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SHANNON CARTER Department of Literature and Languages Texas A&M University-Commerce Box 3011, Commerce, Texas 75429 [email protected]

Academic Positions Associate Professor of English, Texas A&M University-Commerce, 2007-present Assistant Professor of English, Texas A&M University-Commerce, 2001-2007 Teaching Fellow, Texas Woman's University, 1996-2001 Teacher (English and Art), Maypearl Middle School, Maypearl ISD, Texas, 1995-1996 Teacher (English), Sinton High School, Sinton ISD, Texas, 1993-1995

Administration Co-Director, Converging Literacies Center (CLiC), Texas A&M-Commerce, 2007-present Director of First-Year Composition, Texas A&M-Commerce, 2006-present Director of the Writing Center and the Basic Writing Program, Texas A&M-Commerce, 2001-present Writing Center Coordinating Assistant, Texas Woman's University, 1997-2000

Educational Background Texas Woman's University (2001) Ph.D. in Rhetoric, 2001. Dissertation: Choosing the Margins of the Center: Resistance in Writing Center Politics (passed comprehensive exams “with distinction,” 1999) University of North Texas (1996) M.Ed. in Secondary Education with a Specialization in English Texas A&M-Corpus Christi (1993) B.A., English

Continuing Education and Professional Development Arts 597: Video Art. Texas A&M-Commerce, Department of Art (4h graduate credit). Commerce, Texas. May 2008. Digital Media and Composition Institute (DMAC). The Ohio State University, Department of English (3h graduate credit). Columbus, Ohio. May-June 2007. Texts and Contexts. NEH Summer Institute. Texas State University, Department of English (6h graduate credit). San Marcus, Texas. Summer 1995.


Publications Book The Way Literacy Lives: Rhetorical Dexterity and the "Basic" Writer. Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2008 (198 pages). Articles and Book Chapters (refereed) “The Converging Literacies Center (CLiC): A New Model for Writing (Programs)” (with Donna Dunbar Odom). Kairos: A Journal of Technology, Rhetoric, and Pedagogy. 14.1 (Fall 2009): forthcoming. “The Writing Center Paradox: Talk about Legitimacy and the Problem of Institutional Change.” College Composition and Communication. September 2009. “HOPE, ‘Repair,’ and the Complexities of Reciprocity: Inmates Tutoring Inmates in a Total Institution.” Community Literacy Journal. 2.2 (Spring 2008): 87-112. "Living Inside the Bible (Belt).” College English. 69.6 (July 2007): 572-595. "Graduate Courses in Basic Writing Studies: Recommendations for Teacher Trainers." Basic Writing e-Journal. 6.1 (Spring 2007). <> "Redefining Literacy as a Social Practice" Journal of Basic Writing. 25.1 (Fall 2006): 94- 125. "The Feminist WPA Project: Fear and Possibility in the Feminist 'Home.'" Identity Papers: Literacy and Power in Higher Education. Bronwyn Williams, Ed. Utah State UP, 2006. “Tutoring Writing is Performing Social Work is Coloring Hair: Writing Center Work as Activity System.” Praxis: A Writing Center Journal. 3.2 (Spring 2006): . “’Closing the Gaps’ between High School and College: A Conversation in the Writing Center about the Writing Center.” English in Texas. 34.2 (Winter 2004). Accepted and Forthcoming “The Activist Writing Center.” Kairos: A Journal of Technology, Rhetoric, and Pedagogy. 15.1 (Fall 2010): forthcoming. Edited Journals

Co-Editor, with Susan Bernstein (2007-present). BWe: Basic Writing e-Journal. [annual] Co-Editor and Founder, with Doug Downs (2007, 2008). “First-Year Feature.” Young Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric. [annual] Guest Editor, with Bump Halbritter (2011, forthcoming). Kairos: A Journal of Rhetoric, Technology, and Pedagogy. [Special Issue: (Re)mediating Composition: Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric]


