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  • Words: 6,562
  • Pages: 41
Tribhuvan University Institute of Engineering Pulchowk Campus

Case Study On “Nepal Agriculture Research Council” Topic “Lack of communication between the NARC & Farmers”

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Prince of darkness





Table of Contents Abbreviations.............................................................................................................................................7 Introduction................................................................................................................................................8 Organizational Background.......................................................................................................................9 Organizational Goals & Objectives.........................................................................................................10 Goals....................................................................................................................................................10 Objectives............................................................................................................................................10 Organizational Services............................................................................................................................11 Services provided by the organization.................................................................................................11 Mass of people (customers) targeted...................................................................................................11 Feedbacks of the people towards NARC............................................................................................12 Problem faced while providing the service.........................................................................................12 How NARC solves the problems........................................................................................................13 How NARC maintains the service quality..........................................................................................13 How NARC works to achieve its objectives.......................................................................................13 Chances of failure in projects for NARC and how they address them................................................14 Legal And Organizational rules NARC considers...............................................................................14 Organizational structure...........................................................................................................................16 Organizational Relationship.....................................................................................................................17 Personnel Management............................................................................................................................19 Council................................................................................................................................................19 Executive Board..................................................................................................................................20 NARC Head Quarter...........................................................................................................................21 Job Analysis and Classification...........................................................................................................21 Functions and Duties of the Council...................................................................................................21 Functions and Duties of the Executive Board.....................................................................................21 Job Design and Description.................................................................................................................22 Staffing and Employment Condition...................................................................................................22 Recruitment Procedure...................................................................................................................22 Training and Development.............................................................................................................22 Compensation.................................................................................................................................22 Employee Benefits and Service......................................................................................................23 Report of Workers...........................................................................................................................23 Financial Management.............................................................................................................................24 Future plans..............................................................................................................................................25 Broadening of Research-Extension Linkages.....................................................................................25 Partnership and Alliance......................................................................................................................26 Human Resource Development...........................................................................................................26 Special Focus.......................................................................................................................................27 Introduction to problem...........................................................................................................................28 Problem Analysis.....................................................................................................................................29 Solution....................................................................................................................................................30 Other Problems........................................................................................................................................31 Financial..............................................................................................................................................31 Illiteracy...............................................................................................................................................31 4

PERSONAL OPINION OF ARVIND SAH(061BCT504).................................................................32 PERSONAL OPINION OF LAXMAN KASULA (061BCT522)......................................................33 PERSONAL OPINION OF SANKALP LABH KARNA(061BCT5..).............................................35 PERSONAL OPINION OF PINTU KARN(061BCT5..)...................................................................36 PERSONAL OPINION OF PRATIBHA PHAIJU (061BCT533)......................................................37 PERSONAL OPINION OF MUKESH KESHARI(061BCT525)......................................................39 PERSONAL OPINION OF MANISH MODI(061BCT524)..............................................................40


Abbreviations NCARP: National Commercial Agricultural Research Programme

Part I - Case Study Introduction  NARC stands for the Nepal Agriculture Research Council. NARC was established in 1991 as an autonomous organization under "Nepal Agricultural Research Council Act - 1991" to conduct agricultural research in the country to uplift the economic level of the people.  NARC was established for to improve the life style of people by providing the solution of his/her agricultural problems and providing the training to achieve the goal of work in agriculture fast and easy way.  NARC is non profit organization and it has many sub-branches in Nepal. The central office of NARC is situated at Bhadrakali Kathmandu and have more than 50 sub branches in Nepal.  NARC has good technical and research oriented officers to achieve the goal for establish.

