Cagbc Leed Ci V 1.0

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SUSTAINABLE SITES (0 prerequisite, 3 credits, 7 possible points, 3 items ½ point to 1 point, 2 possible ID points) SS c1 3 Pt Design ResParty

Site Selection

Encourage tenants to select buildings with best practices and employed green strategies

Brownfield Redevelopment

Rehabilitate damaged sites real or perceived environmental contamination Reduce pressure on undeveloped land

Select building where key sustainable already exist

Select a LEED certified building,

1. SS c1A ½ Pt Design Civil Eng ResParty

SS c1B ½ Pt Design Civil Eng ResParty

SS c1C ½ Pt Design Civil Eng ResParty

Storm water Management Rate &Quantity

Storm water Management Treatment

Limit disruption and pollution of natural water flows by managing storm water run off

Limit disruption to natural water flows by eliminating storm water run off, increasing on site infiltration and eliminating contaminants

▪During site selection, give preference to brownfield sites.

Or 2. Defined as Brownfield by government agency ⋅

1.. Vegetated Roofs 2. Pervious paving 3. Reuse storm water: landscape irrigation, toilet flushing, custodial uses 4. Bioswales, vegetated filter strips 5. Retention ponds

▪Alternative surfaces: Vegetated Roofs, pervious pavement or grid pavers. ▪Non-structural: Rain gardens, vegetated swales, disconnection of impervious areas, pervious pavement

A building prior to development on a site documented as contaminated via CSA Z769 Standard for Phase II Environmental Site Assessments.

Both need complete Effective remediation of contamination to earn this half point,

A building prior to development on a site: <=50% Imperviousness: & implemented SWMP (storm water management plan) equals or is less than the pre-developed the 1.5- yr, 24-hr rate and quantity discharge OR. >50% Imperviousness: & SWMP results in 25% decrease in volume runoff from the 1.5 yr. 24-hr. design storm ⋅

Pre-developed rate is set to equal actual annual average - unless this actual exceeds the P10Y average, in which case use this average

A building that has in place a site area storm water treatment system to remove: ⋅ Average annual site area 80% of total suspended solids ⋅ Average annual site area 40% of total phosphorous ⋅ These values are based on the average annual 2 year 24 hour storm. The building must use BMP outlined in Chapter 4, Part 2 (Urban Runoff) of the US EPA’s Guidance Specifying Management Measures for Sources of Nonpoint Pollution in Coastal Waters January 1993 (Document No EPA 840B92002) or the local governments BMP, whichever is most stringent

1.LEED Letter Template 2.Copy of Base Building LEED certification document

1.LEED Letter Template 1. Confirmation site was Brownfield 2. Type of damage 3. remediation taken 4. Letter from regulatory body certifying the site was contaminated Include calculation of site imperviousness is <=50% or>50% ⋅ <=50% Imperviousness Declare that the post development 1.5 year 24 hour peak discharge rate & quantity does not exceed the pre development rate for the same time period ⋅ >50% Imperviousness Declare & demonstrate that the storm water management strategies result in a rate and quantity of discharge that have been reduced by at least 25%.

▪Non-structural Controls: Provide list of BMPS, description percent annual rainfall treated

Reduce heat islands

SS c1D ½ Pt EP 1L Design Civil Eng ResParty

Heat Island Effect Non-Roof 30% opt 1 50% opt 2 50% opt 3 EP 100% opt 1

(thermal gradient differences between developed and undeveloped areas) to minimize impact on micro climate & human and animal habitat

▪Use light colored paving ▪Shade paved areas with landscaping ▪Parking deck to minimize footprint

OPTION 1: Provide a combination giving r 30% of the site hardscape: 1. Shade (within 5 yrs) (June 21, noon) 2. Paving materials with >= 30SRI (Solar Reflectance Index) 3. Open grid pavement system OPTION 2: Minimum 50% of parking spaces underground or under structured cover OPTION 3: Minimum 50% of paving is <50% impervious open grid

▪Project site drawings ▪Optional Narrative AND OPTION 1: 30% 1. SRIs for each paving material 2. Total areas of site hardscape 3. Area of hardscape to be shaded 4. Area of installed SRI materials

CSA Z769 Standard for Phase II Environmental Site Assessments

BPM of EPA Guidance Specifying Management Measures for Sources of Non-Point Pollution in Coastal Waters, January 1993 (Document No EPA 840B92002)


Prep teeceetee


EP ½ pt 1L: 100% on site parking located under cover

SS c1E ½ Pt +½ EP 1L Design Architect Civ Eng ResParty

Heat Island Effect Roof Opt 75% Opt 2 50% Opt 3 1.33SRI x 2Veg Roof

High-albedo and vegetated roofs to reduce heat absorption.

EP ½ pt 1L 100% of the project roof area consists of a Vegetated Roof system

EP100% Veg rf

1. Minimize light trespass SS c1F ½ Pt Design Lighting Designer or ResParty

2. Reduce sky-glow Light Pollution Reduction

OPTION 1: Roofing with SRI 78 (low slope) or SRI 29 (steep-slope) for minimum 75% of roof surface OPTION 2: Vegetated Roof 50% of roof area OPTION 3: Combination of above Total roof area≤ (area of SRI roof x 1.33) + ( area of vegetated roof x 2)]

3. Improve nighttime visibility thru glare reduction 4. Reduce impact on nocturnal environment

▪Minimize site lighting IESNA RP 33-99 ▪Use computer modeling ▪Full cutoff luminaries ▪Low-reflectance surfaces ▪Shielding adjustable spotlights *Minimize up lighting ▪Occupancy sensors ▪Using lighting control panels for after-hours use. ▪Employ lighting professional

A building that meets or provides lower light levels & uniformity ratios than those recommended by (IESNA) Illuminating engineering Society of North America Recommended Practice Manual: Lighting for External Environments (RP - 30-99) ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅

All exterior light fixtures with more than 1000 initial light lumens are shielded All luminaries with more than 3500 initial lamp lumens meet IESNA the Full Cut Off Classification The maximum candela of all interior lighting shall fall within the property The light from a Luminaire within 2.5 x its’ mounting distance from the property line shall have shielding such that all its light fall within the property boundary

Light trepass limitations by Zones E1-E4

2. Number of Covered parking spaces OPTION 3: 50% 1.Parking area 2.50% Area In open grid <50% impervious

Roof drawings AND OPTION 1: 1. Area of SRI compliant roofing 2. Installed roofing and SRI values OPTION 2: 1. Green roof system installed OPTION 3: 1. Area of green roof systems 2. Area of installed SRI roofing 3. Installed materials and SRI values 4. Optional Narrative

LEED Letter Template (lighting designer or an appropriate party), declaring that Credit requirements have been met In audit, the goal is to prove: ⋅ Narrative stating Prevent any direct beam illumination from leaving the site ⋅ Demonstrate thru the plan the fixtures & what they are supposed to light ⋅ Demonstrate use of diffuse & muted light, meeting IESNA values as measured at eye-height, and not create glare of direct lighting onto a neighbourhood property, streets or night sky

▪ASTM E1980-01 ▪ASTM E408-71 ▪ASTM E903-96 +EPA Energy Star Roof Criteria

ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1-2004 Lighting, section 9 Energy Standard For Buildings Except LowRise Residential IESNA) Illuminating Engineering Society of North America Recommended Practice Manual: Lighting for External Environments (RP 30-99) (RP = Recommended Practices) Also RP 20-98: lighting for Parking Facilities. it is important to use lowest recommended values Table SS11 Light Trespass Limitations - these are levels to use; measured at the eye on


SS c1G ½ Pt Design Architect Eng ResParty

SS c1H ½ Pt Design Architect Eng ResParty

SS c1I ½ Pt Design Architect MEP CIv Eng ResParty

SS c1J ½ Pt +1/2pt Design MEP Eng ResParty

Water Efficient Landscaping Reduce by 50%

Water Efficient Landscaping No Potable Water Use or No Irrigation (1/2 pt in addition to 1G) Innovative Wastewater Technologies 50% opt 1 100% opt 2

Prep teeceetee

Limit or eliminate potable water for landscape irrigation.

Reduce demand of wastewater and potable water.

Maximize water efficiency.