Book Review “Gail Hawisher and Cynthia Self’s Passions, Pedagogies, and 21st Century Technologies” (Utah State P and NCTE, 1999).” Kairos: A Journal for Teachers of Writing in Webbed Environments. 6.1 (Spring 2001). With Lyndy Loftin and Chandra Lewis Qualls. Annotation “Laura Gray-Rosendale, Loyola K. Bird, and Judith F. Bullock’s ‘Rethinking the Basic Writing Frontier: Native American Students’ Challenge to Our Histories” (Journal of Basic Writing, 2003) in Bedford Bibliography of Basic Writing, 2nd Ed. (Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2004). Textbooks Literacies in Context. Southlake, Texas: Fountainhead Press, 2007. [custom]

Video “Calling All Writing Teachers.” National Conversation on Writing (July 2009) Presented at WPA 2009, Minneapolis, MN. Available at “Converging Literacies Center: An Introduction.” June 2009 .

Presented at WPA 2009, Minneapolis, MN. Available at

“Standardized” (2007, revised 2008) Screened (as part of larger presentations) at Plano ISD English Teacher Orientation (Plano, Texas, August 2007), Teaching Assistant Orientation (Department of Literature and Languages, Texas A&M-Commerce, August 2007), “Where Literacies Converge” panel at the English Graduates for Academic Development conference (Commerce, Texas, October 2007), “Featured Session” at the National Council for Teachers of English (New York, NY, November 2007), “Channeling the Monster” panel at the International Writing Across the Curriculum conference (Austin, Texas, May 2008), and the “Changing the Story” panel at the Council of Writing Program Administrators conference (Denver, Colorado, July 2008) Available at “Worth Celebrating” (2008) Presented at Prairie View A&M University, August 19, 2008 Available at “The Activist Writing Center” (2008) Presented at the Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition, October 17, 2008 (Louisville, KY)


Under Review “The Tutor’s Body: Methods for Researching the Body Narrative.” Issues in Writing.

In Progress Book “Manufactured Dissent: Notes from/on the Left-Right Divide in the American Classroom” (monograph in progress) “Literacy City: Inmates Tutoring Inmates in a Total Institution” (monograph in progress)

Scholarly Webtext (including video and audio components) “Standardized: Video Games, Electronic Music, and an Alternative Literacy History Presented in Four Parts” (invited by Computers and Composition Online) “The Anatomy of an Article” (with Joe Janangelo)

Article “Manufactured Dissent: Notes from/on the Left-Right Divide in one Texas Classroom.” (with Melinda Bobbit). Invited by Reader: Essays in Reader-Oriented Criticism, Theory, and Pedagogy. “Writing for Our Lives: A New Model for Writing Programs at Composition’s ‘End’” (with Donna Dunbar-Odom)

Conference Presentations National/International (abbreviated list) “Writing with New Media: A Local Conversation with National Implications” (with Sylwester Zabielski, Wade Thompson, JP Sloop, J’Non Whitlark, and Angela Kennedy). Council of Writing Program Administrators. Minneapolis, MN. July 2009. “Spotlight On: The National Conversation on Writing in Local Contexts” (with Glenn Blalock and Foster Dickson). Council of Writing Program Administrators. Minneapolis, MN. July 2009. “National Conversation on Writing: CLIC, Q&A, Brainstorm” (with Stephanie Roach, Dominic DelliCarpini, and Glenn Blalock). Council of Writing Program Administrators. Minneapolis, MN. July 2009. “Student Publication Opportunities in Writing and Rhetoric” (with Bump Halbritter and Foster Dickson). Council of Writing Program Administrators. Minneapolis, MN. July 2009. “Manufactured Dissent: Notes from/on the Left-Right Divide in one Texas Classroom.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. San Francisco, California. March 2009. “Collaborating to Make Shift Happen: Engaging New Media ‘On the Cheap.’” National Council for Teacher of English. San Antonio, Texas. November 2008. (with Greg Mitchell and Donna Dunbar-Odom) “Joining the National Conversation on Writing.” National Writing Project Annual Conference. San Antonio, Texas. November 2008. (with Glenn Blalock, Dominic DelliCarpini, Gregory Mitchell, Donna DunbarOdom, Stephanie Roach, and Becky Caoluette)


