Central Courier Issue 13

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  • May 2020
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CentralUnited MethodistChurch

V o l u m e1 1 I s s u e1 3

i J U L YI A U G U S T2 O O 9 C A P I T A LI M P R O v E M E N TT EAM

By Edy Laverdnre

naanmb snrunertire - time to e,l$oyor$door clce to this enhance.Ttreseosrdlot wil be left activitiesandjust befurgat the strore. Tune for uninprwed oroe,ptfor grassard areasaroundfte churchbarbecues andVacation BibleSchod.Thank perimetusuitaHefor specialtygardens. goodness for cooldinl$, fansandair conditioningl Brt wait weren'twe goingto air cqrditionAdams tlVtriletheseplansmay appearto be formalized Hall andmoreSrnrday Sohoolrooms?VBSwasso andalreadyunderway,thereis deng of time fq hot lastyear.We[ theCapitalImgovementTeam clrangesandinrprovemerfs.So don't hssitateto hasnot forgotrentre needfor moreair conditiqring qpeakr.pif youhavequestions o dqr't quiteagree nor quit workingon otherimprovemenb. plans. with Conunittee's Cenhalair conditioiingshouldbe installedin the Happysrrumerorp andall! new SundaySchoolrooills by tlr tirne you read ttris. Plansarealsorrdemnaytorenrodel fon older CALLINGALL classroomsover the summerand then install a secud systemin thatsectionbeforeSundaySchool resumesintrefall. That'stheplanatleasl CAMPF.D.G.F. Sincewe can'taffordtorebuildAdarnsHatlftnirlg E$ortug&Dlsve!toe this campaigqthe buildirg connnitteewantsto GodE\reqrwhere! kinuftn refirbish the hall to betts meetorn needsfor the dfirt ar adremlire filledwed< time beirg. If we buildnewrestrooms,hstall air Faidrgcod! corditioningand createa separatespaceto store .nS 27h3trs - 9:00a"m.-Nour Daly-Agpslas/dd to 6h gr tablesard chairs,we strouldbe quitecomfortable Rqiser ncwatwww.ookc" therefor sevemal moreyea$i.firere is eventalk of hAnds.corr/cerfatunde modernizing ttrcbalconywith newstairsto provide Iloffinsncded: &ke Ctristnashees, fftE rpsdlesb ochaseatingon over,flow events. artiftialvineqfuwerErooks,sfiffed wildlife orfdom animalqt€nb,sleepfurg bags,backpacks, A newarchitectnallyfufereSingentrance to tftehall foldfurgchairs,canF€nsior8nyoErercanrping old canmakeenty fromtlreprkirg areamoreinviting cr ofierrrcsporbitenrs-fleaseleaveinthe rnrls€ry. thantheorregnall doortherenow. Remordng the - Vdumeers ue neoded b dmate&int/designsem fireplacein the hatl v'rilltakeorf tre hearthwtrich ad/adecontions. hastipped manypeoplein the pastandeliminate - Formaeinfanaticl orif yancurlrelpo vdumeer an obstacleto basketballgames. Plansto pave in aqmay,e'mall(r1/rllVhite, sre of tre two emptiedlots (wheretherewas a - \blufieer Directorsof VBS,atkelseyjanewhite@ rnsn.com. housebefore)adjacentto our currentdrivewayard parkinglot will makemoreparkingspaces available


My 24yar old son,Jordaqinvitedmeto go to the earphones(this wasbeforeMP3 dayers)which DaveMatthewsBandConcertwittr him at the end helpedturendorsly whenridingin a carur a tip. of Jnlyin Herstny,Pa.Trrftrftlly,itwasn't oflmy Btil oftenjustgdngto tln storeor mffrirg around top l0 thirys to dothis sunmef,.Sq wtrydid I feel town,no onewouldreruernber their player.Soin sohonored,blesse{andtouched? thehouseandin&e car,thebaffleraged Well,you see,therewasa timewhenmy chil&en were yowtg that music was a battlegrorndof conflictin our family life. WhenI would come home for dinner ard their music was blasting from their be&ooms,sometimesas if they were competirgwith oneanofteraboutwhosewasthe loudestand best Cardy wouldtum to me wtrile shewas pnaaring dfuier andsay,*I can't stard thatmusic,can'tyou do somethirg?"