Organizational Background Established in 1991 with the mission of bringing radical change in the agricultural production by means various tools and techniques NARC stand as a milestone in the development of the life standard of the people by improving the quality of the agricultural production. It has been continuously putting its effort to achieve its objectives for last 17 years. Started as the small research center with few members it has spread its wings to become giant organization in its field. NARC is non-profit organization and it invest more than 455 million per year. It's the question of our concern that from where NARC has got the financial resources? Well, since NARC is non profit and free service oriented council it has the financial support from government, national and international organization. However, NARC has problem with the finance to improve their services in more easy and efficient way from which all the people of Nepal can get the benefit. It invest half of the fund for their officers. Besides its national co-ordination & partnership it has good tie up with the international community. It has great deal with Mexico. NARC has direct link with SAARC countries. In SAARC, India plays good role in communication and contributes by organizing different program in co-ordination of NARC in the various parts of the country. Government and other national and international communities provide financial support but the whole management system is based on their own system and govern by the council member. There is 16 member council which will take decision on any high level decision making time.

Organizational Goals & Objectives Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) with a view to overcome the challenges in commercialization of agriculture through focused research from policy to technologies has established the National Commercial Agricultural Research Programme (NCARP) based in Agriculture Research Station, Pakhribas.

Goals Various goals of NARC, for which it has been continuously working, are estimated below  The program has an strategy to explore opportunities with emphasis on public private partnership.  To design a communication approaches to disseminate NCARP’s objective and working modalities.  To explore research opportunities with national and international organizations establish incentive package for employee motivation and resources.  To identify the alternate use of available resources for higher farm income.  To establish and support alliances with stakeholders and interested groups.

Objectives Objectives of the NARC can be summarized as follows  To increase productivity of selected commercial commodities from 5 to 15 per cent by 2015.  To provide need based quality service in cost basis.  To conduct research on actual cost basis.  To conduct qualitative studies and researches on different aspects of agriculture .  To identify the existing problems in agriculture and find out the solution.  To assist government in formulation of agricultural policies and


Organizational Services Being the research based organization, lots of projects are going on in the NARC. Currently there are a dozen of projects on seed production, tea and cardamom, chilly, citrus, potato, flower and livestock/poultry under commercial research program. The NCARP has envisaged products/services on agronomy, horticulture, plant protection, soil, socio-economics, agro-forestry, and socio-economics, agroforestry, and livestock/fisheries.

Services provided by the organization Nepal Agricultural And Research Council (NARC) vision reflects its core business and celebrates its unique role acknowledging its position as the principal agricultural research institution in Nepal. The main services provided by the organization falls under the following categories:

The need for a strong partnership model to supplement is internal

capabilities. 

Developing the internal capabilities of the NARC through targeted

programmes. 

The transfer and dissemination of the products or research results of

the NARC to facilitate technology in agriculture and competitiveness of clients. 

The need for the whole agricultural sector (including resource poor

farmers) to become sustainable.

Mass of people (customers) targeted The main target of the NARC is to uplift the economic level of farmers and

breeders. The farmers get the benefits by the NARC by knowing exactly what medicine is needed to increase the crop production,to save their production from disease. The breeders can get the benefit from the NARC by knowing about the technique to increase the productions of their animals like goats, cows etc. The NARC is also targeting in the field of fishery production to develop different varieties of fishes , increase their production and also save them from diseases. Lastly it is also focusing on pasture and forage research.

Feedbacks of the people towards NARC The feedback of people toward NARC has been very positive. The NARC played the main role in solving the problem caused by the disease in fishes in different parts of the country 2 years ago. The NARC implemented different techniques to protect the fishes from diseases. Also in the various parts of terai like Janakpur and Birgunj it conducted different fishery production programmes to increase the productions of fishes. It trained many farmers to implement different methods to increase the fish production in their ponds. And the feedback was very positive. People have little problem in contacting with NARC. As the researchers and scientists are not available at the exact time when problem arises it become difficult for them.

Problem faced while providing the service The major problem faced by the NARC in providing its services is the lack of illiteracy and awareness in the people of Nepal. They are very afraid of experimentation .They want to rely on the traditional concepts of their process of doing farming and breeding. They are not aware of the fact that how latest technologies can increase their production and productivity. The other problem faced by the NARC in providing its services is that the farmers usually don't take much care of their crops and animals. They believe in the luck in the field of farming. When their animals get affected by any disease then they

usually don't consult with the members of the NARC .Hence their animals die even the cure of the disease already exist. The farmers in the Nepal are below the poverty line. And they also have the monetary problem in investing in the pesticides and implementing the new method of breeding.

