Chapter 2 Section 2 Notes -overhead

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Chapter 2 Section 2 – “Egyptian Civilization” Egyptian Religion A. Chief ______________ and ________________________ 1. Sun god (______________) was _____________ god 2. Osiris- ruled over ________________________________ a.) He controlled annual flood that made the lands ________ 3. Isis – believed to have taught women to _________________, spin flax, ______________, and ________________________ 4. Gods promised the faithful that ____________________________ B. A religious rebel 1. Pharaoh Akhenaton a.) Challenged __________________________ of Amon-Re b.) Worshipped Aton (____________________) c.) Ordered priests to ___________________________________ d.) Scholars __________________________________________ Belief in the After-life A. A Fateful Test 1. Egyptians believed each soul had to _______________________ to win eternal life 2. ____________________ ferried across lake of fire to hall of Osiris 3. Osiris weighed dead person’s heart against ___________________ 4. Worthy souls entered happy field of flood where they lived forever. 5. Relied on the __________________________________________ a.) contained _______________, _____________, and formulas for the dead to use in the ____________________________ b.) These scrolls have given modern scholars a wealth of info about Egyptian _______________ and _________________ B. Mummification: buried dead with everything they would need for eternity 1. Mummification: _______________________________________ a.) Embalmers extracted brain of dead person through the nostrils and removed most of their ____________________________ b.) __________________________________________________ c.) At first was just for _______________ and _______________ C. Evidence of the Tomb of Tutankhamen 1. In 1922 unearthed a ____________ of pharaoh Tutankhamen a.) Almost ________________________________________ b.) __________________ and ________________ have provided a wealth of information about Egyptian civilization 2. Body of 18 year old King Tut was placed in solid ______________ a.) Objects included _______________, weapons, furniture, _______________, toys, __________, and ___________ Egyptian society – class system A. Life of the Farmer 1. Most Egyptians were _________________________________

2. In the off-season peasant men served _____________ (built



_________________, ____________, and ____________) B. Social Change 1. During the New Kingdom, society grew more fluid as ________ and ________________ increased 2. Foreign conquests brought ____________________________ (more business for artisans) C. Women 1. Egyptian women had a ________________ than women elsewhere 2. Women’s work not ______________________________________ 3. Few women learned to _____________ and _________________ Egyptian Learning – scribes played a central role in _____________________ A. Written Records 1. Hieroglyphics – ________________________________________ a.) Priests and scribes ___________________________________ b.) Egyptians added ideograms – ______________ that symbolized an idea or an action c.) They later developed demotic: _________________________ __________________________________________________ d.) Used papyrus – _____________________________________ B. The Rosetta Stone 1. In early 1800s French scholar Jean Champollion unraveled the mysterious writings on Egypt’s _________________________ 2. He decoded the _____________________________________ 3. Scholars could read thousands of ancient Egyptian records. C. Advances in Medicine and Science 1. A vast knowledge in fields such as ________________, astronomy, and _____________________ 2. Doctors performed complex _____________________________ 3. Many medicines that Egyptians doctors prescribed are still used 4. Developed a calendar with ______ months (each with 30 days) and 5 days added to the ______________________ 5. Developed ___________________________ Arts and Literature A. Painting and Sculpture 1. Arts included _______________, wall paintings in tombs, and ______________________ 2. Erected ____________________________________________ B. Egyptian literature 1. Hymns and prayers to the gods, proverbs, and love poems 2. Also tell of victories in battle and practical advice

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