Central Courier-june 09

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CentralCouri er J une2009

It hasben22years sincemy Dad died"I still miss him. Time has softenedthe pain and God's $ace has healed ttre gnef, bU I still miss him dearly. Part of tfuatvoid and senseof loss stifl linguing is becauseof how good my Dad was. He wasnot withouthis faults and foibles,brf despitetlremdl, he was sucha blessedman

tle tldr€s of faift. His sernrorswerealwaystyped out placedin a 3 ring smallbinder,fromwhichhe woulddeliverhis sermoneachSunday. Tlreywere alwaystheologicallyastrte,intellectu,ally honest andspirihnlly irupirirg, evento a little boy.

Sundayafter Surrday, his sermqu sankinto my heartand day after day,the sermonhe preached I affectionatelycanedhinL o?q)". Funny,the mere with his life asa fatherseeped irfromy soul.Ttrey mention of that name still warms my heart. My were both the same.My Dad was consistently Dad was a bit arstereat times and reserved\Mittl positive and kind I don't ever rememberhim his affectionsto his boys,but I knew he loved me. sayinga badwordaboutanyone. If oncein a while I heardsomeonesaya badwordaborsmy father, My Dad was a preacherwhen I was growing up I would get so angryat their criticismof zucha andthirgs were often tigttt financially, so my Dad dearandgemrinely sincereCluistianmarUbtf Oad wouldtake on otherjobstohelp provideforus. He wouldsay,"Don't fret,ifyou onlyknewwhatthey worked at BethlehemSteel for a while, then at a weredealingsdth in their lives,you might thhk nperrnarketandbakerythenasasubntihrteteacher, differenfly."His a&nonishment to me as a child and a schoolbus&iver. Interesti4glyenougtqDad was,"don'tbe soqrdcktojrdge andslowerstill to -wrs sometimesmy substifuteteacher and for a criticize." while, my schoolbus &iver. He often worked 80 hoursaweekormore.I thinkthatis whereIgotmy work ethic andwhereI got my motivationto stive for excellencein all I do.

I nowknowDadsaidthatfm manyreasons. Ctrist call rs to be loving andto be encouragers. Wedo notknowwhatotrersarestrugling with or where theyhavebeen.An4 it is so easyto do the same Sometimes,whenmy siblingsandI gathertogether, thing to othersthat we are criticizing them for welaughwhenweremembersomeofDad'sfoibles. doingto us. Oneofthose washis beliefthat a ministerofCluist shouldneverbe seenin dirty or casral clothes.So he alwala wore a zuit. riVekids still latrghtogether over our memory of Dad mowirg the front lawn in an old suit. That'sonework ethic principle I did not adopt.

I usedtothhk my Dadwasa betterpreacher than Bi[yGrahanl stifl do.I usedtothinkthatmyDad wasabettermanthanthecelebrities andpoliticians I sawon TV or in the movies,still do. He never becamefamou or greatin tlr eyesof the world. Brfrinthisboysmin{ hewastheGreatestl

Btf itis hisfaith*rathasshapedme mootprofoundly. He wasmypreacher,mypastor,for almost23 years I'm a fathernow.I wonderwhatmy childrenwill of my life, andhe wasmy fatrer. Every SrurdayI onedaysayaboutme. Onceina while,myson,due listenedto my DadpreachaboutGodandClrist and to work schedules, will be in church.Inevitably,


after the serrice,tE will find me in the nartlrex shakingtlandswitr people.He will giveme a big hugandsay,'That wasa reallygoodsermonDad, I reallyliked it." It alwayswarmsmy heartto trear thosewords fromhim.

recommendatiorn at themeetirgnextyear.There wasalsoa discussion asto tlre dispositionof the histuicalrecords. cemetery's

Earlierthatdaywehostedthe DisEictConference. TheUMWprovideduswith momingrefreshments, wasserrred attlrecoffee andsomeofwhatremained But I amprayingtrat tre sermonhewill rerne,rnber was delicious. the ne:d day. The food hour bestis the oneI amtryingto live. Also on that day the countryfair was held in JoinmethisFather'sDayaswehonorandremember Linwood'sAll WarsMemorialPark. Thefair was Hall asa fi.urdraiser for originallyheldinAdams our frthems onFather'sDay. theupkeepof the Hall. I've beenaskedwhenwe held our lastcounty fair; frsn whatI couldfind in the archivesthe answeris Friday& Saturday, Septernber 13& 14 1963.