How NARC solves the problems NARC has implemented several methods to solve the problems faced by them. Firstly for increasing the awareness of the farmers it organizes the community meetings to discuss the different agendas. It trains farmers of new methods for increasing their production and it freely distributes the medicine for their livestock.

How NARC maintains the service quality NARC works very hard to maintain its service quality. It has a big group of scientists and researchers who are engaged in doing new developments. For example they test the new crops in different latitudes and climate and then it sends the final product to the customers. It also test several times to develop a new breed of any animal. They does the gene analysis of the animals several times.

How NARC works to achieve its objectives NARC goes through several steps to achieve its objectives. They organize many surveys throughout the country to do any new research. Then they decide any project and they plea for international or national fund to do the project. When the objectives of the project is accomplished then it deploys the project to the villages and cities targeted. The farmers and breeders can get the benefit from NARC with no or least money.

Chances of failure in projects for NARC and how they address them There are many chances of failure in any research work and hence NARC must have the eagle eye to choose the project in which there is very little or no chance or failure. If the project fails then there is great loss of time and money. Hence they take much insight of the different agendas while starting the project. Upto now NARC hasn't been to any major failures.

Legal And Organizational rules NARC considers The NARC mainly runs under the rule made by the world agricultural and research council. It is a non profit organization and it doesn't take much benefit from their works. We can summarize the services provided by NARC in the following: 

Cereals and Cash Crops(Rice, Maize, Wheat, Potato, Sugarcane, Jute etc.)


Livestock and Animal Health


Pasture and Fodder


Soil and Irrigation Management

Botany and Bio-technology

Entomology, Plant Pathology and Plant Protection

Farming Systems

Agri Extension

Agri Economic and Marketing

Food Science

Agri Ecology and Environment

Socio Economics

Other fields related to Agriculture

Organizational structure NARC has a two-tire body: the council and the executive board. The council is the apex body for policy level work on agricultural research. The sixteen-member council is chaired by the Minister for Agriculture and Cooperatives. Executive Director acts as the member-secretary of the council. The eight-member executive board chaired by the executive director of NARC implements and executes research program approved by the council. One of the program directors acts as member secretary of the board.

Here the decision is taken by executive director i.e. chairman, secretary government, scientist expert and farmer expert.

Organizational Relationship NARC has tie up with various ministries and organizations within and outside the country. In Nepal it has been co-operation with following institutions.  Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives  Government of Nepal  Ministry of Information and Communications  Ministry of Land Reform and Management  Ministry of Local Development  Ministry of Environment, Science and Technology  Ministry of Water Resources  Ministry of Local Development  Ministry of Women, Children and Social Welfare  National Planning Commission Secretariat  Agriculture Information and Communication Center  Addresses of INGO's & NGO's in Nepal Besides these it has international partnership with the 

World Bank

Asian Development Bank

SAARC's counterpart.



Personnel Management NARC has different types of manpower that includes scientists, technicians, administrative and finance staff . The statistics of 2008 is as follows:

Narc personnels are categorized in following categories

Council The council is the apex body for policy level work on agricultural research. The sixteen-member









Cooperatives. Executive Director acts as the member-secretary of the council. Minister or State Minister of Agriculture & Cooperatives


Member, National Planning Commission (Agriculture)


Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture & Cooperatives


Secretary, Ministry of Finance


Secretary, Ministry of Forest and Soil Conservation


Secretary, Ministry of Science and Technology


Secretary, Nepal Academy of Science and Technology


Dean, Institute of Agriculture and Animal Science


Experienced agriculture scientist working in NARC nominated by Member


Government Scientist - contributed to agricultural research and working in Member related organization nominated by Government Scientist - contributed to agricultural research and working in Member related organization, nominated by Government Scientist retired from NARC or reputed commercial farmers, Member nominated by Government Scientist retired from NARC or reputed commercial farmers, Member nominated by Government) One nominated by Government from agriculture entrepreneurs


One person nominated by Government from agriculture research Member related non governmental organization Executive Director of NARC


Executive Board The eight-member executive board, chaired by the executive director of NARC implements and executes research program approved by the council. One of the program directors acts as member secretary of the board.

