Broadcast 200906

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News for God’s people at Peace With Christ Lutheran Church June 2009

“Fathers, bring up your children in the training and instruction of the Lord.” Ephesians 6:4 Pastor Patrick’s Pen ……………………………………………… Page 3 Deaconess Claire’s Note…………………………………………… .Page 5 LWML ……….…………………………………………………….. Page 7 TAG……… ...……………………………………………………….Page 8 Youth News………… ..…………………………………………… Page 9 Marilyn’s Letter to the Youth……………………………………… Page 10 “Thank You”……………………………………………………….. Page 12 Catechism Connection/Book of Concord ………………………….Page 13 Young Families……………………………………………………...Page 14 “Know Your Leadership”………………………………………….. Page 16 Financial Update ……………… …………………………………. Page 18 Anniversaries …………………… ……………………………….. Page 18 Birthdays. .…………………………..………………………………Page 19

FLOWERS FOR THE ALTAR Members are invited to sign up to place flowers on our altar for special occasions: in memory or honor of a loved one or a special event. Please sign up on the flower chart located in the Sunshine Hall and see posted guidelines for flowers.

PEACE WITH CHRIST LUTHERAN CHURCH 1412 West Swallow Road Fort Collins, CO 80526 Phone: (970) 226-4721 Fax: (970) 204-1570 Email:[email protected] On the Prayer Chain: 229-1459

Pastor: Ralph Patrick Deaconess: Claire Rueffer Ministers: All Members Preschool Director/Teacher: Cathy Toomey Editor: Marcy Petago Youth Coordinator: Marilyn Lasich Prayer Chain Coordinator: Cheryl Harsen

Radio Broadcast: KCOL (600 AM), at 9:00 AM Sundays

Church Elders: Wes Nierman, Head Elder.. ……………………………………..………….….226-5936 Ray Kaiser, Worship Elder…………………………………….….…………....223-0987 Dan Krueckeberg, Staff Elder…………………………………….….…….… ..482-9545 Dan Prevedel, Elder...…………………………………………………………..204-4008 Michael Rohlfs, Elder………………………...…………….….…….…………482-2663

Church Council: President, Chad Hamilton Vice President, Larry Siegfried Secretary, Ernestine Munsey Treasurer, Lisa Bernhardt Education Chairman, Eric Petago Education Co-Chair, Jane Pennington Evangelism Chairman, Rhonda Kaiser Fellowship Co-Chairman, Kerri Fagan/Linda Siegfried Youth Ministry Chairman, Amy Hoy Missions & Ministry Chairman, Jerry Buchleiter Head Trustee, Fred Kropp Hands in Harmony Chairman, Betty Keeney Preschool Chairman, Kim Molzer

Next month’s articles are due Sunday, June 21! 2

Pastor Patrick’s Pen “Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, nor stands in the way of sinners, nor sits in the seat of scoffers; but his delight is in the law of the Lord, and on his law he meditates day and night.” Psalm 1:1-2 Dear Children of God, While this month’s letter is devoted to fathers, you don’t need to be a father to appreciate it, and hopefully learn from it. So please read on. This month children will do all sorts of nice things for their fathers in appreciation for all that their fathers have done for them. And what is that? What is the role of a Christian father when it comes to caring for his family in a way that pleases The Heavenly Father? Certainly it is to provide a house and home and food and clothes and safety and general well-being. But a lot of non-Christian fathers are capable of that. So what is it that a Christian father is uniquely equipped by God to provide? There are many possibilities, but consider the following five. Knowledge of Christ. When Jesus was twelve He was found in the temple with the teachers. We’re told that they were astounded by His knowledge of God’s Word. Certainly this came “super-naturally” to Jesus, because He is God. But we can’t disregard the effect that Joseph, his earthly father, had on his training. Our children do not belong to us, but to God. Therefore it is our God-given responsibility to raise them in a manner that is in accord with His will. And what is that will? That they might know and believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior. Knowledge of the Scriptures. Knowledge of Christ does not occur “miraculously” but comes through His Word. Children are to be taught the Scriptures. Yes, the pastor does this, and so do the Sunday School teachers and others. But the primary responsibility rests with the father! What does does the catechism say? “As the head of the household should teach his children.” Perhaps one reason why so many fathers fail in this regard is because they themselves do not know the scriptures. I see many older

