Chapter 0015 And God Created

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  • Words: 3,031
  • Pages: 12
Chapter 15 And God Created Just as the night before was one of rest and rejuvenation, the morning after was one of passion and playfulness. Judah and Abby woke up in such joy at being together that the act of making love was almost unnecessary. But still the exhilaration brought them again and again into the act of merging. Sometimes frantic and filled with physical passion and sometimes quiet and filled with spiritual power, but always they joined as one whole. Each explored the other’s body with reverence and purpose as if trying to remember a path not taken in so long, caressing, tasting, touching every inch of this road familiar and forgotten. Each felt that they were making love for the first time. Each felt a sense of completion and connection. Time stood still. The world, the universe consisted of only these two. As he entered her and she received him the earth herself seemed to hold her breath. They could feel the rhythm of the universe enfolding them. The moment was filled with wonder, with power, with expectation, with joy unspeakable. Hours, days, years or centuries passed, they knew not which, but at some point they felt as though they only wanted to hold one another and time seemed to again renew its movement. The universe again carried on its normal routine.

It was then that they remembered that they were meeting with Thera.

“I guess we should get ready to start this day. I don’t know when Thera will be here.” Abby said this still safely enfolded in Judah’s arms. Then she laughed as did Judah remembering that Thera’s spirit was probably already here. Abby then felt exposed. “Oh my gosh, you don’t think she was watching do you?”


Judah smiled, “I don’t think she has never seen her creation do that before.”

“I know, but still…” At that point the knock on the door answered their questions.

“That would be her,” Judah said calmly. “Don’t worry my love. I’m sure she was not physically watching us.”

Abby got up and wrapped herself in a robe. Judah couldn’t believe he was starting to be aroused again and smiled as he watched her leave the room. He dressed himself and soon joined Thera and Abby in the living room.

“Good,” Thera began, “We still have a lot to discuss.” She and Abby already had their hot beverages and Judah saw his cup steaming on the rim of the fire pit. He settled himself into a nearby pillow and Abby came and joined him. Thera smiled. “It is good to see you together in the way it was supposed to be. But I have to bring you up to date

Erica, remembering the pain of the next memory spoke falteringly. “Once again the planet-god that had damaged me so severely before passed close by and thrust a piece of itself into my watery heart. The impact was so devastating that it changed everything on the planet. The temperature dropped and we were thrust into another ice-age, but this time we had no way out. Because the Reptilians and most of the other larger life on the planet were so dependent on light, heat, and large food supplies, death was inevitable and

3 there was no receptacle to call us back from consciousness to physicality. I knew our only hope was the mammals. It was a tough sell though. The Reptilians had a natural hatred for Mammalians and even at the risk of extinction they stubbornly held out. In the end, I used some trickery to make it happen. And once again, it would be the feminine nature that would lead the way. The female receptacle was far more drawn to love and nurturing than war. Since the mammals seemed to experience much more pleasure at lovemaking and child rearing than the Reptilians, I decided to go for broke. I met Hera, the sister-wife of Zeus as she was in the palace garden.

“Greetings Hera.”

“Poseidon, how goes the experimentation?”

“I am very proud of the breakthrough I have made. I have modified the mammals into the most beautiful creatures you have ever seen. Their skin is soft and wonderful to touch. Their hair is long and flowing. Come and see for yourself.”

“I don’t know. Zeus is so adamant against them.”

“What harm could it do to look?”

Her curiosity got the best of her, as I knew it would. We continued on to my laboratory. I had prepared a human body for her to see that I knew would impress her. I called it

4 human because it smelled wonderfully of the earth. She was smaller in stature, about 10 feet tall. Her hair was smooth and long and dark as were her eyes and complexion. I could see Hera was impressed.

“She is magnificent. I have never seen such appealing mammary glands.” Instinctively, although, I didn’t know where the instinct came from, she bent over and pressed her mouth over the breast nipple. “This stirs such feelings for me, sexual feelings, but also something else. Something that feels deeper. She gently ran her hands over the flesh, caressing her face and hair, down her side and legs and back up. “Is this the place of male penetration?” I nodded. She lingered here, touching, probing. Finally she spoke in reverential, hushed tones. “Oh my. These feelings are exquisite.” And then trying to pull herself back to the present. “But Zeus has said if we take these forms we will die. They are so much weaker.”

