Bulletin Nov 30

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916 N. LOCUST, PO BOX 214 PITTSBURG, KS 66762 PHONE: 620-231-2135 FAX: 620-231-4804 [email protected] WWW.OURLADYPITTSBURG.ORG


NOVEMBER 30, 2008


TODAY’S FOCUS – First Sunday of Advent: Christians are called to a particular attitude of life. We anticipate the fulfillment of the promise of Christ to return in glory. We must constantly be attentive to his coming. This attentive attitude is evident by a life of preparation. Daily we are to faithfully live out the commands of the Lord so that when he comes he will find us to be faithful disciples.

SCRIPTURE READINGS We need God’s Word each day. Mon (1) Isaiah 2:1-5; Matthew 8:5-11 Tue (2) Isaiah 11:1-10; Luke 10:21-24 Wed (3) Saint Francis Xavier: Isaiah 25:6-10a; Matthew 15:29-37 Thu (4) Isaiah 26:1-6; Matthew 7:21, 24-27 Fri (5) Isaiah 29:17-24; Matthew 9:27-31 Sat (6) Isaiah 30:19-21, 23-26; Matthew 9:35—10:1, 5a, 6-8 Sun (7) Second Sunday of Advent: Isaiah 40:1-5, 9-11; 2 Peter 3:8-14; Mark 1:1-8 ST. PIUS X NEWMAN CENTER Rev. David T. Marstall, Chaplain 301A E. Cleveland, Pittsburg, KS 66762

REV. THOMAS J. STROOT, PASTOR REV. RUBEN ORTIZ MONTELONGO, ASSOCIATE PASTOR REV. DAVID T. MARSTALL, ASSOCIATE PASTOR & CHAPLAIN, ST. PIUS X NEWMAN CENTER WEEKDAY MASSES 6:30 a.m. — Monday through Friday 8:00 a.m. — Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday and Saturday 11:30 a.m. — Tuesday, Thursday & Friday SUNDAY MASSES Saturday 5:30 p.m. Sunday 7:00 a.m. 9:00 a.m. 10:30 a.m. 12:00 Noon Spanish Mass—2:00 p.m. En Español: La misa en español, cada domingo a las 2:00 pm, confe siones a las 1:30 pm antes de la Misa. Se puede llamar al Padre Ruben Ortiz (620) 231-2135 CONFESSIONS (OR BY APPOINTMENT) Before the 8:00 a.m. weekday Masses — 7:30-7:50 a.m. Saturday — 4:00-5:15 p.m. MARRIAGES-Contact a parish priest at least four months prior to desired wedding date. PSR—Parish School of Religion (School Year) Elementary (K-8) Wednesdays 6:15—7:30 p.m.

Missionary Catechists of the Poor Spanish Sisters 620-235-1732

PHONE (620) 235-1138

ST. MARY’S GOODWILL 117 E. 10th 235-0564


RELIGIOUS GIFT SHOP 117 E. 10th 235-7448

(When PSU is in session.) Sunday: 11:00am & 6:00 pm; Monday: 8:30pm; Wednesday & Thursday -Noon

PRAYER LINE 9:00am – 5:00pm 5:00pm – 9:00pm

231-6824 231-8816

ST. MARY’S COLGAN SCHOOLS Mr. John Kraus, President of Schools/Director of Administration Email: [email protected] Mr. Thomas Gorman, 7-12 Principal E-mail: [email protected] Mr. Michael Martin, Preschool-6 Principal Email: [email protected] ELEMENTARY (PRE-SCHOOL - 6)


JR. HIGH/HIGH SCHOOL (7-12) (620)-231-4690 Elementary: [email protected] SMC: [email protected]

Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration Dinner With Bishop Jackels Reserve your dinner on Dec. 12 by placing a token in the basket in the back of church, this weekend or next. Find out more about our parish’s festivities for Our Lady of Guadalupe and Las Posadas by checking the bulletin for November 23 on www.ourladypittsburg.org. ALTAR SOCIETY CHRISTMAS PARTY The annual Christmas Party for ALL ladies of the parish will be next Sunday, December 7th at 4:00pm at Parrot Bey, 408 N. Locust. Come enjoy the great food, wonderful company, a fun time playing bingo, and prizes! Bring a parish friend with you. Dinner tickets will be $6.00, payable at the door. This is just for fun and all ladies of the parish are invited. Please RSVP for the Christmas Party by calling the rectory (231-2135) this Monday, the last day to register. Hope to se you there! COLD AND FLU SEASON This is always a difficult time of the year. There is no way to eliminate colds and the flu bug but we can take precautions to reduce the spread of them. Therefore, at mass we need to be conscious of the person next to us. If we have a cold we can bow and say peace be with you without shaking hands at the exchange of peace. The celebrant of the mass may choose not to offer the invitation for the greeting of peace. Please be careful and respectful of others during the next few months.

ST. PIUS X NEWMAN CENTER Providing Catholic Ministry to Pittsburg State University

620-235-1138 WWW.CATHOLICGORILLAS.ORG REV. DAVID MARSTALL, CHAPLAIN Office Hours: 1:00-3:00 M, W, Th, F and other random times [email protected] MRS. AMY LOMSHEK, SECRETARY Office Hours: 9:00-2:00 M-F [email protected]

MASS SCHEDULE SUN 11:00am, 6:00pm Mon 8:30pm Wed, Thu 12:00pm RECONCILIATION 30 min. before all Masses ADORATION Thursday 10:00-3:00 See website for full weekly schedule

UPCOMING EVENTS Apologetics: Monday 12/1 9:00-10:00 March for Life Washington D.C., Jan. 2025. Final payment due Mon. Dec. 1. Women’s Bible Study Dec. 4, 8:30-9:00 Newman Club Meeting Dec. 4, 9:00-10:00 Dec. 8 Immaculate Conception—Holy Day of Obligation Mass at 12:00 and 8:30pm. Party after 8:30 Mass KCCSC Hays, KS, Feb. 13-15. Early registration deadline is Dec. 15.

St. Mary's Religious Gift Shop 235-7448 Thursday 10:00-3:00 Fridays 9:00-3:00 Saturdays 10:00-1:00 By appointment call: Denise 232-6955 or Elizabeth 232-6865 St. Mary’s Altar Society GOODWILL STORE HOURS Thursday—Friday—Saturday 9 a.m.—4 p.m. 235-0564 Please do not leave items when store is closed

We Need Your Help! Several parish and school families have suggested that we must do "something" in our schools to honor the years of service by the Sisters of St. Joseph. These sisters worked in our schools for many, many years and were a visible connection to the religious life. Students in the future need to know of their service and we need to publicly recognize their dedication. If you have ideas or would be interested in working on this project, please c o n t a c t F r a n c e s Mitchelson, fmitchelson@sbcglo bal.net or 620.231.3485. Any and all suggestions are welcome. The simplest idea might spark another idea or be able to be developed by the committee. PSR SCHEDULE (Next 8 weeks) Wed. (Dec. 3) Family Night Wed. (Dec. 10) Regular Classes Wed. (Dec. 17) Attend Parish Posada

Go to catholicgorillas.org for more information on all events.

Wed. (Dec. 24 &31) NO CLASSES Wed. (Jan 7) Regular Classes

REFLECTIONS ON LIFE “Over more than two centuries of our national history, we Americans have been a people who have struggled to widen the circle of those for whom we acknowledge a common responsibility...This great trajectory in our national experience—that of inclusion—has been shattered by Roe v. Wade and it progeny. By denying an entire class of human beings the protection of the laws, we have betrayed the best in our tradition.” (Henry RTyde, former U.S. Congressman)

Generations music CD’s make great Christmas gifts! To purchase a $20 CD filled with music from each of the choirs Our Lady of Lourdes, please contact the rectory, Religious Gift Store or Little Shop of Flowers. All proceeds go the youth groups of our parish. Thanks for your support. WESLEY HOUSE and SALVATION ARMY (Christmas Basket Application Sign-up) Nov. 24-26 —9am to 12 noon. Bring the following items to complete the application process: Current identification information: Driver’s license or State ID card, Proof of residency, social security cards for everyone living in the household and proof of income. Wesley House and Salvation Army ask for assistance. Help by donating toys, food items, or cash donations. Also, Community Christmas Party (Memorial Auditorium, Mon. Dec. 15th @ 6:30 pm). Volunteers needed to wrap presents, Set up and help serve dinner, meet and greet families.

