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. . . Lord, in your mercy. Hear our Prayer . . . through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


God, Whose Giving Knows No Ending

R. Hillert

Chancel Choir


(Please Remain Standing)

*PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING Let us give thanks to the Lord our God. It is right to give our thanks and praise. …..with the confidence of the children of God, let us pray:

Latrobe Presbyterian Church

*LORD’S PRAYER (Traditional, Page 16 - Opposite Hymn # 1) SENDING *HYMNAL 391 Take My Life *CHARGE AND BLESSING *CONGREGATIONAL RESPONSE - HYMNAL 586 *POSTLUDE Antiphon V, How Fair and Pleasant Art Thou

M. Dupré

Every Sunday after worship we gather at the back of the Sanctuary for fellowship and light refreshments. We especially welcome visitors and guests to join with us. Please join us today as we share God’s love with one another. Our hosts for this week are Ruth Fleeson, Tessie Gleckl, Nancy Govi and Betty Green.

LARGE PRINT HYMNALS, BULLETINS AND LISTENING AIDS ARE AVAILABLE. PLEASE ASK AN USHER. GREETERS at the doors are wearing name tags. Diana Kreiling, Elder and, Barbara Fitzmaurice, Deacon The flowers this morning are to the Glory of God The radio broadcast this morning is in memory of Douglas Nels Flodin USHERS are wearing badges. Please approach them with any questions. Serving you this morning are members of Team II:

Eternal God, neither death nor life can separate us from your love. Grant that we may serve you faithfully here on earth, and in heaven rejoice with all your saints who ceaselessly proclaim your glory; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen

TWENTY-NINTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME October 19, 2008 Eleven O’clock GATHERING Prayer Request Cards (blue) are inside the Fellowship Pad Holder. The ushers will collect the request cards before the Prelude. The bold print invites the people to read aloud and/or sing.


Rev. Clark R. Kerr 2 Thess. 3:18

The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. And also with you. MOMENT FOR MISSION John Jamison – Special Gifts


Jesus Loves Me


Joyful Noise Chimes


Dr. Edwin McKinnon, Lector

...… one God, forever and ever. Amen.

*THE PEACE The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. And also with you. (Greet one another with the words, “Peace be with you.”)


Jesus Loves Me

Helen Kemp

Children’s Choir

CHILDREN’S TIME THE WORD PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION . . . through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.


Exodus 33:12-23

The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.



An asterisk * invites the people to stand.

*HYMNAL 473 For the Beauty of the Earth *PRAYER OF CONFESSION Eternal God, in whom we live and move and have our being, whose face is hidden from us by our sins, and whose mercy we forget in the blindness of our hearts: cleanse us from all our offenses, and deliver us from proud thoughts and vain desires, that with reverent and humble hearts we may draw near to you, confessing our faults, confiding in your grace, and finding in you our refuge and strength; through Jesus Christ your Son. (Silent Confession)



I Thessalonians 1:1-10


The Word of the Lord. Thanks be to God.


Come, Let Us Sing

Jody Lindh

Kids’ Club Choir


Matthew 22:15-22

The Gospel of the Lord. Praise to you, O Christ.


“Where Are You From?”

Rev. Clark R. Kerr

*HYMNAL 428 We Give The but Thine Own PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE

Nancy McKinnon

WEEKLY MEETINGS AND EVENTS Sunday 10/19 Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:30 am ...................................................................... Adult Sunday School Class 9:45 am ........................................................................................... Sunday School 11:00 am ...................................................................................... Worship Service 12:00 pm ................................................... Mission Trip Informational Meeting 12:15 pm ............................................................................................. Kirk Singers 1:00 pm ............................................................................................... Kirk Ringers 4:00 pm ...................................................................... Youth and Family Hayride 7:30 pm ..................................... Westmoreland Choral Society Concert - LPC Monday 10/20 7:00 pm ........................................................................................................ Session Tuesday 10/21 9:15 am .............................................................................................. Staff meeting 6:00 pm ................................................................. Supper Club at the Boulevard 7:30 pm ...................................................................................................... Al Anon Wednesday 10/22 9:15 am ........................................................................................................ Belles I 10:00 am ......................................................... Wednesday Morning Bible Study 4:25 pm .......................................................................................................... WOW Thursday 10/23 6:00 pm .................................................................................. Brownies II/Scouts 6:30 pm ..................................................................................... Men’s Bible Study 6:30 pm ......................................................................................................... Belles II 7:30 pm ............................................................................................ Chancel Choir 7:30 pm ..................................................................................................... Al Anon Saturday 10/25 5:45 pm ............................................................ Union Mission Festa di Ottobre Sunday 10/26 Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time 9:30 am ...................................................................... Adult Sunday School Class 9:45 am ........................................................................................... Sunday School 11:00 am ...................................................................................... Worship Service Noon ........................................................................................ Visitation Training 4:30 pm Kirk Ringers 5:15 pm ................................................................................................Kirk Singers 6:00 ..................................................................................................... Youth Group Next Sunday – October 26, 2008 Usher Team: III Lector: Dr. Edwin McKinnon Greeters: Cindy Gobbel – Elder Rose Flodin - Deacon Lectionary Readings: Deuteronomy 34:1-12 Psalm 90

