Bsn International Respati

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Currently, the nursing profession is a very exciting one. Nurses will practice in most healthcare settings where people live, work, and play such as in the hospitals, clinics, laboratories, schools, homes, industries, public health, and research agencies and the list will still be going on. Even as major health care reforms take place, there will always be a demand for qualified nurses around the world. With the ideal of "health for all"; a goal of nursing education will not only need to provide health care in a multicultural environment, but they will also need to be educated to understand the needs of more vulnerable populations. At BSN international program Universitas Respati Yogyakarta , we are challenged to prepare education for nurses who will be able to respond to these varied demands.

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Program Name : International Bachelor in Nursing Science (BSN) Degree Awarded: Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) University: Universitas Respati Yogyakarta Consultant: Drs. Muh. Arsyad Subu, SKp, MSN, CNS, PhD (c) ] NLN Member: # 461432 Email : [email protected], [email protected] , [email protected]

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Drs. Muh. Arsyad Subu, SKp, MSN, CNS, PhD (c) Yasser Al-khatib, BSN, MSN, PhD (c), RN Jamaal Al khaduri, BSN, MSN, PhD, RN Kareen Moosvie, MSN, PhD, RN Eusun Cho, RN, MSN Serah Nthenge, BSN, MSN, RN Ahmed Al Saadi, BSN, MSN, PhD, RN Drs. Bacho Haidir, RPN Rosa Lafferty, BSN, RN.

Nursing program Respati consists of theoretical and practical education provided to students with the purpose to prepare them for their duties as nursing care professionals. This program is provided by experienced nurse educators and other healthcare professionals who have qualified or experienced for educational tasks. Courses leading to autonomous registration as a nurse typically last four years (8 semesters). Nursing program also provides post-qualification courses in specialist subjects within nursing (NERS Program in 1 semester).

BSN internasional program Universitas Respati based on SK. Mendiknas RI. No. 045/U/2002 about curriculum of bachelor degree in nursing which consits of: At least 152 credits ◦ 60 % core curriculum ◦ 40 % institutional curikulum

BSN international currikulum development is suitable with national standard AIPNI Required 60% or 87 Credits of total credits semester

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Program Method: Competence Based Curriculum (CBC) Need to be added some course subjects and materials of BSN international as standard of National League for Nursing (NLN) for bachelor degree in the US In addition, need to add some english courses: ◦ ◦ ◦ ◦

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General English (12 SKS) English for Nursing (2SKS) Medical and Nursing Terminology (2) Measurement Conversion (1 SKS).

TOEFL preparation I TOEFL preparation I)

Visi 

Visi Program Sarjana Keperawatan (BSN) Internasional adalah menjadi menjadi program keperawatan yang bermutu sesuai standar internasional dalam menyelenggarakan pendidikan, penelitian dan pengabdian masyarakat di bidang keperawatan. Selain itu untuk menghasilkan Sarjana Keperawatan yang mampu mengikuti perkembangan globalisasi ilmu pengetahuan dan teknologi keperawatan dan berbudi pekerti luhur. Lulusan program internasional memiliki keterampilan handal dalam menjalankan profesi keperawatan yang dapat berkompetisi di dunia kerja baik di tingkat nasional maupun internasional. Visi ini merupakan penjabaran dari visi BSN Internasional yaitu menjadi program Studi keperawatan yang bermutu sesuai standar global dalam menyelenggarakan pendidikan, penelitian, dan pengabdian masyarakat untuk menghasilkan sarjana keperawatan dan Ners profesional. Fokus dan orientasi Program BSN Internasional adalah menjadi program unggulan yang memiliki daya saing baik keunggulan kompetitif maupun komparatif ditingkat nasional maupun internasional


Menyelenggarakan pendidikan yang berkualitas untuk menghasilkan Sarjana Keperawatan profesional standar internasional. Menyelenggarakan pendidikan profesi Keperawatan yang berkualitas untuk menghasilkan Ners profesional. Melaksanakan penelitian ilmiah di bidang Keperawatan yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat, pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan pembangunan. Melaksanakan pengabdian masyarakat di bidang keperawatan yang bermanfaat bagi masyarakat, pengembangan ilmu pengetahuan dan pembangunan. Siap menyongsong globalisasi dalam dunia keperawatan dengan kemampuan keperawatan dan bahasa Inggris yang handal.