Executive Director


Joint Secretary, Ministry of Finance


Joint Secretary, Ministry of Agriculture


Joint Secretary (Agriculture), National Planning Commission


Director General, Department of Agriculture


Director General, Department of Livestock Services


One from the Directors of NARC Regional Stations (Nominated by Member Government) One from the NARC Program Directors (Nominated by Executive Member Director)


NARC Head Quarter 

Planning and Coordination

Crops and Horticulture Research

Livestock and Fisheries Research

Director Administration

Director, Finance

Job Analysis and Classification Through the questionnaires prepared, and then meeting directly with the executive director

of NARC with some observations up to possible, we have

analyzed the jobs of councils and boards which are the main leading department of NARC.

Functions and Duties of the Council 

Formulate policy under the National Agricultural Policy for study and research on agriculture

Decide the priorities on agriculture researches and studies

Approve annual program and budget for agriculture researches

Approve the structure of NARC organization and posts required

Review agricultural research works conducted in the country

Identify agriculture problems and render advice to Nepal Government for the formulation of national agricultural policy

Provide necessary directions to Executive Board

Functions and Duties of the Executive Board 

Make studies and researches on agriculture under the direction of the Council

Prepare, under the directions of the Council, Program and Budget for studies and researches on agriculture and present to the Council for approval

Provide consultancy services and assistance necessary for agriculture researches

Keep up-to-date data and records of agricultural studies and researches

Follow and cause to follow the directions of the Council Do or cause to do other necessary works related to agriculture research

Job Design and Description Policy related jobs are designed and defined by the board of Council. Executive Board are mainly busy in studies and researches to get the projects approval from the Council. The NARC headquarters are main responsible body to conduct the policy, and implement the projects related to them effectively.

Staffing and Employment Condition Recruitment Procedure First the vacancy announcement is published, then eligible candidates who meet the criteria specified

can apply. The applications submitted are examined

carefully and if everything get well, then he can appear in the written exam. Among the written exams passed, the interview is next criteria to decide among competitors for appointing the best one. The selected one is then placed in the job for which he has been applied for.

Training and Development Various technical trainings are provided by the NARC for different level of staffs to equip them with different skills. For the newly appointed, it helps in the job as well. More and more experienced and seniors technicians from different countries are also invited. It also helps financially and technically in the research if the research can be trusted. If one needs to go out of country for further study and research regarding the project of NARC, then also it helps. In concern of internship to college students, it doesn't provide the internship facility but it is flexible in helping students as much as it can.

Compensation The company provides different levels of salary to different grades of staffs. More than half of the budget are spent on the salary payment.

Job evaluation for the personal as well as for the research team is noted. Performance appraisal is then carried out accordingly. The promotion is as per the Nepal Government Policy. They are awarded as well as facilitated.

Employee Benefits and Service As per the Nepal Government Policy, the employee are provided with the facilities of health, safety, holiday, funds, retirement etc. In regard to voluntary resignation, if it doesn't affect the organization then that can be accepted else not.

Report of Workers The concerned Headquarter knows what type of project is being launched, who are involved in which, how they are going ahead to achieve that and so on. It maintains different reports on different topics. The reports on various topics, seminar papers can be read on its website. The annual progress report is published. The job done is also evaluated periodically. The company provides different educational and technical trainings to increase the performance to achieve the goals as soon as possible.

