Chapter 24 Part1

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Kevin Zheng November 9th, 007 Euro History 6th Period Chapter 24 Outline – Part One Pages 663-674



The Age of European Enlightenment A. The Scientific Revolution B. The Enlightenment C. The Enlightenment and Religion D. The Enlightenment and Society E. Enlightenment Absolutism The Scientific Revolution A. Nicolaus Copernicus 1. Polish astronomer who enjoyed high reputation throughout his life 2. Educated in Italy and corresponded with astronomers throughout Europe 3. Published On the Revolutions of the Heavenly Spheres on year of his death 4. Book was “revolution-making rather than a revolutionary text” 5. Before Copernicus there was Ptolemy and his work titled the Almagest 6. Ptolemy’s systems usually had the Earth in the middle 7. There had to be something IN each sphere for it to be able to move 8. The Earth has to be the center because of its heaviness 9. Motions f the planet was the most problematic 10.The only thing different from Ptolemaic was position of Earth B. Tyco Brahe and Johannes Kepler 1. Brahe was the second one who made the advance towards a sun centered solar system 2. Brahe Theory: Sun and moon orbits the Earth, other planets orbit the sun 3. Spent most of life opposing Copernicus 4. When Brahe died his research was passed onto Kepler 5. Kepler defined a new problem. Isaac Newton Solved that C. Galileo Galilei 1. In 1609 Italian Scientist Galileo invented the telescope and discovered many things and saw that the “Heavens” are more complex 2.than it seemed 3. None of these discoveries proved that the Earth orbited the sun but it completed more of the Ptolemaic system. 4. He believed that the smallest atom behaved with the same mathematical precision as the largest heavenly sphere. 5.Reduced phenomena to mathematical formulas


D. Francis Bacon 1.Father of empiricism and of experimentation in science. 2.Much of reputation was unearned, he was not a scientist 3.He believed that scholastic belief that most truth had already been discovered and only required explanation 4.One of the first major European writers to champion innovation and change E. Isaac Newton 1.Drew on the world of his predecessors and his own brilliance to solve the major remaining problem of planetary motion and to establish a basis for physics that endure for more than two centuries. 2.Scientist accepted theories of Copernicus, Kepler, and Galileo, but couldn’t figure out why and how they moved 3.In 1687 Isaac Newton published his book The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, better known as Principia Mathematica 4.Much research and thinking took place more than 15 years ago 5.Newton was heavily in debt to Galileo’s work. 6.Reasoned that all planets and objects in the solar system moved by mutual attraction 7.He did not attempt to explain the nature of gravity 8.Gravity was what caused the planets to move 9.Spirits and divinities were no longer necessary to explain the universe’s operation. 10.New picture of physics = new picture of god 11.God must be rational F. John Locke 1.Attempted to achieve for philosophy a lawful picture of human mind similar to that which Newton had presented of nature. 2.3 most famous works were Essay Concerning Human Understanding(1690), Two treaties of Government, and his Letter concerning Toleration(1689) 3.Each had sounded philosophical themes that later writers of the Enlightenment found welcome. 4.Essay concerning human understanding: humans are born with blank minds, so there are no innate ideas, all knowledge is derived from actual sense experience 5.Each mind grows through experience as it confronts the world of sensation 6.Early form of behaviorism 7.Locke argued that rulers are not absolute in their power in Two Treaties of Government 8.Beings are equal and independent and that they should not harm one another or disturb one another’s property because all persons are the images of property of god 9.Letter on Toleration contended that each person was responsible for his own religious salvation The Enlightenment

1.Movement known as the Enlightenment included a number of writers living at different times in various countries 2.

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