-vowel-consonant trigram, a semantically related word within the same category as the picture (e.g., the word “lion” presented on a picture of a pig) or a noncongruent word (e.g., the word “cup” presented on the picture of a pig). The same overall effect was noted in all age groups; semantically related words produced a larger amount of interference to picture naming than did un-related words and non-sense trigrams, suggesting that the semantic relatedness of the distractor plays a role in the ability to verbally name pictures in the interference task. A more recent research of Hazamy (2016) investigated on influence of pictures on word recognition. The research focused on the intrusion effects of pictures on word processing that will potentially allow for the more effective use of pictures in some instances, and the ability to recognize when it may not be beneficial to implement their use. Findings revealed that all 5th grade participants had higher increased in vocabulary using the picture word recognition strategy. The 5th grade class found it easier to understand the


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meaning words when they see the pictures and were able to link or connect to the printed words. Word Game is another strategy in building vocabulary. In mastering vocabulary, there are many games which are appropriate for use with the collections of vocabulary items. The games can be applied on the board to help the students to enrich their vocabulary well. The research of Neyadi (2014) research suggests that using games to practice vocabulary improves learners‟ ability to memorize the words effectively16. In addition, learning vocabulary through games is one effective and interesting way that can be applied in any classrooms (Nguyen, 2014). Therefore, the researcher believes that game is effective to apply in vocabulary class as a method to help the students in mastering vocabulary. Blunt’s data analysis found classes using the game had significantly higher means than those classes that did not use the game (2010). It means the experimental class which uses game as a method in mastering vocabulary should have improvement than the control class. Game is considered as an effective strategy to help the learners learn language. It is because game makes the student’s fun when learning language (Agoestyowati, 2012). Based on those statements, game is not only generally played by the children but also can be applied to language learning. Learning language should be fun. From “the study of the effect vocabulary games on the retention in learning vocabulary of Prathomsuksa five learners of Assumption College Rayong” (Sripramong, 2014), the purpose was to study the effect of using vocabulary games on the retention in learning vocabulary of Prathomsuksa five learners. The sample of the study was Prathomsuksa 5 learners in the second semester of the 2013 academic year at Assumption 33

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College Rayong and the period of the study was 24 class periods of 50 minutes each for 6 weeks. The instruments of the study were 12 lesson plans, learning achievement test and questionnaire of learners’ opinions on learning vocabulary games. The data of the study was statistically analysed by percentage, mean, standard deviation and t-test for Dependent Samples. The findings of the study revealed that the learners’ retention in learning English vocabulary games were in high level at the statistical significant of 0.1 and the learners were satisfied with the vocabulary activities in high level as well. Furthermore, from “Learning vocabulary through games the effectiveness of learning vocabulary through games” (Huyen & Nga, 2013), the purpose was to explore how and whether the game could help learners learn vocabulary effectively. The researchers began applying games in their classes, observing others teachers’ class and interviewing teachers and learners for their reactions and attitudes. The instruments were the post-game surveys and the interview surveys. The findings were revealed in 3 groups, which are learners’ attitudes, learners’ progress and unanticipated problems. Learners’ attitudes were in the same way that games could help them a lot in vocabulary learning. Learners could obtain more words and applied them within relaxed and comfortable environment such as games. Unclear instruction, lack of cooperation of learners and using L1 while playing games were the problems, which were always found while playing games in classes. These problems could cause unsuccessful learning languages unless they were managed in an appropriate way.


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Local Studies A study conducted by Palasan (2017) narrated that developing English language skills, particularly reading and its associated skills, is undeniably difficult at times especially to second language learners in the Philippines. One instance to prove this was the result of the National Achievement Test (NAT) in 2012, which showed that Grade 3 students got a Mean Percentage Score of 54.42% in English Reading Comprehension (George Lucas Educational Foundation, 2015). The data suggested that young Filipino learners find it difficult to understand English texts. Thus, in the Philippines, teaching English, particularly developing vocabulary, grammar and reading comprehension among young learners, is a great challenge among elementary teachers. Knowledge of strategies is important because the greater awareness you have of what you are doing, if you are conscious of the processes underlying the learning that you are involved in, then the more effective learning will be. Palasan (2017) showed that learners taught the strategies underlying their learning are more highly motivated than those who are not. She also found that not all learners automatically know which strategies work best for them. For this reason, explicit strategy training, coupled with thinking about how one goes about learning, and experimenting with different strategies, can lead to effective learning.) Palasan (2017) mentioned Oxford, one of the leading teachers and researchers in the language learning strategies field, argues that strategies are important for two reasons. In the first place, "strategies are tools for active, self-directed involvement, which is


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essential for developing communicative competence". Secondly, learners who have developed appropriate learning strategies have greater self-confidence and learn more effectively. According to Oxford, language learning strategies contribute to the main goal, communicative competence, allow learners to become more self-directed, expand the role of teachers, are problem-oriented, are specific actions taken by the learner, involve many actions taken by the learner, not just the cognitive, support learning both directly and indirectly, are not always observable, are often conscious, can be taught, are flexible, and are influenced by a variety of factors. The researcher finds it imperative that teachers develop and enrich their instructional methods and teaching techniques to cater to the needs of the learners. In this attempt to improve the learning of pupils, this study was chosen and was conducted to find out the effectiveness of Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach (CALLA) improving grammar, vocabulary, and reading comprehension skills of fifth grade pupils of Mindanao State University-Integrated Laboratory School. Pappalardo (2011) manifested that teaching kids new words and definitions is very important, but what's more crucial to ongoing vocabulary development is modelling when and how to be inquisitive about words. Pappalardo recommended the model she used to naturally investigate words and directly teach them as well as follow: 1) Read Aloud; 2) Reading/Writing Conferences: Individual reading/writing conferences are the epitome of differentiation; 3) Poetry; 4. Morning Message.


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In a study conducted by Carranza, et al (2015) results showed the relationship between vocabulary knowledge and text comprehension, a process that is basic to learning. Therefore, regardless of the perspective taken in explaining the reading process, knowledge of vocabulary plays a significant role. Teachers play a fundamental role in the development of their students’ vocabulary. The more students know, the better understanding they will have of themselves, society, the economy, history and so on. Furthermore, it was recommended that the provisions for students’ vocabulary learning activities and strategies in English subjects be further emphasized through independent and cooperative learning to improve their skills. This signifies that more intensive vocabulary trainings and activities be given to teachers who are teaching the English subject and where vocabulary development is needed.


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