Chairman's News 09-12-05

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Chairman’s News 05 December 2009

Introduction Unusually, I came down to London on Sunday evening – after a rather brief weekend - in order to attend the DDRB Oral Evidence session on Monday. Monday Our evidence to the DDRB seemed to be reasonably well received, although you can never really tell, and I have to admit that given the current economic climate, I for one am not overly optimistic with respect to the likely pay award this year. We were questioned closely about affordability and whether we believed that a flat rate rather than percentage rise would be more appropriate. Given that the NHS is in surplus and that the vast majority of staff will be getting a 2.25% pay rise through the Agenda for Change three-year deal, we argued that a similar rise for doctors was affordable. We also rejected the idea of a flat-rate rise as we felt this would simply erode differentials. On GPs, I think we got over the point about the need to deal with rising GP expenses before they dealt with any actual pay award and, on juniors, we strongly argued the need to negotiate a new contract and, in respect of SAS doctors, we bemoaned the time it was taking to implement their new contract. After returning to the BMA after the evidence session, I had a meeting with Nicky Jayesinghe of Science and Education, to discuss our relationships with BIDA and BAPIO and following this, I had a meeting with the BMA News editor about my chairman’s message. Early evening I had a catch-up meeting with Peter Rubin, chair of the GMC. Unsurprisingly, revalidation dominated the conversation and I expressed the BMA’s anxieties about several areas of concern, including issues about some of the pilots, the role of responsible officers, the over-optimistic expectations of many of the colleges, the costs of remediation and resources generally that will be available for the whole process. He was sympathetic towards most of our arguments and assured me they would all be taken on board and that there would have to be a fair degree of pragmatism in respect of the implementation of revalidation. Tuesday I began Tuesday with a breakfast meeting with Niall Dickson to discuss his new role as chief executive of the GMC and enede up having a conversation very similar to the one I had had the previous evening with his future boss.. Later on Tuesday morning I was joined by Shree Datta of JDC and Nick Deakin of MSC to meet Professor John Collins, who has been appointed Chair of the Independent Review of the Foundation Programme. We had an interesting meeting, and John seems very keen to work with the BMA, in particular in liaison with the JDC and MSC on ensuring that the review goes some way to, in his words, ‘heal wounds’ and regain the trust of medical students and junior doctors. John brings with him a lot of

experience of training in Australia and New Zealand so it will be interesting to see how much the practice in these countries influence his conclusions. Continuing the revalidation theme which seemed to dominate much of my week, Paul Buckley and Ben Jones of the GMC then came for a meeting ahead of the Revalidation Programme Board next Tuesday, and, together with Brian Keighley, we discussed various items on the agenda including the progress of the pilots, communications with the profession and the need for clear leadership from the GMC. Tuesday continued in a revalidation vein with one of the fairly regular DH/BMA meetings, ‘Taking Revalidation Forward’. This was yet another opportunity to reiterate our many and increasing concerns and I think we left the department in no doubt that, whilst we support the principle of revalidation, we will not accept an un realistic, under-resourced or rushed implementation. On Tuesday evening I had dinner with Steve Barnett, the chief executive of the NHS Confederation and Hugo Mascie-Taylor, their newly appointed medical director. Again, revalidation was on the agenda and the NHSC share many of our concerns. We obviously discussed the economic situation in the NHS, recent problems with adverse reports about NHS trusts, whistle-blowing and, not least, the role of the market in the NHS in England Wednesday I began Wednesday with a catch-up meeting with Tony, where, amongst other matters, we discussed many of the issues that need to be addressed following the previous week’s meetings. That was immediately followed by a pre-meeting before the press conference to launch the manifesto at 10.00. The press conference itself went quite well, though we might have hoped for better coverage in the press the following day. Shortly after this, Vivienne and I headed to Portcullis House to meet with Joan Ruddock, who is Minister at the Department of Energy and Climate Change. We were there to brief her on the BMA’s activities and policies in this area and it was a refreshing change to have a ministerial meeting where the BMA was being praised rather than criticised and where we could discuss cooperative working rather than being at loggerheads. After a late lunch I had some time to catch up on some emails and other paperwork before another couple of internal meetings. Then, for once, I had a relatively quiet evening with the opportunity to catch up on some reading. Thursday On Thursday, I had an early start as I headed to Cardiff for a meeting of Welsh Council. Next week On Tuesday I have a meeting of the GMC UK Revalidation Programme Board, followed by a farewell reception at the GMC for Finlay Scott, the GMC’s former chief executive. On Wednesday I am flying to Edinburgh for