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Program BSN internasional menyelenggarakan pendidikan sesuai dengan kurikulum berbasis kompetensi dengan tujuan mempersiapkan Sarjana Keperawatan (BSN) standar internasional yang siap menyongsong globalisasi dan berbudi pekerti luhur, berilmu, dan memiliki ketrampilan yang tinggi, sehingga mampu : Memberikan Asuhan Keperawatan secara profesional kepada klien berdasarkan pada kode etik profesi keperawatan Indonesia dan Internasional dengan memperhatikan aspek sosial budaya dan nilai-nilai yang dianut oleh klien. Berkomunikasi dengan pasien dan keluarganya secara terapeutik (Therapeutic Communication) Menerapkan ketrampilan keperawatan yang mendukung praktek pelayanan dan asuhan keperawatan kepada pasien. Mengembangkan kemampuan dalam bidang manajerial dalam pengelolaan pelayanan keperawatan. Mengembangkan profesionalisme dalam rangka praktek keperawatan. Berpikir secara kritis dan melakukuan riset keperawatan. Menyesuaikan diri dengan perkembangan issu global terutama berkaitan dengan ilmu dan teknologi di bidang ilmu keperawatan. Menguasai technology keperawatan sesuai standar internasional Mampu menggunakan kemampuan dalam bahasa Inggris (Listening, Speaking, Writing).


Sistem pendidikan pengajaran yang digunakan adalah dengan Satuan Kredit Semester (SKS). Tujuan umum penerapan SKS ini adalah agar program BSN internasional dapat lebih mudah memenuhi tuntutan kebutuhan global. Mahasiswa dinyatakan selesai apabila sudah terpenuhi semua administrasi dan jumlah SKS yang telah ditetapkan.

Metode Pengajaran

Penyajian program pendidikan yang lebih bervariasi dan fleksibel dapat memberi kemungkinan lebih luas kepada mahasiswa untuk memilih program menuju suatu rencana jenjang profesi tertentu. Program Studi S1 Keperawatan BSN Internasional menyelenggarakan proses belajar mengajar dalam bentuk perkuliah (tatap muka), tutorial, belejar mandiri (independent study), praktek laboratorium, praktikum di institusi-isntitusi pelayanan kesehatan, praktek kerja lapangan dan bentuk kegiatan lainnya seperti Pekerjaan Rumah, Presentasi, diskusi kelompok dan lain-lain. Pada program BSN Internasional, mulai semester tiga (3), pengajaran diberikan dengan menggunakan bahasa Inggris yang diberikan secara bertahap. Pada semester tujuh (7) dan delapan (8) akan diajarkan persiapan tes bahasa Inggris (TOEFL or IELTS Preparation).

Kehadiran Mahasiswa

Persentasi kehadiran mahasiswa untuk program ini untuk setiap subjek adalah 85%. Apabila mahasiswa hadir kurang dari 85% maka yang bersangkutan diberikan sanski berupa tidak diperbolehkannya mengikuti ujian baik tengah maupun akhir semester.

Seleksi mahasiswa

Seleksi mahasiswa untuk program ini akan dilakukan secara selekstif dan hatihati yang berdasarkan pada:

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Kemampuan bahasa inggris (TOEFL atau IELTS Score) Motivasi mahasiswa Penampilan Fisik (Tinggi Badan dan berat Badan) Support System. IPK

