Chapter 0011 The Truth Revealed

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Chapter 11 The Truth Revealed

“My Lord,” Hermes bowed before Poseidon. He was certainly an imposing figure. Also standing twelve feet tall, he had strong facial features and a full beard. In his right hand was his Trident and he wore a beautiful gem studded crown. I also bowed before him.

“Father, I am your humble servant,” I said.

“Stand up my son. It is time for you to understand your place and your mission. I have waited for this day for so long. Walk by my side.”

As we entered the hall, there was complete silence. I knew I was being shown off, though I had no idea why. I knew the Gods had many children. I had met some in my travels. I knew we were all special, but I did not count myself any better than they. I somehow felt I was least of them because I spent more time governing my own kingdom and shepherding my people rather than adventuring as they did. Surely I must be a disappointment. As Poseidon led me around the circle I saw many wonders.

Across from the entry doors leading into the great hall was large table built high into the wall with steps leading up to it. Seated there were two breathtaking gods who I surmised must be Hades and Athena. Athena’s smile and warmth filled me with the kind of warmth I had felt from her before as I prayed for wisdom to rule my kingdom named for her. I did

2 not feel the same from Hades, but he seemed to tolerate my presence. There was an empty space in the center where I knew my father must sit. Also at the same level as the Trinity and circling the hall were twelve more seats. Seated there were twelve other gods or rulers. Based on what Antos had told us, I knew these represented the twelve-nation confederacy that made up this Middle Earth. In the center of the room filling a circle of space were seated many more people representing the diversity I saw in the city earlier. This must be the Parliament as I had set up in Athens. As we completed our circle Poseidon motioned me to a seat in the center of the inner circle.

“Shepherds of Atlantea.” Poseidon had now resumed his seat and began addressing the Hall. “I present to you Theseus of Athens and the first to be created and trained in the Order of the Mer-el-anu.” As you know I created the Order many thousands of suns ago to help us bring the Upper World back into the fold. He is the first of the Kings to come out of that line who has demonstrated the movement from self to awareness of the whole. His work to create a peaceful kingdom is well known to you. As is his dedication to the welfare of others. He has proven time and again his ability to place others ahead of himself without losing the power of his identity.”

“I am Galadriel ruler of the Elven nation.” One of the twelve council members stood to speak. “We are the protectors of the natural order on this planet and we have been assigned as observers. As we have reported to you, there is little that is optimistic to report. Each time passage draws the Upper World residents closer and closer to oblivion. Can this one man really make a difference?


“Galadriel,” Poseidon responded, “You and your people are very important to saving our brothers and sisters above. I am ready now to talk about our plans. Some will be discussed in private for they are not yet to be known to Theseus, but some we will discuss now in this public assembly for his benefit as well as yours. The history is….”

Poseidon spoke on and in what seemed a short period of time, I was able to see and understand a progression of events that spanned 400,000 years. What I have learned about communication in Atlantea is that it is a combination of speech and thought. That is how so much can be communicated in such a short time.

It seems that originally Earth was a huge garden where beings without a body would come and take physical form. They were warned that they must not stay for too long in that form or they would lose their connection with the collective Spirit and the One God who created them all. They were especially warned not to interfere in the development of this planet. As spirits they could assume whatever form they wished and they were neither male nor female. They began to spend their time caring for the plants and animals here.

Eventually though some through negligence or purpose stayed too long. They began to desire to experience the sensation of being truly physical. They began to work on creating specific vessels for their consciousness rather than to just inhabit other bodies. Again the One God and the spirits who had not yet been affected to stop this warned them or they

4 would no longer be able to stay connected. Again they ignored the warning. They were soon seeking many physical gratifications and wreaking havoc on this planet.

Finally it became clear that the only way to save them was to destroy them and to allow them to continue on the path already chosen. It was hoped that they could find salvation through the newly created Karmic cycle. This would take away immortality in one consciousness and force them to live their lives in shorter segments. In other words they would still have a certain amount of knowledge from their past, but they wouldn’t have the long life to truly develop it. They would be forced further into the flesh and away from the spirit. But doing this meant the fighting of many great battles causing great pain to the planet. It apparently took the destruction and recreation of the world five times until the world I knew came to be about 6000 years ago. This was when the last vestige of the civilization created and inhabited by the gods took place. This was the end of the time of dragons and Atlantis from which the city I was now a guest in was modeled.

It took this long to reduce the power of the renegade spirits enough to force them into the cycle. But now the true work of redemption has begun and I was to play a key part apparently. Poseidon continued.