Reduce potable water consumption for irrigation by 50% from a calculated July baseline case, thru: OPTION 1: High Efficiency Irrigation 1. plant species 2. irrigation efficiency OPTION 2: Captured Rainwater or recycled site Water 3. captured rainwater 4. recycled wastewater 5. Non-potable water treated

1. Specify high-efficiency fixtures and dry fixtures 2. Reuse storm water or gray water for sewerage conveyance 3. Onsite wastewater treatment systems (packaged biological nutrient removal systems, constructed wetlands, highefficiency filtration systems) ▪High-efficiency fixtures ▪Occupant sensors ▪Use stormwater/graywater Process water Not Included ( ie: cooling tower, laundry,dishwasher)


Narrative describing captured rain water strategies, recycled site water and storage capacity, list plant species, landscaping and irrigation strategies

2. 1. Calculated baseline Total Potable Water Applied (TPWA) 2. Calculated design case (TPWA from Kl, ETL) 3. Total non-potable water supply for irrigation

Strategy for Building 1. Capture rainwater, recycled sitewater, OR 2. Install landscaping with NO permanent irrigation systems. Temporary irrigation for plant establishment allowed only within the first 1- 2 year of installation

Eliminate potable water for landscape irrigation.

*EP 100% opt 1

Water use Reduction: 20%1/2 point 30% 1 point

1. Analyze soil/climate for native /adapted plants 2. Use high-efficiency irrigation system (drip, micro mister) & climate based controllers 3. Irrigation system using storm water, gray water, or condensate water 4. Site map with structures, sun/wind exposure 5. Shadow profiles of landscape areas 6. Reduce heat island effect with shade trees 7. Plan water use zones (highmod-low). Plant turf areas only in functional or soil


Strategy for Building OPTION 1: Reduce potable water for building sewage conveyance by 50% thru water-conserving fixtures or non-potable water (captured rainwater, recycled greywater, treated wastewater) (( use x gender stat = daily use) x 2 genders)*annual work days OPTION 2: Treat 100% of wastewater on-site to tertiary standards. *Zero use of potable water in sewage conveyance

Strategy for Building ⋅ 20% less water than the water use baseline calculated for the building (not including irrigation) after meeting the Energy Policy Act of 1992 fixture performance requirements. Calculations are based on estimate occupant usage and include only water closets, urinals, lavatory faucets, showers, and kitchen sinks. ⋅ 30% less water use

Species, pant density, microclimate factor, greywater and evatranspiration

1. Plumbing drawings, spreadsheet, calculations 2. Calculated occupants (FTE ) 3. Calculated baseline water usage for sewage conveyance 4. Calculated design case water usage for sewage conveyance 5. Non-potable water supply 6. Annual quantity of treated wastewater 1. Calculated design case water usage (flush/flow fixtures) 2. Calculated baseline water usage (flush and flow fixtures) 3. Non-potable water supply 4. Narrative

EPACT 1192


SS c1K ½ Pt +½ pt Design Architect Owner ResParty

On-site Renewable Energy 5% ½ pt 10% 1 pt

Prep teeceetee

Encourage use of onsite renewable energy.

▪Eligible sources: photovoltaic, solar thermal, bio-fuel based, geothermal heating, geothermal electric, low-impact hydro electric, wave & tidal power ▪Use on-site renewable energy system offset building energy cost. ▪Non-eligible sources: architectural features, passive solar, daylighting, geoexchange (ground source heat pumps), renewable or green-power from off-site


. A building that provides at least 5% of the buildings total energy use (expressed as a fraction of annual energy cost) through on site renewable energy systems ⋅ On site renewable energy = 5% (1/2 point) %= REC/DEC ⋅ On site renewable energy = 10% (1 point) Uses EA c1 baseline. Uses DOE CBECS (Commercial Building Energy Consumption Survey) database REC : Renewable energy cost DEC Design Energy Cost ECB Energy Cost Budget

Other Quantifiable Environmental Performance SS c1L ½-3 Pt Design ResParty

1. LEED items ½pt Item’s EP+½pt 2. ½pt for credit SS1 A-K EP

Encourage tenants to select buildings with best practice systems and employed green strategies

Potential Technology and Strategy of in other LEED Rating systems

A building that had in place at time of selection other quantifiable environmental performance, for which the requirements may be found in other LEED rating systems

LEED Letter Template (architect, interior designer, building owner, engineer or other responsible party), declaring compliance as defined in other LEED rating systems ½ point or EP 1 point OR Declaring exemplary performance has been achieved somewhere in SS Credit 1A-K Options

OPTION 1: DEVELOPMENT DENSITY 1. Site plan with density boundary 2. Project site and building area (sf) 3. List of site and bldg areas within the radius OPTION 2: COMMUNITY CONNECTIVITY 1. Site vicinity plan with 1/2 mi. radius 2. Project site and building area (sf) 3. List of services 1. Site vicinity drawings showing location of rail or bus stops 2. Listing of rail or bus stops and distance to site

SS c2 ½ Pt +½ EP* Design ResParty

Development Density & Community Connectivity

1. Channel development to urban areas 2. Protect greenfields 3. Preserve habitats, natural resources.

During site selection, give preference to existing urban sites with pedestrian access to variety of services.

1. Previously developed site AND OPTION 1: DEVELOPMENT DENSITY 2. Walkable Community w/ min. density 60,000 sf/acre OPTON 2: COMMUNITY CONNECTIVITY 2. 1/2 mi. of residential average density 10 units/acre 3. 1/2 mi. radius of 10 basic services 4. Pedestrian access between building and services EPProject must have 2X average density OR avg. density within area 2X as large as for the base credit achievement must be 120,000 sf/acre

SSc 3.1 1 Pt EP: 1 ID Design Architect, int des ResParty

Alternative Transportation Public Transportation

Reduce pollution and land development impact from automobile use.

▪Perform a transportation survey of future building occupants to identify transportation needs. ▪Site the building near mass transit.

1. 1/2 mi. of commuter rail EP2 commuter rails OR 2. 1/4 mi. of 1 or more stops for 2 or more bus lines EP =>2 bus stops fo=>4 more bus lines/200 transit rides per day EP

SS c3.2 1 Pt Design Architect int des ResParty

Alternative Transportation Bike Storage & Changing Rooms 5% 1/8

Reduce pollution and land development impact from automobile use.

1. On-site renewable energy sources used, annual energy generated from each source and backup fuel for each source 2. Describe source of the annual energy cost information (energy model or datable) and provide the energy values and cost

Design the building with bike racks and shower/changing rooms.

COMMERCIAL 1. Bicycle racks for 5% of FTE *building users (183 m/ 200 yards of entrance) AND 2. Shower/changing rooms for 1:8 Bicycle Spaces *1 FTE= 1 Occupant@ 8hrs/day ( use maximum shift if multiple shifts)

1. FTE occupancy and Transient occupancy 2. Provide calculation for bike storage 3. Calculation of quantity of showers

ASHRAE/IESNA 90.12004: Energy Standard For Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential


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SS c3.3 1 Pt Design Architect int des ResParty

Alternative Transportation Parking Availability

Reduce pollution and land development impact from single occupancy vehicle use.




▪ Select building with minimized car parking capacity and limited parking in the lease



Projects occupying< 75% of gross building area Option A ⋅ Parking provided to tenants shall not exceed minimum number of spots required by zoning. ⋅ Priority parking provided for van & car pools for 5% or more of tenant occupants (assume 2 people/car - so really means for 2.5% of tenant occupants) Option B No parking provided or subsidized for tenant occupants Projects occupying 75% or over of gross building area Option A ⋅ Parking provided to tenants shall not exceed minimum number of spots required by zoning. ⋅ Priority parking provided for van & car pools for 5% or more of building occupants (assume 2 people/car - so really means for 2.5% of occupants) Option B ⋅ No new parking added for rehab projects ⋅ Preferred parking provided for van & car pools for 5% or more of building occupants

LEED letter template (signed), with either zoning info, or lease documents showing how parking allocation is within these guidelines Option A ( Case 1&2) 1.Provide Code and Requirements 2. Show Zone for 5% Priority parking Option B 1.Show no new parking or none added




WATER EFFICIENCY (0 prerequisites, 1 credit, 2 points. 2 ID points possible) 20% less water than the water use baseline calculated for the building (not including irrigation) after meeting the Energy Policy Act of 1992 fixture performance requirements. Calculations are based on estimate occupant usage and include only water closets, urinals, lavatory faucets, showerheads, faucets, replacement aerators, metering faucets