Pastor Kon

T h eG o i n q s - o n at Central

Coqgretulationsto the UMW on i, "*"nworrramtlre Sprlng Boufique Sale A total

. of $4200wasraisedthispar. A spedal thanks to the girlswho wuded Tlventy-onepersonsattendedthe Friends-Cental so hardonthe sale.What ajoyto kncnnre nrill bemaking Cemetery Association affrual luncheon and someonehappywith eI[the donationsthatwillbe going businessmeeting,which was held inAdams Hall out this year.We rrculd nerrerbe ableto glve asr*eharie on Saturday,May 96. Theluncheonwascateredby beendoiqgonerthesepastnirrc;,earsifrrc didnt travethe Romanelli's,and consistedof sandwiches,potato BoutiqueSelestwiceayear.We ae sograt<othe peovilro doneterltlxtr treasuressalad ard desserts. The meetingbeganat I PM ple with aninvocationgiven by PastorWbtts,who also Keep us in mfud for arything you migfu haw thd you think we cotld sdl, Feeltee to call Bartaa Drg Chrgavethe grace. lofte DoddsMuilyn \*bfieru.Yorn Jrmkmayte sornecne There were eiglrt burials furing the past year. else'sTREASIJRES,. It was agreed that Maund Enterpriseswould IJMW hn raisedatotalof $10X000withtheirBottiges continueto qlen and olose ftre graves,and Blue andotlrermoneymisersin thelast nineyeds..

Sky Landscaphgwould continueto crf the grass. John Williamson, whose term as director had expire4 was re-electedto a new tluee year term. JoeBreidenstinewaselectedbusinessmanager,the positionthatBill MeadeheldathispassfuE.Sheila Stephensresignedas vice-presidentdue to trcalttr reasons,and Jim Grantwaschosento succeedher; MarthaGartwas electedtocompleteherhusband's term on the board" Cadton JohnsqrLBob Sames and BarbaraMeadewill remainin tlpir offices of president secretaryandheasurerrespectfirlly. It was decided the board will investigate the cost and practicability of leveling the shed and ceating new gnavesin the little amountof land left. They will reportback with their findings and -3-

All this ha goneto sr4port missionprojects.......Thatks Be to God".... COMllrlG SOON! INJULY CHRISTMAS Weruill haveo\rcr1500pcs.of NewJewelry.Ju$ beatiftljewelry, fltr esideforCluismasgiffe andwewiltrsve hand someold colledablejewdrytoo.Thercwill bes:ome pafutodfitrdune ad matynice items Keepthis ddp and timeinmind. Fri-JnlyL7,m09,9amto 7pn. Safmday..Ine 20th.. 9anto3pm fire UMW qdll be takingttteir dolls urd Jewelryon the roadorrerto OceanCity on ftp Tbbemrclegrounds.This saleis sponsor€dby tlre Ocear City Hisdical Soci*y. Thisis a lage fleamakd thattakesplacee\rery)€ar.

JYGCalendarof Events

A LookIntoJYG..,

( J u n e ,J u l y ,A u g u s t )

Hello. My nameis Alexis Casagrande. I am thirteenI attendNCSof Nsrthfield.I enjoygoing to CenhalUnitedMethodistClnnctr-I amthrilled to bepartofthe"TeenPraise"band.AndI alsolove befuga memberof the JuniorHigh YouffrGrorp. It's a greatplaceto beif you wantfriendsthatlike you for who are.At JYG our youthleadersgive us crazythingsto do asa way for us to developa relatiorshipwith Godandeachother.Oneof our craziestlessonswaswashingeachothersfeet! It wasa srayfor rtsto reallyget to breakthe ice on our relatioruhipswith eachother.It's so nice to havea placeyoucanbeyornselfandbe with other teensffratyou like to hangout witlr"ril/eevenget to meetotherteensfrom all around.It's alwalna stt4ggleto keepGodcloseto yourheartard have him be your first pnority,whenyou aretrying to balanceschoolwork and friendsall week.I feel JYGrejwenatesmy faithwith Godandgivesmea cleanslate.fYG is oneofmy favoriteplacesto be.