“As dragons we modified the Reptilians who were the dominant species at the time into our slaves to do our work for us. After the Dragon Wars brought to an end with the powerful assistance of Galadriel, Celeborn and the Elves, we took the bodily forms of our Reptilians and for the first time felt the limitations of life and death. We also began

5 observing carefully the other life forms that Gaea was developing. This was the first civilization we developed in Atlantis and Lemuria. This was also when I began to form alliances with the other civilizations developing here and those nurtured specifically by Gaea herself. This was where I met the Elven people as well as the Duarfen race. I was also first introduced then to another mammalian race called Adamites who were the beloved of the Elvens. I too became convinced that it would be this people rather than the Reptilians who would be capable of carrying the consciousness of the gods into the Karmic cycle and allow us to accomplish the work of salvation. Before the final destruction of Atlantis, I had begun to transform the Adamites and enable them to develop intellectually as well as spiritually. As we had done with the Reptilians, these forms were used first as slaves and gradually some were elevated to positions of power within our civilization. Zeus refused to have anything to do with them at first and he maintained his Reptilian civilization on Lemuria while I was establishing my Adamites in Atlantis.

At the last Council of The One that I would attend, I made my case for the use of the Adamites and was granted a final cataclysm that would make the Earth an inhospitable place for Reptilians. I was to use this as the impetus to convince Zeus to abandon this form in favor of the Adamites. This and one other very powerful motivation – sex. Our Reptilian forms were unable to experience the intense pleasures of sexual union that we observed in other races.

So I and others genetically modified the Adamites slightly and built into them Karmic

6 laws and safeguards. We did this with great sadness because we knew we were altering the natural development of this planet, but we were guided in every step by our connection with The One. In the last destruction we knew that we had to remove ourselves from the Upper World, so we created Middle Earth as a monitoring place as well as a model for what the rest of the planet will become. As we see spirits moving into their original enlightenment we bring them here for final transformation. There has been a remnant from each previous world that we have been able to save and bring here. These make up a portion of our twelve-nation confederacy.

Now what you don’t know. I created three distinct genetically enhanced strain of Adamites. Each has been programmed to be predisposed to certain functions related to leading us to our final deliverance. There is the Order of the Mer-el-anu who will be the wise one assigned to find and train the one who will lead us, The Roeh-mel-cha who will be the hero – leader destined to bring us once again to the path of The Law of One, and The Sha-Lom-Bore who will be our spiritual leader and guide. This consciousness will arise in every generation of man to remind us of who we are and what we are capable of. The road for this one will be a difficult and solitary one and because he or she will be forced to publicly present the message will often be persecuted by the forces of Zeus who will undoubtedly be ready to stop anyone from preaching the truth of The One. At the appropriate time, these will lead the Human race back to the One Path and restore once again the Paradise that Gaea was meant to be. For various reasons related to security as well as complying with the very complex laws of Karma, only the Merelanu line will be given a long enough life and sustained memories to accomplish the task. The other lines

7 will travel through time and Karma without knowing their destinies until awakened by the Merelanu. Theseus is of this line. He will however be subject to some fairly strict rules and there is always the risk that he too will succumb to the entrapments of the physical and be forced as well to travel the Karmic path unawares, but I have also provided various ways to bring him back should that happen. Each of these three will not know who the others are until the time is right.

I have been slowly developing these genetic lines over thousands of years and I believe I have been successful at keeping them secret from Zeus and the other gods as well as those Reptilians who serve them still. But I do not fool myself that the plans will be secret forever. Sooner or later he will figure it out. I can only hope that I will have hidden the genetic markers well enough that they cannot be discovered until it is too late.”

“I have attempted some limited exposure of this line as leaders over the years, but it was not until Theseus came to be that I felt I was truly ready to begin the final stage of this process. He has proven himself many times to be in control of his powers and his exploits are well known to all of you. From his training by Chiron to his last test with the girl Helen, he held his own desire in check to fulfill his mission

“I am Chiron of the Humanimal nation. Welcome my friend Theseus.”

I was excited to see my old friend and teacher here. Chiron was a Centaur and the wisest teacher I had known.


“How long will this take? And how will only three people influence a race that is growing in numbers and in evil?”

I knew he was still sad by the events that happened at Pirithous’ wedding. Humans mistrustful of the Centaurs influence on Pirithous killed many Centaurs because of malicious lies spread. They succeeded in their plan because the Centaurs were never seen again and now I knew where they had gone.

“Chiron, Shepherd of the Humanimal nation, your nation has suffered most at the hands of those who created you. I understand your pain and loss.” There was a genuine sadness in Athena’s voice who now addressed the people. “These are three Orders and not people. There will be twelve divisions in each order and twelve people in each division who are programmed and assigned as helpers or disciples of each of the twelve. That is still not a lot, but it is the most we could design effectively and still maintain the power of each. It is theoretically sufficient to accomplish the task. As to the length of time, we don’t know. There are so many variables because each of the 36 must be a part of the Karmic Cycle and subject to free will.”

There was a great deal of commotion at that. I heard some of the comments around me. Like, “That is what caused the problems in the first place.” “How will these 36 be protected and guided?” “Who will the 36 be?” “ How will they accomplish their task?”

