Caring Attitude For All

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CARING ATTITUDE FOR ALL CARING is an attitude that you need to work at. It is also something that involves more than the care of people. Of course, the most obvious and important facet to caring is that it involves people. I know this seems like an odd statement, but it needs pointing out that people are the focus, not the things around them. Focusing on the caring of people is vital, because without this focus you will most likely fail in many aspects in life. Taking on a caring attitude towards your downline members will do wonders for the retention of these people.. There are various things you can do to demonstrate caring, and in order to create close business relationships with people, you will also need to understand this variety. Proactively of Caring This means having the fore-thought to know the issues a person will most likely have before they have it. This does not necessarily mean preventing all issues, because people, being what they are, are more likely to wait for personal experience anyway. So for you, as a leader, this means waiting for the possible hurdle to appear for the person. Then you allow the person to go into it. Once they have, you need to have the ability to guide the person through the challenge beside them, once you see they are requiring the assistance you can ask a leading question to draw them out into asking for help. Do not to solve the problem for them. This allows the people in your team to be allowed to make mistakes, and then have you lead the way for them if they ask for it. This is a difficult task, as we all want to help people to avoid hardship. But trust me on this, they will trip up, and after a few trips your downline members will be asking you for assistance before they reach the hurdle or, better yet, offer a possible solution to their problem for guidance. What you will achieve is a person who will think ahead, assess the challenge and seek advice if they think they need it. This type of person is one to be highly sort after or created. Care also involves care for the business. Care about the appropriate detail required by you. If you are promoting an affiliate company, your attention to detail involves accurate marketing as described by the company. If you own a site, you need to take care that the site does what it says it can do and to follow up on your membership. So determining the level of care required for people and business is required, and then apply the appropriate care to the part of your business that needs it. Care is important: It involves acting when people ask for help, but not doing it for them. It involves paying attention to your job within the business, whether it is marketing an affiliate program or in your job or studies. The most important part is acting in the right way when asked by by a person, showing a path for the person rather than beating it for them.

For Eg:Rodney Goodall has spent his life training and building teams in a retail environment. Since shifting his focus to online marketing, he has written numerous tutorials and articles for other people. Now that he has learnt the ropes, he is now applying the knowledge to create his own list and build a team of people who all recruit. Different Views about Care The finest possible educational environment includes the availability of outstanding academic advising and a genuine caring attitude toward the student - inseparable partners in higher education. Some simple suggestions for demonstrating a genuine caring attitude by all advising personnel include:

1) Greeting advisees with a smile. Care enough to greet advisees with a warm welcome and a million-dollar smile to help ease student anxiety. Your smile costs nothing, yet it means everything!

2) Radiating a friendly attitude Be sure that a friendly attitude radiates from your office setting. Try to make advisees feel that in your office they can expect concern, compassion, friendliness, encouragement, trust, and confidence. Anyone with advising responsibilities (including the office secretary or receptionist) must never react to a student as though the student is an interruption of work. The student, after all is the office work!

3) Having an interesting office Strive to have a physically attractive and interesting office - perhaps with live plants, paintings or pictures on the walls, and soft background music. The office might be decorated in a specific theme such as the school mascot or a particular kind of plant or color scheme. The office should be a haven of enjoyment and conversation for advisees who enter.

4) Knowing the names of advisees Be sure to familiarize yourself with the names of advisees. Call the students by their first names so that they will feel at ease during advising sessions. 5) Avoiding threatening actions Care enough to avoid threatening body language. When possible, sit on the same side of your desk with your advisees. You should not let the desk of authority separate you from your advisees and thus cause you to lose some of your advising effectiveness. Also, you should face the advisee squarely. This posture transmits the message that you are available to the student, that you care about the student, and that you want to assist the student. 6) Maximizing efficiency Demonstrate your caring attitude by maximizing efficiency and minimizing mistakes when dealing with advisees. Have enough pride in advising activities so that your work is as error free as possible. University life and academic programs are too complicated for guess work. Accurate information, appropriate forms, and other advising responsibilities should be correct the first time to reduce advising hassles for both the student and the advisor. And, if mistakes are made, admit them.

7) Letting the "Shuttle Stop with You" When an advisee has a question or needs help, let the "Shuttle Stop with You." No student should leave your office without getting assistance. If you don't know the answer or you can't solve the problem, take time to identify the problem solver, locate the problem solver, and involve the problem solver in assisting the student.