“Plenary Panel: Rising Scholars in Writing Center Studies..” International Writing Centers Association. Los Vegas, NV. October 2008. Invited, but unable to attend. “Converging Literacies ‘On the Cheap: A New Model for Writing (Programs).” Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition. Louisville, KY. October, 2008. (with Greg Mitchell and Donna Dunbar-Odom) “Refocusing the Picture: Using Film to Change Stories about Writing and Writers.” Council of Writing Program Administrators. Denver, CO. July 2008. (with Linda Adler-Kassner, Dominic DelliCarpini, Darsie Bowden, Colin and Jonikka Charleton, Pete Vandenberg) “National Conversation on Writing: Discussion.” WPA. Denver, CO. July 2008 (with Joseph Janangelo) “Channeling the Monster: Where Literacies Converge.” International Writing Across the Curriculum Conference. Austin, TX. May 29-31, 2008. “’What’s Y/Our Story?’: Personalizing Research, Researching the Personal.” Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC). New Orleans, LA. April 2008. (with Donna Dunbar-Odom, Christy Foreman, and MaryAnn Whitaker). “Featured Session—Writing, Reading, Composing: The Movie(s).” National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE). New York, NY. November 2007. (with Linda Adler-Kassner, Dominic DelliCarpini, Peter Vandenberg, Bump Halbritter, Steven Krause, Colin Charlton, Jonikka Charlton, and Darcie Bowden). “The Writing Center Goes to Jail: Inmates Tutoring Inmates in a Total Institution.” International Writing Centers Association (IWCA). Houston, TX. April 2007. (with Jake Pichnarcik and Lucy Smith). “Living Inside the Bible (Belt): What Vernacular Literacies Have to Teach Us About Academic Ones.” 57th Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC). Chicago, IL. March 2006. “Tutoring Writing Outside of the Center: Crossing Boundaries in Communities and Classrooms.” International Writing Centers Association (IWCA). Minneapolis, MN. October 2005. (with Susannaomi Bernstein and Ann E. Green) “The Prisoner’s Body: Incarcerated Literacy and the Myth of Progressivism.” Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition. Louisville, KY. October, 2004. “The Writing Center Goes to Jail: Composition Matters in a Prison Literacy Program.” 55th Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC). San Antonio, Texas, March 2004. "'The Democratic Paradox' of Educational Opportunity Programs: Unpacking the 'Doom' in Shaughnessy's Legacy." 54th Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC). New York, NY. March, 2003. (Invited, but was unable to attend) "Composing Pedagogies: (Re)Composing Identities for the Unforeseen Present.” Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition. Louisville, KY. October, 2002. (with Morgan Gresham) "Where the Sidewalk Ends: Lessons from the Institutional Borderlands." 53rd Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC). Chicago, Illinois. March, 2002. (with Sandi Reynolds, Morgan Gresham, and Ann Marie Olson). “Choosing the Margins of the Center: Resistance in Writing Center Politics.” 52nd Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC). Denver, Colorado. March 14-17, 2001. (and “Defining the Rhetorical Spaces of Writing Center Work,” a “Work in Progress” presentation to the Research Network Forum)


