Bulletin March 24

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MARCH 24, 2019 3rd Sunday of Lent

MASS INTENTIONS Saturday, March 23rd

St Otto Frangipane, hermit

8:00am: SEABURY & ALICE WARING by daughter-in-law 3:30pm: SOULS IN PURGATORY Fr. Peter 5:00pm: EUGENE & ZULMIRA CUNHA by son & daughter

Fr. Silvio


Sunday, March 24


Sunday of Lent

8:00am: ALL PARISHIONERS 9:00am: GUILHERME FONTES by Dumon family 11:30am: JOHN CHALMERS by family 7:00pm: DONALD HULL by family

Monday, March 25th

Fr. Silvio Fr. Silvio Fr. Peter Fr. Peter


7:00am: VALERIE HARRINGTON by friends

Tuesday, March 26th

St Sabino of Anatolia, martyr

7:00am: HUGH & LARRAINE MARKEY by niece

Wednesday, March 27th

St Alked, British martyr

7:00am: NICOLAU COSTA by Rosa Costa

Thursday, March 28th

St Hilarion of Pelecete, abbot

7:00am: EDWARD ROY by family th

Friday, March 29

St Armogastes of Africa, servant


Saturday, March 30

*Every Monday of Lent:

Bible Conversation 6:30 PM Please bring your bibles

*Every Friday of Lent: *April 16th

8:00am: IDA VIEIRA by Barbara Dutra 3:30pm: CATHERINE NORTON by R.F. Fr. Silvio 5:00pm: JEAN BOISSE (Bth. Rem.) by children Fr. Peter st th Sunday, March 31 4 Sunday of Lent 8:00am: SOULS IN PURGATORY Fr. Silvio 9:00am: EMILIA & EUGENE FONTES by Rosa Vasconcelos

Lenten Parish Activities

Stations of the Cross 1 PM & 7 PM

St Amadeus of Savoy, duke


LENTEN REFLECTION By POPE FRANCIS Conversion of heart is the chief characteristic of the Lenten season of grace. It challenges all of us without exception, and it reminds us that conversion of heart is not to be reduced to outward forms or vague intentions, but engages and transforms one’s entire existence beginning from the center of the person, from the conscience. We are invited to embark upon a journey on which, by defying routine, we strive to open our eyes and ears, but especially to open our hearts, in order to go beyond our own ‘backyard’. It is a journey that involves the cross and self-denial.

Fr. Silvio Fr. Peter Fr. Peter

PLEASE, PRAY FOR THE SICK: George Shea, Linda Del Bonis, Lynne Melo, James O’Brien, James Barbosa, Ezequiel Melo, Joanna King, Evan Duarte, Hope Laiter, Matthew Boudreau, Madelene Frausto, Daniel Lewis, Allison Roberto, Alex Wilson, Charles Pringle, Zachary Leiszler, Amy Federivicz, Carol Ladeira, Barbara Carvalho, Monica Rainville Baton, Fred Rioles, Donna Bass, Rosa Maria Santos, Diane Mello, Arthur Mello, Joseph Mello, Robert Di Pippo.

Penance Service 7:00 PM 2019 CATHOLIC CHARITY APPEAL Supporting the work of the Church The Diocese of Providence has begun its Catholic Charity Appeal, an annual fundraising initiative that provides assistance to numerous ministries across the Diocese that provide for the physical, educational, and spiritual needs of thousands of Rhode Islanders in need.

The first in-pew solicitation will be held in our parish on the weekend of March 30-31, and the Appeal will conclude on June 30. Faith and Good Works go together. Through your faith, you make many Good Works possible. Your gift is used wisely. Maybe, you will not be the recipient of any of it, but there are many other needy people in the State who will give thanks to God because of your generosity. Our Bishop Thomas sends to all of you his deep appreciation and prayer.

Dear People From the Pastor What is going on AROUND? 3rd Lenten Conversation Because the majority of you cannot make it to the Lenten Conversation held on Monday evening, I would like to offer you a summary of it. If you don’t mind!

3. BACK TO GALILEE Reading from Matthew 4: 12-25 From the Judean desert, where he was tempted by the devil, Jesus left the southern region of Judea, where Jerusalem sits on Mount Sion, and moves to Capernaum in the northeastern part of Israel. Jesus leaves the deserted Judea to go back home in Galilee, the region where he grew up and worked for thirty years. However, he does not go back to the too isolated Nazareth, but he moves to a central location, Capernaum, a town on the Sea of Galilee, known also as the Lake of Gennesareth, located on the eastern part of the region. Capernaum was built in the 2nd century B.C. along the edge of the Sea of Galilee and was in existence until the 7th century A.D. and had up to 1500 residents. Today the old city is just ruins. Jesus made Capernaum his home during the years of his ministry: “Leaving Nazareth he went and lived in Capernaum” (Matt 4:13). Peter, Andrew, James and John were fishermen living in the village. Matthew the tax collector also dwelt there. Unfortunately, Capernaum is one of the three cities cursed by Jesus for its lack of faith. Nazareth did not welcome Jesus. People of Nazareth tried to kill Jesus, one of them, right there. Capernaum was a busy city interested more on their fisheries than on a carpenter preaching boring things.