WE c1.1 1 Pt Design MEP eng ResParty

Water use Reduction: 20%

2. Calculated design case water usage (flush/flow fixtures)

▪High-efficiency fixtures WE c1.2 1 Pt EP: 2 ID Design MEP eng ResParty

Water use Reduction: 30% EP 40% baseline 20% process

Maximize water efficiency in the tenant space

▪Occupant sensors ▪Use stormwater/graywater

1. Calculated occupants

30% less water use *40% projected water savings *10% water use savings in the process and non-regulated water use, eligible for ID point

3. Calculated baseline water usage (flush and flow fixtures) 4. Non-potable water supply 5. Narrative

Energy Policy Act (EPAct) of 1992: Addresses energy and water use in commercial, institutional, and residential facilities Table WE 2 IPMVP or FEMP Measurement and Verification Guidelines


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Table WE 2 Baseline Water fixture Requirements Fixture

Minimum Flow Requirement

Water Closets


LPF (Litres per Flush)


GPF (Gallons per Flush)



LPF (Litres per Flush)


GPF (Gallons per Flush)



LPM (Litres per Minute)


GPM (Gallons per Minute)



LPM (Litres per Minute)


GPM (Gallons per Minute)

Replacement Aerators


LPM (Litres per Minute)


GPM (Gallons per Minute)

Metering Faucet





At flowing water pressure of 552 kPA or 80 PSI




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1. Commissioning Authority (CA) 2. Tenant developed TPR. Design team developed BOD 3. Commissioning requirements into Constr Documents 4. Commissioning Plan 5. Verify performance of the systems 6. Summary commissioning report

1. Name and company information for the CxA 2. Confirm that the 6 required tasks have been completed 3. Narrative of the systems that were commissioned Provide a narrative - will be used for this credit & other EA & EQ credits ⋅ Use drawings/diagrams Explain how HVAC works, portions shared with other tenants or the base building, improvements made as part of project to building systems that serve the project space 1. Confirm project meets ASHRAE 90.1 – 2004 or More stringent local Code 3. Optional narrative LEED Letter Template (professional engineer or other responsible party), stating compliance to ASHRAE (if local code - prove more stringent than ASHRAE) ⋅ Provide narrative re key HVAC & lighting initiatives employed ⋅ Provide schedule of HVAC and lighting equipment installed within tenants scope of work, identifying equipment & its’ capacitates, efficiencies & controls, and corresponding ASHRAE Standard 90.1 or code mandated requirements 4. If simulation done according to Canadian Model National Energy Code 1997 and applicable Commercial Buildings Incentive Program (CBIP) provide their report


ENERGY AND ATMOSPHERE (3 Prerequisites, 4 credits,12 points. 3 ID points possible)

EA P1 0 Pts Constr. CA tenant

EA P2 0 Pts Design MEP eng ResParty

EA P3 0 Pts EP: 1 ID Design MEP eng ResParty

Fundamental Commissioning of the Building Energy Systems

Minimum Energy Performance

CFC Reduction in HVAC & R Equipment Exemp:ID point

Verify that the projects energy systems are installed, calibrated & perform as intended

Minimum level of energy efficiency.

TPR (Tenant’s Project Requirements) ▪Owner & User requirements ▪Environmental and sustainability goals ▪Energy Efficiency Goals ▪Indoor Environmental quality requirements ▪Equipment and System expectations ▪Building occupant and O&M personnel reqmts BOD (Basis of Design) ▪Primary Design Assumptions (space use, redundancy, diversity) ▪Standards ▪Narrative descriptions

▪Design to maximize energy ⋅ Building envelope (section 5) ⋅ HVAC (section 6) ⋅ Service water heating (section 7) ⋅ Power (section 8) ⋅ Lighting (section 9) ⋅ Other equipment (section 10) ⋅ Energy cost budget method (ECBM) section 11 Std 90.1-2004 ⋅ Performance rating method – Appendix G Std 90.1-2004 ⋅ Within each section there are mandatory provisions that must always be met, as well as additional prescriptive requirements. Some sections also contain a performance alternative ⋅ The Energy Cost Budget Method (section 11) allows the user to exceed some of the prescriptive elements, as long as savings are made in other areas. The mandatory elements must always be met

⋅ Reduce ozone depletion.

Specify new HVAC equipment that uses no CFC refrigerants. Retrofit existing CFC HVAC & R systems with non CFC refrigerants

Commissioned systems ▪HVAC & Controls▪ ▪Lighting and daylighting controls ▪Domestic hot water systems ▪Renewable energy systems (PV, wind, solar, etc.)

Design Tenant Portion of the building to comply with: Mandatory provisions of Sections 5-10 of ASHRAE/IESNA Std 90.1-2004 or More stringent Local energy code 2Prescriptive requirements OR performance requirements of ASHRAE/IESNA Std 90.1-2004

▪Zero use of CFC (Chlorofluorocarbons) refrigerants in new tenant HVAC & R systems when within scope of work Note - if don’t touch old HVAC, then not applicable Exemplary: ID point for attaining a quantifiable positive environmental impact for items not covered within LEED CI; eliminated use of Ozone Depleting materials or materials with global warning potential may qualify for ID point

Confirm project does not use CFCs in HVAC installed or renovated within scope

ASHRAE/IESNA 90.12004: Energy Standard For Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential


EA c1.1 Design 1-3 Pts EP: 1 ID Design MEP eng ResParty

Optimize Energy Performance LIGHTING POWER Opt A: 15%-1 pt Opt B:25%-2 pts Opt C:35%-3pts EP:≥45% +1IDpt

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Increase levels of energy performance above the baseline. reduce environmental impacts associated with excessive energy use


Reduce connected lighting power below that allowed by ASHRAE 90.1 - 2004 standard ⋅ ⋅

Design connected lighting to maximize energy performance Consider computer modeling to assess cost effective efficiency mesures

Space by Space Method, or Building area method lighting power allowance to the entire tenant space Reduce lighting power density: Option A: 15% (1 point) Option B: 25% (2 points) Option C: 35% (3 points) EP: 45% or greater savings Reduce lighting power density

showing lighting power density has been reduced by x% below the ASHRAE 90.1 - 2004 standard Provide lighting equipment schedules showing luminaries, lamps, ballasts, and their efficiencies and controls, and their corresponding ASHRAE Standard 90.1 code mandated requirements

ASHRAE/IESNA 90.12004: Energy Standard For Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential, and Informative

EA c1.2 Design 1 Pts Design MEP eng ResParty

Optimize Energy Performance LIGHTING CONTROLS

Increase levels of energy performance above the baseline. Daylight controls)

Optimize Energy Performance HVAC EA c1.3 Design 1-2 Pts EP ID 1 Design MEP eng ResParty

Opt AEquip Eff 1 pt Zoning 1 pt Opt Bbetter 15% 1 pt better 30% 1 pt EP:≥45% +1IDpt

Increase levels of energy performance above the baseline. HVAC

⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅

⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅ ⋅

Design lighting controls to maximize energy performance Determine individual zones and their relationship to fenestration Some areas to be excluded Anticipate shading from exterior sources

Design HVAC to maximize energy performance Option A is prescriptive HVAC & Zoning Controls Option B is performance based 30% 0r 45% better performance

Install daylight responsive controls in all regularly occupied spaces within 4.5 m (15 ft) of windows & under skylights

Option A (prescriptive): Implement one of both of the following strategies: ⋅ equipment efficiency (1 point) ⋅ install HVAC systems which comply with the efficiency requirements outlined in the New Buildings Institute, Inc’s publication “Advanced Buildings: Energy Benchmark for High Performance Buildings (E-Benchmark)” PRESCRIPTIVE criteria for mechanical efficiency requirements, sections 2.4 (less ASHRAE standard 55), 2.5 & 2.6 ⋅ appropriate zoning & controls (1 point) ⋅ zone tenant fit out spaces to meet following requirements: ⋅ every solar exposure must have a separate control zone ⋅ interior spaces must be separately zoned ⋅ private offices & specialty spaces (e.g. boardrooms) must have active controls capable of sensing zone use & modulating HVAC system in response to space demand Option B (performance): Reduce design energy cost compared to the energy cost budget for regulated energy components described in the requirements of ASHRAE 90.1-2004 ⋅ demonstrate that HVAC system component performance criteria used for tenant space are 15% better than a system that is in minimum compliance with ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1 - 2004 (1 point) OR ⋅ demonstrate that HVAC system component performance criteria used for tenant space are 30% better than a system that is in minimum compliance with ASHRAE/IESNA Standard 90.1 - 2004 (2 points) EP: 45% or greater (Option B)

confirming lighting install in accordance with the ASHRAE 90.1 – 2004 ⋅ narrative re lighting controls & savings installed in space ⋅ provide lighting schedules, identifying light details, efficiencies & controls & ASHRAE info Lighting Compliance Document from ASHRAE - one thing needed in an audit

