Bulletin 11/2/2008

  • November 2019
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today 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM Morning Worship Services 9:45 AM Bible Education Classes 6:00 PM the element (High School) 6:00 PM Sunday Night Life monday 9:00 AM Bonnie Blanket Morning tuesday 6:30 AM Board Prayer 7:00 PM Board Meeting wednesday 9:30 AM Women’s Bible Study 6:45 PM Awana 7:00 PM Prayer Meeting 7:00 PM 180 Degrees (Junior High) 7:00 PM Men’s Bible Study 7:00 PM Celebration Choir thursday 9:00 AM Young Moms’ Bible Study 9:30 AM & 7:00 PM Women’s Precept Bible Study

November 2, 2008

ministry contacts______________ PASTORAL STAFF Senior Pastor....................................Delaine Bailey Worship and Arts...............................Dave Dunkin Adult Ministries ................................Bill Cummins Student Ministries .............................. Brian Stuart ELDERS Teaching Ministries....................... Jim VanDerSys Men’s Ministries ................................Darren Clark Missions................................................. Bud Strom Member Care............................. Howard Heppner DEACONS Facilities .....................................................Ed Marr Facilities ...............................................Tim Telling Finance....................................................Karl Bode Finance...............................................Phil Bogaard Scheduling .......................................Keith Gilmore MINISTRY COORDINATOR Children’s Ministry............................. Megan Clay Church office hours are Monday through Friday 9:00 am to noon & 1:00 to 4:00 pm.

Grace Baptist Fellowship

Everyone Obeying God’s Call Everyone Sharing God’s Heart

338 North Park St. Lynden, WA 98264 (360) 354-4321 [email protected] www.gbf-online.org

Worship November 2, 2008 ___________________ Morning Worship *A closed-circuit view of our morning services is available in Room E-113, across from the nursery. Welcome Worship Through Songs of Praise Praise Him! Praise Him! How Can I Keep From Singing Jesus Paid It All Here I Am to Worship More Precious Than Silver Communion Service

church family ____________________________ Quarterly Business Meeting Rescheduled— November 9, 10:30 AM. Since we didn’t have a quorum for the Business Meeting last week, it has been rescheduled for November 9, at 10:30 AM, in the auditorium. Thank You Dear Friends, I have truly been overwhelmed with all plants, flowers, and visits from each one; not forgetting all your prayers. God bless. Anne Reese Congratulations We offer our congratulations to Dave and Tamara Dunkin on the arrival of their daughter, Samantha Jane, on October 24. She joins brother Davey. Proud grandparents are Pastor Dave & Linda Dunkin. Congratulations to Darrin and Lisa Van Mersbergen on the birth of their son, Caleb Grant, on October 25. He joins brothers Preston & Tyler.

Worship Through Teaching Pastor Delaine Bailey

Sharing God’s Heart How To Know When You Are Ready To Get Started

Our Condolences We offer our condolences to Mike and Vickie Ruble and family in the loss of Mike’s dad this week.

(James 1:26-27)

Biblical Womanhood CD sets. Recordings of the Biblical Womanhood series are available in a fourCD hard-sided case set, including all the handouts, for only $7. Please write on the back of your registration slip “Biblical Womanhood” and how many sets you would like. You will be contacted by the office when your set is ready.

*Extra sermon outlines and children’s sermon outlines are available at your request. Please ask an usher for one.

Angels of Hope “Angel Tree” Thank you to all who took an angel. Please put your bag(s) under the coffee tables in the foyer.

Worship Through Giving Closing Song

Sunday Night Life •

the element (High School) led by Pastor Brian in the Youth Room.

Discovering Grace led by Pastor Delaine in E-115.

Evening Insights led by Pastor Bill in the Fellowship Hall.

Next week is Persecuted Church Sunday.

noah’s childcare _____________________ In the Pre-K Next Sunday, November 9 8:30 AM Infants .........................................M. Young & M. Struiksma 8:30 AM Toddlers.............................. L. VanDerMeulen & K. Bright 9:45 AM Infants ............................................................................ TBA 9:45 AM Toddlers............................................J. & R. Homan & TBA 11:00 AM Infants ........................................................B. Mock Family 11:00 AM Toddlers...................................... L. McLachlan & B. King 11:00 AM Pre-school Church................. G. Gorsegner & A. Loomos

mission moments _____________

Bonnie Blankets— Tomorrow, at 9:00 AM All ladies are invited to a Bonnie Blanket morning tomorrow, beginning at 9:00 AM, in the Fellowship Hall.