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Program BSN internasional menyelenggarakan pendidikan sesuai dengan kurikulum berbasis kompetensi dengan tujuan mempersiapkan Sarjana Keperawatan (BSN) standar internasional yang siap menyongsong globalisasi dan berbudi pekerti luhur, berilmu, dan memiliki ketrampilan yang tinggi, sehingga mampu : Memberikan Asuhan Keperawatan secara profesional kepada klien berdasarkan pada kode etik profesi keperawatan Indonesia dan Internasional dengan memperhatikan aspek sosial budaya dan nilai-nilai yang dianut oleh klien. Berkomunikasi dengan pasien dan keluarganya secara terapeutik (Therapeutic Communication) Menerapkan ketrampilan keperawatan yang mendukung praktek pelayanan dan asuhan keperawatan kepada pasien. Mengembangkan kemampuan dalam bidang manajerial dalam pengelolaan pelayanan keperawatan. Mengembangkan profesionalisme dalam rangka praktek keperawatan. Berpikir secara kritis dan melakukuan riset keperawatan. Menyesuaikan diri dengan perkembangan issu global terutama berkaitan dengan ilmu dan teknologi di bidang ilmu keperawatan. Menguasai technology keperawatan sesuai standar internasional Mampu menggunakan kemampuan dalam bahasa Inggris (Listening, Speaking, Writing).

Program BSN internasioanal ini akan dilakukan setelah diadakan kajian dengan menggunakan standar National League for Nursing (NLN) assessment Amerika dengan menggunakan metode:

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Quality Facilities Assessment (QFA) Quality Teaching Assessment (QTA) Quality Learning Assessment (QLA).

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Para lulusan BSN internasional dipersiapkan untuk mampu dan telah siap untuk mengisi lapangan keja perawat di luar negeri baik dari segi kemampuan keperawatan itu sendiri maupun kemampuan bahasa Inggris seperti yang dibutuhkan di negara-negara di luar negeri terutama: USA Canada Australia New Zeland Negara Eropa (Inggris, Swiss, Irlandia, dan Swedia) Timur Tengah Jepang dan negara-negara Asia lainnya.

Bachelor of Science in Nursing (BSN) International nursing program will offer a four-year program. Graduates of this program are eligibility to have a professional nurses’ jobs overseas especially nursing placement for US and Canada. Graduates are well prepared to be ready as nurse professionals to meet the criteria of nursing jobs in the other foreign countries. This program will be based on national standard curriculum in Indonesia in accordance with SK. Minister of National Education Republic of Indonesia No: 232/U/200: Curriculum development of higher education: 152 Credits (60 % Core Curriculum 40 % institutional curriculum) with year of study will be 4 years (8 semesters).

In preparation for BSN international Universitas Respati Yogyakarta program, a careful scan of the internal and external environment of a University is an important part of the strategic planning process for international nursing program. Environmental factors internal to the firm usually can be classified as strengths (S), weaknesses (W), and those external to the firm can be classified as opportunities (O) or threats (T). In this plan of an international nursing program will be identified all aspects related to SWOT analysis. SWOT Analysis Framework of BSN international Universitas Respati Yogyakarta Nursing Program:

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At the BSN international Universitas Respati Yogyakarta nursing program, team curriculum designers (mostly from the United States) have developed a cohesive set of course, level, and curriculum outcomes for the nursing program that prepare the student for international standard professional nursing practice. The students’ outcomes are focused on seven critical nursing practice concepts and increase in complexity as the curriculum progresses as follows: Caring   Community Ethics Health Promotion  Holism Human Diversity Stewardship.

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At program completion, graduate students will achieve outcomes: Practices as a professional nurse with a commitment to personal and professional growth consistent with a liberal arts education. Communicates effectively and collaboratively in professional nursing practice. Demonstrates respect for persons and commitment to human dignity. Utilizes clinical judgment to make effective decisions in professional nursing practice. Implements nursing strategies based on sound judgment and available evidence to ensure high-quality nursing care. Advances a global healthcare perspective to promote the health of communities and service to society.

