Chapter 13 - Distribution & Logistics

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Part 5: Distribution Decisions

13. Marketing Channels and Supply Chain Management 14. Direct Marketing and Marketing Resellers: Retailers and Wholesalers

Copyright © 2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

Chapter 13 Marketing Channels and Supply Chain Management

Copyright © 2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.

Chapter Objectives 1. Describe the types of marketing channels and roles they play in marketing strategy. 1. Outline the major channel strategy decisions. 2. Describe the concepts of channel management, conflict, and cooperation. 3. Identify and describe the different vertical marketing systems. Copyright © 2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.


More …Chapter Objectives 1. Explain the roles of logistics and supply-chain management in an overall distribution strategy. 2. Identify the major components of a physical distribution system. 3. Compare the major modes of transportation.

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More…Chapter Objectives 1. Discuss how transportation intermediaries and combined transportation modes can improve physical distribution. 2. Identify and briefly describe the different types of warehousing.

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The Role of Marketing Channels in Marketing Strategy  Channels provide the means by which the firm moves the goods and services it produces to ultimate users

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The Role of Marketing Channels in Marketing Strategy Facilitate the exchange process by cutting the number of contacts necessary Adjust for discrepancies in the market’s assortment of goods and services via sorting Standardize exchange transactions Facilitate searches by both buyers and sellers

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Types of Marketing Channels  Marketing channel - defined: defined  system of marketing institutions  that promotes the physical flow of goods and services,  along with ownership title, from producers to consumer or business user;  also called a distribution channel

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Types of Marketing Channels  Marketing intermediary: intermediary  wholesaler or retailer  that operates between producers and consumers or business users;  also called a middleman

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Types of Marketing Channels  Wholesaler is:  marketing intermediary that  takes title to goods and  then distributes these goods further;  also called a jobber or distributor

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 Types of Marketing Channels Consumer Goods

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 Types of Marketing Channels Business Goods Services

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 Direct Selling Direct channel: channel marketing channel that moves goods directly from a producer to ultimate user Direct selling: selling strategy designed to establish direct sales contact between producer and final user

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 Channels Using Marketing Intermediaries Producer to wholesaler to retailer to consumer Producer to wholesaler to business user Producer to agent to wholesaler to retailer to consumer Producer to agent to wholesaler to business user Producer to agent to business user

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 Dual Distribution: Distribution Network that moves products to a firm’s target market through more than one marketing channel  Reverse Channels: Channels Channels designed to return goods to their producers

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Channel Strategy Decisions  Selection of a Marketing Channel  Factors which impact the selection of a marketing channel include: Market factors Product factors Organizational factors Competitive factors

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 Factors influencing Marketing Channel Strategies

Market factors

Characteristics of Short Channels

Characteristics of Long Channels

Business users


Geographically concentrated

Geographically diverse

Extensive technical knowledge Little technical knowledge and and regular servicing required regular servicing not required

Product factors

Large orders

Small orders







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Characteristics of Short Channels Producer factors

Competitive factors

Characteristics of Long Channels

Manufacturer has adequate Manufacturer lacks adequate resources to perform channel resources to perform channel functions functions Broad product line

Channel control important

Limited product line

Channel control not important

Manufacturing feels satisfied with marketing intermediaries’ performance in promoting products

Manufacturer feels dissatisfied with marketing intermediaries’ performance in promoting products

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 Determining Distribution Intensity  Defined:  number of intermediaries through which a manufacturer distributes its goods  Intensive  Selective  exclusive

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Distribution intensity

 Intensive distribution: distribution  channel policy in which a manufacturer of a convenience product  attempts to saturate the market

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Distribution intensity type

 Selective distribution: distribution  channel policy in which a firm  chooses only a limited number of retailers to handle its product line

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Distribution intensity type  Exclusive distribution: distribution  channel policy  in which a firm grants exclusive rights to a single wholesaler or retailer  to sell its products in a particular geographic area

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Legal problems of exclusive distribution Exclusive-dealing agreement: arrangement between manufacturer and emarketing intermediary that prohibits the intermediary from handling competing product lines

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Legal Problems with Exclusivity

Closed sales territories: exclusive geographic selling region of a distributor

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Legal Problems with Exclusivity

Tying agreement: Arrangement that requires a marketing intermediary to carry items other than those they want to sell Credit & debit cards (Wal Mart sued MC)

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Who Should Perform Channel Functions? Fundamental principle that governs channel decisions Channel members can shift responsibilities for the performance of certain marketing functions, but they cannot eliminate central functions

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Channel Management and Leadership  Maintaining relationships  Channel Captain: Captain a dominant and controlling member of a marketing channel Food industry:  Food producer was captain (past)  Today: Retail Giants (Kroger, Safeway…)

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Channel Conflict Horizontal Conflict between different types of marketing intermediaries that handle similar products disagreements among channel members at the same level

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Vertical Conflict Channel members at different levels find many reasons for disputes Example: when retailers develop private brands to compete with producers’ brands or when producers establish their own retail outlets or WWW Sites

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The Grey Market

Grey Good: product made abroad under license from a U.S. firm & then sold in the U.S. market in competition with that firm’s own domestic output Viewed by producers as undesired competition Copyright © 2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.