“Taming Technology through TA Training." Thomas R. Watson Conference on Rhetoric and Composition. Louisville, KY, October 2000. (with Morgan Gresham and Sandi Reynolds) "Writing, Talking, and Collaborating Our Way to Hyper-Literacy and Critical Thinking: A Feminist Approach." 51st Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC). Minneapolis, Minnesota. April 12-15 2000. (with Sandi Reynolds and Kendra Vaglienti) Regional (abbreviated list) “Where Technologies Converge: Writing Centers, Centers for Multiple Literacies.” South Central Writing Centers Association. Norman, OK. March 2008. (with Valerie Balester) “Writing Out Loud, Out There: When Writing Centers Expand.” South Central Writing Centers Association. Norman, OK. March 2008. (with Greg Mitchell, Director of Libraries, LeAnn Nash, and Jake Pichnarcik) “The In-World Writing Center: Virtual Tutoring in Second Life.” South Central Writing Centers Association. Norman, OK. March 2008. (with Christy Foreman, Sandra Shu-Chao Liu, and Lori Doddy) “Beginning the Convergence: An Argument for CLiC.” 43rd Annual Conference of the Texas Council of Teachers of English Language Arts. Houston, TX. January 25-27, 2008. (with Donna DunbarOdom) “Tutoring Writing is Bagging Groceries is Styling Hair is Performing Abdominal Surgery: Writing Center Work as Activity (System).” South Central Writing Centers Association (SCWCA). Little Rock, AR. February 2006. “The Tutor’s Body: Embodied Rhetoric and the Politics of Resistance.” South Central Writing Centers Association (SCWCA). Stillwater, Oklahoma, February 2004. "A View from the Cybertutor: Collaborating Online with a Local High School." South Central Writing Centers Association (SCWCA). Houston, Texas. February 2002. (with Angie Smith and Sonja Andrus) "Collaboration and Integration: A Case for a Writing-Intensive Tutor Training Program." South Central Writing Center Association (SCWCA). Fort Worth, Texas, March 2000. (with Alfred Guy Litton) "Aphra Behn's The Lucky Chance: A Carnivalesque Parody of Marriage." Gorgias. Arlington, Texas, February 2000. "Irresponsibility in Emerson's and Lewis' Visions for Transcendence." South Central Modern Language Association (SCMLA). New Orleans, Louisiana, November 1998. "Haze's Rhetorical Nihilism: Transcendence Through Opposition." Conference on Christianity and Literature. Macon, Mississippi, April 1998. "Nontraditional Students and the Writing Center: A Successful Integration." South Central Writing Center Association (SCWCA). Baton Rouge, Louisiana, April 1997. (with KJ Scheib) Local/Area “The National Conversation on Writing: A Digital Installation.” (with Susan Stewart, Angela Kennedy, and Sylwester Zabielski). Federation Rhetoric Symposium. Commerce, Texas. February 2009. “New Media On the Cheap.” Full of Shift: Humanities Responding to Our Changing Times (Professional Development Day co-sponsored by the Departments of Literature and Languages and History). Texas A&M-Commerce. Commerce, Texas. May 9, 2008.


“Where it CLiCs: The Converging Literacies Center at Texas A&M-Commerce.” English Graduates for Academic Development (EGAD), Commerce, Texas. October 26, 2007 (with Donna Dunbar-Odom) “The (Il)Literate Lineman: Deconstructing the Literacy Myth Through Ethnographic Inquiry.” Federation Rhetoric Symposium. Commerce, Texas. February 2007. (with Stephen Williams) "Learning In/From Prison: Peer Tutoring at Texas HOPE Literacy." North Texas Writing Centers Association. Fort Worth, Texas. September, 2006. (with Lucy Smith and Jake Pichnarcik) "Dr. Liberal in the Bible Belt: An Exploration of Conservative Rhetoric." Federation Rhetoric Symposium. Denton, Texas. February 2002. "Issues in Electronic Archival Research: Defining Feminism and Feminists in a Gender and Language Association." Federation Rhetoric Symposium. Denton, Texas, February 2000. "Film and Feminism: Writing Lessons for Critical Thinking in the Freshman Composition Classroom" and "Remapping, Revising, and Re-envisioning Rhetoric: A Report, Review, and Response to 'Feminism and Rhetoric: Possible Alliances' (A Lecture Delivered byAndrea Lunsford, April 1999)." Federation Rhetoric Symposium. Denton, Texas, May 1999. "Jesus Christ, Superstar: An Emersonian Viewing." Federation Rhetoric Symposium. Denton, Texas, June 1998