Students at BSN international Universitas Respati Yogyakarta nursing will be prepared to participate in an inquirybased curriculum by using the following active learning strategies:  Communication  Praxis  Thinking & Knowing Skills  Community of Learning  Curriculum Outcomes 

The first year of the BSN international Universitas Respati Yogyakarta nursing program is dedicated to courses in the humanities, sciences, social sciences and introduction to professional nursing. This format provides an opportunity for students to adjust to the various aspects of university life before beginning their clinical courses.

The clinical experience begins in the fall of the sophomore year and continues through the program. By graduation students will have experiences in clinical hours in a variety of settings. The concepts of leadership, research, health assessment, and caring are integrated throughout the curriculum. Clinical settings include hospitals, extended care facilities, community/home health agencies, and clinics. A well-equipped simulation laboratory provides an on-campus supervised area for skill and health assessment practice. Both morning and evening hours are utilized for the clinical experience. All nursing faculty present theories in the classroom, select clinical learning experiences, and guide and supervise students in the clinical area. Specific requirements and costs are sent to students prior to their sophomore year. Students are responsible for their own transportation to and from clinical agencies.

For international BSN nursing program, a minimum grade of “C” is required in all nursing courses. In order to progress, students must meet the criteria for academic progress as stated in the Academic Regulations. Nursing majors must have current certification in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) upon entering second year and through all subsequent nursing courses.

Science of Basic NursingBasic Nursing ScienceClinical Nursing Science Nursing Community Nursing ScienceHumanistic, Social –Cultural Science, Professional Practice, & ethical Issues in Nursing

Religion (Agama)Civic (Kewarganegaraan)Bahasa IndonesiaSocialCultural Science Basic Nursing Science IBasic Nursing Science IIBasic Nursing Science IIICardiovascular System Respiratory System Immunology & Hematology SystemSystem NeurobehavioralSensory and Perception System Endocrine System Gastrointestinal System Musculoskeletal System System IntegumentUrinary System Reproduction System Community Nursing ICommunity Nursing IICommunity Nursing IIINursing Management Nursing Research Comprehensive IComprehensive IIPsychology for NursingTherapeutic Communication in Nursing Transcultural Nursing Medical & Nursing TerminologyInternational Healthcare System End of Life Care (Hospice and Palliative Care)Nursing Systems’ Issues Family Health NursingGerontology NursingPharmacology Nursing NutritionComplementary and Alternative Therapy (CAT) in Nursing PracticeIntroduction to Nursing Informatics Nursing Leadership CapstoneBioethics and NursingIndependent study in Nursing Economic in Health and Nursing Care Anthropology for Nursing TOEFL Preparation ITOEFL Preparation IIGeneral English English for NursingMinithesis (Skripsi)

Religion2Civic2Bahasa Indonesia2Social Cultural Science2Basic Nursing Science I  6Basic Nursing Science II5English I2  TOTAL21 

Sensory & Perception System 4  2Integument System33Basic Nursing Science III74Basic Psychology 25Nursing Informatics26English II2  TOTAL20 

Immune & Hematology System5Endocrine System4Digestive System5Development & Growth of Children2Biostatistics3English III2TOTAL21

Urinary System5  Respiratory System5  Reproduction System5  Psychiatric Nursing I2  Anthropology for Nursing 2  English IV2  TOTAL21 

Musculoskeletal System5Neurobehavioral System5Community Nursing I2Psychiatric Nursing II3Critical Nursing I3Nursing Systems & Issues 2  English V 2  TOTAL22 

Cardiovascular System6Community Nursing II3Critical Nursing II3Gerontology Nursing 3Nursing Management2English VI2TOTAL17

Nursing Research3Comprehensive I4Community Nursing III3End of Life Care3Family System and Theory2Independent Study in Nursing 1Nutrition for Nursing 1TOEFL Preparation I2  TOTAL19 

1Comprehensive II42Transcultural Nursing23Economics in Health and Nursing Care 24Nursing Terminology25Nursing Leadership Capstone26Minithesis 67TOEFL Preparation II2TOTAL20

(It is required to conduct this Program in International Standard Healthcare Facilities, if possible in the United States, Canada, or Singapore)


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