Chapter 4 Sect 3

  • June 2020
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Unit 2 – A New Nation

Chapter 4 Section 3, pages 125-130 Questions 1. When did the Confederation Congress invite each state to send delegates to Philadelphia and what were they to do there?

Name: Date: Notes


It was held in Philadelphia in May, 1787, in Independence Hall to improve the Articles of confederation

3. What were at least 2 things most delegates had in common?

1. 2.


These important men in American history attended the convention

5. Who was selected as president of the convention? 6.

These three important Americans did not attend the convention

7. Why were there no women, African Americans and Indians present at the convention? 8. What did small and large states have differences about?


10. Who presented the Virginia Plan? What did he propose?

11. What does bicameral mean?

The delegates also disagreed over how strong the ______ ______ should be.

12. How would the number of legislators a state was allowed to have be chosen? 13.

They believed this would give too much power to the larger states

14. Who presented the New Jersey plan? What did it call for? How many votes would each state have? 15.

One house

16. Who proposed a compromise?

17. How many houses would the legislature have with this plan? 18. How many representatives would each state have in the upper house, or Senate? What states were happy about this? 19.

The number of representatives would be based on a states population. Larger states were pleased with this.

20. What did this plan become known as?

21. How did Southern delegates want to count “enslaved persons” and why did it matter to the southern states? 22. 23.

24. 25. What was the argument in favor of keeping slavery in the U.S.? What would

Wanted slaves to count for taxation but not for representation Under this agreement each slave would count as 3/5ths of a person for determining representation in the House of Representatives Some delegates believed this was wrong and wanted the federal government to ban, or end, it

southern delegates do if slavery was immediately ended? 26.How many years was the slavery issue to be postponed? 26.

Even though delegates wanted a strong central government, they still hoped to protect this – it means political authority belongs to the people

27. What is federalism?


States must obey the authority of this.

29. What are some government functions states can control themselves? 30. What is the name of the US legislative part (branch) of government? For what is it responsible? 31. What is the executive branch and what can it do?

32. 33.

Made up of the national courts – responsible for interpreting laws, punishing criminals and settling state disputes. These keep any branch of the government from becoming too powerful.

34. Give an example of a check, or stop, the executive branch has on the legislative branch. 35. What can the Supreme court do to a law that it considers to be unconstitutional? 36.

The date the final draft of the Constitution was signed by the delegates


The signers believed the Constitution would protect these ideas.

38. Examine the chart on p. 130. List 5 strengths of the new Constitution.

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