It was intensifiedwtrcn they becameteenagers ad it seemed at timestheydeliberafety chosetlre loudestand most offensivelgics they could to blastin thePastor'scarandhorse.

Thiswasconpounded bymyson'sloveforplaying drumsand guitar, including electic guitar. He playedtbemeveeyday-and*e+ilryed them-lord. Its hard to play dnrxs and not play themloud. Wetooktheheadsoffthe druns andstuffedtlrem I wouldgo to thefoot ofthe $airsq moreoftenup with pillowsin fte interiorandthis helped6one. into tlreir roornswith an irritatedvoiceandhards SoJo'rdan playirg his wasalwaysin tlrc basement onmy hipt, t wouldshout,'Thm thatmusicdowu nnrsic.Imagine&rrns andelectio guihx echoing lowen,loweq ... there!" And theywouldlook at W frqn thebasementandLindsay's musicechcing me with contemptand shaketheir lpads saying, downfromhs bedroom. '11\4ake heror him tumhis downtoo."AndI would 'That's reply, whereI'm headedns:ct" And so it Thereweretimesnrhsritfeltlikewe wereplshing wonldgoeveryday, severaltimesa day. eachdherfartrerandfhrtherapartandalot ofit was over- theirmusio.Wewotrldty tohavediscussions Whenwegotintothecartogo anyflaceasa family abott'it, butit wouldusmllygo sunethinglike this, or with anyme ofthe kids,it wasalwaysthesame. 'Ttratmusicis aufii" I don'twantyoulisteningto firc radio was immediatelyfirmed oE the dial it!'And tlreq "U/eUyor musicstinls, ib bodng, quicklyspm rrrtil theloudestandseeminglymost atdits lfias arestupid."An4'T/ell at leastI can offirrsivemusicwas chose,lq and the,nthe battle understandtlre wsds and ttrey have nreaning. wouldbegin Theotily wordsI canundersbndin yoursarethe '1 Cardy wonld say, mn't sbnd that music!" offersiveword6."And soit wouldgo. Jordanor Lindsaywould say,"\Mlrycan't I listen to my mtsic?Turnit up."Andtherq'Turn it down The teen yearswere painful times for us and Turnit offl" probablyin somew&!8, the most frightening, heartbreakfug, trrtulent, and toughestchallenge So we got them portablecassetteplayerswith of my life and or marriage.I don't know how -2-

andsay,'That dorHe peddlebassdnrn beatand tlrcrhythmofthe 6narewasawesune.I reallytked thatelecbicguitarrift youhadgofugwith fte &um there.*Andtheywotrldsmileandexcitedlytell me abortthemusictheyweretying to create.

we survived-Ard yeq I ttrfu* I do. Ffust,It was pdmuilybecauseof theoffavaganterraceof God we kept callingrpor to seeus throughandsome how give us wisdornAnd secondly,I believeit wasbecarseof an attitudechargeI somehowby theGraceofGod adopted.

Nonr,I dcr't firir* t haveevertold this to very manypeopleandcertainlynotto theohurotrBrt I amgcfngto riskit Therewoe timeswhenI wwld go downinthebasementwhenJmdan wasplaying rhythrnsard beab his drums,trying ott differrent andftey weresoponrerfut,I wuil&r'tjrst sit and Iisten,I wonld get r.p ard danceto the rhytm. Imaginethat,thisold peacherman,dancingin the basenpntto thebeatofhis sonkdrunrnirry.Ard to credit,thonghI musthaveattimeslooked mysotrr's to say, ridiculous,herrcverqrcelaughedor sto'pped "l4lhatin tre world areyou dofurg?': just He kept playing,smiling,andnoddinghishead.