9 Then a short and powerfully built man stood up. “I am Thanuk of the Stone People. I know that when we take from the Earth its treasures, we leave a space. That space must either be filled or accepted as a void. Where are the spirits of these 36 to come from?”

Hades responded. “Thanuk, Shepherd of The Stone People. We exist because of your industriousness. It is the Stone People who mine the precious metals and crystals that give us power. We also rely on your practical wisdom and in this you have once again proven yourself.” You have asked a key question the answer to which is the great danger and great hope of success. Before I answer, let me briefly explain the position of the two besides Theseus. You will have a chance to meet them, but for know, Theseus cannot know who they are, only the work that they must do. The Mer-el-anu will guide the Upper World Spiritually and promote the right person to Shepherdship. They will operate in separate parts of the world and ultimately one of those Shepherds will be chosen as the only one and again unite the people to return to their origins as gods of The One as it was always intended. The Roeh-mel-cha are those groomed for the Shepherd position. They are pre-disposed to rulership and will lead the people in truth and justice. The Sha-lombore will bring joy and truth to the people through creative mediums. They will teach the power of speech and music and art as it should be. Now to answer your question Thanuk. As you know, Theseus here was created and guided by Poseidon. He is rightly called the son of Poseidon because in creating him, Poseidon was able to actually impart some of his spirit – his consciousness to him. This was done at his birth and at his first meeting with Oedipus. We are satisfied that it can be done and that we can use our consciousness to enhance these Orders. To that end, we will soon disperse ourselves into the Karmic

10 Cycle as one of the three Orders. I will move into the Roeh-mel-cha. Athena will become the Sha-lom-bore, and Poseidon will complete his work as the Mer-el-anu.”

Now the commotion in the Hall was deafening. There was obviously great concern at this announcement.

“I am Thetis Shepherd of the Mer Nation. I think I speak for all here when I express my concern at this news.” Thetis was blue skinned and had very soft looking scales that seemed to cover her body, but otherwise looked human. “You three are the only connection we have to the One God. We are still going through our Karmic Cycles and we look to you for guidance in this time. You are also the strongest among us should we need to defend ourselves against the Upper World. What guarantees are there that this will work?”

“Thetis,” Poseidon answered, “You who are close to my heart and my Kingdom. You have well governed and protected the waterways and their inhabitants. And you are, in part, the answer to your own question. You twelve were chosen by your people and approved by us to Council because of your deep connection to The One and to us. You must each trust in yourselves for council. As to the war, if we don’t succeed, war will be of little consequence for the sad news I bear to you today from The One is that should we fail, then there will be a total destruction of every soul on this planet. It is too dangerous as the Upper World gods go through the Karmic Cycle that they will come back to the knowledge of who they are. Without transformation and reconnection to The One, they

11 will pose too great a threat to other worlds and to this planet, who as you know is also a conscious being.”

That last statement took me by surprise. I don’t think they were quite ready to reveal this information to me just yet because Poseidon gave me a nervous look before he continued. “So you see, we have little choice here. You are right to be concerned. If we disperse ourselves into the Karmic Cycle, the more spread out we are, the more danger of being drawn into the negative side of the flesh. We have chosen what we believe to be the maximum number of dispersions to keep that from happening. But there is still no guarantee. If any of the 36 lose their way, it will diminish the power of the whole. But we feel we need to have more than just three for maximum effect on the Upper World. We have also decided to pour the larger portion of our consciousness into the first three who will then train and teach their Order of twelve, each of whom ill have a lesser degree of our consciousness, but enough to hold them to the Unity of The One. Certainly if one of the major three goes unconscious, we will have an uphill battle to restore the Order and the Unity.”

“I am Danu Shepherd of the Nation of the Great Mother.” Danu was a striking woman, tall and stately and beautiful, but with an unmistakable power. I had seen her likeness before. She was worshipped by the Amazons and by my beloved Hippolyta. I could not tell if she regarded me at all, but I certainly hoped she bore me no ill will for taking Hippolyta from her people. “Yes, I am aware of the consciousness of our planet. I am aware of the great dangers that lay ahead if we don’t stop the unconscious advancement

12 of the Upper World’s technology. How will we know how much time we have before it is too late?”

“Danu, you are as powerful as you are wise. Your connection to Gaia and all of the Elemental forces enables us to live in unity with her. In terms of time, we cannot be certain of how long The One will withhold judgment. You can be certain it will be to the last possible moment. But this is clear, when the Upper World begins to freely move into space beyond Earth, the time must be very close. That is the one thing that cannot be allowed, that these powers begin to disrupt the Cycle of other worlds.”

Athena’s voice was terrible and unwavering in this pronouncement. There was a silence that fell over the Hall.

Poseidon now stood. “It is time for us to close this gathering and begin the training of Theseus. We will further discuss these plans and the details of the other two orders at a time when Theseus is not present. You have heard the plans. You know the danger. From now on, we are truly in desperate need of working together. When we are gone, you must be diligent to guide and direct these three Orders and to help those within them.”

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