JYGHappenlngs, Th.GiUwG iriLm havebeenverybusyfor

JYG, we went fon a bike ride and learnedaborfr balancing orn priorities. After compledng the lesson we rode to Rita's water ice. We attended Third Swday and listened to some cool hiphop music. Weteamedwiththe SundaySchoolclasses for a Missionproject. We raised$571.00and 5l cell phonesfor the March of Dirnes. Our Project Babysit fourd uswith 32 little ones. It was a huge sucoessraisurgmore tlnn $200. This moneywill be put b good use for upcoming meetings. Wb have many interesting things planned" See our schedulebelow.

MARCHOF DIMES On April 26,2009,sevenJYG membersand four a&rltsassistedwith settingup the March of Dimeswa$ afterwhichthegroupwalked5 miles. JYGandCental'sSundaySchoolraisd $571.00andcollectedfifty-onecell phonesfu ftis worftrycauie.Thanl$to allwhoparticipated! SueandMaria


JUI\iE Jrure61 Sfirday June7b June146 Jrme2ln June28e

Car Washwith Prayer,9ant -NoonClurchParkfugLot NofYGMeeting RegularMeeting Third SundayWoahip Concertin Millville, leave chrchd 5:00pcn

JULY Jnly 5e July 7*, Ttrcsday5:45 July 126 JUV la6, Tlresday5:45 Jnly l6-t8s

RegularMeeting BeachVolle$all inOC AbsecorLiglrthouseVisit Beachvoltepalt inOC ACloserWdk(canping on the beachin Wildwood) July 196 Third SundayWorship July Zle, Tircsday5:45 BeachVollepatlinOC Jnly 25G,Sdurday Help out @ ClnuchBBQ Jt;dy266 NOfYGmeeting Jnly 28e,Tiresday5:45 BeachVolleFall inOC AUGUST Arrg.*


Aug.4*, Tiresday5:45 BeachVollepall inOC Aug.9e RegulaMeeting Ang,.U6, Tiresday5:45 Beachlfrolleyballin OC Aug. 16 RegulrMeeting fug, 186,Tuesday5:45 BeachVolleSall inOC Lng. ?3'd ParefltsagainsttYG membefsBaseballGame Ang. 25*, Tuesday5:45 BeachVollepall inOC A€.30ttr RegularMeeting



. JYCCarwashJune6, 2009 . Trinity Sunday, June7, 7.A09 . FlagDay,Junet4,2009 . Fatlrer'sDaSJune2112009 . First dayof summeqlune 21,2009

OTHERS HELPING Cvirg freely of your gifls andgraceshelpsthe reciprarf of coutse,but it canimproveyour o\pn andtheywill mentalhealttr-Ask othervolunteers, trey give. get than probablysaythey backmore the moreyou do iq Vohrnteering is like e.:<ercise, thebetteryoufeel. In our county, Americaruare volunteaing in of adultsdo sqne recordrurmbers.About 560/o abqrt 3.5 work, averaging tpe of voftnileer is oneof the most hoursper week. Volunteering rewardirgthingsyou cando. It canbringyoujoy ardimprovelorn orflook. It is a andsatisfaction andit way to cqrnectwift churchandcommunity, will increase lour self-esteem Thereis a healthsideof volunteering.A study shouredthat peoplelive longerwhenthey help glves tlrratvohurteering others.Oneerylanrationis to people'slives. meaningandprqpose Whenyou arereadyto volunteer,find something aboutor haveopedencewith you feelpassionate howmuchtimeyouhaveto give andthen'consider or wtrattpe of eryerienceyou want Youdo not needto haveskills or lots of time,just easeinto it. Staftwith a one-timeprojectandtry different projectsuntil you find therightmatch ttere w:11be an opportunityto In September, oplore andsignup for variouschurchprojectsard committees.Helpingin theParishNursevisitation or &iving p(qgamsis ore wayof reachirgors to others. Cmsiderthe benefitstoo your phpical, mental,andspiriuralhealthby volunteering.