Thisis howittmppenedorrc daywhe,n I got into thecarandtlreradio dialbegantoqpinandlowhen I walkedirilo treh be&oom,insteadof the usual shontingmatchI usedto initiate, I beganto sit dotvnbeEi& trenu smile,ard say,as ftis you favoritesong?No. Wotrldyou mind playirg me your favcite sug? Sure.Tell me whatis it about this soqgyou particululy like?" And theywould tell rrre. Jordanwouldoftensay,"Do you heu.thatdouble peddleon thebasedrum,how fastit is gofugand its rhythn?" Or, 'Listen to that baseguitarright there.- AndI wouldlisten.I wouldsay,*Yqr know tlnt's prettycool." Andsoit begartthisattemptto reachort to hdld bridges,to keepmy kids frorn ptshingme fartlrerandfartheraway,andlookirg hck onit now,I knon',to keepme frqn pustdng themfartrrerand&rfter awayfromnrc. Eventually,the conversation became,"You know what'shardfor me,is ssnBof thelanguage of the 'YealL l5nics."And tlre response, I knorvDad I dor't evenlistento trem mmt of the time.What I'm listenirg to is tb musicand to tell yor the tnfiL mostof it I can'tunderstand either.But the musicin someof thosesongsis awesome." So,I * would aslq Is thereany awesome musicin arry yorn of favoritesongsthat dqrt haveoffensive lyricsP'Ard Jordanwould say,*Yes,hae, listeir to this orr from tlB DaveMafilrewsBand."And so we wouldlistento thesesongsandtalk abotrt the amazir€ mrsic. I wen know someof the bandmember'snamesard that oneof ttem died sudderflylastpar.

Somethinghappenedto me dnring tlrooeyears. WhatI usedto hate,I learnedto love,fm tre sake of my ctrildren.Oh not all their musicocertairily not all ffrewordqbut I havelearnedto lovemuch ofit for ttrcsakeof ourrelationship. nosrwe cantalk I tdnk thatis onerea$orit seerns almost about anfihing,w6nsonrcftirgs I amnot alwayssureI wantto talk about So whenJcdan saidlastnigtrt,*Da4 wouldyou like to go to trre DaveMatttpwsBardConcertwithme,I sai4 "Sure son,thatwouldbe fuir!'And felt soblessed. And you know, one thing ftat haskept my son in the ohurchat firis stageof life, is thejoy of occasiorallgbeirg ableto play the musicttnt he loves.And wtreneverhe does,I sayin my heart, '1fh thankyou Godl"

Tte othertfrirg I beganto do wasgo downin the basement whenJordanandsometimes his frierds werejamnringard tlp noisewas honendorc.I wotrldjust sit andli$en andsmile.And whenthey wouldpausebetweentheirsongs,I wouldapplaud -3-

Pastor Koo . IndcpendcoccDeXJuly.f' 2009

JYGGalendar of Events J u l y ,A u g u s t ) JT'LY July56 RegularMeetirg Jtrly7\ Tlrcsday5:45 BeachVolleyball in OC July 126 Absecon LighhonseVisit Ju$ la6, Tircsday5:45 BeachVolleyballin OC Jnly l6-l8t (canping ACloserWalk on