For Option A confirming standard met. narrative describing HVAC in tenant space & in total building. ⋅ Give plans & schedules to prove compliance For Option B, ⋅ declare that HVAC system energy consumption is 15 or 30% lower than a budget or baseline case defined in ASHRAE section 11 or Appendix G. ⋅ Provide a completed copy of Energy Cost Budget (ECB) Compliance Form. Provide a narrative of the plans & schedules to prove compliance ⋅ ⋅

ASHRAE/IESNA 90.12004: Energy Standard For Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential, and Informative

ASHRAE/IESNA 90.12004: Energy Standard For Buildings Except Low-Rise Residential, and Informative Appendix G Performance Rating Method mNEB (Model National Energy Building Code) CBIP assessment re energy simulation Option 3: Advanced Buildings Core Performance Program Option 4: Advanced Buildings Benchmark Version 1.1


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EA c1.4 Design 1-2 Pts Design ResParty

EAc2 1 Pt CA tenant Constr.

EA c3 1-2 Pt Constr. MEP eng ResParty

Optimize Energy Performance Equipment and Appliance 70% Rated power 1 pt 90% Rated power 2 pt

Enhanced Commissioning

Measurement & Verification <75% Case 1 ≥75% Case 2

Increase levels of energy performance above the baseline.

Commissioning process early during design

Provide for the ongoing accountability & optimization of tenant energy & water

Select energy efficient equipment as per EPA Energy Star

Follow Ref Guide for the Commissioning design review, commission submittal review, systems manual.

Case 1: projects with an area less than 75% of total area: Install sub-metering with direct pay, not square foot pay Case 2: 75% or more of a building, Model energy and saving Measure performance M &V plan during operations to see if modeling is close to actual

For all Energy Star equipment installed on the premises including: o Appliances o Office equipment o Electronics o Commercial food service equipment o But excluding: HVAC, lighting & building envelope product ⋅ Energy Star eligible equipment & appliances shall be Energy Star rated ⋅ by rated power 70%,, -1 point; 90%-2 points Add'l commissioning activities: 1.Commissioning Authority (CxA) independent of design and construction, design review prior to End of Design Development . 3. Review energy contractor submittals 4.Develop a single manual that contains all info for recommissioning the tenant space energy related systems 5. Verify that the requirements for training operating personnel & tenant space occupants are completed. 6.Have a contract in place to review tenant space operation with O & M personnel and occupants 7. Review building operation within 8-10 months after substantial completion with staff and occupants. Develop/implement a Measurement & Verification (M&V) Plan consistent with Case 1: projects area that less than 75% of total building area: ⋅ Install sub-metering equipment by energy source to measure energy & water use within tenant space (1 point) ⋅ Negotiate a lease where energy costs are paid by the tenant & not built into the base rent (1 point) Case 2: Projects 75% or more of a building, install continuous metering equipment at the following end users (2 points) know this list: ⋅ Lighting system & controls ⋅ Constant & variable motor loads ⋅ Variable frequency drive (VFD) operation ⋅ Chiller efficiency at variable loads (KW/tonne) ⋅ Cooling loads ⋅ Air & water economizer & heat recovery cycles ⋅ Air distribution static pressures & ventilation air volumes ⋅ Boiler efficiencies ⋅ Building related process energy systems & equipment ⋅ Indoor water riser and outdoor irrigation systems For both cases develop a Measurement & Verification plan that incorporates the monitoring information from the above & is consistent with Option B: C,D International Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol (IPMVP) Vol. I 2001 Concepts and Options for Determining Energy Savings in New Construction April, 2003.

⋅ ⋅ ⋅

confirming Energy Star % provide narrative provide schedule listing all Energy Star ratings & relative percent

EPA Energy Star Program for Energy Products

1. Provide name, firm and experience information for the CxA 2. Confirm 6 required tasks have been completed 3. Narrative of the results of commissioning design review, implementation of the systems manual and training, and plan for the review of the building operation at 8-10 months.

Case 1: describe metering equipment or show portion of lease that proves energy costs are paid directly by tenant Case 2: 1.confirm metering equipment has been provided for each end user & declaring the option to be followed under IPMVP, 2001 version, 2.provide a copy of the M & V plan following IPMVP including an executive summary

International Performance Measurement & Verification Protocol (IPMVP) Vol. III: Concepts and Options for Determining Energy Savings in New Construction, 2001


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LEED Letter Template (tenant or other responsible party), 1. Provide at least 50% of the building's electricity from renewable sources engaging at least a 2 yr. renewable energy contract. Renewable sources defined by the meet Environment Canada Environmental Choice Program’s Eco-Logo requirements for Green Power supplies EA c4 1 Pt EP: 1 ID tenant Constr.

Green Power 50% EP100%

Grid-source renewable energy, renewable energy technologies on a zero net pollution basis

1.Estimate tenant energy needs 2.Find green power contract with local utility 3. Derived from geothermal, wind, solar,biomass, low impact hydro sources. Green Tags from on site renewable energy does not prevent SSc1K nor EAc4

Calculations options: a) DEC ( Design Energy Cost of EAc1- SS1k ) b) Actual energy consumption (-if process and plug load inckuded in bills, may exclude regulated components like space cooling, fans & pumps) c) Default energy consumption (8Kwhr/sq.ft x area); 16 Kwhr/sq.ft for exemplary) ⋅ (data from DOE CBECS) ⋅ *EP Double amount in electricity 100%

1.confirming that supplied green power equals 50% of project energy consumption 2.provide copy of 2 year contract

EcoLogo Electricity ⋅ environmental Choice Program certifies a wide range of preferred products ⋅ now run by Terra Choice ⋅ for EcoLogo = solar, wind, small scale hydro, biomass No more than 2% of the power can be derived from non renewable resources and sales of EcoLogo electricity can not exceed production DOE (Dept. of Energy) CBECS (Commercial Buildings Energy Consumption Survey)




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Provide accessible area for collection and storage of nonhazardous materials for recycling, including (at a minimum) paper, corrugated cardboard, glass, plastics, and metals

1. Confirm accessible recycling areas have been provided (plan) 2. Confirm types of materials that are recycled. 3. Provide Owner stating recycling program

Occupant commits to stay in same space for not less than 10 years

LEED Letter Template (building owner or other responsible party), declaring owns space or has a minimum 10 year lease

MATERIALS AND RESOURCES (1 prerequisite, 7 credits, 13 points) MR P1 0 Pts Design tenant

MR c1.1 1 Pt Constr. Owner MR c1.2 1 Pt Constr. Architect int des ResParty MR c1.3 1 Pt (+MR1.2) EP 1 ID Constr. Architect

Storage & Collection of Recyclables

Reduce waste generated by building occupants.

Coordinate the size and function of the recycling areas with the anticipated collection services for glass, plastic, office paper, newspaper, cardboard, and organic wastes to maximize the effectives of the dedicated areas. Consider employing cardboard balers, aluminum can crushers, recycling chutes, and collection bins at individual workstations.

Tenant Space, Long Term Commitment

Extend the life cycle of existing building stock.

Suggest negotiations for longer lease or ownership

Building Reuse Maintain 40% of the Int Non-Struct. Elements 1 pt

Encourage choices that will conserve resources, reduce waste & reduce the environmental impacts of tenancy as they relate to materials, manufacturing and transport

Building Reuse Maintain 60% of the Int Non-Struct. Elements Add. 1 pt EP 80% Reuse

MR c2.1 1 Pt Constr. Arch intdes ResParty

Construction Waste Management Divert 50% from Disposal

MR c2.2 1 Pt+MRc1.1 EP 1 ID Constr.

Construction Waste Management Divert 75% from Disposal EP Divert≥ 95%

MR c3.1 1 Pt Constr. Archint des ResParty MR c3.2 1 Pt+ MRc3.1 EP 1 ID Constr.

