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  • Words: 1,301
  • Pages: 28
Communicating with Velocity Business Communication Workshop March 28, 2008 Presented by Renee McGivern, Spark Plug Consulting

Introduction •

Communicating with velocity is not about speaking or writing hastily to get more done

It is about being compassionate, clear, concise and complete so the recipient quickly “gets” the communication.

Self-test •

Getting in touch with what we know/don’t know about best practices

Noticing if we use/don’t use best practices

Being compassionate “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Maya Angelou

Being compassionate

Understanding how busy and overwhelmed people are

Making communication about them, not you

Compassion best practices •

#s 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 14, 16, 19, 20 on the selftest.

Guideline •

Not one recipient more, not one recipient less

Not one message more, not one message less

Not one moment to soon, not one moment too late

Compassionate From: Mary Smith, Human Resources Manager Re: Accrued vacation policy to be revised Date: March 26, 2008 To : L S S S t a f f Just a note to say that the human resources staff will modify our policy about using accrued vacation time before the end of each fiscal year(March 30). The wording of our current policy caused confusion and breakdowns in staffing so some of our clients were not well served last week and over the Easter weekend. A number of you have been impacted by their complaints. We apologize for the confusion the current policy created. We are committed to writing one that is clear and serves both you and our clients. We will keep your department managers informed of our progress.

Not compassionate From: Joe Nelson Subject: A suggestion for next year's annual report Date: March 17, 2008 3:14:26 PM CDT To: Bill, Mary, Jill, Peter, Mike, Milly (Communications Dept) I know we said we were going to meet about this later, but I just have to say that we need to get a bid from several printing companies the next time we work on the annual report because Miller Printing just can't seem to handle our PDF files. Either that or we need to move from QuarkXpress to InDesign because they say they never have any problems with files that are created in InDesign.

Exercise Instruction: • Look at items #4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 14, 16 on the self test • Choose one that you think Central Services needs a breakthrough in • Discuss with your group and agree on one • Report back your choice

Being clear and concise • Say what???? • The subject line is everything • Talk or write in bullets • Longer? Reconsider whether emailing is the way to go

Clear, concise best practices •

#7, 12, 15, 17, 20, 21 on the self test.

Guideline • •

Not one idea more, not one idea less Not one word more, not one word less

Concise and clear From: Mike Miller (Senior Care) Re: Date: March 26, 2008 08:00:00 AM CDT To: Tad May (Property) Audrey Cullen (Accounting) CC: Good morning. A coffee pot shorted out in the break room here at Miller Training Center last night and caused a small electrical fire. A volunteer forgot to turn it off yesterday afternoon. No one was hurt. We estimate the damage to be about $500. Please advise us about the following: • Do you need a written report about this? • Can we use petty cash to replace the curtains and coffee pot? • What does the lease say about paying for damages? The carpeting has a four-inch burn and the countertop has scorch marks. I will be in and out today and tomorrow, so here's my cell phone if you need to reach my quickly: 218-702-6622. Thanks. Mike

Not concise and clear From: Bob Smith, Director of Maintenance Re: Last night's meeting Date: January 28, 2008 To : M a i n t e n a n c e s t a f f I am taking this opportunity to inform you of the topics we discussed at the committee meeting last night. At seven pm the meeting was opened. Comments were invited by the chair and responses w e r e d o c u m e n t e d b y t h e r e c o r d e r. I t w a s n o t e d t h a t the project discussed included incident detection which gave an idea as to the necessity of response vehicles at the department, and stated that results were negligible due to the lack of maintenance facilities that did not meet basic response requirements as stipulated in prior discussion of the report.

Exercise Instruction: • Write a subject line for Mike’s message • Rewrite Bob’s email so it’s clear and concise • Ask your group if it makes sense

Exercise Instruction: • Look at items #7, 12, 1, 17, 20 and 21 on the self test. • Choose one that you think Central Services needs a breakthrough in • Discuss with your group and agree on one • Report back your choice

Being complete •

Includes who, what, when, where, and why

• •

Facts not fiction Message’s intention is fulfilled

Completion best practices •

#s 8, 9, 18, 21 on the self-test.

Guideline for being complete Who What When Where Why

Complete From: Mike Miller (Senior Care, Duluth) Re: Small fire in Miller Center last night Date: March 26, 2008 08:00:00 AM CDT To: Tad May (Property) Audrey Cullen (Accounting) Good morning. A coffee pot shorted out in the break room here at Miller Training Center last night and caused a small electrical fire. A volunteer forgot to turn it off yesterday morning. No one was hurt. We estimate the damage to be about $250 to repair the outlet, repaint a small section of the kitchen wall, and replace the coffee pot. Please advise us about the following: • Do you need a written report about this? • What should we tell our landlord if anything? I will be in and out today and tomorrow, so here's my cell phone number should you need to know more: 218-702-6622. Thanks. Mike

Complete Who

A volunteer


A small fire occurred


Last night


Miller Training Center


The coffee pot shorted out

Incomplete From: Patrick Eagle, Legal Counsel Re: Liability for campaign content on your website Date: March 15, 2008 To: Executive Director, Communications Director Good afternoon, An IRS official suggested that 501(c)(3) organizations could be held responsible for political campaign content on a web site that is not directly linked to the organization’s web site, but which can be reached by clicking from the organization’s web site through more than one link. This comment, which was made at the National Council of Nonprofits Convention, caused us to write the attached Nonprofit Update. We hope you find it to be helpful. Patrick Eagle Schwan, Miller, Eagle and Smith Attorneys at Law

Threaded messages • Seem helpful but can create confusion and mischief • Many organizations prefer quick, stand-up meetings or conference calls instead

Exercise Instruction: In your group . . . • Talk about threaded messages and when they work • Come to an agreement • Write a subject line that captures that agreement ________________________________________________________

Exercise Instruction: • Look at item #8, 9, 18, and 21 on the self test. • Choose one that you think Central Services needs a breakthrough in • Discuss with your group and agree on one • Report back your choice

Final exam

Conclusion • Communicate with velocity so people “get” it quickly • Follow the 4C’s guidelines • Act on your desired breakthroughs

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