Business Plan Format

  • May 2020
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  • Words: 336
  • Pages: 2
2009 lkramBusinessPl.n Competition BGinessPlenFomat


includes the iitle of the Busines Plon ond the lirhng of o[ sectn]ns I l poge Thtsseciion gtes or ove&,ew ol lhe findhcidl oppaduhily dnd the jnvestmert requted, os wefl os the obiJit ot ihe monogement feom to moke il oI hoppen. Ihe iudses rcly heavily an lhe Execotive Snnory lo detqmihe lhet inletetl ih lhe pldh.

Ssc1lonll. B$tu$ osdrhim rhissection der.ibes lhe mi$ioa produch ond servicesot lhe Busine$. Posible subsecnoroorei a. GeneEldesqiplionot lhe business c. Goas andpolentialot lhe business d Uniqueness ot prcductor sedice

S€ctionlll hduntuAnalvsis /C -

lnctudessne ond s@wth ptajecnoneseosonolioctm, rpeciol lechnologies rctevoht to iidusw srawth. susceptitti, lo € locl.6, teguldlary slet dnd speciorproctices. fhe pasilionat yaq Fnad@l q wice qilhin ihe torgei dorkei slcce$ focto6, boni* to entry, exisths ond emersins

Ss6on M: MaftelinoPlan Relevdntlrcnd' supplyond demdhd foct*, pLtchosing poftem5 lile cycle poHem' ond tocioE ihot cool,t chonge tupet the tdget mdtket. Yau busines mode, explons how yao wil 9ehqote evehue, e g thtor9h sdtes, conn ling. licensing,rcwl,ie' etc , ond how those will be obfoined, e.s. dkeci soiesforce, dkttbLtion ogrements, etc. Posible subseciionsorei a Reseerch andanalysis i TaEei na*et andideiiitied ii. Ma et sizeandtrends iii. Competiion iv. Estimatedmarketsha@ i. Mall(ersrEregy c. lllaftetng budget R&D.plonl. eqoipmeht. dnd rcloled ldciiliet ptoduclioh ploht iheenla.y pldns.supplyand disnibulbn melhodt 'nformolionrystemr ond customer b T.ansfomalionprccess

lkramBl]sinessPlanComDetition 2009 Busin6ssPlanFormat d. Maleda€qLi€mentplanning e PrcducUonand opeBlion ayout f OpeEUonaid pmduction budget S€clonVl. OrganiEli@alPlan Pti.cipols dnd olhet key employeet dnecbE, lhe orgonhotian todoy an l

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b. Businessvisions,missionandobjoclives

Seciib Vlll. [email protected] A€n lhtee to tive yeats at ohnuol prc formo stotemenis /ond hBioncot dota it they exisil of ,ncome ond cosh trow, bolonce sheeh, ond usesot tundt o/o.s with relevonf oslmptioni, bredkeven, Return ot tnvejimenl Ret@ o. a. b c. d e. r

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