Chacha Feb 06

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  • Words: 841
  • Pages: 19


Background During Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo’s State of the Nation Address last July 2005, she stated that there is a need to reform the present Constitution in order to bring forth economic and political developments. The Consultative Commission was formed to hold consultations with sectors regarding Charter Change. It was also tasked to draft recommendations for amendments to the Constitution. Last December 2005, the Commission passed its recommendations for Charter Change. Last January 2006, the Congress Committee on Constitutional Amendments did not pass the Commission’s report.

Background The highlights of Charter Change are: z z z z

Change of Form of Government Structure of the Republic Provisions regarding National Patrimony Transitional Provisions


Background From the perspective of the youth, this survey aims to determine the following: > Level of the youth’s awareness regarding the issue of Charter Change > Level of the youth’s acceptance or rejection of the Charter Change > Level of the youth’s support for Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo as Transition President > Perceived Alternative Solutions to the Country’s Crisis > Effect of Charter Change on the youth sector


Methodology z

A self-administered questionnaire consisting of five questions was formulated to measure the mentioned objectives.


The questionnaires were then distributed on certain areas determined through Cluster Sampling Technique. The 715 respondents were limited only to those aged 13 to 35 years old.


The survey was conducted from February 6 to March 3, 2006.


Descriptive analysis was applied on the gathered data


Sampling Population ¾The sampling method used was the cluster sampling technique which yielded the following figures:

UST (34) 5%

Tondo(35) 5%

Sampaloc(18) 3%

ADMU (55) 8% CEU (28) 4% DLSU (54) 8%

UP(60) 8%

LYCEUM (61) 9%

UE (39) 5%

MIT (40) 6%

SSC (60) 8% Riles, Caloocan (51) 7%

MC (60) 8% PUP (60) 8%

PLM (60) 8%


Demographic Data GENDER Male (298) 42%

Female (417) 58%


AGE 24 yo(10) 1.4% 23 yo(12) 1.7% 22 yo(16) 2.2% 21 yo(44) 6.2%

25 yo(7) 1.0%

26 yo(12) 1.7%

28 yo(3) 0.4%

29 yo(7) 1.0%

30 yo(1) 0.1%

34 yo(1) 0.1%

13 yo(17) 2.4% 14 yo(44) 6.2% 15 yo(13) 1.8% 16 yo(27) 3.8% 17 yo(90) 12.6%

20 yo(95) 13.3% 19 yo(138) 19.3%

18 yo(178) 24.9%


EMPLOYMENT STATUS Student (644) 89%

Housewife (12) 2%

Out of School (34) 5% Employed (6) 1%

Unemployed (19) 3%


Research Findings Question 1

Are you aware of the government’s plan to change the 1987 Constitution? No (129) 18%

Margin of Error of +/- 3

Yes (586) 82%

Research Findings Question 2

Is Charter Change the solution to the country’s economic and political crisis? Yes (182) 25%

No (533) 75% Margin of Error of +/- 3

Research Findings Question 3

If YES, are you in favor of PGMA as transition president? No (65) 36%

Yes (117) 64%

Margin of Error of +/- 3

Research Findings Question 4

If NO, what do you think is the alternative solution to the present crisis? Maintain Present Form of Government and Hold Elections in 2007 (169) 32%

PGMA should step down and Establish a Transition Council (217) 40%

No Answer (22) 4% Unity and Reconciliation (69) 13%

Margin of Error of +/- 3

Declaration of Martial Law (8) 2%

Establish a military junta (12) 2% Oust PGMA (36) 7%

Research Findings Question 5

How will the Charter Change affect the youth sector? Democratic Rights will be Limited (310) 44%

No Answer (46) 6%

No Effect on the Youth (50) 7% Political Crisis will Worsen (16) 2%

Greater Opportunity in Education and Employment (180) 25%

Loss of Patriotic Consciousness (113) 16%

Margin of Error of +/- 3



Based on the data gathered and analyzed through descriptive method, the survey shows that the level of awareness of the youth regarding Charter Change is very high. However, majority of the youth do not think that the Charter Change is the solution to today’s economic and political crisis. 75% of the youth are not in favor of Charter Change. The youth’s perception on the effects of Charter Change explains the negative response of the youth to the Charter Change. They think that the Charter Change will limit their democratic rights (44%), will affect their patriotic consciousness (16%) and will bring greater disunity and political crisis to the country (7%).


Among the 25% who supports the Charter Change, more than half want Pres. Arroyo to continue as transition president. The survey also shows that the youth exhibits various opinions regarding the alternative solution to the country’s economic and political crisis. While 32% wants to maintain the present form of government and hold the national elections in 2007, 40% wants Pres. Gloria Macapagal-Arroyo to step down from office and a transition council to replace her government. 13% thinks that unity and reconciliation would solve the present crisis while 7% wants the ouster of Arroyo. There are also some who want military rule (2%) and martial law (2%).

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