Additional Conference Activities Co-Chair and Presenter. (with Hannah Ashley). “Basic Writing in Context: A Conversation in Multiple Literacies” All-Day Workshop. Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC). San Francisco, CA. March 2009. Co-Chair, “Conference on Basic Writing Special Interest Group” (SIG). Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC). San Francisco, CA. March 2009. Chair and Organizer. “Full of Shift: Humanities Responding to Our Changing Times.” All-Day Workshop for area high teachers (200 participants), featuring multiple, concurrent sessions led by English, History, Art, and Library faculty. Texas A&M-Commerce. Commerce, Texas. May 9, 2008. Facilitator/Presenter. “First-Year Composition as Writing Studies: Implementing a Writing-about-Writing Pedagogy.” All-Day Workshop. Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC). New Orleans, LA. April 2008. (with Elizabeth Wardle, Doug Downs, Kathleen Blake Yancey, Debra Dew, Betsy Sargent, and Barbara Bird) Discussion Leader, “Conference on Basic Writing Special Interest Group” (SIG). Conference on College Composition and Communication. New York, NY. March 2007. Discussion Leader, “Conference on Basic Writing Pre-Conference Workshop.” Conference on College Composition and Communication. New York, NY. March 2007. Discussion Leader, “Conference on Basic Writing Special Interest Group” (SIG). Conference on College Composition and Communication. Chicago, IL. March 2006. Conference Chair and Organizer, Federation Rhetoric Symposium, Commerce, Texas. February 2005.


Panel Chair, Conference on College Composition and Communication (CCCC). San Francisco, CA. March 2005.

Awards Paul W. Barrus Distinguished Faculty Teaching Award (2008) Texas A&M-Commerce recognition for “outstanding” teaching (university-level competition) Dean Bishop Award for Excellence in Teaching (1999) Texas Woman’s University’s Department of English Speech and Foreign Languages (department-level competition)

Grants (Research) Faculty Development Leave Grant (Spring 2006) Course Release Request (Summer II, 2005) Course Release Request (Spring 2004) 2003 Conference on Basic Writing Fellowship ($500)

Grants Submitted (Program) “Learning Through Composing via New Media: An Initiative to Establish the Converging Literacies Center (CLiC).” (with Donna Dunbar-Odom). Federal Initiative for 2008 (FY 2009). October 2007. Amount: $1M for Fiscal Year 2009. Under Review. “Reading, Writing, and Mathematics: For College, For Life.” (with Pamela Webster, Director of the Math Skills Center). Developmental Education Bridge Program (for Summer 2008). Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board. May 2007. Amount: $39,100.00. Not Funded. “Extended Writing Center Hours (evenings and weekends) at Gee Library.” (with Greg Mitchell, Jake Pichnarcik, and LeAnn Nash). Office of the Provost and College of Arts and Sciences. Amount Requested: 20,000. Funded.

Additional Professional Activities Conference on Basic Writing (CBW) Co-Director (with Hannah Ashley), 2008-2011 Co-Editor. BWe: Basic Writing e-Journal, 2008-present Member, Editorial Board. BWe, 2007-present Chair, CBW/CCCC Fellowship Committee, 2007, 2008 Judge, 2006 CBW/CCCC Fellowship (also judge for the 2005 and 2004 CBW/CCCC Fellowships and winner of the 2003 CBW/CCCC Fellowship) Member, 2005-present, Executive Committee, Conference on Basic Writing Web designer, BWe: Basic Writing e-Journal, Volume 6, Issue 1 (Spring 2007). Web designer, BWe. Volume 7, Issue 1 (Fall 2008), forthcoming.


