Chapter 16-part 1

  • June 2020
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  • Pages: 2
Kevin Zheng Euro History 6th Period September 10th, 2007 Chapter 16 Page 425-433


The Late Middle Ages and Renaissance (1300-1527) A. Hundred Year’s War B. Black Death C. The Great Schism D. Turks in Constantinople E. Birth of Humanism / 15th Century Learning

F. Nation – States II.

The Hundred Years War (1337-1453) A. Medieval Government

1. Negotiated Allies 2. Feudal Government – Lords collect taxes 3. King is ruler 4. “Woe” to dynasties with no heir B. Causes of the war 1. Dynastic Quarrel

2. No heir so chose first cousin instead of Edward 3. Territorial powers 4. National Identity C. French Weaknesses 1. Internal Disunity 2. Struggling to transitioning from feudal society to centralized modern state

3. No money, finance strategies lead to aggravated internal conflicts 4. Estates General a. levied taxes at king’s request b. deepened territorial divisions 5. Incompetent Leadership and English military superiority a. English carried formidable weapons (longbow: shoots 6 arrows a

minute and can pierce an inch of wooden or armor of a knight at 200 yards away. D. The Treaty of Troyes to the Reign of Edward III 1. Three major stages

a. Sparked merchant rebellions b. Flemish cities revolted against French c. Edward defeated French 2. Black Death causes truce for both sides 3. “Simple Jack” 4. England divided for decades 5. Treaty of Troyes disinherited French heir and proclaimed Henry V the

successor to the French throne 6. Henry V died and Henry VI is heir to French and English throne. E. Joan of Arc

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