Achieving Channel Cooperation effective cooperation among channel members, antidote to channel conflict when all channel members regard themselves as components of the same organization

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Vertical Marketing Systems (VMS)  planned channel system designed to improve distribution efficiency and cost effectiveness  by integrating various functions throughout the distribution chain Forward integration Backward integration

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Forward integration

Controls downstream distribution Example: Mfg sets up own retail chain to sell its products Liz Claiborne

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Backward integration

Mfg gains control over inputs in production process Acquisition companies Raw materials producers

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Benefits of VMS

Control & coordination of steps in Production & distribution Economies of scale Expansion into new businesses May lose some flexibility in market response Copyright © 2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.


3 categories of VMS  Administered marketing system: system VMS that achieves channel coordination when a dominant channel member exercises its power  Corporate marketing system: system a VMS in which a single owner operates at each stage in its marketing channel Copyright © 2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.


3rd category of VMS  CONTRACTUAL marketing system: system VMS that coordinates channel activities through formal agreements among channel members like: Wholesaler-Sponsored Voluntary Chains Retail Cooperatives Franchises

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Logistics  Requires supply chain management  Control of activities Purchasing Processing Delivery Mfg of products Distribution of goods to final consumer

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Logistics and Supply Chain Management

Supply chain: chain sequence of suppliers that contributes to the creation and delivery of a good or service A.K.A.: Value Chain Upstream management Downstream management

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 Figure 13.6 The Supply Chain of a Manufacturing Company

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Tools of Supply Chain Mgmt & logistics

Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Technology that uses a tiny chip with identification information that can be read by a scanner using radio waves from a distance

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Tools of Supply Chain Mgmt & logistics

Enterprise Resource Planning Software system that consolidates data among a firm’s units Concerned with production issues sequencing & scheduling Scheduling delivery of Halloween candy Copyright © 2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.


Tools of Supply Chain Mgmt & logistics  Outsourcing to specialist firms

 Logistical Cost Control Third party (contract) logistics firm: company that specializes in handling logistics activities for other firms TRW Airport security Uniform & cleaning supplies Copyright © 2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.


Physical Distribution  A company’s physical distribution system contains the following elements: Customer Service Transportation Inventory Control Protective packaging and materials handling Order Processing Warehousing Copyright © 2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.


 Figure 13.7 Allocation of Physical Distribution Expenditures

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Physical distribution issues: Situation: Seek specified level of customer service to minimize cost of physical movement & storage The Problem of Sub-optimization Setting Customer service standards

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Physical distribution issues  The Problem of Sub-optimization Condition that results when individual operations achieve their objectives but interfere with progress toward broader organizational goals Introducing a new product that doesn’t fit easily into current physical distribution system

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Physical distribution

Customer Service Standards Statement of goals and acceptable performance for the quality of service that a firm expects to deliver to its customers

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Physical distribution components

Transportation Warehousing Customer service Order processing Administrative costs Inventory control See figure 13.7 – p. 434 Copyright © 2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.



Largely deregulated Largest logistics cost Adds 10% of cost to product

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Transportation rates

Class Rate Standard rate for commodity moving between any 2 destinations Commodity Rate Favored rate Lower rate as a reward for regular business or quantity shipment Copyright © 2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.


Classes of Carriers Common carriers move freight via all modes of transportation for the general public Contract carriers do not serve the general public Private carriers do not offer services for hire, but provide transportation services solely for internally generated freight Copyright © 2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.


 Major Modes of Transportation Railroads Motor Carriers Water Carriers Pipelines Air Freight Freight Forwarders and Supplemental Carriers Intermodal Coordination Piggyback, birdy back, fishyback (p. 438 Copyright © 2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.


 Comparison of Transport Modes Mode


Dependability in Meeting Schedules

Frequency of Availabil- Flexibility Shipments ity in in Handling Different Locations









Very slow


Very low


Very high Very low





Very extensive






Very limited Very low



Very fast




Very high


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Moving products through physical facilities Two types Storage Distribution warehouses

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Warehousing types

Storage warehouse Holds goods for periods of time To balance supply & demand

Distribution warehouse Store mdse less than 24 hours Central distribution warehouses  Break bulk centers  Wal Mart’s distribution centers

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Automated Warehouse Technology

Distribution costs can be cut and customer service improved Labor saving devises for high volume distributors Reduces worker injuries Reduces stealing, fires, & damages

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Warehouse locations

Major decision 2 factors influence decision warehousing & handling Costs Delivery costs Large facilities = economies of scale Impacts customer service Speed & accuracy

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Inventory Control Systems firms need to maintain enough inventory to meet customer demand without incurring unneeded costs for carrying excess inventory Just-in-time (JIT) production Vendor-managed inventory (VMI)

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 Order Processing  Order fulfillment  Activities Credit checks Keeping Sales records Accounting entries Locating & shipping orders Stockout: order for a product that is unavailable for shipment or sale Copyright © 2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.


Protective Packaging and Materials Handling Materials Handling: set of activities that move production inputs and other goods within plants, warehouses, and transportation terminals

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 Protective Packaging and Materials Handling Materials Handling types:  Unitizing: process of combining individual materials into large loads for easy handling Containerization: process of combining several unitized loads into a single, wellprotected load Copyright © 2006 by South-Western, a division of Thomson Learning, Inc. All rights reserved.


The end

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