Web manager, Conference on Basic Writing (move from ASU to Texas A&M-Commerce in progress)—2008-present Listowner, [email protected] (listserv for CBW Executive Board members) Council of Writing Program Administrators Network for Media Action (WPA-NMA) Member, WPA-NMA Steering Committee, 2007-present Coordinator, National Conversation on Writing. (Council of Writing Program Administrators-Network for Media Action initiative), 2008-2011 NCoW online at Member, NCoW Steering Committee, 2008-present Young Scholars in Writing: Undergraduate Research in Writing and Rhetoric (YSW) Member, Editorial Board 2007-present Faculty Advising Editor, 2007-present Co-Editor (with Doug Downs), “First-Year Writer” Feature in YSW, 2007, 2008 Writing About Writing Network (WAWN) Member, Board of Consultants 2008-2011 North Texas Writing Centers Association (NTWCA) Vice President, 2006-2008 Member, Executive Committee, 2005-present Conference Chair and Organizer, NTWCA’s Fall 2006 conference (at Tarrant County Community College), Spring 2007 conference (at Tarleton State University), Fall 2007 conference (at Collin County Community College-Preston Ridge), and Spring 2008 (at Texas Woman’s University) <> Web designer and manager, 2006-present <> Listowner, [email protected] (listserv for NTWCA members) Reviewer Pedagogy, 2008 Journal of Basic Writing, 2007, 2008 College English, 2007 Young Scholars in Writing, 2007, 2008


BWe: Basic Writing e-Journal, 2007-present Norton Publishers, 2007, 2008 Houghton-Mifflin, 2007 Pearson/Longman Publishers, 2007, 2008 Bedford/St. Martin’s, 2008 Fountainhead Press, 2007 Federation Rhetoric Committee, Federation of North Texas Area Universities Member, Executive Board, 2005-present Secretary, 2006-present

Invited Presentations “Introducing the Converging Literacies Center (CLiC).” Fall Honors Colloquia. Honors College. Texas A&M-Commerce. October 2009. “Toward a National Conversation on Writing: NCoW and the Coastal Bend Writing Project.” Invited Workshop. Coastal Bend Writing Project (National Writing Project site). Texas A&M-Corpus Christi. June 2009. Presentation (with Donna Dunbar-Odom and Salvatore Attardo). “Getting Published in the Arts and Humanities.” Invited Panel. Junior Faculty Symposium. Texas A&M University System. Commerce, Texas. November 7, 2008. Presentation/Consultation. “Celebrating Student Writing in First-Year Composition (and the Writing Center).” Prairie View A&M. August 19, 2008. “Converging Literacies Center: An Update.” College of Arts and Sciences Spring 2008 Retreat. May 8, 2008. (with Donna Dunbar-Odom) Keynote Address (with Donna Dunbar-Odom). Lamar University. January 25, 2008. Beaumont, Texas. “Celebrating Student Writing @ Texas A&M-Commerce.” Rotary Club. Commerce, Texas. December 5, 2007. (with Donna Dunbar-Odom) “Tops in Teaching” (representing “Top Faculty” in “Teaching and Research”). New Faculty Orientation. Texas A&M-Commerce. August 2007. “Converging Literacies Center: CLiC.” Departmental Retreat. Department of Literature and Languages. Texas A&M-Commerce. August 2007. (with Donna Dunbar-Odom) “Out of Necessity: Realities, Ideals, and Our Student Population.” Presentation for Plano ISD English Teachers. August 2007. Plano, Texas. (with Donna Dunbar-Odom) “Out of Necessity.” Presentation for TA Orientation. August 2007. Commerce, Texas (with Donna Dunbar-Odom)


“Texas HOPE Literacy and Texas A&M-Commerce: A Mutually-Beneficial Partnership.” Presentation to Faculty and Administrators from across the A&M- Commerce campus (Invited by Mary Hendrix, Associate Provost). October 2006 (with Texas HOPE Literacy Founder and CEO, Lucy Smith, and former inmate tutor Jake Pichnarcik). “From Teaching One-on-One to Teaching 101.” A keynote address at the Texas Woman’s University Honor’s Day Award Ceremony (Invited as Distinguished Alumnus). April 2004. “Writing Center History and the Feminist Movement: A Comparison of ‘Waves.’” A presentation for Dr. Judy Ford’s course in “The History of Writing Instruction and Technology” (History 360). November 2003. “Research and (Researching) the Community College Option.” A keynote address at Sigma Tau Delta’s Initiation Dinner, February 2003.