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men who attend Sunday Morning Bible study—but not many younger men. Fathers, I challenge you to learn the Scriptures---to study them at home and at church—so that you can in turn teach them to your children. Discipline. The older I get the more appalled I become at the public behavior of children. To say that they are disrespectful is an understatement. Many are simply out of control. Why is this? I suspect at least in part because they have not had loving fathers who disciplined them. The book of Hebrews speaks of the importance of fatherly discipline, comparing it to that of our Heavenly Father: “My son, do not regard lightly the discipline of the Lord, nor be weary when reproved by him. For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and chastises every son whom he receives.” Love and Forgiveness. This is the Gospel counterpart to Godly discipline. Children must know that they are loved by their fathers as well as their mothers. Statistics show that children raised with “hands-on” fathers who provided nurture and care are more likely to be well-adjusted developmentally and socially. We are to love our children as God has loved us, unconditionally and sacrificially. Training in Righteousness. Father’s take great pleasure in seeing their children participate in sporting and other activities. These are indeed valuable for physical development. How much more so the activities that contribute to their spiritual development, such as Sunday School and Church, praying before mealtimes and bed, and family devotions around the dinner table. I still have many fond memories of my father. One of my favorites is sitting in church with him as a little boy, and having him point to the words that we were singing in the hymns or speaking in the liturgy. Then, when the sermon started, he would give me a life-saver. And if it was an especially long sermon, he would give me quite a few. Fathers, by the grace of god make some memories with your children that will last forever. He is Risen! Alleluia! pastor


Deaconess Claire’s Note

Dear Servants of God, As I start to prepare to pack up odds and ends, leave behind a few pieces of furniture, and dig into the work of saying “fare thee well” to all of you, I thought it would be appropriate to leave a long thank you note to all of you in this month’s Broadcast. But the work you called me here to do isn’t quite done yet & you all know how thankful I am to have encountered Christ’s love in each and everyone of you through prayers, smiles, trusting conversations, laughter, and tears as we’ve met Sunday after Sunday at the Lord’s Table. And there we have been gathered together in union with all the saints and heavenly host… But I digress. VBS is coming up. (June 15-19th) This year, the theme is ROME: Paul and the Underground Church. Through the lessons, skits, crafts, games, etc… the children and volunteers will experience a little bit of what it was like to be in the Rome of the Apostle Paul’s day. Not merely didactic, the VBS experience gives all a chance to remember the scriptures teaching with their whole bodies. And in a world where so much of our lives are quartered off into segments (now it is time to take care of my body, now it is time to stretch my mind, now it is time to be spiritual), it’s important to take the time to remember our incarnate Lord who saved us from death and eternal separation from God. Thus, we confess in the creed, Christians believe in the “resurrection of the body.”

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As a missionary and scholar once told me in a thick German accent, “We do not have bodies, we are our bodies.” Paul makes this clear over and over again in Romans without elevating the body like the Epicureans or denying it like the Gnostics. Our Creator gave us form and loves us in whatever form we come. Jesus reminds us of this again when he calls the little children to himself, touches the lepers, eats with tax collectors, sinners, prostitutes, and lovingly instructs the unbelieving Pharisees over and over and over again. To have the opportunity to share the gift of God’s everlasting and undeserved love with the young is perhaps our greatest joy and duty as Christian people. My prayer is that you will keep the children, parents and volunteers helping with this year’s VBS in your prayers as we once again learn: God’s love is a gift. (Romans 6:23) God’s love changes us.(Romans 12:2) God’s love is always with us. (Romans 8:38) God’s love saves us. (Romans 5:8) God’s love is worth sharing. (Romans 1:16) As Luther once said “For what purpose do we older folks exist, other than to care for . . . the young?”