Alumni Newsletter If you would like a copy of the latest newsletter, mailed to our alumni, please pick one up at the church doors, the parish offices, or at either school office.

LOOKING AHEAD Wed (Dec 3) PSR Classes Elementary School, 6:15-7:30pm Wed (Dec 3) RCIA Classes Elementary School, 6:30-7:45pm Sun (7) Confirmation Class Elementary Commons 10:00—11:50am Sun (7) Altar Society Christmas Party 4:00pm, Parrot Bey Mon (8) Feast of the Immaculate Conception (Holy Day of Obligation) Mon (8) Our Lady’s Prayer Group 6:00pm Chapel Wed (Dec 10) PSR Classes Elementary School, 6:15-7:30pm Wed (Dec 10) RCIA Classes Elementary School, 6:30-7:45pm Thur (Dec. 11) Rosary & Presentation of Apparitions of Mary to Jaun Diego Church 6:30pm Fri (Dec. 14) Feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe Mass with Bishop Jackels 7:00pm Wed (Dec17) Parish Posada 6:30 Activity Center

Confirmation classes are: December 7, 2008, January 11, 2009, in the elementary commons. February 8, 2009—Retreat (all day). Fr. Ruben will lead classes from 9:4511:50. Candidates are encouraged to attend Noon Mass together afterwards. Celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation by Bishop Jackels is Sunday, February 22, 2009 (12:00 noon). Parents: All Freshmen (and any other high school student who has not received confirmation) are given the opportunity to receive the sacrament of Confirmation this year. They should already have received a Confirmation registration form and it should be submitted as soon as possible. If you do not have this form, please contact Lisa Farmer at [email protected].

BLANKETS-SMC stadium blankets have arrived!!!! These would make a great Christmas gift. Contact Beth Smith @ Elementary School 2314691 or Lisa Jordan @ 249-7979 Start a Christmas Tradition with A Stocking for Jesus available at the Religious Gift Shop. Copies are autographed and can be personalized. All royalties donated to the elementary school library.

SCHOOL LUNCHES Mon — Chicken Sandwich, Fries, Grapes Tues— Salad Bar, Chicken/Ham/ Cheese, Spaghetti, Mandarin Oranges Wed— Mac & Cheese, Little Smokies, Green Beans, Bread, Pears Thur— Corn Dog, Fries, Carrot Sticks, Strawberries & Bananas Friday— Mozzarella Maxx Stix, Salad, Peaches CHRISTMAS MASSES Christmas Eve 4:00, 5:30 & 7:00pm Midnight 7:00, 9:00, 10:30 & Noon (Spanish)

Christmas Call To Sharing 2008 Very soon, you will be receiving an invitation from Bishop Jackels to consider a gift to the Christmas Call to Sharing. Your gift is used to benefit the 46 young men currently studying for the priesthood in the Wichita Diocese and the 31 men in retirement. I would ask you to prayerfully consider a special gift this year to support our priests.