Thomas James, Michael Buechele, Larry Dascenzo, Dr. Robert Johnson, Dr. David Kenney, Dr. Edwin McKinnon, Garrett Parker, Larry Ruffner, Paul Stewart and Gary Zimmerman. Worship is the gathering of all those being called by God, especially children. Nurseries are available for children 5 and under (see below). If your infant begins to cry or your child needs a break from being quiet during worship, you are welcome to leave and comfort your child and return to worship at your earliest opportunity. Worship bags filled with activities for children are available on the table at the rear of the sanctuary. Please ask an usher. For safety and comfort, our church staffed nursery is divided by age: • The infant nursery is off the side hall (Room 106) on your right. It is only for those children aged 2 years and younger. • The toddler nursery is off the back hall (Room 102) behind the worshippers and is only for those aged 3 – 5. Any child over the age of 5 is encouraged to participate in our worship service. Please help us maintain these age divisions for our nurseries. Congratulations to our third grade Sunday School students who receive their Bibles today. They are: Rachel Adams, Miranda DeAngelo, Hunter Edmiston, Cameron Foster, Michael Robl and Dawson Speedy. Today will be the “Two-Cents-A-Meal” collection. Please share your pennies for this hunger program. Session members – you may pick up your packets from the office counter in preparation of you meeting tomorrow, Monday, October 20th. Our Mission and Society Committee will host an informational meeting concerning our Adult Mission Trip immediately following worship today, October 19th. Pick up your cookies and coffee and join us downstairs in the Oliver Room. Depending upon the number interested in going, it appears we may be able to defray most, if not all, of the costs. Even if you are only a little bit interested, come and learn more. Tickets for the Westmoreland Choral Society Concert, which will take place at LPC tonight, October 19th at 7:30 pm, may be purchased after worship today. Please see Susannah Calvo in the rear of the church to purchase your tickets. You will not want to miss this fall harvest concert! The LPC Supper Club will once again meet for fellowship and food on Tuesday, October 21st, 6:00 pm at the Boulevard Restaurant. We will

order separately from the menu. Please sign the sheet in the back of the sanctuary so we may arrange for adequate seating. See you there!! Study books are now available from the Office for the 10:00 am, Wednesday Morning Bible Study. The text is from the Gospel of John. Cost per book is $9.00. LPC TO HELP PRESBYTERY WITH DISASTER PROJECT. The Wednesday Morning Bible Study group is going to help the Redstone Presbytery assemble emergency clean-up buckets. We will be collecting the items below until October 26th. Perhaps you could help by donating some of these items, which are only one-fourth of the items that will fill the bucket? one pack of 50 clothes pins, two pair of latex gloves (ex: Playtex) clothes line (one 100 foot or two 50 foot), one 6-14 oz. bottle of insect repellent (drops or lotion, not aerosol, in plastic container) We will also accept monetary contributions and will shop for the requested items. The cost of the four items is $12.00. All donated items should be at the church by October 26th. One hundred dollars from the sale of cookbooks was also donated to offset the cost of shipping. Thank you in advance for sharing to help those who were in the path of the storms. If you have any questions, please see Janet McNees (724-423-5295). The Youth Group is selling calendars, greeting cards and note pads. See the display in the back of the sanctuary. These are really great gifts. Attention Ushers – there will be an Usher training program on Sunday, November 2nd at 10 am. Please plan to attend. On Stewardship Sunday, a light lunch will be held on November 9th in the Vogelsang Room after worship. The luncheon is being sponsored by Jamison Farms. On Saturday, November 15th at 6:00 pm, our Mission and Society Committee will be hosting a pre-Thanksgiving congregational Family Covered Dish Dinner in the Vogelsang Room. Nancy Auman will share with us her experiences from her recent mission trip to Mexico, along with other mission-minded activities. Rumor has it that a piñata might be involved!! Please mark your calendars for Saturday, December 6, 2008. Another bus trip is planned, this time to Pittsburgh for a Progressive Holiday Tour. Included are the following: PPG Place - to see the Santa display; salad at The Spaghetti Warehouse in the Strip District; entree at The Grand Concourse at Station Square; the light display at Hartwood Acres and dessert at Gullifty's in Squirrel Hill. The bus is filling but we still have seating

available. Please sign the sheet in the back of the sanctuary and be a part of this fun day. Nancy McKinnon, Deacon Chair, thanks everyone who helped with this year’s Fall Harvest Luncheon yesterday. After a great meal of ham, Eileen’s potatoes, green beans/carrots and dessert, the audience was entertained by talented LPC kids and a Carol Curtis sing-along. It was a terrific day. Watch for a complete article in the next MAINSTream issue. Hospitalized last week: John Angus When you or a loved one is hospitalized, please be sure to have someone notify the church office. It is important that when you or a family member is admitted to the hospital, please be sure to identify yourself as a member of LPC – that way the hospital is able to notify us.

Upcoming Events: November 2 - All Saints’ Day Sunday & High Tea – 11:00 am November 2 – Usher Training – 10:00 am November 15 – M&S Pot Luck Dinner – 6:00 pm November 26 – Community Thanksgiving Program–Trinity Lutheran – 6 pm December 3 – Advent Event – 6:00 pm December 6 – E&M’s Progressive Holiday Tour December 13 – Mature Presbyterian Luncheon December 14 – Lessons & Carols – Unity Chapel – 7:30 pm Latrobe Presbyterian Church 724-537-3631 www.latrobepc.org Fax: 724-537-4434 Office hours are 8:30 a.m. – 4:30 p.m. Closed 12:00-1:00 p.m. Name / Title Extension Email Address Rev. Clark R. Kerr - Pastor 12 [email protected] Michael S. Long – Director of Music 15 [email protected] Kristin Temple – Director CE/FM 14 [email protected] Sonnie Miller – Financial Secretary 13 [email protected] Arlene Jones – Church Secretary 10 [email protected] Mary Weimer –Secretary 11 [email protected] 18 Elaine Volpe – Custodian Rich Ruffner – Church Custodian Judy Maccarelli – Infant Nursery Dana Stein – Infant Nursery Dosalyn Thompson - Toddler

I Thessalonians 2:1-8

Matthew 22:24-46

Hospitality Table: Janet Harvey, Kay Herb, Nancy Himler, Evelyn Hunter

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