8) Seeing advisees frequently

Show advisees that you care about them by seeing them frequently and on an informal basis. Visit with them in the cafeteria and the student center, in corridors between classes, and at various campus functions. Be approachable, flexible, and accessible, and by all means share you phone number, office location, and office hours with your advisees.

9) Being a good example Exemplifying a caring, helpful attitude in deeds and actions can make or break your advising reputation. The word can spread almost instantly about the type of person and advisor you are and about the type of office you operate. Is a red carpet rolled out, or is a thorn bush posted?

10) Practicing empathy You should put yourself in the shoes of your advisees. To paraphrase the golden rule, "Do unto your advisees as you would have had your advisor do unto you." Outstanding academic advising and a genuine caring attitude - combine them, practice them, and share them; then reap the benefits!

Life all about CRAP !!! To really get the most out of life or your career, you have to go by the rules of the game. Yes, life and work — especially work — are a game. There are a set of rules, a playbook to follow, a period of time allowed to play the game. There are also consequences if you do not follow the rules, such as a penalty box, fouls or timeouts, depending on the job title or the age you are in your life. Let’s get into some CRAP now! C — stands for caring You must care about what you are doing. This goes for your job, family and friends. I want to be around an airline pilot who cares about safety, or a surgeon who cares about the patient, or a mother who cares about her child, even a salesperson who cares about the customer. Caring is a No. 1 priority to understand for a meaningful and prosperous life. R — is all about relationships The deeper your relationships, the more enriched your life is. Do you want to go though life with surface, meaningless relationships or deep ones, where you get to know each other and understand each other, where they are always there for you and vice versa, no matter what happens?

Relationships are not just with friends and family but also involve coworkers, clients or customers. The label is not important when you peel it off and realize that we are all just people trying to live a life! A — means attitude I love being around people who have attitude about anything. That means they are trying to be better about something, no matter what it is. Attitude about your job or your family or even about the look of the front lawn at your home. When you have attitude about something, you try to make it better, and that involves thought, time and usually a degree of hard work. Attitude describes the mood you are in and how you are going to go about the thought process at hand. Attitude determines outcome! P — is all about passion Without passion, we are all mediocre. Passion is the difference between average and great. I love being around great, for many reasons. First off, you can learn from them, and second, what a joy it is to watch someone who truly excels at what he or she does. To win at the game of life or business, you need to find that excellence inside of you to allow yourself to bring out the important qualities needed for success. CRAP is all of them in a nice little package. So, next time you see the word CRAP, don’t think it is someone letting off some steam or thinking something negative, but instead yell out: “I love CRAP. In fact, CRAP is what I want to achieve.” After you get a few weird stares from people nearby, you can explain to them what you mean by saying this, or have them write me at the e-mail address that I mentioned earlier. Now, go find some CRAP!

Now, we come across the various sections of society. These section contain:

CARING FOR DISABLES AND ABONDONED PEOPLE: we all know what the disability is and we are just discussing the reaction of people upon the disability of people.. Some of the famous leaders who had worked for the disables or itself being a disable had worked and they all really care about the people . Such a Leader is HELEN KELLER: the deaf blind woman who became a role model for millions of people. She explains how she came to Revolutionary Socialism after her graduation from college. Despite her reliance on intermediaries to communicate with the outside world, Comrade Helen Keller is fully her own person. Helen Keller's work for the cause of socialist revolution continued through the years of the First World War up until 1921. She had been long active in efforts to reduce the causes of blindness and provide relief for the Blind. With the collapse of the Socialist Party's commitment to revolution and the on-going persecution of the IWW, Keller lost her connections to the workers movement and became increasingly isolated among reformers and government bureaucrats who did not share her political perspectives. Her own self image was that of a Blind woman who also could not hear. Helen Keller never learned the sign language of the North American Deaf community.

Instead she had English sentences manually spelled into her hand and then vocalized her responses. This effectively cut her off from the largely working class Deaf population whose native sign language has a grammar all its own. Blindness at that time often meant unemployment, whereas Deaf workers were integrated into the largely non-English speaking ranks of manual labourers. One can only wonder what might have been if Comrade Keller had found a place in the ranks of politically unorganised Deaf workers in the heady years of the late '20s and '30s. Sadly, her legacy among Deaf and Deaf/Blind people today is one of opposition to their native language rights. Her name stands for the dominance of spoken English over American Sign Language. This is due to her family's early contact with Alexander Graham Bell and his campaign to wipe out manual communication in favour of the oral education of the Deaf. Her legacy in the larger hearing world today is one of the saccharine sweet triumph of the individual over personal adversity (with the help of a determined educatorhero). Gone is her call for international working-class solidarity and her clear revolutionary vision. Hopefully, this small archive will go some way to recapturing her socialist legacy for the Deaf, Deaf/Blind and hearing workers of the world.