Financial Management NARC is research center with its central office located at Singhadurbar Plaza, Kathmandu. It has its own buildings. Besides that it has research center at Khumaltar, & 52 branches throughout the nation. It has well furnished research labs with sophisticated technologies. More than 42 branches are facilitated with the computers. It possess many vehicles for office staffs and for transportation of goods. It has huge annual fund of Rs. 450 million. 50% of its annual fund goes in the salary of scientists, researchers, executives, and other office staffs. 50 million goes in the electricity & transportation. And the remaining budget is allocated to the research works. In this way NARC has been managing its budget. Main source of its budget are •

Grants from the Government of Nepal

Grants from national and international donor agencies and governments

Funds obtained from research or consultancy services

Besides that it has been getting continuous support from World Bank, Asia Development Bank. It gets the financial packages for various research projects from the various international organizations.

Future plans The 20 year Vision of the Nepal Agricultural Research Council (NARC) is to contribute to the national campaign on poverty alleviation through the development and utilization of scientific knowledge, technology and skills in agriculture and related natural resources, and to develop a research system for agriculture and related natural resources for the promotion of agriculture based industrialization and sustainable livelihood improvement.

Some of its future plan are listed below:

Broadening of Research-Extension Linkages

All ANR research efforts will be development oriented and well integrated into the overall development of the agriculture and related natural resources sectors. ANR research by nature is multidisciplinary encompassing different sectors and sub-sectors. The priority research agendas to be identified by NARC will be guided by this reality. Adequate emphasis will be placed on promoting research efforts in hitherto neglected areas such as horticulture, livestock and poultry, aquaculture, agro-forestry, herbs and medicinal plants, non timber forest products, biodiversity, water management, agro-processing and post-harvest operations, marketing, gender

issues, and environmental sustainability. Appropriate linkages and operational procedures will be developed to coordinate research efforts by various agencies within and outside the public sector for optimal resource allocation and utilization at the local, regional, national and international levels.

Partnership and Alliance

NARC will pro actively encourage partnerships among national, regional and international organizations and agencies in order to maximize efficiency in the use of available resources in the pursuit of its mission. It will also encourage research providers to seek collaboration and co-operation with national and foreign educational and research institutions as part of the process of implementing the new research strategy.

Human Resource Development

Human resources are the primary assets of the participants in the national ANR research system. NARC will develop appropriate guidelines, procedures and criteria to ensure quality in the research activities that are sponsored and supported by it. Retaining and training researchers is currently a

major challenge within the present NARC. The loss of well-trained researchers from the public sector, often in their prime, needs to be arrested in those areas where public sector R&D is needed.

A major new initiative of the NARC will be to review ANR research in other research organizations and develop the environment to support and strengthen these where appropriate.

Special Focus

NARC will give special focus to research which addresses food security and nutritional issues. Many hill and mountainous parts of Nepal are far behind in food production and therefore nutritional intake in these areas is very poor. In line with the government policy to give special attention to these areas, NARC will require researchimplementing agencies to focus on developing appropriate technologies for those areas.

Part II - Case Study (Lack of communication between the NARC & Farmers) Introduction to problem As NARC is agriculture research based organization, it invests its huge amount of time, money and effort for the improvement of agricultural production, eradicate the existing problem in the agriculture. It was been continuously working for the production of healthy seeds, insecticide, pesticide, manure. But the problem lies is their research and production doesn't reach to farmers effectively and efficiently. There is gap in the communication between farmers and organization which has become major hurdle for the organization to make reach their invention to the farmers. This lead to the huge damage in the production.

Problem Analysis NARC has more than 50 branches in the different parts of nation excluding the central office which is located in the capital. Over 45 branches are equipped with computers. The responsibility of branches is to convey the information related to their invention to the farmers. There are other organizations too, for instance Agricultural Development Bank, which are widely distributed throughout the nation and working for the development of agriculture. Though they have been investing huge amount of money, their outcome is not reaching to the farmers in time. So that farmers are not been able to use their products in time and bear huge loss. Even though NARC has been producing high quality seeds, farmers due to lack of information & knowledge, are using same old low quality of seeds. They are traditional way of farming and the quality of production remains same as before. They are continuously being hit by the different epidemics that occur every year. Last year all the fishes of terai region died and the main reason for it was government and organizations were unable to send the information to the farmers about the disease and its remedy in time. Similarly we have various diseases like bird flu, due to which thousands of livestocks dies every year. Even it causes loss of human beings too. It would not have been the case if they were make aware of this in time.