Christ’s servant and yours, Deaconess Claire


LUTHERAN WOMEN IN MISSION It’s not Breakfast at Tiffany’s… It’s Brunch at Ann’s! Join us Saturday, June 6th at 10am for Brunch at Ann Rodenbeck’s home. Ann will provide the main dish and Karen Buchleiter will offer devotions. All ladies are welcome…please bring a favorite side dish to share! See the LWML bulletin board for a map and carpooling information. Norma Thaemert will participate in a Mission Walk during LWML’s 33rd Biennial Convention held June 25-June 28th in Portland, Oregon. Money raised will help fund mission projects chosen at this national event. See Norma for details and to pledge your support! The recipient of LWML’s 2009 Holiday Craft Fair proceeds will be Stephen Heimer. Stephen is currently studying at Concordia Seminary in St. Louis to become an LCMS pastor like his father, Reverend Karl Heimer of Ysleta Mission. If you have a great “functional” craft idea or special holiday recipe for LWML’s Holiday Craft Fair, please call Colleen Rohlfs 482-2663 or Connie Jesser 484-4393. Kay’s Angels will meet at the Rubel’s home most Mondays 1:30-3:30 through the summer. Additional summer workshops will be announced in future greensheets. LWML’s 1st summer mission project will benefit Lisa Beckendorf, a missionary with Lutheran Bible Translators stationed in Botswana, Africa. Months ago, we raised enough for Lisa to purchase a sewing machine. As the mother of a young family, Lisa is making good use of her new talent. Next? Notions! Envelopes are available in the Sunshine Hall through the month of June for your monetary gifts. All donations can be given to Cheryl Harsen, Bev Russman, Ann Rodenbeck or Karen Buchleiter. Thank you for your generous support! The next LWML Executive Board meeting will be Monday, June 1st beginning at 6pm in the home of Cheryl Harsen. All ladies are welcome. 7

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TAG Tuesday Afternoon Group

All older adults are welcome to attend the various activities and Bible studies of this Older Adult Ministry Group. Our meetings are on the 1st & 3rd Tuesdays of the month. During the summer months we will only meet on the 1st Tuesday. Come and enjoy the fellowship.

Tuesday, June 2nd at 11:30am We will meet at the church at 11:30am and carpool to Gateway Natural Area for a picnic. It is 5.2 miles up Poudre Canyon and is wheelchair accessible. Bring a dish to share. Also bring lawn chairs and outdoor games. Tableware and drinks will be furnished.

Please join us in celebrating the years of service of Cathy Toomey (ten years as Teacher/Director) and Nancy Spillman (fifteen years as Teacher/Aide) from Peace With Christ’s Preschool. We wish these ladies well as they pursue other ventures. All members of the congregation are invited to a Mexican Fiesta Potluck in the PWC Fellowship Hall at 12:00 on Sunday, June 14th. In loving PWC “roast” fashion, any stories or remembrances you would like to share are welcome. Please indicate number attending and dish to share on sign-up sheet in the 8


Youth musicians and vocalist: Please sign-up for the June 13th concert. Service Project: Sign-up to help with yard work for the Brown family. If you can do this once this summer, once a month or every time - please come help! “Invasion of Brule”: the dates hae been set to go visit the Dickmander family. July 17-21, we will do community service for their church members and the Brule community. Fishing, swimming, camping, and BBQs are also in the plans. Please sign-up if you will be able to go. Other members of the congregation are invited to come too - it’s a great opportunity to work with youth members! Any questions, talk to Marilyn LVR Catechism Retreat: Please pry for those attending the retreat, for safe travel and that they receive many blessings while at the retreat. Amanda N., Leah B., Marina R., Libby H., Claire H., Julie R., Kenzie C., Myah B., Krissy P., Katie P., Robin T., Brianna L., Keller F., Levi J., Jenna C., Megan F., Molley P., are attending as well as Pastor Patrick and Marilyn. Thank you for your prayers. Higher Things SOLA trip to San Antonio is July 7th10th: Please keep the following youth and chaperones in your prayers before & during our trip: Jon B., Rachel B., Megan F., Austin H., Claire H., Corrie K., Angela N., Chris P., Lauren R., Stacie Y., Bill R., and Marilyn. Thank you for your prayers and support! 9

HAPPY SUMMER! I can’t believe that the school year is ended - to me it flew by (maybe not to those of you in classrooms!) We have incredible busy summer this year. Sunday school/Bible Study will continue on Sunday Mornings. VBS is planned for June 15-19 (we could use some more help!) Trips including the Confirmation Retreat at LVR, June 2-5; Higher Things SOLA, San Antonio, July 7-10; Brule, Nebraska Servant event, July 17-21. Activities: a campout in August; Elitche’s and/or Water World; hikes; backpacking trip; water-skiing; and “surprise” outings. Our service project of lawn mowing will go throughout the summer (sign-up). My hope is that each of you will be able to participate in at least one of these events or in many during the coming summer months. What a great way to keep in touch with your friends at PWC by participating in these activities and bringing school friends along! Keep checking the bulletin board for updates and sign-ups. Have a glorious beginning to summer! May God watch over you and keep you safe. Marilyn 10

It’s always hard to say Good-bye to someone you have come to know and love….. Deaconess Claire’s Farewell Dinner! June 17th at 5:30 pm. It will be a BBQ with burgers and hotdogs provided. Please sign-up and plan to bring a salad to share. Come to wish the Deaconess a fond farewell and to share your wonderful memories of her year with us!!

