Chapter I Introduction

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 401
  • Pages: 3


BACKGROUND Allah creator human in situation without knowing anything but he has given some a potency for them shaped listener, eyesight and heart (QS. 16 : 78) a potency which given by Allah in this frame work drove people for get appreciate this great world reach for purpose profit that them self.

Like a complete verse is :


‫ﻮﺍﷲﺍﺨﺮﺠﻜﻡ ﻣﻦﺑﻂﻮﻦﺍﻤﻬﺘﻜﻢﻻﺘﻌﻟﻣﻮﻦﺸﻴﺄﻭﺠﻌﻝﻟﻛﻢﺍﻟﺴﻤﻊﻭﺍﻻﺒﺼﺭﻭﺍﻻﻔﺋﺪﺓ‬ ‫ ﺍﻟﻨﺤﻝ‬:٨٧) ‫)ﻟﻌﻟﻜﻢﺗﺷﻛﺮﻮﻦ‬

The mean : and Allah has brought you out from the wombs of your mother while you know nothing and he gave you hearing, sight and heart that might give thanks to Allah (QS. An - Nahl : 78).

About this, Muhammad Iqbal said in the same manner as by Syed. Abdul Latief in this book ..... mind Al - Qur’an build, if the presented of Al - Qur’an is to developt conscientiousness of the people about connection with god and to whole of world (Syed. Abd. Latief, 1968, 36) because of that the god is not removed people to walk

alone with a potency that given by Allah but demand well (QS. 2 : 2) the explanation upon this be a background and all at once orientation and ambition normative for build SMP MIZAN Pretty, life skill and knowledge for integrity be based on that a part so the writer need to do some research about the extracurricular activities of SMP MIZAN in Depok City.


PURPOSE This research was purpose to : 1.

To know about the extracurricular activities in circles SMP MIZAN,


To know about the extracurricular activities in circles SMP MIZAN

process influences for performance student.


PROBLEM LIMITATION This research was limited to know the extracurricular activities describe in this research just during one years that is from 2007/2008.


PROBLEM STATEMENT The problem was formulated on : 1.

How is the extracurricular activities in SMP MIZAN 2007/2008 ?


How is the steps a teaching by our teacher specially a guide extracurricular

in SMP MIZAN ? 3.

What that want to be reached from the extracurricular activities SMP



What are constraint or difficulties when start a program extracurricular


What a performance which reached from the extracurricular activities in



RESEARCH METHODE 1. Observation : in SMP MIZAN Depok, 2. Interview

: with headmaster, guide and guilder of OSIS and builder of extracurricular in circle SMP MIZAN.

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