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  • May 2020
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SENIOR BUYER Medical Device Manufacturing Aerospace Pharmaceuticals


Energizing business leader with more than 10 years of experience building strong B2B relationships, providing strategic planning, mentoring staff, expanding supplier base, maximizing profit, and optimizing procedures. Exemplary leadership results include capturing significant operational savings, negotiating pricing/agreements, and continuous process improvement. Keen eye for trend-spotting and analysis applied to automating inventory databases, forecasting demand and product need, and ensuring on-time delivery. Exceed expectations in designing novel solutions, successful problem resolution, managing lean inventory, and creating competitive advantage in multiple industries.

Pricing/Contract Negotiations Exceed Financial Goals Innovative Systems Design Lean Inventory Levels Minimize Purchase Price Variances Strategic Planning & Analysis Sustainable B2B Relationships Dynamic Leadership Creative Solutions Forecasting Streamline Procedures Production Life Cycle Management Cost Containment PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE COMPANY 1, City, State 2007-present Fitness equipment manufacturer, selling to both home and commercial markets. XXX staff. Senior Buyer Manage inventory levels using MRP system to meet demands, yet avoid stock-outs. Collaborate with cross-functional managers to drive deliveries, changes in demand, and supplier communications. Created and delivered training curriculum to 25 staff members on purchasing module of MRP system. Streamlined ordering and product replenishment procedures, applying Kaizen principles of Vendor Managed Inventory and strengthening supplier relationships. Accelerated corporate cultural change, increasing cohesion and cooperation between Production and Purchasing Departments, despite long-standing poor working relationships. Established reputation as “go-to” resource for problem resolution and quick response. COMPANY 2, City, State 2004-2007 Pool and spa manufacturer. XXX employees. Buyer / Planner Monitored forecasts downloaded via MRP system, allowing supplier to view product demand. Delivered expert B2B coordination to meet order accuracy and on-time delivery. Maintained lean inventory stocking levels. Cut operating costs 35%, cutting vendor base from 100 to 50, while increasing volume discounts. Shrank inventory 25%, representing $1M in savings. Facilitated strong B2B relationships with local suppliers, allowing inventory reduction, without losing production time or jeopardizing deadlines. Orchestrated quick responses to rapidly changing needs of suppliers and production staff, within tight turn-around time of 3 business days. Achieved Kaizen certification for design of pneumatic machine that reduced staff by more than half and maintained unit production levels.




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COMPANY 3, City, State 2003-2004 Aerospace components manufacturer, employing XXX. Outside Process Buyer Commanded best operational practices meeting DAR/FAR requirements, including certifications/ documentation for each part processed, such as painting, heat treating, or anodizing. Captured an estimated $20K in repair cost savings, implementing a preventive maintenance program for company trucks. Re-vamped department scheduling to better meet corporate needs, equitably distribute workload, and decrease unproductive waiting times. Slashed fuel costs 25% by re-designing driver territories and truck assignments. Streamlined purchase order processing procedures, increasing efficiency and productivity devising document tracking system for job travelers. Turned around performance of entire department of difficult drivers via individual mentoring, setting specific performance standards and productivity measures, linked to merit increases. COMPANY 4, City, State 2001-2002 Regional retail/service dealership for Harley Davidson motorcycles. XX staff. Warranty and Accident Claims Administrator Managed all warranty claims and accident repairs, including tracking work orders and billing via computerized MRP system. Worked with customer base to ensure satisfaction with component part sales. Facilitated dealership’s success in achieving status as only approved repair site for XXX Insurance throughout Northern California, by ensuring required service qualifications were met. Contributed to 25% revenue increase for Service Department, despite stagnant growth levels in other departments. Achieved 98% work completion and payment collections, creating warranty logging system which turned around profit levels in a previously problematic department. Overcame resistance in completing training modules by implementing policy with clear expectations and consequences for noncompliance, significantly increasing quality of service provided by department staff and meeting certification requirements. Established reputation in working with insurance adjusters despite adversarial agendas, via professionalism and competence in collaborations. Led Service Department in component parts sales 3 consecutive quarters. ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE COMPANY 5 Contract Buyer COMPANY 6 Senior Buyer, Job Shop Manufacturing COMPANY 7 Buyer/Planner II, Medical Devices EDUCATION Bachelor of Science in Operations Management (Minor in Economics) University, City, State PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT / ASSOCIATION Lean Manufacturing Certificate / Command Spanish Course Association of Operations Management (APICS)


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