Solution Proper communication channel must be built to reduce the communication gap between farmers and information center. Information not delivered in time that caused huge loss. So networking infrastructure should be equipped. For this organization must develop the web application for information sharing, so that the information can be available from anywhere. Different branches must be equipped with computers and they must relay the information to the farmers for the web application. Branches must put feed back and information related to the problem the farmer are facing. Besides that organization must tie up with tele-centers to relay the information to the farmers and giving feed back to organization. Co-ordination between various similar organization is must so that they can share the resources and technology. Finally we concluded that this problem can be solved by establishing ITC based tele-centre in all ares of Nepal which provides right information to people in right time and hence improve production rate on agricultural products. We can summarized the solution in following points 

Need of Information technology is must to form communication channel.

Must develop web based information hub to convey information to the farmers.

It will be easier to circulate the information effectively and efficiently throughout the nation.

Information hub will act as channel between the farmer and organization.

Organization must update the hub with latest news and information.

Feed back from must be taken to improve the quality.

Must furnish the branches with the computers to convey the message.

Must able to use the tele-centers that are being established in different

villages. 

Must tie up with other similar organizations and use their resources to build strong channel.

Other Problems Financial Budget not sufficient for the development purpose i.e. out of 450 million, 300 million spend for salary, electric and phone bills while remaining 150 million is for development purpose. So budget should be raised by taking assist from national and international supports.

Illiteracy Almost all of the farmers are not educated so some vocational tanning is facilitated to them. So that they must able to choose different varieties of seed available for their use.


First of all I would like thanks our respected teacher Mr. Shyam Kumar Joshi for his great support and help in case study questionnaires techniques, I would also like to thanks our visited organization National Agriculture Research Council ( NARC ) for giving their valuable time and information about their organization and to my group members for good co-ordination during case study period. We are technical students and in future we may be the chief or some decision level employee in any company or in our own company. And we must have to take right decision at right time so this case study help us at that time. Because case study gives us the organizational flow and control system. It will give the real life problems with any organization and by our discussion we have to find out the right solution for that. Our visit to organization “NARC” has achieved their goals and growing to serve the peoples in agricultural fields. However, It has financial problems in research fields. NARC is research oriented organization but it has financial problems in research field. It seems bad to hear this. NARC has financial support from government and national and international organization. But, half of the total fund paid for salary to officers. If NARC reduced the number of officers and collect some fund from local users for service charge, it will spend more fund in research oriented work. At last, I have got idea about the real life techniques for managing the organization and the idea for achieving the goal.

PERSONAL OPINION OF LAXMAN KASULA (061BCT522) I would like to thank Associate Professor Shyam Krishna Joshi for his great support on conducting this case study. My thanks also goes to National Agriculture Research Council (NARC) and especially to the executive director to whom we have met, for providing his valuable time to give us the right information regarding the questionnaires to the organization and kind co-ordination. Nepal is the agricultural country. So, development should be carried out in this field to uplift the status of people. For this, scientific and new approaches are to be implemented to increase the production. NARC is one of the non profit national organizations involving in this. It executes qualitative studies and researches on different aspects of agriculture like crops,horticulture,poultry, fisheries etc. and identify the problems and finds out the best solution to overcome the problems. A huge amount of budget is being spent for this. But the services it is providing are not being reachable to the targeted groups mainly farmers. So, still farmers are using the same traditional method of farming and they are not being benefited. Similarly, they are facing a lot of loss by the attack of new diseases on crops and livestocks and their hard work goes into smoke. Though their problems can be solved to some extend by NARC, they are not aware of it. So, awareness raising and communication between farmers and NARC should be the main subjects of concern. Awareness should be raised among the farmers about the services and the facilities being provided by NARC. They should be convinced to implement the new and scientific approaches, about the advantages of using the productive new seeds, manuring system, different symptoms of diseases in crops and livestocks and their prevention methodology so that both quality and quantity of products increase that may help to increase the economy. The farmers and NARC should go parallely with the maximum communication and co-operation benefiting each other-helping the researchers in their field and farmers utilizing the outcome. We believe that the proposed new communication channel can be a step to minimize the communication gap between the farmers and the information centers.

