Bulletin - September 8, 2009

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WHAT A WAY TO START THE NEW CHURCH YEAR ! ! ! Yes, it was Labor Day weekend, but we still had a wonderful congregation and how the Lord’s presence filled the place. The only thing I kept thinking about was “Oh, how the Lord cares for us!:” The number of attempts the Lord has made over the last number of weeks to bring people to Himself and this past Sunday to direct us to pray for people right in the middle of the message. Hey, God can work WHENEVER and WHEREVER He wants to ! ! ! When He decides to move, great things always follow. Many people received prayer because their “faith was peaked” at that moment. The greatest of all happenings was that a young man gave his life to Christ…in the middle of the service ! To GOD be the glory.

THE ROY KNIGHT SINGERS will be with us on Sunday afternoon as we have our Singing On The Grounds. They will be with us in the Morning Worship Service to do 4 or 5 songs, then at 4:00 PM under the tent on the Hwy. 101 property. Help us spread the word and let’s have a property full of people and the presence of God! FINALLY…OUR NEW WEBSITE IS ONLINE! There are places under most of the items there for a comment, and we invite and encourage you to check it out and let us know what you think. Tell your friends and coworkers about the site and have them comment also.

COMMUNITY CHOIR REHEARSALS are scheduled for Sept. 8th at Bellview Baptist Church at 7 PM, Sept. 15 th at Cavins Baptist Church at 7 th th PM, Sept. 19 at WCOG at 10 AM, and Sept. 27 at First Baptist Church at 4:30 PM. THERE WILL BE A 2009-2010 Kickoff meeting for choir members this Saturday, September 12 th, at 10 AM followed by a block party from 11 AM - 1 PM. Anyone interested in joining the choir or helping with the block party, please contact Todd or Vickie Porter. PRAISE TEAM PRACTICE will be Sunday, September 13 th, at 4 PM.

PRAYER LIST: Carol Richards, Virginia Ballard, Nancy O’Shields, GOD WANTS TO DO MORE…much, much more! I for one am ready for Him to do it. Whenever…wherever…however……to whomever…let His Glory fill this place. Is that your prayer? Remember, we need to P.US.H. -- Pray Until Something Happens! SPECIAL MEAL FOR C.E. WORKERS and their spouses will be Thursday, September 17th, at 7:00 P.M. We want to do something to show our appreciation for your dedicated service to the church. This is for workers from last year and any new workers for this year. PLEASE SIGN UP BY SUNDAY. Meal will be held in the CLC. COMMUNITY REVIVAL will be held September 27 th - 30th at First Baptist Church. The services begin each night at 7:00 P.M. There will be 2 Community Prayer Meetings in preparation for Revival, Monday, th st September 14 , and Monday, September 21 . Both prayer meetings will be held at Selma Baptist Church and will begin at 7:00 P.M. We want to support these meetings, so our Monday night prayer meeting will be moved to that location for the next two weeks. Please make your plans to join us there. FALLFEST ‘09 is quickly approaching!!! October 3rd marks our yearly Fun Day out on our Hwy. 101 property. There will be some changes this year, but all for the better. No helicopter, no ferris wheel, but MORE KIDDIE RIDES. Yes, we’ll have the bouncey’s, but we’ve added 3 mechanical rides as well. Still we will have the carnival type games, hay ride, train ride, and entertainment under the BIG WHITE TENT ! ! Did I forget to mention FOOD????? There will be plenty for every one. Also new this year will be a car “CRUISE IN.” If you like old cars, then FALLFEST will be the place to be. Make your plans to be with us October 3rd from 11 AM to 6 PM. Still not too late for classes or groups to get involved so see Bro. Terry if you can help.

Dianne Arnold, Clyde Taylor , Catherine Blackwell, Houston & Brenda Cobb, Shirley Middlebrook, Deuce West, Wanda Chaney, Hubert Hall, Jordan Fogey, John Lipsey, Brian Clark, Kay Brandenburg, Bobby Hawkins, John Thomas Taylor, Clint Morton, Rex Duncan, Mike Robinson, Gary Jones, Marty Patton, Addison Whistennant, Carolyn Owings, Paul McMullen, Beck Family, Smith Family, Effie Brown, Sharon Nix, Worley Family, Travis Nabors, Pat Chappell, Those sick with virus & allergies, Shut Ins, and those in Nursing Homes. Christian sympathy to the Lister family on the death of a daughter. May God bless and comfort you all.


Children’s S. S. TEACHERS MEETING is Thursday, September 10 , at 7 PM. YOUTH - Wednesday “Wear A Hat” night. ALSO…SATURDAY, September 12th, is our Scavenger Hunt beginning at 6 P.M. * * * * *


2 ANNUAL CAPTAINS CHOICE GOLF TOURNAMENT will be held Saturday, October 10th at 1:00 P.M. at Village Greens. $100 will sponsor a hole with your business name on a tee box, and cost is $60 per nd person or $240 per team. Entries and money are due October 2 . See Ritchie Nelson for more information.

SENIOR ADULTS who plan to go on the train trip need to sign up and pay no later than September 13th . SOFT DRINK FUND RAISER - Orders are now being taken for soft dinks and bottled water with proceeds going to the Building Fund. Pepsi, Diet Pepsi, Mountain Dew, and Diet Mountain Dew will be available by the case for only $5 each, and 20 oz. Dasani Water by the case will cost $6. Orders must be placed by September 20th, and you may do so by contacting Brad Burnett or call the church office.

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Greeters - Michael and Wanda Brown Sunday School Greeter - Robert Sloan CLC Greeter - Paul Lundberg Head Ushers - Charles O’Shields and Bobby Brown Usher Team # 2- Walter Housand, Ryan Ballard, Sam Garrett, John Nemitz, and Paul Lundberg Finance Committee - Ryan Ballard, Bobby Brown, and Sam Garrett Nursery - Wednesday - Betty Ball Sunday A.M. - Ann Knight and Samantha DarDar P.M. - Annette Richards Kiddie Church - Ramona Letourneau Our Church Family Spotlights: Woodruff Church of God Youths of 50 years ago: Janet Sloan, Dot Richards, Shirley Bright, Lora Mae Knighton, June Grubbs, and Gerald Brown Celebrating their 50th class reunion this week Music - Wednesday - Jason Hayes Sunday A.M. - Brad Burnett P.M. - Amy Arnold



CHILDREN will go skating September 26 , and they MUST sign up in the CLC. Cost is $5 each, and for details see Jonathan Atkins.

THE BEST EXAMPLES OF HOPE By: Michael Osborne The difficulties of life Make us better not bitter We learn to persevere and overcome To not be a quitter For the mountains before us May seem too tall to climb But avoid looking back It’s up you will find God’s lasting strength His lifeline of hope Is one step away To overcome and cope Dark clouds on the horizon May signal a storm But God has the power To rebuild lives once torn The best examples of hope Come from difficult times When we overcome hardships And God’s blessings we find Walking by faith And trusting in the Lord Will always move mountains And open closed doors The joy that is waiting When the storm is finally passed Will endure for a lifetime And build faith that will last Nothing is impossible When God is involved For our God is able To overcome and resolve God does wonderful things With life’s difficulties But God can make great things Out of impossibilities. Amen “Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” Proverbs 3:5-6

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