Cell Phone E-mail Address

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 418
  • Pages: 2
Cell Phone E-Mail Address

(408) 838-8465 [email protected] 7883 Creekline Drive Cupertino CA, 95014


OBJECTIVE To build software that is human-centered and generally useful. EDUCATION 2005–2008 University of California, Berkeley  B.S. Electrical Engineering Computer Science, GPA: 3.8 

Berkeley, CA

Received Kraft Award (awarded to freshmen with a 4.0 GPA) and Jim and Donna Gray Endowment (department nominated based on academic achievement) Tau Beta Pi officer and Eta Kappa Nu member (engineering and EECS honor societies)

WORK EXPERIENCE 2008–present Google, Inc. Mountain View, CA Software Engineer  Developed a frontend for analyzing historical logs, extended existing processing pipeline with geographical data  

Built a tool for hand tuning search results for competitive analysis Built frontend for a large-scale human-driven data collection system and tools for analyzing collected data, convinced team to implement it on an internal server-side Javascript web framework

2006–present Wejoinin (www.wejoinin.com) Co-Founder  Developed and grew a AJAX-filled, Rails-based signup sheet web application 

Maintained Linux server (Nginx and Unicorn-based serving infrastructure)

Put out fires and handled customer requests

2007–2007 Google, Inc. Software Engineering Intern  Worked on a large-scale image search project

Berkeley, CA

Mountain View, CA

Moved project from a research project (commandline search client) to end-to-end service queryable by browser

Deployed project onto Google’s distributed infrastructure

2007–2007 Hotswap, Inc Contractor  Implemented vehicle search functionality (PHP and MySQL) 

Berkeley, CA

Wrote AJAX-based live search for frontpage, using the jQuery framework

2006–2006 VIA Technologies/FAQQLY.com Interface Designer, Backend Programmer (Intern)  Independently implemented and maintained several major site features in Ruby on Rails 

Created wireframes, and lo-fi prototypes to gather user feedback

Rewrote existing AJAX and DOM JavaScript to improve accessibility and consistency

Researched and implemented REST APIs, microformats and Atom feeds

Fremont, CA

RELEVANT COURSEWORK Computer Science 61C Machine Structures

Computer Science 162 Operating Systems and System Programming

Computer Science 164

Introduced machine architecture and software-hardware interactions. Learned memory management principles using C and MIPS. Individually designed a simple MIPS CPU. Covered various aspects of operating system design. Worked with a team of five, using NachosJ (Java), added queueing, system calls, memory management. Individually implemented a simple network stack. Learned basics of parsing, code generation and optimization. Individually wrote

Programming Languages and Compilers

Computer Science 188 Artificial Intelligence

a JavaScript interpreter in JavaScript, and worked with a partner to write a generic Earley parser generator and a JavaScript to Python translator. Emphasized functional, data-directed and rule-based programming and recursion. Taught in Scheme.

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