Community Outreach Instructor/Facilitator. Writing Group. Dawson State Jail. Dallas, Texas, March 2007-June 2007. Guided ten women at DSJ through ethnographic research methods and associated writing projects. We met every other Friday for four months, three hours each meeting. End product: edited collection of inmate writings (see below). Carter, Shannon, editor. (self-published collection of inmate writings). HOPE Inside/Out: The Texas HOPE Literacy Project at Dawson State Jail. Available online at <>. The Commerce Project, Commerce, Texas, 2008-present A City of Commerce-Texas A&M University Commerce initiative to improve the Commerce Town Square and surrounding community through, among other things, building improvement projects, the establishment of a community garden, and the expansion of the University Art Gallery to a centrally-located, community-owned property. Membership includes City of Commerce City, university faculty from across the disciplines (Agriculture, Art, English, Marketing), and university administrators (President, Provost, Department Heads, among others). Member, Texas A&M-Commerce Feral Cat Project, 2001-present Volunteer, Commerce Humane Association, 2001-present

Courses Taught Graduate Courses @ Texas A&M-Commerce Writing with New Media (English 697, Spring 2009), Introduction to Composition Studies (English 571), Multiple Literacies (English 697), Teaching Freshman Rhetoric (English 675), Theory and Practice of Argumentative Discourse (English 677), Teaching Argument (English 676), Basic Writing Studies (English 776), Writing Center Studies (English 597), Teaching Writing in Diverse Learning Spaces (English 597), Dissertation (English 718), Thesis (English 518), Research and Reading Techniques (English 595)


Undergraduate Courses @ Texas Woman’s University Composition and Literature (English 1003, 1013 and 1023), Advanced Grammar and Composition (English 3203), Writing Center Internship (English 4903), American Literary Masterpieces (English 2033), British Literary Masterpieces (2023) ; special topics, including “The Monstrous Feminine in Four Horror Films” (English 1023) and “Redefining the Feminine Mystique in 1990s Popular Culture” Courses @ Maypearl Middle School Language Arts (seventh and eighth grade), Reading (eighth grade), Visual Arts (eighth grade); designed and implemented the new visual arts program Courses @ Sinton High School English II, English II-Honors, English I Dissertations Directed to Completion (@ Texas A&M-Commerce) Christy Foreman, “Negotiating Meaning in Context: How First-Year Composition Students Make Sense of Writing Assignments.” Texas A&M-Commerce (PhD, 2007) Paullett Golden, “Responding With Purpose: An Analysis of Tutor Responses to Online Writing Lab Submissions.” Texas A&M-Commerce (PhD, 2005) Theses Directed to Completion Wilburn (2009), Rayburn (2005), Marlow (2004), Whitlark (2004), Brown (2003), Perry (2003) I have also served (and continue to serve) on numerous dissertation and thesis committees, including dissertation committees for Sonja Andrus (PhD, 2008) and Hsueh Shih (PhD, 2006) and Elise Flanagan’s thesis committee (MA, 2007). I am currently directing two dissertations and serving on one dissertation committee.

Academic Service PR Committee (Department of Literature and Languages), 2007-2008 (chair), Graduate Committee (Department of Literature and Languages), 2006-present; Undergraduate Committee (Department of Literature and Languages), 2006-2008; Department Advisory Committee (Department of Literature and Languages), 2008-present; Developmental Education Committee, 2001-present; TASP Appeals Committee, 2001-present; Composition Studies Committee, 2001-present (Chair, 2002-2008); Curriculum Committee, 2003-present; OARR Committee, 2001-present; Department Mission Statement Committee, 2001-2002; Ad Hoc Committee (Departmental Plagiarism Statement), 2003; Student Development Committee, 2001-present; Faculty Development Committee, 2004-2008; SHIFT Professional Development Committee, 2007-present (chair, 2007-2008)

Professional Affiliations College Composition and Communication, International Writing Center Association, South Central Writing Center Association, North Texas Writing Center Association, National Council of Teachers of English, Council of Writing Program Administrators, Conference on Basic Writing, Federation Rhetoric Committee (Federation of North Texas Area Universities), Modern Language Association

References Available upon request.


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