Musicians and Vocalist There is still time to signsign-up for June 13th concert, it will be at 2pm at PWC. There will be a freefree-will offering for the Needy Family Fund.

Congregation members are invited to go with the youth to Brule. We may be in need of campers for sleeping places. This would be a great opportunity to work alongside the youth members. There will be a need for help with meals, service work, transportation and fishing! Fun too! Just sign-up or contact Marilyn. 11

THANK YOU - THANK YOU - THANK YOU Spring Cleanup Day 2009 was very successful! Lots of trimming, weeding, and general sprucing up was done outside. While inside extra spots were scrubbed, wood received a refreshing lemon oil rub and all windows were washed inside and out. The Trustee Committee would like to thank everyone who participated; we had twenty-two members who came and worked diligently. Thank you everyone who has volunteered to maintain the plots around the building and in the parking lot this summer. You also notice our well-manicured lawn, which is due to the efforts of three of our members who provide their services: • Mike Muth, Blue Mountain Lawn Care (lawn mowing)

• Cathy & Bob Toomey, Evergreen Landscape & Sprinkler Co. (irrigation system)

• Pat & Jon Juchartz, Colorado Lawn & Tree Care, (donate fertilizer & weed control)

We always recognize Linda & Larry Siegfried for the great job they do every week to maintain our building. We appreciate all the efforts of our PWC family who help maintain our church home. Keep up the good work!


Reading from the Book of Concord Thursday, June 25th marks the anniversary of the Presentation of the Augsburg Confession. In honor of this, we should take time to read the Augsburg Confession in its entirety.

Catechism Connection: God The Father The following questions are taken from the First Article of the Apostles Creed. Why is the first person of the Trinity called “The Father”? a. b. How did God first create life? How does the universe still depend on God? What does God the Father do to take care of me? a. b. Why does God do this for us?


YOUNG FAMILIES Father’s Day is coming up soon – June 21st.

VBS – June 15-19 Please let either Deaconess Claire or Marilyn know if you are planning to attend. Please sign-up to help on the bulletin board Want to know how you can help? Contact Deaconess Claire or Marilyn Lasich

Accessing Needs & Growing Intentionally Together Lori & Scott French have put together a quick survey for you and your family. Please get one after service in June. Please return by Sunday July 12th to Scott & Lori French’s box


Scrip Fundraiser Parents - please sign-up to help with scrip sales during the summer months. If we can have scrip available on the first and third Sunday that would be a great help - Thanks! We have many cards for immediate purchase and you may order any available card and receive it the following Sunday. Stop by the Youth Table and see what is available. Thank you for supporting the Youth!

What Makes A Dad God took the strength of a mountain, The majesty of a tree, The warmth of a summer sun, The calm of a quiet sea, The generous soul of nature, The comforting arm of night, The wisdom of the ages, The power of the eagle's flight, The joy of a morning in spring, The faith of a mustard seed, The patience of eternity, The depth of a family need, Then God combined these qualities, When there was nothing more to add, He knew His masterpiece was complete, And so, He called it ... Dad Author is unknown


