Chapter 2 Section 1 Notes - Overhead

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 362
  • Pages: 2
Chapter 2 Section 1- Ancient Kingdoms of the Nile I.



Geography of the Nile Valley A. Yearly floods 1. Occurred every ___________. 2. Deposited silt – ____________________________________ 3. People built reservoirs and irrigation ditches to channel the _____________________ and ________________________ B. Uniting the Land: 2 Regions 1. Upper Egypt: from __________________________ of the Nile to within 100 miles of the _______________________ 2. Lower Egypt: delta region where the Nile _______________ _________________________________________________ 3. King Menes united these 2 regions and used the _______ as a highway __________________________________________ a.) Nile helped make ________________ become the world’s _______________________________________ 4. Nile used as a trade route to __________________________ The Old Kingdom A. A strong government – ____________ (ruling families) 1. Pharaohs (___________) organized a strong, centralized state a.) Egyptians _____________________________________ b.) Had _________________________________________ c.) Depended on a vizier (chief minister) to _____________ _____________________________________________ 2. Ptah-hotep – vizier a.) wrote “Instruction of Ptah-hotep” which _____________ _____________________________________________ B. The Pyramids 1. _________________________________________________ 2. Provided bodies of their dead rulers with ________________ _________________________________________________ The Middle Kingdom A. Old Kingdom collapsed because of _______________________, ______________________, and the _________ of the pyramids B. Middle kingdom was __________________ 1. The Nile _________________________________________ 2. ______________________ common C. Catastrophe struck in 1700 B.C. 1. The Hyksos __________________________________ 2. Awed Egyptians with horse-drawn _____________________

a.) Egyptians soon mastered _________________________ 3. After more than 100 years, new Egyptian ___________ arose 4. Drove Hyksos out and set up the ______________________ IV.


The New Kingdom: brought Egypt into greater contact with SW Asia and _____________________________________________________ A. Powerful Rulers 1. Hatshepsut – female __________ 2. encouraged ___________ with Eastern Mediterranean lands 3. Ramses II a.) pushed __________________ as far north as Syria b.) after years of fighting, the _________________ and _______________ signed ________________________ B. Decline 1. After Ramses II, Egyptian power ______________________ 2. Invaders conquered Nile region (Assyrians & Persians) 3. _______________ & ______________ armies later invaded a.) Invaders wanted to add Nile Valley to their empires Egypt and Nubia A. Nubia – Nile Kingdom ___________________________________ 1. _______________________________________________ 2. Egypt acquired ___________, ______________, and ______ 3. Egypt conquered Nubia during the _____________________ 4. _________________________________________________ 5. Conquered Egypt and ruled like _______________________ 6. Nubians were ______________________________________ _________________________________________________

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