Through this case study, we get the practical and real life implementation of the theory of “Organization and Management”. Actually, this subject is learnt practically more fast than going through the theory. We got the chance to visit the organization and observe its internal structure, its flow control, its policy on surface level, its job analysis, contribution to the society and to the nation as whole and many more management skills. Lastly, in my view, this is one of the most important and compulsory subject in any of the technical field, so it should not be only limited to engineering field.

PERSONAL OPINION OF SANKALP LABH KARNA(061BCT5..) After visiting NARC, first of all I was very impressed by the behavior of the staffs. We were called by the chief executive officer in his office. We told him that we have come here for our case study of our subject organization and management. He was very impressed by our initiative and felt very glad that we choose NARC for our case study. He told us to meet one of his staff to get any information about NARC. The staff whom we met was also very supportive. After talking with him, I personally felt that NARC was the one and only organization who can change the traditional process of doing farming and breeding in our country. It can imply modern technologies in these areas. There were lots of researches and staffs working in the NARC who were fully committed towards their work. In a poor country like Nepal to do research investing lots of money involves a very risk factor. There are many chances of failure and NARC are working in the edge of the blade. So I appreciated their works. But besides their committed step toward the researches in the field of breeding and farming , NARC was lacking was the good organization structure and management. They were not able to impress the world bank for investing their money to do any research projects. Their past projects were the root cause. They were not able to successfully implement their past projects in the different parts of the country due to lack of communication and most probably the illiteracy of the farmers and breeders in Nepal. If I were asked to give any suggestions to improve the NARC structure ,I will suggest to develop tele-centers in different parts of the country for the efficient communication between the different branches of the NARC.I will also suggest them to organize community awareness programmes in different villages and cities so that they get information about the latest technologies and they implement these in their day to day life.

PERSONAL OPINION OF PINTU KARN(061BCT5..) NARC has been operating with a view of providing the farmers and breeders with latest technologies in their day to day work. It is also a non-profit organization which takes help from foreign countries to do researches. From this case study it helped me to get out of the theoretical assumptions and view how an organization is managed practically. I found NARC to be a very dedicated organization. It does researches that concerns the latest improvement in farming and breeding and also helps the farmers and breeders to increase their production. Also the way it has been training its manpower is truly creative. The people involved in the NARC are very versatile meaning that they are given technical as well as program related training so that they can handle any kind of situation occurring in the organization. Because of this I think NARC has been able to operate the organization with minimal human resource. I think that the country will suffer a huge amount of loss if NARC comes to a halt. There are also problems for NARC to continue its researches one of them being the cost it is bearing for the project .NARC is not able to persuade the peoples targeted to use their researches. The government should take effective measure to protect this organization.