Scottish Council, before returning to attend the NHS Confederation’s Christmas reception and, if I still have the stamina, to put in an appearance at the BMA’s Christmas party. On Thursday I have a meeting with Mike O’Brian, Minister for Health Services, followed by a dinner that evening with the MDU and various BMA committee chairmen. I have included below a log of all the consultations the BMA is currently responding to. Enjoy the rest of your weekend. Hamish Meldrum Chairman of Council 05 December 2009

The BMA regularly responds to significant consultations issued by key NHS stakeholders. This process is coordinated centrally by HPERU in collaboration with relevant branches of practice and BMA committees with oversight from the Political Board. Current consultations subject to this process are:

Consultation DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH: Consultation on the proposed framework for Quality Accounts DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH: Supporting our future NHS workforce: a consultation on the NHS Bursary Scheme DEPARTMENT FOR BUSINESS, INNOVATION AND SKILLS: Agency worker directive draft EU regulations DIRECTOR OF PUBLIC PROSECUTIONS: Interim Policy for Prosecutors in respect of Cases of Assisted Suicide HIGHER EDUCATION FUNDING COUNCIL FOR ENGLAND (HEFCE): Proposals for a Research Excellence Framework COUNCIL FOR HEALTHCARE REGULATORY EXCELLENCE: The Performance Review 2009/2010 DEPARTMENT FOR BUSINESS, INNOVATION AND SKILLS: The Postgraduate Review MINISTRY OF JUSTICE: Streamlined Cremation Form 4, for pandemic purposes CARE QUALITY COMMISSION: Care Quality Commission 2010-15 Strategic Plan DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH: Proposed tobacco control regulations in England (under the Health Bill 2009) EUROPEAN COMMISSION: Consultation on the legal framework for the fundamental right to protection of personal data DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH: Review of Restrictions on Private Patient Income: the NHS Foundation Trust Private Patient Income Cap GENERAL MEDICAL COUNCIL: Merger of the Postgraduate Medical Education and Training Board with the GMC: Consultation on draft Rules and Regulations MINISTRY OF JUSTICE: Knowing or reckless misuse of personal data - introducing custodial sentences DEPARTMENT FOR CULTURE, MEDIA AND SPORT: Consultation on product placement on television DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH: Direct payment for health care: a consultation on proposals for regulations and guidance EUROPEAN COMMISSION: Assessment of the functioning of the 'Clinical Trials Directive' 2001/20/EC DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH: Implementing the Health Act 2006: review of fees for applications

Deadline of the consultation 10/12/2009 11/12/2009 11/12/2009 16/12/2009 16/12/2009 17/12/2009 18/12/2009 18/12/2009

24/12/2009 30/12/2009 31/12/2009 31/12/2009 5/01/2010 7/01/2010 8/01/2010 8/01/2010 8/01/2010 12/01/2010

Co-ordinating contact Sally Al-Zaidy HPERU Paul Shipton Junior Doctors and Medical Students Claudine Lyons HPERU Ann Sommerville Ethics Jane Daniels Hospital Seniors Jacqueline Foukas GMC Working Group David Cloke Hospital Seniors Rosie Hogwood Career doctors and independent Medical Services Jenny Priest HPERU Luke Garland Science and Education Rachel Merrett NHS Information Technology John Maingay Hospital Seniors Amy Rogers Junior Doctors and Medical Students Sophie Brannan Ethics Grace Foyle Science and Education Sally Al-Zaidy HPERU Nicola While International Matthew Isom GPC

Consultation to provide pharmaceutical services in England: consultation document MONITOR: Consultation on additional annual reporting requirements 2009/10 CARE QUALITY COMMISSION: Regulatory fees - have your say DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH: Personal care at home: a consultation on proposals for regulations and guidance DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH: NHS Constitution: a consultation on new patient rights DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH: Innovation pass pilot DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH: Age Equality in Health and Social Care

/opt/pdfcoke/conversion/tmp/scratch2331/26100693.doc Sunday, 06 December 2009

Deadline of the consultation 25/01/2010 26/01/2010 26/01/2010 5/02/2010 8/02/2010 15/02/2010

Co-ordinating contact John Maingay Hospital Seniors Julie Goodway GPC Rachel Craine Council Secretariat Jenny Priest HPERU Claudine Lyons HPERU Elizabeth Bohm Science and Education

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