“Hera, if you don’t take these forms you will die. Does this seem like such an awful trade? Life in these wonderful bodies. I can promise you that what you will lose in strength, you will more than make up for in intelligence and pleasure.”

“I don’t know.” Hera was definitely weakening.

“What if you could take a trial run?”

“How is that possible?”


“I have created a way for us to project our consciousness into these forms without making a permanent switch. It can only be for a short time or we risk permanence, but this will truly give you a feel for the species. I will have Athena conduct the experiment and I will go first so that you can see there is no trickery.”

“And it is absolutely safe?”

“I have done it many times now.” I had actually only done it twice before, but I knew the procedure worked.

“I guess it wouldn’t hurt to try it. You will have a male receptacle?”

“Yes.” I knew what she was asking, and I knew that I had won. I showed her the male body and was pleased to see that she was even more impressed with it than with the female.

“Very well.”

Athena came and also assured Hera that she was present for my previous experiences and felt it was a quite safe procedure. She set up the crystals that would be used to project our consciousness and adjusted the receivers in the human bodies. There was a brief moment of disorientation and then we awakened in our new selves.


“I like it. I have such a heightened sense of everything,” Hera said as she approached me. She began touching my body as she had touched hers, exploring and feeling these new sensations. I knew that I had her. She had tasted the apple of delight I offered her, and I knew there would be no turning back now. Her touching was arousing both of us.

I felt this incredible sensation flowing through me. It was like the energy was flowing swiftly through my body and soon I realized where it was flowing too. I had never felt such passion. It was obviously the same for Hera. We tasted, touched, smelled, listened to and gazed upon every part of our bodies. The energy kept building and building. Finally, as I entered her, slowly at first and then energetically we felt the explosion. It was so powerful and so startling that we both screamed and then laughed uncontrollably. Such incredible joy filled us. But then we both stopped and cried. We sobbed as uncontrollably as we had laughed. I didn’t have to ask why. I knew why. For the briefest of moments, we both remembered what it felt like to be connected to The One, and we both feared we would never know that union again.

“Hera!” The booming voice of Zeus shook us from our thoughts. We suddenly felt a new emotion. We realized we were naked and we felt afraid and vulnerable. This portion of the lab was pretty well hidden, and I knew, in spite of my feelings that we would be safe. Athena dispersed us back into our Reptilian bodies. Hera slipped out a secret passage and would end up back in the garden where Zeus would find her. I told her that I had another body ready for Zeus if she could convince him to try it. I knew how persuasive she could

7 be, and I knew this part of the plan was now complete.

So began the age of man. And so dwindled the age of gods. At the approach of our sister planet I told Zeus and the council of twelve the devastation we could expect. It was agreed that we would preserve the Council of twelve and our families and retinue by taking an air ship and waiting out the destruction from the safety of space. There were nearly a hundred of us all tolled. It was agreed that we would not tell any one else of what was about to befall them. We knew the Tree of Life was secure and the consciousness of those who would fall in this time would be preserved to be reinstated in their new human host. We had all of the crystals and equipment needed to accomplish this with us, although even I thought we would be able to return to our city-states pretty much intact. I was wrong. I assured the Council that I would see to the preservation of the Adamites, at least enough to accomplish our task. This I had already prepared with the Elves. Zeus never asked what would happen to rest of the races. I imagine he was hoping they would be wiped out as well. The Duarfan race managed to get their underground cities built in time to preserve most of the other inhabitants of the planet. Although many of these were severely damaged and the loss of life was high.

There were several impacts on Gaea and most centered around Atlantis and Lemuria. All our technology and civilization and our cities themselves were wiped out in a single day. I was unprepared for such devastation. The explosions raised a cloud over the entire planet and for years, we existed on our ship with limited contact with the planet. What we did know is that massive earth changes had taken place. Whole continents had shifted and

8 moved as easily as the loose skin of an orange would move. What was in one place was now much further north or south even the magnetic poles reversed themselves. I feared that my plan may have also been destroyed. I didn’t know that any life could have survived. But Gaea protected her own.