Missionary Letters Newly received missionary letters from Natalie Finkbonner, Brion & Connie Frakes, Jason & Sharon Nightingale, Tim & Esther Neufeld, New Way Ministries, and our evangelist in the Philippines are in their boxes in the foyer. A new letter from Ruth Collins is at the Information Center. Richard & Christy Olson have a new prayer card in their box. The letters are on aqua paper.

student ministries ______________


November 2, 2008 am _________________ Sharing God’s Heart

How To Know When You Are Ready To Get Started (James 1:26-27)

2. You’ll know you are ready to get started when you can __________ your ________________.

the element (High School)- Sundays, 6:00-8:00 PM. Defending the Faith - This Tuesday, 6:30-8:30 PM. At Defending the Faith, we watch and discuss videos that improve our understanding of the evolution vs. creation debate and the Bible’s historical accuracy. 180 Degrees (Junior High)- Wednesdays, 7:00-8:30 PM. 180 Serves — This Wednesday. As a junior high group, we will be participating in opportunities that highlight November's theme: "Everyone Sharing God's Heart." We will be focusing on "God's Heart for Orphans" and partnering with Starfish Ministries. See Pastor Brian for more details.

2. You’ll know you are ready to get started when you can __________ your ________________.

Pre-K ministry help needed ______ •

Snack Shopper — Check snack supplies for the nursery and preschool areas. Use Pre-K funds to re-supply as needed.

Phone Caller — Make approximately 10 reminder phone calls per week to nursery & preschool volunteers.

Nursery Greeter — Help families check their children into the nursery on Sunday mornings.

Caregiver — A significant number of additional workers are needed to care for infants, toddlers and pre-schoolers during all Sunday morning services and some Sunday evenings.

Please indicate interest on your registration slip or phone Bobbie Gilmore, Pre-K Director @ 398-1867.

3. You’ll know you are ready to get started when you can ______________ your _______________________.


The LORD is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion. 6 The L ORD protects the simplehearted; when I was in great need, he saved me. Psalm 116:5-6

Sharing God’s Heart projects Saturday, November 15, 9 AM—Noon Workers Needed: Guys Contact: Dave Dunkin, 354-4321, ext. 15 We want to serve you... A helping hand will be extended to widows and single moms who may need assistance with basic car maintenance tasks like washing, winterizing, and an oil change. Members of our congregation are invited to bring their car in for service, or invite and accompany a friend or neighbor. Come by the church between 9 AM and noon on Saturday, November 15th to have your car’s fluid levels, bulbs, and pressures checked. We will also give it a wash and vacuuming. No preregistration is necessary for these services. Enjoy treats and a hot drink in our hospitality room while you wait. Oil changes are also available but will need to be pre-arranged so we can have the proper supplies on hand. Sign up at the Car Care booth in the foyer. Those who will serve... Men of all ages are invited to assist our “experts” in all the tasks mentioned above. Dads are welcome to bring their sons and work together. Sign up TODAY at the Car Care booth. (more opportunities on other side)


The LORD is gracious and righteous; our God is full of compassion. 6 The L ORD protects the simplehearted; when I was in great need, he saved me. Psalm 116:5-6

Sharing God’s Heart projects Saturdays, November 8, 15, 22, 29 Contact: Brian Stuart, 354-4321, ext. 20 There are more people without homes or in very low income situations than you know just south of us in Bellingham. Salt on the Street exists to be the Hands and Feet of Jesus to these people. Please join us as we participate in their weekly meal, clothing distribution, and worship service in Bellingham every Saturday this November from 6:00-11:00 PM. If you would like to be involved in going to serve or in preparing food beforehand, you can sign up in the foyer; spots are limited. Salt on the Street is in need of all cold-weather items, such as blankets or clothing, especially children’s sizes. There will be a collection station in the foyer.

Next week: Details on these service opportunities:

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