PERSONAL OPINION OF PRATIBHA PHAIJU (061BCT533) Its our great opportunity to have Case study on problem related to an organization in our curriculum “organization and management” that clarifies the organization and management theories with some extent. We choose NARC, Nepal Agricultural Research Council, through which we can implement the technologies, to uplift the agricultural sector, since Nepal is agricultural based country. Through our case study, we came to know that this organization target to conduct qualitative studies and researches on different aspects of agriculture, identify the existing problems in agriculture and find out the solution and to assist government in formulation of agricultural policies and strategies. Besides,the organization is established with responsibilities and functions like conducting qualitative agricultural research required for national agricultural policies, Prioritize studies and researches to be conducted, provide research and consultancy services to the clients, Coordinate, monitor and evaluate the agricultural research activities in Nepal, Document the research activities. As per the case study, we found that NARC is facing the financial problem due to country’s economic crisis and political instability. Since the budget released for this organization is not sufficient for overall activities and to conduct megaprojects. So its targeted development plan is being pending. Due to lack of education with the farmers, organization is not being able to achieve the stated goal. Besides, due to lack of innovative technologies, infrastructure and the poor geographical region organization is not being able to spread the agricultural information to each and every corner of the country. So, with the development of new technologies, advancement in communication sector, we should rethink to implement these technologies to uplift agricultural

sector. Regarding the financial problem, the Government of Nepal should grant sufficient budget to the organization. The organization should get support from national and international donor agencies and governments.

PERSONAL OPINION OF MUKESH KESHARI(061BCT525) First of all I would like thanks our respected teacher Mr. Shyam Kumar Joshi for his great support and help in case study questionnaires techniques, I would also like to thanks our visited organization National Agriculture Research Council ( NARC ) for giving their valuable time and information about their organization and to my group members for good co-ordination during case study period NARC is non profit organization and it has many sub-branches in Nepal. The central office of NARC is situated at Bhadrakali Kathmandu and have more than 50 sub branches in Nepal. As NARC is agriculture research based organization, it invests its huge amount of time, money and effort for the improvement of agricultural production, eradicate the existing problem in the agriculture. There are many chances of failure in any research work and hence NARC must have the eagle eye to choose the project in which there is very little or no chance of failure & Budget not sufficient for the development purpose i.e. out of 450 million, 300 million spend for salary, electric and phone bills while remaining 150 million is for development purpose. Almost all of the farmers are not educated so some vocational tanning is facilitated to them. So that they must able to choose different varieties of seed available for their use. Even though NARC has been producing high quality seeds, farmers due to lack of information & knowledge, are using same old low quality of seeds. Organization must update the hub with latest news and information. Feed back from must be taken to improve the quality. They must furnish the branches with the computers to convey the message. They must able to use the tele-centers that are being established in different villages.

PERSONAL OPINION OF MANISH MODI(061BCT524) Hon. Mr. Shyam Krishna Joshi, the teacher of Organisation & Management, have been most inspiring in preparing this case study.

Valuable inputs were received from the Nepal Agricultural Research Council under Chief Executive officer, NARC scientists, Agricultural Research and Extension Project & other staffs. NARC is one of the leading research center in Nepal which has been working hard to increase the productivity of agricultural products. It was surprise to know that there are many scientist working there. It is very big organization with its wings spread throughout the nation. Besides that it has huge annual budget. It has its own well furnished lab. Apart from it, they have their own management team which also involves the government policy makers as well NARC personnels which has made this team very strong. Though NARC has been functioning smoothly, it lacks the technical backbone for communication, and I am very optimistic that NARC needs a strong technical channel for communication, which will definitely bring the sky change in the institution. Besides that being the student of the engineering, it was wonderful wonderful experience to visit an organization & discuss the various aspects of an

organization, starting from the introduction, goals, objectives, to the personnel management, financial status, problems that comes to the problem solving techniques. Besides these it was very valuable to know about the structure of organization, personnel hierarchy, their contribution in decision making. Planning and formulation of goal that they implement has been added my knowledge. Engineering students must be provided with such an opportunities to get exposure to the office. It really builds management skills in them which will help them building their carrier. Finally it was great to visit NARC and have discussions with them and finding out the existing problems and suggesting them with the technical solutions which I believe will definitely boost their productivity. I concluded that if technical people like engineers involved in the managerial position, it will definitely bring the radical change in the institutions and organizations. It was wonderful experience to visit NARC, and become familiar to the their working mechanism, and organizational structure, and this will really help me as guiding light in the future.

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