⋅ ⋅

Identify during selection and design to maintain as much as possible interior elements Remove elements that pose risk Update outdated components

Divert construction debris.

▪Designate an area for collection of recyclable materials and track recycling efforts. ▪Identify haulers to handle the materials. ▪Obtain records (waste haul receipts, waste mgmt reports, spreadsheets, etc.) to confirm the diverted materials have been recycled or salvaged.

▪Identify opportunities to incorporate salvaged materials in building design. Reuse building materials.

LEED Letter Template (architect, interior designer or other responsible party), declare types & areas of retained materials. Listing what was reused

EP for 80% Reuse ▪Establish goals for diversion from disposal in landfills and incinerators.

Resource Reuse: 5%

Resource Reuse: 10% EP ≥ 15%

Maintain at least 40% of area interior non-structural elements (wall, floors, ceilings) ⋅ Maintained to perform same function ⋅ Reused percentage is based on larger of original design or new design (as denominator) Less exterior windows & doors Use existing 60% of area interior non-structural elements (interior walls, doors, floor coverings and ceiling systems) in at least the completed building (including additions).

▪Use salvaged materials such as beams, posts, flooring, paneling, doors, frames, cabinetry, furniture, brick, decorative items.

1. Recycle or salvage 50% of non-hazardous construction and demolition. 2. Construction waste management plan a) Identifies materials to be diverted from disposal b) Materials will be sorted on-site or commingled. Calculations can be done by weight or volume Recycle or salvage 75% EP Divert 95% or greater ▪Use salvaged, refurbished or reused materials such that the sum of materials constitutes at least 5% based of cost. ▪Exclude MEP, but furniture may be included if included consistently across MR credits 3-7. Can be applied to MR c5 Can be applied to MR c2 if credit is NOT met

10% salvaged, refurbished or reused materials EP 15% or greater

1. Complete construction waste calculation tables. Information req'd includes: a) General description of each type of waste generated b) Location of receiving agent (recycler/landfill) for waste; c) Quantity of waste diverted in tons or cy.

1. Provide the total project materials cost (Divisions 2-10) or provide the total project cost for Divisions 2-10 to apply the 45% materials value. 2. Provide a tabulation of each salvaged/reused material used on the project.




MR c3.3 1 Pt EP 1 ID Arch/int D

Prep teeceetee



Furniture and Furnishings: 30% EP ≥ 60%

Reuse building materials and products in order to reduce demand for virgin materials and to reduce waste, thereby reducing impacts associated with the extraction & processing of virgin resources




Use salvaged, refurbished or reused materials for at least 30% of total furniture & furnishings budget. Based on replacement cost Exemplary Performance = 60% or greater


LEED Letter 1.providing listing of value of reused furniture/furniture, 2. value of additional new furniture If audit, provide details, including explanation of how values where calculated

▪Use materials sum of post-consumer recycled content plus 1/2 of the pre-consumer content at least 10% of cost. MR c4.1 1 Pt Arch Int Des.

Recycled Content: 10% (postconsumer + 1/2 pre-consumer)

MR c4.2 1 Pt EP 1 ID Arch Int Des..

Recycled Content: 20% (postconsumer + 1/2 pre-consumer) EP 30%

MR c5.1 1 Pt EP 1 ID Arch Int Des..

Regional Materials Manufactured Regionally 20% EP 40%

MR c5.2 1 Pt EP 1 ID Arch Int Des..

Regional Materials Extracted, Processed & manufactured Regionally 10% EP 20%

Increase demand for building products that incorporate recycled materials.

▪Exclude MEP, but furniture may be included if included consistently across MR credits 3-7. Establish project goal for recycled content materials and identify material suppliers that can achieve this goal. During construction, ensure that recycled content materials are installed.

Value of the recycled content portion shall be calculated by dividing weight of recycled portion by total weight, and multiplying by the total cost

▪ Calculation - deduct MEP & MRc 3.1 & 3.2 & 3.3

1. Provide total project materials cost 2. Provide tabulation of each material including: a) Description of the material b) Manufacturer of the material c) Product cost d) Pre-consumer and/or post-consumer recycled content % e) Source of the data

Use materials sum of post-consumer recycled content plus 1/2 of the pre-consumer content at least 20% of cost. EP 30% of cost or greater Use materials/products that have been manufactured within 500 miles of the site for minimum 20% of cost.

Increase demand for building products that are extracted and manufactured within the region.

Run a preliminary calculation during design to set appropriate target. Establish goal for locally sourced materials, and identify materials and suppliers. During construction, ensure that specified local materials are installed.

*EP 40% of cost or greater . ▪If only a fraction of a product/material extracted/ harvested/recover and manufactured locally, then only that percentage by weight shall contribute to the regional value. Divisions 2-10 only. Use materials/products that have been extracted, harvested or recovered, and manufactured within 500 miles of the site for minimum 10% of cost. $ value of construction & Division 12 *EP 20% of cost or greater


1. Provide the project's total project cost 2. Complete regional materials calculation table including a) Product name for each tracked material b) Product cost c) Percentage of product by weight that meets both extraction and manufacture criteria d) Distance from extractions / harvest / recovery site and project site e) Distance between manufacturing location and project site. f) Total value of project

Federal Trade Commission document, Guides for the Use of Environmental Claims, FTC 16 CFR 260.7 CAN/CSA-ISO 1402100 Environmental labels and Declarations is deemed equivalent to the FTC standard


MR c6 1 Pt EP 1 ID Arch Int Des..

Rapidly Renewable Materials 5% EP 10%

Prep teeceetee

Reduce the use and depletion of finite raw materials.

Establish a project goal for rapidly renewable materials. Consider materials such as bamboo, wool, cotton insulation, agrifiber, linoleum, wheat board, strawboard and cork. During construction, ensure that specified materials are installed.


Use rapidly renewable building materials and products (made from plants that are typically harvested within a 10-year cycle or shorter) for 5% of cost. ⋅ For assembly products, it is percent by weight (factored for percent rapidly renewable) x total value (e.g. 1 lb. fabric & 1 lb. steel) ⋅ For systems use BIFMA standards, unless actual would be more than 5% outside the data provided ⋅ Mechanical/electrical/plumbing not included EP 10% or greater for rapidly renewing materials.

MR c7 1 Pt EP 1 ID Arch Int Des.


Certified Wood 50% EP 95%


Forest management.


Establish a project goal for FSC-certified wood products and identify suppliers. Research availability of wood species to ensure they are available from FSC-certified sources. Specify quality grades that most ready available from well-managed forests. Use lower grades of wood. During construction ensure specified products are installed.


Use a minimum of 50% of wood-based materials and products, which are certified in accordance with the Forest Stewardship Council's (FSC) Principles and Criteria for wood building components (framing, flooring, sub-flooring, wood doors, etc. EP 95% of FSC-certified wood or greater.

1. Provide total project materials cost 2. Rapidly renewable materials calculation table including: a) Product name for each tracked material b) Manufacturer c) Total product cost for each tracked material d) Percentage of product by weight of the tracked material. 3. Optional narrative

1. List of items claimed as FSC certified, including: a) Product type b) Manufacturer and COC (Chain of Custody) certification number.

Forest Stewardship Council’s Principles and Criteria

2. Optional narrative.




INDOOR ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY (2 prerequisites, 8 credits, 15 points)

EQ p1 0 Pts Design

Minimum IAQ Performance

Establish minimum indoor air quality (IAQ)

Design ventilation systems to meet or exceed rates as per ASHRAE std for: 1. Active (Mechanical) Ventilation, 2. Passive (Natural) Ventilation, 3. Mixed-mode Ventilation.

▪Meet the minimum requirement of Sections 4 through 7 of ASHRAE 62.12004, Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality. ▪Mechanical ventilation systems shall be designed using the Ventilation Rate Procedure or the applicable local code, whichever is more stringent. ▪Naturally ventilated building shall comply with ASHRAE 62.1-2004

2. Mechanically Ventilated Buildings: confirm design meets ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004:4,5,6,7 OR 3. Naturally Ventilated Buildings: confirm design meets window opening rqmts per ASHRAE Standard 62.12004:5 provide a summary of calculations used to determine OA ventilation rates documenting all assumptions including occupancy category, occupant density and multiple zone analysis. 4.Plans and Tables For existing buildings that cannot meet the standard, engineer must certify in a letter that they have in hand and will deliver: 1.Photos/specs/cut sheets of mechanical equipment and as-built mechanicals 2.Single line as-built drawings of all space constrained aspects in system (e.g. vertical riser/horizontal chase space).

ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004: Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality

VPR Ventilation Rate Procedure


EQ p2 0 Pts Design

Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS)

Prep teeceetee

Minimize exposure of building occupants, indoor surfaces, and ventilation air distribution systems to Environmental Tobacco Smoke (ETS).

Prohibit smoking in the building. Provide designated areas outside the building where ETS will not enter the building or vent system. Post info on non-smoking policy. If interior smoking areas are design within the building, separate ventilation systems must be installed and their effectives must be tested.


OPTION 1: Non-smoking building Prohibit smoking. Locate exterior smoking 25' from entries, outside air (O/A) intakes, and windows OR OPTION 2: Designated smoking rooms 1. Prohibit smoking except in designated areas. 3. Smoking rooms ▪Contain, capture and remove ETS from building. ▪Be directly exhausted to outdoors and enclosed with deck-to-deck partitions ▪Performance testing of differential air pressures required. ▪Contain, capture and remove ETS from building. ▪Operated at a negative pressure compared to surrounding spaces at 5 PA and with a minimum of 1 PA when the doors are closed. Test is15 minutes of measurement 1 measurement every 10 seconds of the differential in pressure with the doors closed. Testing for worst case conditions of transport of air OPTION 3: Residential compliance 1. Prohibit smoking from all common areas. 3. Minimize uncontrolled pathways for ETS transfer between units. 4. Weather-strip all doors to units. 1.25in2 / 100 sf 5. Verify through blower door test meeting ANSI/ASTM-E779-03

ANSI/ASTM E779-03 Standard Test Method for Determining Air Leakage Rate by Fan Pressurization 1. Confirm project has met appropriate project category: a) Non-Smoking Building; b) Building with Designated Smoking Rooms; or c) Residential Project.

EQ c1 1 Pt Design

Outdoor Air Delivery Monitoring 15% minimum outdoor air rate

Ventilation system monitoring

Install CO2 and airflow measure equipment (Pilot tubes, Venturi meters and rotating vane anemometers) and feed the info to the HVAC system and BAS (building automation systems).

For mechanically ventilated spaces, use heat recovery to minimize the additional energy consumption associated with higher ventilation rates. For naturally ventilated spaces, follow Carbon Trust Good Practice Guide 237: EQ c2 1 Pt Design

Increased Ventilation 30% 90% Nat Vent

Additional outdoor air ventilation

1) Develop design requirements, 2) Plan airflow paths, 3) Identify bldg uses & features that might require special attention, 4) Determine vent requirements, 5) Estimate external driving pressures, 6) Select types of ventilation devices, 7) Size vent devices, 8) Analyze design. Use software (NIST's CONTAM).

FOR MECHANICALLY VENTED SPACES: Increase breathing zone O/A vent rates to 30% above min rates required by ASHRAE Std 62.1-2004. FOR NATURALLY VENTED SPACES: ▪Design system to meet Carbon Trust Good Practice Guide 237 (1998) ▪Determine that natural vent is effective for project by following the flow diagram process shown CIBSE Applications Manual 10: 2005, natural ventilation in non-domestic buildings AND ▪Use diagrams/calculations to show design meets CIBSE OR ▪Use macroscopic, multi-zone, analytic model to predict that room-byroom airflows will effectively naturally ventilate 90% of occupied spaces per ASHRAE 62.1-2004 Chapter 6.

Energy Rating Systems (HERS) Required Verification and Diagnostic Testing” of the California Low Rise Residential Alternative Calculation Method Approval Manual

CAN/CGSB - 149

▪Install permanent monitoring systems that provide feedback ▪Configure system to provide feedback to affords operational adjustments. FOR MECHANICALLY VENTED SPACES: 1. Monitor carbon dioxide concentrations in densely occupied spaces: 25 people per 1000 sf. 2. Non-densely occupied spaces provide direct outdoor airflow measure device to measure minimum outdoor airflow rate to detect when system is plus or minus 15% of the design minimum outdoor air rate. FOR NATURALLY VENTED SPACES: 1. Monitor CO2 within all naturally vented spaces between 3’ to 6’ above floor. Exemplary Performance - for innovative & unique ways of delivering air delivery monitoring

⋅ Chapter 7 “Home

1. Confirm: a) Type of ventilation system b) Installed controls.

ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004: Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality

2. Design narrative describing the project’s: a) Ventilation design b) CO2 monitoring system .

Mechanically Ventilated Buildings: 1. Confirm that breathing zone rates have been designed to exceed ASHRAE 62.1-2004 by 30% 2. Design narrative describing the project’s ventilation system design. Specific information to include fresh air intake volume for each zone Naturally Ventilated Buildings: 1. Confirm system has been design to meet Carbon Trust Good Practice Guide 237. 2. Design narrative describing the design method. (CIBSE Method / Analytic Model) utilized in determining the natural ventilation design. Specific information regarding calculation methodology and/or model. 90% Nat Vent

ASHRAE Standard 62.1-2004: Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality Carbon Trust Good Practice Guide 237 (1998) -Natural ventilation in nondomestic buildings CIBSE Applications Manual 10: 2005 Natural ventilation in non-domestic buildings



EQ c3.1 1 Pt Constr.


Prep teeceetee


Adapt IAQ plan to (1) protect HVAC system during construction ▪avoid using permanent AHUs (Air Handling Units) during construction or use MERV (Min. Efficiency Rating Value) 8 or better filters, (2) control pollutant sources ▪spec materials that have low volatile organic compounds (VOC), exhaust fumes (3) interrupt contamination pathways ▪depressurize work areas, provide temp barriers, (4) institute housekeeping activities ▪protect porous surfaces, dust control, and (5) schedule the installation of materials to avoid contamination of absorptive materials such as insulation, carpeting, ceiling tile and drywall. Select member of GC's team as IAQ mgr.

Construction IAQ Management Plan: During Construction

Reduce indoor air quality problems resulting from the construction / renovation process

EQ c3.2 1 Pt Constr.

Construction IAQ Management Plan: Before Occupancy


Prior to occupancy, perform building flush-out or test the air contaminant levels. For flush-out, use temp supply/exhaust systems at windows or remove temp filters from HVAC system and install MERV 13 filters. OR perform Air Quality testing. During construction, use low VOC cleaning supplies, use vacuums with HEPA (High Efficiency Particulate Air) filters. If test sample exceeds levels, increase flush out rate of the space. Air sample testing shall be conducted as follows: • All measurements shall be conducted prior to occupancy but employing all occupancy modes (operational start and stop times, min OA flow rates, etc.) • All interior finishes installed including millwork, doors, paint, carpet and acoustic tiles; systems furniture must be installed. • Number of sampling locations will vary depending upon building size and # of vent systems; for each portion of the building served by a separate vent system, # of sampling points shall not be less than 1/25,000s.f. Or each contiguous floor area (whichever larger) and include areas w/least ventilation & greatest presumed source strength. Air samples shall be collected between 4’ and 7’ AFF over a minimum 4 hour period.



Develop Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Management Plan for construction and pre-occupancy phase of the bldg as follows: 1. 2. 3. 4.

Meet or exceed Control Measure of the SMACNA IAQ Guidelines for Occupied Buildings under Construction. Protect on-site or installed absorptive materials from moisture damage. Permanent Air Handler unitss during construction must have filters with MERV 8 per AHSRAE 52.2-1999. Replace all filtration media immediately prior to occupancy; coordinate wit EQ credits 3.2 and 5, installing only a single set of final filtration media.

SUBMITTAL DOCUMENTATION 1. Provide a copy of projects IAQ Plan. 2. Confirm if permanently installed AHU's were used during construction. 3. Provide 18 photos to highlight the implemented construction SMACNA IAQ practices. 4. List all filtration media. a) Manufacturer b) Model number c) MERV rating d) Location of installed filter installed during construction; confirm each was replaced prior to final occupancy. 5. Declare the 5 design approaches of the standard used during building construction; include a brief listing of some of the important design approaches employed.