- CAMP E.D.G.E. - Enlmtng & Disering God Etrer5rwtut! Jcinusfcrara&rardirefi[erlu€*offu Fidrg God! - W t1tu31$ - 9:00arn"-Noqrftily - ag€s4yrlold to6ftftade -Regi$erno'watwww.odcedrn5nikoar/cerdratrrdce - poiattns n€eded:fakeOnitrnastees'pire rcedlesi illificial virrcEflcwers,rockg stuffedwildlife anirnals,tents,sleepurgbags,backpacks,outdoot folding chairs,@nteens,or anyother campulg sp6rtsitems - pleaseleavein the old or erdr-eme nutsery. - \blunb'effiareneeded seb to decomte/pairfrdeign ard/adeoa,diots. - Fu moreinfocmtiol a ifycu canhelpor vdur'froer in qryway,enrailIfu.4rtlghie

- rnhieer-Direous ofws, attaseyjr;.rmfut4g-

Drane Rev.Joarure ParishNurse BenWaltonwillbepreachirgat all fl,reeservicesBenis a helicofrerresorepilot for fireCoastCruard andhasbeenJtationedat theTechCenterfor tlre pasttlueeyears. He andhis lovely wife Megare expectingtheirfust childinAugust



ThisWill MakeYourDay by LynneQuicksall T\volitle bo1n,ages8 and 10,wereexcessively mischievous,alwaysgetringinto trouble and their parcils knew abort it. If arymischief occuredintheirtown, the two boys werc prc$trnedto be involvedTheboys' motherheuril that a preacherin town had beeirsucessful in disciplinhg childreruso sheasked if hewouldspeaktoher sons. Thepreacheragree( ht qskedto seethem indivi&nlly. Shesert the 8-yearold in first in the mondng,withtlte olderboyscheduledto seetlre preacherin the afternoon. Thepreacheqa luryemanwith abooming voice, sd the yourger sondown andaslredhim sternly "Do youhrow whereGodis, son?"

The first known celebration of Father's Day \Mi!son July 5, 1908in Fairmont, lfr/estMrginia, whereit was @rnmemoratedatwilliam Memorial Methodist EpiscopalChruch South- Ixlw known asCental United MethodistChrnch.GraoeGolden Claytonisbelievedtohavesuggestedit to herpastor after a deadly erylosion in nearby Monogah in December,killirry 361men. It was also durfug a sermonin 1909 that Sonora Smart Dodd becameinspired by Moftr's Day. After the death of her mother, Sonora and her siblingswereraised by their fatherWrlliam Jackson Smart,a Civil Warveteran.Sonorawantedto shonr how thanldrl strewas to her fatrer an4 because William was born in Jrme,sheworked to have the on June19, 1910. first Father'sDay celebrated

ln 1924, PresidentCoolidge recommendedthat Father'sDay becomea national holiday. Presideril fireboy's mcuthdroppedqpe4buthe madenoresponsesiftingwide+pdwith his modhharging open Johnsondesignatedfte ftird Sunday of Jtrne to be Father'sDay in 1966. It was not until 1972 that PresidentNixon instihfred Father's Day as a Sq the preacherrelrated the questionin an even "Whe,re nationalobservance. siemertone: is God?" Aggirt the bcymade no a$emptto answer.Tlre misedhis voice evenmoreandshookhis trrreaclrcr fingerin tlrc @s frce andbellowe&"Whereis God?' Theboy screamedandbolted from the roorrl ran directly home,wert irto his closetandslanrmedthe door behindhim. Whenhis olderbrdher foundhiminthe closeLhe asked"'What'swrong?' Theyourgerbrotheq gaspingforbredlU replied: "We arereally in for it this time." "God is missirg andthey think we did itl"

From the Editon My dad was & quiet man who kept to himself. He didn't slmre much of himself with ns growing up exceptto tell us when we werc wrsrg. I guess I di&r't seemuch of him on week davs becrose he worted lat€. As I discorreredlater, hii biggest concern was providing formy tluee sisters,Mom andme. He becarneill ad hadto hanecancersurgeryon his sixtieth birthday and had to retire from ajob thd' didn't suit his personality d all. He was a life insurancesalesrnan..Afterwar4 Dad was often emotiond andmuch more communicative. He lived until the age84, albeit n'ith alifficulty fromhis cancersrqgery,brfi I gct to know him asa good caringpenon ard fattrcr. I misshim still.

Central's Courier &litoa Battra E" \hn A puHiceim of CeotralUrdted M€thodist Church 5 W. l,IarvinAva, Limroo4 NI G221, ffi-9n$n; RoEldW#, ffi-gnSajil- ffi-?8ge4a berarac@earthlinkne; Copy E(tita Lyme Quiclsatl, ffi &l:7415; Seniorksta 3555, rcrrurascrmc@verizsraet; Assistad Patoc Dave Delaney,6J9652-m9, pstadarecurc@veriaonnet; office e-mail [email protected] Vbit

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