TheGoinos-oJ'r at Centf al

Y, cr,*nworram

I told you last yearin the June2008Courierthat we will havea rew hymnalin 2013. Cancelthat Dueto the ftrancialsitmtionwe areexperiencing qr a newhynnal wasdisbanded work onMay 196. thebeachinvildwood) will reThey hope the 2012 G€neral Conference Jnly 19e ThirdSundayWoship qr arflrcize work the trymnato b b appovedin July2ld, Ttesday5:45 BeachVdleyballinOC 20t6; we'l[ see. talk that a newhymnal There's July 2* Sdrrday Helporf@ClnrchBBQ migtrt be available orrline and downloadable; Jnly266 NOJYGmeethg therewasandistalk theremightbeseveralsnaller July28e, Tuesday5:45 BeachVolleyball inOC hynnals,eachfor a differentaudience, replacing we the one are now. If the they using that is rorfre AUGUST finallytake,onebookmightcontainorly Christnas migtrtconsistof thetaditimal oldAr€.2t h1mns,another RegularMeeting favuites,ud therecouldbeonesfor eachmusical Attg. 4" , T\resday5:45 BeachVolleyball in OC gerue.Morelikelythannotwewill getabaditional hynmalin the form of a book. The prospct of Atrg.9t RegulrMeetfig multiplehyrfftalsisn't unusual:theUnited travfutg Ang. 116,Tirsday5:45 BeachVolleyball in OC MethodistCtnnchhasthreeofficial hprnals, and Ang. 16 RegulaMeetirg The FaitrWe Singis an officialnppleme,nttothe Attg 186,Tlrsdary5:45 BeachVolleyball in OC we use. trymnal Nag.2T PaerilsryainstfYG TheWesleyStudyBibleis nowinits thirdprinting, menrbem BaseballGanre Aq,.256, Trcsday5:45BeachVolleytallin OC andis still a bestseller. Ang.30th RegulrMeetirg You are invited to join and aocornpany Bishop SudarshanaDevadhar on a hip to see the PassionPlay in 2010. A group Oberanrmergau will leavetom Newarklrtenatiornl on Augttst 7, 2Al0 for Vlennaand retunr from Zurich ten dayslater. You will seetre play on the seventh CHRISTIVfAS TNruLY day of the tip-it's an all day eryerienoe,with a threehourdinnerbreak. Youwill visit Viema, FRIDAYruLY ITTH Salzbrryurd Munichbeforethe play and go to gAMTO7PM LucEmeafterward It is being plarned by the Inc. Full payment AlphaCtuistianTravelSenrices We will havea wqrderfirlselectionof new coo- is reEriredby Fetruary ld. If interestedcontact o'rHYPERLINK tume jewelry for sale.Pleasedon'tmissthis sale. MarjorieA.Costelloat 927-4600 Therewitt beover2000pieces;beadifulitemsfor 'tnailto:[email protected]"4tphAglS@eal Cluisfinas.firis is the time to do yor Cluistnas cqn sttoppitg.Tell your family and friendsaborsit. Tell pur neighbssandcoworkers. Noticethetime of tre mle. We aretrying to makeit so everyone will havea chanceto cqne.Ifit is anicedayit will be held orfrsideon lawrLif rainy,it qrill be held "America standson two greatpillars - faith and inAdams Hall. Hopefirlly,we'll havesomeof the muality. $/rthout these,our foundationcnrmpaintedfumitureonsale.As usualall proceeds will bles." go towardsqr missionprojects.Seeyor therel CresgeWashin$on 4

Postaspartofasocialexperimentaborilperoeptiort tasteandpeople'spioities. Thequestions raise& in a omrnonplaoeenvironrnent ataninappropriate hotu, do we perceivebeautl4 Do we stop to rfr/ashirgton DC Meto Stationon a cold January 4ppreciateit? Do we recqgnizetalent in an context? momingul.Z0g7. He playedsix Bachpiecesfor unexpected abod 45minrtes. Duringthattime,approximately 2 thousardpeoplewenttluoughthe statior,most One . poosible conclusion reached from this conldbe: of themon their way to wck. After 3 minrtes,a experiment middle-agedman noticedthere was a musician playing. He slowedhis paceandstoppedfor a few If we do not havea momentto stopandlistento one of the best musiciansin the world playhg secqrdsandthenlnnriedto meethis schedrle. someof tlB finestmusiceverwrifrerU with sre of themostbeadifirlinstrumerfs..... 4 mirnrteslater: The violinist receivedhis first dollar: a woman tluew the moneyin the till an{ withort stopping, How manyother thlngsarewe mlsdngl cqrtiruredto walk. 6 minrtes: A youngmanleanedagain$the wall to listen to him, thenlookedat his watchandstartedto walk again. l0 minrtes: A 3 year old boy stoppe4but his mothertugged him alongturriedly, astlre kid stoped to look at the violinist. Finally,themotherprstrcdhardand thechild cortirnredtowalk,tumirs hisheadall the time. fiiis actionwas repeatedby severaldher children Everypatent,withorf exception,foroed tttern.tomoveort. 45minrfes: The musicianflayed. Only 6 peoplestoppedand stafd for a while. Abort 20 gavehim money,brf continuedto walktheirnormalpace. Hecollected$32. I horn: He finishedplayingandsilencetook over. No one noticed No one applaudat nor was ffrereany recognitior. No oneknewtlds,brt theviolini$ wasJostrua Bell, oneof ttrebestmusiciansin the wodd He played qre ofthe mmt inticate pieoeseverwrifteq with a violin worth$3.5millisr dollars.TViro dap before, JosluraBell soldorf a theaterin Bostonwherethe seatsaveraged $100.