SMACNA IAQ Guidelines for Occupied Buildings Under Construction ANSI/ASHRAE 52.21999: Method of Testing General Ventilation AirCleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size

Develop Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Management Plan preoccupancy phase. OPTION 1: Flush-Out Prior To Occupancy: After construction but before occupancy, perform a flush-out by supplying a total air volume of 14,000 cf of O/A per sf of floor area while maintaining an internal temperature of 60 degrees and relative humidity less than 60%. OR OPTION 1a: Flush-Out With Early Occupancy If occupancy occurs prior to flush out, then delivery 3,500 cf O/A per sf of floor area. Ventilate at .30 cfm/sf. Min 3 hours per date until 14,000 cf /sf of O/A is delivered. OPTION 2: Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) Testing: • Conduct baseline IAQ testing after construction, prior to occupancy using testing protocols per EPA Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Air Pollutants in Indoor Air. Demonstrate the contaminant maximum concentrations listed below are not exceeded. • Formaldehyde • Particulates (PM 10) • Total Volatile Organic Compounds (TVOC) • 4 – Phenylcyclohexene (4-PCH) – only required if carpets & fabrics w/Styrene Butadiene (SB) latex backing material are installed as part of the base building systems • Carbon Monoxide (CO)

1. Confirmation of approach taken: a) Flush-out preoccupancy b) Flush-out with early occupancy c) IAQ testing d)w/ calc demonstrating req air and min vol have been delivered 2. Copy of IAQ testing report Option B: Option B: LEED CIST environmental consultant or ORP indicating that the AQ testing procedure has been conducted and that all areas tested do not exceed the maximum allowable concentration limits AND provide a copy of the IAQ test results including documentation of the results and IDing the EPA testing method used. If alternative testing protocols are used, provide documentation and rationale justifying that the measured results meet the intent of the EPA testing methods.

US EPA "Compendium of Methods for the Determination of Air Pollutants in Indoor Air"



EQ c4.1 1 Pt Constr.


Low-Emitting Materials Adhesives & Sealants

Prep teeceetee


Reduce the quantity of indoor air contaminants, potentially irritating and / or harmful to the comfort and well being of installers and occupants.


Specify low VOC materials in CDs for general construction adhesives, flooring adhesives, fire-stopping sealants, caulking, duct sealants, plumbing adhesives, and cove base adhesives.



Adhesives and sealants used on the interior of the building shall comply with: South Coast Air Quality Management District Rule #1168: Adhesives, Sealants, and Sealant Primers Green Seal Standard for Commercial Adhesives GS-36: Aerosol Adhesives


1. Provide list of each indoor adhesive, sealant, primer, and aerosol adhesive product used and to include: a) Manufacturer b) Product name c) VOC data (g/G, less water) d) Corresponding allowable VOC from the reference standard 2. Narrative


South Coast Rule #1168 October 3, 2003 Amendment by the South Coast Air Quality Mgmt District Green Seal GS-36 Effective Oct 19, 2000

Green Seal GS-11 Paints and coatings used on the interior of the bldg comply with the following: EQ c4.2 1 Pt Constr.

Low-Emitting Materials Paints & Coatings

Spec low-VOC paints, ensure specified product is installed.

PAINTS Green Seal Standard GS-11: Interior Non-Flat Paints Green Seal Standard GC-03: Anti-Corrosive / Rust Paints SCAQMD Rule 1113: Architectural Coatings: Clear wood finishes, floor coatings, stains, sealers, shellacs

EQ c4.3 1 Pt Constr.

EQ c4.4 1 Pt Constr.

Low-Emitting Materials Carpet Systems Low-Emitting Materials Composite Wood & Agrifiber Products

Specify requirements for product testing/certification. Select products certified under the Green Label Plus Program or for which testing has been done by independent lab.

Specify wood/agrifiber products that contain no added urea-formaldehyde resins.

All carpets and carpet cushions installed in the building interior shall meet the testing and product requirement of the

1. Provide list of each indoor paint and coating used: a) Manufacturer b) Product name c) VOC data and corresponding allowable VOC level. 2. Narrative.

1. List of each carpet and cushion product and confirm that product complies with CRI Green Label Plus testing program

Carpet and Rug Institute's Green Label Plus Program. All carpet adhesive shall meet the requirements of EQ Credit 4.1.

Composite wood and Agrifiber products (particleboard, MDF, plywood, wheat board, strawboard, panel substrates, door cores) used on the interior of the bldg shall contain NO added urea-formaldehyde resins.

2. Narrative to describe special circumstances 1. List of each composite wood and agrifiber product installed and confirm product does not contain any added ureaformaldehyde. 2. Narrative

Green Seal GC-03 South Coast Air Quality Management District (SCAQMD) Rule 1113, Architectural Coatings.

Carpet and Rug Institute (CRI) Green Label Plus Testing Program






EQ c4.5 1 Pt Constr.

EQ c5 1 Pt Design

EQ c6.1 1 Pt Design

Low-Emitting Materials Furnishings and Furniture

Indoor Chemical & Pollutant Source Control

Controllability of Systems Lighting 90% Occupants



Reduce the quantity of indoor air contaminants that are odorous, potentially irritating and/or harmful to the comfort and wellbeing of installers and occupants.

S furniture seating TVOC 0.5 mg/m3 0.25mg/m3 Formaldehyde 50ppb 25 ppb Tot. Aldehyde 100 ppb 50 ppb 4 PCH 0.0065 mg/m3 0.0032 mg/m3

Minimize occupants to hazardous particulates and chemical pollutants.

Design facility cleaning and maintenance areas with isolated exhaust systems for contaminants. Maintain physical isolation from rest of the occupied areas. Install permanent entryway systems. Install high-level filtration systems in both return air and outside supply air.

Lighting system control by individual occupants or by specific groups in multi-occupant spaces.


All systems furniture and related seating that has been manufactured, refurbished or refinished within one year prior to occupancy must meet one of the referenced standards. GreenGuard Indoor Air Quality certified OR Calculated indoor air contaminants are less than Table 1 for systems furniture and seating as determined by EPA ETV Large Chamber Test Protocol for Measuring Emissions of VOC’s and Aldehydes testing protocol conducted in an independent air quality testing lab

LEED CIST architect, interior designer or ORP declaring the all systems furniture & related seating comply with one of the two standards in the required time frame.

1) Refurbishment of systems furniture or seating which occurred within 12 months of occupancy must meet this credit 2) Occasional furniture & work tools excluded from this credit 3) Older salvaged furniture excluded, but could count to MRc 3.3

Design bldg with occupant controls: lighting controls and task lighting. Integrate systems overall lighting design, providing ambient and task lighting while managing the energy use of the building.


Design to minimize and control pollutant entry into buildings and later cross-contamination of occupied areas: 1. Permanent entryway system (grates/grilles) at least 6' long to capture dirt 2. Where hazardous gases or chemicals may be present, exhaust each space to create negative pressure at .50 cfm/sf. Pressure differential at least 5 Pa on avg. and 1 Pa at a minimum when doors to room are closed. 3. Provide air filtration media of MERV 13 or better

1. Provide individual lighting controls for 90% minimum of the building occupants. AND 2. Provide lighting system controllability for all share multi-occupant spaces to enable lighting adjustment that meets group needs and preferences.

1. Confirm required entryway systems have been provided; 2. List of entryway products installed 3. Drawings to highlight location 4. Chemical use areas have been designed as separate rooms 5. Mechanical drawings 6. Confirm installed filters MERV 13 for all occupied tenant space 7. Listing of installed filters 8. Narrative. 1. For individual workstation controls, provide listing of total number of workstations and lighting controls. 2. For multi-occupant spaces, provide a listing of spaces and description of the installed controls. Task lighting must also have been included in lighting allowance for EAp 2 & EAc 1.2

Greenguard (within the certification period established by Greenguard Institute) US EPA’s Environmental Technology Verification (ETV) Large Chamber Test Protocol for Measuring Emissions of VOC’s and Aldehydes testing protocol conducted in an independent air quality testing lab

ANSI/ASHRAE 52.2-1999: Method of Testing General Ventilation Air Cleaning Devices for Removal Efficiency by Particle Size


EQ c6.2 1 Pt Design

EQ c7.1 1 Pt Design

EQ c7.2 1 Pt Design

EQ c8.1 1 Pt EP 1ID Design

Controllability of Systems Thermal Comfort 50% Occupants

Thermal Comfort Design , Compliance

Thermal Comfort Monitoring

Daylighting & Views Daylight 75% of Spaces

Prep teeceetee

Thermal comfort system control by individual occupants or by specific groups in multi-occupant spaces.

Comfortable thermal environment.

Verifying building thermal comfort over time.