Eventually we returned as did Gaea. We set up our cities in what we now called Middle Earth between the two great seas where it was warmest and we began the process of rebuilding. The Anunaki willingly gave up their forms to become the Nefilim. I say willingly, although the majority had no choice. At their deaths, and many had already been dead for awhile, their consciousness had no place to go until the new bodies could be formed. The climate was definitely not friendly to the reptiles. Now it was the time of the mammalians. A time I had prepared for. Virtually all of the gods coming back into the mammalian body had now forgotten their past and their power. Only we twelve retained that for now. Zeus was content and was certain that this was his destiny to rule upon the earth. We could easily amaze these now starting their Karmic cycle with our abilities to suspend certain Natural Laws and to take whatever shape we chose and our long lives. Of course these were abilities every being we were creating were capable of were they to remember who they are. There was another Council of the Twelve, this would be the last one where there was a semblance of working together. I think the fear of The One’s power finally settled into Zeus’ consciousness and all of ours. Zeus was uncharacteristically generous this day.

“Poseidon. We are in your debt. You have saved us from this destruction and given us

9 options to continue. For that I thank you. we must now proceed with your plan to create a blended race of Adamites and once again bring order to this world.”

Of course he meant his order.

“Yes great Zeus. I agree we must plan very carefully how we begin this process. Let us join together to come up with the best way to accomplish this. Each of us here has lost a great deal in this catastrophe.”

Zeus spoke again. “I want to be assured that my clan remains intact and that I am given rulership over my people.”

All spoke in favor of this. I offered my assurances.

“This will be a fairly easy task. As you know I have already adjusted the frequency of each clan’s crystals and receivers to be similar. As each returns, they will seek out one another to be reborn through.”

“We should then divide the earth between us and allow each to go his own way.”

As Zeus spoke this I felt shivers. Would he really allow us to separate so completely from his dominion?

10 “That is a brilliant and wise plan Zeus.” Apollo now spoke. “But what is to keep us truly separate. All of these mammals look alike.” This was an exaggeration, but to a reptilian, not a great one. “What is to keep some in our clans to unify and think that they can once again be like those of us who still remember our powers?”

I wondered how much he knew about my plans.

Hermes quickly spoke. “My sister-wife has worked alongside Poseidon in these experiments with the Adamites, as you know. I do not think it would be a great adjustment to genetically predispose each clan with its own language set. This will also solve the problem of them finding and interpreting any of our own recordings of events, ability and technology.”

“Is this possible Poseidon?” Zeus asked.

“Yes, lord. It is easily doable. Given the vocal abilities of these Adamites, we can easily divide their language into at least seven very unique sets based on what we can already produce and these would be distinctly different than any the indigenous Adamites might naturally develop on their own. Of course, I will make certain that we can understand and communicate with all the races.” I had hoped this option would not be explored as it would considerably increase the difficulty of my work. Still I could not refute the logic of this course of action without tipping my hand.

11 “One final thing,” Zeus continued, “There are three clans, so we should divide the world between us to further separate us. I and my sons will lead our clans to the East.”

I knew that was coming. Since the destruction, these were the most fertile areas. Prior to the great flood, Middle Earth, where we were now settled held major bases and cities outside of Atlantis and Lemuria. Now there was so much devastation. Still, this worked to my advantage since many of the underground cities I had built were located in this region below the Middle Earth or Mediterranean Sea. Hades agreed to take his clan to the West and I would keep the South including Middle Earth.

Zeus made certain that he had key representation supervising our work. And we worked feverishly to gather the Adamites, rework their DNA, and download the controlled consciousness of thousands of dead gods. Over the next 500 years, we repopulated the world and recreated it in our image. We established empires and kings and taught the myths and histories we wanted our people to know.

We also still ruled over Gaea and her creations. There was great animosity building between the creations of Gaea called the “daughters of earth” and the “sons of god” as Gaea called us. There were great battles at times between them, but the cruelty and cleverness that would enable the god-humans to prosper and grow also translated as victory and rulership over the natives of this planet. I had done my job well.

So I now started the process to create beings that could bring the two sides together.

12 Three lines of beings were created – one to lead, one to teach, and one to advise them both in the ways of God and man. This was the function of the Merlanu or wizards or prophets as they came to be known. I created them with a love of Gaea as well as The One. They were carefully imprinted with complete knowledge of the Natural Laws and the Universal Laws. They were given memories and knowledge of the true origin of the gods and themselves to be awakened at the proper time. Although, I couldn’t take away free will I did as much as I could to predispose them to following the path of unity and peace. They became the friend to Gaea and also impressed the gods with their heroic exploits. But they were mostly revered for their wisdom and their magic. It took me many generations to bring the work to completion. There were bitter disappointments in the line but at last, I feel I have found the one who will carry the mantle of the Merlanu, the Merlin. This is Theseus.

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