HELPIN HARDTIMES Ftun theCanmunityF oodBuk ofNJ,Southern BrutchN*'sle tterfor Sutrxner 2 009: TheFoodBankis bothproudandsaddened to havereacheda majormilestonein orn 22 yeu history.With two montlrs)et to goin ttrefiscal year,we have distibuted a record4,192,967 pom& of groceries;a l9%oincreaseoverlast year. Thereare severalfaptss to attribrfrethis to: ftsq and forernos,the increasedneedin our commnity,ridng at alarmingrates. TheCommunityAssistance Pantryrunfrsn the frontof orubuildinghashada37o/o incteasein tre numberof familiesbeingservedsincetlre beginnir€of the year. And that'sjrst oneof fte hun&edsof siteswe nryportttroughorfiou tree-counfyarea. Anotherfaotoris orrr food nryplies. We've beenblessedwifir food and fimds frqn the stateard federalgovernment to helpmeetthis growitrgdemand.We'vealsoprfr a concerted effort into gattrrirg from local donorsby hifttg anadditionaltnrck&iver/solicitoranda communityouteachperson. designated

Othslcompanies wonld rejoice if their Tttisis arealstory.Jostrua weregrowfurg Bell playingincqgnitoin businesses somuch.Notus. tlremeto stationwasorganized by tre Washington -6-

the blood Trying to makethe matter sai4 "No!q class,if I stoodon my hea4 asyou knonr,wqrldrun irilo it andI

red in the face.n* *"Y€s,otlr classsaid.**


wtry is it ftat while I an stardirgupri theordinaryrun irilo my feef?n* *Alittle

tr* *'t **nCanrseyOff feet ain't emprty.n**

chil&en werelined up in tre cafeteriaof ic elementaryschodfor lunch At the taHewasalargepileofapfles.Thenrn

= 1 r

note,and postedon the appletalt * *uTake


** . Godis watohirg."*** *Moving the lunchline, at the otherendof the

"Take alarge pile ofohocolate chip a note, want Godis watchingtlre ap1iles."**

A lfirdeqgarten teacher was observing

ofx'* tr'x'chil&enwtriletheyweredrawi would occasioralty walk aroundto see

s wod<.*As shegot to qre litfle grl r"ho ire diligently,sheaskedwhdtrE drawitE gd r€die4 "fm &aw-ir€ God""**TtE ard 6ai4 "But no orB knmrs wtrat like.' **Wrthort missirga beat,or looki fromher&awirg, thegirt eplie4'Ttreywill i Sundayschod teacherwasdiscussingttte mnran&nelrtswith her five and six year , atqro r exflaining tbe comnrur&nentto 'Is there Fatrerandthy Mqttler,streaske{ that teachesrs hm to beat and sistecs?"Wlthoutmissinga beat boy (fte oldestof a familY)aruwerd notkill."

Frcmthe Editor: Haveagreatsummer.It's beena fl.easureworkhg withyou.

chr6, 5 W.ldrvin Avc..Ilnrco4 till @21, @ $21'&'; llBdtoa: Batord B Vh A pntrticdimd ccdrdt {.hircdMffit RmeldVs, ffigz|' *t ffi-Agqziz beyacar@catdiOcct Cqy Edta Iynr Quicbalt,ffi &l:llli1SedorPetc frt dce c-mait ccnpctcdavccumc@vcdilPn ffi452-2o89, o"r-"y, Dave 3555,rewrm crrrc@vantg;nccAssi*aa Patm qr ui*w.cecatumcni.og. sitc, web Yrit tnltrmcnj@verizonrL "o rrioa& ifrormedof prograrcof thechtrrchadto rcpor cra abouceilrd's m541y ro k@ mtu Tbccoriicr b pttb6 andlcavcit in thclitcil|llcfioroailbo

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