Connect occupants between indoor and outdoor spaces through daylight and views

Design the bldg with comfort controls to allow adjustments for individuals and groups including incorporating operable windows, individual thermostats, local diffusers at floor, desk or overhead levels, control of individual radiant panels, occupancy sensors, education of occupants and training of maintenance staff. Establish comfort criteria per ASHRAE 55-2004 (based on Predicted Mean Vote) that support the desired quality and occupant satisfaction with bldg performance. Evaluate air temperature, radiant temperature, air speed, and relative humidity in an integrated fashion and coordinate criteria with EQ P1, EQ c1, EC c2.

ASHRAE 55-2004 provides guidance for establishing thermal comfort criteria and the documentation and validation of bldg performance to the criteria. Provide systematic process for occupants to provide feedback.

Design bldg to maximize interior daylighting, including bldg orientation, shallow floor plates, increased bldg perimeter, exterior and interior permanent shading devices, high performance glazing and automatic photocell-based controls. Predict daylight factors via manual calcs or model daylighting strategies with physical or computer model to assess fc levels.


1. Individual comfort controls 50% minimum of occupants. Windows can be used in areas that are 20' inside of and 10' to either side of the operable part of the window instead of controls. Comply with ASHRAE 62.12004, part 5.1 Natural Ventilation. AND 2. Provide comfort system controls for multi-occupant spaces to enable adjustments to suit group needs and preferences. Conditions for thermal comfort are described in ASHRAE 55-2004 to include the primary factors of air temp, radiant temp, air speed and humidity. 1. Design HVAC systems and bldg envelop to meet the requirements of ASHRAE 55-2004, Thermal Comfort Conditions for Human Occupancy. 2. Demonstrate design compliance in accordance with the Section 6.1.1 Documentation. Provide a permanent monitoring system and process (by occupant surveying or monitoring environmental variables) for corrective action to ensure performance to the desired comfort criteria as determined by EQc 7.1, Thermal Comfort, Compliance Comply with the referenced standard (ASHRAE 55-2004) as described in EQ 7.1. ⋅ Survey occupants (90% comfortable)OR ⋅ Analyze environmental variables ⋅ Both must be integrated into standard operating processes of building OPTION 1: Daylight FACTOR CALCULATION Achieve a minimum glazing factor of 2% in a minimum of 75% of regularly occupied areas. OR OPTION 2: DAYLIGHT SIMULATION MODEL Computer simulation minimum daylight illumination level of 25 fc in a minimum of 75% of all regularly occupied areas. Only windows above 7’6” are considered to be daylight glazing. AND Provide daylight redirection and/or glare control devices to ensure daylight effectiveness Exceptions for areas where tasks would be hindered by the use of daylight will be considered on their merits. Measure at desk height (30” above floor)

1. For individual workstation controls, provide listing of total number of workstations and thermal controls 2. For multi-occupant spaces, provide a listing of groups multi-occupant spaces and description of the installed thermal controls 3. Narrative describing project’s comfort control strategy 1. Data regarding seasonal temperature and humidity design criteria. 2. Narrative describing method used to establish thermal comfort conditions for the project and how the systems designed addresses the design

1.identifying comfort criteria, 2.strategy for ensuring performance, 3.description of the permanent monitoring systems implemented 4. process for corrective action.

LT indicating that the 75%or 90% requirement of the credit has been met OPTION 1: Daylight Factor Calculation Method 1)Provide area calculations defining the daylight zones 2) summary of daylight factor prediction calculations illustrating fc calculations. OR OPTION 2: Daylight Computer Simulation 1)Provide area calculations defining the daylight zones 2) summary of computer simulations illustrating fc calculations.

ANSI/ASHRAE 62.1-2004: Ventilation for Acceptable Indoor Air Quality ANSI/ASHRAE 552004: Thermal Environmental Conditions for Human Occupancy

ASHRAE 55-2004, Thermal Comfort Conditions for Human Occupancy

ASHRAE 55-2004, Thermal Comfort Conditions for Human Occupancy


EQ c8.2 1 Pt EP 1ID Design

Prep teeceetee


OPTION 1: Daylight FACTOR CALCULATION Achieve a minimum glazing factor of 2% in a minimum of 90% of regularly occupied areas. OR OPTION 2: DAYLIGHT SIMULATION MODEL Computer simulation minimum daylight illumination level of 25 fc in a minimum of 90% of all regularly occupied areas. Only windows above 7’6” are considered to be daylight glazing. AND Provide daylight redirection and/or glare control devices to ensure daylight effectiveness Exceptions for areas where tasks would be hindered by the use of daylight will be considered on their merits.

Daylighting & Views Daylight 90% of Spaces

Measure at desk height (30” above floor)

Achieve a direct line-of-sight to the outdoor environment (vision glazing between 2’6” and 7’6”) for building occupants in 90% of all regularly occupied areas. Determine the area with direct line of sight by totaling the regularly occupied square footage that meets the following criteria: • In plan view, the area is within sight lines drawn from perimeter vision glazing • In section view, a direct sight line can be drawn from a point 42” above the floor to perimeter vision glazing

EQ c8.3. 1 Pt Design

Daylighting & Views Views for 90% of Spaces

Design the space to maximize daylighting and view opportunities. Strategies to consider include lower partition heights, interior shading devices, interior glazing, and automatic photocell-based controls.

Line of sight may be drawn through interior glazing. For private offices, the entire square footage of the office can be counted if 75% or more of the area has direct line of sight to perimeter vision glazing. If less than 75% of the area has direct line of sight then only the area with the direct line of sight will be counted towards meeting the credit and not the whole office area. For multi-occupant spaces, the actual square footage with direct line of sight to perimeter vision glazing is counted. Calculations - Direct Line of Sight to perimeter vision glazing and Horizontal View at 42” (includes full height & interior glazing, but not movable furniture). Must achieve both to have floor area “count” Regularly occupied spaces = office spaces, conference rooms & cafeterias

1. Template calculation spreadsheet to demonstrate overall access to views from occupied spaces 2. Drawings 3. Narrative describing any special occupancy areas


Prep teeceetee


INNOVATION & DESIGN PROCESS (2 credits, 5 points) ID c1.1 1 Pt Design or Constr. ID c1.2 1 Pt Dgn or C ID c1.3 1 Pt Dgn or C ID c1.4 1 Pt Dgn or C

Innovation in Design

ED c2 1 Pt Constr.



#Pre 0 0 1 0 3 2 7

#CR 1 2 7 3 4 8 25

To provide design teams and projects the opportunity to be awarded points for exceptional performance above the requirements set by the LEED for New Construction Green Building Rating System and/or innovative performance in Green Building categories not specifically addressed by this Rating System.

Substantially exceed a LEED CI performance credit such as energy performance or water efficiency. Apply strategies or measures that demonstrate a comprehensive approach and quantified environment and/or health benefits. Either greatly exceed the requirements of existing LEED credit or provide strategy not address by any existing LEED credit. To qualify for achieving an innovation credit for a category not specifically addressed by LEED: (1) project must demonstrate quantitative performance improvements for environmental benefit, (2) process/specification must be comprehensive, (3) formula must be applicable to other projects.

To support and encourage the design integration required by a LEED for New Construction green building project and to streamline the application and certification process.

Educate the project team members about green building design and construction and application of the LEED Rating System early in life of the project. Consider assigning the LEED AP as a facilitator of an integrated design & construction process.

#Pts 2 5 14 7 12 17 57

Certification Level Certified Silver Gold Platinum

ASHRAE 52.2-1999 55-2004 62.1-2004 90.1-2004

Points Min 21 Min 27 Min 32 Min 42

In writing: 1. Identify the intent of the proposed innovation credit 2. Proposed requirement for compliance 3. Proposed submittals to demonstrate compliance 4. Design approach (strategies) that might be used to meet the requirements.

At least one principal participant of the project team shall be a LEED Accredited Professional.

KEYWORDS Filters, MERV Thermal Comfort IAQ & Nat. Ventilation Energy


P1 P2


1. Provide specific title for the credit. 2. Provide narrative statement of the Credit Intent. 3. Provide narrative state describing the Credit Requirements. 4. Provide detailed narrative describing project's approach to achieving credit. 5. Provide copies of any drawings

1. Name of LEED AP 2. Company 3. Description of his role 4. Certificate.

CREDITS 3.1 5 6.2 2 6.2 2


7.2 SS


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