Camillo Learning Log

  • December 2019
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  • Words: 1,435
  • Pages: 4

Megan Camillo

Class Activities/Primary Work

Work Submitted/Due

September 15, 2008: • Review syllabus. • UDL simulation quiz for passage read in class.

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September 22, 2008: • Broke into home base groups for a jigsaw activity. • Pick out a chapter to be an expert on for the project. • Watched a DI video and became an expert in area (my group focused on anchor activities). • Learn how to use Auto summary on Microsoft Word and Flesch-Kincaid Reading Level. • Learn about to convert to PDF or revert back to original document. September 29, 2008: • Meet in home base groups and finalize what we are going to teach about anchor activities. • Broke into groups to discuss the six strategies for DI and taught about anchor activities. • Created a question about DI to

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Ticket #2 was submitted in class. Submitted ticket #3 to the Wiki in class. Sign up for at least one educational blog from session 3 on ANGEL that has an RSS feed. Ticket #3 submitted to Wiki. DI assignment completed prior to class. For next class read chapters 1, 5 and 9, complete the Info Lit follow up activity, and take the DI quiz (create your own format) from class.

Hand in tickets 4 and 5 (DI quiz and website evaluation). Make sure that power point of DI question is posted. For next class complete UDL homework on ANGEL.

Next Steps (on my own, in professional development, to extend work done in and for class) • Work on my RSS skills (finding RSS feeds and getting accustomed to using them). • Build upon my account. I also need to explore the site to figure out more about it and how it works. •

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Look up more information about incorporating DI into the classroom. Practice using Auto summary and Flesch-Kincaid Reading Level on my personal computer. Figure out how to use

Continue learning about using November Learning tools to find out information about websites. Get myself better acquainted with so that I can use it as a tool in my classroom some day.

EDU 276 Learning Log- p. 1 - Last Updated 12/20/2008 © 2008 Camillo

EDU 276 LEARNING LOG post a power point on the Wiki using • Went over homework load. October 6, 2008: • Discuss presentation project. • Pick a very specific slice of the chapter to base our presentation on. • Received a task sheet for organizing the project. • Explored, and October 20, 2008: • Taught a vocabulary word about a topic we know well. • Watched a movie about the Marzano Method for teaching vocabulary. • Teach class about a specific piece of the method. • Sign up for,,, and October 27, 2008: • Learning Log overview. • Work handed back. • Two Wiki presentations. • Lab work on the Wiki’s.

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Make sure that ticket # 6 (quiz from is posted. Next class is a drop in session in place of class. Come in with any questions or concerns.

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Come up with a plan for my project. Practice making quizzes on so that I am well versed for the project.

For next class: 1. Update Learning Log. 2. Complete Vocabulary Quiz on the Wiki. 3. Post to the Vocabulary Page on the Wiki. 4. Review Chapter 16. 5. Look at alternative sites to build quizzes online. 6. Complete optional ticket.

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Keep better track of my learning log. Learn more about the Marzano Method for teaching vocabulary.

Ticket #7 and #8 due (Vocab posting to Wiki and Vocab post Test). Up to date copy of Learning Log. For next class: 1. Prepare my Wiki page. 2. Re-do my Web Review (Ticket #5). 3. Look over Big 6 page on Wiki.

Review more of the tools from the November Learning site. Learn more about Bloom’s Taxonomy. Prepare my Wiki page on Teaching Root Words. This will require research about root words and effective methods to teach them.

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November 3, 2008: • Housekeeping: questions, comments, concerns. • Review the Big 6 • Went on “A Walk in the Woods” virtual field trip. • Went through materials on Wiki posted by Dr. Gradel. • Two Wiki presentations (three to do in class due to one absence). • Discussed ticket resubmissions. • Lab word on Wiki presentations. November 10, 2008: • Seven Wiki presentations. • Old ticket rubrics returned. • Web quest video. • Video jigsaw. • Lab work on Wiki presentations.

November 17, 2008: • Four Wiki presentations. • Discussed in class office hours. • Went over housekeeping. No exam during exam week. Discussed procedure for resubmission of tickets. • Ticket rubrics were handed back.

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4. Finish Wiki quizzes from today. Submitted two Wiki quizzes from last week. Ticket #9 due (DI Quiz). For next class: 1. Look over chapters 12 and 13. 2. Take a screen shot of all postings to Wiki. 3. Complete Wiki quizzes from today’s presentations. 4. Look at online virtual field trips.

Ticket #10 due (Search Tool Comparison). Three Wiki quizzes. For next class: 1. Complete extra credit tickets. 2. Read chapters 4 and 14 3. Choose a Wiki venue to use for our e-portfolio and open an account. Seven quizzes on Wiki. For next class: 1. Review chapters 6 and 20. 2. Work on editing my Wiki page. 3. Begin e-portfolio. 4. Begin to revise old tickets.

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Learn more about the Big 6 and more strategies to incorporate them in the classroom. Discover more online resources that can be used to teach in the classroom (more web quests, virtual resources); what other types of resources are there?

Review more reading comprehension strategies and prereading strategies. More techniques will be beneficial to my career as an early childhood educator. Look up what types of things Wiki’s are used for. Are they only used by educators? What types of people use them and what do they use them for?

Learn more about Differentiated Instruction and how to incorporate it into the classroom. What other types of methods can be used other than what we have seen in class? Gain a better understanding of tiering assignments and how it is used when teaching. Familiarize myself with and begin using it more regularly.

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Went over what to put on eportfolio. Reviewed as an example. • Looked over how to use • Lab work on the Wiki’s presented. December 1, 2008: • Four Wiki presentations. • Reviewed differentiation and how to incorporate it into our Wiki’s. • Learning Log is moving over to a weight of 2. • Learned how to copy write materials. • Lab work on presented Wiki’s. December 8, 2008: • Nine Wiki presentations. • Our e-portfolio’s are due Thursday, December 18, 2008 by 11:59pm. • Submit Learning Log as a PDF on ANGEL and to our eportfolio. • Used to give a response to a question posed in class. • Lab work on presented Wiki’s.

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Online version of our housekeeping list from last week for extra credit due. Four Wiki quizzes due. For next class: 1. Complete Wiki quizzes from today. 2. Work on e-portfolio. 3. Review chapters 10, 15 and 18.

Four Wiki quizzes due. Any revised tickets due. For exam week: 1. Turn in all revised tickets and their rubrics. 2. Complete e-portfolio. 3. Submit Learning Log to ANGEL as a PDF. 4. Complete Wiki quizzes from today’s presentations.

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Reflect on my college career and courses taken. What have I learned? How am I developing professionally from these courses? Familiarize myself with why it is important to copy write materials that I create and publish online.

Search for more file conversion sites other than Search for more sites where students can post entries vocally. I think that this could be a very useful tool to use in an early childhood classroom. Research more sites that have virtual books that can be read to students. Bookmark any good sites.

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