Know your Leadership Wes Nierman Born in a rural area of northeastern Colorado, I was raised in the small town of Amherst, about five miles from the Nebraska border. There was only one church in Amherst, St. Paul’s Lutheran Church, and since the majority of my relatives lived in this community, I just felt it was natural that we all went to church together. My dad was a rural mail carrier and both he and my mom were very active in many church activities. Because most of my aunts and uncles were farmers, I had ample opportunity to work on farms, raising wheat and barley. St. Paul’s Church had a parochial school (4th through 8th grade) so Bible History and Catechism were very much a part of my elementary education. The members of my congregation encouraged me to consider going into the ministry. This sounded like a good idea to me. (Who wouldn’t want a job where you only work one hour a week?) My first two years of high school were at Concordia High School in Seward, Nebraska, and then I transferred to St. John’s Academy and Junior College in Winfield, Kansas. It was in my last year of Junior College that I met Eunice. We dated for a few months before I graduated, and continued to write one another when I went on to Concordia Senior College in Ft. Wayne, Indiana. It was while I was at the Senior College that I realized I was not best suited to be a pastor. I then joined the United States Air Force and began my interest and career in computers and electronics. After I finished my year’s training in computers with the Air Force and received my first assignment at a remote radar station near Finland……in northern Minnesota, I asked Eunice to marry me. We were married in Lincoln, Kansas, Eunice’s hometown,

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and spent the first two and one half years (three winters) in the North Shore woods of Minnesota. We came to Ft. Collins after I was discharged from the Air Force and I started working for NCR Corporation. We attended church at St. John’s for eight years and then helped start Peace With Christ. Since I was born into a strong Lutheran family and went almost exclusively to Lutheran schools, I guess I may have taken for granted the joy of Lutheranism and our church service until I went into the military. During the six weeks of boot camp, I was not allowed to attend a Lutheran service; instead we were divided into three groups, Catholic, Protestant and Jewish and taken to our corresponding services. It was only after I was given my first leave and was able to attend a Lutheran church again that I realized how much I yearned for the Divine Service. In January 2000, I retired from Field Engineering at NCR Corporation after a career of thirty-six years. I am currently working part time as a security guard for Woodward Governor here in Fort Collins. This is my retirement job and I am enjoying it. Eunice and I will be celebrating our forty-eighth wedding anniversary this coming October. We have been blessed with four children–three sons and one daughter. Scott and his wife, Pat, have three sons and live in Albany, Oregon. Lori and her husband, Jeff, live in Spring, Texas, and they also have three sons. David and his wife, Tina, and their children, Amanda and Dylan, are members here at Peace With Christ and live in Loveland. Mark and his wife, Jodi, live in Albuquerque, New Mexico, and they have two sons.


HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO……… Ron & Kelley Pichel Frederick & Jean Upham Ted & Ann Rodenbeck Bob & Janell Prussman Chuck & Jana Black David & Carol Caspersen Steve & Barb Spanjer Cleve & Nancy Moore Owen & Joanne Dahmer Aaron & Mari Peterson Cliff & Lu Buchholz Jon & Pat Juchartz Carlton & Renee Hein Joe & Betty Walters Marilynn & Richard Hudson Dave & Tina Nierman John & Carolyn Huisjen Warren & Jan Wergin Howard & Marcie Walter

June 1, 2002 June 8, 1945 June 8, 1968 June 10, 1966 June 12, 1982 June 12, 1970 June 15, 1974 June 17, 1961 June 18, 1966 June 19, 2000 June 19, 1976 June 19, 1981 June 21, 1991 June 21, 1941 June 21, 1947 June 24, 1995 June 24, 1961 June 26, 1955 June 27, 1948

We apologize if we missed your anniversary. Please notify the church office to update.

Financial Update As of April 2009 2009 budget: $359,000.00 Year-to-date total PWC income:


Year-to-date total PWC expenses: $113,403.79 Net Income: $12,761.72


HAPPY JUNE BIRTHDAY TO……. Pastor Hein Racheal Bauder Jeffrey France Starr Parke Ron Pichel Jackson Roth Bill Roth Rich Dunker Caleb French Art Pforr Alexa Allerheiligen Harold Nansel Mike Allison Brianna Lacey Garrett Peterson Taneal Behm Karen Buchleiter Marcus Mueller Nicholas Black Deborah Kido Rachael Bernhardt Kyle Krueckeberg Leora Snyder Deb Caskey Dave Nierman Kay Rubel Marie Rubel Ted Rodenbeck Colleen Rohlfs Marilyn Hudson Stony Achziger Millie Miller Libby Hoy June Grueber Tatum Kottwitz Erin Toomey

1st 2nd 2nd 2nd 4th 4th 4th 5th 6th 6th 8th 9th 10th 10th 10th 14th 14th 14th 15th 16th 20th 21st 21st 22nd 22nd 22nd 22nd 24th 24th 25th 27th 27th 28th 29th 30th 30th



1412 West Swallow Road Fort Collins, CO 80526


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