Excavations have revealed a synagogue from the time of Jesus with walls made of worked stone and 4 feet thick. These earlier walls were preserved up to 3 feet high and the entire western wall still exists and was used as the foundation for the later synagogue. Jesus was confronted by a demoniac while teaching there (Mark 1:21-27). In Capernaum, Jesus healed the servant of the centurion. This Roman official was credited with building the synagogue (Luke 7:3). In this synagogue, Jesus gave the famous sermon on the bread of life (John 6:35-59), the Eucharist, that he was going to institute during the Last Supper on Holy Thursday. Excavations revealed also one residence that stood out from the others. This house was the object of early Christian attention with 2nd century graffiti and a 4th century house church built above it. In the 5th century a large octagonal Byzantine church was erected above this, complete with a baptistery. This is the house of the apostle Peter, the first Pope and Vicar of Christ on earth. Why Capernaum and not Jerusalem? Why leave the religious and political capital of the country and go to an out of the way place? Is Jesus afraid to confront the big city with its political intrigues and lack of faith? The temple of Jerusalem was the sea of the religious establishment with its theological schools, animal businesses for the immolated sacrifices, and place of worship. Jerusalem was also the sea of the Roman power with its governor Pontius Pilate, with the Roman army, and with the accolade of the Tetrarch Herod and his party. Jesus purposely left behind that city so distracted by politics and obsessive business. The people of Jerusalem were really enjoying the city with all the amusing things that come with a military barracks in town. Jesus preferred a quieter place where people spent time listening to him and thinking about his teaching. Close to Capernaum, Jesus published his ‘carta magna’, the Sermon of the Mount, the Beatitudes, the revolutionary description of the Kingdom of God brought by its own King, Jesus himself. While in Jerusalem Jesus did not have a great audience, but in Galilee, people were flocking after him and were more eager to listen to him.

MARCH 24, 2019


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A WEEK AGO $2,860.25 A YEAR AGO $3,209.75


“The true purpose of tithing is to secure not the tithe, but the tither; not the gift, but the giver; not your money, but you...for God.”

SACRED HEART SCHOOL FUND July 2018 – June 2019

IN MEMORY OF: Barbosa-Furtado-Mantia-Taveira Families Fred & Sarah Solomon Carlos & Maria Pontes Concetta Hopkins Anonymous Anonymous: 3/10/2019


500.00 300.00 300.00 3,000.00 85.00 40.00

$ 4,225.00

CATHOLIC TRIVIA B. Answer to the last week’s quiz: Name the mountain where Jesus was transfigured: Tabor. * This week’s quiz: Where is Capernaum located? A. Decapolis B. Judea C. Galilee D. Samaria

A GRAIN OF WISDOM God’s heart toward us is always tender, compassionate and forgiving.

GUIDELINES for LENT 2019 ABSTINENCE from meat on Ash Wednesday and the Fridays of Lent (for those 14 and older) is required by Church law. Ash Wednesday and Good Friday are FAST DAYS for those between the ages of 18 and 59 which require eating less, no solid food between meals and only one full meal on these days. Serious health conditions excuses a person from these precepts. This traditional practice is a way to offer to the Lord some sacrifices for His suffering and death endured for our sins. It is an act of thanksgiving and praise to our Savior. Be aware that the Catholic Church STILL UPHOLDS the precept of a meatless Friday YEAR ROUND as a way of penance. No Pope or Council has yet eliminated that precept from the Church’s tradition.

THANK YOU! ... to the cooks, their helpers, the sponsors and all those who attended the 2019 Spring Parish Dinner. It was delicious, well attended and fun. There was a net profit of $ 3,748.00. Thanks again and may God bless you all

Thursday, April 4, 2019 6:00 PM Social Hour 7:00 PM Presentation with Q&A THEOLOGY ON TOP: “WHAT IS FAITH?” Speaker Rev. Scott Carpentier Pastor, St. Joseph, Pascoag and St. Patrick, Harrisville At “Uncle Tony’s Pizza & Pasta - 46 Putnam Pike (Rt. 44) - Johnston, RI 02919 There is no charge for the event. Must be 21 +

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