Celebration Of Milad (birth Day Of Prophet)

  • June 2020
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  • Words: 646
  • Pages: 2
CELEBRATION OF MILAD (BIRTH DAY of PROPHETS AND FRIENDS OF ALLAH): To Celebrate Birth Day of Prophet is a pious thing according to Quran: You are directed to following verse of al quran which states: “Peace (Salâmun) is on him the day he was born, the day he dies, and the day he will be raised again to life” (Al Quran verse 15 of Surah Maryam ) This verse is written for Prophet Yahya (AS). In quran, Allah said that Yahya (AS) was very pious, kind hearted, soft, sincere son of his parents. Allah admired him by giving him salam for his birth day, his departing day from this material word and the day when he will be raised from his grave during qayamat. Allah sends his salam to Yahya (AS) in this way. This verse clearly implies us that the birth day, the death (departing day) day and the raising day from grave at the time of qayamat for the Prophets and friends of Allah are of paramount importance. Allah gives Salam to such days of the Prophets. When Hazarat Yahya(AS)’s birth day, departing day and raising day have such importance and Allah remembers these days by giving Salam, what may be the importance and remembrance of Prophet Mohammed(sav) ‘s birth day! This verse gives us guidance to celebrate birth day of Prophet (sav) and also gives us guidance to celebrate departing day of friends of Allah. The Birth day of Prophets and friends of Allah is for us as they arrived for our guidance. The departing day is for them as they (Prophets and friends of Allah) are going to meet with the Allah (the beloved). So, we must celebrate these days. This celebration is a sunnah of Allah. It should be noted that in quran, in surah al Ahzaab in ayat number 45; it is written that “ Ya ayyohannabi inna arsalanak shahidaun wa mubashsheraun……………sirajam munira” meaning “O prophet, we have sent you as witnessing, giving happy news, fear warning and calling towards Allah by the order of Allah and as a shining(brightening) sun(or lamp)” and further stated in continuation "wabassiril mo'meenin beanna lahum minallahe fadlan kabiraa" meaning "happy news to the believers that by this (sending rasul) Allah has showered tremendous bounties for them. So, when Allah's fadal (bounties) are awarded, we must celebrate the event of sending his messenger (rasul). The celebration of birth of the Prophet on the time and date is particular for celebration and the whole life history of the Prophet may be celebrated in general. No work is bidah which is related to the holy Prophet (sav). Every work for the Prophet will be considered as "ita'at" means obedience.

In quran there is a verse which states "O believers, if you make sins (zulm upon your nafs) go to Prophet and seek forgiveness of Allah and if Prophet also make dua for your forgiveness, Allah will forgive your sins" This is part of a famous verse 64 of surah Al Nisa of quran, and all Ulema know about this verse. Now the question arises, why Allah does order the believers to go to Prophet whereas he is enough to forgive sins? So, by first sight, it seems like bidah but in fact there is no bidah. To ask forgiveness is a kind of worship. And yet the believers are ordered to go to the Prophet. This implies that the work related to the Prophet cannot be bidah or cannot be shirq. In hadis al qudsi Allah says that he cannot be contained in skies or in earth but he can be contained in the heart of the believer. So, the Prophets' hearts are contained with the noor of Allah. Any work related with such people never creates bidah. So, the celebration of birth of our beloved Prophet is valid by all means whichever way it is celebrated.

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