CARING FOR MANKIND: it generally means the caring of prople. It is important to also care for humanity. In olden days, mostly the people are not ready or keen to help the mankind but also i some critical situations where people need some help of a human only then at that times only few were there to help. IN such kind of conditions Mother Teresa was the one of great women who took the initiative to help the mankind.

MOTHER TERESA: She is among the most well-known and highly respected women in the world in the latter half of the twentieth century. Born in Yugoslavia in 1910, Mother Teresa was a humanitarian who devoted her life to looking after the poor, the sick, the dying and the outcasts of society. She founded her own Order Missionaries Of Charity, established a home for the dying, as well a leper colony, authored books, and in 1979 she received the Nobel Peace Prize. Mother Teresa died in 1997at the age of 87. Her work continues through the various projects she started throughout her lifetime. She was a beacon of hope whose tireless faith and devotion to humanity touched the lives of many people. Mother Teresa is a shining example of Love In Action. Her life's work and dedication can be summed up by the following excerpt from her Nobel Peace Prize acceptance speech: "I choose the poverty of our poor people. But I am grateful to receive (the Nobel) in the name of the hungry, the naked, the homeless, of the crippled, of the blind, of the lepers, of all those people who feel unwanted, unloved, uncared-for throughout society, people that have become a burden to the society and are shunned by everyone."

CARING FOR NATURE: As we seen the different prospective of caring towards the humans and the deficiencies in human. There is also an field which has not been taken into account the Balancing factor of Earth

Environment. i.e. (Animals, nature, forestry etc.) these are the major factors affecting the earth’s imbalance. So few of the great Leader or environmentalist took the initiative of protecting the earth by the human deeds for his survival. One of the leader is Menaka Gandhi. MENAKA GANDHI: Maneka Gandhi is an Indian politician, animal rights activist, environmentalist, former journalist. . Under her direction, CPCSEA members carried unannounced inspections of laboratories where animals are used for scientific research were conducted. She started the organisation People for Animals in 1992 and it is the largest organisation for animal rights/welfare in India. She is a vegan and has advocated this lifestyle on ethical and health grounds. She also anchored a weekly Television program named "Heads and Tails" highlighting sufferings meted out to animals due to their commercial exploitation. She has also authored a book under the same title. Her other books were about Indian people names. She runs an NGO, People For Animals, which has its shelters across India. There is also a story of a lion who has been recently rescused from the hands of a MP. STORY OF NARSIMHA Narsimha, the ‘Babbar sher’, who was caged for ten years in a farm house finally got his independence. He was brought to Nahargarh rescue centre on Saturday morning. Now he will live with 28 other lions of his species in a vast closed compound. Narsimha left Muzaafarnagar in a big trolley on Friday evening at around six PM. He has to travel for 18 hours to finally reach Nahargarh rescue center. All preparation to shift him was all made in advance. Senior forest

department officials have arrived at rescue center as early as 7 am in morning to welcome Narsimha. As he arrived at Nahargarh, DFO Puroshuttam Sharma and assistant forest conserver Dinesh Gaur transferred him to a small cage with the help of twenty other forest workers. It took around three and half hours. After this Narshimha was released into his new home. Forest minister Ramlal Jaat showed him the way to his new home. The rescue center is home to 44 other tigers and lions. Finding a new companion among them, they all started roaring and whole area filled with majestic sounds of their roars. The others who were present on the occasion are CFC R.N. Mehrotra, Vanpal Vishnu Gupta and Tejkumar. Veterinary doctor conducted medical test of Nardhimha and declared him fit and well. DR. SP Yadav and Bharatlal, assistant forest conservators, told that narshimha did not created any nuisance and problems despite such a long journey.


By: V O I D V O I C E S Raghav Aggarwal Saurabh Singh Tushar Wadhwa Shambu Kumar Mandal Rajni Kanta Guru Paras Sharma Sujeet Madhogaria Biswajeet Dutta

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