Please remember to name Our Lady of Lourdes or St. Mary’s Colgan Schools in your will. May we leave a legacy of faith and education for the generations to come. Please consider informing Fr. Tom or the parish office of your legacy plans, [email protected]

STEWARDSHIP OFFERING Weekly Sunday Offering needed to sustain Parish Budget: $35,500.00 Sunday Offering Last Week Surplus or

$23,894.17 $<11,605.83>

MASS INTENTIONS 1) Fr. Tom Stroot 2) Fr. Ruben Ortiz 3) Fr. David Marstall SUNDAY (30) 7:00 (1) Parish Purgatorial Society 9:00 (1) People of the Parish 10:30 (1) For the Sick & Suffering 12:00 (2) Parish Purgatorial Society 2:00 (2 Spanish) Intention of Elisa Dalton MONDAY (1) 6:30 (2) Frank D. Benedict, Jr.+ TUESDAY (2) 6:30 (2) Lynne & Dylan Tankersley+ 8:00 (1) Clemence Hage+ 11:30 (1) Josephine & Richard Wettstein+ WEDNESDAY (3) 6:30 (1) Steve Schiefelbein+ 8:00 (2) Kari Spiers+ THURSDAY (4) 6:30 (1) Onotto Slattery+ 11:30 (2) Marcus Jones+ FRIDAY (5) 6:30 (1) Memorial Fund Members+ 8:00 (2) Altar Society Members+ 11:30 (3) Alex & Kenny Grimaldi+ SATURDAY (6) 8:00 (1) Rudy Moutz+ 5:30 (2) Dorothy Wachter+ SUNDAY (7) 7:00 (1) Parish Purgatorial Society 9:00 (1) People of the Parish 10:30 (1) For the Sick & Suffering 12:00 (2) Parish Purgatorial Society 2:00 (2 Spanish) Intention of Carlos Rodriguez NEWMAN CENTER — Sun (30)

Fr. David Marstall

11:00am NO MASS 6:00pm Int. of Faculty Students & Staff Mon 8:30pm Parish Purgatorial Society Wed Noon Parish Purgatorial Society Thur Noon Parish Purgatorial Society Sun (7) 11:00am Parish Purgatorial Society 6:00pm (2) Int. of Faculty Students & Staff

STEWARDSHIP REFLECTIONS We are the servants of God, each with his or her own task. We will be judged good stewards if, at His coming, He finds us ready and conscientiously pursuing the tasks to which we have been called. VOCATION PRAYER O most holy Virgin, we come to you to implore a great grace on behalf of the people of earth. We ask you for many and holy laborers of the gospel. You, O Mother, are the queen of the apostles, you obtained the grace of the ministries. Every vocation comes through your intercession. Obtain for your church and the whole world numerous and chosen priests, apostolic and holy men, fervent, zealous and loving souls. Remember the command of your son Jesus when he said: “Pray the harvest master that he send workers to his harvest.” Hear us, O Mother, for the greater glory of the heart of Jesus. Amen.

WESLEY HOUSE FOOD PANTRY: Our help is needed to fill the shelves. A basket is located near the entrance of our church. Thank you. SERVERS – DECEMBER 6-7: 5:30pm - Brandon Emerson, Dayton Engle, Riley Wood 7:00 – Patrick & Keegan Yoakam 9:00 – Patrick Biggs, Luke Marquardt, Jonah Dellasega 10:30 – Evan Rajotte, Devina Reetz, Lauren Sullivan NOON – Nolan & Ryan Higginbothan, Keaton Bolinger OFFERTORY GIFT BEARERS – DECEMBER 6-7: 5:30pm — Paul Mullinix Family 7:00am – John & Evaughn Boswell 9:00am – Joseph Ngo Family 10:30am – Tim Flood Family NOON – Steve Stockard Family EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS – DECEMBER 6-7: 5:30pm– Mark & Teresa Kolarik, Vince & Joyce Seiwert 7:00 – Steve Bolinger, Malcolm Turner, Val Zacharias 9:00 – R. Patterson, Mike Ehling, Johna Chubb, C. Pfannenstiel 10:30– Ken & Brenda Robertson, Patty Horgan, Bruce Huelat NOON – Bob & Donna Backes, Debbie Butler, Beth Gilbert LECTORS – DECEMBER 6-7: 5:30pm - Gary McGrath & Kevin Mitchelson 7:00am – Pete Kemmeter 9:00am — Kirk Ford & Jerry Lomshek 10:30am – Dean Cortes & Nancy Scott NOON - Lizanne Franklin & Rebecca Adamson

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