Chapter 22 Review Earth Science

  • April 2020
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  • Words: 618
  • Pages: 2
Chapter 22 Earth Science Review 1. The study of Earth’s composition, structure, and history is called ________________________ 2. Forces that shape Earth’s surface can be divided into Two: __________________________(build) and __________________________(break) 3. The two layers that make up the lithosphere are the _____________________&___________________ 4. The three main layers of Earth’s interior are the a. b. c. 5. A naturally occurring, inorganic solid with a crystal structure and a characteristic chemical composition is a _______________________________ 6. What is a mineral’s cleavage? 7. Rocks are classified as Name the Three classes a. b. c. 8. Intense heat, intense pressure, or reactions with hot water can modify a pre-existing rock to form a(an) 9.

A series of processes in which rocks are continuously changed from one type to another is called

10. What changes are involved when mud from a lake bottom turns into a sedimentary rock, then into a metamorphic rock?

11. The hypothesis that the continents move slowly over Earth’s surface and once were joined into one supercontinent is called ______________________________ _____________ 12. Why was Wegener’s hypothesis of continental drift originally rejected by geologists? 13. New ocean crust is formed along _______________________________________________ 14. A subducting oceanic plate will do what _____________________ and forming a ______________ 15. Plates slide pass each other, and crust is neither created nor destroyed at a ___________________________ 16. What is a break in a rock mass along which movement occurs? ______________________________ 17. Stress in Earth’s crust is caused by_________________________________ _________________ 18. What is the name of the location within Earth where an earthquake begins? __________________________ 19. P waves how do they Vibrate? 20. The amount of energy released by an earthquake is measured on the ________________________________ 21. Geologists have inferred that Earth’s outer core is liquid because __________________________________ (what wave evidence) 22. The area where magma collects inside a volcano before an eruption is called _____________ _____________ 23. What determines whether a volcano erupts quietly or explosively?

24. Volcanoes that erupt quietly have what type of magma? 25. Shield volcanoes are produced by what type of eruptions? 26. A steep-sided volcano formed entirely of ash and cinders is a

27. The study of the composition, structure, and the history of Earth is called ____________________. 28. The crust and upper mantle together form the ____________________. 29. The color of the powder a mineral leaves on an unglazed porcelain tile is called the mineral’s ____________________. 30. Igneous rocks that form at Earth’s surface are called ____________________ rocks. 31. The process by which oceanic plates sink into the mantle through a trench is called ____________________. 32. The sinking of dense slabs of lithosphere and ____________________ from within Earth drive the mantle convection current. 33. A(An) ____________________ is a device that is used to detect and record seismic waves. 34. A(An) ____________________ is the bowl-shaped pit at the top of a volcano. 35. A(An) ____________________ volcano is created by alternating lava flows and explosive eruptions. 36. The type of sedimentary rock that forms when fragments of pre-existing rocks are cemented together is called a(an) ____________________ rock. 37. Alfred Wegener proposed that a continent was formed by continental drift. This supercontinent was called ____________________. 38. Due to sea-floor spreading, the youngest rocks in the ocean floor are found near a(an) _________________________. 39. Faults and folds are caused by ____________________. This is a force that squeezes rocks together, pulls them apart, or pushes them in different directions. 40. The _________________________ scale is used to indicate the energy released by an earthquake. 41. Magma with a(an) ____________________ viscosity results in explosive volcanic eruptions. 42. Subduction occurs at ____________________ plate boundaries. 43. The seismic waves that compress and expand the ground are called ____________________ waves. 44. The mineral pyrite has a metallic ____________________.

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